The Christlicher Bundesbote was the official German newspaper of the General Conference Mennonite Church from 1882 to 1947. It was formed by the merger of Das Christliche Volksblatt, Zur Heimath, and Nachrichten aus der Heidenwelt in 1882. In 1947 it merged with Der Bote.
Death notices that appeared in community correspondence have not been indexed. We are still working on finding obituaries that were reported as feature articles rather than as part of the regular obituaries (Gestorben) column. Our intention is to include these.
Searching tip: if you prefer using an alphabetical list rather than the single-search box, take a look at the URL field at the top of your browser after you click on the "next 200" link below. You should see a "from=" as part of the browser. You can jump the alphabetical index to a particular point in the alphabet by changing the text after the from= to be the beginning of the part of the alphabet you want to look at. For example, "from=Wiens" will start the list at the beginning of the Wienses. (Note: women's maiden names don't appear in the alphabetical listing.) You can also try Special:Allpages
Pages in category "Christlicher Bundesbote obituaries"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 8,165 total.
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next 200)
- Bixler, Peter (1824-1899)
- Bixler, William (1868-1938)
- Bixler, Wilson (1907-1908)
- Blaser, Elisabeth Schirmer (1868-1915)
- Blatti, Anna Erzer (1864-1907)
- Bleam, Heinrich S. (1832-1910)
- Bliem, Catharina Geisinger (1814-1886)
- Bliem, John (1801-1883)
- Bliem, Judith (1835-1886)
- Bliem, Stella (1888-1891)
- Blocher, Polly (1814-1888)
- Block, Elisabeth Gerbrandt (1826-1902)
- Block, Gerhard (1864-1928)
- Block, Helena Wedel (1852-1926)
- Block, Jakob (1837-1917)
- Block, Katharina Heidebrecht (1867-1944)
- Block, Maria Rose (1829-1911)
- Blowers, Andrew Johnson (1865-1937)
- Blum, Elisabeth (1856-1881)
- Bodenberg, Diedrich L. (1836-1889)
- Boegeli, Anna Riesen (1829-1905)
- Boegli, Bertha Gilliom (1873-1942)
- Boehr, Anna Regier Klaassen (1848-1918)
- Boehr, Christ (1845-1926)
- Boehr, Elisabeth Poth (1850-1936)
- Boehr, Elizabeth Schowalter (1855-1944)
- Boehr, Heinrich (1843-1923)
- Boehr, Jennie May Gottshall (1892-1936)
- Boehr, Johann (1845-1940)
- Boehr, Peter (1849-1930)
- Boehs, Benjamin (1844-1915)
- Boese, Abraham A. (1859-1923)
- Boese, Abraham B. (1850-1939)
- Boese, Abraham L. (1880-1927)
- Boese, David (1870-1940)
- Boese, Elisabeth (1884-1906)
- Boese, H. B. (Mrs.) Schmidt (1850-1927)
- Boese, Heinrich (1838-1915)
- Boese, Heinrich (1867-1944)
- Boese, Heinrich Alfred (1903-1926)
- Boese, Helena B. Buller (1863-1931)
- Boese, Helena Letkemann (1867-1907)
- Boese, Herbert Alden (1930-1930)
- Boese, John (Mrs.) (1834-1918)
- Boese, Katharina Banman (1873-1943)
- Boese, Katharina Becker (1884-1915)
- Boese, Katharina Schultz (1856-1935)
- Boese, Lillia H. Koehn (1887-1917)
- Boese, Margaretha Schmidt Unruh (1856-1932)
- Boese, Martha (1908-1909)
- Boese, Martin B. (1845-1927)
- Boese, Rosa Waltner (1885-1915)
- Boese, Susanna (1869-1933)
- Boese, Susanna Wiebe (1855-1917)
- Boesinger, Adam (1840-1917)
- Boesinger, Maria Schrauger (1842-1911)
- Boesinger, Viola Sylvia (1897-1915)
- Boesinger, Waldo Emmerson (1898-1899)
- Bohrer, Elsie B. Rempel (1914-1943)
- Boldt, Helene Thiessen (1902-1947)
- Boldt, Johann J. (1862-1933)
- Borman, Dale (1912-1923)
- Borman, John (1855-1928)
- Born, Helena (1898-1913)
- Born, Peter (Mrs.) (1876-1944)
- Borneman, Heinrich H. (1824-1889)
- Bourri, Markus (1894-1895)
B cont.
- Bourri, Wilma Rosina (1892-1893)
- Bourry, Aline (1875-1886)
- Bovet, Arnold (1843-1903)
- Bowman, Gerson L. (1855-1889)
- Bowman, Tobias (1837-1906)
- Boyer, Reuben (1830-1893)
- Bracher, Susanna Hottel (1841-1900)
- Bracher, William (1828-1891)
- Bracker, Marianna Sprunger (1851-1938)
- Bracy, John (1860-1913)
- Brand, Arthur L. (1893-1912)
- Brand, Daniel John (1871-1945)
- Brand, Elisabeth Baer Langenwalter (1823-1904)
- Brand, Heinrich John (1898-1902)
- Brand, Johann J. (1862-1937)
- Brand, Johannes (1825-1899)
- Brandt (d. 1903)
- Brandt, Anna Flamming (1874-1906)
- Brandt, Anna Gisbrecht Isaak (1879-1935)
- Brandt, Emma Schroeder (1892-1915)
- Brandt, Esther (1908-1909)
- Brandt, Fannie Scheidegger (1884-1920)
- Brandt, Jakob (1846-1918)
- Brandt, Katharina Buller (1852-1918)
- Brandt, Katharina Funk (1873-1913)
- Brandt, Lillian Bartel (1899-1931)
- Brandt, Mart (1912-1912)
- Brandt, Waldo (1912-1926)
- Brauer, Ernst (1877-1910)
- Braun, Gerhard D. (1851-1919)
- Braun, Jakob (d. 1906)
- Braun, Katharina Peters (1857-1938)
- Braun, Maria Klassen Janzen (1874-1938)
- Brechbühl, Friedrich (1861-1889)
- Brendlinger, Elisabeth Hunsberger (1830-1916)
- Brennemann, Barbara Naffziger (1847-1899)
- Bright, Clinton (1866-1892)
- Bright, Engelhard (1827-1906)
- Bright, Ida L. (1861-1888)
- Bright, Katharina Schleiffer (1838-1904)
- Brons, Anna Cremer ten Doornkaat (1810-1902)
- Brooks, Alma Janzen (1900-1927)
- Brown, Richard (1835-1901)
- Brubacher, Christine Bamberger (1857-1913)
- Brubacher, Eduard (1885-1895)
- Brubacher, John (1848-1905)
- Brucks, Dietrich (1857-1923)
- Brucks, Elise Dyck (1863-1940)
- Brummund, Karl (1873-1919)
- Bub, Barbara (1868-1886)
- Bub, Elisabetha (1839-1881)
- Bub, Henry (1859-1881)
- Bucher, Anna Amstutz (1818-1899)
- Bucher, Barbara Badertscher (1828-1906)
- Bucher, Christian (1814-1886)
- Bucher, Daniel (1845-1908)
- Bucher, Edna (1897-1911)
- Bucher, Elisabeth Suter (1872-1905)
- Bucher, Elmer (1894-1900)
- Bucher, Emma (1878-1888)
- Bucher, Frena Geiger (1821-1901)
- Bucher, Jakob (1832-1905)
- Bucher, Magdalena Garber (1849-1922)
- Bucher, Magdalena Spalinger (1858-1903)
- Bucher, Maria (1852-1900)
- Bucher, Peter (1816-1914)
- Bucher, Peter C. (1853-1911)
B cont.
- Bucher, Philemon (1883-1888)
- Bucher, Verena Luginbuehl (1862-1898)
- Bucher, Viola (1909-1911)
- Buchert, Amanda Landis (1864-1889)
- Buck, Clara Helena (1884-1884)
- Buck, William Alva (1895-1895)
- Budd, Maria F. (1859-1889)
- Budler, Susanna Landis (1819-1890)
- Buehler, Georg (Mrs.) Landsman (1861-1919)
- Buetler, Jakob W. (1834-1920)
- Buhler, Aganetha (1908-1924)
- Buhler, Gerhard (1877-1935)
- Buhler, Helena Buller (1882-1910)
- Buhler, Peter (1892-1894)
- Buhr, Jakob (1834-1908)
- Buller, (Mrs.) Jantz (1850-1907)
- Buller, Agatha Siemens (1856-1927)
- Buller, Albert (1902-1907)
- Buller, Anna (1837-1911)
- Buller, Anna (1900-1902)
- Buller, Anna Nachtigal (1854-1929)
- Buller, Anna Reimer (1859-1915)
- Buller, Anna Schmidt (1857-1904)
- Buller, Anna Warkentin (1861-1931)
- Buller, Benjamin B. (1874-1939)
- Buller, Bernhard (1834-1919)
- Buller, Cornelia Sperling (d. 1902)
- Buller, David (1813-1907)
- Buller, David (1827-1907)
- Buller, David (Mrs.) Janzen (1839-1899)
- Buller, David D. (1833-1909)
- Buller, Elizabeth P. Dickman (1867-1940)
- Buller, Franz (1905-1907)
- Buller, Freni Graber (1860-1939)
- Buller, Gustav (1870-1943)
- Buller, Heinrich (1847-1920)
- Buller, Heinrich (1853-1933)
- Buller, Heinrich (1856-1936)
- Buller, Heinrich B. (1860-1927)
- Buller, Heinrich D. (1857-1913)
- Buller, Helena Kroeker (1849-1932)
- Buller, Helena Unruh (1828-1901)
- Buller, Helena Woelk (1878-1923)
- Buller, Helene Becker (1843-1915)
- Buller, Henry S. (1883-1943)
- Buller, Jacob D. (1864-1925)
- Buller, Jacob H. (1878-1941)
- Buller, Jacob P. (1861-1924)
- Buller, Jakob (1827-1901)
- Buller, Jakob (1832-1900)
- Buller, Jakob (1839-1908)
- Buller, Jakob B. (1867-1928)
- Buller, Jakob H. (1857-1927)
- Buller, Jakob J. (1891-1935)
- Buller, Jakob P. (1859-1916)
- Buller, Jakob P. (1869-1927)
- Buller, Josie H. (1899-1902)
- Buller, Margareta Sommerfeld (1879-1941)
- Buller, Maria (1908-1912)
- Buller, Maria Janzen Enns (1865-1909)
- Buller, Maria Klassen (1864-1902)
- Buller, Maria Wedel Fast (1838-1923)
- Buller, Mildor (1918-1938)
- Buller, Peter (1824-1900)
- Buller, Peter (1825-1907)
- Buller, Peter (1845-1897)
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