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Janzen, Jacob P. (1867-1946)

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Christlicher Bundesbote obituary: 1946 Oct 8 p. 14

Birth date: 1867 Oct 7

text of obituary:

Jacob P. Janzen, Sohn von Peter und Eva Flaming Janzen, ward im Dorf Kleefeld, Südrußland geboren in 1867. 1875 kam die Familie nach Newton Kansas und erwarb eine Farm in Marion County, 10 Meilen Nord von Newton, 1887 meldete er sich zum Katechismusunterricht und ward am Pfingsttage von Aelt. Jakob Buller getauft und Glied der Alexanderwohl Gemeinde. Am 10. März 1891 heiratete er Elisabeth Reimer, getraut durch Pred. Peter Pankratz. Es wurden ihnen 4 Söhne und 3 Töchter geschenkt, wovon die Eva klein starb. 1902 zog die Familie nach Gotebo, Oklahoma und der Abgerufene ward Gründungsglied der Ebenezer Mennonitengemeinde. 1905 zogen sie zurrück nach Marion Co., Kansas und schlossen sich wieder der Alexanderwohl Gemeinde an. 1916 feierte das Ehepaar die silberne und in 1941 die goldene Hochzeit mit dankbarem Herzen. 1926 zogen sie in das Städtchen Goessel. Am 12. September 1946 entschlief der Vater an einem Schlaganfall im Alter von 78 J. 11 M. und 5 Tagen. 1937 hatte er einen leichten Schlaganfall, von dem er sich aber erholte. Er hat die Mutter, die oft kränklich war, bis ans Ende gepflegt. Jetzt schaut er was er geglaubt. Oft hat er gesagt, er möchte gerne plötzlich heimgehen und das ward ihm gewährt. Es überleben ihn nebst der Gattin die Kinder: Mr. und Mrs. Dietrich Janzen, Walton; Mr. und Mrs. Daniel R. Janzen, Walton; Mr. und Mrs. Gustav R. Janzen, Hillsboro; Mr. und Mrs. Ferdinand Schmidt, Hillsboro; Mr. und Mrs. Otto R. Janzen, Hillsboro; Mr. und Mrs. Alvin Voth, Aberdeen, Idaho und Kinder; dazu 1 Bruder, Peter P. Janzen und 1 Schwester Frau Henry H. Penner; 23 Enkel und 3 Urenkel und viele Freunde. Bei der Begräbnisfeier dienten die Prediger: Phil. A. Wedel, C. C. Wedel, J. M. Janzen und J. J. Voth.

Jesus, Heiland meiner Seele,
Laß an deine Brust mich fliehn;
Da die Wasser näher rauschen
Und die Wetter höher ziehn.
O wie gut ist’s dir vertrauern,
Jesu, Dir ergeb ich mich
Selig droben dich zu schauern,
Dein zu bleiben ewiglich!

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1946 Sep 19 p. 5

text of obituary:

Newton And

. . .

— Funeral services for Jacob P. Janzen of Goessel, were held at the Alexanderwohl church Monday afternoon. Ministers participating in the services were Rev. P. A. Wedel, elder of the church, Rev. C. C. Wedel and Rev. J. M. Janzen. Mr. Janzen, who was 78 years old, died suddenly on Thursday as he was preparing to attend the Bethesda Gift Day programs that afternoon. He told his wife of not feeling well around dinner time and passed away from a heart attack shortly afterward. Children surviving are four sons, Dick, Dan, Gus, and Otto, and two daughters, Mrs. Ferd Schmidt and Mrs. Alvin Voth. The aged P. P. Janzen of Newton is a brother of the deceased.

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1946 Sep 26 p. 3

text of obituary:


Jacob P. Janzen, son of Peter and Eva Flaming Janzen, was born in South Russia in the village of Kleefeld on October 7, 1867. At the age of seven, on October 7, 1875, he migrated to America with his parents. They purchased a farm ten miles north of Newton in Marion county, Kansas. Here he spent the years of his youth.

In 1887 he took catechetical instruction which brought him to the full saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. Upon his confession of faith in his Redeemer he was baptized on Pentecost, May 30, 1887, by Elder Jacob Buller, and became a member of the Alexanderwohl church, whose faithful member he remained until the end.

March 10, 1891, he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Reimer. To this union were born seven children, four boys and three girls. One daughter, Eva, passed away in early infancy.

In 1902 the family moved to Gotebo, Okla., where a new Mennonite settlement was begun. The departed became one of the charter members of the Ebenezer Mennonite church at Gotebo. However in 1905 they returned again to Marion county and transferred their memberships to the Alexanderwohl church.

In 1916 Mr. and Mrs. Janzen had the privilege of celebrating their silver wedding anniversary, and in 1941 the golden wedding anniversary. To God be the praise for his goodness!

Bro. Janzen retired from farming in 1926 and moved to Goessel. Suddenly on Sept. 12, 1946, he became seriously ill and passed to his eternal reward. He reached the age of 78 years, 11 months and five days. In 1937 he had a light stroke from which he recovered completely. it is probable that another stroke brought about his sudden death at this time.

He has gone to be with the Lord, is our firm conviction. He repeatedly expressed the wish of passing suddenly. This was granted him. He has heard the call of Jesus: “Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Matt. 25:34.

He leaves to mourn his sudden departure his deeply breaved [sic] wife; his children, Dietrich and Daniel of Walton; Mrs. Ferdinand Schmidt, Gustav and Otto of Hillsboro; and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P. Voth of Aberdeen, Idaho; 23 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; one brother, Peter P. Janzen, and a sister, Mrs. Henry H. Penner; many other relatives and friends. Two bothers and three sisters preceded him in death.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, Sept. 16, at the Alexanderwohl church in charge of Rev. Phillip A. Wedel, assisted by Rev. C. C. Wedel, Rev. J M. Janzen and Rev. J. J. Voth.

The Mennonite obituary: 1946 Nov 26 p. 7

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