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Category:Newton Kansan obituaries
We believe that this index includes all published Newton Kansan obituaries for 2002-2005, plus a few scattered others specifically requested by individual researchers. The Newton Public Library has an incomplete obituary index to Newton newspapers that covers a much larger time frame.
Searching tip: if you prefer using an alphabetical list rather than the single-search box, take a look at the URL field at the top of your browser after you click on the "next 200" link below. You should see a "from=" as part of the browser. You can jump the alphabetical index to a particular point in the alphabet by changing the text after the from= to be the beginning of the part of the alphabet you want to look at. For example, "from=Wiens" will start the list at the beginning of the Wienses. (Note: women's maiden names don't appear in the alphabetical listing.)
Pages in category "Newton Kansan obituaries"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,494 total.
(previous page) (next page)G
- Garnica, Gloria Jean Herrera (1945-2004)
- Garofalo, Mary Anselmo (1919-2004)
- Gates, Carlton H. (1916-2004)
- Gates, William "Jeff" (1955-2004)
- Gatz, Elda M. Lolmaugh (1929-2004)
- Gatz, Mary A. Kerschen (1926-2004)
- Gatz, Vincent Edward (1929-2005)
- Gay, Bonnie Pfitzinger Rittgers (1924-2003)
- Gearhart, Roy (1927-2004)
- Geer, Harry J. (1919-2005)
- Geer, Helen J. Spencer (1930-2002)
- Geer, Mildred Pauline McAdoo (1913-2003)
- Gehring, Ann Flickinger (1910-2003)
- Geis, Edna Seibel (1908-2004)
- Geist, Edward A. (1917-2005)
- Geist, Maurene L. (1918-2003)
- George, Sondra J. Lang (1939-2003)
- Gerber, Arthur L. "Bud" (1919-2003)
- Gering, Douglas L. (1930-2003)
- Gering, Lucille Tucker (1910-2004)
- Gertsen, Oklahoma M. Arrowood Zimmerman (1907-2003)
- Gibbs, Florence E. Chapple (1926-2004)
- Gibson, Floyd W. (1911-1988)
- Gibson, Maxine Catherine Dean (1919-2005)
- Gibson, Melba Violet (1917-2002)
- Gibson, Thomas L. (1945-2005)
- Giesbrecht, Josie J. Harms (1936-2003)
- Giesel, LaVerne Stanley (1935-2005)
- Giggy, Stella Marie Krehbiel (1906-2004)
- Gilbert, Adah D. Groves (1913-2004)
- Gilbert, Arthur B. (1845-1931)
- Gilbert, G. Carol (1913-2005)
- Gilbert, Ira D. "Swede" (1932-2002)
- Gilbert, Kenneth C. (1925-2002)
- Gilbert, Lorraine Lee (1922-2005)
- Gilbert, Sarah Lovina Glendenning (1846-1934)
- Gilchrist, Mildred Johnson (1910-2004)
- Giles, Joyce Marie Thaw (1951-2005)
- Gill, Rose E. Blackford (1921-2003)
- Gillespie, Gordon "Ray" (1951-2002)
- Gilliam, Arlene F. Morris (1913-2003)
- Gillispie, Dorothy T. Grosse (1928-2003)
- Gillmore, Orva R. Buller (1918-2005)
- Gillmore, Ralph E. (1936-2005)
- Gilmore, Charles L. (1926-2003)
- Gilstrap. Harold Sonny (1935-2003)
- Ginn, Leona J. (1922-2005)
- Girndt, Murrel Leta Young (1899-2003)
- Girndt, Roberta V. (1929-2003)
- Glanzer, Darren Lee (2005-2005)
- Glass, Myrtle A. Scrivner (1922-2003)
- Glaves, Melvin (1934-2003)
- Gleason, Gloria J. Richardson (1924-2005)
- Gleason, Harold Russell (1910-2004)
- Gleysteen, Evelyn R. Holdeman Schmidt (1936-2002)
- Glick, Patrick (1973-2004)
- Glover, Alyce T. Tenney (1915-2002)
- Glover, Richard (1932-2002)
- Goad, Gaylon B. (1944-2002)
- Goering, Agnes Friesen (1914-2003)
- Goering, Anna A. Schrag (1911-2002)
- Goering, Anna Goebel (1900-2003)
- Goering, Dan H. (1921-2002)
- Goering, Daniel W. (1915-1991)
- Goering, Donna Jean Waltner (1951-2003)
- Goering, Eldon C. (1921-2005)
- Goering, Ellis E. (1915-2003)
- Goering, Elmer F. (1917-2004)
- Goering, Elva L. (1913-2004)
- Goering, Ernest (1927-2005)
- Goering, Esther E. (1913-2005)
- Goering, Grace Alma Cassel (1925-2002)
- Goering, Herbert D. (1923-2004)
- Goering, Jacob D. (1918-2019)
- Goering, Jacob J. (1896-1991)
- Goering, Joe W. (1916-2004)
- Goering, John W. (1908-2004)
- Goering, Joseph H. (1857-1939)
- Goering, Kathleen "Kathy" (1958-2003)
- Goering, Leroy "Tom" (1927-2003)
- Goering, Lester H. (1914-2005)
- Goering, Lorene B. (1916-2002)
- Goering, Orlin W. (1914-2005)
- Goering, Orlo M. (1917-2004)
- Goering, Ralph W. (1928-2003)
- Goering, Roland R. (1917-2002)
- Goering, Victor R. (1920-2016)
- Goering, Viola E. (1921-2004)
- Goertz, Ben A. (1928-2004)
- Goertz, C. Berniece Stucky (1923-2003)
- Goertz, Charlotte M. Hiebert (1910-2002)
- Goertz, Cyrus H. (1922-2005)
- Goertz, Edna A. Sawatsky (1920-2002)
- Goertz, Elizabeth Schmidt (1903-2002)
- Goertz, John D. (1946-2005)
- Goertz, John F. (1913-2004)
- Goertz, John F. (d. 2005)
- Goertz, Louis H. (1918-2002)
- Goertz, Sylvia Hiebert Schmidt (1920-2002)
- Goertz, Wilma Neufeld (1919-2002)
- Goertzen, Annie (1904-2003)
- Goertzen, Eldon A. (1922-2004)
- Goertzen, Ernest (1926-2004)
- Goertzen, Irene P. Kroeker (1913-2004)
- Goertzen, Marie Thiessen (1910-2002)
- Goertzen, Vicki L. (1958-2004)
- Goertzen, Viola May Turner (1920-2004)
- Goerzen, Alvin Willard (1922-2005)
- Goerzen, Tammie McKim (1960-2003)
- Goff, Opal Frances Hook (1919-2003)
- Goforth, Fannie R. Arnold (1916-2003)
- Golbek, Henry J. "Hank" (1920-2004)
- Goldsmith, Richard Alan (1944-2003)
- Gomez, Mary Edith Sepulveda (1937-2003)
- Gomez, Pilar O. (1912-2003)
- Gonzalez, Hope E. Terrones (1933-2003)
- Gonzalez, Raul E. (1974-2003)
- Goodall, Lela I. Ocker (1917-2004)
- Goodson, Joe C. (1925-2004)
- Goodwin, Harold M. (1922-2004)
- Goossen, Joann Pauline Turner (1949-2002)
- Goree, Janet K. (1942-2003)
- Goree, Janet Kaye Griffin (1942-2003)
- Gorham, Margaret (d. 2005)
- Gorham, Margaret Hanstine (1912-2005)
- Gorley, Thomas Luther (1940-2002)
- Graalman, Bertha Lambdin (1909-2002)
- Graber, Alta F. Kaufman (1915-2002)
- Graber, Edna Regier (1917-2003)
- Graber, Harold (1923-2003)
- Graber, Harry E. (1929-2005)
- Graber, Milton C. "Tony" (1914-2004)
- Graber, Oma Mae Westerman (1913-2005)
- Graber, Ralph (1927-2002)
- Graber, Selma E. Stucky (1906-2002)
- Graber, Walter J. J. "Matzie" (1917-2005)
- Grabner, Francis J. (1912-2003)
- Graevs, Elizabeth Neufeldt (1904-2003)
- Graf, Opal Foulk (1907-2002)
- Graham, Mary June Osburn (1925-2003)
- Graham, Merrideth Manion (1912-2002)
- Graham, Ralph M. (1910-2005)
- Grammer, Charles H. (1952-2003)
- Grattan, Charles Donald (1927-2005)
- Graves, Lewis J. (1943-2005)
- Gray, Clay (1931-2002)
- Gray, Georganna C. Thaw (1930-2004)
- Gray, Lawrence S. "Grandpa" (1927-2002)
- Green, Thelma M. Mumy (1909-2002)
- Greenhaw, Donald E. (1926-2005)
- Greening, George (1960-2005)
- Greening, Julie (1963-2005)
- Greer, Nichola (1957-2005)
- Greer, Ronald Lee (1946-2004)
- Greer, Susan Christina Wolter (1973-2005)
- Greever, Rozalind Jo Hooper (1955-2003)
- Grewing, Pamela L. (1946-2005)
- Grey, Luella Suzann Klassen (1920-2003)
- Grieser, Leon D. "Smokey" (1925-2003)
- Griffeth, Krystopher (1989-2004)
- Griffie, LaVerne M. Buckner (1906-2003)
- Griffin, Arthur J. (1952-2005)
- Griffith, Marshall L. "Mark" (1921-2003)
- Griffith, Selma Ruth Decker (1913-2003)
- Grimes, Alma Ruth Kennard Lefert (1914-2005)
- Grimwood, Donald D. (1923-2004)
- Grimwood, Edward D. (1918-2004)
- Griswold, Mary A. Langerman (1905-2004)
- Griswold, May A. (1905-2004)
- Grochowsky, Bert E. (1921-2002)
- Groening, Francis J. (1915-2004)
- Groff, Sharon Diane (1955-2003)
- Gronau, Henry A. (1934-2004)
- Gronau, Margaret M. Grochowsky (1916-2003)
- Grosch, Eugene A. (1927-2005)
- Grosch, Eugene Allen (1927-2005)
- Groseclose, Patricia Elizabeth Graham (1939-2002)
- Grout, Ruth Marie McKinnis Bishard Dahl Neiderhaus (1906-2002)
- Grove, Mary Ida Fitch (1912-2002)
- Gruenwald, Vera Esther Cooper (1907-2002)
- Grunau, Allen Ray (1922-2004)
- Guhr, Clayton Dean (1943-2003)
- Guhr, Samuel (1920-1999)
- Guhr, Velma E. Wedel (1917-2002)
- Gullickson, Gary (1944-2005)
- Gunnels, Dorothy Ann Tieszen (1926-2003)
- Guthrie, Corrine Baker (1919-2002)
- Guyer, Elbert Jacob (1914-2003)
- Hack, Wanda M. (1900-2005)
- Hague, L. Allen (1921-2004)
- Hague, Willard W. (1918-2002)
- Hahn, Albert G. (1909-2002)
- Hahn, Kathy Gwen (1955-2005)
- Hahn, Lewis Philip (1915-2005)
- Haile, Rebecca D. Blackmore (1948-2003)
- Hainline, Elmer Lloyd (1926-2004)
- Hainline, Thelma L. (1929-2005)
- Halabi, Patricia M. Foster (1946-2005)
- Hale, Andrew (1973-2004)
- Hale, Kimberly (1968-2004)