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Category:Newton Kansan obituaries
We believe that this index includes all published Newton Kansan obituaries for 2002-2005, plus a few scattered others specifically requested by individual researchers. The Newton Public Library has an incomplete obituary index to Newton newspapers that covers a much larger time frame.
Searching tip: if you prefer using an alphabetical list rather than the single-search box, take a look at the URL field at the top of your browser after you click on the "next 200" link below. You should see a "from=" as part of the browser. You can jump the alphabetical index to a particular point in the alphabet by changing the text after the from= to be the beginning of the part of the alphabet you want to look at. For example, "from=Wiens" will start the list at the beginning of the Wienses. (Note: women's maiden names don't appear in the alphabetical listing.) You can also try Special:Allpages.
Pages in category "Newton Kansan obituaries"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,495 total.
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- Aarons, Leroy (1934-2004)
- Aarstad, Krystal D. (1979-2004)
- Abbott, Joe D. (1975-2004)
- Abbott, Julia Taylor Werner (1912-2002)
- Abbott, Louis E. (1910-2005)
- Abel, Glenora A. Edris (1924-2002)
- Abney, Gerald "Jerry" (1939-2005)
- Abney, Virginia Dixon (1919-2005)
- Abrahams, Willis (1921-2005)
- Achilles, Michael E. (1950-2004)
- Achilles, Virgil W. (1919-2004)
- Adams, Annamae (1918-2005)
- Adams, Jeremy Michael (1983-2004)
- Adams, Leonard Albert (1962-2004)
- Adams, Maseo "Larry" (1948-2003)
- Adams, Melvin (1921-2002)
- Adams, Melvin J. (1921-2002)
- Adams, Vivian W. Hull (1909-2002)
- Adamson, Harold D. (1915-2003)
- Adamson, Joe (1932-2003)
- Adell, Elsie R. Canterbury (1922-2004)
- Adell, Wes (1946-2004)
- Adkins, Barbara J. Morrison (1949-2004)
- Adler, Evelyn R. Dick Regier (1922-2002)
- Admave, Bernice M. Loewen Scruggs (1922-2005)
- Adrian, Lovella Marie "Dolly" Martens (1925-2002)
- Adrian, Milton J. (1916-2002)
- Ahrens, Karen J. Grams (1945-2005)
- Ainlay, Janet Benfer (1917-2005)
- Akers, Opal E. (1918-2004)
- Albrecht, Ralph R. (1916-2005)
- Albrecht, Susie A. Stucky (1915-2004)
- Albright, Alan E. (1959-2005)
- Albright, Ernest Albert (1931-2002)
- Albright, Lyle C. (1920-2004)
- Alexander, Glen (1921-2004)
- Alexander, Lance Allen (1951-2005)
- Alexander, Marjorie Dorilda Green (1921-2002)
- Alexander, Robert (1923-2002)
- Allen, Donna Dee Hoag (1930-2002)
- Allen, Evelyn Grayson (1903-2002)
- Allen, Glenda Pickens (1938-2005)
- Allen, Jimmie E. (1929-2002)
- Allen, Patricia Ann (1952-2005)
- Allison, A. Vernon (1921-2003)
- Allison, Debra Lynn Love (1957-2002)
- Allison, Dorothy M. Landis (1917-2003)
- Almanza, Armanda Teresa "Mandy" (1963-2004)
- Almond, Kevin L. (1960-2005)
- Altum, Hazel Madison Zinn (1929-2004)
- Ambler, Helen L. O'Keefe (1917-2002)
- Amburn, Nell A. (1917-2005)
- Anderson, Amy Nicole (d. 2004)
- Anderson, Elizabeth Ann Yetley (1919-2002)
- Anderson, Elyse (1997-2005)
- Anderson, Eva B. Hall (1915-2005)
- Anderson, Gordon Basil (1938-2004)
- Anderson, Kermit L. (1920-2002)
- Anderson, Louis W. (1951-2004)
- Anderson, Tom (1940-2003)
- Anderson, William H. (1918-2004)
- Andreas, Carol Rich (1933-2004)
- Andres, Irvin R. (1928-2002)
- Andrews, Mattie G. Withrow (1917-2005)
- Angle, Delight A. VanRossun (1932-2003)
- Ankerholz, Larry (1949-2004)
- Ansberry, Esther Lena (1908-2005)
- Antonowich, Nida Fillimanchuck (1917-1988)
- Archer, Bertha May Self (1914-2004)
- Arellano, Brian Scott (1981-2003)
- Arellano, Pedro Julian "Jay" (1937-2002)
- Armfield, John D. "Butch" (1943-2002)
- Armstrong, Blanche Maxine (1909-1988)
- Armstrong, Ellsworth R. (1914-2003)
- Arnold, David M. (1948-2004)
- Arreguin, John (1921-2003)
- Arrowsmith, Stanley Ray (1913-2005)
- Arthur, Dwane M. (1929-2004)
- Arthur, Mona Gates Fowler (1909-2002)
- Arthur, Ned (1934-2002)
- Artman, Beverly Maurice (1942-2003)
- Ash, Andrew D. "Don" (1919-2005)
- Ashcraft, Dorothy M. Miller (1922-2003)
- Ashcraft, Glenn H. "Ash" (1920-2005)
- Ashley, Betty Jane Reeb (1925-2002)
- Atkins, Richard Clinton (1932-2004)
- Ault, Harry O. (1923-2003)
- Averill, Vivian Laura Corenke (1905-2002)
- Avey, Francis Marion (d. 1897)
- Ayers, Logan J. (1884-1960)
- Ayres, Laura W. Langhofer (1903-2004)
- Bachelder, Elsie V. Phares (1899-2003)
- Bachmann, Daniel C. (1923-2002)
- Baehr, Marvin C. (1921-2003)
- Baergen, Carrie Fae Harms (1913-2002)
- Bahr, Calvin Harm (1928- 2002)
- Bailey, Anna Mary Gorman (1917-2002)
- Bailey, Dwane Levi (1934-2004)
- Bailey, Irene Green (1912-2004)
- Bailey, Ruby R. Harness (1913-2003)
- Bair, Netta Catherine Jordan (1918-2005)
- Baker, Edith Lujane Olney (1949-2005)
- Baker, Emily Lois Thomas Harmison (1915-2004)
- Baker, Herman Roy (1935-2004)
- Baker, Hugh C. (1921-2003)
- Baldwin, Dorothy H. Hartsell (1927-2004)
- Baldwin, Jim (1944-2003)
- Baldwin, William J. (1919-2002)
- Ballou, Eva O. Elliott (1910-2004)
- Balzer, Martha R. Mosiman (1918-2005)
- Balzer, Victor Sylvester (1917-2005)
- Banman, Arnold F. (1918-2005)
- Banman, Dorothy T. Dirksen (1927-2003)
- Banman, Frieda Schmidt (1904-2003)
- Banman, LaWanda D. Goertzen (1924-2004)
- Barb, Gregory A. (1964-2004)
- Barber, Richard L. "Dick" (1934-2005)
- Bare, Ardis L. Roth (1932-2003)
- Bargen, Ralph (1926-2002)
- Barham, Jennifer L. (1985-2005)
- Barkman, Edith L. (1933-2005)
- Barnes, James Earl (1938-2004)
- Barr, Dorothy Ann Kail (1924-2002)
- Barrett, Juanita Raye (d. 2003)
- Barrymore, John Drew (1932-2004)
- Bartel, Alvina Beisel (1911-2004)
- Bartel, Clarence Elmer (1925-2005)
- Bartel, Donnell W. (1919-2003)
- Bartel, Elizabeth Schroeder (1925-2002)
- Bartel, Ernest F. (1912-1996)
- Bartel, Gilbert (1945-2005)
- Bartel, Goldie Regier (1910-2002)
- Bartel, Leonard H. (1918-2004)
- Bartel, Leonard R. (1913-2004)
- Bartel, Marlin H. (1919-2005)
- Bartel, Mathilda Rempel (1915-2004)
- Bartel, Olga Brandt (1910-2003)
- Bartel, Otto (1923-2004)
- Bartel, Robert D. "Bob" (1929-2002)
- Bartley, Yvonne Ruth White (1936-2005)
- Bartsch, Florence May Toevs (1923-2005)
- Bartsch, Hans (1884-1959)
- Basinger, Lenoard Wallace (1915-2004)
- Bastow, Eva M. Schuessler (1910-2004)
- Bastow, Ida Lorene Munson (1952-2003)
- Bateman, Rufus J. "R. J." (1937-2002)
- Baumann, Connor Michael (2004-2004)
- Baumann, Frances E. Warr (1920-2002)
- Baumgartner, Betty J. (1921-2005)
- Baxter, Howard George (1924-2003)
- Bayless, Fern Smith (1928-2004)
- Baymiller, Kurt (1935-2005)
- Bazil, Robert (1920-2003)
- Beachy, Perry J. (1926-2005)
- Bean, Imelda Lois Fagan (1933-2003)
- Beard, DesMoines W. (1913-2004)
- Beasley, Bette Jean Andrews (1926-2004)
- Bechtel, Norman Wear (1924-2005)
- Beck, Harold G. (1930-2005)
- Beck, Howard Harris (1922-2005)
- Beck, Joshua Eugene (2002-2002)
- Beck, Miriam R. (1925-2002)
- Beck, Oscar Irvin (1922-2004)
- Beck, Verna Audene Haworth (1912-2002)
- Beck, Yvonne J. Penner (1935-2004)
- Becker, Aaron (1916-2004)
- Becker, Adella Buller (1907-2003)
- Becker, Aldo E. (1913-2005)
- Becker, Alvin Edward (1913-2003)
- Becker, Dorman C. (1916-2005)
- Becker, Edna E. (1917-2002)
- Becker, Edwin (1925-2005)
- Becker, Ethel June Wiggers (1917-2005)
- Becker, Galen L. (1922-2004)
- Becker, Herman P. (1908-2002)
- Becker, Lewie F. (1916-2002)
- Becker, Malinda L. Koehn (1913-2002)
- Becker, Marie Eck (1920-2002)
- Becker, Norma C. Shenk Snyder Goering (1925-2003)
- Becker, Raymond D. (1918-2005)
- Becker, Rudolph J. (1898-1988)
- Becker, Urfa (1914-2002)
- Beers, Wesley Marlo (1976-2005)
- Begnoche, Max Leroy (1925-2005)
- Behrendt, Carla Jane Smith (1953-2003)
- Behymer, Bruce (1921-2004)
- Beitz, Clifford "Woody" A. (1916-2004)
- Bell, James Patrick (1953-2003)
- Bell, Lloyd (1924-2003)
- Bell, Wilford Richard (1917-2002)
- Benavides, Arlette Joy (1955-2005)
- Bence, Marilyn Louise Rathmel (1940-2004)
- Bender, Merle Leroy (1922-2012)
- Bennett, Max E. (1934-2003)
- Berends, Deloris A. Bennett (1937-2005)
- Berg, Dorothy J. Smith (1926-2004)
- Berg, Dorothy Lake (1927-2004)
- Berg, Dorothy M. (1906-2002)
- Berg, Robert E. (1944-2002)
- Berg. Dorothy M. Richert (1906-2002)