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Category:Newton Kansan obituaries
We believe that this index includes all published Newton Kansan obituaries for 2002-2005, plus a few scattered others specifically requested by individual researchers. The Newton Public Library has an incomplete obituary index to Newton newspapers that covers a much larger time frame.
Searching tip: if you prefer using an alphabetical list rather than the single-search box, take a look at the URL field at the top of your browser after you click on the "next 200" link below. You should see a "from=" as part of the browser. You can jump the alphabetical index to a particular point in the alphabet by changing the text after the from= to be the beginning of the part of the alphabet you want to look at. For example, "from=Wiens" will start the list at the beginning of the Wienses. (Note: women's maiden names don't appear in the alphabetical listing.)
Pages in category "Newton Kansan obituaries"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,494 total.
(previous page) (next page)H
- Hall, Alvina Unruh Gillmore (1917-2004)
- Hall, Harold Dean (1927-2004)
- Hall, Irene Lucille Steffen (1929-2002)
- Hall, Jack (1929-2003)
- Hall, Lloyd L. (1927-2005)
- Hall, Thomas E. (1919-2002)
- Hamilton, Dixie Marie Murphy (1938-2005)
- Hamilton, Jacey Jean (1995-2005)
- Hamilton, Leona Hazelton (1930-2005)
- Hamilton, Peggy L. Perry (1933-2005)
- Hamm, Carl Raymond (1916-2002)
- Hamm, Julia L. Thurman (1914-2003)
- Hamm, Sam R. (1920-2004)
- Hamm, Theodore (1920-2005)
- Hammans, Ella Mae Riggs (1918-2002)
- Hammond, Brian R. (1950-2002)
- Hammond, Erma (1923-2003)
- Hammond, Richard (1923-2003)
- Hammonds, Larry E. (1945-2004)
- Hanchett, Elizabeth Standish (1919-2003)
- Hand, Harriet K. (1932-2005)
- Hand, Michael G. (1959-2003)
- Hanegmon, Eva Marie Dosen (1927-2002)
- Hanke, Harriet J. Baumgartner (1939-2005)
- Hanke, Harry (1914-2003)
- Hankins, Margaret A. Redman (1916-2005)
- Hankins, Vera Aloise Habbart (d. 2004)
- Hanna, Bessie Sayler (1907-2004)
- Hanna, George J. (1920-2004)
- Hanna, Mary A. (1895-1988)
- Hanneman, Alice Unger (1921-2004)
- Hanneman, Betty Jane Delk (1923-2005)
- Hanneman, Helen Pearl (1913-2005)
- Hanneman, Mildred D. Frick (1922-2004)
- Hanschu, Anna "Baker" Sidener (1908-2005)
- Hansen, Bernice Bailey (1914-2005)
- Hansen, Janelle M. Koster (1961-2004)
- Hansen, Marjorie Ida Miriam Hess (1921-2005)
- Harder, Eleanor Frances Schlehuber (1919-2005)
- Harder, Ellen M. (1915-2004)
- Harder, Frieda Entz (1916-2002)
- Harder, Geraldine Gross (1926-2003)
- Harder, Joseph C. (1916-2004)
- Harder, Linda Marie (1931-2005)
- Harder, Wilfred Edwin (1933-2003)
- Harding, Don A. (1923-2002)
- Hardman, Norma Veida Ashlock (1923-2003)
- Hardman, Paul A. (1921-2002)
- Harman, Goldie M. Bowlin (1908-2002)
- Harmon, E. (1917-2005)
- Harms, Alieda E. Balzer (1907-2005)
- Harms, Alvin (1917-2004)
- Harms, Clarence (1903-2005)
- Harms, Edwin M. (1906-2002)
- Harms, Elizabeth A. Kater Wunderlich (1910-2003)
- Harms, Elmer Merle (1918-2005)
- Harms, Erna A. Wiebe (1906-2004)
- Harms, Jacob A. (1908-2002)
- Harms, Marvin L. (1924-2005)
- Harms, Pauline (1904-2005)
- Harms, Ruben W. (1925-2004)
- Harms, Sylvester L. (1924-2005)
- Harness, Charles Leonard (1915-2005)
- Harold, Peggy J. (1934-2005)
- Harper, Edna Mae Shepherd (1910-2002)
- Harr, Margaret Louise Teter (1911-2005)
- Harrington, J. R. "Bob" (1909-2004)
- Harrington, Minnie D. Rea (1914-2003)
- Harrington, Violet M. Robbins (1916-2004)
- Harris, Edna Ruth Brandner (1908-2003)
- Harris, Leon (1954-2005)
- Harris, Luella "June" (1928-2005)
- Harris, Michael Eugene (1946-2002)
- Harris, Thelma Viola Mellott (1908-2003)
- Harrison, Bruce Edward (1962-2005)
- Hart, Charles E. "Charlene" (1933-2002)
- Hartenberger, Opal E. Ayers (1912-2004)
- Hartvickson, Sherwin Scott (1948-2005)
- Hartzler, Levi C. (1909-2002)
- Hartzler, Shem B. (1977-2004)
- Hasenbank, Elaine Rose (1904-2004)
- Hasenbank, Keith (1934-2003)
- Hastings, Gertrude Bendon (1904-2003)
- Hatfield, Jack E. (1916-2003)
- Hauck, Patricia J. Vaughn (1937-2003)
- Haun, Paul A. (1925-2002)
- Haury, Ada Mae Gressinger (1919-2014)
- Haury, Benjamin Arthur (1985-2005)
- Haury, Carol M. (1925-2005)
- Haury, Gertrude (1907-2003)
- Haury, Gus A. (1878-1952)
- Haury, Lucretia J. Parker (1911-2003)
- Haury, Orville I. (1909-2003)
- Havens, Grace M. Wortman Callison (1917-2005)
- Haviland, Phyllis Ann Bombardier (1954-2004)
- Hawk, Hyett Guy (1872-1973)
- Hawkey, Delbert L. (1929-2003)
- Hawkins, Arlene R. Funk (1950-2002)
- Hawkins, Deirdre Ruth (1948-2003)
- Hayes, Donald L. (1938-2002)
- Hayes, Eula May Biggs (1923-2002)
- Hayes, Madeleine Delores Brandt (1926-2004)
- Hays, Delbert Elisha (1928-2003)
- Hazlett, Floyd L. (1926-2003)
- Head, Loren Q. (1963-2005)
- Headings, Lorene Jeannette Volkland (1926-2003)
- Headings, Richard Lee (1941-2003)
- Headrick, Clara B. Esch (1926-2004)
- Healy, Dorothy Irene "Dottie" Masters (1923-2003)
- Heaston, Audrey M. Eames Owens (1922-2003)
- Heffelbower, Hazel Dorothy Whitwam (1915-2005)
- Hefley, Maynard V. (1923-2004)
- Hefling, Ruby June Suderman (1935-2004)
- Hegarty, E. May Haber (1910-2002)
- Heidebrecht, Orval James (1929-2005)
- Heidebrecht, Paul C. (1915-2003)
- Hein, Hilda (1924-2005)
- Hein, Janis Hatcher (1939-2002)
- Hein, John Norbert (1924-2004)
- Hein, Joyce McRae (1928-2005)
- Heiser, Harry Edward (1919-2005)
- Helmer, David (1914-2005)
- Helmer, George (1912-2005)
- Helmer, John V. (1919-2003)
- Helms, Billie Dean (1946-2002)
- Helton, Marion (1917-2002)
- Hembree, Lura B. Hoskinson (1889-1978)
- Henderson, Eugene E. (1917-2004)
- Henderson, Frances E. Vinroe (1930-2003)
- Hendrix, Kathleen Kay Wiegert Rogers (1946-2005)
- Henning, Julie S. (1961-2004)
- Henry, Helen Marie Ritter (1920-2003)
- Henson, Margaret E. Zarnowski (1924-2005)
- Hermann, George Wesley (1916-2003)
- Hermon, Helen J. Hughey (1917-2003)
- Hershberger, Erlis J. (1932-2002)
- Hershberger, Helen M. Janzen (1930-2003)
- Hershberger, Patricia Helen Paff (1914-2005)
- Hershberger, Ruth Alice Schmidt (1910-2005)
- Hershberger, Vilas (1925-2004)
- Hertzler, Ralph H. (1886-1939)
- Hesby, Evelyn F. Hall Hedberg (1914-2004)
- Hessler, Walter E. (1912-2002)
- Hessman, Rinehold Joseph "Ron" (1952-2003)
- Hett, Joyce M. Janzen (1933-2005)
- Hett, Peggy Jean McCarty (1930-2002)
- Hett, Ruby L. Just (1914-2002)
- Hewitt, Norma F. Laughlin (1925-2004)
- Hickerson, Zella M. Stolfus (1913-2003)
- Hicks, Dana (1944-2002)
- Hicks, JoAnn R. (1952-2005)
- Hicks, Mabel Wray Morgan (1909-2004)
- Hicks, Max L. (1934-2005)
- Hiebert, Clarence (1927-2005)
- Hiebert, Erma E. Stubby (1916-2004)
- Hiebert, Erma H. (1917-2005)
- Hiebert, Esther Suderman (1910-2002)
- Hiebert, Frank (1922-2003)
- Hiebert, Henry D. (1907-1996)
- Hiebert, Jacob S. (1912-2004)
- Hiebert, Leland R. (1941-2005)
- Hiebert, Louis R. (1923-2005)
- Hiebert, Margaret J. Beseda (1927-2004)
- Hiebert, Otto M. (1918-2005)
- Hiebert, Paul E. (1922-2002)
- Hiebert, Richard (1943-2003)
- Highfill, Esther E. (1918-2005)
- Highsmith, Vera M. Bredemeier (1917-2002)
- Hildebrand, Hugo (1924-2005)
- Hill, Billy G. (1930-2003)
- Hill, Curtis Allen (1949-2005)
- Hill, Henry (1931-2002)
- Hill, Max (1924-2003)
- Hillenbrand, Mark F. (1955-2003)
- Hilliard, Ernestine Cook (1927-2005)
- Hilton, Jon M. (1939-2003)
- Hinkle, Emily J. Ramsey (1910-2004)
- Hinnen, Steven Gail (1962-2002)
- Hitch, Mary A. Roberts Neuway (1902-2003)
- Hobbs, Lillian Jacobson (1910-2004)
- Hobbs, Peggy P. Glenn (1929-2003)
- Hochstetler, Nathanael Aaron (2003-2003)
- Hodel, Jacob F. (1910-2005)
- Hofflinger, Carl LaVerne (1935-2005)
- Hoffman, Donald D. (1929-2003)
- Hoffman, LeRoy (1921-2003)
- Hoffner, Bobby L. (1926-2003)
- Hogan, Mary Katherine James Murphy (1914-2002)
- Hogsett, Chester W. (1936-2003)
- Hoisington, Perry Milo (1857-1933)
- Holdeman, Clara B. Wenger Smith (1925-2004)
- Holdeman, LaDeen Elizabeth Koehn (1921-2005)
- Holdeman, Velma Koehn (1915-2004)
- Holdener, Daniel (1951-2003)
- Holguin, Natividad A. (1921-2002)
- Holinde, John W. "Jack" (1921-2004)
- Holstine, James E. (1928-2002)
- Holt, Leonard James (1936-2005)
- Holub, Sydney Amber (2001-2002)
- Holub, Sylvin J. (1932-2003)