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Schmutz, Christian Georg (1848-1930)

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Christlicher Bundesbote obituary: 13 Jan 1931 p. 14

Birth date: 1848

text of obituary:

Christian Georg Schmutz ward geboren am 24. Juni 1848 in Bohnfeld, Oberamt Heilbron, Württemberg, Deutschland, auf dem Freiherrlichen Gut von Gemingische. Von dort zog er mit seinen Eltern nach Künzelsau Württemberg, von wo aus er nach Rappenau, Baden zum Religionsunterricht ging und zu Pfingsten 1865 von seinem Großonkel getauft und in die Gemeinde aufgenommen wurde. Im Winter 1867-68 besuchte er die Landwirtschaftliche Schule in Heidelberg, Baden, und wanderte 1870 mit seinen Eltern und 7 Geschwistern nach Amerika aus. Blieb in Summerfield, Ill. und Missouri bis 1874, kamm dann nach Halstead, Kansas und schloss sich dort der neugegründeten Mennonitengemeinde an. Am 15 Feb. 1880 verehelichte er sich mit Maria Lahlem [sic Dahlem] von Summerfield, Ill. und zog auf eine Farm in Garden Township. Nach 22 Jahren zog er mit Familie nach dem Bethel College Kosthaus und nach 6 Jahren kaufte er sich in Newton ein Heim, wo ihm am 10. Sept., 1922 seine Gattin im Tode voranging. -- Er war ein treus Glied der Ersten Mennoniten Gemeinde daselbst und diente während der letzten 7 Jahre als Lehrer der Männer Bibelklasse bis Feb. 1930, da er geschwächter Gesundheit halber die Arbeit niederlegen mußte. Am 10. Dez. erlöste der Herr ihn von seinen Leiden. Sein Alter brachte er auf 82 Jahre, 5 Monate, und 16 Tage.

Er hinterläßt drei Kinder, Elisabeth, Klara und Albert, einen Schwiegersohn Dr. W. E. Regier, eine Schwiegertochter, Frau A. D. Schmutz, drei Großkinder, zwei Schwestern, Frau D. Langenwalter, drei Brüder, Philipp, Jakob und Friedrich Schmutz, nebst Verwandten und Freunden. -- Worte des Trostes sprach im Hause Aelt. J. E. Entz anknüpfend an Luk. 2,29 and Dr. J. H. Langenwalter leitete im Gebet. In der Kirche predigte Rev. A. Warkentin über 1. Kor. 3,11 deutsch, und Dr. J.H. Langenwalter englisch über 1. Mose 25,8.

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 17 Dec 1930 p. 1

text of obituary:

Christian Schmutz

Christian George Schmutz was born June 24, 1848 in Bonfeld, Wuertemburg, Germany. In 1864 the family moved to Kuenzelsau, Weurtemburg.

He received his early religious instruction in Rappenau, and upon confession of faith was baptized and received into the Mennonite church during the Pentecostal season in the spring of 1865.

During the year 1867-68 he attended Heidelberg University, doing work in the department of agriculture.

On June 2, 1870 the family came to America. They made their home in Summerfield, Ill., until April 1871, at which time they went to Missouri.

In August 1874 he came to Halstead, Kansas, and there affiliated with the newly established Mennonite church. February 15, 1880, he united in marriage with Mary Dahlem of Summerfield, Ill., and located on a farm nine miles northwest of Halstead. To this union were born three children, Elizabeth, Clara, and Albert.

In the summer of 1902, he, with his family came to Bethel college where for six years they had charge of the college dining hall, after which they made their home in the city of Newton.

On September 10, 1922, the wife and mother preceded him in death, after which he made his home with his daughter Clara at 115 Muse Avenue near the First Mennonite Church, of which he was an active member and faithful worker in the Sunday school, having taught the Men's Bible class a number of years, until February 1930, when his health began to fail and it was deemed necessary to place him under continuous medical care. He was therefore taken to the home of his daughter and his son-in-law, Dr. W. E. Regier, of Whitewater. While he was not bedfast, his condition became more serious the past two weeks and at 12:45 on the night of December 9, 1930, he was suddenly stricken, but his spirit lingered until 7:45 of the morning of December 10, when he was called to his reward. He reached the age of 82 years, 5 months, and 16 days, and is survived by three children, Elizabeth, Clara, and Albert, one daughter-in-law, Mrs. A. D. Schmutz, and three grandchildren. Also two sisters, Mrs. D. Langenwalter and Lena Schmutz, three brothers, Phillip, Jacob and Fred, besides other relatives and many friends.

Funeral services were in charge of Rev. J. E. Entz. At the house 115 Muse Ave. and at the First Mennonite Church. Sermons were preached in German by Rev. A. Warkentin and in English by Dr. J. H. Langenwalter.

Interment was made in Greenwood Cemetery. Casket bearers were Chris Baehr, G. R. Toevs, E. M. Harder, J. L. Regier, G. P. Regier, and J. E. Regier.