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Duerksen, Emma Schmidt (1894-1944)

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''Christlicher Bundesbote'' obituary: 1 Aug 1944 p. 14
''Christlicher Bundesbote'' obituary: 1944 Aug 1 p. 14
Birth date: 1894 Jan 16
Birth date: 1894
text of obituary:
'''Frau Emma Duerksen''', Tochter von Peter P. und Helena Voth Schmidt, geboren am 16. Jan. 1894 in Marion Co., Kansas starb am 5. Juli 1944 im Bethesda Hospital, Goessel, Kansas, im Alter von 50 J. 5. M. und 19 Tagen. Von ihren Eltern christlich erzogen, besuchte sie die Distriktschule und auch die Bethel Akademie. Am 26. Mai. 1918 ward sie von Aelt. H. Banman getauft und in die Alexanderwohl Gemeinde aufgenommen, wo sie treues Glied blieb. Sieben Jahre widmete sie mit Liebe dem Lehrerberuf; dann nahm sie fast 3 Jahre teil am Krankenpflegekursus im Bethesda Hospital. Am 4. August 1926 heiratete sie Gustav Duerksen und es wurden ihnen 4 Kinder geboren, wovon Olivia 5 Monate alt starb. Im April 1939 mußte sie sich einer grössern Operation unterwerfen. Dann war sie einige Jahre leidlich gesund. Sie war, so lange es ihre Kräfte erlaubten, Lehrerin in der Sonntagsschule und freute sich den Kindern vom Heiland zu erzählen, was sie oft am Tag und abends beschäftigte. So bekam auch die kleine Emmalyn noch viel mit von christlichem Unterricht. Im Mai 1948 wurde ihr milde mitgeteilt “ihr Haus zu bestellen”. Nach 5 Wochen im Hospital konnte sie nochmals heimkehren. Liebende Sorge um ihre Familie war das Einzige, was ihr den Abschied erschwerte. In den letzten Jahren hat sie manche Nachtstunde im Stuhl zugebracht wegen Atemnot. In zweimaligem Traum von dem Lied “Wo fundet die Seele die Heimat, die Ruh” vergönnte der Herr ihr einen Vorschmack von der sündlosen, himmlischen Wonne, was sie mit stillen, erwartungsvollen Frieden und Freude auf das, was der Herr für die Seinen bereit hält, erfüllte. Am 4. Juli 1944 ward sie wieder ins Hospital gebraucht [sic] und am nächsten Morgen um 5 Uhr entschlief sie. Es trauern um sie ihr Gatte, die Kinder: Walden, Ruth und Emmalyn; 5 Schwestern: Margaret, Mary, Elizabeth, Helena, und Anna; 4 Brüder: Karl, Adolf, John und Theodor, nebst Angehörigen, und viele Freunde, Der Vers: “Ich will dich auserwählt machen im Ofen des Elends”, (Jes. 48:10) und das Lied “Trübsalshitze” waren ihr und der Familie oft ein Trost. Bei der Begräbnisfeier dienten die Prediger C. C. Wedel, Tex [sic Text], Ps. 68:21, und J. R. Duerksen, Text, Ps. 145:8-21.
''Mennonite Weekly Review'' obituary: 1944 Jul 6 p. 5
text of obituary:
text of obituary:
<center><font size="+2">'''Local News'''</font></center>
'''Frau Emma Duerksen''', Tochter von Peter P. und Helena Voth Schmidt, geboren am 16. Jan. 1894 in Marion Co., Kansas starb am 5. Juli 1944 im Bethesda Hospital, Goessel, Kansas, im Alter von 50 J. 5. M. und 19 Tagen. Von ihren Eltern christlich erzogen, besuchte sie die Distriktschule und auch die Bethel Akademie. Am 26. Mai. 1918 ward sie von Aelt. H. Banman getauft und in die Alexanderwohl Gemeinde aufgenommen, wo sie treues Glied blieb. Sieben Jahre widmete sie mit Liebe dem Lehrerberuf; dann nahm sie fast 3 Jahre teil am Krankenpflegekursus im Bethesda Hospital. Am 4. August 1926 heiratete sie Gustav Duerksen und es wurden ihnen 4 Kinder geboren, wovon Olivia 5 Monate alt starb. Im April 1939 mußte sie sich einer grössern Operation unterwerfen. Dann war sie einige Jahre leidlich gesund. Sie war, so lange es ihre Kräfte erlaubten, Lehrerin in der Sonntagsschule und freute sich den Kindern vom Heiland zu erzählen, was sie oft am Tag und abends beschäftigte. So bekam auch die kleine Emmalyn noch viel mit von christlichem Unterricht. Im Mai 1948 wurde ihr milde mitgeteilt “ihr Haus zu bestellen”. Nach 5 Wochen im Hospital konnte sie nochmals heimkehren. Liebende Sorge um ihre Familie war das Einzige, was ihr den Abschied erschwerte. In den letzten Jahren hat sie manche Nachtstunde im Stuhl zugebracht wegen Atemnot. In zweimaligem Traum von dem Lied “Wo fundet die Seele die Heimat, die Ruh” vergönnte der Herr ihr einen Vorschmack von der sündlosen, himmlischen Wonne, was sie mit stillen, erwartungsvollen Frieden und Freude auf das, was der Herr für die Seinen bereit hält, erfüllte. Am 4. Juli 1944 ward sie wieder ins Hospital gebraucht [sic] und am nächsten Morgen um 5 Uhr entschlief sie. Es trauern um sie ihr Gatte, die Kinder: Walden, Ruth und Emmalyn; 5 Schwestern: Margaret, Mary, Elizabeth, Helena, und Anna; 4 Brüder: Karl, Adolf, John und Theodor, nebst Angehörigen, und viele Freunde, Der Vers: “Ich will dich auserwählt machen im Ofen des Elends”, (Jes. 48:10) und das Lied “Trübsalshitze” waren ihr und der Familie oft ein Trost. Bei der Begräbnisfeier dienten die Prediger C. C. Wedel, Tex [sic Text], Ps. 68:21, und J. R. Duerksen, Text, Ps. 145:8-21.
. . .
&#8212; Mrs. Gustav Duerksen of Route 2, Hillsboro, died Wednesday morning at the Bethesda Hospital in Goessel following a lingering illness. Mrs. Duerkson [''sic'' Duerksen] was a sister of Mrs. P. P. Schroeder of Newton. Funeral services will be held at the Alexanderwohl church at 3;00 o'clock next Sunday afternoon, July 9.
''Mennonite Weekly Review'' obituary: 1944 Aug 17 p. 3
text of obituary:
<center><h3>MRS. EMMA DUERKSEN</h3></center>
Mrs. Emma Duerksen, nee Schmidt, daughter of Peter P. and Helena (Voth) Schmidt, was born January 16, 1894, in Marion county, Kansas, and departed this life at 5:15 A. M. July 5, 1944, at the Bethesda Hospital, Goessel, Kansas, at the age of 50 years, 5 months and 19 days.
She was brought up under the loving care and nurture of her Christain [''sic''] parents and received her elementary education in the district school, attended the Preparatory School at Goessel and later finished the Bethel Academy at Newton.
On May 26, 1913, after receiving catechetical instruction, she was baptized upon the confession of her faith, by Elder Henry Banman and received into the fellowship of the Alexanderwohl church, remaining a true and faithful member to the end of her earthly life.
She devoted seven years of her life to school teaching which work she enjoyed and performed conscientiously.
For almost three years she took nurses training in the Bethesda Hospital.
On August 4, 1926, she joined in holy matrimony to me, Gustav Duerksen. Through the grace of God the marriage lasted almost 18 years. We shared our joys and sorrows, helping each other wherever needed. With God's help we have been able to bear each other's burdens and hardships.
This union was blessed with four children, one son and three daughters: Walden Henry, age 16, Ruth Cordelia, 13, Olivia Jane, and Emmalyn Avis, 6. Olivia preceded her in death at the age of 5 months.
On April 14, 1939, she was taken to the Bethesda at Gossel [''sic'' Goessel] for medical aid and care. Her condition was found to be serious and she submitted to a major operation. After her recovery from it she was pemitted [''sic''] to enjoy several years of fair health again. She counted it a privilege to serve her Master, faithfully teaching a Sunday School Class through the years as long as she was able. After her operation she taught a children's class. it afforded her much pleasure to tell them the stories of her Savior (often occuping [''sic''] her mind with it day and night) where little Emmalyn has received much instruction and Christina nurture.
In May, 1943, after a winter of failing health, her condition again was such a nature that physician's aid was sought. She was gently informed to "set her house in order," for her days might be numbered. She then spent five weeks in the Bethesda Hospital. During her long illness she was grateful that she could be at home much of the time, and help take care of her family. She always helped with the work as her strength permitted, and at times even above her strength.
She never ceased to pray for the physical and spiritual welfare of her family. the loving care for her family was the one thing that made her detachment from this life hard.
During the last year of her life she has spent many hours of the night up in a chair to relieve her breathing difficulty.
In a beautiful dream which she had twice in her last days about the song, "Wo Findet Die Seele Die Heimat Die Ruh," the Lord permitted her to experience a foretaste of the bliss of the heavenly state &#8212; when free from sin, the burden and care of this life &#8212; after which she was filled with quiet peace and happiness and anticipation of the joy God has in store for His own.
Tuesday, July 4, she was taken to the Bethesda Hospital to consult the doctor; and after a day and night there, the Lord saw fit to take her home, and she passed away at 5:15 in the morning of July 5. A heart attack was the immediate cause to her somewhat sudden departure.
She leaves to mourn her departure, her bereaved husband and children: Walden, Ruth and Emmalyn; 5 sisters and 4 brothers: Margaret, Mary Elisabeth, Earl, Adolf, Helena, Anna, John and Theodore; her mother-in-law, 6 sisters-in-law and 11 brothers-in-law and host of relatives and friends. Her parents preceded her in death within the last few years, and she was the first of a family of 10 children to pass on to the great beyond.
The verse: "I have chosen thee in the furance [''sic''] of affliction" Isaiah 48:10, and the following lines have been a great comfort to us in these years of hard experiences:
<blockquote>Pain's furnace heat within me quivers,<br>
God's breath upon the flame doth blow;<br>
And all my heart in anguish shivers<br>
And trembles at the fiery glow;<br>
And yet I whisper, "As God will!"<br>
And in the hottest fire hold still.<br>
He comes and lays my heart, all heated,<br>
On the hard anvil, minded so <br>
Into His own fair shape to beat it<br>
With His great hammer, blow on blow;<br>
And yet I whisper, "As God will!"<br>
And at His heaviest blows hold still.<br>
He takes my softened heart and beats it;<br>
The sparks fly off at every blow;<br>
He turns it o'er and heats it,<br>
And lets it cool, and makes it glow;<br>
And Yet I whisper, "As God will!"
And in His mighty hand hold still.<br>
Why should I murmur? for the sorrow<br>
Thus only longer-lived would be;<br>
The end may come, and will tomorrow,<br>
When God has done His work in me;<br>
So I say trusting, "As God will!"<br>
And, trusting to the end, hold still.</blockquote>
<p span style="text-align:right">&#8212; Gustav Duerksen and Family.</p>
The funeral was conducted by Rev. C. C. Wedel, who preached on Psalms 68:21, and Rev. J. R. Duerksen, whose text was Psalms 145: 8-2.
[[Category:Christlicher Bundesbote obituaries]]
[[Category:Christlicher Bundesbote obituaries]]
[[Category:Mennonite Weekly Review obituaries]]

Latest revision as of 14:39, 14 July 2015

Christlicher Bundesbote obituary: 1944 Aug 1 p. 14

Birth date: 1894 Jan 16

text of obituary:

Frau Emma Duerksen, Tochter von Peter P. und Helena Voth Schmidt, geboren am 16. Jan. 1894 in Marion Co., Kansas starb am 5. Juli 1944 im Bethesda Hospital, Goessel, Kansas, im Alter von 50 J. 5. M. und 19 Tagen. Von ihren Eltern christlich erzogen, besuchte sie die Distriktschule und auch die Bethel Akademie. Am 26. Mai. 1918 ward sie von Aelt. H. Banman getauft und in die Alexanderwohl Gemeinde aufgenommen, wo sie treues Glied blieb. Sieben Jahre widmete sie mit Liebe dem Lehrerberuf; dann nahm sie fast 3 Jahre teil am Krankenpflegekursus im Bethesda Hospital. Am 4. August 1926 heiratete sie Gustav Duerksen und es wurden ihnen 4 Kinder geboren, wovon Olivia 5 Monate alt starb. Im April 1939 mußte sie sich einer grössern Operation unterwerfen. Dann war sie einige Jahre leidlich gesund. Sie war, so lange es ihre Kräfte erlaubten, Lehrerin in der Sonntagsschule und freute sich den Kindern vom Heiland zu erzählen, was sie oft am Tag und abends beschäftigte. So bekam auch die kleine Emmalyn noch viel mit von christlichem Unterricht. Im Mai 1948 wurde ihr milde mitgeteilt “ihr Haus zu bestellen”. Nach 5 Wochen im Hospital konnte sie nochmals heimkehren. Liebende Sorge um ihre Familie war das Einzige, was ihr den Abschied erschwerte. In den letzten Jahren hat sie manche Nachtstunde im Stuhl zugebracht wegen Atemnot. In zweimaligem Traum von dem Lied “Wo fundet die Seele die Heimat, die Ruh” vergönnte der Herr ihr einen Vorschmack von der sündlosen, himmlischen Wonne, was sie mit stillen, erwartungsvollen Frieden und Freude auf das, was der Herr für die Seinen bereit hält, erfüllte. Am 4. Juli 1944 ward sie wieder ins Hospital gebraucht [sic] und am nächsten Morgen um 5 Uhr entschlief sie. Es trauern um sie ihr Gatte, die Kinder: Walden, Ruth und Emmalyn; 5 Schwestern: Margaret, Mary, Elizabeth, Helena, und Anna; 4 Brüder: Karl, Adolf, John und Theodor, nebst Angehörigen, und viele Freunde, Der Vers: “Ich will dich auserwählt machen im Ofen des Elends”, (Jes. 48:10) und das Lied “Trübsalshitze” waren ihr und der Familie oft ein Trost. Bei der Begräbnisfeier dienten die Prediger C. C. Wedel, Tex [sic Text], Ps. 68:21, und J. R. Duerksen, Text, Ps. 145:8-21.

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1944 Jul 6 p. 5

text of obituary:

Local News

. . .

— Mrs. Gustav Duerksen of Route 2, Hillsboro, died Wednesday morning at the Bethesda Hospital in Goessel following a lingering illness. Mrs. Duerkson [sic Duerksen] was a sister of Mrs. P. P. Schroeder of Newton. Funeral services will be held at the Alexanderwohl church at 3;00 o'clock next Sunday afternoon, July 9.

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1944 Aug 17 p. 3

text of obituary:


Mrs. Emma Duerksen, nee Schmidt, daughter of Peter P. and Helena (Voth) Schmidt, was born January 16, 1894, in Marion county, Kansas, and departed this life at 5:15 A. M. July 5, 1944, at the Bethesda Hospital, Goessel, Kansas, at the age of 50 years, 5 months and 19 days.

She was brought up under the loving care and nurture of her Christain [sic] parents and received her elementary education in the district school, attended the Preparatory School at Goessel and later finished the Bethel Academy at Newton.

On May 26, 1913, after receiving catechetical instruction, she was baptized upon the confession of her faith, by Elder Henry Banman and received into the fellowship of the Alexanderwohl church, remaining a true and faithful member to the end of her earthly life.

She devoted seven years of her life to school teaching which work she enjoyed and performed conscientiously.

For almost three years she took nurses training in the Bethesda Hospital.

On August 4, 1926, she joined in holy matrimony to me, Gustav Duerksen. Through the grace of God the marriage lasted almost 18 years. We shared our joys and sorrows, helping each other wherever needed. With God's help we have been able to bear each other's burdens and hardships.

This union was blessed with four children, one son and three daughters: Walden Henry, age 16, Ruth Cordelia, 13, Olivia Jane, and Emmalyn Avis, 6. Olivia preceded her in death at the age of 5 months.

On April 14, 1939, she was taken to the Bethesda at Gossel [sic Goessel] for medical aid and care. Her condition was found to be serious and she submitted to a major operation. After her recovery from it she was pemitted [sic] to enjoy several years of fair health again. She counted it a privilege to serve her Master, faithfully teaching a Sunday School Class through the years as long as she was able. After her operation she taught a children's class. it afforded her much pleasure to tell them the stories of her Savior (often occuping [sic] her mind with it day and night) where little Emmalyn has received much instruction and Christina nurture.

In May, 1943, after a winter of failing health, her condition again was such a nature that physician's aid was sought. She was gently informed to "set her house in order," for her days might be numbered. She then spent five weeks in the Bethesda Hospital. During her long illness she was grateful that she could be at home much of the time, and help take care of her family. She always helped with the work as her strength permitted, and at times even above her strength.

She never ceased to pray for the physical and spiritual welfare of her family. the loving care for her family was the one thing that made her detachment from this life hard.

During the last year of her life she has spent many hours of the night up in a chair to relieve her breathing difficulty.

In a beautiful dream which she had twice in her last days about the song, "Wo Findet Die Seele Die Heimat Die Ruh," the Lord permitted her to experience a foretaste of the bliss of the heavenly state — when free from sin, the burden and care of this life — after which she was filled with quiet peace and happiness and anticipation of the joy God has in store for His own.

Tuesday, July 4, she was taken to the Bethesda Hospital to consult the doctor; and after a day and night there, the Lord saw fit to take her home, and she passed away at 5:15 in the morning of July 5. A heart attack was the immediate cause to her somewhat sudden departure.

She leaves to mourn her departure, her bereaved husband and children: Walden, Ruth and Emmalyn; 5 sisters and 4 brothers: Margaret, Mary Elisabeth, Earl, Adolf, Helena, Anna, John and Theodore; her mother-in-law, 6 sisters-in-law and 11 brothers-in-law and host of relatives and friends. Her parents preceded her in death within the last few years, and she was the first of a family of 10 children to pass on to the great beyond.

The verse: "I have chosen thee in the furance [sic] of affliction" Isaiah 48:10, and the following lines have been a great comfort to us in these years of hard experiences:

Pain's furnace heat within me quivers,
God's breath upon the flame doth blow;
And all my heart in anguish shivers
And trembles at the fiery glow;
And yet I whisper, "As God will!"
And in the hottest fire hold still.

He comes and lays my heart, all heated,
On the hard anvil, minded so
Into His own fair shape to beat it
With His great hammer, blow on blow;
And yet I whisper, "As God will!"
And at His heaviest blows hold still.

He takes my softened heart and beats it;
The sparks fly off at every blow;
He turns it o'er and heats it,
And lets it cool, and makes it glow;
And Yet I whisper, "As God will!" And in His mighty hand hold still.

Why should I murmur? for the sorrow
Thus only longer-lived would be;
The end may come, and will tomorrow,
When God has done His work in me;
So I say trusting, "As God will!"
And, trusting to the end, hold still.

— Gustav Duerksen and Family.

The funeral was conducted by Rev. C. C. Wedel, who preached on Psalms 68:21, and Rev. J. R. Duerksen, whose text was Psalms 145: 8-2.

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