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Krehbiel, Maria E. Kruse (1865-1930)

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The members of the family wish herewith to express their deep appreciation to all who have remembered them and have shown sympathy to them during the illness and departure of their wife, mother and grandmother.
The members of the family wish herewith to express their deep appreciation to all who have remembered them and have shown sympathy to them during the illness and departure of their wife, mother and grandmother.
''Mennonite Weekly Review'' obituary: 1930 Oct 29 p. 4
text of obituary:
<center><font size="+2">'''LOCAL'''</font>
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&#8212; It was a beautiful morning, Friday, October 24, when the friendly rays of the rising sun played pleasantly into the sick-room of Mrs. J. W. Krehbiel. The kindly nurse was giving the patient attention, who though weak was smiling and reposeful. For a few minutes she left the room. As she reentered the smile still lingered on the peaceful countenance, but midst the sunbeams of the newborn day angels of celestial light had borne her spirit away to unending day, to dwell with the blessed Savior she loved, to dwell rejoicing in the place He ahd prepared for her in glory.

Revision as of 17:34, 11 December 2012

Christlicher Bundesbote obituary: 1930 Nov 4 p. 14

Birth date: 1865 Aug 24

text of obituary:

Maria E. Krehbiel, Gattin von J. W. Krehbiel, Moundridge, Kansas, war geboren zu Davidsfeld, Ukraine, Rußland, August 24, 1865, Tochter von Adolph T. Kruse und Margaretha Rupp Kruse. — Im Mai 1875 kam sie mit den Eltern und zwei nun bereits verstorbenen Brüdern, Heinrich D., und Adolph T., und der Schwester Matilda E. (Jetzt Frau H. P. Krehbiel, Newton, Kansas) in Brooklyn, New York an. — Im Jahre 1876 zog die Familie nach dem damals neuen Westen und ließ sich in Halstead, Kansas, seßhaft nieder. Frühe gab sie ihr Herz dem Herrn und am 28. März 1879 empfing sie auf das Bekenntnis ihres Glaubens an Jesus die heilige Taufe und wurde Glied der Halstead Mennoniten Gemeinde. — In die Ehe trat sie am 19. Okt. 1884, mit J. W. Krehbiel. Im Jahre 1887 zog sie mit ihrem Gatten und der kleinen Tochter Celia nach Moundridge, woselbst sie Glied wurde der West Zion Gemeinde. — Ihre Kinder sind Celia Goerz, Los Angeles, Calif. welche leider Krankheitshalber nicht kommen konnte, und die Söhne Carl und Nelson, beide in Moundridge wohnhaft.

Unsere liebe Dahingeschiedene wurde plötzlich schwer krank am 25. Sept. um zwei Uhr nach Mitternacht, und am 24. Okt., 1930, früh morgens, bereit und froh heim gehen zu dürfen, entschlief sie sanft und friedlich und ging hinüber zu weilen bei Jesum ihrem Heiland und Erlöser. Zwei Lieder waren ihr besonders teuer: “All the way my Saviour leads me” und “Ich brauch dich allezeit.” Ihre Lieblings-Psalmen waren der Hirten Psalm 23, und der Zufluchts Psalm 91.

Seit einem Jahr oder mehr fühlte sie oft, daß der Herr sie rufe und daß sie sich losmachen sollte, fertig für die himmlische Heimat. So machte sie sich innerlich bereit abzuscheiden; auch in äußerlichen Dingen traf sie Anordnungen, unter anderem auch dadurch, daß sie ihrer 9 jährigen Enkelin Elinor und Josephina Stucky Mitteilungen machte betreffs Todeskleider und anderer Dinge, im Falle ihres plötzlichen Ablebens. Sie ahnte es, daß der Herr sie bald abrufen werde. Nur die eine Sorge hatte sie, die ihr das Scheiden erschwerten, daß sie nicht weiter ihrem Gatten beistehen und besonders die drei mutterlosen kleinen Enkelinnen Elinor, Margaret und Kathrine ihrer mütterlichen Pflege entbehren müßten, da sie dieselben sechs Jahre lang unter ihrer Sorge und Verpflegung gehabt. — Die liebe Heimgegangene sprach wiederholt ihre Dankbarkeit und Anerkennung aus für die liebreiche Pflege, welche die beiden Schwestern Lohrenz, welche sie bedinten [sic bedienten], beides im Heim und im Halstead Hospital, ihr so treu und geschickt zuteil werden ließen. Besonders trostreich und erquickend war es ihr, daß sie jeden Abend mit ihr aus Gottes Wort lasen und im Gebet sie aufhoben zum liebenden Herzen des Sohnes Gottes ihrem Heiland.

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1930 Oct 29 p. 1

text of obituary:

Mary E. Krehbiel

Mary E. Krehbiel, wife of J. W. Krehbiel was born in Davidsfeld, Ukraine, Russia, August 24th, 1865, daughter of Adolf Kruse, and Margaret Rupp Kruse.

May 1875 she came to Brooklyn, N.Y., with her father and mother, and two brothers, Henry O. and Adolf T. Kruse, both having passed away several years ago, and a sister, Mrs. H. P. Krehbiel, of Newton, Kansas.

In 1875 she came to Halstead, Kansas with her father, mother, sister and brothers.

In 1879 March 28th, she joined the Halstead Mennonite Church, being baptized on her confession of faith in Jesus.

She was married to J. W. Krehbiel Oct. 18th, 1884.

1887 she with her husband and one daughter moved to Moundridge, and joined the West Zion church soon after.

Her children are Celia Goerz, residing in California, who could not come on account of illness, Carl and Nelson residing here in Moundridge.

Our dear wife and mother and grandmother became suddenly ill, Sept. 25th, two o’clock after midnight, and on October 24th 1930 in the early morning, fully resigned to enter her heavenly home. In a peaceful death she passed to the future life by her faith in Jesus as her Savior. Two songs that were especially precious to the departed one were: “All the way my Savior leads me,” and “I Need Thee Every Hour.” She also loved as favorite Psalm the Shepherd Psalm, Psalm 23 and the Psalm of Refuge as found in Psalm 91.

In the last year she often felt God’s call to her heavenly home and made preparations therefore in her spiritual attitude and by advising her granddaughter, Elinor Krehbiel; and Miss Josephine Stucky where to find clothes and other requirements, in the event of her sudden death. Her premonition was an early call of God. She had but one regret, that of leaving her husband, children and grandchildren; the latter having been her deep concern and care for six years.

The dear departed one repeatedly expressed her gratitude and appreciation of kindly care of the two nurses the Sisters Lorenz, who waited on her as faithfully and lovingly at home and in the Halstead Hospital. She appreciated especially the spiritual gave her in that they read God’s Word and prayed with her every eve- comfort and consolation which they ning. [sic She appreciated especially the spiritual comfort and consolation which they gave her in that they read God’s Word and prayed with her every evening.]


The members of the family wish herewith to express their deep appreciation to all who have remembered them and have shown sympathy to them during the illness and departure of their wife, mother and grandmother.

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1930 Oct 29 p. 4

text of obituary:


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— It was a beautiful morning, Friday, October 24, when the friendly rays of the rising sun played pleasantly into the sick-room of Mrs. J. W. Krehbiel. The kindly nurse was giving the patient attention, who though weak was smiling and reposeful. For a few minutes she left the room. As she reentered the smile still lingered on the peaceful countenance, but midst the sunbeams of the newborn day angels of celestial light had borne her spirit away to unending day, to dwell with the blessed Savior she loved, to dwell rejoicing in the place He ahd prepared for her in glory.
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