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Mennonite Bibliography, 2011

Compiled by Barbara A. Thiesen, Mennonite Library & Archives, Bethel College (MLA)

Assisted by Mary Jean Johnson, Musselman Library and the Mennonite Historical Collections, Bluffton University (BLU), Audrey Shenk, Menno Simons Historical Library/Archives, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU); Kevin Enns-Rempel, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, Fresno Pacific University (FRE); Vic Froese, Mennonite Historical Library, Canadian Mennonite University (CMU); Joe Springer, Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College (MHL); Richard D. Thiessen, Columbia Bible College Library (CBC).

The Mennonite Bibliography, 2011 consists of titles published in 2011 that were acquired by the contributing libraries in 2011. Also included are titles acquired in 2011, published prior to that year, but not included in previous Mennonite Life bibliographies. The three-letter symbols after each entry indicate which libraries owned copies of the titles at the time the bibliography was compiled.


A 15th anniversary prayer journey with Global Disciples. Lancaster, PA (315 West James St., Suite 202, Lancaster, PA 17603): Global Disciples, [2011?] Pp. 23. EMU.

20 años de Agenda latinoamericana. Panamá, República de Panamá: José Mar ía Vigil y Pedro Casaldáliga, [2011]. Pp. 249. MHL.

Aalsmeerse doopsgezinden: 'eigen wijs, eigen weg': 480 jaar doopsgezinden in Aalsmeer, sinds 1866 verenigd in de Doopsgezinde Gemeente Aalsmeer: tentoonstelling, 10 april t/m 13 juni 2011.... Aalsmeer, Neth.: Doopsgezinde Gemeente Aalsmeer, 2011. Pp. 36. EMU.

Amish woodworkers of America: 1st annual directory of Amish woodworkers and associated businesses across the United States.The lost art of real cooking: rediscovering the pleasures of traditional food, one recipe at a time. Nappanee, IN (P.O. Box 516, Nappanee, IN 46550): Ola Yoder, 2011. Pp. 95. EMU.

Anabaptist Identity Conference (2011: Lititz, PA) Anabaptist Identity Conference: Who are we? North Highlands, CA (P.O. Box 1498, North Highlands, CA 95660): Victory Music Services, [2011]. 14 CDs. MHL.

Appold, Kenneth G. The Reformation: a brief history. S(Blackwell brief histories of religion series) Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Pp. x, [2], 203. ISBN 9781405117494; ISBN 9781405117500 (pbk). MHL.

Aprendamos a cantar los cantos de Despertad y cantad! Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, [2011?]. 3 CDs. MHL.

Asheervadam, I.P. Churches engage Asian traditions. General editors, C. Arnold Snyder, John A. Lapp. Intercourse, PA: Good Books; Kitchener, ON: co-published with Pandora Press, 2011. Pp. 375. ISBN 9781561487493. CBC, MHL, MLA.

Atnip, Mike. Handmaiden of the Lamb: the story of Anna Nitschmann, Moravian shepherdess of souls.[Ephrata, PA]: Primitive Christianity Publishers, [2011?]. Pp. [6], 74. MHL.

Augsburger, Ruth Ann and Owen E. Burkholder. Redeemed: a reflective chronology of the lives of Fred E. Augsburger and Carolyn King Augsburger. [Harrisonburg, VA]: R. A. Augsburger & O. Burkholder; [S.l.]: copies from Xlibris Corp., 2011. Pp. 605. ISBN 9781456898557; 9781456898540 (pbk); 9781456898564 (ebook). EMU, MHL.

Ausbund, das ist: Etliche schöne Christliche Lieder. 53 bekannte Aufl. [Lancaster County, PA]: Verlag von den Amischen Gemeinden in Lancaster County, Pa., 2011, c1996. Pp. vi, 895. MHL.

Baecher, Claude, ed. Rédemption et salut: la portée de l'oeuvre du Christ pour la vie d'église et pour l'éthique. (Collection Perspectives anabaptistes) Charols, France: Éds. Excelsis, 2011. Pp. 222. ISBN 9782755001402. MHL.

Baer, John Devotional purity: a handbook on worship. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 152. ISBN 9780739924228. EMU, MHL.

Balzer, Milly Janzen.Heldin: coming to terms: a novel. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, Inc. Pp. xiii, 308. ISBN 97801462001682. FRE.

Bauman, Carey. Las flores de Noé = Noah's flowers. (Colección joyitas = Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2011. Pp. 24. ISBN 9780739977699. EMU, MHL.

Bauman, Lester. Guarda de mi hermano. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2011. Pp. 205. ISBN 9780739977644. Originally published as: My brother's keeper. [Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2004]. MHL.

Beachy, Leroy. Unser Leit: the story of the Amish. Millersburg, OH (4324 State Route 39, Millersburg, OH 44654-9681): Goodly Heritage Books, 2011. 2 volumes. ISBN 9780983239703. CBC, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Beachy, Stephen. Boneyard. Portland, OR: Verse Chorus Press, 2011. Pp. 303. ISBN 9781891241338. FRE.

Beam, C. Richard and Joshua R. Brown, eds. The comprehensive Pennsylvania German dictionary v. 12. Millersville, PA: Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, Millersville University, 2011. 1 volume. ISBN 9781601262981. BLU.

Bean, Esther. Mennonites in the Netherlands and Russia. (Living history threads; 43) Guys Mills, PA: Faith Builders Resource Group, 2011. Pp. 60. ISBN 9781935972051. EMU.

Bean, Howard. Keepsakes: courtship meditations & memories. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publicatons, 2011. Pp. xi, 213. EMU, MHL.

Bean, Howard, ed. Midwest Mennonite Fellowship: history, institutions, and leaders, 1977-2011. Myerstown, PA: Little Mountain Printing, 2011. Pp. 338. EMU.

Beiler, Lydia Jane Lapp. Where mountains rise: a history of the Amish of Perry County. Blain, PA (2182 Back Hollow Road, Blain, PA 17006): L. J. Beiler, 2011. Pp. xv, 223. MHL.

Beisser-Apetz, Katja. Antje Brons, das weisse Blatt: ein aussergewöhnliches Frauenleben im 19 Jahrhundert. Oldenburg, Germany: Schardt, 2011. Pp. 144. ISBN 9783898415767. EMU, FRE, MLA.

Benner, Leanne Eshleman. Son of the wind. [Harrisonburg, VA]: L. E. Benner; Newton, KS: Mennonite Press, 2011. Pp. viii, 328. EMU.

Bercot, David W. In God we don't trust: a look at the founding of America in the light of Jesus' teachings. Amberson, PA: Scroll Pub. Co., [2011?]. Pp. 319. ISBN 9780924722257. MHL, MLA.

Berg, Arnold George. A reasonable God: ordinary action in a supernatural world. 2 [Saskatoon, SK?]: HYTEC Press, 2011. Pp. 238. ISBN 9780986801006. MHL.

Bergen, David. The matter with Morris: a novel. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2011. Pp. [10], 256. ISBN 9781582437590. MHL.

Bergen, Jeremy M. Ecclesial repentance: the churches confront their sinful pasts. London; New York: T&T Clark International, 2011. Pp. xiv, 338. ISBN 9780567214324; 9780567523686. MHL, MLA.

Biehn, Miriam. Beyond the door. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. vii, 181. EMU, MHL.

Bixler, Sarah, ed. Festive flavors: holiday favorites from the regions of Virginia Mennonite Conference. Harrisonburg, VA (901 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802): Virginia Mennonite Conference, 2011. Pp. 56. EMU.

Blair, Annette. Butterfly garden. Dunrobin, ON: Lachesis Pub., 2011, c2006. Pp. 237. ISBN 9781897562864. MHL.

Blair, Annette. [Thee, I love] Jacob's return. Dunrobin, ON: Sinful Moments Press, 2011, c1999. Pp. 334. ISBN 9781897562857. MHL.

Bontrager, Alice D. Bontrager. Morning sounds on the farm. Ill. by Mrs. Ervin (Anna Mary) Miller. Hillsboro, WI (S 3918 Chicken Hollow Road, Hillsboro, WI 54634): Kinder-Garten, 2011. Pp. 52. MHL.

Bontrager, Amos J. Natural health highlights. Marion, KY (1300 S.R. 1901, Marion, KY 42064): A. Bontrager, 2011. Pp. 31. MHL.

Bontreger, Allen E. and LaVern Yutzy. The Amish at Plain City, Ohio, 1896-2011. Shipshewana, IN: Aurora Services, 2011. Pp. vi, 226. MHL.

Boshart, David W. Becoming missional: denominations and new church development in complex social contexts. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011. Pp. xix, 162. ISBN 9781608996988. BLU, EMU, MHL.

Braght, Thieleman J. van. Der blutige Schauplatz, oder, Märtyrer-Spiegel der Taufgesinnten oder Wehrlosen Christen ... Aylmer, ON; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Pub. Corp., 2011. 2 volumes in 1 (56, 336; 7, 635, 14 p.). MHL.

Brandstaedter, Hermann. Las vacaciones de Éric. Translatedby Darryl Clingan; ill. by Peter Balholm. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, [2011?]. Pp. 239. ISBN 9780739977668. Originally published as: Erichs Ferien. [Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001]. MHL.

Brant, Jo-Ann A. John. (Paideia: commentaries on the New Testament) Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011. Pp. xxii, 330. ISBN 9780801034541. MHL, MLA.

Brenneman, Terri J. Plank. Wonderfully made: women, faith, and self-care. Harrisonburg, VA; Waterloo, ON: Faith & Life Resources, 2011. Pp. 71. ISBN 9780836195743. BLU, MHL.

Brown, Tricia Gates. Jesus loves women: a memoir of body and spirit. Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books, 2011. Pp. 267. ISBN 9781931038911 (pbk). MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. The healing. (Kentucky brothers; [2]) Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2011. Pp. 377. ISBN 9781602606838 (pbk). MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. The journey. (Kentucky brothers; 1) Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2011. Pp. 382. ISBN 9781602606814 (pbk). MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. A cousin’s challenge. (Indiana cousins; bk. 3) Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2010. Pp. 293. ISBN 9781602600621. MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. Wanda E. Brunstetter's Amish friends cookbook. Desserts. Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2011. Pp. 157. ISBN 9781616262921. MHL.

Bueckert, Leah Dawn and Daniel S. Schipani, eds. Spiritual caregiving in the hospital: windows to chaplaincy ministry. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, c2011. Pp. ix, 308. ISBN 9781926599205. BLU.

Burgert, Annette K. Master index to the emigrants documented in the published works of Annette K. Burgert. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2011. Pp. [4], 84. MHL.

Burkholder, David G. and Lorraine Burkholder.Young woman, be virtuous! Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 381. EMU, MHL.

Burkholder, Dwight. The preacher's dear: sparks fly as city and country collide: a novel. Enumclaw, WA: WinePress Pub., 2011. Pp. 179. ISBN 9781414117911. EMU, MHL.

Byler, Andy A. Descendants of Andrew R. Byler and Gertrude A. Miller, 1911-2011. [Marion, KY (2964 Mt. Zion Church Rd., Marion KY 42064): Andy A. Byler, 2011]. Pp. 94. MHL.

Byler, Linda. Big decisions. (Lizzie searches for love; 3) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2011. Pp. 345. ISBN 9781561487004. EMU, MHL.

Byler, Melvin E. A. and Betty Byler. Descendants of Menno I. & Fannie C. Hershberger, 1898-2011. Mio, MI (1734 Galbraith Road, Mio, MI 48647): Melvin & Betty Byler, 2011. Pp. vii, [1], 300. MHL.

Byler, Nolan. The high cost of holistic healing: a concise examination of alternative medicine practices and related issues.. Medina, NY: Ridgeway Publishing, 2011. Pp. 58. ISBN 9780983146001. EMU, MHL.

Cameron, Barbara. A time for peace. (Quilts of Lancaster County series; [3]) Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2011. Pp. 285. ISBN 9781426707650 (pbk). MHL.

Cameron, Barbara. A time to heal. (Quilts of Lancaster County series) Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2011. Pp. 285. ISBN 9781426707643 (pbk). MHL.

Campbell, Elsie. Squares and triangles: 13 fun patterns for innovating and renovating. (Scrap quilt book series; 2nd) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2011. Pp. 80. ISBN 9781561487226. MHL.

Carlson, Melody. Double take: a novel. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 2011. Pp. 273. ISBN 9780800719647. MLA.

Carpenter, Steven P. Mennonites and media: how Mennonites have been portrayed in media and how they have shaped media for identity and outreach. Thesis (M.A.R.) - Eastern Mennonite Seminary, 2011. Pp. 186. EMU.

Celebrating Clara Miller in words and images: collected and arranged by Clara's children.[Walnut Creek, OH]: Clara Yoder Miller and her children and grandchildren, 2011. Pp. 141. EMU.

Chapman, Vannetta. Falling to pieces. (A Shipshewana Amish mystery) Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011. Pp. 332. ISBN 9780310330431 (pbk) MHL.

Clark, Mindy Starns and Georgia Varozza. Simple joys of the Amish life. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011. Pp. 48. ISBN 9780736930031. EMU, MHL.

Clark, Mindy Starns and Leslie Gould. The Amish midwife. (The Women of Lancaster County) Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011. Pp. 324. ISBN 9781611293128; 9780736937986 (pbk). EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Clark, Mindy Starns and Leslie Gould. The Amish nanny. (The Women of Lancaster County; 2) Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011. Pp. 344. ISBN 9781611299557; 9780736938617 (pbk). EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Clifton, Susan, et al. L'Eglise: engagement ou zapping? (Les Dossiers de Christ Seul; 1/2011) Montbeliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2011. Pp. 78. ISBN 2904214933. EMU, FRE, MHL.

Clipston, Amy. Naomi's gift: an Amish Christmas story: a novella. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011. Pp. 184. ISBN 9780310327356. MHL.

Clipston, Amy. A place of peace. (Kauffman Amish bakery series; 3) Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011. Pp. 329. ISBN 9780310319955 (pbk). MHL.

Clymer, Donald R. Meditations on the beatitudes: lessons from the margins. Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House, 2011. Pp. 82. ISBN 9781931038850. BLU, CBC, EMU, MHL, MLA.

A collection of psalms and hymns suited to the various occasions of public worship and private devotion. 32nd ed. [PA?]: Weaverland Conference Mennonite Congregations, 2011. Pp. 383, 48. EMU, MHL.

Cooper, Wendy A. and Lisa Minardi. Paint, pattern & people: furniture of southeastern Pennsylvania, 1725-1850. [Winterthur, DE]: Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum; [Philadelphia]: Distributed by University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011. Pp. xxv, 277. ISBN 9780912724690. MHL, MLA.

Craker, Lorilee. Money secrets of the Amish: finding true abundance in simplicity, sharing, and saving. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011. Pp. xvi, 224. ISBN 9781595553416. MHL.

Cramer, W. Dale. Paradise Valley. (Daughters of Caleb Bender; 1) Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2011. Pp. 359. ISBN 9780764208386 (pbk); 9781611292282. EMU, MHL.

Cross, Jack. Great central state: the foundation of the Northern Territory. Kent Town, S. Aust.: Wakefield Press, 2011. Pp. xii, 403. ISBN 9781862548770 (pbk). MHL.

Cruz, Daniel Shank. A third way to change: violence against whites in African American novels from the 1970s.Thesis (Ph. D.) - Northern Illinois University, 2011. Pp. [5], 294. MHL.

Currier, Mary. Bible treasures coloring book. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. 41. ISBN 9780878137060. EMU.

Currier, Mary. Bible verse calendar. (Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. 32. ISBN 9780878136964. EMU.

Currier, Mary. Happy puppy activity and coloring book. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. 38. ISBN 9780878137077. EMU.

Davids, Patricia. The Christmas quilt. (Love inspired) (Brides of Amish country) New York, NY: Love Inspired Books, 2011. Pp. 216. ISBN 9780373877096 (pbk). MHL.

Davids, Patricia. The farmer next door. (Love inspired) (Brides of Amish country) New York: Love Inspired, 2011. Pp. 279. ISBN 9780373815579. MHL.

Dawley, Richard Lee. The plain people: Amish, Mennonites, and Hutterites. New Berlin, WI (2249 S. Calhoun Road, New Berlin, WI 53151): Amish Insight, 2011. Pp. 237. EMU.

Dealing with elder abuse. (Close to home) Scottdale, PA; Waterloo, ON: Faith & Life Resources, 2011. Pp. 11. ISBN 9780836195279. MHL.

Dealing with electronic addiction. (Close to home) Scottdale, PA; Waterloo, ON: Faith & Life Resources, 2011. Pp. 11. ISBN 9780836195262. MHL.

Dingel, Irene and Christiane Tietz, eds. Die politische Aufgabe von Religion: Perspektiven der drei monotheistischen Religionen. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abteilung für Abendländische Religionsgeschichte. Beiheft; 87) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011. Pp. 433. ISBN 9783525101131. MHL.

Doerksen, Paul G. and Karl Koop, eds. The church made strange for the nations: essays in ecclesiology and political theology. (Princeton theological monograph series; 171) Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011. Pp. xi, 192. ISBN 9781608993987. MHL, MLA.

Driver, John. Life together in the Spirit: a radical spirituality for the twenty-first century. 1st English ed. Goshen, IN: Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism, Goshen College, 2011. Pp. xvi, 80. ISBN 9780983709404. Originally published as: Convivencia radical: espiritualidad para el siglo 21. [Buenos Aires: Kairos Ediciones, 2007]. MHL.

Dueck, Abe J., Bruce L.Guenther, and Doug Heidebrecht, eds. Renewing identity and mission: Mennonite Brethren reflections after 150 years. (Perspectives on Mennonite life and thought; no. 18) Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions, 2011. Pp. v, 314. ISBN 9781894791281. BLU, CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Dula, Peter. Cavell, companionship, and Christian theology. (Reflection and theory in the study of religion) Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Pp. xiv, 280. ISBN 9780195395037. EMU, MHL.

Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. Las Iglesias Menonitas de Paraguay: directorio. [Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications], 2011. Pp. 39. MHL.

Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. Allegheny District. Allegheny District of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. [Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications], 2011. Pp. 74. MHL.

Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. Denver District. Denver District of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. [Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications], 2011. Pp. 115. MHL.

Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. Susquehanna District. Susquehanna District of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. [Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications], 2011. Pp. 120. MHL.

Education Leaders Gathering (2011: Lansdowne, Va.) Taste and see: Psalm 34:8-14. Education Leaders Gathering 2011, National Conference Center, Lansdowne, Virginia, Friday, February 4-Sunday, February 6, 2011. Goshen, IN (63846 County Road 35, Suite 1, Goshen, IN 46528-9621): Mennonite Education Agency, [2011]. Pp. 50, [12] + 8 pamphlets. MHL.

Eicher, Jerry S. A baby for Hannah. (Hannah's heart; 3) Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011. Pp. 277. ISBN 9780736943369 (pbk). MHL.

Eicher, Jerry S. Ella finds love again. (Little Valley series; 3) Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011. Pp. 284, [12]. ISBN 9780736928069 (pbk) MHL.

Eicher, Jerry S. A wedding quilt for Ella. (Little Valley series; 1) Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011. Pp. 283. ISBN 9780736928045 (pbk). MHL.

Eicher, Lena. Little Amazon. Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2011. Pp. 79. ISBN 9781936208364. EMU, MHL.

Ellis, Leanna. Plain fear: forsaken: a novel. (Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks Landmark, 2011. Pp. 416. ISBN 9781402255403. MHL, MLA.

Ellis, Mary. Abigail's new hope. (The Wayne County series; 1) Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011. Pp. 286. ISBN 9780736930093 (pbk). MHL.

Ellis, Mary. Dicht bij huis: roman. Translated by Connie van de Velde-Oosterom. (De Millers; dl. 2) Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2011. Pp. 336. ISBN 9789088652110. Originally published as: Never far from home. [Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2010]. MHL.

Ellis, Mary. A marriage for Meghan. (Wayne County series; 2) Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011. Pp. 292. ISBN 9780736930109 (pbk). MHL.

Ens, Gerhard. Dee easchte Wiehnachten enn Kanada: enn aundre Jeschijchten = The First Christmas in Canada and other stories. Edmonton, Alta: RTP Archive Press, 2011. Pp. 128. ISBN 9780986864902. CMU.

Epp, Maureen, Carol Ann Weaver, Doreen Klassen and Anna Janecek, eds. Sound in the lands: Mennonite music across borders. (Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2011. Pp. 287. ISBN 9781926599199. BLU, CBC, EMU, FRE.

Die Ernsthafte Christenpflicht: enthaltend schöne geistreiche Gebete, womit sich fromme Christenherzen zu allen Zeiten und in allen Nöten trösten können.. Revidierte und verm. Ausg. Aylmer, ON; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2011. Pp. 269. MHL.

Esh, Claudia. We are His witnesses: an Anabaptist martyr story. HSugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2011. Pp. vii, 248. ISBN 9781933753157. EMU, MHL.

Evans, Elrena. This crowded night and other stories. Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books, 2011. Pp. 222. ISBN 9781931038775. BLU, MHL.

Farley, Andrew. God without religion: can it really be this simple? Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2011. Pp. 266. ISBN 9780801013997. MHL.

Ein Film zum 100. Geburtstag David Boschmann: 18. Juli 1911-2011. [Paraguay: s.n., 2011]. 1 DVD (51 min., 29 sec.). MHL, MLA.

Fisher, Martha. Bible puzzles. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 79. ISBN 9780739924341. EMU.

Fisher, Suzanne Woods. Amish values for your family: what we can learn from the simple life.Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 2011. Pp. 188. ISBN 9780800719968 (pbk). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Fisher, Suzanne Woods. De beslissing: roman. Translated by Geraldine Damstra. (De geheimen van Lancaster County; 1) Utrecht: De Groot Goudriaan, 2011. Pp. 333. ISBN 9789088651946. Originally published as: The choice: a novel. [Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 2010]. MHL.

Fisher, Suzanne Woods. A Lancaster County Christmas.Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 2011. Pp. 198. ISBN 9780800719951. MHL, MLA.

Fisher, Suzanne Woods. The search. (Lancaster County secrets; 3) Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 2011. Pp. 298. ISBN 9780800733872. MHL, MLA.

Forler, Nan, with paintings by Peter Etril Snyder. Winterberries & apple blossoms: reflections and flavors of a Mennonite year. Toronto: Tundra Books, 2011. Pp. 39. ISBN 9781770492547. EMU, MHL.

Foth, Helmut. Mennonitische Geschichtsblätter, 1.-67. Jahrgang (1936-1940 und 1949-2010): Gesamtregister. Germany: Mennonitischer Geschichtsverein e.V., 2011. Pp. 243. CBC, MHL.

Friesen, Jane Herstine. Double-rainbow family: a true Mennonite story of tragedy, intrigue, and adventure. [Sun City, AZ]: J.H. Friesen, 2011. Pp. xv, 613. ISBN 9781456502966. EMU, MHL.

Friesen, Steven and Rachel Bush Friesen. Pax Avalon: birthright. (Altona, MB: Steven Friesen and Rachel Bush Friesen, 2011. Pp. [3], 104-208, [2]. ISBN 9780986891205. MHL.

Friesen, Tena. Pushing through invisible barriers: a Canadian Mennonite story: how hope transcended adversity - an autobiography. Tumbler Ridge, BC: T. Friesen, 2011. Pp. iii, 520. ISBN 9780986706417. CMU.

Fuller, Kathleen. Treasuring Emma: a Middlefield family novel. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2011. Pp. ix, 310. ISBN 9781595547750. MHL.

Fuller, Kathleen. What the heart sees: a collection of Amish romances. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, [2011]. Pp. vii, 422. ISBN 9781595549198 (pbk). MHL.

Furlong, Saloma Miller. Why I left the Amish: a memoir. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2011. Pp. x, 190. ISBN 9780870139949 (pbk) EMU, MHL.

Gaede-Penner, Naomi. From Kansas wheat fields to Alaska tundra: a Mennonite family finds home. Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2011. Pp. 301. ISBN 9781617772023. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Garber, Merlin E. Karlsschule. [U.S.]: Reprinted ... by R. Jan Thompson, 2011. Pp. 65. MLA.

Gaus, Paul L. Cast a blue shadow. (Amish-country mystery) New York, NY: Plume, 2011, c2001. Pp. v, 234. ISBN 9780452296695. MHL.

Gaus, Paul L. Harmless as doves. (Amish-country mystery) Athens: Ohio University Press, 2011. Pp. viii, [4], 193. ISBN 9780821419670. MHL.

Gaus, Paul L. A prayer for the night. (Amish-Country mystery) New York, NY: Plume, 2011, c2006. Pp. v, 216. ISBN 9780452296701 (pbk). MHL.

Gaus, Paul L. Separate from the world. (Amish-country mystery) New York: Plume, 2011, c2008. Pp. ix, [3], 209. ISBN 9780452296718 (pbk). MHL.

Goertz, Hans-Jürgen. Menno Simons und die frühen Täufer: drei Vorlesungen. (Beihefte der Mennonitischen Geschichtsblätter; 1) Bolanden: Mennonitischer Geschichtsverein, 2011. Pp. 80. ISBN 9783921881316. MHL.

Good, Phyllis Pellman. Fix-it and enjoy-it! potluck heaven: 543 stove-top and oven dishes that everyone loves. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2011. Pp. 284. 9781561487325 (pbk); 9781561487332 (comb-bound); 9781561487349 (hardcover). EMU.

Good, Phyllis Pellman. Fix-it and forget-it lightly: 600 healthy, low-fat recipes for your slow cooker. Rev. & updated. (Fix-it and forget-it series) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2011. Pp. 283. ISBN 9781561487202 (hardcover); ISBN 9781561487196 (comb-bound); ISBN 9781561487189 (pbk). MHL.

Goshen College. Campus Ministries. Campus Ministries prayer booklet, 2011-12: serving Christ. Goshen, IN: Goshen College, Campus Ministries, [2011]. Pp. 48. MHL.

Goslin-Sommers, Sharon L. The family record of Phineas S. Yoder & Catherine B. Mullet, 1722-2011. [Fort Wayne, IN: S. L. Goslin-Sommers]; Shipshewana, IN: Rocky Ridge Printing, 2011. Pp. 529. EMU.

Goyer, Tricia. Along wooded paths. (A big sky novel) Nashville, TN: B & H Publishing Group, 2011. Pp. xi, 306. ISBN 9781433668692 (pbk). MHL.

Goyer, Tricia. Beside still waters. (A big sky novel) Nashville, TN: B & H Publishing Group, 2011. Pp. xx, 300. ISBN 9781433668685 (pbk). MHL.

Graber, Jennifer. The furnace of affliction: prisons & religion in antebellum America. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2011. Pp. xii, 234. ISBN 9780807834572; ISBN 9780807877838 (e-book). MHL.

Grant, Leigh. Go thee West: an Amish couple find love and tragedy on the Oregon Trail: a novel. [New Mexico]: L. Grant, 2011. Pp. 376. ISBN 9781105276149. MHL.

Gray, Shelley Shepard. The caregiver. 1st ed. (Families of honor; 1) New York: Avon Inspire, 2011. Pp. 286. ISBN 9780062020611 (pbk). MHL.

Gray, Shelley Shepard. Christmas in Sugarcreek. 1st ed. (Seasons of Sugarcreek) New York: Avon Inspire, 2011. Pp. [10], 239, [7]. ISBN 9780062089762. MHL.

Gray, Shelley Shepard. The protector. (Families of honor; 2) New York: Avon Inspire, 2011. Pp. 296. ISBN 9780062020628 (pbk). MHL.

Gray, Shelley Shepard. The survivor. 1st ed. (Families of honor; 3) New York: Avon Inspire, [2011]. Pp. 294, [10]. ISBN 9780062020635 (pbk). MHL.

Gregerson, Linda and Susan Juster, eds. Empires of God: religious encounters in the early modern Atlantic. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011. Pp. ix, 334. ISBN 9780812242898. Includes: "Book of suffering, suffering book: the Mennonite Martyrs' Mirror and the translation of martyrdom in colonial America." BLU.

Grimsrud, Ted. God's healing strategy: an introduction to the Bible's main themes. Rev. ed. Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House, 2011. Pp. 188. ISBN 9781931038881. BLU, MHL, MLA.

Grimsrud, Ted and Michael Hardin, eds. Compassionate eschatology: the future as friend. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2011. Pp. xii, 294. ISBN 9781608994885. MHL.

Haarer, David Livingstone. Coping with cancer. [Goshen, IN]: D. L. Haarer, 2011. Pp. 156. MHL.

Haile, Ahmed Ali as told to David W. Shenk. Teatime in Mogadishu: my journey as a peace ambassador in the world of Islam. (Christians meeting Muslims series) Harrisonburg, VA; Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 140. ISBN 9780836195576. BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Hall, Chris. Conversations with a moonflower. Springville, UT: Bonneville Books, 2011. Pp. viii, 120. ISBN 9781599557953. MHL.

Harder, Annalisa Klassen and Sarah Rich. An anomaly of light. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2011. Pp. 57. MHL.

Harms, Roger and Myra Wick, medical eds. Mayo Clinic guide to a healthy pregnancy. 1st ed. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2011. Pp. 509. ISBN 9781561487172 (pbk). MHL.

Harrisonburg Mennonite Church. 75th: 75 years of Gospel witness, service ministries, and nurturing community in Harrisonburg, VA: March 6, 2011. [Harrisonburg, VA]: Harrisonburg Mennonite Church, 2011. Pp. 65. MHL.

Healing from sexual sin: a booklet prepared in service for Plain People of the Amish Churches. Topeka, IN (P.O. Box 191, Topeka, IN 46571): Healing Journey, [2011?]. Pp. 36. MHL.

Hege, Evelyn. Una carta para Tito. Translated by Mario Jiguán; ill. by Peter Balholm. (Colección joyitas) Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2011. Pp. [24]. ISBN 9780739977705. Originally published as: A Letter for Titus. [Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2004]. MHL.

Hellmann, Maxie L. From our wicked ways. Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2011. Pp. 172. ISBN 9781617396632. EMU.

Hilary, Alisa R. Peace after pain: the story of my life and pilgrimage. Harrisonburg, VA: A. R. Hilary, [2011?] Pp. viii, 114. ISBN 9781601262509. EMU.

Hilton, Laura V. Patchwork dreams: a novel. (The Amish of Seymour; 1) New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2011. Pp. 301. ISBN 9781603742559 (pbk). MHL.

Hines, Nancy L. Going home: digital paintings of the Amish country. [San Jose, CA]: N. Hines, 2011. Pp. 35. ISBN 9781257007745; ISBN 9781458300669. MHL.

History of the Hutterite Mennonites: published in connection with the Centennial Observance of the coming of Hutterites to Dakota. Contributing writers: Arnold M. Hofer, Norman Hofer, Wesley Tschetter. [Updated and expanded ed.]. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2011. Pp. 195. ISBN 9781610972383. MHL.

Hoekema, A. G. 'Bloembollen' voor Westerbork: hulp door Zaanse en andere doopsgezinden aan (protestants-)Joodse Duitse vluchtelingen in Nederland, 1939-1945. (Manuscripta mennonitica; 6) Hilversum [Holland]: Verloren, 2011. Pp. 219. ISBN 9087042191 (pbk). 9789087042196. CMU.

Hoff, B. J. Op de proef gesteld. Translated by Dominique van der Schaaf. (De jaren in Riverhaven; dl. 2) Doorn: Uitgeverij Het Zoeklicht, 2011. Pp. 279. ISBN 9789064511417. Originally published as: Where grace abides. [Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2009]. MHL.

Hoover, Elsie. The present. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. xi, 137. ISBN 9780878137008. EMU, MHL.

Hoover, Katrina. Blue Christmas: a memoir of the 2010 cholera epidemic in La Source, Haiti. Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2011. Pp. vii, 178. ISBN 9781936208371. EMU, MHL.

Hoover, Mark Z. The inside story. Leitchfield, KY (7220 Brandenburg Road, Leitchfield, KY 42754): M. Z. Hoover, 2011. Pp. x, 319. ISBN 9781601262516. MHL.

Houser, Gordon. Present tense: a Mennonite spirituality. Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House, 2011. Pp. 173. ISBN 9781931038904. BLU, CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Huber, Susie. Brenda the little miracle girl: recovery from a farm accident. Romulus, NY: S. Huber, 2011. Pp. iii, 67. ISBN 9780980119510. EMU.

Huebner, Harry J. and Muhammad Legenhausen, eds. Peace and justice: essays from the fourth Shi'i Muslim Mennonite Christian Dialogue. Winnipeg: CMU Press, 2011. Pp. 277. ISBN 9780920718896. CMU, MLA.

Hurd, Barbara Brenneman and James Hurd, compilers and editors. Life trails: reflections from the class of 1960. Harrisonburg, VA: Eastern Mennonite University, 2011. Pp. 141. EMU.

In search of truth.Medina, NY (3129 Fruit Ave., Medina, NY 14103): Ridgeway Publishing, 2011. Pp. 46. ISBN 9780983146018. EMU.

Isaak, Jon M. New Testament theology: extending the table. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2011. Pp. xix, 381. ISBN 97801556352935. CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Juhnke, James C. Small steps toward The missing peace: a memoir. [S.l.]: Flying Camel Publications, 2011. Pp. ix, 193. ISBN 9780982427415. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Kaethler, Andy Brubacher and Bob Yoder, eds. Youth ministry at a crossroads: tending to the faith formation of Mennonite youth. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press; Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2011. Pp. xii, 154. ISBN 9780836195637. BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Kampen, Hans and Nina Paulsen, eds. Keiner ist vergessen: Gedenkbuch zum 70. Jahrestag der Deportation der Deutschen in der Sowjetunion. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 2011. Pp. 159. ISBN 9783923553327. MLA.

Karlstadt, Andreas Rudolff-Bodenstein von. The Eucharistic pamphlets of Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt. Translated and edited by Amy Nelson Burnett. (Early modern studies; 6) Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 2011. Pp. xii, 300 p. ISBN 9781935503163 (pbk). MHL.

Kasdorf, Julia. Poetry in America. (Pitt poetry series) Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011. Pp. 80. ISBN 9780822961567 (pbk). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Kateregga, Badru D. and David W. Shenk. A Muslim and a Christian in dialogue. Updated ed. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 233. ISBN 9780836196191. MHL, MLA.

Kauffman, Matilda Petersheim. Shattered dreams: the heartache and enduring hope of a forsaken wife. Harrisonburg, VA: Vision Publishers, 2011. Pp. 69, [11]. ISBN 9781932676242. MHL.

Kaufmann, Britt. Belonging: poems. 1st ed. Georgetown, KY: Finishing Line Press, 2011. Pp. 22. ISBN 9781599247021. EMU, MHL.

Kennel, Arthur J. Life, love, llamas, and laughs: my story. [Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press], 2011. Pp. xiv, 449. EMU.

Kimmel, Larry. Soap Hollow memoirs: plus two fables & a cautionary tale. Colrain, MA (364 Wilson Hill Road, Colrain, MA 01340): Winfred Press, 2011. Pp. [12], iii, 69. MHL.

Klassen, Peter J. A homeland for strangers: an introduction to Mennonites in Poland and Prussia.Rev. ed. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 2011. Pp. xi, 106. ISBN 9781877941146. BLU, CBC, FRE, MLA.

Kopp, Herb. New life in Christ: a manual for membership classes in Mennonite Brethren churches. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions, 2011. Pp. 69. ISBN 9780921788249. EMU, FRE, MHL.

Koss, Ingrid. Beyond the dark night: an Ethiopian journey: the Tesfa Beyene Chutta story. Winnipeg, MB; Goessel, KS: Kindred Productions, 2011. Pp. 157. ISBN 9781894791274. MHL.

Krabill, James R. and Stuart Murray, eds. Forming Christian habits in post-Christendom: the legacy of Alan and Eleanor Kreider. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press ; Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2011. Pp. vii, 234. ISBN 9780836196023. BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Kraus, C. Norman. The Jesus factor in justice and peacemaking. ((Theological postings series; 1) Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House, 2011. Pp. 125. ISBN 9781931038836. CBC, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Kraybill, Donald B. The upside-down kingdom. Updated ed. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 319. ISBN 9780836195132. BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Kraybill, Donald B., Steven M. Nolt and David L. Weaver-Zercher. [Amish grace, Korean translation]. [Korea: Newsnjoy], 2011. Pp. 266. ISBN 9788990928252. MHL.

Kreider, Alan and Eleanor Kreider. Worship and mission after Christendom. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 322. ISBN 9780836195545. CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL.

Kroeker, Greta Grace. Erasmus in the footsteps of Paul: a Pauline theologian. (Erasmus studies) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. Pp. xvi, 199. ISBN 9780802092663. MLA.

Kurtz, Shirley. Sticking points: a novel. (DreamSeeker fiction series; v. 1) Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books, 2011. ISBN 9781931038812. BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Landis, Susan Mark, Lisa J. Amstutz, and Cindy Snider, compilers. Seasoned with peace: fall: practical help for becoming a biblical, prayerful, playful peacemaker. Newton, KS: Mennonite Press, 2011. Pp. x, 278. ISBN 9780983041627. EMU.

Landis, Susan Mark, Lisa J. Amstutz, and Cindy Snider, compilers. Seasoned with peace: spring: practical help for becoming a biblical, prayerful, playful peacemaker. Newton, KS: Mennonite Press, 2011. Pp. vii, 278. ISBN 9780983041610. EMU.

Langley, Rhonda. Mennonite in blue jeans: a lenten journey. Portland, OR: Forest Rose Books, 2011. Pp. 196. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Lantz, Pearl L. Legacy of service: a history of VMRC auxiliary, 1961-2011. [Harrisonburg, VA]: Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, [2011]. Pp. viii, 38. EMU.

Lauer, Rosalind. A simple winter. 1st ed. (A seasons of Lancaster novel) New York: Ballantine Books, 2011. Pp. 408. ISBN 9780345526717 (pbk); ISBN 9780345526724 (ebook). MHL.

Layman, Earl R. Lehman, Layman genealogy handbook. 2011 supplement. Knoxville, TN: Earl R. Layman, 2011. Pp. vii, 76. EMU.

Lederach, John Paul. The poetic unfolding of the human spirit. 1st ed. (Essays on exploring a global dream; essay no. 4) [Kalamazoo, MI]: The Fetzer Institute, 2011. Pp. vii, [3], 58. MHL.

Lehman, Martin W. Roots & branches: a narrative history of the Amish and Mennonites in southeast United States, 1892-1992. Volume 2: Branches, 1970-1992.. STelford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House; Scottdale, PA: Copublished with Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 245. ISBN 9781931038843. CBC, MLA.

Leichty, Sharon Julia. History of the Jasper-Newton County, Indiana, Amish settlement and the Miller Amish cemetery.. Argos, IN (134 Westview Ct., Argos, IN 46501): S. J. Leichty, 2011. Pp. xix, 521. ISBN 9781601263124. MHL.

Das Leide Christi = the sufferings of Christ. Sugarcreek, OH: John R. Chupp, [2011?]. Pp. 44. EMU.

Leo Beachy: a legacy nearly lost. Grantsville, MD: Grantsville Community Museum, 2011. 1 DVD. EMU.

Lewis, Beverly, compiler. Amish prayers. Translation from Die Ernsthafte Christenpflicht prepared by Katie Polley. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2011. Pp. 139. ISBN 9780764208829. EMU, MHL.

Lewis, Beverly. De doorn: roman. Translated by Lia van Aken. (De roos; 1) Utrecht: De Groot Goudriaan, 2011. Pp. 304. ISBN 9789088652127. Originally published as: The thorn: a novel. [Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2010]. MHL.

Lewis, Beverly. The judgment. (Rose trilogy; 2) Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2011. Pp. 328. ISBN 9780764208706 ; 9780764206009 (pbk) ; 9780764208713 (large-print pbk). MHL, MLA.

Lewis, Beverly. The mercy. (The rose trilogy; 3) Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2011. Pp. 306. ISBN 9780764209383 (hbk.); 9780764206016 (pbk); ISBN 9780764209390 (large-print pbk) MHL.

Link, Richard Allen. A Mennonite family in Northern Indiana: a simple American story. Lawrence, KS: Richard A. Link, 2011. Ll. [20] . MHL. Partial family tree available online:

Litwiller, Kurt Dean. Changed by the King's presence. 1st ed. Apopka, FL:, 2011. Pp 181. ISBN 9780982947685. MHL.

Litwiller, Kurt Dean. Humble King to conquering King: the week that changed everything. 1st ed. Apopka, FL:, 2011. Pp. 209. ISBN 9780982947692. MHL.

Lofgren, Rachael. Out of the depths: a life of sorrow redeemed by love. Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2011. Pp. x, 238. ISBN 9781936208388. MHL.

Long, Kelly. Lilly's wedding quilt. (A patch of heaven novel; 2) Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2011. Pp. v, 314. ISBN 9781595548719 (pbk). MHL.

Long, Kelly, Kathleen Fuller and Beth Wiseman. An Amish wedding. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2011. Pp. ix, 374. ISBN 9781595549211 (pbk). MHL.

Longacre, Doris Janzen. More-with-less: A world community cookbook. Updated ed. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 328. ISBN 9780836191035 (spiral ed.); 9780836192636 (pbk ed.). BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Longenecker, Chris. How trees must feel: a poetry collection. Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books, 2011. Pp. 95. ISBN 9781931038874. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Lowry, James W. 350 jaar lang gezag en zeggingskracht: de receptiegeschiedenis van van Braghts Martelaers spiegel bij de Amish. Amsterdam: Doopsgezind Historische Kring, [2011?]. Pp. 83-117. EMU.

Lowry, James W. The Martyrs' mirror made plain: a study guide and further studies. (Slightly revised. Aylmer, ON; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2011. Pp. ix, 149. MHL.

Luke: a Bible study and devotional guide for groups or individuals. (With the Word) Harrisonburg, VA; Waterloo, ON: Faith & Life Resources, 2011. Pp. 55. ISBN 9780836195705. MHL.

Luthy, David. Dirk Willems: his noble deed lives on; from the collection of Heritage Historical Library.Aylmer, ON; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2011. Pp. 82. BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Macy, Harold. The four storey forest: as grow the trees, so too the heart. Courtenay, BC: Poplar Pub., 2011. Pp. x, 171. ISBN 9780968583807. EMU.

Martens-Unruh, Mildred and Roy Unruh. Two feet apart at the altar: 4 love stories and 5 people. [S.l.]: Mildred Martens-Unruh, Roy Unruh, 2011. Pp. x, 218. ISBN 9781456323912. MLA.

Martin, Delmer Gene and Sheila J. Petre. Transplanted. Smithsburg, MD (11508 White Hall Rd., Smithsburg, MD 21783): D. Martin, 2011. Pp. ix, [1], 270. ISBN 9780615512617. MHL.

Martin, John D., compiler. Hymns of the church. Chambersburg, PA (2685 Lime Kiln Rd., Chambersburg, PA 17202): Benchmark Press, 2011. Pp. x, 941. ISBN 9780615364742. EMU.

Martin, Joseph B. Alfalfa to ivy: memoir of a Harvard Medical School dean. SEdmonton: Gutteridge Books, 2011. Pp. xxi, 457. ISBN 9781551957012; ISBN 9781551957005 (pbk). MHL.

Martin, Sharilyn. The night the angel came. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. [47]. ISBN 9780878137022. EMU, MHL.

Mason, Jeffrey D. and Sarah J. Miller Mason. History and descendants of Albert D. Miller & Catherine C. Schlabach, 1872-2010..Louisville, OH (818 E. Broad St., Louisville, OH 44641): S. J. Mason, 2011. Pp. 234. MHL.

Mast, Dorcas R. God's precious gift. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 107. ISBN 9780739924297. EMU, MHL.

Mast, Ruth. Eine tugendsame Frau. Ill. by Dorcas Mast; translated by Ingrid Lamp. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 480. ISBN 9780739990223. Originally published as: A virtuous woman. [Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2004]. MHL.

Matlins, Stuart M. and Arthur J. Magida, eds. How to be a perfect stranger: the essential religious etiquette handbook.("Perfect stranger" series) 5th ed. Woodstock, VT: SkyLight Paths Pub., 2011. Pp. xix, 402. ISBN 9781594732942. Includes chapter on Mennonite/Amish. MHL.

McDermond, J. E. Epistles of 1, 2, 3 John. (Believers church Bible commentary) Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 342. ISBN 9780836195552. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

McGurrin, Becky. From streetlights to stars: a story of faith and family, of searching and belonging. Harrisonburg, VA: Vision Publishers, 2011. Pp. 162. ISBN 9781932676280. EMU, MHL.

McMurry, Sally and Nancy Van Dolsen, eds. Architecture and landscape of the Pennsylvania Germans, 1720-1920. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011. Pp. xiv, 250. ISBN 9780812242782. MHL.

Mehl, Nancy. Simple choices. (The harmony series; 3) Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2011. Pp. 318. ISBN 9781602607828 (pbk) MHL.

Menno Haven celebrating 50 years: seeds of faith, seasons of flowering. Project coordinator: Lotus Hershberger. Tiskilwa, IL: Menno Haven Camp & Retreat Center, 2011. Pp. [5], 173. ISBN 9780692015650. MHL.

Menno Simons. Découvrir le réformateur Menno Simons: premiers traités de Menno Simons. Edited and translated by François Caudwell. (Collection Perspectives anabaptistes) Charols: Éd. Excelsis, 2011. Pp. 311. ISBN 9782755001334. MHL.

Miller, Annetta. Strange gifts: reflections on aid in Africa. ([S.l.]: A. Miller, 2011. Pp. 99. ISBN 9781466206724. EMU.

Miller, Daniel. As good as it gets: life in Hickory Hollow. Winesburg, OH: Legacy Press; Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, 2011. Pp. x, 156. ISBN 9780982611135. EMU.

Miller, Dena E. Family records of Alvin D. Mast and Salina J. Detweiler, 1909-2011. Wyoming, DE (1893 Honeysuckle Road, Wyoming, DE 19934): Dena Miller, 2011. Pp. iii, [1], 187. MHL.

Miller, Donald Eugene, Gerard Guiton and Paulus S. Widjaja, eds. Overcoming violence in Asia: the role of the church in seeking cultures of peace. Telford, PA: Cascadia Publishing House; Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches Publications, 2011. Pp. 292. ISBN 9781931038898. BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Miller, Emma. Anna's gift. (Love inspired) (Hannah's daughters) New York, NY: Love Inspired, 2011. Pp. 217. ISBN 9780373876990. MHL.

Miller, Emma. Miriam's heart. (Hannah's daughters) (Love inspired) New York, NY: Love Inspired Books, 2011. Pp. 216. ISBN 9780373876686 (pbk). MHL.

Miller, Gary. Charting a course in your youth: a serious call to examine your faith, focus, and finances. (Kingdom-focused living series) Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2011. Pp. xii, 211. ISBN 9781936208562. EMU, MHL.

Miller, Gary Lee. Shaking hands with Mr. Parkinson. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. xiii, 120. ISBN 9780878136971. EMU.

Miller, Marlene C. Grace leads me home: from head majorette to Old Order Amish. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2011. Pp. vii, 273. ISBN 9780615471853. EMU.

Miller, Mary. Ruth, a faithful daugh[t]er-in-law. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. [23]. ISBN 9780739924358. EMU, MHL.

Moore, C. Eugene. Amish folk tales and other stories of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Pub. Ltd., 2011. Pp. 128. ISBN 9780764338090. MHL.

Morris, Gilbert. The crossing. (The last cavaliers; 1) Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2011. Pp. 366. ISBN 9781602609075. MHL.

Moser, Helga. Danny the workhorse.Ill. by Nadia Brover (Pleasant Valley Farm series) Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp.[40]. ISBN 9780878137015. EMU, MHL.

Moyer, Merlin Dale. In a strange country.Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2011. Pp. 400. MHL.

Mukendi, François Tshidimu. Le centenaire de la Mission mennonite au Congo-Kinshasa (1992 [sic]-2012): cas de la 27ème Communauté Mennonite au Congo: quelle vision? ([2011]. Pp. [6], 107, [8]. MHL.

Mukwa, Toss and Salomon Kabangu, eds. Conference Mennonite Mondiale Forum de dialogue intermennonite congolais, FDIC: rapport final du processus de reflexion du Forum de dialogue intermennonite congolais, 2006-2009. [Kinshasa: Mennonite World Conference, 2011]. Pp. 58. MHL.

Mullett, Austin. I'm a winner either way. Shippensburg, PA: MileStones International Publishers, 2011. Pp. 154. ISBN 9781935870050. EMU.

Mullett, Duane and Cindy Mullett. Big mountain, bigger God. Newburg, PA: MileStones International Publishers, 2011. Pp. xxi, 173. ISBN 9781935870043. EMU.

Murray, Stuart. Anabautismo al desnudo: convicciones básicas de una fe radical. Traducido por Mauricio Chenlo. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp.191. ISBN 9780836196146. Originally published as: The naked Anabaptist: the bare essentials of a radical faith. [Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2010]. MHL, MLA.

My little wild animal book. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. [24]. ISBN 9780739924273. EMU, MHL.

Nafziger, P. Melville. The spirit of Esther. [Pennsylvania?]: Linda Beiler, 2011. Pp. 51. EMU.

Neufeld, J. A. Tiefenwege: Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse von Russland-Mennoniten in zwei Jahrzehnten bis 1949. Fulda [Germany]: Spuren Verlag, 2011. Pp. 334, [2]. CMU.

Neufeld, Thomas R. Yoder. Killing enmity: violence and the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011. Pp. xii, 178. ISBN 9780801039010. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Neumann, Roger Emanuel. Roger E. Neumann: my life, my heritage. [Goshen, IN]: R. E. Neumann, 2011. Pp. 143. MHL.

Newswanger, Rebecca. God's miracle - a frog. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. [22]. ISBN 9780878136988. EMU, MHL.

Nisly, L. Lamar. Wingless chickens, bayou Catholics, and pilgrim wayfarers: constructions of audience and tone in O'Connor, Gautreaux, and Percy. 1st ed. (Flannery O'Connor series) Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2011. Pp. xiv, 254 p. ISBN 9780881462142. MHL.

Nitsch, Gunter. Eine lange Flucht aus Ostpreußen. Hamburg: Ellert & Richter Verlag, 2011. Pp. 379. ISBN 9783831904389. EMU.

Nolt, Debbie. Love for Lyndon. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 62. ISBN 9780739924303. EMU.

Nolt, Lydia C. Aunt Lydia's diary: diary excerpts from 1884-1947.Edited by Jonathan H. Martin. New Holland, PA (181 Grist Mill Road, New Holland, PA 17557): J. H. Martin, 2011 Pp. 261. MHL.

Ochs, Peter. Another reformation: postliberal Christianity and the Jews. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011. Pp. ix, 278. ISBN 9780801039409 (pbk). Includes: "The Limits of Postliberalism: John Howard Yoder's American Mennonite Church." BLU.

Onderweg: reisgids spiritualiteit.Renata Barnard [fotografie], Marion Bruggen, Geert Brüsewitz, Christine Schlette, Jeanet van Woerden. Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit, 2011. Pp. 191. ISBN 9789078477006. MHL.

Oswald, Evan. Christians and postmodern leisure: leisure, what we all have but know little about: soundbites for the 21st century. Glendale, AZ (6620 W. Butler Dr. #49, Glendale, AZ 85302): E. Oswald, 2011. Pp. v, 172. MHL.

Page, Beth. The Casselman chronicle fifty-year index, 1961-2010: volume I, no. 1-volume L, no. 2. Springs, PA: The Springs Historical Society of the Casselman Valley, 2011. Pp. 263. EMU.

Pahl, Michael W. The beginning and the end: rereading Genesis's stories and Revelation's visions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2011. Pp. xii, 106. ISBN 9781608999279. MHL.

Panne, Esther van der. Menno: Nederlands enige radicale hervormer: eenmalig magazine. Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum Uitgevers; Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit, 2011. Pp. 83. ISBN 9789023925798. CBC, MHL, MLA.

Paul, Bonnie Lineweaver. Bernhart & company: Shenandoah Valley folk art fraktur (1774-1850). Dayton, VA: The Heritage Museum, Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society, 2011. Pp. 122. EMU.

Payne, Holly. Gestolen zielen. Translated by Hannie Tijman-Logtenberg. Utrecht: Callenbach, 2011. Pp. 379. ISBN 9789026620713. Originally published as: Kingdom of simplicity: a novel. [Sausalito: Skywriter Books, 2009]. MHL.

Payne, Marian. Linnie Laura, the Amish farm girl who became the first Mifflin County nurse. [S.l.: s.n.], 2011. Pp. vi, 50. EMU, MHL.

Penner, Marvin. The manifold grace of God: illustrated by the parable of the prodigal son. Denver, CO: DreamMaker Press, 2011. Pp. 121. ISBN 9781466228238. MLA.

Perry, Marta. Sarah's gift. Berkley trade pbk ed. (Pleasant Valley; 4) New York: Berkley Books, 2011. Pp. 339. ISBN 9780425238912 (pbk). MHL.

Perry, Marta. Vanish in plain sight. Don Mills, ON: HQN, 2011. Pp. 376. ISBN 9780373775767 (pbk). MHL.

Petre, Sheila J. Transplanted. Smithsburg, MD: Delmer G. Martin, 2011. Pp. ix, 270. ISBN 9780615512617. EMU.

Pietersen, Lloyd. Reading the Bible after Christendom. Milton Keynes, [England]: Paternoster, 2011. Pp. 237. ISBN 9781842277355. CBC.

Preheim-Bartel, Dean A. and Aldred H. Neufeldt ; and for the 2011 edition, Paul D. Leichty and Christine J. Guth. Supportive care in the congregation: providing a congregational network of care for persons with significant disabilities.Rev. 2011 ed. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Publishing Network, 2011. Pp. 118. ISBN 9780836195729. BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Press, Betty and Annetta Miller. I am because we are: African wisdom in image and proverb. St. Paul, MN: Books for Africa, 2011. Pp. 180. ISBN 9780983545446. EMU.

Proceedings of the 2011 Global Higher Education Consultation on Church and school--compañeros (co-laborers) in growing people of God: June 13-17, 2011, Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Winnipeg, MB: ICOMB, International Community of Mennonite Brethren, 2011. Pp. 139. CBC, MHL.

Raber, Mary and Peter F. Penner, eds. History and mission in Europe: continuing the conversation. Schwarzenfeld, Germany: Neufeld Verlag ; Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2011. Pp. 419. ISBN 9783937896984. BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Rahn, Peter J., ed. Among the ashes: in the Stalinkova Kolkhoz (Kontinusfeld), 1930-1935. (Mennonite reflections) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2011. Pp. 299. ISBN 9781926599212. CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Raid, Elizabeth. Howard Raid: man of faith and vision. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2011. ISBN 9781926599229. BLU, CBC, EMU, MLA.

Ratzlaff, Aaron J. Quills. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 38. ISBN 9780836195095. EMU, MHL.

Rauert, Matthias H. and Martin Rothkegel. Katalog der hutterischen Handschriften und der Drucke aus hutterischem Besitz in Europa. 1. Aufl. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte; Band 85. Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer; XVIII. Band) Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2011. 2 volumes (lxxix, 1378 p.) ISBN 9783579053769 (set). MHL.

Reeser, Robert L. The Oberholtzer story. 2011 revision. Strasburg, PA: Reeser Research, 2011. Pp. 66. ISBN 9781463510534. EMU.

Reeser, Robert L. The West Conestoga: Lancaster County's first Amish settlement. Strasburg, PA: Reeser Research, 2011. Pp. 173. ISBN 9781467974554. EMU.

Reimer, Johannes. Multikultureller Gemeindebau: Versöhnung leben. Marburg an der Lahn: Francke, 2011. Pp. 262. ISBN 9783868272468. MHL.

Reimer, Margaret Loewen and Allen G. Jorgenson, compilers. Healing memories, reconciling in Christ: a Lutheran-Mennonite study guide for congregations.[S.l.]: commissioned by Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Mennonite Church Canada. Pp. 7, 5, 9, 8, 9, [1]. CBC, MHL.

Reyes, J. Roberto and Juan Carlos Guzmán, eds. Latinos in North Central Indiana. Goshen, IN: Goshen College, Center for Intercultural Teaching and Learning, 2011. 3 volumes. MHL.

Ricci, Gabriel R., ed. Values and technology. (Religion & public life; v. 37) New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2011. Pp. xiii, 167. ISBN 9781412811187. Includes: "Recommitting vs. selling out: the subtle industrial revolution among the Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania" by Thomas R. Winpenny. MHL.

Ringquist, Kurt. No Amish need apply. [Westport, CN: K. Ringquist], 2011. Pp. 138. ISBN 9781257982011. MHL.

Roper, Gayle G. A rose revealed. (The Amish farm trilogy; 3) Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2011. Pp. 257. ISBN 9780736925884 (pbk). Originally published as: The decision. [Sisters, OR: Palisades, 1999]. MHL.

Rosenberry, Naomi. Maria's refuge. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2011. Pp. 384. MHL.

Roth, John D. Teaching that transforms: why Anabaptist-Mennonite education matters. Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing Network, 2011. Pp. 235. ISBN 9780836195522. BLU, CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Roth, John D. and James M. Stayer, eds. A companion to Anabaptism and spiritualism, 1521-1700. (Brill's paperback collection) Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2011. Pp. xxiv, [4], 574. ISBN 9789004205833. MHL.

Roth, Lorraine. The family and ministry of Gordon Schrag (both in Canada and the U.S.A.). Tavistock, ON: L. Roth, 2011. Pp. 7. EMU.

Roth, Mary and Anna Ruth, eds. Goshen graphix. (Horswell anthology series; no. 13) Goshen, IN: PpP, Pinchpenny Press, 2011. Pp. [8], 81. MHL.

Rudolph, Miriam. David's trip to Paraguay, the land of amazing colours = Davids Reise, in das Land der vielen Farben. Winnipeg, MB: CMU Press, 2011. Pp. 28. ISBN 9780920718919. EMU, FRE, MHL.

Ruth-Heffelbower, Duane. After we're gone: a Christian perspective on estate and life planning for families that include a dependent member with a disability. 3rd ed. Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing Network, 2011. Pp. 79. ISBN 9780836195651. BLU, EMU.

Ruth, John L. Forgiveness: a legacy of the West Nickel Mines Amish School. [Revised] Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 159. ISBN 9780836195736; 9780836193732. BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Sawyer, Kim Vogel. Katy's homecoming. (Katy Lambright series; 3) Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011. Pp. 202. ISBN 9780310722878 (pbk). MHL.

Sawyer, Kim Vogel. Katy's nieuwe wereld. (Translated by Nico van den Berge. (Katy Lambright serie; dl. 2) [Apeldoorn]: De Banier, 2011. Pp. 227. ISBN 9789033609435. Originally published as: Katy's new world. [Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010]. MHL.

Sawyer, Kim Vogel. Katy's strijd. Translated by Nico van den Berge. (Katy Lambright serie; dl. 2) [Apeldoorn]: De Banier, 2011. Pp. 234. ISBN 9789033630026. Originally published as: Katy's debate. [Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010]. MHL.

Schellenberg, Lovella, et al. Mennonite girls can cook. Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 208. ISBN 9780836195538. BLU, CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Schipani, Daniel S., ed. Nuevos caminos en psicología pastoral: ensayos en homenaje a Jorge A. León. 1a ed. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones Kairós ; Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press ; Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala: Ediciones Semilla, 2011. Pp. [6], ii, 245. ISBN 9781926599120. MHL.

Schirch, Douglas M., ed. In our own words: reflections on conscientious objection to the national anthem. [Goshen, IN: s.n., 2011]. Pp. [2], 58. MHL.

Schlabach, Amy. Times of trial: poem stories of Anabaptist martyrs for children. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2011. Pp. 46. ISBN 9781933753195. BLU, EMU, MHL.

Schlabach, Gracia D. Now thank we all our God: a guide to six German hymnals. Medina, NY (2784 Murdock Road, Medina, NY 14103): The Lilting Leaf, 2011. Pp. xii, 155. ISBN 9780983625902. MHL.

Schmidt, Anna. Family blessings. (Love inspired historical) (Amish brides of Celery Fields) New York, NY: Love Inspired, 2011. Pp. 281. ISBN 9780373828883 (pbk). MHL.

Schmidt, Anna. Hannah's journey. (Love inspired historical) (Amish brides of Celery Fields) New York: Love Inspired, 2011. Pp. 278. ISBN 9780373828685 (pbk). MHL.

Schowalter, Paul. Mennonites at the Haftelhof in the Palatinate. Translated by Mario Wenger. [Waynesboro, PA: L. Showalter, 2011]. Pp. 28. Originally published as: "Mennoniten auf dem Haftelhof in der Pfalz" in Mennonitische Geschichtsblätter Jg. 28, n.F. 23 (1971): 39-50. EMU, MHL.

Schumm, Darla and Michael Stoltzfus, eds. Disability and religious diversity: cross-cultural and interreligious perspectives.1st ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Pp. xx, 234. ISBN 9780230119734. MHL.

Schumm, Darla and Michael Stoltzfus, eds. Disability in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: sacred texts, historical traditions, and social analysis. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Pp. xxii, 246. ISBN 9780230119727. MHL.

A season in time: Amish and Mennonite stories of Mifflin County. ([Belleville, PA]: Mifflin County Mennonite Historical Society; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2011. Pp. 292. ISBN 9781601262806. EMU, MHL.

Senft, Adina. The wounded heart. 1st ed. (An Amish quilt novel; 1) New York: FaithWords, 2011. Pp. viii, 308. ISBN 9780892968541. MHL.

Sensenig, Frank W. and Louann Sensenig. The John B. Sensenig family. Lititz, PA: Silver Line Pub. and Bindery, LLC, 2011. Pp. 140. MHL.

Sensenig, Janet Martin. María de Guatemala y otras historias. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2011. Pp. 233. ISBN 9780739977675. MHL.

Shank, Aaron M. Faith and works in salvation. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 53. ISBN 9780739924310. EMU.

Sharp, Malinda Ruth Kauffman. Family record of John G. Kauffman (1816-1892) and Sarah Yoder, Lydia Yoder, Mary B. Zook Riehl, Lydia Yoder. Belleville, PA: M.K. Sharp, 2011. Pp. [6], 243, 64. EMU, MHL.

Shenk, Joanna, ed. Widening the circle: experiments in Christian discipleship. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 246. ISBN 9780836195583. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Shillington, V. George. Jesus and Paul before Christianity: their world and work in retrospect. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2011. Pp. 251. ISBN 9781608996940. CBC, MLA.

Showalter, Lester. God's orderly world. Grade 8. [Pupil's book]. Edited by Seth Rudolph and Marvin Eicher. (God's world science series) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 336. ISBN 9780739906231. MHL.

Showalter, Lester. God's orderly world. Grade 8. Teacher's manual. Edited by Seth Rudolph and Marvin Eicher. (God's world science series) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 359 + 1 test booklet (31 p.) ISBN 9780739906255; ISBN 9780739906248 (test booklet). MHL.

Sider, J. Alexander. To see history doxologically: history and holiness in John Howard Yoder's ecclesiology. (Radical traditions) Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2011. Pp. xiv, 223. ISBN 9780802865731. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Sider, J. Alexander and Isaac S. Villegas. Presence: giving and receiving God. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2011. Pp. xi, 217. ISBN 9781608996711. BLU, EMU, MHL.

Smucker, David J. Rempel. Bid me discourse: Boyd David Smucker (1879-1936): orator and Mennonite educator. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2011. Pp. xii, 151. ISBN 9781601262721. CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Soffin, Alan. Rethinking religion: beyond scientism, theism, and philosophic doubt. (Living issues discussion series; v. 6) Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House, 2011. Pp. 436. ISBN 9781931038805 (pbk). MHL.

Solomiac, Paul. De Jérusalem à Kuala Lumpur: l'eglise mondiale en mission. (Les dossiers de Christ seul; 3/2011) Montbeliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2011. Pp. 65. EMU, FRE, MHL.

Songs of the Ausbund volume II: history and translations of Ausbund hymns. Millersburg, OH: Ohio Amish Library, Inc., 2011. Pp. vi, 522. ISBN 9780974360218. EMU, FRE, MLA.

Sorensen, Sue. A large harmonium: a novel. Regina, SK: Coteau Books, 2011. Pp. 216. ISBN 9781550504606. MHL.

Sosa, Samuel. Tejiendo vida en los corazones: la historia de RadioMensajero 100.9 FM. Asunción, Paraguay: Ministerio Buenas Nuevas, 2011. Pp. 208. EMU.

Spohnholz, Jesse. The tactics of toleration: a refugee community in the age of religious wars. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2011. Pp. 334. ISBN 9781611490343. Includes: "Surviving dissent: Mennonites and Catholics in Wesel." BLU, MLA.

Stark, Ciska. Kracht van een minderheid: doopsgezinden in Nederland. Zoetermeer: Meinema, 2011. Pp. 200. ISBN 9789021142937. CBC.

Stauffer, H. Romaine. Aaron's Civil War. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. x, 196. ISBN 9780878137053. EMU, MHL.

Stayer, James M. and Hartmut Kühne. Endzeiterwartung bei Thomas Müntzer und im frühen Luthertum: zwei Beiträge. (Veröffentlichungen / Thomas-Müntzer-Gesellschaft; Nr. 15 [i.e. 16]) Mühlhausen: Thomas-Müntzer-Gesselschaft e.V., 2011. Pp. 56. ISBN 9783935547451. MHL.

Steiner, Susan Clemmer, comp. Before E-mail and blogs: selected letters and writings of Jim and Sue's forebears. [Waterloo, ON]: S. C. Steiner, 2011. Pp. x, 114. ISBN 9780981151618. MHL.

Stichting Internationaal Menno Simons Centrum & Stichting Doopsgezinde Monumenten in Friesland. Menno Simons. [Witmarsum, Friesland]: Internationaal Menno Simons Centrum, 2011. 1 DVD (16 min., 30 sec.). MHL.

Stoesz, Dennis E. A history of the Chortitzer Mennonite Church of Manitoba, 1874-1914. (East Reserve historical series) Winnipeg: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 2011. Pp. 110. ISBN 9780973687729. CBC, CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Stoesz, Edgar and Rick M. Stiffney. Setting the agenda: meditations for the organization's soul. Scottdale, PA; Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 290. ISBN 9780836195569. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Stoll, Mark. Light at the end of the tunnel. [Aylmer, ON]: Mark and Dora Fern Stoll, 2011. Pp. v, 78. EMU.

Stutzman, Ada E. Mast and Jonas P. Stutzman. Descendants of Eli D. & Lovina (Hershberger) Mast, 1911-2011. Fredericksburg, OH (8755 TR 601, Fredericksburg, OH 44627): Jonas & Ada Stutzman, [2011], c2010. Pp. xxiv, 104. MHL.

Stutzman, Daniel T. and Francis C. Martin. The Peter Stutzman family story: their descendants, lives and times. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2011. 2 volumes in 1 (Pp. x, 98; xiv, 260). ISBN 9781601260444. EMU, MHL.

Stutzman, Eli J. My vows to the Amish church: are they binding? with Keim, Joe. Is excommunication and shunning Biblical? Savannah, OH: Mission to Amish People, [between 2005 and 2011]. Pp. 31. MHL.

Stutzman, Ervin R. From nonresistance to justice: the transformation of Mennonite Church peace rhetoric, 1908-2008. (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history; no. 46) Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 424. ISBN 9780836195088. BLU, CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Stutzman, Paul Fike and Eleanor Kreider. Recovering the love feast: broadening our eucharistic celebrations. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011. Pp. xii, 281. ISBN 9781608994564. MHL.

Stutzman, Paul V. Biking through: it's about time. [Berlin, OH: Wandering Home Books], 2011. Pp. vi, 228. ISBN 9780984644902. EMU.

Swartzentruber, Mary D. Miller. Descendants of Jonas M. Swartzentruber & Caroline Yoder, 1866-2010. Davis City, IA (28744 County Highway J66, Davis City, IA 50065): Jacob L. and Mary Swartzentruber, 2011. Pp. [4], 474. MHL.

Ted & Company TheaterWorks. Advent, Acts & Apocalypse: stories from the New Testament. [Harrisonburg, VA]: Ted & Company TheaterWorks, 2011. 1 DVD (68 min.). ISBN 9780967682259. MHL.

Ted & Company TheaterWorks. Creation, chaos & covenant: stories from Genesis. [Harrisonburg, VA]: Ted & Company TheaterWorks, 2011. 1 DVD (57 min.). ISBN 9780967682235. MHL.

Ted & Company TheaterWorks. Deliverance, dysfunction & destiny: stories from the Old Testament. [Harrisonburg, VA]: Ted & Company TheaterWorks, 2011. 1 DVD (66 min.). ISBN 9780967682235. MHL.

Thiessen, Elmer John. The ethics of evangelism: a philosophical defense of proselytizing and persuasion. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2011. Pp. xii, 285. ISBN 9780830839278 (pbk). EMU, MHL.

Thomas, Everett J. Johann. Goshen, IN: Woodgate Pond Publishing, 2011. Pp. [4], 143, [5]. ISBN 9781463665098. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Thompson, R. Jan. Records & photos of reconstruction of Die Evangelische Schule am Karlzplatz in Vienna, Austria, 1954-1961: sponsored by the Brethren Service Commission of the Church of the Brethren and PAX Program under the direction of the Mennonite Central Committee. Cover title: Reconstruction of Evangelische Schule (Karl's School) 1954-1961. Spine title: Karl's School reconstruction. [U.S.]: R. Jan Thompson, 2011. Pp.124. MHL, MLA.

Toews, John B. and Paul Toews, eds. Union of Citizens of Dutch Lineage in Ukraine (1922- 1927): Mennonite and Soviet documents.Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 2011. Pp. viii, 516. ISBN 9781877941139. CBC, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Toews, Miriam. Irma Voth: a novel. 1st U.S. ed. New York: HarperCollins, 2011. Pp. 255. ISBN 9780062070180. CBC, CMU, EMU, MLA.

Trottier, Maxine. Migrant. (Pictures by Isabelle Arsenault. Toronto; Berkeley: Groundwood Books, 2011. Pp. [34]. ISBN 9780888999757. MHL.

Troyer, Lester L. Church in society: perspectives of an Anabaptist pastor. [Maitland, FL]: Xulon Press, 2011. Pp. 275. ISBN 9781612157719. EMU, MHL.

Troyer, Walter and Clara Troyer. Amish directory of the Clymer, New York, settlement, established 1976. Clymer, NY (1995 Clymer Hill Rd., Clymer, NY 14724): W. & C. Troyer; Union City, PA: Budget Wise Printing, 2011. Pp. 66. EMU.

Truex, Jerry. monastic Anabaptist manifesto: for the Mennonite Church of the Servant. Wichita, KS: Jerry Duane Truex, 2011. Pp. 40. ISBN 9781105062377. MHL.

Turner, Charis Romilly. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree: & other Mennonite tales of our ancestors.Toronto, ON: C.R. Turner, 2011. Pp. [10], 171. MHL.

Ein Unparteiisches Gesang-Buch: enthaltend geistreiche Lieder und Psalmen = Reliable songbook:containing spiritual-rich songs & Psalms.Penn Yan, NY: The Song Book, 2011. Pp. xi, 515. EMU.

Unrau, Harlan D. 70 years of Anabaptist witness and outreach in Colorado's capital city: a history of the First Mennonite Church of Denver, 1941-2011.Denver, CO: First Mennonite Church, 2011. Pp. [2], ii, 174. MHL, MLA.

Unruh, Leonora Clara Wittenberg. A Wittenberg family pictorial. Henderson, NV: Trina R. Sellers/MamaTrain Pub., 2011 ( Pp. 158. MHL.

Verband Deutscher Mennoniten-Gemeinden. Unser Friedenszeugnis: Jesus Christus macht den Kriegen ein Ende: Friedenszeugnis von 1987 mit aktuellem Kommentar und Arbeitshilfen (2011).Karlsruhe-Thomashof: Verband deutscher Mennonitengemeinden, 2011. Pp. 5030. MHL.

Villegas, Isaac S. Life in the body: reflections on Mennonite Church USA. [Durham, NC: I. S. Villegas, 2011]. Pp. 30. EMU, MHL.

Vonk, Martine Anita. Sustainability and quality of life: a study on the religious worldviews, values and environmental impact of Amish, Hutterite, Franciscan and Benedictine communities.Thesis (doctoral) - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2011. Pp. 301. ISBN 9789058815606. MHL.

Vonk, Martine Anita. Sustainability and quality of life: a study on the religious worldviews, values and environmental impact of Amish, Hutterite, Franciscan and Benedictine communities. Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn Motief, 2011. Pp. 301. ISBN 9789058815613. MHL.

Waging peace: Muslim & Christian alternatives. Harrisonburg, VA: MennoMedia, 2011. 1 DVD. ISBN 9780836196207. EMU, MLA.

Wagler, Ira. Growing up Amish: a memoir. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2011. Pp. ix, 271. ISBN 9781414339368 (pbk). EMU, MHL.

Walpot, Peter. The Christian and the sword. Foreword & afterword by Leonard Gross. Translated. by Elizabeth Bender. Rifton, NY ; Robertsbridge, East Sussex, UK: The Plough Pub. House, 2011. Pp. xiv, 93. ISBN 9780874868784. MHL.

Wandel, Lee Palmer. The Reformation: towards a new history. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Pp. ix, 281. ISBN 9780521889490; 9780521717977 (pbk). MLA.

Weaver, Alain Epp, ed. A table of sharing: Mennonite Central Committee and the expanding networks of Mennonite identity. Telford PA: Cascadia Pub. House, 2011. Pp. 434. ISBN 9781931038782. BLU, CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Weaver, Anna E. Stories from Grandma's day. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 285. ISBN 9780739924266. EMU, MHL.

Weaver, J. Denny. The nonviolent atonement. 2nd ed., greatly rev. and expanded. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2011. Pp. xvi, 346. ISBN 9780802864376 (pbk). EMU, MLA.

Weaver, Lisa D., illustration and design by Julie Kauffman and Judith Rempel Smucker. On the zwieback trail. Winnipeg, MB: CMU Press, 2011. Pp. [67]. ISBN 9780920718926. CBC, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Weber, Anthony. Learning to jump again: a memoir of grief and hope. Bloomington, IN: WestBow Press, 2011. Pp. x, 150. ISBN 9781449721305; 9781449721312. EMU.

Wiebe, Armin. The moonlight sonata of Beethoven Blatz.Winnipeg: Scirocco Drama, 2011. Pp. 103. ISBN 9781897289600. EMU.

Will, Werner H. From the Oder to the Bitterroot: memories of an uncommon life. 1st ed. Missoula, MT: W. H. Will, 2011. Pp. xvi, 321. ISBN 9780615514635. EMU.

Willms, Margaretha. And the meadow lark sang: prairie memoirs: born Mennonite. 1st ed. Victoria, BC: FriesenPress, 2011. Pp. x, 413. ISBN 9781770671614. EMU.

Wiseman, Beth. Healing hearts: three Amish novellas. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2011. Pp. viii, 422. ISBN 9781595549204 (pbk). MHL.

Wiseman, Beth. Plain proposal. (Daughters of the promise novel). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2011. Pp. viii, 296. ISBN 9781595548504 (pbk). MHL.

Wiseman, Beth. The wonder of your love.(A Land of Canaan novel) Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2011. Pp. x, 294. ISBN 9781595548863 (pbk). MHL.

With the word: Psalms: a Bible study and devotional guide for groups or individuals. (With the Word) Harrisonburg, VA; Waterloo, ON: Faith & Life Resources, 2011. Pp. 67. ISBN 9780836195712. EMU.

Witmer, Dennis. The wonder of redemption: sanctification and justification.Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 115. ISBN 9780739924365. EMU, MHL.

Witmer, Edith. The God of the storm. Tennille, GA (611 Old Watermelon Road, Tennille, GA 31089): Witmer Music Enterprises, 2011. 1 CD. MHL.

Witmer, Edith. My book about God. Ill. by Edith Burkholder. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2011. Pp. 94. ISBN 9780739924334. EMU, MHL

Witmer, Edith, comp. Sing a new song: new songs for children and adults. Vol. 2. Tennille, GA (611 Old Watermelon Road, Tennille, GA 31089): Witmer Music Enterprises, 2011. Pp. [170]. MHL.

Wolgemuth, Marilyn J. Minter and J. Carl Wolgemuth with Laurie Oswald Robinson. The "ideal" couple: the shadow side of a marriage. Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books, 2011. Pp. 127. ISBN 9781931038867. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Woodsmall, Cindy and Miriam Flaud. Plain wisdom: an invitation into an Amish home and the hearts of two women. 1st ed. Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook Press, 2011. Pp. xi, 224, [2]. ISBN 9780307459343; 9780307459350 (electronic). EMU, MHL.

Yoder, Carolyn E. STAR: strategies for trauma awareness and resilience: the unfolding story, 2001-2011. Harrisonburg, VA: Eastern Mennonite University, 2011. Pp. [2], 37, [1]. EMU.

Yoder, Elwood E. The bishop's letters: the writings, life, and times of Virginia Mennonite bishop Martin Burkholder, 1817-1860. Harrisonburg, VA: Shenandoah Valley Mennonite Historians, 2011. Pp. 147. EMU.

Yoder, Elwood E. Education that works: coast to coast & discovery trips with Myron E. Blosser, 1998-2011. [Harrisonburg, VA]: E. E. Yoder, 2011. Pp. 78, [2]. EMU.

Yoder, Harvey. A good different. Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2011. Pp. x, 254. ISBN 9781936208555. MHL.

Yoder, Harvey. Vera, the King's daughter. Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2011. Pp. vi, 202. ISBN 9781936208357. MHL.

Yoder, Henry A. Amish obituaries of Holmes County, Ohio and vicinity, 1857-2010. [Fredericksburg, OH]: H. A. Yoder, 2011. Pp. 1069. EMU.

Yoder, James D. Boil and bubble: the Amazon women of Kansas. West Conshohocken, PA: Infinity Pub., 2011. Pp. 252. ISBN 9780741467171. MHL.

Yoder, Joas and Lillian Yoder, compilers. Who is who in The budget: Budget scribes from the United States & Canada. Volume 2. [Middlebury, IN: Joas and Lillian Yoder], 2011. Pp. [2], xvi, 499. BLU, EMU, MHL.

Yoder, John Howard. The end of sacrifice: the capital punishment writings of John Howard Yoder. Edited by John C. Nugent. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2011. Pp. 287. ISBN 9780836194647. BLU, EMU, MLA.

Yoder, John Howard. Essential writings. Selected with an introduction by Paul Martens & Jenny Howell. Cover title: Spiritual writings. (Modern spiritual masters series) Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2011. Pp. 172. ISBN 9781570759352. EMU, FRE, MLA.

Yoder, Kellyn Rose. There was evening and there was morning. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2011. Pp. [4], 51. MHL..

Yoder, Marie. Ionica: a Romanian orphan learns about God.Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. [4], 69. EMU, MHL.

Yoder, Marie-Noëlle. À cran ou accro?: les dépendances au quotidien.(Dossiers de Christ seul; 2/2011) Montbéliard, France: Éditions Mennonites, 2011. Pp. 75. ISBN 9782904214943. EMU, MHL.

Yoder, Paul. Death of a saloon.Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2011. Pp. xvi, 435, [2]. ISBN 9780878136957. EMU, MHL.

Yoder, Robert J. Dying to live: a young man's search for love.Berlin, OH (P.O. Box 132, Berlin, OH 44610): R.J. Enterprises; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2011. Pp. [6], 112. ISBN 9780984728107. EMU, MHL.

Yoder, Solomon E. "Your son and brother Sol": letters from Solomon E. Yoder while serving with the American Friends Service Committee in post-World War I Europe.Edited by S. Duane Kauffman. Perkasie, PA: S. Duane Kauffman; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2011. Pp. xiv, 262. ISBN 9781601262912. BLU, EMU, MHL.

York, Tripp. The devil wears nada: Satan exposed.Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2011. Pp. x, 154. ISBN 9781608995608. EMU, MHL, MLA.

York, Tripp. Third way allegiance: Christian witness in the shadow of religious empire.Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House, 2011. Pp. 123. ISBN 9781931038829. BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Zehr, Howard and Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz. What will happen to me?Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2011. Pp. 94. ISBN 9781561486892 (pbk). MHL.

Zook, Jonas J. and Sarah B. Detweiler Zook. Reminisce diary.[S.l.: s.n.], 2011. Pp. 79, [9]. MHL.


Am Trakt: eine mennonitische Kolonie im mittleren Wolgagebiet. First part adapted from W. E. Surukin's work "Die Mennoniten des Köppentaler Rayons..."; part two by Johannes J. Dyck. Lage: Lichtzeichen Verlag, [2010]. Pp. 121. ISBN 9783869540238. EMU.

Anderson, William P., ed. A journey through Christian theology: with texts from the first to the twenty-first century. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010. Pp. xxii, 454. ISBN 9780800696979. Includes: "The Anabaptists - The Radical Reformers." BLU.

Bartsch, Franz. Unser Auszug nach Mittelasien. Lage, [Ger.]: Lichtzeichen Verlag, [2010?]. Pp. 214. ISBN 9783869540221. EMU.

Bean, Esther. Anabaptist beginnings: Swiss & South German Anabaptists. (Living history threads; 34) Guys Mills, PA: Faith Builders Resource Group, 2010. Pp. [2], 42. ISBN 9780981656960. EMU.

Bean, Esther. A history of the medieval church and the Bible. (Living history threads; 34) Guys Mills, PA: Faith Builders Resource Group, 2010. Pp. [4], 29. ISBN 9780981656953. EMU.

Berard, John, Rick Bartlett and James Penner. Consuming youth: leading teens through consumer culture. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010. Pp. 184. ISBN 9780310669357. MHL.

Blank, Benuel. Resurrection to Reformation and beyond. Parkesburg, PA: The Blank Family, 2010. Pp. [a]-e, 293. EMU.

Brandt, Di. Walking to Mojácar: poems. French and Spanish translations by Charles Leblanc & Ari Belathar. Winnipeg, MB: Turnstone Press, 2010. Pp. 209. ISBN 9780888013705. EMU, MLA.

Breul, Wolfgang, Marcus Meier and Lothar Vogel, eds. Der radikale Pietismus: Perspektiven der Forschung. (Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Pietismus; Bd. 55) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010. Pp. 480. ISBN 9783525558393 MHL.

Brock, Caroline. An integrated household economics approach to decision-making: dairy system choice among organic, Amish, graziers and conventional farmers in Wisconsin. Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2010. Pp. xii, 275. EMU.

Brubaker, Patricia and Mary Alice Charlton. William and Jennie Graybill history, 1873-2009. [Pennsylvania?: P. Brubaker and M. A. Charlton?], 2009. Pp. 58. EMU.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. A celebration of the simple life: inspiring thoughts from Amish country.Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2010. Pp. 91. ISBN 9781602607729. MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. Hoop doet leven: roman.Translated by Marianne Grandia. (De bruiden van Lancaster County; 4) Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2010. Pp. 264. ISBN 9789088651540. Originally published as: The hope chest. [Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2006]. MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. Rijk aan eenvoud: roman. Translated by Marianne Grandia. (De bruiden van Lancaster County; 3) Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2010. Pp. 288. ISBN 9789088651458. Originally published as: Plain & fancy. [Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2006]. MHL.

Buller, Kevin Ross. Footprints of the missionary: the road of the General Conference Mennonites in Oklahoma. Thesis (M.A.) - University of Central Oklahoma, 2010. Pp. [5], 124, [9]. EMU.

Byler, Uria R. From Grandpa's pen. Compiled by Esther Yoder. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2010. Pp. 157. EMU.

Cadwallader-Staub, Julie. Face to face: a poetry collection. (Dreamseeker poetry series; v. 8) Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books, 2010. Pp. 95. ISBN 9781931038522. BLU, MHL, MLA.

Caldwell, Bo. City of tranquil light: a novel.New York: Henry Holt & Co., 2010. Pp. 287. ISBN 9780805092288. EMU, MLA.

Cheaper by the dozen: in Deitsch. [Indiana]: Pennsylvania Deitsch Society of Northern Indiana, 2010. 1 DVD (121 min., 35 sec.). MHL.

Clark, Mindy Starns. Schaduw over Lancaster County: roman. Translated by Lia van Aken. Kampen: Voorhoeve, 2010. Pp. 366. ISBN 9789029719681. Originally published as: Shadows of Lancaster County. [Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2009]. MHL.

Conn, Marie A. and Therese McGuire, eds. Imaging the other: essays on diversity. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2010. Pp. xii, 168. ISBN 9780761850038 (pbk); 9780761850045 (ebook). Includes: "Anabaptist martyrs: the radical commitment of 'others.'" by Marie A. Conn. BLU.

Consejo de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indígenas Evangélicas del Ecuador (FEINE). Cartillas de formación bíblica, teológica y pastoral: programa pastoral indígena.Quito, Ecuador: CLAI Ediciones: Consejo de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indígenas Evangélicas del Ecuador (FEINE): Red Menonita de Misión, 2010. 12 booklets in portfolio. MHL.

Davids, Patricia. An Amish Christmas. (Brides of Amish country); (Love inspired) New York: Steeple Hill Books, 2010. Pp. 278, [8]. ISBN 9780373815159. MHL.

Dealing with bipolar disorder. (Close to home) Scottdale, PA; Waterloo, ON: Faith & Life Resources, 2010. Pp. 11. ISBN 9780836195255. EMU.

Deitsch reminiscing. [Indiana]: Pennsylvania Deitsch Society of Northern Indiana, 2009. 1 DVD (69 min., 46 sec.). MHL.

Delaware & Virginia church directory, 2010. 6th ed. Dover, DE (2529 Hazlettville Road, Dover, DE 19904): Rhoda Troyer; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2010. Pp. ix, 105. EMU.

Dirks, Nathan R. War without, struggle within: Canadian Mennonite enlistments during the Second World War.Thesis (M.A.) - McMaster Divinity College, 2010. Pp. xiii, 156. CMU.

Drudge, Elizabeth. Echoes of triumph. No. seven, "The family that sings together clings together." Wroxeter, ON (43963 C-Line Road, R.R. #2, Wroxeter, ON N0G 2X0): Published by John and Elizabeth Drudge, 2010. Pp. 72. MHL.

Dürr, Robert and Helmut Funck. Amische und Mennonitische Familien um Augsburg und im Donaumoos im 19. Jh. (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Mennoniten; 4) Weierhof-Bolanden: Mennonitische Forschungsstelle, 2010. Pp. 197. EMU.

Dyck, John J. Sixty years of blessings: camping ministries in Mennonite Church Manitoba, 1949-2009. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Church Manitoba, 2010. Pp. x, 183. EMU.

Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. Abiding branches: bimonthly newsletter of the Wilmington & Danville V.S. Units, March 1968-December 1972. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2009. Pp. 370. MHL.

Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. Iglesias Menonitas de Guatemala de la Iglesia Menonita de Pennsylvania Oriental y las áreas relacionadas. [Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications], 2010. Pp. 56. MHL.

Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. Meeting house map directory of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church and related areas. 2010 ed. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2010. Pp. iii, 80. MHL.

Eichinger, Reinhold and Josef F. Enzenberger. Täufermuseum Niedersulz: Museumsführer. Nürnberg: VTR (Verlag für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft), 2009. Pp. 148. ISBN 9783941750128. MHL.

Ellis, Mary. Vol goede moed: roman. Translated by Marijne Thomas. (De Millers; dl. 1) Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2010. Pp. 320. ISBN 9789088651649. Originally published as: A widow's hope. [Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2009]. MHL.

Emerson, Paul M. and Gail Emerson. A history of Calvary Mennonite Fellowship, 1990-2010. Harrisonburg, VA: CMF Publications, [2010?]. Pp. 40. EMU.

Enns, William J. Bloos een haups = a rescued child. Swift Current, SK (110-165 Robert St. W., Swift Current, SK, S9H 5E7): Jacob M. Fehr; Steinbach, MB: Derksen Printers, 2010. Pp. 40. EMU.

Ens, Alvin G. Abe and Susie: a family history of Abram C. Ens and Susie Schellenberg.. Abbotsford, BC: Ensa Publishing, 2010. Pp. 135. ISBN 9780973222456. CMU.

[Equipo Nacional de Investigación e Incidencia Política]. Un Llamado profético. Las iglesias colombianas documentan su sufrimiento y su esperanza: registro de datos, 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2009. No. 5.Bogotá, Colombia: Centro Cristiano para Justicia, Paz y Acción Noviolenta-Justapaz: Comisión de Paz del Consejo Evangélico de Colombia (CEDECOL), 2010. Pp. 127. MHL.

[Equipo Nacional de Investigación e Incidencia Política]. A Prophetic call. Colombian Protestant churches document their suffering and their hope: case registry, January 1 to December 31, 2009. Edition 5. Bogotá, Columbia: Christian Center for Justice, Peace and Non Violent Action -- Justapaz: Peace Commission of the Evangelical Council of Colombia (CEDECOL), 2010. Pp. 123. Also published in Spanish as: Un Llamado profético. MHL.

Esboços bíblicos para estudos temáticos. Translated by Eduardo Vieira da Silva; revised by Charles Becker, Zeyna Abramson. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpada e Luz; Boituva-SP: Literatura Monte Sião do Brasil, 2010. Pp. 54. Originally published as: Bosquejos bíblicos para estudios temáticos. [Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 1987]. MHL.

Eshleman, J. David. Living with Godly passion: daily readings for those with a passion to share Jesus. [Manheim, PA]: J. D. Eshleman, 2010. Pp. vi, 378. ISBN 9781601262431. MHL.

Farmstead Restaurant (Berlin, Ohio) Farmstead Restaurant cookbook. Berlin, OH: Farmstead Restaurant, [2010?]. Pp. [8], 186. MHL.

Fisher, Benuel M. Coming home again. New Holland, PA: B. M. Fisher, 2010. Pp. v, 177. EMU, MHL.

Fisher, Raymond. Rewards of the faithful. (Lamp and Light Bible correspondence course) Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2010. Pp. 68. MHL.

Fisher, Raymond. Dieu récompense ses fidèles. Translated by Yann Larrieu. (La sèrie Marchant avec Dieu) (Un cours biblique par correspondance de Lampe et lumière) Farmington, NM: Les Èditeurs Lampe et lumière, 2010. Pp. 60. Originally published as: Rewards of the faithful. [Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2010]. MHL.

Forler, Nan. Bird child. Ill. by François Thisdale. Toronto; Plattsburgh, NY: Tundra Books, 2009. Pp. [32]. ISBN 9780887768941. MHL.

Francis, Andrew. Anabaptism: radical Christianity. Bristol: Antioch Papers, 2010. Pp. 71. ISBN 9780955841538. CBC.

Franz, Joyce Margaret Loewen, ed. The flock across the street and the kingdom around the world: history of the First Mennonite Church of Halstead, Kansas, 1975-2010. [S.l.: s.n., 2010?]. Pp. 71. MHL.

Friesen, Dorothy and Marilen Abesamis, eds. Create space for peace: forty years of peacemaking: Gene Stoltzfus, 1940-2010.Deerfield Beach, FL: TriMark Press, 2010. Pp. xiii, 255. ISBN 9780982970249. MLA.

Friesen, Ronald. Pioneers of cheese: a social and economic history of the cheese industry in southern Manitoba, 1880-1960.[Manitoba?]: R. Friesen, 2010. Pp. v, 418. ISBN 9781550991587; 9781550991581. MHL.

Gathering 2010, yearbook: celebration 2010: 150th anniversary of the Mennonite Brethren, July 12-18, 2010. Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 2010. Pp. 230. CBC.

Giesbrecht, Harry and Katherine Martens. My story, Harry Giesbrecht. Winnipeg, MB: Harry Giesbrecht, 2010. Pp. 29. CMU.

Gingerich, Aden. Trittsteine zu Gott.(Licht & Leuchte Bibelfernkurs) Farmington, NM: Licht & Leuchte Verlag, 2010. 4 volumes. Originally published as: Steppingstones to God. [Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 1986]. MHL.

Gingerich, Aden and Ernest Strubhar, eds. Siete pasos de obediencia. (Curso bíblico por correspondencia Lámpara y Luz) Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2010, c2000. Vols. 2. Originally published as: Seven steps of obedience. [Farmington, NM : Lamp and Light Publishers, 1998, c1987]. MHL.

Gingrich, Paul M. and Ann Gingrich. Memories, 1929-present.Edited by Bob Gingrich. [Goshen, IN: s.n., 2010]. Pp. 191, 3, 14. MHL.

Goertz, Hans-Jürgen. Bruchstücke radikaler Theologie heute: eine Rechenschaft. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010. Pp. 184. ISBN 9783525560051. EMU, MHL.

Going deeper: guidance on six key themes in Anabaptism. Steinbach, MB: Board of Church Ministries, Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 2010. Pp. 93. ISBN 978096804908. CMU.

Good, Phyllis Pellman. Fix-it and forget-it Christmas cookbook: 600 slow cooker holiday recipes.(The fix-it and forget-it series) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2010. Pp. 284. ISBN 9781561487011 (pbk); 9781561487028 (comb-bound); 9781561487035 (hardcover). EMU, MHL.

Good, Phyllis Pellman. Fix-it and forget-it kids' cookbook: 50 favorite recipes to make in a slow cooker. Photography editor: Rebecca Good Fennimore. (The fix-it and forget-it series) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2010. Pp. 128. ISBN 9781561487042. MHL.

Gore, Sherry M. Taste of Pinecraft: glimpses of Sarasota, Florida's Amish culture and kitchens. Sarasota, FL: Pinecraft Village Publishers, 2010. Pp. xx, 443. ISBN 9780984499403. MHL.

Groff, Richard. Sow it is. [S.l.]: R. Groff, 2010. Pp. viii, 190. ISBN 9781601262226. MHL.

Groff, Richard. Turn up the heat: "reasons and rhymes in prophetic times." [S.l.]: R. Groff, 2009. Pp. [10], 100. ISBN 9781601261304. MHL.

Hage, Kristyn A. Character companion for the Miller family series: a Godly character Bible study. Mifflin, PA (50 Green Pastures Lane, Miffin, PA 17058): Green Pastures Press, 2010. Pp. 59. ISBN 9781884377181. MHL.

Hanson, Michele Zelinsky. Religious identity in an early Reformation community: Augsburg, 1517 to 1555. (Studies in Central European histories; v. 45) Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2009. Pp. xi, 237. ISBN 9789004166738. MHL.

Hardin, Michael. The Jesus driven life. Lancaster, PA: Preaching Peace, 2010. 2 DVDs (4 hrs., 2 min., 28 sec.) MHL.

Harmonies Workshop. Meetinghouse treasures: German hymns sung to slow tunes. [Leola, PA]: Harmonies Workshop, 2009. 1 CD. MHL.

Hartshorn, Leo. The economic crisis and the divine economy: a discussion guide for congregations. [Elkhart, IN?]: Peace and Justice Support Network, [2009]. Pp. 24. MLA.

Herr, Viola G. Martin, comp. Family record of John G. Good and Mary S. Zimmerman, 1668-2009. [PA: s.n., 2009?]. Pp. 444. MHL.

Herzfeld, Noreen. The limits of perfection: proceedings of the ninth annual Goshen Conference on Religion and Science. Edited by Carl S. Helrich. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2010. Pp. 121. ISBN 9781926599175. BLU, CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Hochstetler, Jane Ellen. Hearty homestyle cooking by the Willis and Sarah Ann Hochstetler family. 2nd ed. [Nappanee, IN: Willis, Jr. and Jane Hochstetler], 2010. Pp. x, 254. MHL.

Hochstetler, Marcus. Echoes of praise. Saint Ignatius, MT (61676 Hillside Rd., Saint Ignatius, MT 59865): Marcus & Julie Hochstetler, [2010?]. Pp. [72]. EMU, MHL.

Hoff, B. J. Rachels geheim. Translated by D. van der Schaaf. (De jaren in Riverhaven; dl. 1) Doorn: Uitgeverij Het Zoeklicht, 2010. Pp. 318. ISBN 9789064511318. Originally published as: Rachel's secret. [Eugene, OR : Harvest House Publishers, 2008]. MHL.

Hooley, Sue. 2011 daily planner. Harrisonburg, VA: Vision Publishers, 2010. Pp. [198]. ISBN 9781932676112. MHL.

Hoover, Vernon, ed. Beginning arithmetic: grade 1. (Mathematics for Christian living series) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2010-2011. 5 volumes. ISBN 9780739907191 (teacher's manual); 9780739907146 (workbook 1); 9780739907153 (workbook 2); 9780739907160 (practice sheets); 9780739907177 (speed drills). MHL.

Hostetter, D. Ray. The soul of the Brethren in Christ: essays on church identity. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Publishing House, 2009. Pp. xiii, 245. ISBN 9781934233078. EMU.

Huebert, Helmut T. The Braun-Willms family of Hierschau. TWinnipeg: Helmut T. Huebert, 2011. 1 v. (various paging) CMU.

Hurst, Elva B. Zimmerman. Then comes spring: a true story. (Farm life series; 4) Lititz, PA: Silver Line Pub. and Bindery, 2010. Pp. 72. ISBN 9780981520568. MHL.

Index of names: & some cemeteries, churches, school houses & other items referred to by Noah Zimmerman in his Director's reports & other writings in the Juniata District Mennonite Historical Society Echoes, 1978-2003.Richfield, PA: Juniata Mennonite Historical Society, [2010]. Pp. 200. EMU.

Isaac K. and Katharina (Neukomm) Lehman family record. [3rd and most complete]. [Ohio: Isaac K. Lehman Family, 2010]. Pp. iv, 4a-4d, 60, v-vi. EMU.

Jantzen, Hermann. In the wilds of Turkestan: an autobiography. Translated by Erica Jantzen. Waterloo, ON: Waterpark Publishing, 2009. Pp. 208. ISBN 9780978278113. CMU, EMU.

Janzen, Mary Dirks. The Batum story: God's mercy and man's kindness: memoirs of the group of Mennonites who left the Crimea in Russia during the early 1920s and came to America via Batum and Constantinople. 2nd ed. Edited by Mary E. Janzen. State College, PA: Mary E. Janzen, 2009. Pp. iii, 72. CMU, MLA.

Janzen, Victor. From the Dniepr to the Paraguay River. [Steinbach, MB: Victor Janzen, 2010?]. Pp. iv, 180. EMU.

Janzen, Waldemar. Marca da besta: trombetas e Armageddon: o que está por trás dos últimos acontecimentos? 2. ed. Curitiba, Brasil: A.D. Santos Editora, 2010, c2009. Pp. vi, 144. ISBN 9788574591797. MHL.

Jefferin, Mousam, ed. Dhamtari Christian Hospital: centenary souvenir: benevolance [sic], 1910-2010. Dhamtari, India: Dhamtari Christian Hospital, 2010. Pp. [54]. MHL.

Jones, Cynthia Anne. Grounding diaspora in experience: Niagara Mennonite identity. Thesis (Ph.D.) - Wilfrid Laurier University, 2010. Pp. x, 460. EMU.

Joseph, Michael. A Prophetic call. Colombian Protestant churches document their suffering and their hope: Case registry, January 1 to December 31, 2008. Bogotá, Colombia: Christian Center for Justice, Peace and Non Violent Action - Justapaz: Peace Commission of the Evangelical Council of Colombia (CEDECOL), 2009. Pp. 109, [1]. CMU.

Kamalova, Lola. A chunk of asphalt: and other stories for children. Translated by Dale Burkholder. Ephrata, PA: Grace Press, 2009. Pp. 60. Originally published as: Kusok asfalta. MHL.

Kampen, Hans and Nina Paulsen, eds. 60 Jahre Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland e.V.: Festschrift. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 2010. Pp. 112. ISBN 9783923553310. MLA.

Kanagy, Urie. When the headlights shine in your face: Esh family funeral. Clarkson, KY: Still Waters Ministries, 2010. Pp. 40 + 2 CDs. EMU.

Kauffman, Christmas Carol. In the time of lilacs and other short stories. volume II.Compiled by Marcia Kauffman Clark. Honeoye Falls, NY: Digital Legend Press and Publishing, 2010. Pp. [10], 180. EMU.

Kauffman, Daniel. Doutrinas da Bíblia. Translated by Carlos David Neyra; rev. by Stephen Kramer, Charles Becker and Zeyna Abramson. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpada e Luz ; Boituva-SP: Literatura Monte Sião do Brasil, 2010. Pp. 469. Originally published as: Doctrines of the Bible. [Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Pub. House, 1929]. MHL.

Kauffman, John J. and Esther H. Yoder Kauffman. Kauffman's cherished recipes: Amish country cookbook. Dowling, MI (9240 Banfield Rd., Dowling, MI 49050): Kauffman family, 2009. Pp. x, 282. MHL.

Kaufman, Gordon D. God as creativity: a conversation with Gordon D. Kaufman.Interviewers: Anne Krabill Hershberger and Earl R. Sears. Goshen, IN: New Perspectives on Faith for a New Millennium, 2009. 2 DVDs. EMU, MLA.

Keim, Joseph J. Amish people: born again the same way as others? Savannah, OH: Mission to Amish People, [2010?]. Pp. 23. MHL.

Keim, Mose J. A European journey: the land of our forefathers including the 2003-2004 Swiss reconciliation story. [West Union, OH]: M. Keim, 2010. Pp. viii, 338. ISBN 9781601262134. MHL.

King, Martin Luther, Jr. Where do we go from here: chaos or community? Introd. by Vincent Harding. (The King legacy series) Boston: Beacon Press, 2010. Pp. xxiv, 223. ISBN 9780807000762; 9780807000670 (pbk). MHL.

Kirchenbücher der Mennonitengemeinde Lemberg in der Mennonitische Forschungsstelle. Bolanden-Weierhof: Mennonitische Forschungsstelle, 2010. 3 CD-ROMs. MHL.

Klassen-Dueck, Pam. Books on the border land: a Mennonite woman's memoir of reading and remembering the sacred. Thesis (M. Ed.) - Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, 2010. Pp. iv, 155. EMU.

Klassen, Otto. Pioneers in the Chaco. Winnipeg: Otto Klassen Production, 2009. 1 DVD (47 min., 16 sec.). CBC, MHL.

Kline, David. Letters from Larksong: an Amish naturalist explores his organic farm. Introd. by Wendell Berry ; ill. by Anna E. Raber. Wooster, OH: Wooster Bk. Co., 2010. Pp. [12], 189, [7] p. ISBN 9781590982013. MHL.

Krahn, Margruite, Ron Mielitz and Sandi Mielitz. Himmelbleiw: Neubergthal Mennonite Street Village, Manitoba, Canada. Manitoba Mennonite heritage furniture and floor patterns. Catalogue of exhibition, June 27 to October 11, 2010.Manitoba: [s. n.], 2010. Pp. 36. CMU.

Kran, Marlene S. Wiedemann. Winnipeg, MB: MK, 2010. 1 v. CMU.

Kroeker, Jennifer Reimer and Edward Klassen Kroeker. Memories of Peter L. Kroeker's cars.Winnipeg: Jennifer Kroeker, 2010. Pp. 26. CMU.

Kröker, Ronald. Ansätze zur Implementierung von RSE (CSR) in einem lateinamerikanischen Entwicklungsland: das Beispiel Paraguay: eine wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Untersuchung. (Göttinger Studien zur Entwicklungsökonomik; Bd. 30 = Göttingen studies in development economics; v. 30) Frankfurt am Main; New York: Peter Lang, 2010. Pp. xx, 284. ISBN 9783631610763. MHL.

Kuepfer, Sharon Schnupp. Little Pennsylvania Dutch boy: will the war ever end? Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2010. Pp. 96. ISBN 9781601262448. MHL.

Kurtz, Elam S. Crossings: memoirs of a mountain medical doctor. (Bloomington, IN: Iuniverse Inc, 2010. Pp. xi, 93. ISBN 9781450262460. EMU.

Lapp, Alice Weber. Woodcrest Retreat: 50 years of "Sharing Christ's love," 1959-2009. Ephrata, PA (225 Woodcrest Drive, Ephrata, PA 17522): Woodcrest Retreat, 2009. Pp. 39. MHL.

Lapp, Melvin and Barbara Ann Lapp, comp. A bouquet of encouragement. Elliottsburg, PA (1354 Honeysuckel Hollow Road, Elliottsburg, PA 17024): Melvin and Barbara Ann Lapp, 2010. Pp. ix, 134. MHL.

Lemke, Helmut. Crossing frontiers.Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2009. Pp. xvi, 267. ISBN 9781438975627. CMU.

Lewis, Beverly. Dochters van het verbond: roman. Translated by Lia van Aken. Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2009. Pp. 299. ISBN 9789088651328. Originally published as: The covenant. [Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2002]. MHL.

Lewis, Beverly. Geheimenis: roman. Translated by Lia van Aken. (Grace Byler; 1) Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2009. Pp. 304. ISBN 9789088651137. Originally published as: The secret. [Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2009]. MHL.

Lewis, Beverly. Gemis: roman. Translated by Lia van Aken. (Grace Byler; 2) Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2010. Pp. 268. ISBN 9789088651465. Originally published as: The missing. [Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2009]. MHL.

Lewis, Beverly. Verbroken verbond: roman. Translated by Lia van Aken. Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2010. Pp. 320. ISBN 9789088651632. Originally published as: The betrayal. [Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2003]. MHL.

Lichdi, Diether Götz. Standpunkte Perspektiven: Aufsätze und Artikel von Diether Götz Lichdi. [Edited by] Ulrike Arnold. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2010. Pp. 196. ISBN 9783839181140. EMU.

Lodge, Maria Falk. In search of memories: tales from the Rosengard Gravel Ridge. Winnipeg, MB: Maria Falk Lodge, 2010. Pp. 208. ISBN 9780981043616 (pbk). CMU.

Loeppky, Angela Charmaine Dyck. Living with rain girl: and other under the weather conditions: a mother's story of surviving and thriving through a child's medical difficulties and autism. [S.l.]: A. Loeppky, 2010. Pp. xii, 137. ISBN 1926676947. MHL.

Loewen, Harry. Cities of refuge: stories from Anabaptist-Mennonite history and life. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2010. Pp. 344. ISBN 9781926599182. BLU, CBC, MHL, MLA.

Lohrenz, Gerhard. Sagradowka: die Geschichte einer mennonitischen Ansiedlung im Süden Russlands. Lage: Lichtzeichen Verlag, [2010]. Pp. 213. ISBN 9783869540214. EMU.

Longenecker, Jewel Gingerich. Engaging pastors: papers and reflections from the Summative Conference. Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2010. Pp. 146. ISBN 0936273453. CMU.

Mann, Robert. Where the ice never melts. [Jupiter, FL]: The Birchbark Press of Karacharovo, 2010. Pp. 142. ISBN 9780938618119. MHL.

Martens, Cornelius. Beneath the cross: proclaiming the Gospel under czars and Soviets. Translated by Helene S. Fast. Abbotsford, BC: Fast Publishing, 2010. Pp. 164. ISBN 9780986777905. Originally published as: Unter dem Kreuz: Erinnerungen aus dem alten und neuen Russland. [Wernigerode am Harz: Licht im Osten, 1929]. CBC, EMU, MLA.

Martens, Lindsay. Altester John D. Reddekopp. with Buhler, Abram. Altester Abram J. Buhler 1903-1982. (Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan Occasional Papers, no. 2009-1) Saskatoon, SK: Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan, 2009. Pp. 25. CBC.

Martin, David L. Delicias para siempre. Translated by Richard del Cristo E. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2010. Pp. 24. Originally published as: Pleasures forevermore: are the seekers finding? [Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2004]. MHL.

Martin, G. L. In the beginning. (Lamp and Light Bible correspondence course) Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2010. 4 volumes. MHL.

McCardell, Carl W. The rest of the journey. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2010. Pp. [4], 38. ISBN 9781601262660. MHL.

McQuoid, Stephen. Anabaptists: the forgotten Reformation. Bristol, England: Christian Year Pubs., 2010. Pp. 88. ISBN 9781872734354. EMU.

Mennonite Church British Columbia. 2009 directory/addresses. Abbotsford, BC: The Church, [2009?]. 1 volume. EMU.

Mennonite Church USA. Convention (2009: Columbus, Ohio). Breathe and be filled. [Elkhart, IN]: Mennonite Church USA, [2009?]. 1 DVD. MHL.

Mennonite Church USA. Lancaster Conference. Getting into the balcony - a ladder and toolbox: formative congregational assessments. Rev. 7/2/09. [Lancaster, PA]: Lancaster Mennonite Conference, [2009]. Pp. 82. MHL.

Mennonite Media. Mennonite Media compilation DVD. [Harrisonburg, VA]: Mennonite Media, 2009. 1 DVD (50 min., 38 sec.). MHL.

Mennonite World Conference. Beyond assemblies = Au-delà des rassemblements = Más que una asamblea. [S.l.]: Mennonite World Conference, 2010. 1 DVD (5 min., 40 sec.). MHL.

Mennonite World Conference. Stories of service = Histoires de serviabilité = Historias de servicio. [S.l.]: Mennonite World Conference, [2010], c2009. 1 DVD (56 min., 34 sec.) + 1 study guide. MHL.

Mennonite World Conference (15th: 2009: Asunción, Paraguay). Programa e informaciones. Paraguay 2009, Congreso Mundial Menonita = Program and information. Paraguay 2009, Mennonite World Conference. Paraguay: [s.n., 2009]. Pp. 29. MHL.

Metzler, A. J. and Alta Mae Maust Metzler. Things we have known: through the 20th century with AJ and Alta Metzler. Edited by Alice Metzler Roth. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2010. Pp. xiii, 189. ISBN 9781452077314. EMU, MHL.

Miller, Allen C. Golden memories. Compiled by Mary A Miller. Quaker City, OH: Allen and Mary A. Miller; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2010. Pp. iii, 154. EMU.

Miller, Anna E. Miller and Paul J. Miller. Blessing Acres family cookbook. Millersburg, OH (6728 Township Road 362, Millersburg, OH 44654): Blessing Acres Produce, 2009. Pp. x, 282. ISBN 9780615211930. MHL.

Miller, Gary. Haiti earthquake! Heartache and hope. Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2010. Pp. x, 198. ISBN 9781936208104. EMU, MHL.

Miller, Gary. Kingdom-focused finances for the family: a call to Biblical stewardship in everyday life. (Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2010. Pp. xii, 240. ISBN 9781936208081. EMU.

Miller, Glen E. Empowering the patient: how to reduce the cost of healthcare and improve its quality. Indianapolis, IN: Dog Ear Pub., 2009. Pp. iv, 223. ISBN 9781608441563. EMU.

Miller, Susana and Tillie Van Sickle. Tonight I will dance: memories of Susana Miller. Westland, MI (35650 Florance, Westland, MI 48186): Bear Publications, 2010. Pp. vi, 131. CMU, MHL.

Mission to Amish People. Savannah, OH: Mission to Amish People, [2010 or 2011]. Pp. 11. MHL.

Moffat, Allan W. Surprised by God. Winnipeg: Word Alive Press, 2010. Pp. xv, 151. ISBN 9781770690813. MHL.

Mother Goose nursery rhymes. Ill. by Melody DuVal. Middlebury, IN (54896 County Road 43, Middlebury, IN 46540) : Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes, 2010. Pp. [4], 43. MHL.

Moya, César. Conflicto, liberación y reconciliación: ética-teológica para la reconciliación desde las víctimas en América Latina. Quito, Ecuador: Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias (CLAI), Departamento de Comunicaciones, 2010. Pp. 118. ISBN 9789978910641. MHL.

Müller, Ernst. History of the Bernese Anabaptists. Translated by John A. Gingerich; edited by Joseph Stoll. Aylmer, ON ; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2010. Pp. xiv, 490. Originally published as: Geschichte der Bernischen Täufer. [Frauenfeld: I. Huber, 1895]. CBC, MHL, MLA.

Munro, Ken. Blue dog. (A Sammy & Brian mystery; #21) Lancaster, PA (1916 Barton Drive, Lancaster, PA 17603): Gaslight Publishers, 2010. Pp. vi, 148. ISBN 9781601262271. MHL.

Myers, Ched and Elaine Enns. Ambassadors of reconciliation. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2009. 2 volumes. ISBN 9781570758317 (pbk: v. 1); 9781570758331 (pbk: v. 2). MHL.

Nauraine, Tillie Yoder. Eggnog and cheese: a fox in the forest and a wild ride. [Bloomington, IN]: Xlibris Corp., 2010. Pp. [24]. ISBN 9781450011952. MHL.

Neudorf, Lynden. Mennonite identities: exploring relationships between peoplehood and social capital in a multi-denominational Mennonite community. Thesis (M. of S.W.) -University of Calgary, 2010. Pp. vii, 98. EMU, MHL.

Nisly, Edith Maxine Swartzendruber. Stories from the lives of Edith Maxine (Swartzendruber) Nisly and William Henry Nisly. Edited by Hope Nisly. [Iowa City, IA: s.n.], 2009. Pp. [2], 52. MHL.

Nisly, Paul W. Shared faith, bold vision, enduring promise: the maturing years of Messiah College. Grantham, PA: Messiah College, 2010. Pp. xix, 243. ISBN 9780692007945. BLU, EMU.

The Northkill Amish massacre. Lancaster, PA: Scroll, 2010. 1 DVD (39 min., 42 sec.) MHL.

Outdoor cooking. 4th printing. [Fresno, OH]: Henry and Ruth Barkman, c2008, 2010. Pp. xiii, 216. EMU.

Pahl, Michael W. From resurrection to new creation: a first journey in Christian theology.Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2010. Pp. xiv, 132. ISBN 9781608992591 (pbk). MHL.

Pasytsch, Margarete. Schönwiese: ein deutsches Dorf in Siberien. Gummersbach, Germany: M. Pasytsch, 2010. Pp. 222. MLA.

Pasytsch, Margarete. Staunen und danken - Geschichte der Familie Abraham Konrad. Gummersbach, Germany: M. Pasytsch, 2010. Pp. 256. MLA.

Paul, Ute and Frank Paul, eds. Begleiten statt erobern: Missionare als Gäste im nordargentinischen Chaco. Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld-Verlag, 2010. Pp. 190. ISBN 9783937896953. EMU.

Payne, Marian Yoder. Marian's life as told through a cookbook. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2010. Pp. vi, 169. ISBN 9781601262295. MHL.

Perry, Marta. Murder in plain sight. Don Mills, ON: HQN, 2010. Pp. 379. ISBN 9780373774722. MHL.

Quadros, Diane. Experiences of Mennonite immigrant women accessing and receiving services in the mental health care system in Essex County. Thesis (M.S.W.) - University of Windsor, 2009. Pp. vii, 159. ISBN 9780494576151 (microfiche). MHL.

Reeser, Robert L. Jacob Hartman: a preacher in the Mennonite Church. Charleston, SC: R. L. Reeser, 2009. Pp. 53. EMU.

Reeser, Robert L. The Peter Kellenberger clan. Strasburg, PA: R. L. Reeser, 2009. Pp. iv, 102. ISBN 9781461176411. EMU.

Reimer, A. James. Christians and war: a brief history of the church's teachings and practices. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010. Pp. xvi, 192. ISBN 9780800638191. EMU, MLA.

Reimer, Al and Syd Reimer. The Berliner Kehler clan: a history in portraits. [Kelowna, BC]: Rosetta Projects, 2009. Pp. 164. ISBN 9780978462970 (pbk) CMU.

Riedemann, Peter. Liebe brennt wie Feuer: die Rechenschaft und Glaubensbekenntnis eines Täufers: geschrieben ins Gefängnis zu Gmunden, Oberösterreich im Jahre 1530. Introd. by John J. Friesen. MacGregor, MB: Hutterian Brethren Book Centre, 2010. Pp. [16], 103. ISBN 9780986538131 (pbk) MHL.

Roth, Nelson Marion. Nehemiah response: how to make it through your crisis.Mustang, OK: Tate Pub. & Enterprises, 2009. Pp. 204. ISBN 9781615662258. MHL.

El sacrificio del Señor. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2010. Pp. 300. Originally published as: Het offer des Heeren. MHL.

Salmon, Emma. An enduring faith: Mennonite stories, their history, their persecution. [S. l.]: Emma Salmon-Plett, 2010. Pp. iv, 288. ISBN 9780986614309. CMU.

Savin, Andrej, ed. Etnokonfessiia v Sovetskom gosudarstve: Mennonity Sibiri v 1920-1930-e gody: emigratsiia i repressii: dokumenty i materialy. Novosibirsk: POSOKh, 2009. Pp. 751. ISBN 9785939580496. MHL.

Sawyer, Kim Vogel. Eerste oogst. Translated by Nico van den Berge. [Apeldoorn]: De Banier, 2010. Pp. 399. ISBN 9789033608216. Originally published as: Fields of grace. [Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2009]. MHL.

Sawyer, Kim Vogel. De roep van je hart. Translated by D. van der Schaaf. Doorn: Uitgeverij Het Zoeklicht, 2009. Pp. 284. ISBN 9789064511226. Originally published as: Where the heart leads: a novel. [Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2008]. MHL.

Sawyer, Kim Vogel. Sommerfeld-trilogie: roman. Translated by Lia van Aken. Kampen: Voorhoeve, 2010. Pp. 951. ISBN 9789029795890. Originally published in three separate volumes: Bygones; Beginnings; Blessings. [Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2007-2008]. MHL.

Schmid, John. Dutch Blitz: (es zwet dritt sich): John Schmid live in Shipshewana. Berlin, OH: New Life Sound/Common Ground, [2010?]. 1 CD. MHL.

Schoch, Steven J. Warrant tract map of Pike & District Townships, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2010. Pp. 32. MHL.

Schwartz, Jacob I. Church history and ministry list: Adams County, Indiana and vicinity. [Geneva, IN: Jacob I. Schwartz, 2010?]. Pp. 55. EMU.

Shelly, Karl S. and Heidi Siemens-Rhodes, eds. None can stop the Spirit: pastors and leaders express hope for a more LGBT inclusive Mennonite Church. Goshen, IN (605 N. Greene Rd., Goshen, IN 46526): K. S. Shelly, 2009. Pp. 44. MHL.

Shenk, John S. Shenk family history: 300 year story. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2010. Pp. 108. MHL.

The shopping bag: Winkler MCC Thrift Shop: celebrating 35 years, 1974-2009. Winkler, MB: Winkler MCC Thrift Shop, 2010. Pp. x, 73. ISBN 9780973682649. MHL.

Siemens, Paul. Memoirs of Hal's War: be a good soldier! Toronto: Paul Siemens, 2010. Pp. 26. CMU.

Smucker, Janneken. From rags to riches: Amish quilts and the crafting of value. Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Delaware, 2010. Pp. xx, 464. EMU.

Soekotjo, S. H. and Lawrence M. Yoder. Tata Injil di Bumi Muria: Sejarah Gereja Injili di Tanah Jawa, GITJ. Semarang: Sinode GKMI, 2010. Pp. xvii, 494. ISBN 9786029557336. EMU.

Sommer, Michel. Gardiens de la création. (Dossiers de Christ seul; 3/2010) Montbéliard: Editions Mennonites, 2010. Pp. 72. ISBN 9782904214929. MHL, MLA.

Stahl, Martha Denlinger. Amanda's father. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2010. Pp. iv, 128. ISBN 9781601262615. MHL.

Stiller, Karen and Willard Metzger. Going missional: conversations with 13 Canadian churches who have embraced missional life. Winnipeg: Word Alive Press, 2010. Pp. xv, 160. ISBN 9781770690219. EMU, MHL.

Stoltzfus, Christian P. Amish church, school and historic events: compiled from various public records, private documents and ledgers, with personal observations and commentary by the author. 2nd ed. [Pennsylvania]: C. P. Stoltzfus, 2010. Pp. 330. MHL.

Strickler, Weston Elliot. The neonative.Kokomo, IN: Neonative Publications, 2010. Pp. xi, 241. ISBN 9780615400143. MHL.

Sunparlour Players. Wave north.Toronto: Outside Music, 2009. 1 CD. MHL.

Taylor, Faye Hooley Byers. His treasure in earthen vessels. [Longwood, FL]: Xulon Press, 2009. Pp. xiii, 240. ISBN 9781615790401. MHL.

Todd, Matthew R. S. Historical attitudes that have shaped the church's use of the arts. Winnipeg, MB: Word Alive Press, 2010. Pp. xii, 173. ISBN 9781926676685. MHL.

Töws, C. P. Die Tereker Ansiedlung: Mennonitische Kolonie im Vorderkaukasus: Entstehung, Entwicklung, Untergang, 1901-1918/1925: nach Erinnerungen, Berichten und Tagebucheintragungen. Lage, [Ger.]: Lichtzeichen Verlag, [2010?]. Pp. 111. ISBN 9783869540207. EMU.

Troyer, Ben and Mary Troyer. Amish directory of Gallia County settlement, 1993-2010. Gallipolis, OH (171 Lakin Road, Gallipolis, OH 45631): Ben & Mary Troyer, Troyer's Woodcraft; Patriot, OH: Hoover Design, [2010]. Pp. 38. EMU.

Troyer, Rhoda R. Delaware & Virginia church directory, 2010. 6th ed. Dover, DE (2529 Hazlettville Road, Dover, DE 19904): Rhoda Troyer, 2010. Pp. ix, 105. MHL.

Wälchli, Philipp, Urs B. Leu and Christian Scheidegger, eds. Täufer und Reformierte im Disput: Texte des 17. Jahrhunderts über Verfolgung und Toleranz aus Zürich und Amsterdam. Zug: Achius, 2010. Pp. vi, 288. ISBN 9783905351149. MHL.

Warkentin, Karen. So ha' wie daut emma jedohne, (That is how we have always done it): the collective memory and cultural identity of the Old Colony Mennonites in Bolivia. Thesis (M.A.) - University of Manitoba/University of Winnipeg, 2010. Pp. vi, 134. EMU.

Warren, Kim Cary. The quest for citizenship: African American and Native American education in Kansas, 1880-1935. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010. Pp. xiv, 229. ISBN 9780807871379. MLA.

Watershed Church (Kansas City, Mo.) All are witnesses: Watershed vade mecum, 2010-2011. General editor, Jason Phelps. Kansas City, MO (P.O. Box 8760, Kansas City, MO 64114-0760): Watershed, [2010]. Pp. 174. ISBN 9781456358662. MHL.

Weaver, Franklin Earl and Katie E. Grove Weaver. Diary, June 10, 1935-March 16, 2000. Edited by Marion C. Weaver. [Waynesboro, VA (539 Augusta Farms Rd., Waynesboro VA 22980): Marion C. Weaver, 2009?]. Pp. [98]. MHL.

Weaver, Luke S. Successful living: a study of Bible-based economic and lifestyle principles: for group study or personal contemplation.Fleetwood, PA (31 Rapp Road, Fleetwood, PA 19522): L. S. Weaver, 2010. Pp. viii, 202. ISBN 9781601262462. MHL.

Welty, Emily. Faith-based peacebuilding and development: an analysis of the Mennonite Central Committee in Uganda and Kenya. Thesis (Ph. D.) - University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 2010. Pp. 254. MHL.

Who are the Mennonites?Produced by Third Way Media in cooperation with Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Mission Network and in consultation with Mennonite Education Agency. Harrisonburg, VA: Third Way Media, 2010. ISBN 1933845465. 1 DVD. BLU, CBC, MHL, MLA.

Widner, David E. Old Order Amish beliefs about environmental protection and the use of best management practices in the Sugar Creek Watershed. Thesis (M.A.) - Kent State University, 2010. Pp. ix, 98. EMU.

Wiebe, Paul D. Heirs and joint heirs: mission to church among the Mennonite Brethren of Andhra Pradesh.(Perspectives on Mennonite life and thought; no. 17) Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions, 2010. Pp. xvii, 408 p. ISBN 9781894791250. CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Wiebe, Paul D. and David A. Wiebe. In another day of the Lord: the mission days of the Mennonite Brethren Church of India in pictures. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions, 2010. Pp. xxvi, 154. ISBN 9781894791267. CBC, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Wiebe, Rudy. Collected stories, 1955-2010.(Currents, a Canadian literature series) Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2010. Pp. xxi, 529. ISBN 9780888645401. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Wiseman, Beth. Een zuiver geschenk: roman. Translated by D. van der Schaaf. (Serie, Dochters van de belofte) Doorn: Het Zoeklicht, 2010. Pp. 319. ISBN 9789064511387. Originally published as: Plain pursuit: a daughters of the promise novel. [Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2009]. MHL.

Witmer, Dallas. La fe por la cual vale morir. Ill. by Jan Luiken. Ed. curso bíblico. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2010, c1989. Pp. 99. MHL.

Witmer, Edith. Holy art Thou! Tennille, GA (611 Old Watermelon Road, Tennille, GA 31089): Witmer Music Enterprises, 2010. 1 CD (56 min., 46 sec.). MHL.

Witmer, Esther Mae. Prairie courage: a story from May City, Iowa. Romulus, NY (4663 McGrane Road, Romulus, NY 14541): Marvin & Esther Mae Witmer; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2010. Pp. viii, 348. ISBN 9780615403205. EMU, MHL.

Witmer, Lois A. Stranded.Lititz, PA (1001 E. Oregon Rd., HV-141, Lititz, PA 17543): L. A. Witmer, 2010. Pp. v, 53. ISBN 9781601262639. MHL.

Woodsmall, Cindy. Sledesporen: novelle. Translated by Paul de Gier. Houten: Den Hertog, 2010. Pp. 192. ISBN 9789033123481. Originally published as: The sound of sleigh bells. [Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook Press, 2009]. MHL.

Woodsmall, Cindy. Vleugels van de dageraad. (Translated by Rick de Gier. 2e druk. Houten: Den Hertog, 2010, c2008. Pp. 350. ISBN 9033121654. Originally published as: When the heart cries: a novel. [Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook Press, 2006]. MHL.

Woodsmall, Cindy. Als de morgen komt. Translated by C. de Gier-Geluk. 2e druk. Houten: Den Hertog, 2010, c2009. Pp. 386. ISBN 9789033122439. Originally published as: When the morning comes: a novel. [Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook Press, 2007]. MHL.

Woodsmall, Cindy. Als de weg terugleidt. Translated by C. de Gier-Geluk. Houten: Den Hertog, 2010. Pp. 374. ISBN 9789033122897. Originally published as: When the soul mends: a novel. [Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook Press, 2008]. MHL.

Yoder, Betty. Conrad Grebel and Felix Manz: Swiss Anabaptists.(Living history threads; 12) Guys Mills, PA: Faith Builders Resource Group, 2010. Pp. 23. ISBN 9780981656922. EMU.

Yoder, Betty. Menno Simons: Dutch Anabaptist leader. (Living history threads; 21) Guys Mills, PA: Faith Builders Resource Group, 2010. Pp. 22. ISBN 9780981656939. EMU.

Yoder, Cynthia. Divine purpose: find the passion within.Lawrenceville, NJ: Open Door Publications, LLC, 2010. Pp. 224. ISBN 9780982891827. MHL.

Yoder, Lena. The life of a farmer's wife. Volume 1, October 2004-December 2007. Winesburg, OH: Legacy Press, 2010. Pp. xiv, 186. ISBN 9780982611111. EMU.

Yoder, Pauline Wagler. Cousins' country cookin'. Menno and Verna Wagler family. Paris, TN (5547 Jones Bend Rd., Paris, TN 38242): Pauline Yoder, 2010. Pp. xiv, 344. MHL.

York, Tripp. Donkeys and kings: - and other "tails" of the Bible. Ill. by Zak Upright. Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2010. Pp. xi, 66. ISBN 9781606089408. MHL.

York, Tripp. Living on hope while living in Babylon: the Christian anarchists of the 20th century. Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2009. Pp. xvii, 119. ISBN 9780718892029. MHL, MLA.

Zehr, Howard. Fairsöhnt: restaurative Gerechtigkeit: wie Opfer und Täter heil werden können. Translated by Andrea Lange. Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld-Verlag, 2010. Pp. 93. ISBN 9783937896960. Originally published as: The little book of restorative justice. [Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2002]. EMU.

Zehr, Howard and Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz. The little book of restorative justice.[Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2002]. EMU.

Zehr, Howard and Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz. What will happen to me?Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2010. Pp. 94. ISBN 9781561486892. EMU.

Zimmerman, Ion W. The life history and descendants of John B. Weaver & Anna H. Oberholtzer, 1858-2010.Colby, WI (W1719 Colby Factory Rd., Colby, WI 54421): I.W. Zimmerman ; Ephrata, PA: available from Conestoga Bookstore, 2010. Pp. 727. MHL.


80 Jahre Mennoniten in Mexiko. Mexico: [s. n.], 2002? Pp. 31. CMU.

Allgyer, Rachel K. Grandma's basket of collections for young and old.Reprint with minor alterations. Millersburg, PA (214 Weaver Rd., Millersburg, PA 17061): Walnut Hollow Books, 2008. Pp. 272. EMU.

Barnard, Renata, Carla Duinkerken-Vissr, Alle G. Hoekema, Pieter Post, Rob B. Workel. Laat ik toch maar knielen: Spirituele teksten uit de Nederlandse doopsgezinde traditie. Gorinchem: Narratio, 2005. Pp. 103. ISBN 9789052639703. MLA.

Beachy, Samuel Mark. Guarded by God in the midst of an earthquake! Medina, NY (3129 Fruit Ave., Medina, NY 14103): Ridgeway Publishing, 2009. Pp. 118. ISBN 9780984098507. MHL

Belk, Fred Richard. The great trek of the Russian Mennonites to Central Asia, 1880-1884. (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history; no. 18) Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001. Pp. 251. ISBN 9781579105068. EMU.

Bietenholz, Peter G. Encounters with a radical Erasmus: Erasmus' work as a source of radical thought in early modern Europe. (Erasmus studies) Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2009. Pp. vi, 326. ISBN 9780802099051. MHL.

Bontrager, Amos J. Back to nature. Marion, KY (1300 S.R. 1901, Marion KY 42064) : A. Bontrager, 2009. Pp. [2], 20, [2]. MHL.

Bourne, Richard. Seek the peace of the city: Christian political criticism as public, realist, and transformative. (Theopolitical visions; 5) Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2009. Pp. xv, 329. ISBN 9781556356421. MHL.

Brunk, Raymond P. Thoughts into words: 3001 original proverbs worth remembering. Dayton, VA (P.O. Box 99, Dayton, VA 22821): Anthony Publishers, 2009. Pp. 254. ISBN 9781607916628. MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. Blij van hart: roman. Translated by Marianne Grandia. (De bruiden van Lancaster County; 1) Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2009. Pp. 272. ISBN 9789088650703. Originally published as Merry heart. [Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2006]. MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. Het keerpunt: roman. Translated by Marianne Grandia. (Holmes County; dl. 3) Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2009. Pp. 351. ISBN 9789088650604. Originally published as: A sister's hope. [Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2008]. MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. Uitzien naar een wonder: roman. Translated by Marianne Grandia. (De bruiden van Lancaster County; 2) Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 2009. Pp. 279. ISBN 9789088651151. Originally published as: Looking for a miracle. [Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2006]. MHL.

Coming out strong. Minneapolis, MN: Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Interests, 2006. 1 DVD. EMU.

Defer, Peter and Irene Defer. The road traveled: by the Defer (De Fehr, Vehr) and Klassen families. Winnipeg, MB: Peter and Irene Defer, 2003. Pp. 123. CMU.

Denck, Hans. Vom Gesetz und Von der Liebe: zwei Schriften. (TöuferTexte; 1) Weisenheim am Berg: Agape Verlag, 2007. Pp. 91. ISBN 9783887444503. MHL, MLA.

Dueck, Abe, Helmut Janz, Samantha Jones, and Ernest Unruh, eds. 50 years: Linked together by God's grace. Calgary, AB: Highland Mennonite Brethren Church, 2006. Pp. 144. CBC.

Ens, Alvin G. Musings on the sermon: poetic musings on the Sermon on the Mount and other scriptures. Abbotsford, BC: Ensa Publishing, 2002. Pp. 123, [ii]. ISBN 0973222409. CMU.

Epp, Johann. Und nun, Herr Doktor? Lage [Germany]: Logos Verlag, 2000. Pp. 256. ISBN 3933828457. CMU.

Fish, Susan. For such a time as this: studies in the books of Ruth, Esther and Jonah. (Word wise: helping people think and act biblically) Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions, 2004. Pp. vii, 103. ISBN 9780921788966. EMU.

Grass-based dairy farming: 15 farmers share considerations for starting your own grass-based dairy. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2008 (2010 printing). Pp. vii, 46. ISBN 9781933753096. EMU.

Guenther, Bruce L. Osler Mission Chapel (1974-1994): the Convergence of Old Colony Mennonites with Evangelical Protestantism in 20th Century Canadian Society. (Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan Occasional Papers, no. 2006-2) Saskatoon, SK: Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan, 2006. Pp. 37. CBC.

Halvorson, Michael J. and Karen E. Spierling, eds. Defining community in early modern Europe. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008. Pp. x, 364. ISBN 9780754661535. MLA.

Harms, Jacob. Das hinterlassene Heft vom verstorbenen ältesten Jacob Harms (1914-1993). [Strassburgo (Mplo de Cuauhtémoc), Chihuahua, México: Strassburg Platz, 2001. Pp. [1], 35, [2] leaves of plates. CMU.

Heartwarming tales of hilarity, heartache & hahnsvasht. Grand Rapids, MI: HeuleGordon, Inc., [2008?]. Pp. [16], 553. EMU.

Hildebrand, Jerry. Winds of change: Winkler EMMC: 70 years of a church on the move. Winkler, MB: Winkler Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church, 2007. Pp. viii, 188. ISBN 9780978412203. CMU.

James, Randy. Amish economics. Hartshorn, MO: Pleasant Valley Productions, [2005]. 1 DVD. EMU.

Jansen, Melanie. From the darkest night: meditations for abuse survivors. Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2001. Pp. 71. ISBN 9781562125431. EMU.

Klaassen, Horst. Werderbauern im Weichsel-Nogat-Delta: Landes - und Orts-Geschichte zwischen Danzig, Elbing und Marienburg und Familien-Geschichte Klaassen-Schönsee (Fürstenau), Dyck-Prangenau (Leske), Fast-Baarenhof (Irrgang), Hübert-Krebsfelde (Fürstenau). Backnang: H. Klaassen, 2003 (2010 printing). Pp. 297. MLA.

Klassen, John N. Russlanddeutsche Freikirchen in der Bundesrepublic Deutschland: Grundlinien ihrer Geschichte, ihrer Entwicklung und Theologie. Nürnberg: VTR (Verlag für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft); Bonn: VKW (Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft), 2007. Pp. 444. ISBN 9783937965871 (VTR); 9783938116364 (VKW). MLA.

Klaue, Rüdiger. Frischer Wind im heissen Buschland: Eindrücke bei den Mennoniten in Paraguay. 1 Aufl. Lage: Logos, 2000. Pp. 105. ISBN 9783933828514. EMU.

Koller, Jeff and Becky Koller. Celebrating 50 years: Memorial Home: caring people caring for people, 1958-2008. [Moundridge, KS?]: Jebeko Publishing, 2008. Pp. 73. MLA.

Kologie, Marie. April 19, 1930. [Vernon, BC?]: Marie Kologie, [20--?] 1 volume. CMU.

Kuipers, Marietje E. Wilhelmina Baier-Nikkel, 1895-1984. Amsterdam: [Doopsgezinde Historische Kring, 2002]. Pp. 211-260. ISBN 906550737X. Offprint from: Doopsgezinde Bijdragen, nieuwe reeks 28, 2002, p. 211-260. CMU.

Labun, Allan. Margaret Suderman, missionary nurse.Winnipeg, MB: Allan Labun, 2008. Pp. 93. CMU.

Das Leicht Büchlein für die Amischen Gemeinden in Lancaster County und die umliegenden Gegenden. [Gordonville, PA?: s.n.], 2002 (2006 printing). Pp. 23, [1]. EMU.

Leo Beachy's legacy. Grantsville, MD: Grantsville Community Museum, 2008. 1 DVD. EMU.

Loewen, Benno and Mary Loewen. Silberfeld 1878-2008: one hundred and thirty years of change. Rosenort, MB: Country Graphics & Printing, 2008. Pp. 272. ISBN 1896257615. CMU.

Lowrey, Bill, Allen Harder and Vachel Miller, eds. And the children shall lead them: an NGO journey into peace education. Monrovia, CA: World Vision, 2005. Pp. 309. ISBN 1933785004. CMU.

Morris, Margaret Rose Friesen and Grace Katherine Toews Wohlgemuth. TAron M. & Maria Penner family book, 1887-2006. [Manitoba?: s. n.], 2006. Pp. 233. CMU.

Neufeld, Elizabeth. Neufeld. [Winnipeg, MB]: Elizabeth Neufeld, 2008. Pp. 122. CMU.

Nighswander, Rachel. Not greater than his grace. [Barwick, ON]: R. Nighswander, 2007. Pp. 155. EMU.

Ortman, David E. and Maxine M. (Mueller) Ortman. The Christian Mueller and Anna (Schrag) Mueller family genealogy, 1842-2002. Sioux Falls, SD: Pine Hill Press, [2003]. Pp. xiv, 81. MLA.

Penner, David N. J. Descendants of Jacob D. Penner and Katharina Rempel: an album of time.[S. l.: s. n.], 2004. Pp. 183, 20. CMU.

Profesión de fe: de la Conferencia General de las Iglesias Hermanos Menonitas. 1999 edition. Winnipeg, MB ; Hillsboro, KS: Kindred Productions; Winnipeg, MB: Christian Press, 2000. Pp. 26. EMU.

Reimer, Isaak and Olga Winter Reimer. "Under the shadow of the Almighty": eleven years in exile, 1945-1956, Workuta, Siberia. The experiences of Isaak and Olga Reimer. Saskatoon, SK: E. Patkau, 2006. Pp. 199. CMU.

Reimer, Susanna. Susanna Reimer's journals, 1918-1938.Translated by Dave Schellenberg and Dianne Hiebert; compiled and edited by Dianne Hiebert. Kelowna, BC: Rosetta Projects, 2008. Pp. 311. ISBN 9780978462925. EMU.

Reunion Vocal Band. Hunger for beauty. Harrisonburg, VA: Alive Recordings, 2001. 1 CD. EMU.

Ross, Veronica. To experience wonder: Edna Staebler: a life. Toronto: Dundurn Group, 2003. Pp. 326. ISBN 9781550024623. EMU.

Salomón Meráz, Liliana. Historia de los menonitas radicados en Durango. Durango: Programa de Apoyo a Comunidades Municipales y Comunitarias, 2004. Pp. 130. MLA.

Schroeder, Helen Doerksen. Diary of life trials & triumphs in Paraguay, 1948- 1963. [Mitchell, MB]: H. D. Schroeder, 2002. Pp. 115. CMU.

Staebler, Edna. Must write: Edna Staebler's diaries.(Life writing series) Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2005. Pp. viii, 301. ISBN 9780889204812 (pbk). EMU.

Teichrib, Abram. Der Weg zur Heimat: Erinnerungen meiner Mutter. Detmold: PeWe-Media, 2005. Pp. 287. CMU.

Toleranz bejahen, Jesus Christus bekennen: 200 Jahre Mennonitengemeinden in Bayern: Rückblick, Überblick, Ausblick.Bolanden-Weierhof: Mennonitischer Buchversand, 2002. Pp. 152. EMU.

Unter der heissen Sonne des Südens. Loma Plata, Paraguay: Kolonie Menno, 2002. Pp. 228. MLA.

Warkentin, Maria. Mary, girl from Friedensruh: as told by Mary Friesen to granddaughter Maria Warkentin. [Manitoba?]: Roy and Maria Warkentin; Steinbach, MB: Derksen Printers, 2008. Pp. 257. ISBN 9781550991642. EMU.

Williams, Daniel H., ed. The free church and the early church: bridging the historical and theological divide. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2002. Pp. xiii, 183. ISBN 9780802849861. EMU.

20th Century and Earlier

75 jährige Jubiläumsfeier der Mennoniten in Mexiko = 75 Aniversario de los Menonitas en México. Mexico: [s. n.], 1997. Pp. [1], 15, [2]. CMU.

Amish church record. Dundee, OH: M. J. Miller; [Sugarcreek, OH]: Carlisle Printing, [1998?]. Pp. [62]. EMU.

Barrett, Lois and Aiden Schlichting Enns. Praying the beatitudes of Jesus: a guide for leading five prayer meetings. Winnipeg, MB: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Resources Commission, 1998. Pp. 33. CMU.

Bender, Harold Stauffer. Conrad Grebel, c. 1498-1526: the founder of the Swiss Brethren sometimes called Anabaptists. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 1998. Pp. xvi, 326. ISBN 9781579101572. EMU.

Bender, Urie A. The Lyle S. Hallman story. [Kitchener, ON: L. S. Hallman, 1993]. Pp. 188. EMU.

Birkey, Verna. Input for a rejoicing heart: songs and scripture enlarging our concept of God, designed especially for your meaningful listening and singing along. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1975. Pp. 73. EMU.

Block, Henry J. The Johann Block family. [S. l.]: Henry J. Block, 1995. Pp. 457. CMU.

Boese, Sam, Mrs. Winter snows. (Early years series; 2) (Lucy series; 2) Rosenort, MB: PrairieView Press, 1995. Pp. 160. ISBN 9781896199047. EMU.

Borntreger, John E. A history of the first settlers of the Amish Mennonites and the establishment of their first congregation in the state of Indiana: along with a short account of the division which took place in this church. 2nd printing in English. Topeka, IN: Dan. A. Hochstetler; Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, 1992. Pp. 19. EMU.

Brubacher, Sarah. Aunt Sarah's children's stories. Book 2.St. Jacobs, ON: S. M. Brubacher, 1995 (2003 printing). Pp. 108. EMU.

Ellis, William Donohue. With a name like -.. Orrville, OH: J.M. Smucker Co., 1987. Pp. vii, 161. EMU.

Epp, Bruno. Religions in Canada: affiliation ethnicity immigration status; population figures and percentages. Barrie, ON: Bruno Epp, 1994. Pp. 60. CMU.

Epp, Margaret A. Sarah, das Mädchen von der Farm. Translated by Karin Jagemann. Neuhausen/Stuttgart: Hänssler Verlag, 1994. Pp. 116. ISBN 9783775120685. Originally published as: Sarah and the magic twenty-fifth. [Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1977]. EMU.

Festschrift zum 25-jährigen Gemeindejubiläum der Mennoniten- Brüdergemeinde Bielefeld-Heepen. Bielefeld [Germany]: MBG Bielefeld-Heepen, [1999?] Pp. 36. CMU.

Foth, Peter J. Was bleibt? Texte 1987 bis 1992. Hamburg: [s.n.], 1993. Pp. 127. CMU.

Glanzer, Jim and Pam Reese. Death, grief and your church community: October 24-25, 1997, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Va. Harrisonburg, VA: [Eastern Mennonite University?, 1997]. 1 volume. EMU.

Heritage collections: histories from New Bothwell and District. [New Bothwell, MB]: New Bothwell History Book Committee, 1994. Pp. viii, 416. ISBN 1550990454. CMU.

Hochzeit Lieder. Hawley, MN: Spring Prairie Printing, 1988 (1995 printing). Pp. [2], 121. EMU.

Janzen, Abram and Gertrude Wiebe Janzen. The life story of Mrs. Gertruda Wiebe 1882-1965. Hague, SK: [s. n.], 1998. Pp. 38. CMU.

Krahn, Neta and Jacob Peters. Jubiläumsmalbuch. Chihuahua, Mexico: Strassburg Platz; 1997. 1 volume. CMU.

Lehman, Simon A. Free indeed: the story of Camp Freedom.[St. Petersburg, FL: Camp Freedom, 1987]. Pp. [2], ii, [2], 81. EMU.

Letkeman, Peter. As I remember it. Robson, BC: P. Letkeman Publication; Robson, BC: Bear Grass Press, 1996. Pp. 191. ISBN 9780968089903. CMU, EMU, MLA.

Lohrenz, J. H. Honor the Lord with thy substance: Proverbs 3:9-10. [S.l.]: Mrs. J. H. Lohrenz, [197-?]. Pp. 23. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Neufeld, Elizabeth. The singing kettle: memories of growing up during the "thirties" in the small village of Niverville, Manitoba. [Winnipeg, MB]: Elizabeth Neufeld, 1997. Pp. 139. CMU.

Peters, Frank C. The importance of church membership. Winnipeg: Christian Press, Ltd., [1950]. Pp. 16. EMU.

Peters, Gerhard I. He leadeth me in the right path. [s. l.: s. n.], 1994. Pp. 70. CMU.

Read, Maureen Hay. Earthen vessel: James Hay, ordinary man. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1993. Pp. viii, 188. ISBN 9781883294014. EMU.

Reimer, Margaret. The story of the Crimea Bible School theological seminary, 1918-1924. Translated by Edwin Reimer. [Ontario: M. Reimer, 1975?]. Pp. [14], 62, [2]. EMU.

Shantz, Kathy. Lord, Hear our prayers: domestic violence worship resources. [Kitchener, ON]: Mennonite Central Committee Canada, 1994. Pp. vi, 78. ISBN 0969027850. CMU.

State Archives of the Odessa Region. Fond 6. Board of Guardians for Foreign Settlers: files relating to Mennonites from Inventory 1. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, [19--?]. 6 DVDs. EMU.

Swartley, Willard M. Mark, the way for all nations. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 1999. Pp. 251. ISBN 9781579102357. EMU.

Terekhin, S. and Annelore Engel-Braunschmidt. Deutsche Architektur an der Wolga.. Berlin: Westkreuz Verlag, 1993. Pp. 88, [1]. ISBN 3922131913. CMU.


Flanbo verite a. Santa Rila de Rio Cuarlo, Costa Rica: Publicadora La Merced, 2009-. MHL.

Hogar El Buen Pastor (Siguatepeque, Comayagua, Honduras). Newsletter. Good Shepherd Children's Home. Siguatepeque, Honduras: Good Shepherd Children's Home, 2009-. MHL.

Ink and quill quarterly. (Mio, MI: Ink and Quill, 2011-. Continues Original poetry. MHL.

Ladies journal: inspiration & encouragement by women of faith. Loysville, PA: Ladies Journal, LLC, 2010-. MHL.

Mensajero (Anabautistas, Menonitas y Hermanos en Cristo--España). El mensajero. Quintanadueñas, Burgos: Secretaría de la AMyHCE, 2011-. Continues Mensajero (Asociación de Menonitas y Hermanos en Cristo en España). MHL.

Mission to the Amish People. Ministry update. Savannah, OH: Mission to Amish People, 2009-. Continues M.A.P. MHL.

Northland newslink: serving horse and buggy communities throughout Michigan.McBain, MI: Rainbow Hollow Press, 2009-. MHL.

Teacher handbook for the Christian Light Publications Sunday school curriculum. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2009-. Merger of Youth Sunday school. Teacher's guide and Adult Sunday school Teacher's guide. MHL.