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Mennonite Bibliography, 2006

Compiled by Barbara A. Thiesen, Mennonite Library & Archives, Bethel College (MLA)

Assisted by Mary Jean Johnson, Musselman Library and the Mennonite Historical Collections, Bluffton University (BLU), Audrey Shenk, Menno Simons Historical Library/Archives, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU); Kevin Enns-Rempel, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, Fresno, California (FRE); Vic Froese, Mennonite Historical Library, Canadian Mennonite University (CMU); Joe Springer, Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College (MHL).

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The Mennonite Bibliography, 2006 consists of titles published in 2006 that were acquired by (NOT FOR SALE by) the contributing libraries. Also included are titles acquired in 2006, published prior to that year, but not included in previous Mennonite Life bibliographies. The three-letter symbols after each entry indicate which libraries have copies of the titles.


2006 directory Fellowship Churches in the Western United States and Northwest Mexico. Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2006. Pp. 77. MHL.

Ahlquist, Karen, ed. Chorus and community. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2006. Pp. 323. ISBN 0252030370 ($65.00) ; ISBN 0252072847 ($30.00 pbk). BLU.

Anabaptist songs in African hearts: global Mennonite history series: Africa. Intercourse, PA: Good Books ; Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 291. ISBN 1561485497 ($11.95 pbk.). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Anderson, Robert Dean. Gone! : the true story about the stealing of Jesse Peaster. Barnett, MO: Aux Arcs Pub., 2006. Pp. 231. ISBN 0972068090. EMU.

Arblaster, Paul. A history of the Low Countries. (Palgrave essential histories) Basingstoke [England] ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Pp. xiv, 298. ISBN 1403948275 ($79.95) ; ISBN 1403948283 ($26.95 pbk.). MHL.

Augsburger, David. Dissident discipleship: a spirituality of self-surrender, love of God, and love of neighbor. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2006. Pp. 245. ISBN 1587431807 ($19.99). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Baecher, Claude. Grâce et économie: plaidoyer biblique pour une attitude généreuse. (Les Dossiers de Christ Seul; no. 1/2006) Montbéliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2006. Pp. 74. ISBN 290421478X. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Baker, Mark D., ed. Proclaiming the scandal of the cross: contemporary images of the atonement. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006. Pp. 204. ISBN 080102742X ($16.99 pbk.). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Balmer, Brice H. Meeting our multifaith neighbors. Waterloo, ON ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 195. ISBN 0836193393 ($14.99). BLU, MHL, MLA.

Bartsch, Henry G. Stories my father told us . . . that his grandchildren and their children might know. Translated from Der kleine Africa Bote, compiled by Karl Bartsch. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2006. Pp. 272. ISBN 1932864989 ($12.99). FRE, MLA.

Basler, Jay and Glola Basler, eds. Mennonite your way hospitality travel directory 10, 2006-2008. Mundelein, IL: Mennonite Your Way Directory, 2006. Pp. 96. ($25.00). BLU, MHL, MLA.

Beach, Mark and Julie Kauffman. Simply in season children's cookbook. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 78. ISBN 0836193369 ($21.99). MHL, MLA.

Bean, Howard. Daily truth for godly youth: 365 practical devotionals for teens and adults. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006. Pp. ix, 380. ISBN 0878136401. EMU, MHL.

Bedford, David. Little Otter's big journey. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485489 ($16.00). MHL.

Beiler, Allen R. and Omar C. Yoder. DNA search for the small y bey: America, Switzerland, and beyond : Beiler-Beyeler-Boiler-Byler. New Holland, PA : Bey Research, 2006. Pp. xii, [85]. EMU.

Bellefleur, Jean-Marc & Pascal Keller. Repères pour vivres ensemble: Vers une discipline respectueuse. (Les Dossiers de Christ Seul, no. 2/2006) Montbéliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2006. Pp. 87. ISBN 2904214798. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Biesecker-Mast, Gerald. Separation and the sword in Anabaptist persuasion: radical confessional rhetoric from Schleitheim to Dordrecht. ©. Henry Smith series; 6) Telford, PA: Cascadia Publishing House ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 311. ISBN 1931038341 ($22.95/$29.76 CDN). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Block, Alvina. Changing attitudes: relations of Mennonite missionaries with native North Americans, 1880-2004. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Manitoba, 2006. Pp. 302. CMU.

Bobyleva, S. I., ed. Zhyvy I pomny . . . : Istoriya Mennonytskix koloniy Ekaterinoslavshini. Dnepropetrovsk: Institute of Ukrainian-German Historical Research, Dnepropetrovsk National University, 2006. Pp. 378. ISBN 9668363051. FRE.

Bontrager, Rhoda. Philip's special brother. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006. Pp. 29. ISBN 0878136304. EMU, MHL.

Braght, Thieleman J. van. Más precioso que la vida: cuenta historias del martirio de los cristianos, durante los primeros dos siglos y el siglo dieciséis d.C. (después de Jesucristo). Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2006. Pp. 352. ISBN 0739977407. MHL.

Brenneman, James E. [et al.]. Loving strangers as ourselves: Biblical reflections. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee U.S., 2006. Pp. 49. ($8.29). EMU, MLA.

Bright, Paul. I'm not going out there! Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485357 ($16.00). MHL.

Brock, Peter. Against the draft: essays on conscientious objection from the Radical Reformation to the Second World War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006. Pp.462. ISBN 0802090737 ($80.00). MLA.

Brown, Rachel W. N. Adoration quilts: appliqué nativity projects. Woodinville, WA : Martingale, 2006. Pp. 96. ISBN 1564776700 ($24.95). EMU.

Brunk, Menno J. Bible parables: a commentary on Old and New Testament parables. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 220. ISBN 0739923560 ($7.60). EMU, MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda C. The bishop's daughter: a novel. (Daughters of Lancaster County; no. 3) Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Publishing, 2006. Pp. 288. ISBN 1597890006 ($9.97 pbk.) ; ISBN 1585479551 ($31.95 large print). EMU, FRE.

Brunstetter, Wanda C. The simple life: devotional thoughts from Amish Country. Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Publishing, 2006. Pp. 191. ISBN 1597890642 ($4.97). EMU.

Budziszewski, J. Evangelicals in the public square: four formative voices on political thought and action. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006. Pp. 218. ISBN 0801031567 ($19.99 pbk.). MHL.

Bueckert, Leah Dawn and Daniel S. Schipani, eds. Spiritual caregiving in the hospital: windows to chaplaincy ministry. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 263. ISBN 1894710657 ($34.30/$18.40 CDN). BLU, CMU, EMU, MLA.

Burkholder, Chris. Amish confidential: the bishop's son shatters the silence. Argyle, IA: Argyle Publishing, 2006. Pp. 214. ISBN 0977268004 ($19.95). FRE.

Butler, M. Christina. One winter's day. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485322 ($16.00). MHL.

Bystrom Raymond O. Preaching biblical sermons: three contemporary strategies. Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2006. Pp. 171. ISBN 1894791118 ($25.00/$29.00 CDN pbk.). FRE.

Camden, Laura. Mennonites in Texas: the quiet in the land. (Sam Rayburn series on rural life; no. 12) College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2006. Pp. 123. ISBN 1585444979 ($35.00). BLU, EMU, MLA.

Cartwright, Michael G. Practices, politics, and performance: toward a communal hermeneutic for Christian ethics. (Princeton theological monograph series) Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2006. Pp. xv, 260. ISBN 1597525650 ($14.00). MHL.

Children's illustrated Bible. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. xiii, 498. ISBN 083619344X ($22.99/$28.79 CDN) ; ISBN 074607638X. MHL.

Clemens, Judy. To thine own self be true. Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen Press, 2006. Pp. 226. ISBN 1590582985 ($24.95). MLA.

Coblentz, John. When a loved one has died. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006. Pp. 18. ISBN 0878136312. EMU.

A collection of psalms and hymns suited to the various occasions of public worship and private devotion. [PA?]: Published by the Weaverland Conference Mennonite Congregations ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2006. Pp. 383, 48. EMU.

The completion of God's plan for man: grade 10. (God's plan for His people; grade 10) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 263. ISBN 0739904388. MHL.

The completion of God's plan for man: grade 10. Teacher's manual. (God's plan for His people ; grade 10) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 289 + 1 test book (Pp. 23). ISBN 0739904396. MHL.

Conrad, Carl [et al.]. Oak Grove Mennonite Cemetery: Green Township, Wayne County, Ohio. Wooster, OH: WCCPS, 2006. Pp. 82, [94]. MHL.

Crider, Virginia. La vida con un alcohólico: las pruebas se convierten en triunfos. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006. Pp. 62. ISBN 0878136371. EMU.

Cuthbert, Pippa & Lindsay Cameron Wilson. Grill!: quick and delicious recipes for indoor and outdoor grilling. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 176. ISBN 1561485187 ; ($15.95 pbk.) ISBN 1561485195 ($19.95 comb). MHL.

Cuthbert, Pippa & Lindsay Cameron Wilson. Pizza!: delicious recipes for toppings and bases for all pizza lovers. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 176. ISBN 1561485381 ($15.95 pbk.) ; ISBN 156148539X ($19.95 comb). MHL.

Cuthbert, Pippa & Lindsay Cameron Wilson. Soup!: hot and cold recipes for all seasons. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 176. ISBN 1561485004 ($15.95 pbk.) ; 1561485012 ($19.95 comb). MHL.

Daisy, Aunt. My book of golden times. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 88. ISBN 0739923765 ($4.95). EMU, MHL.

D'Antonio, Michael. Hershey: Milton S. Hershey's extraordinary life of wealth, empire, and utopian dreams. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006. Pp. 305. ISBN 0743264096 $25.00) ; ISBN 074326410X ($15.00 pbk.). MHL.

DeMars, Teresa & Alyse. Fall and winter in North Carolina forests workbook. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 34. ISBN 0739917161. MHL.

DeMars, Teresa & Alyse. Fall and winter in North Carolina forests workbook. Teacher's manual. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 34. ISBN 0739917188. MHL.

DeMars, Teresa & Alyse. Spring and summer in North Carolina forests workbook. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 36 p. ISBN 073991717X. MHL.

DeMars, Teresa & Alyse. Spring and summer in North Carolina forests workbook. Teacher's manual. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 36. ISBN 0739917196. MHL.

Deutsch-Pennsylvanischer Arbeitskreis. Mit Pennsylvaanisch-Deitsch darich's yaahr: a Pennsylvania German reader for grandparents and grandchildren. Neckarsteinach, Germany: Edition Tintenfaß, 2006. Pp. 59. ISBN 393746719X ($18.82/EUR 14,50). MHL.

Dewalt, Mark W. Amish education in the United States and Canada. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2006. Pp. 218. ISBN 1578864461 ($60.00) ; ISBN 157886447X ($32.95 pbk.). BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Duerksen, Carol and Maynard Knepp. Who's Kate? Hillsboro, KS: WillowSpring Down, 2006. Pp. 207. ISBN 0974271624 ($9.95). MLA.

Earles, Gail A. The Andreas and Elizabeth Eiman Ropp family in America. 2006. 1 v. ($24.00). BLU.

Eby, Larry and Mary Jane Breneman Eby. In harmony with creation: seeking God's face in Mennonite camping. Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Camping Association, 2006. Pp. 160. ISBN 0977768201 ($24.95). BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Ehrenpreis, Andreas, and Klaus Felbinger. Brotherly community: the highest command of love: two Anabaptist documents of 1650 and 1560. (Anabaptist texts in translation; 5) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, [2006?]. Pp.133. ($9.75/$6.40 CDN) ISBN 1894710746. CMU, MLA.

Elias, Jacob W. Remember the future: the pastoral theology of Paul the Apostle. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 539. ISBN 0836193237 ($15.99). BLU, MHL, MLA.

Emily's story: !Explore: a theological program for high school youth. [Elkhart, IN]: Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, [2006?] 1 DVD (14 min.). EMU.

Epp, Irmgard, ed. Constantinoplers: escape from Bolshevism. Victoria: Trafford, 2006. Pp. 370. ISBN 1412053250 ($27.99). CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Fast, Henry. Gruenfeld (now Kleefeld), 1874-1910: first Mennonite village in western Canada. [Steinbach, MB]: Henry Fast, 2006. Pp. 370. ISBN 0978203801 ($35.00). MLA.

Freedman, Claire. New kid in town. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485470 ($16.00). MHL.

Friesen, Abraham. In defense of privilege: Russian Mennonites and the state before and during World War I. (Perspectives on Mennonite life and thought; 16) Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions, 2006. Pp. 520. ISBN 189479107X ($35.00). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Friesen, Josephine. Breaking ground: three generations of Mennonite women in the Canadian West. 2nd ed. Surrey, BC: Ocean Park Publications, [2006]. Pp. 183. ISBN 1897266154 ($19.95). EMU.

Friesen, Patrick. Interim: essays & mediations. Regina: Hagios Press, 2006. Pp. 143. ISBN 097397270X ($11.81/$12.85 CDN). CMU, FRE.

Ganger, Steve. Priority parenting: reclaiming your home for heaven's sake. Scottdale, PA ; Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 127. ISBN 0836193318 ($9.99 pbk.). MHL, MLA.

Garnham, Laura. The tiniest mermaid. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485128 ($16.00). MHL.

Gaus, Paul L. A prayer for the night: an Ohio Amish mystery. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2006. Pp. vii, 210. ISBN 0821416723 ($24.95) ; ISBN 0821416731 ($12.95 pbk.). MHL.

George, Charles. What makes me Amish? (What makes me a-- ?) Farmington Hills, MI: KidHaven Press ; Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2006. Pp. 48. ISBN 0737730811 ($23.70). EMU.

Gibble, H. Lamar. Ecumenical engagement for peace and nonviolence: experiences and initiatives of the Historic Peace Churches and the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Elgin, IL: Historic Peace Churches/FOR Consultative Committee, 2006. Pp. 233. EMU, FRE, MLA.

Giesbrecht, Jasch W. Trotz allem, doch noch viel Spass im Leben. Loma Plata, Paraguay: Druckerei Friesen, 2006. Pp. 130. ($6.50). EMU.

Gingerich, Noah. The history of Pinecraft, 1925-1960: a historical album of the Amish and Mennonites in Pinecraft, Florida. Walnut Creek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2006. Pp. 164. ISBN 1890050741 ($25.00). BLU, EMU, MLA.

Gingerich, Owen. God's universe. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006. Pp. 139. ISBN 0674023706 ($16.95). EMU, MLA.

Gingerich, Ray and Earl Zimmerman, eds. Telling our stories: personal accounts of engagements with scripture. (Journeys with scripture series; 1) Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 287. ISBN 1931038368 ($21.95 pbk.). BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Gingerich, Ray and Ted Grimsrud, ed. Transforming the powers: peace, justice, and the domination system. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006. Pp. 227. ISBN 0800638174 ($20.00). EMU, MLA.

Glendinning, Lesley. Mennonites at play: postmodern aspects of Low German drama. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Manitoba, 2006. Pp. 123. ($50.00). EMU.

Glick, Jacob. Recollections of my father: an Amish patriarch. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2006. Pp. 104. ISBN 1932864881 ($9.77). MHL, MLA.

God's inhabited world: grade 6. (God's world science series) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 264. ISBN 0739906178. MHL.

God's inhabited world: grade 6 ... teacher's manual. (God's world science series) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 285. ISBN 0739906194. MHL.

Good, Phyllis Pellman. Fix-it and enjoy-it! cookbook: all-purpose, welcome-home recipes. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 284. ISBN 1561485268 ($15.95). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Graber, Amos and Marlene Graber. Devastation in Daviess County: True accounts of the November 15, 2005 tornado that ripped through Daviess County, Indiana. Montgomery, IN: Prairie Creek Printing, 2006. Pp. 143. ($19.95). MLA.

Grieser, Orland R. & Ervin Beck. Out of the wilderness: history of the Central Mennonite Church, 1835-1960. Archbold, OH: Sauder Village, 2006 Pp. 243. MHL.

Griesinger, Emily and Mark Eaton, eds. The gift of story: narrating hope in a postmodern world. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2006. Pp. 391. ISBN 1932792473 ($39.95 pbk.). BLU.

Griffiths, Paul J. The vice of curiosity: an essay on intellectual appetite. (The 2005 J.J. Thiessen lectures) Winnipeg, MB: CMU Press, 2006. Pp. x, 96. ISBN 0920718779 ($15.00). MHL.

Groff, Anna, ed. Goshen portraits 2: essays from Advanced Reporting and Editing, Feature Writing and Reporting for the Public Good. (Horswell anthology series; no. 9) Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2006. 1 v. MHL.

Groff, Clyde L. The Groff book: v. 2. Ronks, PA (151 Cherryhill Rd., Ronks 17572): Groff History Associates, 2006. 1 v. ($30.00). BLU.

Grove, Ella. Mohán va a la jungla. Tr. by Manuel Rosa & Keiner Barrantes. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2006. Pp. 160. ISBN 0739903012. MHL.

The hands and feet of Jesus: Mennonite Disaster Service responds, rebuilds, restores. Akron, PA: MDS Binational, [2006?] 1 DVD. EMU, MLA.

Harder, Helmut. David Toews was here, 1870-1947. 2nd ed. Winnipeg: CMU Press, 2006. Pp. 345. ISBN 0920718760 ($42.00). CMU, MLA.

Hartshorn, Leo. Interpretation and preaching as communal and dialogical practices: an Anabaptist perspective. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006. Pp. 293. ISBN 0773457550 ($109.00). BLU, MLA.

Hartzler, Rachel Nafziger. Grief and sexuality: life after losing a spouse. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 243. ISBN 0836193407 ($14.99). FRE, MHL, MLA.

Hawkins, Kathryn. Bread!: simple and satisfying recipes for your bread machine. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 176. ISBN 1561485403 ($15.95 pbk.) ; ISBN 1561485411 ($19.95 comb). MHL.

Hawkins, Kathryn. Crepes, waffles & pancakes!: over 100 recipes for hearty meals, light snacks, and delicious desserts. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 176. ISBN 1561485209 ($15.95 pbk.) ; ISBN 1561485217 ($19.95 comb). MHL.

Heidebrecht, Doug. Interpreting the Bible together: an interactive video curriculum. Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2006. 1 DVD. ($29.99/$36.99 CDN). FRE.

Hein, Marvin, comp. & ed. The Daniel and Margaret Becker Suderman family history and genealogy. Fresno, CA: privately printed, 2006. Pp. 88. FRE.

Hershberger, Melvin E. Descendants of Emanuel V. Hershberger. Baltic, OH (50940 T.R. 220, Baltic 43804): M. E. Hershberger, [2006?]. Pp. 152. ($10.00). EMU.

Hiele, Gerke van with Marion Bruggen, Ina ter Kuile and Frans Misset. Encountering the Eternal One: a guide for Mennonite churches. Translation of Aangeraakt door de Eeuwige I. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 119. ISBN 1894710754 ($14.90). FRE, MLA.

Hochstetler, John, ed. Journey of hope: stories written by parents who have travelled the way of adoption. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2006. Pp. 469. ($16.19). MLA.

Horrocks, Anita. Almost Eden. Toronto: Tundra Books, 2006. Pp. 284. ISBN 0887767427. ($8.26/$8.99 CDN). CMU, FRE.

Huebert, Helmut T. Mennonites in the cities of imperial Russia. Vol. 1: Barvenkovo, Berdyansk, Melitopol, Millerovo, Orechov, Pologi, Sevastopol, Simferopol. Winnipeg: Springfield Publishers, 2006. Pp. 456 ISBN 0920643108 ($50.00). FRE, MLA.

Huebner, Chris. A precarious peace: Yoderian explorations on theology, knowledge, and identity. (Polyglossia: radical Reformation theologies; 1) Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 249. ISBN 0836193415 ($18.99). BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Hursh, Mary. Shoes on the car and other stories. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 122. ISBN 0739923781 ($7.30). EMU, MHL.

Hurst, Frank W. [et al.]. Whether by word or epistle: II Thess. 2:15: letters of Frank W. Hurst and other Weaverland Conference Mennonites of Pennsylvania to Thomas Reesor of Ontario, 1920-1948. Ed. Amos B. Hoover. Ephrata, PA: Muddy Creek Farm Library, 2006. Pp. xxxiv, 307. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Hutter, Jacob. Brotherly faithfulness: epistles from a time of persecution. (Anabaptist texts in translation; 5) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 233. ISBN 1894710738 ($12.75/$13.50 CDN). CMU, MLA.

Illustrated historical atlas of Lancaster County. Pub. by Alan Giagnocavo with contributions by Thomas R. Ryan [et al.]. Limited ed. East Petersburg, PA: Published by Historic Arts Press, 2006. Pp. 275. ISBN 0977700402 ($60.00) ; ISBN 0977700410 (leatherbound). MHL.

Isaak, Helmut. Menno Simons and the New Jerusalem. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 158. ISBN 189471069X ($19.00). BLU, EMU, MLA.

Isaak, Jon M. God is one and God is fair: studies in Paul's Letter to the Romans. (Luminaire studies) Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2006. Pp. 281. ISBN 1894791096 ($22.99/$25.99 CDN). FRE.

Jacobs, Donald R. Consider Jesus: daily reflections on the book of Hebrews. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 367. ISBN 0836193474 ($11.99 pbk.) ; ISBN 0836193482 ($15.99). BLU, MLA.

Jacobsen, Douglas and Rodney J. Sawatsky. Gracious Christianity: living the love we profess. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006. Pp. 140. ISBN 0801031397 ($12.99). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Johns, Loren L. and James R. Krabill, eds. Even the demons submit: continuing Jesus' ministry of deliverance. (Occasional papers) Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2006. Pp. 214. ISBN 0936273402 ($15.75). BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Jones, Randall B. Hartman Airfield, Harrisonburg's runway to flight. Harrisonburg, VA: OldBlindDog Publishing, 2006. Pp. 62. EMU.

Joslin, Mary. On that Easter morning. North American ed. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485179 ($16.00). MHL.

Jost, Lora and Dave Loewenstein. Kansas murals: a traveler's guide. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2006. Pp. 278. ISBN 0700614680 ($35.00). MLA.

Juntos en misión: convicciones, valores y compromisos centrales de la Red Menonita de Misión. (Missio Dei: exploring God's work in the world; 10) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Mission Network, 2006. Pp. 19. ISBN 1933845007 ($3.95). EMU.

Kauenhofen, Jessica. God made me special! Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006. Pp. [47]. ISBN 0878136320. EMU.

Kauffman, Christmas Carol. Not Regina. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006, c1954. Pp. viii, 257. ISBN 0878139664. EMU, MHL.

Kauffman, Donna. Treasured meditations for mothers and grandmothers. Naples, FL: Western Publishing Co., 2006. Pp. 197. ISBN 0972241132 ($12.00). EMU.

Keim, Ivan A. The history and genealogy of Joseph N. Keim and Leah Hershberger, 1826-2006. Wilmot, OH: Ivan A. Keim, 2006. Pp. xxxii, 500. ($22.50). EMU.

Keim, Jeffrey L. & Patricia K. Johnson, comps. Marriage records, Elkhart County, Indiana, 1867-1889. Elkhart, IN: Elkhart County Genealogical Society, 2006. Pp. ii, 356. MHL.

Kelly, Mij. Where's my darling daughter? Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485373 ($16.00). MHL.

Kjellberg, B. Abe: a farm boy. Wheaton, IL: Kjellberg Publishers, 2006. Pp. 82. ISBN 0912868074 ($7.95). EMU.

Klassen, Sarah. A curious beatitude. Winnipeg: Muses' Company, 2006. Pp. 96. ISBN 1897289049 ($9.34/$10.17 CDN). CMU, EMU.

Knabbe, Gertrude. Praise word search puzzles. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006. Pp. iv, 116. ISBN 0878136347. EMU, MHL.

Koop, Karl, ed. Confessions of faith in the Anabaptist tradition 1527-1660. Tr. Cornelius J. Dyck [et al.]. (Classics of the Radical Reformation; 11) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 366. ISBN 1894710622 ($33.00/$36.50 CDN). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Krabill, James R., ed. What I learned from the African church: twenty-two students reflect on a life-changing experience. (Missio dei: exploring God's work in the world; no. 11) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Mission Network, 2006. Pp. 28. ISBN 1933845015. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Krabill, James R., Walter Sawatsky, and Charles E. Van Engen, eds. Evangelical, ecumenical, and Anabaptist missiologies in conversation: essays in honor of Wilbert R. Shenk. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2006. Pp. 336. ISBN 1570756538 ($25.00). BLU, CMU, EMU, MLA.

Kraus, C. Norman. Using Scripture in a global age: framing biblical issues. (Institute of Mennonite Studies occasional papers; 24) Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 198. ISBN 193103835X ($15.96). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Kraybill, Donald B. & James P. Hurd. Horse-and-buggy Mennonites: hoofbeats of humility in a postmodern world. (Pennsylvania German history and culture series; no. 7; Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society; v. 40) University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006. Pp. 362. ISBN 0271028653. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Kraybill, Ronald S. & Evelyn Wright. The little book of cool tools for hot topics: group tools to facilitate meetings when things are hot. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 90. ISBN 1561485438 ($4.95). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Krehbiel, June Galle. God with us today: devotions for families. Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2006. Pp. 215. ISBN 0836193431 ($12.99). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Kyle, Richard. Evangelicalism: an Americanized Christianity. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2006. Pp. 337. ISBN 0765803240 ($34.95). MLA.

Landis, Mary M. A little child and God. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. [62]. ISBN 073992365X ($4.50). EMU, MHL.

Lapierre, Carolena. Joseph's road: an unfinished biography on Joseph A. Lapierre. Rogersville, MO (204 N. Main St., Rogersville 65742): Titus Home Publishing, 2006, c2004. Pp. x, 118. ISBN 1411676254 ($13.98). EMU.

Layman, Earl R. A Lehman, Layman genealogy handbook. Knoxville, TN: Earl R. Layman, 2006. Pp. xx, 258. ($25.00). EMU.

Lebold, Ralph. Strange and wonderful paths: the memoirs of Ralph Lebold. (Mennonite reflections) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 222. ISBN 1894710665 ($32.20). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Leid, Lucy, ed. Countryside cooking & chatting: traditional recipes and wisdom from the Amish & Mennonites. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 379. ISBN 0836193288 ($15.99 pbk.) ; ISBN 083619327X ($19.99 comb). BLU, FRE, MLA.

Lewis, Beverly. The brethren. (Annie's people; 3) Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2006. Pp. 349. ISBN 0764202316 ($19.99) ; ISBN 0764201077 ($13.99 pbk.) ; ISBN 0764202324 ($30.95 large print) ; ISBN 0764202332 ($19.99 abridged audio CD). FRE, MLA.

Lewis, Beverly. The Englisher. (Annie's people; 2) Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2006. Pp. 344. ISBN 0764202162 ($19.99) ; ISBN 0764201069 ($13.99 pbk.) ; ISBN 0764202170 ($17.99 large print) ; 0764202189 ($19.99 abridged audio CD). FRE, MLA.

Lewis, Beverly. Die Enthüllung. Tr. by Silvia Lutz. (Abrams Töchter ; 5) [Marburg an der Lahn]: Francke, 2006. Pp. 319. ISBN 3861227908 ($21.44/EUR 15,95). MHL.

Lewis, Beverly. Werden wir uns finden? Tr. by Silvia Lutz. 2. Taschenbuchaufl. (Schicksal der Katie Lapp ; 3) [Marburg an der Lahn]: Francke, 2006. Pp. 256. ISBN 3861226308 ($6.72/EUR 5,95). MHL.

Lewis, Gill. The most precious thing. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485349 ($16.00). MHL.

Lobel, Gillian & Tim Warnes. Little Honey Bear and the smiley moon. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485330 ($16.00). MHL.

Loewen, Harry. Between worlds: reflections of a Soviet-born Canadian Mennonite. (Mennonite reflections) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 358. ISBN 1894710630 ($31.50 pbk.). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Loewen, Royden. Diaspora in the countryside: two Mennonite communities and mid-twentieth-century rural disjuncture. (Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Centennial series) Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press ; Chesham: Combined Academic [distributor], 2006. Pp. 331. ISBN 0252031784 ($75.00) ; ISBN 0252074254 ($25.00 pbk.). BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Longhurst, John. Making the news: an essential guide for effective media relations. Ottawa: Novalis, 2006. Pp. 117. ISBN 2895077142 ($16.95/$11.17 CDN). CMU, MLA.

MacMaster, Richard K. Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches of New York City. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 382. ISBN 1894710703 ($35.00). EMU, FRE, MLA.

MacMaster, Richard K. with Donald R. Jacobs. A gentle wind of God: the influence of the East Africa Revival. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 403. ISBN 0836193180 ($14.99). BLU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Mangan, Anne & Joanne Moss. Little Teddy left behind. (A soft-to-touch book) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 156148508X ($16.00). MHL.

Martin, Cleon, Mrs. The buttercup tree. (Amish pioneer series) Aylmer, ON ; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2006. Pp. 232. BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Martin, Darvin L. and Regina Christman Martin. Let these stones speak: a genealogical guide to Lancaster County's families based on cemetery research. V. 5: Strasburg Township and Borough. Lancaster, PA: Historic Impressions Press, 2006. 1 cd-rom. ($40.00). EMU.

Martin, David L. Practical aspects of outreach. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 189. ISBN 0739923676 ($6.65). EMU, MHL.

Martin, Helen Reimensnyder. The fighting doctor. Reprint. [Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2006?]. Pp. 242. ISBN 1417911360 ($26.95). MLA.

Martin, Mary. Teach me o Lord that I may teach. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 234. ISBN 073992379X ($9.40). EMU, MHL.

Mast, Eli Lloyd. Ancestors and descendants of Eli & Fannie (Troyer) Nisly, 1864-2005. Whiteville, TN (280 Hwy. 64, Whiteville 38075): E. L. Mast ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2006. Pp. 201. ($17.95). EMU.

Mast, Roy A. Bricks, blocks and bumpy landings: the life story of Roy A. Mast. Ed. Barbara Buller. Millersburg, OH (4611 SR 39, Millersburg 44654): Roy Mast ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2006. Pp. 317. ($13.95). EMU.

Matheson, Peter, ed. Reformation Christianity. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2006. Pp. xvi, 306. ISBN 0800634152 ($35.00). EMU.

Matthews, Mark. Smoke jumping on the western fire line: Conscientious objectors during World War II. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2006. Pp. 316. ISBN 0806137665 ($29.95). EMU, MHL, MLA.

McGee, Marni & Tina Macnaughton. While angels watch. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485136 ($16.00). MHL.

Medd, G. Byron & Helga Medd. Ageless harmony in sacred music: questionnaire. [Fresno, CA]: Byron & Helga Medd, 2006. Pp. [65]. MHL.

Miller, David Blake. The missional church and the end of Christian social ethics: reassessing, remembering, rehearsing. Thesis (D. M.)--Columbia Theological Seminary, 2006. Pp. vii, 49. MHL.

Miller, Eva June. Family history of Harvey N. Miller & Amanda Miller 1898-2006. Miller, MO (17239 Lawrence 2045, Miller, MO 65707-7137): Orlan Miller, 2006. Pp. 115, [67]. MHL.

Miller, Melissa. My times are in your hands: women and the stewardship of time. [Newton, KS]: Mennonite Women USA, 2006. Pp. 62. ($7.00). EMU, MLA.

Miller-Moreland, Rachel. Simply in season leader's study guide. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 64. ISBN 0836193423 ($9.99 pbk.). BLU, MHL.

Miller, Omer P. The gift of grace: understanding grace and forgiveness. Medina, NY: Ridgeway Books, 2006. Pp. [16], 77 [i.e. 93], [9]. MHL.

Miller, Ryan & Ann Graham Price, ed. Together, sharing all of Christ with all of creation. (Missio dei: exploring God's work in the world; 12) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Mission Network, 2006. Pp. 38. ISBN 1933845031. FRE, MHL, MLA.

Moltmann, Jürgen. The politics of discipleship and discipleship in politics: Jürgen Moltmann lectures in dialogue with Mennonite scholars. Ed. Willard M. Swartley. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2006. Pp. xv, 151. ISBN 1597524832 ($20.00 pbk.). EMU, MLA.

Mouw, Richard J. & Eric O. Jacobsen, eds. Traditions in leadership: how faith traditions shape the way we lead. Pasadena, CA: De Pree Leadership Center, 2006. Pp. 243. ISBN 0000500224 ($25.00). MHL.

Munro, Sandra Harrison. Karlee's other family. Morgantown, PA: Printed by Masthof Press, 2006. Pp. 84. ISBN 1601260008 ($8.95). MHL.

Nation, Mark Thiessen. John Howard Yoder: Mennonite patience, evangelical witness, catholic convictions. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2006. Pp. 211. ISBN 0802839401 ($20.00/$17.52 CDN). BLU, CMU, EMU, MLA.

Nauta, D. [et al.], eds. Biografisch lexicon voor de geschiedenis van het Nederlandse protestantisme. Deel 6. Kampen: Uitg.-mij. H.J. Kok, 2006. ISBN 9043512794 (v.6). MHL.

Neufeld, Alfred. ˇContra la sagrada resignación! Cristianismo y cosmovisiones fatalistas en el Paraguay, un análisis histórico, teológico y contextual. [Asunción]: El Lector, [2006?]. Pp. 336. ISBN 999259831X. CMU.

Neufeld, Alfred. Vivir desde el futuro de Dios: introducción a la teología cristiana. Buenos Aires: Kairos, 2006. Pp. 470. ISBN 987940386X. CMU.

Neufeld, Elsie K., ed. Half in the sun: anthology of Mennonite writing. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2006. Pp. 253. ($21.95/$19.61 CDN). BLU, CMU.

Neufeld, Hugo. The North End lives: a journey through poverty terrain. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 189. ISBN 0836193334 ($11.99). BLU, CMU, MHL, MLA.

Newswanger, Rebecca. God's miracle, a raindrop. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006. Pp. [32]. ISBN 0878136290. EMU.

Nickel, Barbara. Hannah Waters and the daughter of Johann Sebastian Bach. Toronto: Puffin Canada, 2006. Pp. 259. ISBN 0143050796 ($9.99). BLU.

Ott, Bernhard. Des racines et des ailes: en marche vers une maturité pleine et entière. (Dossiers de Christ seul ; 2005/4) Montbéliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2006. Pp. 103. ISBN 2904214771. EMU, MLA.

Piper, Sophie & Kristina Stephenson. When you were very small. North American ed. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [24]. ISBN 1561485152 ($7.95). MHL.

Prochnow, Dave & Kathy. Quilts sold!: a guide to heirloom and antique quilts. Gretna, LA: Pelican, 2006. Pp. 152. ISBN 1589803752 ($24.95). MHL.

Ratzlaff, Gerhard. Historia, fe y prácticas Menonitas: un enfoque paraguayo. Asunción: Facultad de Teología, Instituto Bíblico Asunción, 2006. Pp. 281. ISBN 9992535172 ($11.00). EMU.

Ratzlaff, Heinrich. Siedlungserlebnisse im paraguayischen Chaco. 3. Aufl. Loma Plata: Gestaltung, Druckerei Friesen, 2006. Pp. 137. ($4.60). EMU.

Rayner, Catherine. Augustus and his smile. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561485101 ($16.00). MHL.

Reimer, Angela & Roberta Fast. The ABC's of MCC coloring book. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee and MCC U.S., [2006]. Pp. [26]. MHL.

Rempel, John, ed. Manual ministerial. Tr. by Milka Rindzinski. Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2006. Pp. 243. ISBN 0836193504 ($14.99). EMU, MHL.

Riedemann, Peter. Love is like fire: the confession of an Anabaptist prisoner: written at Gmunden, Upper Austria, between 1529 and 1532. (Anabaptist texts in translation; 4) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, [2006?]. Pp. iii, 74. ISBN 189471072X ($11.90/$12.50 CDN) CMU, MLA.

Rock, Lois. My very first Christmas. North American ed. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 127. ISBN 1561485314 ($14.99). MHL.

Rod and Staff English handbook. [Rev. ed.] Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 311. ISBN 0739905430. MHL.

Roth, John D. Stories: how Mennonites came to be. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 245. ISBN 0836193385 ($9.99 pbk.). BLU, MHL, MLA.

Roth, Judith L. Cups held out. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 35. ISBN 0836193164 ($12.99). MHL, MLA.

Roth, Meryl. Becoming. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2006. Pp. [3], 5-31. MHL.

Russell, Robert John. Cosmology, evolution, and resurrection hope: theology and science in creative mutual interaction. Proceedings of the fifth annual Goshen Conference on Religion and Science. Ed. Carl S. Helrich. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 118. ISBN 1894710673 ($19.00). MLA.

Ruth, Corinna Siebert, ed. First Mennonite Church: celebrating our centennial, 1906-2006: the unfolding of our story. Reedley, CA: First Mennonite Church ; Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. xii, 281. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Rutt, Harvey S. History of Chester Township, Wayne County, Ohio: and the genealogy of the Shaum and Holdeman families, from the days of the pioneers and first settlers to the present time. [Reprint ed.] Ephrata, PA: Muddy Creek Farm Library, 2006 Pp. x, 155. MHL.

Savin, Andrey I., comp. & ed. Etnokonfessiya v Sovetskom gosudarstve: Mennonity Sibiri v 1920-1980-e gody : Annotirovannyi perechen arkhivnykh dokumentov I materialov : Izbrannye dokumenty. Novosibirsk: Rossiyskaya Akademiya Nauk Sibirskoye Otdeleniye Institut Istorii ; Fresno: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 2006. Pp. 487, [9]. ISBN 5939580262. FRE.

Sawyer, Kim Vogel. Waiting for Summer's return: a novel. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2006. Pp. 348. ISBN 0764201824 ($12.99 pbk.); ISBN 0764202561 ($17.99 large print). MLA.

Scamell, Ragnhild. Ouch! Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. [28]. ISBN 156148511X ($16.00). MHL.

Schapansky, Henry. The Mennonite migrations (and the Old Colony, Russia). [S.l.]: Henry Schapansky ; Rosenort, MB: Country Graphics & Printing Ltd., 2006. Pp. 813. ISBN 1896257542 ($48.00). CMU, FRE, MLA.

Schlachta, Astrid von. Die Hutterer zwischen Tirol und Amerika: eine Reise durch die Jahrhunderte. Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner, 2006. Pp. 240. ISBN 3703004193 ($39.99 pbk.). MHL.

Schwenckfeld, Caspar. Eight writings on Christian beliefs. Edited with an introduction and appendix by H.H. Drake Williams III. Tr. by Edward J. Furcha. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 200. ISBN 1894710649 ($20.50). BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Sensenig, Daniel M. Martindale Mennonite directory, Groffdale Conference, 2006. Ephrata, PA (1007 Sensenig Road, Ephrata, PA 17522-8934): D.M. Sensenig, 2006. Pp. [48]. MHL.

Shachtman, Tom. Rumspringa: to be or not to be Amish. New York: North Point Press, 2006. Pp. 286. ISBN 086547687X ($25.00). BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Showalter, Ann. Touched by grace: from secrecy to new life. Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 195. ISBN 1931038333 ($11.16). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Sider, E. Morris, ed. Faithful witnesses: Canadian Brethren in Christ biographical sketches. Grantham, PA: Brethren in Christ Historical Society ; Oakville, ON: Canadian Conference, Brethren in Christ Church, 2006. Pp. 423. ($12.00). EMU.

Siegrist, Audrey. Like a child at home. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 474. ISBN 0739923749. MHL.

Smith, Eunice Geil. Treasure hunt: a Shenandoah Valley mystery. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 119. ISBN 0836193326 ($9.99). BLU, MLA.

Smucker, Barbara Claassen. Henry's Red Sea. Scottdale, PA ; Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 108. ISBN 0836113721 ($7.99). MHL.

Smucker, Dorcas. Ordinary days: family life in a farmhouse. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 155. ISBN 1561485225 ($9.95 pbk.). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Stauffer, Romaine. A home for Sarah. Bernville, PA: Romaine Stauffer ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2006. Pp. 298. ISBN 1932864784 ($10.00). MLA.

Stevick, Pauline. Beyond the plain and simple: a patchwork of Amish lives. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2006. Pp. xii, 159. ISBN 0873388801 ($22.95). EMU.

Stoesz, Edgar, ed. Contagious compassion: celebrating 100 years of American Leprosy Missions. Franklin, TN: Providence House Publishers, 2006. Pp. 238. ISBN 1577363124 ($50.00). MLA.

Stutzman, Linford. SailingActs: following an ancient voyage. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 330. ISBN 1561485462 ($14.95). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Swartley, Willard M. Covenant of peace: the missing peace in New Testament theology and ethics. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2006. Pp. 542. ISBN 0802829376 ($34.00). EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Swartz, Herb. Stories our mothers told. Harrisonburg, VA: privately printed, 2006. Pp. 270. ($10.00). BLU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

A taste of Shiloh: cookbook. Union Grove, NC (5916 Windsor Rd., Union Grove 28689): Margaret Luthy ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2006. Pp. 252. ISBN 0978824903 ($9.99). EMU.

Templin, J. Alton. Pre-Reformation religious dissent in the Netherlands, 1518-1530. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2006. Pp. xli, 263. ISBN 0761835261 ($39.95 pbk.). MHL.

Testing faith and tradition. Global Mennonite history series: Europe. Intercourse, PA: Good Books ; Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 323. ISBN 1561485500 ($11.95 pbk.). BLU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Teter, Magda. Jews and heretics in Catholic Poland: a beleaguered church in the post-Reformation era. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Pp. 272. ISBN 0521856736 ($35.00). MLA.

Thomas, Everett J., ed. Procedimientos de liderazgo ministerial en la Iglesia Menonita. Tr. by Milka Rindzinski. Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2006. Pp. 158. ISBN 0836193490 ($8.99). EMU, MHL.

Toews, Barb. The little book of restorative justice for people in prison: rebuilding the web of relationships. (Little books of justice & peacebuilding) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 92. ISBN 1561485233 ($4.95 pbk.). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Together in mission: core beliefs, values and commitments of Mennonite Mission Network. (Missio dei: exploring God's work in the world; 10) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Mission Network, 2006. Pp. 18. ISBN 1877736996. BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Tombs, David & Joseph Liechty. Explorations in reconciliation: new directions in theology. Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub., 2006. Pp. xvi, 161. ISBN 0754651843 ($89.95). MHL.

The trials and tribulations of the Blind Alvin family. Sugar Grove, PA: Joe A. Byler, [2006]. Pp. 82. ($10.00). EMU.

Troyer, Aden. Birding thrills: an Amish, nature-loving family's birding journal. Mifflintown, PA (RR1, Box 586, Mifflintown 17059): Wonder of Wings ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2006. Pp. x, 232. ($13.95). EMU.

Trzyna, Thomas N. Blessed are the pacifists: the beatitudes and just war theory. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 136. ISBN 0836193466 ($11.99 pbk.). BLU, MHL, MLA.

Tshimika, Pakisa K. & Timothy C. Lind. Compartiendo dones en la familia global de la fe: experimento de una iglesia. 1a ed. en español. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Ediciones Clara-Semilla, 2006. Pp. 133. ISBN 9583397784. MHL.

Tucker, Todd. The great starvation experiment: the heroic men who starved so that millions could live. New York: Free Press, 2006. Pp. 270. ISBN 0743270304 ($26.00). EMU, MLA.

Understanding our community: grade 3. (Understanding God's world series) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 131. ISBN 0739906348. MHL.

Understanding our community: grade 3 teacher's manual. (Understanding God's world series) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. 188. ISBN 0739906372. MHL.

Urry, James. Mennonites, politics, and peoplehood: Europe-Russia-Canada, 1525 to 1980. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2006. Pp. 400. ISBN 0887556884 ($39.95). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Wagler, Elizabeth. Tour of Europe. (Travels with Aunt Laura ; 3) Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006. Pp. vi, 192. ISBN 0878136339. EMU, MHL.

Walker, Kristin. Of dust and of sun. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2006. Pp. [6], 21. MHL.

Waltner, James H. Psalms. (Believers church Bible commentary) Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 833. ISBN 0836193377 ($34.99). FRE, MHL, MLA.

Waltner-Toews, David. One foot in heaven. Regina, SK: Coteau Books ; Markham, ON : Available in Canada & the US from Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2006. Pp. 257. ISBN 155050312X ($16.95 pbk.). BLU, MHL, MLA.

Wandel, Lee Palmer. The Eucharist in the Reformation: incarnation and liturgy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Pp. 302. ISBN 0521856795 ($70.00). MLA.

We should talk peace. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2006. 1 DVD + 1 study guide. ($15.99). EMU.

Welcome to the Schmucker Smoker Smucker reunion at Stumptown Mennonite Church: Thursday, July 20- Saturday, July 22, 2006. Goshen, IN: Schmucker-Smoker-Smucker Family Association, 2006. Pp. [16]. MHL.

Wenger, Samuel Esbenshade. Anabaptist and Reformed walking tours of the cities of Zürich and Bern, Switzerland. Rev. and expanded ed. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2006. Pp. 144. ISBN 1932864652 ($13.50). EMU, MLA.

Wenger, Samuel Esbenshade. A tour of ten important Anabaptist and Reformed sites in rural Switzerland. (Anabaptist and Reformed tour guides for Switzerland; 2) Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2006. Pp. xii, 187. ISBN 1932864733 ($18.00). EMU, MLA.

Werner, Hans Peter. Living between worlds: a history of Winkler. Winkler, MB: Winkler Heritage Society, 2006. Pp. vi, 226. ISBN 1553831101 ($68.00). CMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Wickwire, Victoria L. Amish childbearing beliefs and practices and the implications for nurse-midwives as servant-leader care providers. Thesis (Ph.D.)-Andrews University, School of Education, 2006. Pp. ix, 196. ($50.00). EMU.

Wiebe, Dallas E. The Nofziger letters II. Cincinnati, OH: Dallas E. Wiebe, 2006. Pp. 48. MHL, MLA.

Wiebe, Rudy. Of this earth: a Mennonite boyhood in the boreal forest. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2006. Pp. 391. ISBN 0676977529 ($32.95/$30.90 CDN). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Wilkinson, Rosemary, ed. Quick colorful quilts for babies and toddlers. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 110. ISBN 1561485160 ($24.95 pbk.). MHL.

Wilkinson, Rosemary, ed. Quick colorful quilts for beautiful beds. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 111. ISBN 156148542X ($24.95 pbk.). MHL.

Winsemius, Ruth, ed. De luis of de pels?: visies op doperse eigenheid. Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit, 2006. Pp. 63. ISBN 9065760199. MHL.

Yaguchi, Yorifumi. The poetry of Yorifumi Yaguchi: a Japanese voice in English. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2006. Pp. 149. ISBN 1561485241 ($9.95 pbk.). BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Yoder, James D. Lucy of the Trail of Tears: survivor of the Trail -- Oklahoma seminary girl, and Andrew's Wichita bride. West Conshohocken, PA: Infinity, 2006. Pp. 347. ISBN 074143329X ($17.95). MHL.

Yoder, James D. Mudball Sam. West Conshohocken PA: Infinity, 2006. Pp. 348. ISBN 0741429764 ($17.85). MHL, MLA.

Yoder, James D. The Yoder outsiders. West Conshohocken, PA: Infinity, 2006. Pp. 213. ISBN 0741430266 ($13.95). MHL.

Yoder, Judy. Millie's Christmas surprise. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2006. Pp. 71. ISBN 087813638X. EMU, MHL.

Yoder, Lawrence M. The Muria story: a history of the Chinese Mennonite Churches of Indonesia. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 386. ISBN 1894710606 ($38.00). CMU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Yoder, Nathan E. and Carol A. Scheppard, eds. Exiles in the empire: Believers Church perspectives on politics. Papers presented at the Fifteenth Believers Church Conference "God, Democracy, and U.S. Power: Believers Church Perspectives" September 2004. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 266. ISBN 1894710681 ($25.55). BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Zimmerman, Earle. Reflections: from the Zanesville Mennonite Voluntary Service Unit, 1966-1972. Lititz, PA: Silver Line Publishing & Bindery, 2006. Pp. 709. ($40.00). BLU, EMU.

Zimmerman, Mary Joyce. A boy to help. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2006. Pp. [24]. ISBN 0739923773 ($2.70). EMU.


Adecuación ambiental de las Colonias Menonitas del Chaco Central. [Fernheim?: Kolonie Fernheim?], 2005. 2 DVDs. ($15.00). EMU.

Amish history of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 1978-2005. [PA: s.n., 2005?]. Pp. 203. ($32.00). EMU.

Amstutz, Mark R. The healing of nations: the promise and limits of political forgiveness. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2005. Pp. x, 283. ISBN 0742535800 ($79.00) ; ISBN 0742535819 ($29.95 pbk.). MHL.

Arrieta, Alba Luz, ed. Construyendo la paz en ambientes escolares. Adapted from work by Frank Albrecht, Martha Santanilla, Lina María Obando. 1a ed. (Manuales de capacitación en construcción de la paz) (Serie Justapaz: 2) Bogotá, Colombia: Ediciones Justapaz-CLARA, 2005. Pp. 227. ISBN 9589758711. MHL.

Augsburger, Myron S. Pilgrim aflame. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 288. ISBN 0836118405 ($9.99). BLU, MHL.

Baguley, Elizabeth. Meggie Moon. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484741 ($16.00). MHL.

Bahm, Joan Landis. See Landis, Joan.

Bailey, Wilma A. "You shall not kill" or "You shall not murder"?: the assault on a biblical text. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2005. Pp. ix, 94. ISBN 081465214X ($10.95). EMU, MLA.

Balzer, Agnes and Lieselotte Dück. Schönbrunn: Geschichten, Erlebnisse und Erinnerungen aus den 75 Jahren unseres Dorfes. Schönbrunn, Fernheim, Paraguay: Dorfsgemeinschaft Schönbrunn, 2005. Pp. 326. ($15.00). EMU.

Barahona, Rafael E. Liderazgo y administración en la congregación: manual del estudiante. (Instituto Bíblico Anabautista por Extensión (IBAPE). EC-061) [Goshen, IN: Educación Hispana en Teología y Liderazgo, Goshen College, between 1996 and 2005]. Pp. 9 [i.e. 12] + 1 manual del educador (Pp. 12, [58]). MHL.

Bauer, Jean Penner, comp. & ed. Memories: Greenfarm Mennonite Brethren Church. [Sask.: Jean Penner Bauer], 2005. Pp. [101]. MHL.

Becker, Ann Weber. Secure in God's house: a study of shelter in the Bible. [Winnipeg, MB]: Canadian Women in Mission ; [Newton, KS]: Mennonite Women USA, 2004. Pp. 58. ($7.00). EMU, MLA.

Bender, Carrie. Trailblazing in Penn's woods. (Willowcreek series; 4) Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. 113. ISBN 1932864245 ($7.95). MLA.

Bergen, David. The time in between: a novel. New York: Random House, 2005. Pp. 237. ISBN 1400062403 ($23.95). MLA.

Beyond the valley: over 110 stories of people who are physically challenged. Monroe, IN: Hilty Home Sales, 2005. Pp. xi, 500. ($14.95). EMU.

Bloom, Matthew. Passing on the comfort: a coloring book. [Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2005]. Pp. [16]. MHL.

Boers, Arthur Paul [et al.]. Take our moments and our days: an Anabaptist prayer book : a four-week cycle of morning and evening prayers for ordinary time. Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. xiv, 226. ISBN 0836193342 ($10.00). FRE, MHL, MLA.

Bonger, Henk. The life and work of Dirck Volkertszoon Coornhert. (Studies in the history of ideas in the Low Countries) Amsterdam ; New York: Rodopi, 2004. Pp. 351. ISBN 9042016515 ($88.00). MLA.

Boyer, Lisa. Stash envy and other quilting confessions and adventures. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 142. ISBN 1561485039 ($9.95). MHL.

Brandt, Di and Barbara Godard, eds. Re:generations: Canadian women poets in conversation. Windsor, ON: Black Moss Press, 2005. Pp. 196. ISBN 0887534066 ($19.95). BLU.

The Brethren encyclopedia, v. 4. Philadelphia, PA: Brethren Encyclopedia, 2005. ($80.00). EMU, MLA.

Bright, Paul. Nobody laughs at a lion! Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484717 ($16.00). MHL.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. The quilter's daughter. (Daughters of Lancaster County; no. 2) Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Publishing, 2005. Pp. 287. ISBN 1593107145. EMU.

Brunstetter, Wanda E. The storekeeper's daughter. (Daughters of Lancaster County; no. 1) Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Publishing, 2005. Pp. 318. ISBN 1593104464. EMU.

Burkholder, James W. The doctrine of nonresistance. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2005. Pp. 92. ($2.50). MLA.

Burkholder, Timothy. Sunrise in the Northwest. Lititz, Pa. (460 Sleepy Hollow Rd., Lititz 17543): Silver Line Publishing & Bindery, 2005. Pp. 220. ($16.95). EMU.

Butler County Engineer's Office. Official transportation map 2005: Butler County, Ohio. Hamilton, OH: Butler County Engineer's Office, 2005. Pp. 24. MHL.

Butler, M. Christina. Snow friends. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484857 ($16.00). MHL.

Byler, Chester L. New York Amish directory of the Jasper/Woodhull settlement, 1983-2005. 2nd printing. Woodhull, NY: Chester Byler, 2005. Pp. 66. MHL.

Charles, J. Daryl. Between pacifism and jihad: just war and Christian tradition. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005. Pp. 196. ISBN 0830827722 ($16.00). MLA.

Children of the nakba. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2005. 1 DVD. ($20.00). EMU, MLA.

Church, Richard Patrick. A litigation ethic: the theological challenge to the courts. Pp. vi, 343. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Duke University, 2005. MHL.

Clemens, Judy. Till the cows come home. Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen Press, 2004. Pp. 288. ISBN 1590580826 ($16.00). MLA.

Congregational directory, Denver District of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. [PA: s.n.], 2005. Pp. 141. MHL.

Cuthbert, Pippa & Lindsay Cameron Wilson. Ice cream!: delicious ice creams for all occasions. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 176. ISBN 1561484768 ($15.95 pbk.) ; ISBN 1561484776 ($19.95 comb). MHL.

Dawley, Richard Lee. Amish journey in contentment: an anecdotal journal. New Berlin, WI: Amish Insight, 2005. Pp. 300. ISBN 0615129293 ($16.95). MHL.

Directory of the nationwide Fellowship Churches 2005. Ephrata, PA: Printed by Grace Press, [2005]. Pp. 128. MHL.

Dirks, Phyllis Amoth. The meadowlark's song: growing up Mennonite in 1930s North Dakota. Bloomington, IN: Author House, 2005. Pp. viii, 573. ISBN 1420808540 ($24.95). EMU.

Dyck, John and Darlene Buchanan. The story of Gerhard and Anna (Redekopp) Wiebe: their ancestors and descendants in their migrations from Prussia to Russia, to Canada, USA, Mexico, Paraguay. Winnipeg, MB: Wiebe Family History Book Committee, 2005. 1 v. ($14.50). CMU, MLA.

Enns, John. The way it was: images from my boyhood, recollections from 1926 to 1937. Winnipeg, MB: Art Book Bindery, 2005. Pp. 132. ISBN 0973829907. CMU.

Enns, Luella Marie. Preacher's kids on the homestead. Belleville, ON: Guardian Books, 2005. Pp. 176. ISBN 1553068742 ($13.00). EMU.

Ens, Alvin G. I am the poem. Victoria, BC: Trafford, 2005. Pp. 94. ISBN 1412058864 ($14.00). EMU.

Epp, Eldon Jay. Perspectives on New Testament textual criticism: collected essays, 1962-2004. (Supplements to Novum Testamentum; v. 116) Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2005. Pp. xl, 849. ISBN 9004142460 ($265.00). MHL.

Epp, Ingrid. Die Kaethler - Goossen - Wiebe Familie & Nachkommen bis 2005. Asunción: privately printed, 2005. Pp. 253. FRE.

Epp, Maureen and Carol Ann Weaver, eds. Sound in the land: essays on Mennonites and music. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2005. Pp. 220. ISBN 1894710592 ($26.60/$20.00 CDN). BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Eriksson, Sven. Closer than a brother: building deeper friendships. (Closer than a brother- men's series) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Resources, 2004. Pp. 55. ISBN 0836192192 ($5.99). MLA.

Estes, James Martin. Peace, order, and the glory of God: secular authority and the church in the thought of Luther and Melanchthon, 1518-1559. (Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions; 111) Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2005. Pp. xviii, 234. ISBN 9004147160 ($139.00). MHL.

Fisher, Benuel M. The forsaken child. New Holland, PA: Benuel M. Fisher, 2005. Pp. 158. ISBN 0976651718 ($9.10). EMU, MLA.

Fisher, Martha. Children of the New Testament. (Bible stories for young readers series; bk 6) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 39. ISBN 0739923722 ($3.05). EMU.

Forster, Marc R. & Benjamin J. Kaplan. Piety and family in early modern Europe: essays in honour of Steven Ozment. (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history) Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2005. Pp. x, 242. ISBN 0754652483 ($99.95). MHL.

Franck, Sebastian. Sämtliche Werke: kritische Ausgabe mit Kommentar. Ed. Hans-Gerd Roloff. (Berliner Ausgaben. Sektion Philologische Wissenschaften) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2005. Vol. 1. ISBN 3772822339 (v. 1). MHL.

Frank, Günter and Friedrich Niewöhner, eds. Reformer als Ketzer: heterodoxe Bewegungen von Vorreformatoren. (Melanchthon-Schriften der Stadt Bretten; Bd. 8) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2004. Pp. 384. ISBN 3772822355 ($74.21). EMU.

Freedman, Claire. One magical morning. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484725 ($16.00). MHL.

Freedman, Claire. Snuggle up, sleepy ones. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 156148475X ($16.00). MHL.

Friesen, Dave, John Friesen, and Ted Friesen. David W. Friesen, a tribute, 1879-1950. [Altona, MB: Ted Friesen, 2005?]. 1 v. MLA.

Friesen, Elmer R. My un-regrettable journey. Clackamas, OR: Friesen, 2004. Pp. 172. MLA.

Friesen, Helene S., comp. Der Bote index. Volume 5: 1992-2000. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Heritage Centre and CMU Press, 2005. Pp. 231. ISBN 0920718752 ($30.00). MLA.

Friesen, Margaret Helen. A journey to Bethlehem (a Christmas story). Winnipeg, MB: Margeo Publications, 2005. Pp. 43. ISBN 1550991434 ($9.99). EMU.

Friesen, Victor Carl. The gift of country life. Toronto: Natural Heritage Books, 2005. Pp. 112. ISBN 1897045077 ($14.95/$18.95 CDN). MLA.

Frosk, Patrick. Limb girdle muscular dystrophy in the Hutterite population of North America. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Manitoba, 2005. Pp. xii, 182. ($50.00). EMU.

Geddert, Timothy J. Verantwortlich leben: wenn Christen sich entscheiden müssen. Regensberg: Neufeld Verlag, 2004. Pp. 223. ISBN 3937896104. FRE.

Die Geistliche Viole: oder, Eine kleine Sammlung geistreicher Lieder zum Gebrauch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft und heilsuchender Seelen überhaupt. [Ohio]: Leroy Stutzman, 2005 Pp. 298. MHL.

Gifts to share. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2005. 1 DVD. ($15.99). EMU, MLA.

God, truth, and witness: engaging Stanley Hauerwas. Ed. L. Gregory Jones, Reinhard Hütter & C. Rosalee Velloso Ewell. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2005. Pp. 336. ISBN 1587431513 ($39.99). MHL, MLA.

Guenther, Regine Breuninger de. Geburtshilfe in der Anfangszeit der Kolonie Menno: von der Ansiedlung 1927/28 bis zur Entstehung des Krankenhauses Ende der 1940er Jahre. Colonia Menno, Paraguay: Geschichtskomitee ; Loma Plata, Paraguay: im Auftrage der Krankenhausverwaltung, 2004. Pp. 104. ($4.00). EMU.

Hackman, Joseph Hershberger. John Hackman, saddler and innkeeper, and his wife, Catherine (Bergey) Hackman: of Hilltown Township, Bucks County, PA, and Hatfield Township, Montgomery County, PA, and their descendants: a three generation study. Hockessin, DE (505 Runnymede Road, Hockessin 19707): Elmer Ellsworth Hackman, III ; Marlton, NJ (11 Gladstone Road, Marlton 08053): David Godshall Hackman, 2004. 1 v. EMU.

Harder, Wilbert, Harold Thiessen, Norman Klassen. Libreto de agua: colecta almacenamiento utilizacion y reciclaje de agua en el Chaco central. Loma Plata, Paraguay: Chortitzer Komitee Ltda. ; INTTAS, 2004. Pp. 68. ($10.00). EMU.

Heiks, James, ed. Alice Parker's hand-me-down songs. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2005. Pp. vi, 58. ISBN 1579993869 ($5.50). MHL.

Hein, Marvin. My lines have fallen in pleasant places: an autobiography. Fresno, CA (3036 East Magill Ave, Fresno CA 93710): Marvin Hein, 2005. Pp. 395. MLA.

Hildebrand, John E. Rappelling the Mennonite mountain: good kid in bad overalls. Belleville, ON: Epic Press, 2005. Pp. 246. ISBN 1553068904 ($19.95 pbk.) ; ISBN 1553068920 (LSI ed.). EMU, MHL.

Hilty Family. Beyond the valley: over 110 stories of people who are physically challenged. Monroe, IN: Hilty Home Sales, 2005. Pp. xi, 500. MHL.

Historia Menonita mundial: Tumo uno: Africa. Eds. John A. Lapp and C. Arnold Snyder. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2004. Pp. 355. ISBN 1894710517 ($35.00). MLA.

Hochstedler, Rachel and Susan Wheary. Treasured memories: an Iowa family in the Chaco. Wyandotte, OK (66295 E. Hwy. 60, Wyandotte 74370): R. Hochstedler, 2005. Pp. 288. ($11.95). EMU.

Hodel-Lehman Duo. In Thee is gladness. [Northfield, MN?]: Larips Records, 2005. 1 compact disc. MHL.

Holmes, Arthur F., ed. War and Christian ethics: classic and contemporary readings on the morality of war. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2005. Pp. 404. ISBN 0801031133 ($27.99). MLA.

Horning, Henry Z. and Amos K. Martin. Ordination records of the Mennonites of the Weaverland and Groffdale areas, leading to and including the Weaverland Conference, 1750-2004. Title on cover: Record of ordinations of the Weaverland and Groffdale areas, leading to and including the Weaverland Conference, 1750-2005. [PA: Weaverland Conference], 2005. Pp. 96. MHL, MLA.

Hostetler, Ethel. Out of the thorn. Shelbyville, MO: L & E Family Books, 2005. Pp. 267. ISBN 0977497518 ($10.95). EMU.

Janzen, Ken. Where he leads: life stories with Bill Goertzen. [S.l.: s.n, 2005]. Pp. 156. FRE.

Jeschke, Marlin. Rethinking Holy Land: a study in salvation geography. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 171. ISBN 0836193172 ($16.99). BLU, MHL, MLA.

Joslin, Mary. On that Christmas night. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484946 ($16.00). MHL.

Kaethler, Frieda Siemens and Alfred Neufeld, eds. Nikolai Siemens, der Chacooptimist: Das Mennoblatt und die anfänge der Kolonie Fernheim, 1930-1955. Weisenheim am Berg: Agape Verlag, 2005. Pp. 397. ISBN 3887448014. CMU, EMU, FRE.

Kauffmann, Joel (text); D. Michael Hostetler (photography). The Nazareth Jesus knew. Nazareth, Israel: Nazareth Village, 2005. Pp. 80. ISBN 0977140709 ($29.95). EMU.

Kerber, Kurt, ed. Aufbrechen--: Mennonitische Gemeinden im Verband seit 150 Jahren. Sinsheim, Germany: Verband deutscher Mennonitengemeinden, [2005?]. Pp. 122. MHL.

King, Tristan. Admitting the silly panic: words and arts. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2005. Pp. 33. MHL.

Klassen, Norma. Surviving decades of change. [Winnipeg]: Norma Klassen, 2004. Pp. 296. ISBN 0973660201 ($19.99). EMU.

Klassen, Paulhans, comp. Polnisch-deutsche Mennoniten suchen eine neue Heimat in Paraguay: Rosenfeld, Neu-Mölln, 1930-2005. [Paraguay: s.n.], 2005. Pp. 79. ($10.00). EMU.

Klassen, Paulhans, Norbert Epp and Heinz Theodor Loewen. Unsere Heimat: ein Bildband mit 180 Aufnahmen erlebte Natur, Landschaften, Pflanzen und Tiere im paraguayischen Chaco = Nuestra patria: una colección de 180 imágenes.... [Fernheim, Paraguay]: Colonia Fernheim, 2005. Pp. 170. ($10.50). EMU.

Koop, Astrid, ed. 80 years, our country Canada: Mennonite life in Essex and Kent counties, Ontario, Canada, 1925-2005. (Essex-Kent Mennonite historical series; v. 6) Leamington, ON: The Essex-Kent Mennonite Historical Association, 2005 Pp. 231. ISBN 0968278175 ($28.00). MHL, MLA.

Kroeker, Greta Grace. Erasmus in the footsteps of Paul: from tradition to transcendence. Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of California, Berkeley, 2004. Pp. 173. MLA.

Landis, James G. The homeland in my heart. (Conquest series; v. 2) Petersburg, WV: Conquest Publishing, 2005. Pp. xi, 337. ISBN 0977212327 ($14.30). EMU, MLA.

Landis, Joan. From Switzerland to America. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. [16]. ($9.95). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Landis, Mary M. David y Susana en la casita verde. Tr. Andrew Zelinski. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2005. Pp. 190. MHL.

Landis, Susan Mark. Faith, war and government: a Mennonite Church USA study resource for congregations in response to delegate discussion and action at the Charlotte (NC) 2005 Delegate Assembly about relationship to government and the war in Iraq. [Elkhart, IN]: Mennonite Church USA, 2005. Pp. 16. MLA.

Landis, Susan Mark. Fe, guerra y gobierno. [Elkhart, IN ; Newton, KS]: Iglesia Menonita USA, 2005. Pp. 16. MHL.

Lee, Bill & LaVonne. Juday and Judy in Indiana. LaFeria, TX (P.O. Box 321, LaFeria, TX 78559): Bill and LaVonne Lee, 2005. Pp. vi, 160. MHL.

Leu, Urs B. Die Froschauer-Bibeln und die Täufer: die Geschichte einer Jahrhunderte alten Freundschaft = The Froschauer Bibles and the Anabaptists: the history of an old friendship. Herborn [Germany]: Sepher Verlag, 2005. Pp. 139. ISBN 3933750717 ($18.50). EMU.

Lewis, Beverly. Kannst du mir vergeben? Tr. by Silvia Lutz. 2. Aufl. (Schicksal der Katie Lapp: 2) [Marburg an der Lahn]: Francke, 2005. Pp. 272. ISBN 3861226294. MHL.

Lewis, Beverly. Das Opfer. Tr. by Silvia Lutz. (Abrams Töchter: 3) [Marburg an der Lahn]: Francke, 2005. Pp. 320. ISBN 3861227258. MHL.

Lewis, Beverly. Die Wiederkehr. Tr. by Silvia Lutz. (Abrams Töchter: 4) [Marburg an der Lahn]: Francke, 2005. Pp. 317. ISBN 3861227673. MHL.

Liechty, Daniel, ed. The Ernest Becker reader. Seattle: Ernest Becker Foundation in association with the University of Washington Press, 2005. Pp. 248. ISBN 0295984708 ($19.95). MLA.

Loewen, Klaus. Vom Werden und Wachsen der Evangelisch-Mennonitischen Brüderschaft (E.M.B.): ein Beitrag zu ihrer Geschichte. [Colonia Fernheim?, Paraguay]: K. Loewen ; Asunción: Grafitec S.A., 2005. Pp. 356. ($17.00). EMU.

Lomax, Erin. Ten days on the Treasure Coast: a true tale of shipwreck, disaster & treasure (and the archaeology that makes sense of it all). Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2005. Pp. [44]. MHL.

Maple Grove Cemetery: located on the LaGrange/Noble County line, Indiana. [Topeka, IN (702 N. Main St., Topeka, IN 46571: Galen L. Yoder, Trustee, 2005]. Pp. [26]. MHL.

Martin, Darvin L. and Regina Christman Martin. Let these stones speak: a genealogical guide to Lancaster County's families based on cemetery research. V. 3. West Lampeter Township. Lancaster, PA: Historic Impressions Press, 2004. 1 CD-ROM. ($40.00). EMU.

Martin, Darvin L. and Regina Christman Martin. Let these stones speak: a genealogical guide to Lancaster County's families based on cemetery research. V. 4. Millersville Borough. Lancaster, PA: Historic Impressions Press, 2005. 2 CD-ROMs. ($59.95). EMU.

Martin, John B., ed. Hymns of harmony. Narvon, PA: Martin, 2005. Pp. 160. ISBN 1897080085 ($12.75). MLA.

Martin, Lena A. Quiet reflections: a collection of poetry for everyone. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, [2005?]. Pp. xiv, 152. MHL.

Mast, Dorcas R. The only sister. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 293. ($10.50). EMU, MHL.

McPhee, Arthur G. The road to Delhi: J. Waskom Pickett remembered. Bangalore, India: SAIACS Press, 2005. Pp. 394. ISBN 8187712112 ($22.00). MLA.

Miller, Anna Hege. Family record of Daniel R. Miller and his brother Amos R. Miller: ancestors and descendants. Chambersburg, PA (3684 Airport Road, Chambersburg, PA 17201-8916): Anna Miller, 2005. Pp. 194. MHL.

Miller, Gene C. Taking root in strange soil: Hyattsville Mennonite Church, 1952-2002. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2005. Pp. x, 175. ISBN 0974247901 ($19.95). EMU, MLA.

Miller, John W. How the Bible came to be: exploring the narrative and message. New York: Paulist Press, 2004. Pp. 188. ISBN 0809141833 ($18.95). MLA.

Miller, Joyce. Familia de paz en valle de guerra. Tr. by Cristóbal Covelli. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2005. Pp. 317. MHL.

Miller, Lester S. Chaco of Paraguay, South America, 1971-1976. Downing, MO (Rt. 2, Box 101 F, Downing 63536): L. S. Miller ; Gordonville, PA: S.K. Typing, 2005. Pp. 143. ($6.00). EMU.

Miller, Noah J. B. The historical collection of Noah J. B. Miller: persecutions and sufferings of our Anabaptist ancestors. Sugarcreek, OH (8887 Sugarcreek Rd. NW, Sugarcreek 44681): Menno N. Miller ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. viii, 231 ($14.50). EMU.

Minert, Roger P. Alsace-Lorraine place name indexes: identifying place names using alphabetical and reverse alphabetical indexes. Provo, Utah: GRT Publications, 2005. Pp. x, 100. ($10.87). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Minert, Roger P. West Prussia place name indexes: identifying place names using alphabetical and reverse alphabetical indexes. Provo, Utah: GRT Publications, 2005. Pp. x, 88. ($10.87). MHL, MLA.

Ministering to those affected by HIV/AIDS: training manual for church workers. Salunga, PA: Eastern Mennonite Missions, 2005. Pp. 61. MHL.

Möller, Christian [et al.], eds. Wegbereiter der Ökumene im 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005. Pp. 378. ISBN 3525554508. MHL.

Naugle, June. Solomon's touch: the life and work of Solomon J. Wickey. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2005. Pp. 304. ISBN 1420850083 ($14.50). EMU.

Neufeld, Kornelius K. Flucht aus dem Paradies: damals vor Moskau. Hrsg. Edith Neufeld. Weisenheim am Berg: Agape Verlag ; Asunción : Imprenta Modelo S.A., 2005. Pp. 170. ISBN 3887448006 ($4.60). EMU.

Neufeld, Korny, Ronald Unruh, Artur Klassen. Unsere Stadt Filadelfia: zum 75. Jubiläum der Kolonie Fernheim. Filadelfia, Fernheim, Paraguay: Stadtamt Filadelfia, 2005. Pp. 124. ($6.50). EMU.

Neufeldt, Reina C. Barn razing: change and continuity in identity during conflict. Thesis (Ph. D.)--American University, 2005. Pp. ix, 347. ($50.00). EMU.

Newswanger, Everett R. Two triple-decker barns, one historic grist mill: --and snippets of Amish and Mennonite beliefs. Rev. [Lancaster, PA: Everett R. Newswanger], c2004, 2005. Pp. 48. ISBN 0963515314. MHL.

Nussbaum, Stan. American cultural baggage: how to recognize and deal with it. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2005. Pp. 160. ISBN 1570756252 ($15.00). MHL.

Obermark-Stiller, Folke. "Grüne" Amische?: das Natur- und Schöpfungsverständnis der Amischen alter Ordnung in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA. (Berichte aus der Geschichtswissenschaft) Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2005. Pp. vi, 395. ISBN 3832246177 . MHL.

Oliver, Mark. Robot dog. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 156148489X ($16.00). MHL.

Osterwick 1876-2004: a people's heritage homecoming. [S.l.: s.n.], 2004. Pp. 65. CMU.

Pasquali, Elena. Ituku's Christmas journey. North American ed. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484954 ($16.00) ; ISBN 0745949150 ($11.93 pbk.). MHL.

Peachey, Barbara Ann, Rachel Zook [et al.]. Be present at our table, Lord. Audubon, IA: 2005-2006. 2 v. MHL.

Penner, Peter F., ed. Theological education as mission. Schwarzenfeld, Germany: Neufeld Verlag, 2005. Pp. 371. ISBN 393789618X ($22.30). FRE, MLA.

Penner, Rudolf. Der Heimat beraubt: die Mennoniten in der Ukraine während der Wirren am Anfang des 20 Jahrhunderts. [Bremen, Germany]: The Author, [2005?]. Pp. 253. ($35.74). EMU.

Peters, Doreen Reimer. One who dared, 1909-1994: the story of Ben D. Reimer, who courageously stepped into the stream of God's action and served. [S.l.]: Doreen Reimer Peters, 2005. Pp. 307. ISBN 1553830881 ($15.50). EMU, MLA.

Pettegree, Andrew. Reformation and the culture of persuasion. Cambridge, UK ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Pp. xi, 237. ISBN 0521841755 ($70.00) ; ISBN 0521602645 ($25.99 pbk.). MHL.

Plett, Hilde Polnau. Im Fenster der Welt sah ich die Wunder Gottes. [Paraguay]: Rudolf & Hilde Plett ; Asunción: Imprenta Dacol, 2005. Pp. ix, 171. ($5.50). EMU.

Powell, Anna. Don't say that, Willy Nilly! Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484881 ($16.00) ; ISBN 1854309048 ($7.00 pbk.). MHL.

Prak, Maarten Roy. The Dutch Republic in the seventeenth century: the golden age. Tr. by Diane Webb. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Pp. xii, 317. ISBN 0521843529 ($70.00) ; ISBN 0521604605 ($24.99 pbk.). MHL.

Raber, Clara. Cheaper by the dozen: an Amish family. [New Philadelphia, OH: C. A. Raber], 2004. Pp. 367. ($28.00). EMU.

Ratzlaff, Don, ed. Written by the staff of the Hillsboro Free Press. Trial by fire: images of crisis, courage and commitment. Hillsboro, KS: Print Source Direct, 2004. Pp. 74. ISBN 0963849433 ($37.58). FRE, MLA.

Rawlinson, Julia. Fred and the little egg. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484687 ($16.00). MHL.

Rempel, Byron. Truth is naked, all others pay cash. Winnipeg: Great Plains Publications, 2005. Pp. 224. ISBN 1894283619 ($19.95). FRE.

Richman, Irwin. The Pennsylvania Dutch Country. (Making of America series) Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 2004. Pp. 160. ISBN 0738524581 ($24.99). EMU.

Riemann, Erhard [et al.], eds. Preussisches Wörterbuch: Deutsche Mundarten Ost- und Westpreussens. Bd. 6. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 2005. 1 v. MHL.

Ritchie, Alison. What Bear likes best! Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484733 ($16.00). MHL.

Rock, Lois. Baby Jesus. North American ed. (My very first Bible stories) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [18]. ISBN 1561484970 ($5.99 board book). MHL.

Rock, Lois. The lost sheep. North American ed. (My very first Bible stories) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [18]. ISBN 1561484989 ($5.99 board book). MHL.

Rock, Lois. Noah and the ark. North American ed. (My very first Bible stories) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [18]. ISBN 1561484962 ($5.99 board book). MHL.

Rock, Lois. Our Father. North American ed. (My very first Bible stories) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [18]. ISBN 1561484997 ($5.99 board book). MHL.

Roots & wings: 100 years of Rosthern Junior College. Rosthern, SK: Rosthern Junior College‚ 2005. Pp. 329. ISBN 0973824905 ($55.00). MLA.

Roth, Willard E. and Gerald Schlabach, eds. Called together to be peacemakers: report of the international dialogue between the Catholic Church and Mennonite World Conference 1998-2003. Abridged ed. with discussion questions (The Bridgefolk series) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2005. Pp. 77. CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL. Online version available at <>.

Sauder Village. Pioneer settlement research. [Archbold, Ohio]: Sauder Village, 2005. Pp. 34, 55. MHL.

Sawatsky, Rodney James. History and ideology: American Mennonite identity definition through history. (Anabaptist and Mennonite studies; 5) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2005. Pp. 216. ISBN 1894710533 ($24.50). MLA.

Sawatsky, Walter W. and Peter F. Penner, eds. Mission in the former Soviet Union. Schwarzenfeld, Germany: Neufeld Verlag, 2005. Pp. 295. ISBN 3937896171 ($22.30). FRE, MLA.

Sawatzky, Dave, ed. Halbstadt heritage, 1879-2005. Altona, MB: Halbstadt Heritage Book Committee, 2005. Pp. 404. ISBN 1553830776 ($58.00). CMU, MHL, MLA.

Sawatzky, Reynold. Ancestors Franz and Katarina Günther Sawatzky, Henry and Anna Wiebe Klassen: from the Vistula delta to the Ukrainian steppe to the Canadian prairies to the United States: the genealogy and history of our ancestry and stories of the family of Jacob F. and Cornelia Klassen Sawatzky. Title on cover: Sawatzky-Klassen ancestral and family history. Rev. [Goshen, IN]: Reynold Sawatzky, 2005. Pp. 265. MLA.

Schmidt, Monique Maria. Last moon dancing: a memoir of love and real life in Africa. Santa Monica, CA: Clover Park Press, 2005. Pp. 227. ISBN 0962863238 ($24.95). EMU, MLA.

Schroeder, William. The family of Abram and Maria Friesen, Great Deer, Saskatchewan. Winnipeg, MB: William Schroeder, 2005. 1 v. CMU, MLA.

Schroeder, William. A genealogical history of Wilhelm Schroeder (1761-1827) and Helena Reimer (1788-1829) and their descendants. [Winnipeg, MB]: William Schroeder, Lois Schroeder Loewen, Ruth Schroeder Levasseur, 2005. Pp. 45. CMU, MLA.

Schroeder, William. Mennonite historical atlas. Winnipeg: A.D. Schroeder Typesetting, 2004. 1 v. CMU.

Schumacher, Ruth O. Beyond mere survival: the story of Adella Steiner Oyer and her five orphans. [Bluffton, OH]: The Author, 2005. Pp. 67. ($10.00). EMU.

Schwartz, Anna M. ABC rhymetime. [S.l.]: Anna Schwartz, 2005. Pp. [52]. ISBN 0976971909. MHL.

Schwartz, Roman D. History and records of interment, 1865-2005, Schwartz Cemetery, Berne, Indiana. Berne, IN: R.D. Schwartz, 2005. Pp. 348. ($19.95). EMU.

Shenk, Wilbert R., ed. North American foreign missions, 1810-1914: theology, theory, and policy. (Studies in the history of Christian missions) Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2004. Pp. 349. ISBN 0802824854 ($45.00). MLA

Slingsby, Janet. Hetty's 100 hats. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [34]. ISBN 1561484563 ($16.00). MHL.

Slive, Seymour. Jacob van Ruisdael: master of landscape. London: Royal Academy of Arts ; New Haven: Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Yale University Press, 2005. Pp. 278. ISBN 1903973244 ; ISBN 1903973740 (pbk.). MHL.

Snader, Krista. Characteristics of effective Mennonite Central Committee development volunteers in Bolivia. Thesis (M.S.)--University of Guelph, 2005. Pp. vi, 137. ($50.00). EMU.

Snyder, Carrie. Hair hat. Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2004. Pp. 213. ISBN 0143015370 ($15.50). MLA.

Songs for worship: Charlotte 2005, July 4-9, Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, North Carolina: can't keep quiet! [Elkhart, IN]: Mennonite Church USA, 2005. Pp. 68. MHL.

Spierling, Karen E. Infant baptism in Reformation Geneva: the shaping of a community, 1536-1564. (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history) Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2005. Pp. xvi, 253. ISBN 0754634906 ($99.95). MHL.

Steven, Kenneth C. The sea mice and the stars. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484903 ($16.00). MHL.

Stobbe, Eunice Gerbrandt. The Sawatzky - Bartel connection: the story of Cornelius and Maria Bartel. [Saskatchewan?]: Eunice Stobbe, 2005. Pp. 214. CMU, MLA.

Stoll, Jonathan and Judith Stoll. Trial and triumph in the tropics. Altamont, TN (741 Deer Run Rd., Altamont 37301): Ambassador Publishers, 2005. Pp. xii, 206. ($6.95). EMU.

Stuart, Cam. A lifelong apprenticeship: study guide for growing disciples. Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2005. Pp. 60. ISBN 1894791061 ($7.79 CDN). CMU.

Suderman, Bryan Moyer. Can't keep quiet. Canada: SmallTall Music, 2005. 1 compact disc. ($14.99). MLA.

Sunderland, Willard. Taming the wild field: colonization and empire on the Russian steppe. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2004. Pp. 239. ISBN 0801442095 ($35.00). MLA.

Thompson, Marjie, Kathleen L. Grant and Alan G. Keyser. Forgotten Pennsylvania textiles of the 18th and 19th centuries. Cumberland, ME: The Linen Press, [2005]. Pp. 46. ISBN 0976686600. MHL.

Todt, Sabine. Kleruskritik, Frömmigkeit und Kommunikation in Worms im Mittelalter und in der Reformationszeit. (Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte ; Bd. 103) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005. Pp. 386. ISBN 3515086811 ($91.00/68,00 EUR). MHL.

Toews, Bernhard. Tagebuch meines Lebens. [Loma Plata]: Gestaltung, Druckerei Friesen, 2005. Pp. 176. ($5.50). EMU.

Toews, Miriam. Galgenliefde. Tr. by Karina van Santen & Martine Vosmaer. Amsterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 2005. Pp. 236. ISBN 9038874359 (16,50 EUR). MHL.

Toews, Mitch, ed. Loewen Centennial 1905-2005: reflecting on the past; looking to the future. [Steinbach, MB: C.P. Loewen Enterprises, 2005.]. Pp. 35, [1]. CMU, MLA.

Tolzmann, Don Heinrich. Illinois' German heritage. 1st ed. Milford, Ohio: Little Miami Pub. Co., 2005. Pp. 190. ISBN 1932250271 ($16.95). MHL.

Tracy, James D. The low countries in the sixteenth century: Erasmus, religion and politics, trade and finance. (Variorum collected studies series) Aldershot [England]; Burlington, VT: Ashgate/Variorum, 2005. 1 v. ($84.00). MLA.

Umansky, Kaye. Sophie and the Mother's Day card. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, [2005]. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561484814 ($3.95 pbk.) ; ISBN 1561484792 ($9.95). MHL.

Umansky, Kaye. Sophie in charge. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. [32]. ISBN 1561484784 ($9.95) ; ISBN 1561484806 ($3.95 pbk.). MHL.

Verschiedene Arbeitsabläufe von vor 40 Jahren. [Fernheim?: Kolonie Fernheim?], 2005. 1 DVD. ($7.50). EMU.

Waltner-Toews, David. The complete Tante Tina: Mennonite blues and recipes. [Waterloo, ON: Pandora Press], 2005. 1 compact disc. ($13.00). MLA.

Wenger, Luke D. My journey: life story of and by Luke D. Wenger. Ed. and designed by Marie E. Cutman. Morgantown, PA: Marie E. Cutman, 2005. Pp. xvii, 205. ($12.50). EMU.

Wenger, Samuel Esbenshade. A combined Landis/Landes genealogy report of the descendants of Hans Landis and Katharina Schinz: featuring new data from Dr. Werner Baumann, a Swiss historian and expert on early Hirzel Farm families, their hofs where Landis/Landes families lived, he provided information for up to eight generations of Landis/Landes descendants. Akron, PA: S.E. Wenger ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. iv, 192. ISBN 1932864482 ($26.95). EMU.

Wengerd, Mattie. Life of an adopted child: the journey through life of an Amish adopted son and his family, including cancer and death. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. ix, 144. ($11.00). EMU.

Whitetail guide. Millersburg, PA: Brookside Publisher, 2005. Pp. 113, [15]. ISBN 097665170X. MHL.

Wiebe, Dallas E. and Pamela Baillargeon. The Nofziger letters. Cincinnati, Ohio: Dallas E. Wiebe, 2005. Pp. 27. MHL.

Williams, Karen, comp. Keepers at home index, 1993-2004. Sugarcreek, Ohio: Carlisle Press, [2005]. Pp. 83. MHL.

Williamson, Darren T. Erasmus of Rotterdam's influence upon Anabaptism: the case of Balthasar Hubmaier. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Simon Fraser University, Summer 2005. Pp. x, 245. ($50.00). EMU.

Winter, Rebecca. Prayers for children. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 160. ISBN 1561484709 ($14.99). MHL.

Yoder, Eileen Manetta. Descendants of Abraham and Anna (Beachy) Mast 1820-2005. [Berlin, OH: Eileen Yoder], 2005. Pp. vi, 472. MHL.

Yoder, Harvey. Wang Ping's sacrifice and other stories of Christians in communist China. Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2005. Pp. 195. ISBN 1885270453 ($12.00). MHL, MLA.

Yoder, June Alliman, Marlene Kropf, Rebecca Slough. Preparing Sunday dinner: a collaborative approach to worship and preaching. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 499. ISBN 0836193210 ($18.99/$14.27 CDN). BLU, CMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Yoder, Laurel, ed. Exposition 23: a collection of student writing from expository writing classes 2002-2004. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, Goshen College, 2005. Pp. 76. MHL.

Yoder, Linda, comp. Memories of years gone by. Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, 2005. Pp. 87. ($7.00). EMU.

Zakrzewska, Aleksandra. Die Spuren der Mennoniten, der niederländischen Ansiedler, auf dem Gebiet der Sartowitz-Neuenburger Niederung und besonders in der Gemeinde Dragass. Thesis (masters)--Uniwersytet Warmisko-Mazurski w Olstynie, 2005. Pp. [58], 40. EMU, FRE, MLA.

Zeggen en zwijgen: oecumenisch gebedenboek voor alledag. Ed. Marcel Barnard, Margreet Limburg-Klokke and Louis van Tongeren. Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Meinema, 2005. Pp. 280. ISBN 9021139901. EMU, MHL.

Zeiset, Corinne & Jean Smith, comp. Lovingly seasoned eats and treats. Snover, MI (4324 Mushroom Rd., Snover, MI 48472): Jean Smith ; Marlette, MI (3755 Dooper Rd., Marlette, MI 48453): Corinne Zeiset, 2005. Pp. x, 454. MHL.

Zimmerman, Enos N. Nolt family history, 1771-1969: containing over 3,700 families. 2nd ed. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press ; Shippensburg, PA (1615 Ritner Highway, Shippensburg, PA 17257): available from Harry Leinbach, 2005. Pp. 916. ($25.00). EMU.

Zion Mennonite Church 50th anniversary, 1955-2005. [Archbold, Ohio: Zion Mennonite Church, [2005]. Pp. 17. MHL.

Zusammenfassung der Festlichkeiten zum 75. Jubiläum der Kolonie Fernheim. Fernheim: der Kolonie, 2005. 1 DVD. ($7.50). EMU.

2003 and earlier

Abels, Sebo H. Geschiedenis der doopsgezinden in het Oldambt [1577-1811]. Eexterzandvoort: Sebo H. Abels, 2002. Pp. 210. ISBN 908070511X ($49.56). MLA.

Backhaus, Peter. Danziger Getränkespezialitäten Stobbe Machandel: von Tiegenhof/Westpreussen über Oldenburg in Oldenburg nach Wunsiedel/Fichtelgebirge. Barsbüttel: Peter Backhaus, 2000. Pp. 78. ($14.00). MLA.

Beachy, Eli R. The Deutschmen: an Abe Yoder mystery. Baltimore: PublishAmerica, 2003. Pp. 170. ISBN 1592867332 ($19.95). EMU, MLA.

Bechtel, Faythelma. Creative touch 2000: ideas for school, church, and home bulletin boards. Estacada, OR: Bechtel Books, 2000. Pp. 92. ($7.95). EMU.

Beiler, Anne. Auntie Anne: my story. Gap, PA: Auntie Anne's, Inc. Publications, 2002. Pp. [40]. ISBN 0972263802 ($14.99). EMU.

Bergen, Wesley J. Elisha and the end of prophetism. (Journal for the study of the Old Testament. Supplement series; 286) Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999. Pp. 200. ISBN 1850759499 ($100.00). MLA.

Bergsma, Wiebe. "Zij preekten voor doven": de reformatie in Drenthe. (Drentse historische reeks; 10) (Fryske Akademy; nr. 942) Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum ; [Leeuwarden]: Fryske Akademy ; [Drenthe]: Stichtung Het Drentse Boek, 2002. Pp. 131. ISBN 9023238745 ($25.50). MLA.

Berry, Elaine. Harmony for the heart: devotionals for young women. Mifflin, PA: Green Pastures Press, 2002. Pp. 207. ($7.50). EMU.

Consulta Anabautista Latinoamericana (5th : 1999 : San Lorenzo, Paraguay). Consulta Anabautista Latinoamericana V: y IX Congreso Menonita Cono Sur, Convocatoria Regional del Congreso Mundial Menonita; Anabautismo Latinoamericano: Desafíos para el siglo XXI, Misión, Preserncia Pública, Liderazgo; San Lorenzo, Paraguay, 9 al 14 de febrero de 1999. (Colección Siervos en communidad.) Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala: Ediciones SEMILLA, 2000. Pp. 130. ISBN 9992243120. CMU.

Dueck, Levi and Lori Scharfenberg, eds. The Henry L. & Anna Friesen family: then & now. [S.l.]: Henry L Friesen Book Committee ; Rosenort, MB: Printed by Country Graphics & Printing, 2001. Pp. 560. ISBN 1896257364 ($39.00). CMU, MLA.

Ens, Gerhard, comp. The life and works of Menno Simons. [Winnipeg?]: NB Communications and Publications, [1999]. Pp. 43. CMU.

Enss, Helmut. Marienau: ein Werderdorf zwischen Weichsel und Nogat: Geschichte und Geschichten. Lübeck: Dräger Druck, 1998. Pp. 720. ISBN 3000026665 ($89.82). MLA.

Fisher, Benuel M. The unwanted son. New Holland, PA: Benuel M Fisher, 2003. Pp. 119. ($8.20). MLA.

Fisher, Gideon A. Cumberland Valley and history of the Franklin County Amish settlement. Newburg, PA (2 Lakeview Drive, Newburg, PA 17240): G.A. Fisher, 2001. Pp. 162. ($30.00). EMU.

Funk, Tony. Hague Mennonite Church: celebrating 100 years: 1903-2003. [Hague, SK: Tony Funk, 2002]. Pp. 9. CMU, MLA.

Goertzen, Peggy. Vital statistics from the Vorwaerts: notices of birth, marriage, emigration, and death for Germans and Germans from Russia in United States and Canada, 1912. Hillsboro, KS: Peggy Goertzen, 1994. Pp. 99. ($35.00). EMU.

Goertzen, Peggy. Vital statistics from the Vorwaerts: notices of birth, marriage, emigration, and death for Germans and Germans from Russia in United States and Canada, 1913. Hillsboro, KS: Peggy Goertzen, 1994. Pp. 145. ($35.00). EMU, MLA.

Herr, Karl. Hex and spellwork: the magical practices of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Boston, MA: Weiser Books, 2002. Pp. 144. ISBN 1578631823 ($16.95). MLA.

Hilty, Peter. Exotic birds: poems of Peter Hilty. [Cape Girardeau, MO: Peter Hilty], 1997. Pp. 71. MLA.

Hostetler, John A. and Gertrude Enders Huntington. The Hutterites in North America. (Case studies in cultural anthropology) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002. Pp. 158. ISBN 0534440339 ($25.50). MLA.

Hostetler, Paul. A mission to bring living water to a thirsty land: [sketches of the first 50 years of ministry at the Navajo Brethren in Christ mission]. Mechanicsburg, PA: Center Square Press, 1997. Pp. 41. ($10.00). EMU.

Janzen, Peter. Meine Erinnerungen: Lebensbericht eines Russlanddeutschen. Münster: Agenda Verlag, 2002. Pp. 178. ISBN 3896881604 ($21.30). MLA.

Kennevan, Christine. On earth as it is in heaven. Enumclaw, WA: Pleasant Word, 2003. Pp. 423. ISBN 1579216552 ($21.99). EMU.

Kreider, Robert S. Mennonite country boy: [C. Henry Smith revisited]. [Illinois]: Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society, [2002]. 2 DVD. ($10.00). EMU.

Kulig, Judith C. [et al.]. Kanadier Mennonites: gaining an understanding of their health and illness beliefs. [Lethbridge, AB: University of Lethbridge, 2002.]. Pp. 88. CMU.

Ledohowski, Edward M. The heritage landscape of the Crow Wing Study Region of southeastern Manitoba: a pilot project. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Historic Resources Branch, 2003. Pp. iv, 83. CMU.

Lehn, Cornelia. Segodni^a i^a uslyshal blagui^u vest': Rasskazy dlia deteî. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1991. Pp. 184. ISBN 0873031768. ($12.95). MLA.

Martin, Cleon, Mrs. A playhouse for Mary. Wallenstein, ON: Vineyard Pub., 2003. Pp. 157. ISBN 096883695X ($8.50). EMU.

Mason, C. Stanley (Chad). Voices on the wind. Camden, ME: Countrysport Press, 2002. Pp. 179. ISBN 0892725796 ($25.00). MLA.

Men of Melody. The best of Words of the Gospel Men of Melody. Fresno, CA: Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, [2002?] 1 compact disc ($12.50). MLA.

Mennonite World Conference. Mennonite and Brethren in Christ world directory, 1998. Strasbourg, France ; Kitchener, ON: Mennonite World Conference, [2000?]. Pp. 19. ($3.50 CDN). CMU.

Murphy, Don. The way of the Lord. Elk, WA: Old Hutterian Pub. Co., 1996. Pp. 28. ($3.00). EMU.

Neufeld, David, K. George Goodwin, and Joe MacDonald. The pacifist who went to war. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2003. 1 videocassette ($15.99). EMU.

Neufeldt, Ella. Ella's story: the journey of a Mennonite girl from Poland to Canada. Coaldale, AB: Ella Neufeldt, 2003. 1 v. CMU.

Page, Doris L. Woodsdale's story. [Middletown, OH]: D.L. Page, 1994. Pp. 107. ($10.00). EMU.

Peachey, Willie. Hey, Peachey: the power of God, revealed through the patience of a conscientious objector. [S.l.]: Calvary Publications ; Partridge, KS (7809 S. Herren Rd., Partridge, KS 67566): Paul L. Miller ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2003. Pp. 36. MLA.

Penner, Richard L. and Helen M. Welte. Abraham Penner book: biographies, genealogies, old Russian stories, 1783-2003. Bonners Ferry, ID: Penner ; Las Vegas, NV: Welte, 2003. 1 v. ($19.00). MLA.

Penner, Roger and Dawn Penner. Penner family book III: family tree of John I. Penner, 1893-1973 & Margaret Toews, 1895-1942, Lottie Toews, 1912-. [Medicine Hat, AB]: Roger & Dawn Penner, 2003. Pp. 125. ISBN 0969972717 ($13.00). MLA.

Peters, Antonia Reimer. Hi-lights of yester-year. Saskatoon, SK: Peters, 2001. Pp. 61. ($22.00). MLA.

Reimer, Milton Kenneth James. A goodly heritage: the life and times of the John B. and Maria Dueck Reimer family. USA: C&M Professional Services, 2003. Pp. 95. MLA.

Rempel, Elsie. The song and activity guide for God's love is for everybody: songs for small & tall. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Church Canada ; Waterloo ; Scottdale [PA]: Faith & Life Resources, 2002. Pp. 40. ($12.00). MLA.

Rock, Lois. Simple prayers of love and delight. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2001. Pp. 29. ISBN 1561483346 ($4.95). EMU.

Schupp, Katja. Zwischen Faszination und Abscheu: das Täuferreich von Münster: zur Rezeption in Geschichtswissenschaft, Literatur, Publizistik und populärer Darstellung vom Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zum Dritten Reich. (Edition Kulturregion Münsterland; 1) Münster: LIT, 2002. Pp. 549. ISBN 3825849325 ($43.00). MLA.

Suderman, Bryan Moyer & Friends. God's love is for everybody: songs for small & tall. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Church Canada ; Waterloo ; Scottdale [Pa.]: Faith & Life Resources, 2002. 1 compact disc ($16.95). MLA.

Teichrob, Henry. The last journey: the Teichrob story. [Abbotsford, BC]: Fern Hill Press, 1999. Pp. 170. MLA.

Thorpe, Ralph. List of the descendants of Anna Loewen (1850-1910) and Erdman Nikkel (1848-1922). [Nepean, ON: Ralph Thorpe?], 2002. 1 v. CMU.

Thorpe, Ralph. List of the descendants of Heinrich Loewen (1852-1937) and Aganetha Dyck (1856-1931). [Nepean, ON: Ralph Thorpe?], 2002. 1 v. CMU.

Thorpe, Ralph. List of the descendants of Katharina Loewen (1859-1930) and Klaas Peters (1855-1932). [Nepean, ON: Ralph Thorpe?], 2002. 1 v. CMU.

Toews, Margaret Penner. Threads from his hem: the heartstrings that keep us tied to him: a devotional book. Neilburg, SK: Praise Hymn Publisher, 2003. Pp. 266. ($12.50). EMU.

Veen, Robbert A. Obedience to the law of Christ: an inquiry into the function of the Mosaic law in Christian ethics from a Mennonite perspective. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing, 2000. Pp. 326. ISBN 904230135X ($74.48). MLA.

Voices for non-violence: a preventive and restorative approach to domestic violence and sexual abuse: annotated bibliography of VNV resources. Winnipeg: Voices for non-Violence, [1997?]. Pp. 87. CMU.

Weaver, Carol Ann and Rebecca Campbell. Awakenings. [Waterloo, ON: LORAC Productions], 2003. 1 compact disc ($15.00). EMU.

Wiebe, Gladys. The Penner family history book, 1680-2000: the descendants of Peter O. Penner (1832-1910) and Margaretha Friesen (1832-1891). Saskatoon, SK: Gladys Wiebe, 2000. Pp. 684. MLA.

Words of the Gospel Choir. The best of Words of the Gospel Choir. Fresno, CA: Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, [2002?] 1 compact disc ($12.50). MLA.

Workinger, Barbara. In Dutch again: an Amish country mystery. Bloomington, IN: 1st Books Library, 2002. Pp. 164. ISBN 140332431X ($24.45). MLA.

Die Wormser Propheten. (Aus der Geschichte der Kirche; Nr. 3) Herborn: Sepher-Verlag ; [Hammerbrücke]: [Concepcion Seidel], 2003. Pp. 32. ISBN 3933750407 (Concepcion Seidel) ($18.00). EMU.

Yoder, J. Otis. He that glorieth, I Corinthians 1:31: expository messages from Paul's First epistle to the Corinthian church. (Voice of Hope radio sermons ; no. 1432-1489) Breezewood, PA: Heralds of Hope, Inc., 1999. Pp. xv, 403. ($4.00). EMU.