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Mennonite Bibliography, 2005

Compiled by Barbara A. Thiesen, Mennonite Library & Archives, Bethel College (MLA)

Assisted by Mary Jean Johnson, Musselman Library and the Mennonite Historical Collections, Bluffton University (BLU), Audrey Shenk, Menno Simons Historical Library/Archives, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU); Kevin Enns-Rempel, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies (FRE); Vic Froese, Mennonite Historical Library, Canadian Mennonite University (CMU); Joe Springer, Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College (MHL).

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The Mennonite Bibliography, 2005 consists of titles published in 2005 that were acquired by the contributing libraries. Also included are titles acquired in 2005, published prior to that year, but not included in previous Mennonite Life bibliographies. The three-letter symbols after each entry indicate which libraries have copies of the titles.


2005 address directory of Amish communities: featuring all areas covered by Die Blatt. Shipshewana, IN: Address Directory, 2005. Pp. 124. MHL.

2005 directory Fellowship Churches in the Western United States and Northwest Mexico. Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2005. Pp. 75. ($3.00) BLU.

Alger, Wanda. Surely not us!: exposing the religious spirit in the contemporary church. [Winchester, VA: Wanda T. Alger], 2005. Pp. 146. ($12.75) EMU.

Amstutz, Lorraine Stutzman and Judy H. Mullet. The little book of restorative discipline for schools: teaching responsibility, creating caring climates. (Little books of justice and peacebuilding) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 88. ISBN 1561485063 ($4.95). EMU, MLA.

Augsburger, Myron. The resurrection life: the power of Jesus for today. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Publishing House, 2005. Pp. 196. ISBN 192891571X ($12.99) BLU, EMU.

Ayers, Esther Royer. Rolling down black stockings: a passage out of the old order Mennonite religion. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2005. Pp. 172. ISBN 0873388283 (pbk. $22.00) BLU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Bartsch, Johannes. History of the church of Jesus Christ, namely the Old Evangelical and Mennonite churches. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. viii, 146. MHL.

Bauman, John P. The role of forgiveness in rehabilitation. Thesis (D.Min.)–Andover Newton Theological School, 2005. Pp. viii, 170. MHL.

Bauman, Lester. Exploring– the Gospel of John. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 203. ($7.25) EMU, MHL.

Bauman, Lester. Exploring– the Gospel of Luke. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 247. ($8.25) EMU, MHL.

Bauman, Lester. God and Uncle Dale. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 343. ($9.55) EMU.

Bauman, Lester. La manada pegueño. Translated by Darrel Clingan. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2005. Pp. 128. MHL.

Bauman, Lester. Thy word is truth: the inspiration and formation of the scriptures. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 166. ($6.25) EMU, MHL.

Bauman, Lester. Le véritable chrétien: des leçons pratiques du Sermon sur la montagne. Translated by Donald White. Farmington, NM: Éditeur Lampe et Lumière, 2005. Pp. 119. MHL.

Beck, Ervin, ed. MennoFolk2: a sampler of Mennonite & Amish folklore. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 247. ISBN 0836193075 ($15.99 US; $11.99 CDN) BLU, CMU, MHL, MLA.

Becker, Lori and Sara Keener. Faith on fire: fueling your enthusiasm. Osark, AL: ACW Press, 2005. Pp. 238. ISBN 1932124551. MHL.

Bender, Carrie. Lamplight on the hearth. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. 114. ISBN 1932864059 ($7.99) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Bender, Don. Without the loss of one. Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 274. ISBN 1931038317 (trade pbk. $15.95) BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Bender, Harold S., Paul Erb and Chester K. Lehman. Bible survey course in five units. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. 5 vols. ($24.45) EMU, MHL.

Berge, Marilyn A. The family history of Jonas and Julia Berge. [Kitchener, ON]: M.A. Berge, 2005. Pp. ii, 20. MHL.

Bergen, Wesley J. Reading ritual: Leviticus in postmodern culture. London: T&T Clark International, 2005. Pp. 140. ISBN 056704081X ($87.98) MLA.

Berger-Knorr, Lawrence. The relations of Milton Snavely Hershey. New Kingstown, PA: Sunbury Press, 2005. Pp. 571. ISBN 0976092522 ($29.95) MHL.

Birdsell, Sandra. Children of the day. [Toronto]: Random House Canada, 2005. Pp. 405. ISBN 0679313699. ($20.13 CDN) CMU.

Birkey, Del. The fall of patriarchy: its broken legacy judged by Jesus & the apostolic house church communities. Tucson, AZ: Fenestra Books, 2005. Pp. xiii, 376. ISBN 1587363747. MHL.

Blandenier, J., et al. Pour une éthique biblique. Montbéliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2005 (Montbéliard: Imprimerie Metthez Frères). Pp. 118. ISBN 2904214763. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Blank, Ben. Creation to resurrection: history of Bible times. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. 164. ISBN 0971453926 ($10.00) EMU, MHL.

Block, Nelly and Constanze Nolting. Tabea und Lea: die siamesische Zwillinge aus Lemgo. 3. Aufl. Holzgerlingen: Hänssler, 2005. Pp. 147. ISBN 3775141375 ($17.48) EMU.

Boehm, Robert. Les Mennonites du pays de Sarrebourg: histoire et généalogie. Sarrebourg: Robert Boehm, 2005. Pp. 168. MHL.

Bontrager, Timothy. The Palm Sunday tornado: a novel. Middlebury, IN: Timothy Bontrager, 2005. Pp. 185. ISBN 1591969646 ($10.00) MHL.

Borntrager, Jonas N. Jonas N. Borntrager: an Amish bishop’s memoir. Compiled by Dan J. Borntrager. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2005. Pp. vi, 154. ($8.00) EMU, MHL.

Bourg, Molly Metz, comp. Nebraska Amish directory: Andover, Kishacoquillas Valley, McClure, Penns Valley, Winfield. Reedville, PA: M.M. Bourg, 2005. Pp. 136. EMU, MHL.

Braght, Thieleman J. van. Der blutige Schauplatz: oder Märtyrer-Spiegel der Taufgesinnten oder Wehrlosen Christen, die um des Zeugnisses Jesu, ihres Seligmachers, willen gelitten haben und getötet worden sind, von Christi Zeit an bis auf das Jahr 1600.... Aylmer, ON ; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Pub. Corp., 2005. 2 v in 1. EMU.

Brant, Jo-Ann A., et al., eds. Ancient fiction: the matrix of early Christian and Jewish narrative. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005. Pp. xvii, 372. ISBN 1589831667 (pbk. $39.95) MHL.

Broadbent, E. H. La iglesia peregrina: trazando el sendero de los cristianos olvidados desde el Pentecostés hasta el siglo XX. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2005. Pp. 452. MHL.

Brown, Tricia Gates, ed. Getting in the way: stories from Christian Peacemaker Teams. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 160. ISBN 0836192486 ($17.99) BLU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Burkholder, David. Discernant sa volonté. Farmington, NM: Éditeur Lampe et Lumière, 2005. Pp. 46. MHL.

Byler, Linda. Lizzie and Mandy. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. 330. ISBN 0974481335 ($10.95) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Byler, Linda. Lizzie’s teen years. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. 306. ISBN 0974481343 ($10.95) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Byrum, Isabel C. Our darlings’ A B C book. [Fredericksburg, OH: Reprinted by YBS & Co. 2005?]. Pp. 64. MHL.

Charles, Howard H. Opening the Bible: essays. Edited by J. Robert Charles. Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 289. ISBN 0936273372 ($17.40 US; $27.47 CDN) BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Christner, Merle, comp. The William J. Yoder family, 1858-2004. [Hesston, KS?]: Merle Christner, 2005. Pp. viii, 517. MHL.

Coblentz, Gyneth M. The history, ancestry and descendants of Jacob J. Eicher, 1873-1959, and Elizabeth P. Schwartz, 1873-1934. [Berne, IN (705 Stucky St., Apt. 110, Berne, IN 46711-2361)]: G. M. Coblentz, [2005]. Pp. 286. ($20.00) EMU, MHL.

Coggins, James R. Mountaintop Drive: a John Smyth mystery (#3). Chicago: Moody, 2005. Pp. 263. ISBN 0802417698 (pbk. $11.99) EMU.

Communities pursuing Christ’s purpose. (Mennonite series ; 1.1) Goshen, IN: Mennonite Church USA, [2005]. Pp. 24. EMU.

Concern: Amsterdam, 1952-Harrisonburg, 2001: welcome. [Harrisonburg, VA: Cal Redekop, 2005]. Videocassette + 1 v. EMU.

Congregational directory: Northwest District of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. Montney, BC: Prairie Quick Printing, 2005. Pp. 64. EMU.

Coon, Helen Neufeld. Oskar and Sarah: a Congo love story. [Nappanee, IN]: Evangel Press, 2005. Pp. 172. ISBN 1893270343 ($14.00) MLA.

Cramer, W. Dale. Levi’s will: a novel. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2005. Pp. 394. ISBN 0764229958 (pbk. $13.99) EMU.

Crider, Virginia. Allegheny gospel trails. Rev. ed. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications ; Harrisonburg, VA: Park View Press, 2005. Pp. 268. ISBN 0878135022. EMU, MHL.

Culp, G. Richard. Mary Helen Powell Culp– a witness for Christ and An autobiography. [Wellman, Iowa]: R. Culp, [2005?]. Pp. 48. MHL.

Darr, Tara. Wool rug hooking. Iola, WI: Kp Books, 2005. Pp. 128. ISBN 0873498933 (pbk. $22.99) MHL.

Dejung, Christoph. Sebastian Franck interkulturell gelesen. Nordhausen [Germany]: Traugott Bautz, 2005. Pp. 101. ISBN 388309255X. MHL.

Dekar, Paul R. Creating the beloved community: a journey with the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub. House; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 325. ISBN 1931038309 (trade pbk. $23.95) BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Denise, Cheryl. I saw God dancing: poems. (DreamSeeker poetry series; 2) Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books, 2005. Pp. 90. ISBN 1931038287 ($12.95) BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Derksen, Wilma L., Tym Elias, and Brenda Suderman. Unsettled weather: how do I forgive? Waterloo, ON ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 80. ISBN 0836192990 ($9.99 US; $7.29 CDN) BLU, CMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Descendents of Edward B. & Sarah (Gingerich) Kline, 1860-2003. [S.l.: s.n. 2005?] (Sugarcreek, OH: Printed by Schlabach Printers). Pp. 184. MHL.

Dick, William O. Espelkamp on the German frontier. [Austin, TX]: Ruth Anne Abraham, 2005. Pp. 172. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Dipple, Geoffrey. “Just as in the time of the apostles”: uses of history in the Radical Reformation. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2005. Pp. 324. ISBN 1894710584 ($30.00) EMU.

Docherty, Jayne Seminare. The little book of strategic negotiation: negotiating during turbulent times. (Little books of justice & peacebuilding) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 90. ISBN 1561484288 ($4.95) EMU, MLA.

Dueck, Adele. Nettie’s journey. (From many peoples) Regina: Coteau Books for Kids, 2005. Pp. 209. ISBN 1550503227 ($8.95) EMU, MHL.

Dueck, Alvin and Cameron Lee, eds. Why psychology needs theology: a radical-reformation perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2005. Pp. 206. ISBN 0802829074 (pbk. $24.00) BLU, MLA.

Duerksen, Carol. Sacred search: encountering God during Advent. Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2005. Pp. 45. ISBN 0836193156. MHL.

Dunn, Alvera Brookman. Jacob Hell/Clear and Margaret Davis Clear and their descendants: with an introduction on Hell/Clear ancestors. [Burke, VA: Author], 2005. Pp. [16], 231, [24]. EMU.

Dyck, Francis A., comp. The genealogy of: Cornelius Unger, 2 January, 1860 - 21 March, 1933; Gerhard Unger, 3 April, 1862 - 30 October, 1942; Helena Unger, 8 May, 1869 - 25 December, 1923:including some genealogical material by George Unger of Indiana and copies of some ancestral letters. Winnipeg, ON: F.A. Dyck, [2005]. Pp. [4], 25, [21], 42, [16], 30. ($15.00) MHL, MLA.

Earnest, Russell D. Flying leaves and one-sheets: Pennsylvania German broadsides, Fraktur, and their printers. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2005. Pp. 337. ISBN 1584561459 ($95.00) BLU, MHL.

Earnest, Russell D. Gerbers on fraktur. East Berlin, PA: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 2005. Pp. 20. ISBN 1879311151. MHL.

Eicher, Edna Petersheim. Joys and trials of the Eicher family. West Farmington, OH (18380 Hobart Rd., West Farmington, OH 44491): Mrs. M. V. Eicher, 2005 ; ([Ohio]: Geauga Printing). Pp. 63. ($5.50) EMU, MHL.

Elias, David. Sunday afternoon. Regina, SK: Coteau Books ; Markham, ON: Available in the US and Canada from Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2005. Pp. 257. ISBN 1550503014 ($17.95 US; $15.96 CDN) CMU, EMU, MLA.

Enns, Edward. Our Bergen grandparents: Peter (1869-1918) & Maria (Dueck) Bergen (1871-1917. Winnipeg: Author, 2005. Pp. 69. MLA.

Erb, Delbert and Linda Shelly. The Patagonia story: congregations in Argentina and Illinois link “arm-in-arm” for mission. (Missio dei; 9) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Mission Network, 2005. Pp. 25. ISBN 1877736864 ($3.99) BLU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Erb, Delbert and Linda Shelly. Un relato de la Patagonia: congregaciones de Argentina e Illinois se dan la mano para hacer lamisión de Dios. (Missio dei; 9) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Mission Network, 2005. Pp. 25. ISBN 1877736864 ($3.99) EMU.

Evans, Kay. A song for your honor. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2005. Pp. 461. EMU, MHL.

Fenster, Polly. Amish directory for Linesville, PA., North District, Linesville, PA, South District, Clarion, PA. District, 2005. Conneautville, PA (5364 Fisher Rd., Conneautville, PA 16406): Schwartz Country Store, 2005. Pp. 31 [i.e. 47]. ($8.95) EMU, MHL.

Fisher, Martha. Bible time. (Bible stories for young readers series; bk 4) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 40. ($3.05) EMU, MHL.

Fisher, Martha. Children of the Old Testament. (Bible stories for young readers series; bk 5) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 40. ($3.05) EMU, MHL.

Fleenor, Lester. God almighty! His word for Christians, Jews, and Moslems. [Nappanee, IN]: Evangel Publishing House, 2005. Pp. 188. ISBN 1928915671 ($14.95) EMU.

Focus on Africa cookbook: embrace the opportunity: responding to women & children affected by HIV. Paintings by Ray Dirks. Winnipeg, MB: Assiniboia/Charleswood Community Church (ACC/AIDS), [2005]. Pp. [4], 155, [7]. MHL.

Frey, Marcella Wave Stuckey. The Levi and Fannie F. Gautsche Short family ancestors and descendants. [Columbus, OH: The author], 2005. Pp. 198. MHL.

Friesen, Dora. Bueños dias señorita: stories of Mexico. Edited by Martha Kroeker. Rosenort, MB: Published by Dora Friesen & family, 2005 (Rosenort, MB: Printed by Country Graphics & Printing). Pp. 288. ISBN 189625750X. MHL.

Friesen, Duane K. and Gerald Schlabach, eds. At peace and unafraid: public order, security, and the wisdom of the cross. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 456. ISBN 0836193083 ($16.99) BLU, MLA.

Froese, Vic. Encountering Jesus: studies in the book of John. (Word Wise studies) Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2005. Pp. 107. ISBN 1894791037. FRE.

Funk, Bev. Johann Funk family history, 1732-2005. [Medicine Hat, AB: Author, 2005] Pp. 126. ($20.00) MLA.

Gillespie, Carol Ann. The socialization of scale: geographic education and spatial cognition in the Old Order Amish classroom. Thesis (Ph. D.)–Texas State University-San Marcos, 2005. Pp. 157. ($50.00) EMU.

Glick, John F. History gleanings of the 1900's. [Parkesburg, PA: Brookside Bookstore, 2005?]. Pp. 54. MHL.

Good, Phyllis Pellman. Fix-it and forget-it diabetic cookbook: slow cooker favorites -- to include everyone! Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 284. ISBN 156148458X ; ISBN 1561484598 (pbk.) ; ISBN 1561484601 (plastic comb) ($24.95) EMU.

Goshen College alumni directory 2005. Goshen, IN: Office of Alumni Relations, Goshen College, 2005 (Chesapeake, VA: Harris Publishing). Pp. xiv, [632]. MHL.

Graber, Louise and Rachel Graber. The descendants of Joseph H. Graber and Fannie Wagler, 1857-2004. Montgomery, IN: Authors, [2005]. Pp. 462. ($22.00) EMU, MHL.

Gravendeel, Mechteld, Willem Stuve & Sjouke Voolstra. Bezweegen Broederschap: het wel en wee van de Dantziger Oude Vlamingen te Haarlem in de eerste helft van de achttiende eeuw opgetekend door Eduard Simonz Toens in zijn memoriaal (1735-1749). (Manuscripta Mennonitca; no. 3) Hilversum: Verloren, 2005. Pp. 150. ISBN 9065508694. FRE.

Greenwood Mennonite Church: [2005 directory]. Greenwood, DE (12525 Shawnee Road, Greenwood, DE 19950): The Church, 2005. Pp. [26]. EMU.

Grove, Ella. A surprise for Tommy. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. [24]. EMU, MHL.

Gundy, Jeff. Walker in the fog: on Mennonite writing. (C. Henry Smith series; 5) Telford, PA: Cascadia Publishing House ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 296. ISBN 1931038260 ($22.95 US; $28.01 CDN) BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Hall, Barbara Yoder, comp. The journey of Mose and Mary Yoder: in the words of Mose & Mary Yoder & Barbara Yoder-Hall. Mogadore, OH: Katie Hochstetler, 2005. Pp. 44. MHL.

Haught, John F. Purpose, evolution and the mystery of life: proceedings of the Fourth Annual Goshen Conference on Religion and Science. Ed. Carl S. Helrich. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, [2005]. Pp. 130. ISBN 189471055X ($15.50) EMU.

Healing healthcare: a study and action guide on healthcare access in the United States. [Scottdale, PA]: Faith & Life Resources ; [Elkhart, IN]: Anabaptist Center for Healthcare Ethics, 2005. Pp. 57. ISBN 0836193105. MHL.

Hege, Evelyn. Summer of the calves. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 151. ($6.20) EMU, MHL.

Hein, Marvin. My lines have fallen in pleasant places: an autobiography. Fresno, CA (3036 East Magill Ave, Fresno CA 93710): Author, 2005. Pp. 395. FRE, MHL, MLA.

Hildebrandt, Lori. Treasure the moments: spiritual insights for motherhood. Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing, LLC, 2005. Pp. 89. ISBN 1933290420. MHL.

Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana. Elkhart County: interim report. [Indianapolis, IN]: Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, 2005. Pp. 248. ISBN 1889235210. MHL.

Hochstetler, Susan. Home life on the prairie: an Amish family’s story of life on the Oklahoma prairie, with community and school history. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2005. Pp. 282. ISBN 1890050849 (pbk. $9.99) EMU.

Hollinger-Janzen, Lynda. A new day in mission: Irene Weaver reflects on her century of ministry. (Missio dei; 8) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Mission Network, 2005. Pp. 23. ISBN 187773683X. BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Hollopeter, Kathryn Miller. Strangers in the Earth. [Longwood, FL]: Xulon Press, 2005. Pp. 230. ISBN 1597814091. FRE.

Hoover, Rachel. My God is able. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 255. ($9.80) EMU, MHL.

Hostetler, Herbert J. History of the family of Andrew Borntrager (ca. 1752-1798): son of Johann Martin Borntrager the immigrant of 1767. Little River, SC: Author, [2005] Pp. vii, 113. ($11.00) EMU, MHL.

Hostetler, Richard. Gertrude Hostetler Schneider Evans: story/photo album with DVD. [Goshen, IN]: R. Hostetler, 2005. Pp. 25. MHL.

Huebert, Helmut. Mennonite estates in Imperial Russia. Winnipeg: Springfield Publishers, 2005. Pp. 415. ISBN 0920643094 ($42.00) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Huebner, Harry. Echoes of the word: theological ethics as rhetorical practice. (Anabaptist and Mennonite studies; 6) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2005. Pp. 264. ISBN 1894710568. ($23.60 CDN) CMU, EMU, MHL.

Hughes, Richard T. The vocation of the Christian scholar: how Christian faith can sustain the life of the mind. Rev. ed. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 2005. Pp. 145. ISBN 0802829155 (pbk. $15.00) EMU.

Irwin, Mary Baer, ed. Ephraim Baer family history book. Portage la Prairie, MB: [Charles W. Morrison], 2005. Pp. [6], x [i.e. xi], [5], 63, [55]. MHL.

James, Randy. Why cows learn Dutch: and other secrets of Amish farms. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2005. Pp. 180. ISBN 0873388232 ($24.95) BLU, FRE.

Janzen, Edmund. Turning the world upside down: studies in the Acts of the Apostles. (Luminaire studies) Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2005. Pp. 303. ISBN 1894791045. FRE.

Janzen, Vernon, et al., Honoring God’s faithfulness, 1905-2005: written for the centennial anniversary, Reedley Mennonite Brethren Church, June 11-12, 2005. Reedley, CA: Centennial Anniversary Committee, 2005. Pp. 66. FRE.

Jefferson, Nicholas. Pursuit of righteousness: single men and sexual desire. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 117. ISBN 0836193016 ($8.99) BLU, MHL, MLA.

Jones, Darryl. Amish life: living plainly and serving God. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2005. Pp. 99. ISBN 0253345944 ($29.95) BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL.

Junto a aguas de reposo: 366 meditaciones diarias. Translated by Renato Michel Ochoa and Richard E. del Cristo E. Clarkrange, TN: Literatura Monte Sion, 2005. Pp. 370. MHL.

Kauffman, Anna, comp. Granny Annie’s favorite recipes. Middlebury, IN (12013 US 20, Middlebury, IN 46540): Ed and Anna Kauffman ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. vi, 312. MHL.

Kauffman, Judy. You can draw wild birds: a step-by-step illustrated guide to creating your own art! Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2005. Pp. 47. ISBN 1890050903. MHL.

Kaufman, Gerald W. and L. Marlene Kaufman. Monday marriage: celebrating the ordinary. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 0836193040 ($12.99) BLU, FRE, MLA.

Kennedy, Tim, comp. Where roads diverge: eighth grade reader. (Reading to learn series) Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Education, [2005]. Pp. v, 301. EMU, MHL.

Kennell, Charlene. Homemade cards. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2005. Pp. 36. ISBN 1890050911. MHL.

Keuning-Tichelaar, An and Lynn Kaplanian-Buller. Passing on the comfort: the war, the quilts, and the women who made a difference. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 186. ISBN 1561484822 ($14.99 US; $12.57 CDN) BLU, CMU, EMU, MLA.

Kidd, David. The fall and rise of Christian standards: thinking Biblically about dress and appearance. [Longwood, FL]: Xulon Press, 2005. Pp 205. ISBN 1594679975. MHL.

King, Daniel A. and Landon Yoder. No touchy!: President's Council. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2005. Pp. 38. MHL.

Kjellberg, B. Courtnee, a farm girl. Wheaton, IL: Author, 2005. Pp. 83. ISBN 0912868066 ($7.95) EMU.

Klassen, Robert L. Life and times of a Russian-German Mennonite teacher: Cornelius A. Klassen (1883-1919) and beyond. [Arlington, VA: Robert L. Klassen, 2005?]. Pp. 198. CMU.

Krabill, James R. Is it insensitive to share your faith? Hard questions about Christian mission in a plural world. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 152. ISBN 1561484849 ($9.99) EMU, MLA.

Krabill, James R., David W. Shenk, and Linford Stutzman, eds. Anabaptists meeting Muslims: a calling for presence in the way of Christ. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 566. ISBN 0836192907 ($19.99) BLU, FRE, MLA.

Kreider, Alan, Eleanor Kreider, and Paulus Widjaja. A culture of peace: God’s vision for the church. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 203. ISBN 1561485047 ($9.99) BLU, FRE, MLA.

Kroeker, Wally. An introduction to the Russian Mennonites. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 122. ISBN 1561483915 ($7.95 US; $7.09 CDN) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Kurtz, J. Edward. Testing the spirits: a handbook for applying I John 4. Morgantown, PA: J.E. Kurtz ; Morgantown, PA: Printed at Masthof Press, 2005. Pp 44. ISBN 1932864288. MHL.

Landis, James G. The Lenape homeland. (The Conquest series: an Indian saga ; v. 1) Petersburg, WV: Conquest Publishing, 2005. Pp. 211. ISBN 0977212319. EMU.

Landis, Ruth Agnes Lehman. The books of Ruth. Edited by Victoria Matishen. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. 288. ISBN 1932864180 ($19.40). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Landis, Susan Mark. Faith, war and government. [Elkhart, IN]: Mennonite Church USA, 2005. Pp. 16. EMU.

Lederach, John Paul. The moral imagination: the art of building peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. 200. ISBN 0195174542 ($30.00) EMU, MLA.

Lehman, Joanne. Morning song. (Wick poetry chapbook series) Kent: Kent State University Press, 2005. Pp. 38. ISBN 0873388348 (pbk. $6.00) BLU, EMU.

Lehman, Joanne. Kairos: a novel. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 237. ISBN 083619313X (pbk. $14.99) BLU.

Lehman, Thomas, ed. A word in season, how good it is!: a Christian year in sermons. Eleven preachers from the Chapel Hill Mennonite Fellowship. [Pittsboro] NC: Rosenberry books, etc., 2005. Pp. 167. ($21.95) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Lewis, Beverly. Abram’s daughters: volumes 1-5. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2005. 5 vols. ISBN 0764280716 (boxed set). MHL.

Lewis, Beverly. The preacher’s daughter. (Annie’s people; 1) Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2005. Pp. 349. ISBN 0764201204 ($19.99) ; 0764201212 (lg print pbk.) EMU, MLA.

Lewis, Beverly. The revelation. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2005. Pp. 343. ISBN 0764228811 (hardback) ; ISBN 0764228749 (pbk. $17.99) ; ISBN 076422882X (large print pbk.) ; ISBN 0764228838 (audio cassette) EMU.

Lichty, Bob. Talent show: your faith in full color. Goshen, IN: MMA ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 192. ISBN 0836193199 ($14.75) BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Light for our paths: a collection of sermons by Old Order Mennonite ministers, 1997-2000. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. 92. ($6.50) EMU, MLA.

Lind, Katie Yoder. Katie’s last book. Editors: Margaret Shelter, Loren Lind, and Mary Ellen Lind. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. 334. ISBN 193286413X ($15.00) EMU.

Lind, Mary Beth and Cathleen Hockman-Wert. Simply in season: a world community cookbook commissioned by Mennonite Central Committee. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 352. ISBN 0836192966 (pbk.); 0836192974 (spiral bd. $19.99; $14.99 CDN) BLU, CMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Lines: Bethel College’s creative journal, fall 2005. [North Newton, KS]: Bethel College English Department, 2005. Pp. 112. MLA.

Lit, Ad van. Geen geluk = Kein Glück: Mennonieten in Siberië. Brummen: Ad van Lit, [2005] Pp. 128. ISBN 9080995517 ($64.07) EMU.

Living water, living faith: Mennonite women of color. Produced by Goshen College, Linda Christophel and Pat McFarlane. 59:55 min. Goshen, IN: Goshen College, 2005. Videodisc. ($24.99) EMU.

Longenecker Mennonite Church (Winesburg, Ohio). Our tasty collectibles. [Winesburg, OH]: Longenecker Mennonite Church ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. 265. ($12.00) EMU.

Luthy, David. A glimpse into Heritage Historical Library, Aylmer, Ontario. [Aylmer, ON: Heritage Historical Library, 2005?] Pp. [7]. EMU.

MacGregor, Kirk Robert. The sacramental theology of Balthasar Hubmaier and its implications for ecclesiology. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Iowa, 2005. Pp. 330. ($50.00) EMU.

MacMaster, Richard K. In service, Lord, for thee: the story of Elizabethtown Mennonite Church: the first 100 years, 1905-2005. [Elizabethtown, PA: Elizabethtown Mennonite Church] ; Morgantown, PA: Printed at Masthof Press , 2005. Pp. v, 158. ISBN 1932864431. MHL.

Marshall, Christopher D. The little book of biblical justice: a fresh approach to the Bible’s teachings on justice. (Little books of justice & peacebuilding) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 74. ISBN 1561485055 ($4.95) EMU, MLA.

Martens, Katherine, ed. They came from Wiesenfeld, Ukraine to Canada: family stories. Winnipeg, MB: Katherine Martens, 2005. Pp. 213. ($39.95) CMU, FRE, MLA.

Martin, Cleon, Mrs. Mary’s happy morning face. Wallenstein, ON: Vineyard Publications, 2005. Pp. 166. ISBN 0968836992. MHL.

Martin, Edith. Little Miriam of Galilee. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2005. Pp. 121. ISBN 087813624X. EMU.

Martin, Elmer, Mrs. Busy little people colouring book. Wallenstein, ON: Vineyard Publications, [2005?]. Pp. [52]. MHL.

Martin, John B. Hymns of harmony. Narvon, PA: John B. Martin, 2005. Pp. 160. ($11.50) EMU.

Martin, Michael S. Cup & cross. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 373. ($12.35) EMU, MHL.

Martin, Rebecca. A captain for Hans. Aylmer, ON: LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2005. Pp. 224. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Martin, Thelma Hoover. Joseph E. Martin & Mary Shaum family history. Nappanee, IN: Thelma Martin, 2005. Pp. 108. MHL.

Mast, Robert W. Mount Pleasant Mennonite Church: celebrating 100 years, 1905-2005. [Chesapeake, VA]: The Church, [2005]. Pp. 92. EMU.

MBMS International. People and projects: 2005-06 guide. Abbotsford, BC ; Fresno, CA: MBMS International, 2005. 1 v. EMU.

McGrath, William R. Los anabaptistas: [ni católicos ni protestantes]. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2005. Pp 31. MHL.

Mennonite World Conference: Africa 2003. [Harrisonburg, VA]: Phil Kniss, [2005], c2003. Videodisc. EMU.

Meyers, Thomas J. and Steven M. Nolt. An Amish patchwork: Indiana’s Old Orders in the modern world. Bloomington, IN: Quarry Books, 2005. Pp. 191. ISBN 0253217555 (pbk. $19.95) BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL.

Miller, Ivan E. and Cindy Miller. Descendants of Jacob Raber, 1794-2005. [Baltic, OH: Compilers, 2005]. Pp. 1352. ($30.00) EMU, MHL.

Miller, Mary. El camino que ella escogió. Translated by Mario Jiguán. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2005. Pp. 359. MHL.

Miller, Roman J., Beryl H. Brubaker, and James C. Peterson, eds. Viewing new creations with Anabaptist eyes: ethics of biotechnology. Telford, PA: Cascadia Pub ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 308. ISBN 1931038325 (pbk. $23.95) BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Miller, Susana. From the heart: a collection of poems. Westland, MI: Bear Publications, 2005. Pp. 96. MHL.

Mohler, George. Orphaned, then embraced by the caring hands of an Amish Mennonite family: the autobiography of George Mohler. Belleville, PA: G. Mohler ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. vii, 168. MHL.

Möller, Stephanie and Henning Röhl. Lea und Tabea, so Gott will: die bewegende Geschichte der siamesischen Zwillinge. Giessen: Brunnen Verlag, 2005. Pp. 128. ISBN 3765538671 ($11.63) EMU.

Morgan, Richard Lyon. Meditations for the grieving. (Herald Press meditation series) Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 79. ISBN 0836193202 (pbk. $9.99) BLU, MHL, MLA.

Moving with compassion: a year in review. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2005. Videodisc ($5.00) EMU, MLA.

Muller, J-C., et al. La chapelle en fête. Montbéliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2005 (Montbéliard: Imprimerie Metthez). Pp. 124, [4]. ISBN 2904214755. MHL, MLA.

Mullet, Rosa Kurtz. Under Montana skies: January to June. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 213. ($7.40) EMU, MHL.

Munro, Ken. The mysterious baseball scorecard. Lancaster, PA: Gaslight Publishers ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. v, 151. ISBN 1932864318. MHL.

Nafziger, Rosanna. Get back, revenue man: poems. 2002-2005. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2005. Pp. 22. MHL.

Neufeld, Eldo. Plautdietsch-English / English-Plautdietsch word finder: for the learner of Plautdietsch or anyone interested in Netherlandic-Mennonite Plautdietsch. (Languages of the world/dictionaries; no. 40) München: Lincom Europa, 2005. Pp. 507. ISBN 3895864846. FRE.

Nickel, Tony. Celebrate the journey: Grace Mennonite Church, 1955-2005. Regina: Your Nickel’s Worth Pub., 2005. Pp. 384. ISBN 1894431065 ($27.50) CMU, MLA.

Nolan, Daniel Keith. Demographic inference and genetic mapping in a founder population. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine, Committee on Genetics, March 2005. Pp. 114. ($50.00) EMU.

Ohio Amish directory: Holmes County and vicinity. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2005. Pp. xxxviii, 926. ISBN 1890050938. MHL.

Overholt, Dianna and Sue Hooley. A time to be borne: comfort for mothers of miscarried babies. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2005. Pp. ix, 82. ISBN 1890050946. MHL.

Overhulser, Josephine Marie. They called him Mallam: the biography of Joseph Ummel, a pioneer missionary to northern Nigeria, West Africa. Carmel, IN: Cork Hill Press, 2005. Pp. 567. ISBN 1594085102. MHL.

Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference. 2005-2006 handbook. Portland, OR: The Conference, [2005]. Pp. 39. EMU.

Peace DVD: especially for youth. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media, 2005. Videodisc. ISBN 1877736848 ($24.95) EMU, MLA.

Peachey, Linda Gehman and Titus Peachey, eds. Second mile: a peace journey for congregations. Pathway D, Walking through the valley. Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2005. Pp. 88. MHL.

Penner, Marci. The Kansas guidebook for explorers. Inman, KS: Kansas Sampler Foundation, 2005. Pp. 432. ISBN 0976540800 ($24.95) MLA.

Penner, Peter F., ed. Christian presence and witness among Muslims. Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld Verlag, 2005. Pp. 199. ISBN 3937896163 ($19.80) MLA.

Pennsylvania Dutch recipes. [Millersburg, PA: Brookside Bookstore & Printing, 2005?]. Pp. 158. ISBN 0967062780. MHL.

Peters, Sarah Unger de. Mennoniten in Kansas. Band 2 = Mennonites in Kansas. Volume 2 = Menonitas en Kansas. Volumen 2. Kismet, KS (PO Box 253, Kismet, KS 67859): Cornelius und Sara Peters, [2005?]. Pp. 61. ($20.00) EMU.

Petersheim, Henry, comp. Bringing in the sheaves– the first 50 years of Amish Mennonite Aid. [Plain City, OH]: Amish Mennonite Aid ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. xiv, 311. EMU, MHL.

Peterson, Anna Lisa. Seeds of the kingdom: utopian communities in the Americas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. 181. ISBN 0195183339 ($35.00) BLU, MLA.

Pils, Holger, Stephan Ruderer and Petra Schaffrodt, comps. Martin Bucer (1491-1551): Bibliographie. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2005. Pp. 751. ISBN 3579048937. MHL.

Pranis, Kay. The little book of circle processes: a new/old approach to peacemaking. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 76. ISBN 156148461X (pbk. $4.95) EMU.

The revelation of God: grade 9. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 236. MHL.

The revelation of God. Teacher’s manual: grade 9. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 260. MHL.

Richards, Janet Keller. Unlocking our inheritance: spiritual keys to recovering the treasures of Anabaptism. [Ronks, PA: Author] ; Anabaptist Reconciliation Planning Committee ; Morgantown, PA: Printed by Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. 347. ISBN 1932864237($14.90) MHL, MLA.

Rodes, David S. and Norman R. Wenger. Unionists and the Civil War experience in the Shenandoah Valley. Volume III: Bridgewater, Dayton and surrounding area, Rockingham County, Virginia. Harrisonburg, VA ; Dayton, VA: Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center and the Valley Research Associates, 2005. Pp. 1004. ISBN 0897257677 ($41.00) BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Roots & wings: 100 years of Rosthern Junior College. Rosthern, SK: Rosthern Junior College‚ 2005. Pp. 329. ISBN 0973824905 ($55.00). MHL, MLA.

Rosinsky, Natalie M. The Hopi. (First reports) Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books, 2005. Pp. 48. ISBN 0756506417 ($22.60) MLA.

Roth, John D. Beliefs: Mennonite faith and practice. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 171. ISBN 0836192702 ($9.99) BLU, MHL, MLA.

Runion-Slear, Ruth. Gingrichs Mennonite Church and cemetery ca. 1730-2005. [PA?.: Author], 2005. Pp. 505. ($49.00) EMU.

Rutba House ; fraktur by Diane Katz. On all my holy mountain: a modern fraktur: reflections on peace. Pittsboro, NC (101 Nicks Bend West, Pittsboro, NC 27312): Rosenberry books, 2005. Pp. 58. ($32.00) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Rutba House, ed. School(s) for conversion: 12 marks of a new monasticism. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2005. Pp. 173. ISBN 1597520551 ($28.55) MLA.

Sawatsky, Rodney J. History and ideology: American Mennonite identity definition through history. (Anabaptist and Mennonite studies; 5) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2005. Pp. 216. ISBN 1894710533 ($23.34) CMU, EMU, MLA.

Sawatzky, Roland Meyer. The control of social space in Mennonite housebarns of Manitoba, 1874-1940. Thesis (Ph. D.)–Simon Fraser University, 2005. Pp. viii, 329. ($50.00) EMU.

Schirch, Lisa. Ritual and symbol in peacebuilding. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press, 2005. Pp. 209. ISBN 1565491947 (pbk. $25.95) ; ISBN 1565491955 ($60.00) EMU.

Schlabach, Ervin. From Switzerland to America: the story of the Schlabachs. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. vi, 207. MHL.

Schmeck, Ronald Ray. The other side of the middle. Makanda, IL (2481 N. Rocky Comfort Road, Makanda, IL 62958): Ronald Ray Schmeck ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. 242. ISBN 1932864199 ($12.49) MHL, MLA.

See, Sharon M. God gives us color. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 38. ($4.00) EMU.

Sensenig, Jennifer Davis. Clothe yourself in love: a study of garments in the Bible. Newton, KS: Printed by Mennonite Press, 2005. Pp. 62. MLA.

Shadow voices: finding hope in mental illness. 58 min. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media, 2005. Videodisc. ($24.95) EMU, MLA.

Shenk, Harold L. Papa’s poems. Lancaster, PA: Barkeesh Enterprises, 2005. Pp. [10], 69, [1]. EMU.

Shenk, Sara Wenger, ed. Thank you for asking: conversing with young adults about the future church. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 281. ISBN 0836193059 ($14.99 US; $11.39 CDN) BLU, CMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Shirk, Anna Martin. Memories & descendants of Michael W. Martin (1878-1948) & his three wives, Magdalena M. Zimmerman (1880-1904) & Mary S. Zimmerman (1883-1910) & Anna W. Martin (1879-1969). Fleetwood, PA (413 Park Road, Fleetwood, PA 19522): Samuel and Anna Shirk ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. vii, 452. MHL.

Shirk, Stanley R. Chaplain chats. Springfield, MO: 21st Century Press, 2005. Pp. 192. ISBN 0976624397 ($10.00) EMU, MHL.

Siegrist, Anthony G. Reading history theologically: John Howard Yoder, the believers church, and the possibility of a Christocentric metanarrative. Thesis (M.A.R.)–Eastern Mennonite Seminary, 2005. Pp. vi, 123. EMU.

Sing the journey. Hymnal: a worship book, supplement 1. Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2005. Pp. 174. ISBN 0836193008 ($8.99) EMU, MLA.

Sing the journey. Hymnal: a worship book, supplement 1: accompaniment book. Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2005. Pp. 74. ISBN 0836193024 ($12.99) EMU, MLA.

Sing them over again. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media, 2005. Compact disc. ($12.95) EMU.

Slabach, Gertrude M. Aren’t we having fun dying?! Alton, VA (4242 Cluster Springs Rd. Alton, VA 24520-3158): G.M. Slabach ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. x, 136. MHL.

Snider, Howard M. The cultural creation of Christianity. West Conshohocken, PA: Infinity Publishing, 2005. Pp. 130. ISBN 0741423707 ($11.95) MLA.

Snyder, Graydon F. and Doreen M. McFarlane. The people are holy: the history and theology of Free Church worship. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2005. Pp. vi, 210. ISBN 0865549524 (pbk.). MHL.

Spicher, Jesse D. A legacy lives on: poems & writings. [Cuthbert, GA (RR1, Box 61, Cuthbert, GA 39840)]: Susan Peachey, 2005. Pp. x, 174. ($10.00) EMU.

Stahl, Martha Denlinger. Second wife: stories and wisdom from women who have married widowers. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 178. ISBN 1561484830 ($9.99) EMU, MLA.

Stauffer, H. Romaine. Crayonbox collection: stories in primary colors. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2005. Pp. vii, 223. ISBN 0878136258. EMU.

Stoll, Joseph. Fuego en las colinas de Zurcí. Translated by Flora Patzán. Revised by Byron de la Rosa Mendoza. Rev. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2005. Pp. 224. MHL.

Stoltzfus, Martha Lapp. New moon over Slick Rock Hollow: notes in the life of a mountain preacher’s wife. Jackson, KY (4227 Bowlings Creek, Jackson, KY 41339): M. Stoltzfus ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. vii, 220. ISBN 193286427X. EMU, MHL.

Stoltzfus, Naomi Lapp. God moves mountains one pebble at a time: the healing journey of Naomi Stoltzfus. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. x, 179. ISBN 1932864229. MHL.

Stoltzfus, Nicholas. Stories of COs in World War I army camps. [Millersburg, OH]: Reprinted by Robert Yoder ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. iii, 51. ISBN 0976540517. EMU, MHL.

Stoltzfus, Victor and Marie. Our memoirs: on the occasion of our 50th wedding anniversary. Goshen, IN: Vic and Marie Stoltzfus, 2005. Pp. 177. MHL.

Strubhar, Ernest. Instruction for the Christian life. Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2005. Pp. 127. MHL.

Strupp, Christoph and Birgit Zischke. German Americana, 1800-1955: a comprehensive bibliography of German, Austrian, and Swiss books and dissertations on the United States. (Publications of the German Historical Institute) Washington, DC: German Historical Institute, 2005. Pp. 552. MHL, MLA.

Stutzman, Tillie Ann, Sharon Miller and Leona Miller. Steps to spelling: grade 1. Arthur, IL: Steps to Spelling, 2005. Pp. 99. MHL.

A symphony of hymns. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media, 2005.Compact disc. ($12.95) EMU.

Thermostat: how can we turn toward peace in a time of fear? Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2005. Videodisc + Pp. 97. FRE, MLA.

Thiessen, Brad, ed. Out of the strange silence: the challenge of being Christian in the 21st century. Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2005. Pp. 219. ISBN 1894791053 ($14.71) CMU, FRE, MLA.

A time to plant: fifth reader teacher’s guide, workbook, tests. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 175, 145, 22. MHL.

Toddler’s color fun. Hillsboro, WI: Cozy Nook Color Fun, [2005?]. Pp. [48]. ISBN 1561481203. MHL.

Toews, Miriam. A complicated kindness: a novel. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2005. Pp. 246. ISBN 0676976131. ($12.32 CDN) CMU.

Troyer, Dan G. Descendants of Elias Troyer and Barbara Yoder: the son of David Troyer and Katherine Holly. Fredricksburg, OH: Y.B.S.P. 2005. Pp. x, 1044. MHL.

Tshimika, Pakisa K. and Tim Lind. Dons de chacun au service de tous: l'expérience d'une église mondiale. (Dossiers de Christ seul ; 2004/4-2005/1) Montbéliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2005 (Montbéliard: Imprimerie Metthez). Pp. 124. ISBN 2904214747. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Understanding North American history: a Christian perspective: grade 8. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. 452. MHL.

Eine unparteiische Lieder-Sammlung = an impartial song collection. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2005. Pp. xi, 492. ($8.99) EMU.

Urry, James. Nur Heilige: Mennoniten in Russland, 1789-1889. Steinbach, MB: Crossway Publications, 2005, c1989. Pp. 356. ISBN 0920534805. MHL, MLA.

Verbeek, Annelies. ‘Menniste paus’: Samuel Muller (1785-1875) en zijn netwerken. Hilversum: Verloren, 2005. Pp. 363. ISBN 9065508600 ($38.00) EMU.

Vincent, Mark L. Money mania: mastering the allure of excess. (LivingStewardship series) Goshen, IN: MMA, 2005. Pp. 152. ISBN 0836193113 ($14.75) BLU, MHL, MLA.

Visiting the land of our ancestors: the 2005 European heritage tour. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. 30. EMU.

Wagler, Elizabeth. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. (Travels with Aunt Laura; 2) Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2005. Pp. v, 209. ISBN 0878136223. EMU, MHL.

Wagner, Shari. Evening chore: poems. (DreamSeeker poetry series; 3) Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books, 2005. Pp. 108. ISBN 1931038295 ($12.95) BLU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Waltner-Toews, David. One foot in heaven. 1st US ed. Regina, SK: Coteau Books, 2005, 2006. ISBN 155050312X (pbk. $15.16 CDN) CMU, EMU.

Weaver, J. Denny. Becoming Anabaptist: the origin and significance of sixteenth-century Anabaptism. 2nd ed. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 275. ISBN 0836134346 ($15.99) BLU, FRE, MLA.

Weaver, Lisa D. Praying with our feet. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. 1 v. ISBN 0836193067 ($12.99) BLU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Weaver-Zercher, David L., ed. Writing the Amish: the worlds of John A. Hostetler. (Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society; 38) (Pennsylvania German history and culture series; 5) University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005. Pp. 351. ISBN 0271026863 ($34.95) BLU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Weaver-Zercher, David L. and William H. Willimon, eds. Vital Christianity: spirituality, justice, and Christian practice. New York: T & T Clark, 2005. Pp. 248. ISBN 0567025519 (pbk. $29.95) BLU, EMU, MLA.

Webber, George. A world within: an intimate portrait of the Little Bow Hutterite Colony. Calgary: Fifth House, 2005. Pp. 114. ISBN 1894856600 ($28.95) BLU.

Wengerd, Noah M. Just a barefoot country boy. Clymer, NY (1862 Pork Rd., Clymer, NY 14724): Noah M. Wengerd, [2005?]. Pp. 80. ($8.00) EMU, MHL.

What’s it all about?: a stewardship resource of the Brethren in Christ. Grantham, PA: Office of Stewardship Services, Brethren in Christ Church, 2005. Pp. 52. MHL.

Wiebe, Dallas. On the cross: devotional poems. (DreamSeeker poetry series; 1) Telford, PA: DreamSeeker Books, 2005. Pp. 96. ISBN 1931038279 ($12.95 US; $10.52 CDN) BLU, CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Wieler, Henry P. The quiet in the land: a Volga-German’s Christian journals: Russian Revolution years, 1916-18. Victoria, BC: Trafford, 2005. Pp. 127. ISBN 1412047862 ($25.00) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Wiens, Doris, comp. Parsley roots & chicken wings: a compendium of tasty delights from RJC kitchens. [Rosthern, SK]: Rosthern Junior College, 2005. Pp. 99. MHL.

Wilbur, Jeanne. Sweeter gets the journey: the life of John Stoltzfus, a man of faith, hope and courage. Columbia Cross Roads, PA (RR 3 Box 43, Old Post Lane, Columbia Cross Roads, PA 16914): box43 books, 2005. Pp. 216. ISBN 1889825107. EMU, MHL.

Wise, Ruth Ann and Lucille H. Martin. Weaverland directory: members and their families who attend the Weaverland Conference Mennonite churches located in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Missouri, New York, Wisconsin and Iowa: a listing of church house maps as well as an appendix of the ordinations from 1750 through 2004 of the Weaverland Conference. [Womelsdorf, PA: R.A. Wise ; Lititz, PA: L.H. Martin], 2005. Pp. 42, 772, 40. EMU, MHL.

Witmer, Dallas and Mark Yoder. Building Christian homes. Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2005. 2 vols. MHL.

Yoder, Carolyn. The little book of trauma healing: when violence strikes and community security is threatened. (Little books of justice and peacebuilding) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 90. ISBN 1561485071 (pbk. $4.95) EMU, MLA.

Yoder, Don. The Pennsylvania German broadside: a history and guide. (Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society; 39) (Pennsylvania German history and culture series; 6) University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press for the Library Company of Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania German Society, 2005. Pp. 366. ISBN 0271026790. EMU, MLA.

Yoder, Doyle. Amish country 2006. Berlin, OH: Doyle Yoder Publishing, 2005. Pp. [30]. ISBN 1930646070. MHL.

Yoder, Elmer S. The Amish & Mennonites of northern Stark County: a people of strength and integrity centered in Lake Township. Hartville, OH: Stark County Mennonite & Amish Historical Society ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2005. Pp. 358. ISBN 0977127303 ($25.00) BLU, EMU.

Yoder, Elmer S. Pathways to Portage: Aurora Mennonite Church, 1905-2005: a century of people of purpose in Portage County. Aurora, OH (599 East Mennonite Church Road, Aurora, OH 44202): Aurora Mennonite Church, 2005. Pp. 422. ISBN 0977111601 ($29.00) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Yoder, Elwood. Margaret’s print shop. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 327. ISBN 0836193032 ($14.99) BLU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Yoder, Marvin L. and Anna Yoder. Sunrays through the clouds: memories from family and friends of James Yoder, son of Marvin and Anna Yoder. Baltic, OH (3220 TR 184, Baltic, OH 43804): The Marvin Yoder family, [2005?]. Pp. iv, 88. MHL.

Yoder, Perry B., ed. Take this word to heart: the Shema in Torah and Gospel. (Occasional papers; 23) Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 133. ISBN 0936273380 (pbk. $14.00). EMU, MHL, MLA.

Zehr, Howard. Changing lenses: a new focus for crime and justice. 3rd ed. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 291. ISBN 0836135121 ($15.99) BLU, MHL, MLA.

Zehr, Howard. The little book of contemplative photography: seeing with wonder, respect, and humility. (Little books of justice and peacebuilding) Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 82. ISBN 1561484571 (pbk. $4.95) EMU.

Ziegler, Vivian S. On my way to heaven: traveling with Grace: the life of Victor K. Ziegler. Lancaster, PA: Vivian S. Ziegler ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2005. Pp. 432. ISBN 1932864334. MHL.

Zimmerman, Mary Joyce. Just four. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2005. Pp. [32]. EMU, MHL.

Zorn, Carl Manthey. Der Heiland: das Bild Jesu Christi, den vier Evangelien nachgezeichnet. [S.l.: Albert E. Weaver, 2005?]. Pp. xv, 403. MHL.


2004 Hutterite phone book: James Valley. Elie, MB: James Valley Book Centre, 2004. Pp. 108. MHL.

Acevedo, Ahido, et al. Jesús da consejos para el camino: manual para maestras y maestros con hojas de trabajo para fotocopiar. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel II, año A, libro 2). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. viii, 43. ISBN 9589739849 (v. 2A2). MHL.

Acevedo, Ahido, et al. Jesús, Dios hecho hombre: manual para maestras y maestros con hojas de trabajo para fotocopiar. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel II, año A, libro 1). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. viii, 51, [7]. ISBN 9589739830 (v. 2A1). MHL.

Address book of the Lancaster County Amish: includes Chester, Lebanon, York, Perry, Dauphin, Northumberland, Cumberland, Franklin, Montour, and Indiana counties, Path Valley, White Deer, Brush Valley, Penns Valley, Sugar Valley, Nittany Valley, Nippenose Valley, PA; Charlotte Court House, VA; Cecil County and St. Mary’s County, MD; Hopkinsville/Pembroke/Cadiz, KY; Romulus/Ovid, Addison, Lowville, Locke, Little Falls, and Poland, NY; Owen/Unity, Athens, Wulff Valley, Platteville, and Fennimore, WI; Parke and Wayne Counties, IN; and Licking, MO. [Gordonville, PA]: Printed ... by Gordonville PA Print Shop, 2004. Pp. 126. MHL.

Adrian, Loretta Yopp. Heritage and history of the Adrian, Frey, Loewen families, 1825-2003. [Hermosa, SD]: Author ; Rapid City, SD: Printed by Grelind Printing Center, 2003. Pp. 302. MLA.

Ahlgrim, Ryan. Love your enemies: Should Christians go to war? Indianapolis, IN: Produced by First Mennonite Church, [2004?]. Pp. 20. MHL.

Allgyer, Rachel K. Grandma’s basket of collections for young and old. Millersburg, PA (420 Weaver Rd., Millersburg, PA 17061): Available from Esther Lapp, 2003. Pp. 277. MHL.

Alsip, Ora. Amish simplicity & serenity 2004. West Union, OH: Miller’s Furniture, [2003]. Pp. [28]. ISBN 1561483109. MHL.

Amarilo, Eunice, et al. En el principio--: manual para maestras y maestros con hojas de trabajo para fotocopiar. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel I, año A, libro 3). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. [8], 26 + [16] leaves of plates. ISBN 9589739814 (v. 1A3). MHL.

Amaya A., Marlene, Blanca Camacho and Martha L. Santanilla. Mujeres como transformadoras del conflicto hacia la paz. Bogotá, Colombia: Corporación Trenzavi ; Diakonía, 2003. Pp. 60. MHL.

Aquino, Gaby, et al. Jesús muestra un camino diferente: manual para facilitadores; incluye hojas de trabajo para participantes. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel III, año A, libro 2). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. [8], 26 + [14] leaves of plates. ISBN 9589739873 (v. 3A2). MHL.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinden in Deutschland. Mennonitisches gesangbuch. [Germany]: AMG, 2004. 1 score (1292 p.) ($31.20) BLU.

Augsburger, David W. Hate-work: working through the pain and pleasures of hate. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004. Pp. xiii, 265. ISBN 0664226825 ($24.95). EMU.

Augsburger, Myron S. Ich werde dich wieder sehen. Saglianes, Seewis [Switz.]: Breakthrough Publisher, 2003. Pp. 176. ISBN 3909131093. MHL.

Baer, Laura Crossgrove. Ode to an old homestead, 1850-2003. U.S.A.: Judith Baer Kulp, 2003. Pp. [6], 50, M1-130, C1-52. MHL.

Baker, Andy. Taxes: robbing God. Indianapolis: Doulos Christou Press, 2003. Pp. 17. MHL.

Baldwin, Sidney. Young Prince Hubert. Rev. version by Joan Martin. Harrisonburg, VA: Hoover Graphics, 2003. Pp. 79. MHL.

Barrios, Beatriz, et al. Jesús nos ama: manual para maestras y maestros con hojas de trabajo para fotocopiar. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel I, año A, libro 1). Pp. [8], 25 + [17] leaves of plates. Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. ISBN 9583358088 (v. 1A1). MHL.

Bathsheba, an address to Christian women. Holmesville, OH: Strands of finest gold, [2003]. Pp. 16. MHL.

Bauman, Chester W. La fe y las obras: un comentario del libro de Santiago. Translated by Michel Ochoa. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2003. Pp. 65, [7]. MHL.

Beachy, Jonathan. Asaltando a la oscuridad. [Asunción: s.n., 2004?]. Pp. [78]. MHL.

Beachy, Raymond and Darla Beachy. The family of Hans and Margaret Zum (Bach) Biettschi: 1626-2004. Sarasota, FL (4911 Old Oak Leaf Drive, Sarasota, FL 34233): Darla Kizer ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2004. Pp. xxxv, 721. ($30.00) EMU.

Beachy, Regina, Lori Hershberger and Darlene Hostetler. Plain wit & wisdom: stories from John Mast. Edited by Wes and Denise Miller. Hutchinson, KS: Meadowlark Publishing, 2004. Pp. xii, 84. MHL.

Beam, C. Richard, comp. & ed. Pennsylvania German words in context. 2nd ed. Millersville, PA: Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, Millersville University, 2003, c2002. Pp. xxv, 461. ISBN 1880976226 ; 1880976234 (pbk.) MHL.

Bender, Carrie. Briar Rose cottage. (Johanna’s journal; 3) Ithaca, MI: A.B. Publishing, 2004. Pp. 159. ISBN 1881545660 (pbk. $6.95) EMU.

Bender, Carrie. A golden sunbeam. Waterville, ME: Five Star, 2003. Pp. 167. ISBN 0786244267. MHL.

Bender, Carrie. A joyous heart. Waterville, ME: Five Star, 2003. Pp. 160. ISBN 0786244275. MHL.

Bender, Carrie. Melody of my heart. (Johanna’s journal; 1) Ithaca, MI: A.B. Publishing, 2003. Pp. 160. ISBN 1881545253 (pbk. $6.95) EMU.

Bender, Carrie. Millstream Orchards family. Ithaca, MI: A.B. Pub., 2004. Pp. 157. ISBN 1881545431 (pbk.) MHL.

Bender, Carrie. On wings of serenity. (Johanna’s journal; 2) Ithaca, MI: A.B. Publishing, 2003. Pp. 159. ISBN 1881545415 (pbk. $6.95) EMU.

Bender, Carrie. A treasured friendship. Waterville, ME: Five Star, 2003. Pp. 151. ISBN 0786244283. MHL.

Bennett, Scott H. Radical pacifism: the War Resisters League and Gandhian nonviolence in America, 1915-1963. (Syracuse studies on peace and conflict resolution) Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2003. Pp. 335. ISBN 0815630034 ($49.95) MLA.

Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship (Goshen, Ind.) Twenty-fifth anniversary celebration: Sunday, October 3, 2004. Goshen, IN: Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship, 2004. Pp. [16]. MHL.

Bert, Ruth J. Everyone called her Sister Sarah. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Publishing House, 2004. Pp. 32. ($4.95) EMU.

Beside the still waters. Harrisonburg, VA: Vision Publishers, 2004. Pp. [16]. ISBN 0971705445. MHL.

Biblia: das ist die gantze Heilige Schrifft. Köln: Taschen, 2003. ISBN 3822824704. 3 vols. MHL.

Birky-Kreutzer, Pauline. Peace corps pioneer, or: “The perils of Pauline.” Urbana, IL: Pauline Birky-Kreutzer, 2003. Pp. xvi, 376. ISBN 0962573659. MHL.

Blank, Benuel S. Creation to resurrection: a history of Bible times. Narvon, PA: Ben Blank, 2004. Pp. vii, 164. ISBN 0971453926. MHL.

Boers, Arthur Paul, Gloria Jost, Eleanor Kreider, John Rempel, eds. Take our moments and our days: an Anabaptist prayer book: a two-week cycle of morning and evening prayers. Elkhart, IN: Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, 2004. Pp. 118. ($16.40) EMU, MHL, MLA. Also available in pdf at:

Bontrager, Edna. Days gone by ... 1971, 1992-2004. LaGrange, IN (6055W 050S, LaGrange, IN 46761): E. Bontrager, [2004]. Pp. 132. ($6.00) EMU, MHL.

Bornman, Carol Shenk. A crocodile for Aminata: a story from Burkina Faso. Victoria, BC: Trafford, 2004. Pp. [20]. ISBN 1412031338 ($10.75) EMU.

Borntrager, Mary, Betty and Delila. Family record of Levi J. Borntrager and Fannie J. Stutzman, 1894-2002. Coloma, WI: Available from William L. Borntrager, 2003 (Gordonville, PA: Printed .. by Gordonville, Penna. Print Shop). Pp. 161. MHL.

Boulding, Kenneth Ewart. The practice of the love of God. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 374) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 2004. Pp. 31. ISBN 0875743749 (pbk.). MHL, MLA.

Bowman, Esther Horst. Daniel’s dream farm. Wallenstein, ON: Vineyard Publications, 2004. Pp. 188. ISBN 0968836976. MHL.

Boyd, Therese. The best places you’ve never seen: Pennsylvania’s small museums: a traveler’s guide. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003. Pp. ix, 209. ISBN 0271022760 (pbk.) MHL.

Brady, Thomas A., et al., eds. The work of Heiko A. Oberman: papers from the symposium on his seventieth birthday. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2003. Pp. xii, 206. ISBN 9004125698. MHL.

Brock, Peter, ed. ‘These strange criminals’: an anthology of prison memoirs by conscientious objectors from the Great War to the Cold War. Toronto ; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2004. ISBN 0802087078. Pp. xviii, 505. MHL.

Burkett, Jerri Lynn. Index to the Mast family history, by C. Z. Mast. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2004. Pp. 96. ($5.95) EMU.

Burkholder, David. Su voluntad. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2003. Pp. 47. MHL.

Byler, Joe A. The new fun and educational word search. Sugar Grove, PA: Joe A. Byler, [2003?]. Pp. 64. MHL.

Byler, Linda. Lizzie. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2003. Pp. viii, 282. ISBN 0974481300 ($10.99) EMU, MLA.

Byler, Linda. Lizzie and Emma. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2004. Pp. vi, 334. ISBN 0974481319 ($10.99) EMU, MLA.

Byler, Linda. Lizzie’s carefree years. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2004. Pp. vi, 332. ISBN 0974481327 ($10.99) EMU, MLA.

Cabelleros, Catalina de. Los diez mandamientos: manual para facilitadores; incluye hojas de trabajo para participantes. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel III, año A, libro 3). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. [8], 26 + [14] leaves of plates. ISBN 9589739881 (v. 3A3). MHL.

Caicedo, Roberto, et al. Alabando a Dios 2: manual para maestras y maestros con hojas de trabajo para fotocopiar. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel II, año A, libro 4). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. viii, 55. ISBN 9589739857 (v. 2A4). MHL.

Caicedo, Roberto, et al. Dios camina con su pueblo: manual para maestras y maestros con hojas de trabajo para fotocopiar. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel II, año A, libro 3). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. viii, 53. ISBN 958335810X (v. 2A3). MHL.

Callejo, Mariella, et al. Jesús nos acompaña: manual para maestras y maestros con hojas de trabajo para fotocopiar. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel I, año A, libro 2). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. [8], 26 + [15] leaves of plates. ISBN 9589739806 (v. 1A2). MHL.

Camel, Miriam. Tú y yo!: manual para facilitadores; incluye hojas de trabajo para participantes. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel III, año A, libro 4). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. [8], 26 + [11] leaves of plates. ISBN 9583358096 (v. 3A4). MHL.

Camp Luz: “another place God is,” 1953-2003. Orrville, OH: Camp Luz ; Walnut Creek, OH: Printed by Carlisle Printing, 2003. Pp. 94. MHL.

Campi, Emidio, ed. Heinrich Bullinger und seine Zeit: eine Vorlesungsreihe. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2004. Pp. 324. ISBN 3290173062. MHL.

Cardiff, Chris and Monica Goering Cardiff. The descendants of Jonathan J Goering and Katherine E. Zerger, 1894-2003. [San Jose, CA]: Authors, 2003. Pp. 131. MLA.

Carrenard, Yves. Haitian proverbs with a biblical perspective. Kearney, NE: Morris Pub., 2003. Pp. [12], 129. MHL.

Cerda, Victor, et al. Dios forma un pueblo: manual para maestras y maestros con hojas de trabajo para fotocopiar. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel I, año A, libro 4). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. [8], 25 + [15] leaves of plates. ISBN 9589739822 (v. 1A4). MHL.

Chudaska, Andrea. Peter Riedemann: Konfessionsbildendes Täufertum im 16. Jahrhundert. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte ; Bd. 76) Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2003. Pp. 420. ISBN 3579016490. MHL.

Clemens, Judy. Three can keep a secret. Scottsdale, AZ: Poisoned Pen Press, 2004. Pp. 244. ISBN 1590581849. MHL.

Coffee, corn and the cost of globalization. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2004. Videodisc. ($20.00) MLA.

Collins, Arian E. The Nave family: from Switzerland to Montana, 1590s to 1990s. [San Diego, CA: A. Collins, 2003 (San Diego, CA: Bordertown Publications)] Pp. 84. MHL.

Conservative Mennonite Church of Ontario. Board of Publication. A directory of the churches and families of the Conservative Mennonite Church of Ontario. Barwick, ON: CMCO Publications, 2004. Pp. 142. MHL.

Cordell, Glenn Robert. Sideling Hill CCC, CPS, POW camps of Fulton County, Pennsylvania. (Fulton County Historical Society (Pa.) series) McConnellsburg, PA: Fulton County Historical Society, 2004, (McConnellsburg, PA: Fulton County News). Pp. 56. ($4.00) EMU.

Crawford, John W. Tales of an Amish taxi driver. [Lancaster, PA?]: Lone Wolf Productions, 2004 (Lancaster, PA: A & W Printing) Pp. [7], 66. ($12.00) EMU.

Daley, Doris. Rhyme and reason: the cowboy poetry of Doris Daley. [Calgary]: Fiddle DD Enterprises, 2003. Pp. 37. ISBN 0968453015. MHL.

Dick, Nicholas, Alyce Hiebert and Peggy Unruh Regehr, comps. The Unruh ten: stories, pictures and genealogy of the ten children of Heinrich B. Unruh. [Canada?]: The Compilers, 2004. Pp. 153, [1], 3, [3]. MHL, MLA.

The dividing wall. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2004. Videodisc. ($20.00) MLA.

Dobson, David. Transatlantic voyages, 1600-1699. Baltimore, MD: Clearfield, 2004. Pp. 114. ISBN 0806352558 (pbk.) MHL.

Drescher, John M. Wenn ich noch einmal anfangen könnte--: Was ich als Vater heute anders machen würde. Regensburg: Neufeld Verlag, 2004. Pp. 101. ISBN 3937896112 ($17.57) EMU.

Driedger, Jacob N. There was a boy. (Essex-Kent Mennonite Historical Association 5) Leamington, ON: Essex-Kent Mennonite Historical Association, 2003. Pp. 100. ISBN 0968278159. CMU.

Dueck, Gustav. Chortitzer Mennonite Conference: 1874-1990. Steinbach, MB: Chortitzer Mennonite Conference, 2004. Pp. 122. ISBN 155383027X. ($20.00 CDN) CMU, MLA.

Dueck, Nathan. King’s(mère): or the book of. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 2004. Pp. 69. ISBN 20039064875 ($13.95) MLA.

Dueños Ruiz, Oscar José, et al. Jesús revela el reino: manual para facilitadores; incluye hojas de trabajo para participantes. (Enséñanos tus caminos ; nivel III, año A, libro 1). Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla ; Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, [2004?]. Pp. [8], 26, [4] + [12] leaves of plates. ISBN 9589739865 (v. 3A1). MHL.

Duerksen, Carol and Maynard Knepp. Slickfester Dude visits the Amish. Hillsboro, KS: WillowSpring Downs, 2003. Pp. [32]. ISBN 0974271616. MHL.

Duin, Kees van et al. Herbronning van de geloofstraditie over reductie en re-constructie. Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Societeit, 2003. Pp. 56. ISBN 9065760164. MHL.

Earnest, Corinne and Russell Earnest. To the latest posterity: Pennsylvania-German family registers in the Fraktur tradition. (Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society; 37) (Pennsylvania German history and culture series; 4) University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004. Pp. 153. ISBN 0271023686. MHL, MLA.

Earnest, Russell D. and Corinne Earnest. Frankenfields on fraktur. East Berlin, PA: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 2003. Pp. 17. ISBN 1879311151. MHL.

Earnest, Russell D. and Corinne Earnest. Witmers on fraktur. East Berlin, PA: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 2003. Pp. 21. ISBN 1879311151. MHL.

Eby, Ronald and Isable Eby, comp. God placed me here: in memory of Laverne K. Halteman, 1971-2002. [Hagerstown, MD (12731 Greencastle Pike, Hagerstown, MD 21740): R. & I. Eby, 2003?]. Pp. 64. ($2.50) EMU.

Eby, Wilmer, et al., eds. Turning the hearts of the children. Hagerstown, MD: Brotherhood Publications, 2003. Pp. iv, 212. MHL.

Enns, Helmut N. LaSalle Mennonite Cemetery: in memory of our fathers and mothers. [s.l.: s.n., 2003?] CMU.

Ensminger, Robert F. Pennsylvania barn: its origin, evolution, and distribution in America. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. Pp. xvii, 348. ISBN 0801871344. MHL.

Epp, Dick. From between the tracks 1927-1952. Saskatoon, SK: Eppisode Publications, 2004. Pp. 151. CMU.

Epp, George K. Geschichte der Mennoniten in Russland. Band 3: Neues Leben in der gemeinschaft “Das Commonwealth der Mennoniten,” 1871-1914. Lage: Logos Verlag, 2003. Pp. 304. ISBN 392776776X ($21.57) EMU, MLA.

Epp, Johann. Die Volkszählung im Molotschnaer Mennonitengebiet von 1835. Bielefeld: Logos Verlag Lage, 2004. Pp. 287. ISBN 393685002X. CMU, MLA.

Erb, Betti Burkholder. Menno Singers: celebrating 50 years of song. [Kitchener, ON: Menno Singers], 2004. Pp. 39. EMU.

Esau, Alvin A. J. The courts and the colonies: the litigation of Hutterite Church disputes. (Law and society series (Vancouver, B.C.)) Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2004. Pp. xi, 384. ISBN 0774811161 ($85.00) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Ewert, David. The body of Christ, the church: a commentary on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Abbotsford, BC: HeartBeat Productions, 2004. Pp. 173. ISBN 1895112141. CMU.

Ewert, David. The church: the new people of God. Abbotsford, BC: Heart Beat Productions, 2004. Pp. 144. CMU.

Ewert, David. Mark’s passion narrative: reflections on Christ’s sufferings and death. Abbotsford, BC: HeartBeat Productions, 2003. Pp. 140. ISBN 1895112133. CMU.

Farmwald, Delbert. History and directory of Indiana Amish parochial schools 2004. Topeka, IN: Study Time Publishers, 2004. Pp. 412. MHL.

The farmyard ABC in large print. Meyersdale, PA: Yost J. Summy, 2003. Pp. [12]. MHL.

FEBC directory & annual report: 2004. Omaha, NE: Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches, 2004. Pp. 68. ($5.00) EMU.

Ferris, Marianne. The Neufelds: the Gerhard G. Neufeld & Margaretha Rempel story. Morden, MB: Marianne Ferris, 2003. Pp. 296. CMU.

Fisher, Raymond. The rewards of the faithful. Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2004. Pp. 51. MHL.

Foster, Charles. Bible pictures and what they teach us: containing 400 illustrations from the Old and New Testaments. Morley, MI: M.E. Brenneman ; Friedens, PA: A. and A. Fisher, 2003. Pp. 318. MHL.

Freikirchenhandbuch: Informationen - Anschriften - Texte - Berichte. (Ausgabe 2004) [Neue, aktualisierte Ausg.]. Wuppertal: R. Brockhaus, 2004. Pp. 251. ISBN 341724868X (pbk. $15.75) EMU.

Friesen, Edwin. God, money and me: exploring the spiritual significance of money in our lives. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Foundation of Canada, 2004. Pp. 83. ISBN 0968082955. CMU.

Friesen, Elma. Bent by grace: the real life journey of Martin T. Friesen. Winnipeg: Squeaky Cheese Publications, 2004. Pp. xxiv, 562. ISBN 0973542802 ($49.99) EMU.

Friesen, Marilyn. A home at last. Ithaca, MI: A. B. Publishing, 2004. Pp. 160. ISBN 1881545156. EMU, MHL.

Friesen, Ruth. Grandpa’s stories: briefly, the life and memories of my dad, Henry H. Friesen with genealogical roots and data. 5th ed., rev. & updated. Hague, SK: Asparagus Press, 2003, c1989. Pp. 163 [i.e. 186]. MHL.

Froese, Margaret. Children and heirs: the story of Gerhard & Helena (Thiessen) Klassen, their ancestors & descendants. [Winnipeg, MB: Margaret Froese, 2004] Pp. 163. CMU, MLA.

Friesen, Mary Giesbrecht. Such is life: a collection of short stories to ponder. [Winnipeg, MB (114-895 Wilkes Ave., Winnipeg, MB): John and Mary Friesen, 2004]. Pp. 158. ($8.95) EMU.

Fun at Grandpa’s pet farm colorbook. [Fredericksburg, OH]: Y.B.S. [Yoder Bargain Store] & Co., 2003. Pp. [40]. MHL.

Funk, Jack. I was younger when I was a boy. Saskatoon, SK: Jack Funk, 2003. ISBN 0973283602 ($20.50) MLA.

Garrett, Ruth Irene and Deborah Morse-Kahn. Born Amish. Paducah, KY: Turner Pub. Co., 2004. Pp. 208. ISBN 1563119633 ($21.95) EMU.

Gaus, Paul L. Cast a blue shadow: an Ohio Amish mystery. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2003. Pp. vii, 225. ISBN 0821415298. MHL.

Geddert, Timothy J. Verantwortlich leben: wenn Christen sich entscheiden müssen. Regensburg: Neufeld Verlag, 2004. Pp. 223. ISBN 3937896104 ($14.32) EMU.

Gingerich, Aden. Les pas vers Dieu. Farmington, NM: Éditeur Lampe et Lumière, 2004. 4 vols. MHL.

Gingerich, Aden. Pasaderas hacia Dios. Translated by Flora Patzán. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 2003-2004. 4 vols. MHL.

Gingerich, Owen. The book nobody read: chasing the revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus. New York: Walker & Company, 2004. Pp. xii, 306. ISBN 0802714153. MHL, MLA.

God’s redeemed family– the church: New Testament study of the Epistles and Revelation: grade 8. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2004. Pp. 256. MHL.

God’s redeemed family– the church. Teacher’s manual: New Testament study of the Epistles and Revelation. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2004. Pp. 282 + 1 test book. MHL.

González, Antonio. Reinado de Dios e imperio: ensayo de teología social. (Colección Panorama; 2) Santander: Editorial Sal Terrae, 2003. Pp. 414. ISBN 8429315004. MHL.

A goodly heritage. St. Ignatius, MT (3060 Allison Rd., St. Ignatius, MT 59865): Leroy Miller ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2003. Pp. iv, 102. ($5.00) EMU.

Graber, Lydia Miller. The descendants of Menno Graber and Elizabeth Eicher 1924-2004. Jamesport, MO: Lydia Graber, 2004. Pp. 70. MHL.

Gross, David, comp. Schmiedeleut family record. High Bluff, MB: Sommerfeld Printshop, 2003 (Hawley, MN: Printed by Spring Prairie Printing). Pp. vi, 398, viii, 66. MHL.

Guenther, Mary. Searching for eternal values: one man’s pilgrimage: an authorized biography of George Loewen. Warman, SK: Mary & Peter Guenther, 2003. Pp. 176. ISBN 0973246901 ($12.50) CMU, MLA.

Haines, Leland M. Redención: la gracia y la verdad vinieron por medio de Jesucristo. Translated by Richard del Cristo. Clarkrange, TN: Literatura Monte Sion, 2004. Pp. 70. ISBN 1890133264. MHL.

Hanshew, Annie. Searching for work of national importance: Civilian Public Service smokejumpers in World War II. Thesis (Honors)–Carroll College, Helena, MT, 2003. Pp. 78. MHL.

Harms, Doreen. Journeys of the H. H. Harms family. [North Newton, KS]: Doreen Harms, 2004. Pp. 261. MLA.

Hart County Amish directory 2003: Munfordville, Kentucky. Munfordville, KY: Additional copies may be ordered from Lester Yoder ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2003. Pp. 103. MHL.

Haspels, Nanne E. Voor de gemeente: een onderzoek onder doopsgezinde voorgangers. Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Societeit, 2003. Pp. 127. MHL.

Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui. Here’s a happy elephant. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2004. Pp. [10]. ISBN 1561484423 (board book). MHL.

Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui Hawkins. Here’s a happy kitten. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2004. Pp. [10]. ISBN 1561484407 (board book). MHL.

Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui Hawkins. Here’s a happy pig. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2004. Pp. [10]. ISBN 1561484415 (board book). MHL.

Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui Hawkins. Here’s a happy puppy. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2004. Pp. [10]. ISBN 1561484393 (board book). MHL.

Haydel, Norma Jean McQueen and Horace McQueen. Southern heirloom cooking. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2003. Pp. 284. ISBN 1561484113 (comb ed.). MHL.

Hege, Nathan. La adoración. Translated by Paul Yoder. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2004. Pp. 92. MHL.

Hershberger, Alma. Sharing our favorite Amish recipes from Alma’s kitchen. Millersburg, OH: Alma Hershberger, 2004 (Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers). Pp. 377. ($12.00) EMU.

Hershberger, Ervin. God’s wake-up call. Harrisonburg, VA: Vision Publishers, 2004. Pp. 130. ($6.99) EMU, MHL.

Hershberger, Melvin E. Hershberger and other descendants from Indian Chief White Bear: Indian bloodlines - traces to the Amish & Mennonite. Baltic, OH: M.E. Hershberger, 2004. Pp. 17. MHL.

Hertzler, Joseph S. Illuminations: a book of poetry. Bloomington, IN: 1stBooks Library, 2003. Pp. xii, 216. ISBN 1410752984 ($13.17) EMU.

Hess, Magdalen. The female house: Nazareth’s forgotten daughters. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2004. Pp. 34. MHL.

Hess, Robert A. Genealogy of Heinreich (1707-1778) and Barbara (Kendig) Eshelman who settled in Rapho Township, Lancaster County, PA [Elizabethtown, PA] (1625 Campus Rd., Elizabethtown 17022): R.A. Hess, [2003]. Pp. 194, 7. MHL.

Higgins, William S. The cross or the sword? How should Christians respond to their enemies? Portland, OR: Peace [Mennonite] Church, 2003. Pp. 66. MHL.

Hochstetler, Wilma and Larry Miller. The family record of Samuel B. And Lydia (Weirich) Miller. Shipshewana, IN: Printed by The Print Place, 2004. Pp. 391. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Hoover, Anson. The church: a city of refuge. [Listowel, ON]: A. Hoover, [2004?]. Pp. 52. MHL.

Horning, Alice M., Adin N. Zimmerman, Eli M. Reiff, and Luke H. Weaver, compilers. Buffalo Valley history: History of the Groffdale Conference Mennonites in Union County, Pennsylvania, 1960-2004. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2004. Pp. 360. ISBN 1932864016 ($23.00) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Hostetler, Alvin and Goldie (Hummel) Hostetler. Following in His steps. Goshen, IN: 21st Century Printing, 2004. Pp. 183, 87, 59. EMU, MHL.

Hostetler, Joseph Leland. The family of Alvin J. & Ida (Miller) Hostetler 2004. [Iowa?: Joe Hostetler?], 2004. Pp. 8. MHL.

Hsia, R. Po-chia, ed. A companion to the Reformation world. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2004. Pp. xix, 572. ISBN 0631220178 ($141.95) MHL.

Hunger no more: faces behind the facts. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media Productions, 2004. 1 videodisc. ISBN 1877736767 ($24.95) MLA.

Hursh, Mary. O blessed hope. New Holland, PA (662-A West Main Street, New Holland, PA 17557): M. Hursh, [2004?] Pp. 97. MHL.

Hutterthal Mennonite Church. Program: 125th anniversary of the Hutterthal Mennonite Church, July 9-11, 2004. [Freeman, SD]: Hutterthal Mennonite Church, 2004. Pp. 39. MHL.

Intelligencer (Firm: Doylestown, Pa.) Pictorial review of Bucks and Montgomery counties: the Intelligencer celebrating 200 years, 1804-2004. Marceline, MO: PEN Pub., 2004. Pp. 128. MHL.

Iraq: emerging voices. Also includes: Afghanistan: rebuilding a shattered land and Child’s view: Iraq/Noor lives near Nineveh. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2003. Videodisc. ($15.00) MLA.

Jacobs, Gregg E. The descendants of Peter Jacobs, circa 1750-1820. New Bloomfield, PA (RD#2, Box 273, McKeehan Rd., New Bloomfield, PA 17068): G.E. Jacobs, 2004. Pp. I, 405. MHL.

Jacobsen, Douglas and Rhonda Hustedt Jacobsen. Scholarship and Christian faith: enlarging the conversation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Pp. 190. ISBN 0195170385 ($29.95) MLA.

Jecker, Hanspeter. Von Pietisten, Separatisten und Wiedertäufer: ungereimte Geschichten aus dem Baselbiet. [Basel]: Hanspeter Jecker, 2003. Pp. 86. ($22.49) EMU, MHL.

Jennings, Ken and John Stahl-Wert. The serving leader: 5 powerful actions that will transform your team, your business, and your community. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler, 2003. Pp. xi, 125. ISBN 1576752658. MHL.

Jezebel manifesto. Holmesville, OH: Strands of finest gold, [2003]. Pp. 19. MHL.

Johnson, Patricia K. and Jeffrey L. Keim, comps. Marriage records, Elkhart county, Indiana, 1830-1867. Elkhart, IN: Elkhart County Genealogical Society, 2004. Pp. ii, 256. MHL.

Joray, Charles N. My Amstutz ancestors. Kokomo, IN: C.N. Joray, 2004. Pp. 53. MHL.

Kane, Kristen. K is for keystone: a Pennsylvania alphabet. Ill. by Laura Knorr. Chelsea, MI: Sleeping Bear Press, 2003. Pp. [40]. ISBN 1585361046. MHL.

Kasdorf, Hans. Design of my journey: an autobiography. Fresno: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 2004. Pp. 359. ISBN 1877941107. FRE.

Kauffman, Robert Jesse. The search for my Kauffman ancestors through the cobwebs and shadows of antiquity. Lake Geneva, WI: Author, 2004. Pp. 713. BLU, MHL, MLA.

Kaufman, Gordon D. In the beginning ... creativity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2004. Pp. 152. ISBN 0800660935 ($29.00) ; 0800636848 (pbk. $19.00) MLA.

Kemp, Sarah Mae Mast and Carolyn D. Kemp Yoder. A heritage of Amish generations: a collection of superior recipes. Garnett, KS (26992 NW Kiowa Road, Garnett, KS 66032): Mother-n-daughter, 2004 (Collierville, TN: Pub. & printed by Fundcraft). Pp. [3], A-B, [3], 218, A-J, [2], 16, [2]. MHL.

Kilheffer, Willis. Listen to the silence. Morgantown, PA: Masthof, 2004. Pp. 25. ($6.95) EMU.

Klassen, Peter P. Frauenschicksale: Mennonitische Frauen auf der Wanderung, Flucht und Ansiedlung. Uchte, Germany: Sonnentau Verlag, 2004. Pp. 277. ISBN 3980459691 ($24.99) EMU.

Klippenstein, Henry. Thicker than water. North Vancouver, BC: Loon Books, 2004. Pp. 134. ISBN 1896201806 ($22.00) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Knowles, Paul, ed. Piecemakers: the story of the Ontario Mennonite Relief Sale and Quilt Auction. New Hamburg, ON: English Garden Publishers, 2004. Pp. 96. ISBN 096871384X ($15.00) MLA.

Kohler, Alfred. Ferdinand I, 1503-1564: Fürst, König und Kaiser. München: Verlag C.H. Beck, 2003. Pp. 377. ISBN 3406502784. MHL.

Koller, Jeffery W., ed. The Eden peace witness: a collection of personal accounts. [Moundridge, KS?: Jebeko Publishing, 2004. Pp. 302. ($10.00) MLA.

Konrad, Anne. And in their silent beauty speak: a Mennonite family in Russia and Canada, 1790-1990. Toronto: Author, 2004. Pp. 507. ISBN 0973724307 ($55.00) CMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Krajnak, John Michael. A cultural history of the Michael and Mary Jane Brubaker family of Somerset County, Pennsylvania, with a focus on women’s marriage age. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Pittsburgh, 2004. Pp. xi, 132. ($50.00) EMU.

Kraybill, Donald B. Les amish: une énigme pour le monde moderne. (Perspectives anabaptistes) Cléon d'Andran, France: Éditions Excelsis, 2004. Pp. 446. ISBN 291414489X ($33.43) EMU, MHL.

Kropf, Ellis. Estudia la Biblia. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2004. Pp. 66. MHL.

Kuepfer, Sharon Schnupp. There’s no place like home: tales and treats from a Mennonite family. Winnipeg: Gateway Pub. Co. Ltd., 2004. Pp. 60, [4]. ISBN 0973041617. MHL.

Kuhns, Monroe and Ella Kuhns. Hills and valleys. 3rd printing. Sugarcreek, OH: Printed by Schlabach Printers, 2003. Pp. 168. MHL.

Kurchinski, Catherine Celli. Hurray for the Yoder Barn! Smithfield, VA: Moon Pie Press, 2004. Pp. 23. ISBN 0976174405. MHL.

Landis, Paul M. “Una vez salvo, siempre salvo”: cierto o falso? Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2004. Pp. 156. MHL.

Lapp, Aaron. Weavertown Church history: memoirs of an Amish Mennonite church. Kinzers, PA (25 Pequea Valley Road, Kinzers, PA 17535): A. Lapp, Jr. ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2003. Pp. xi, 300. MHL.

Laskin, David. The children’s blizzard. New York: HarperCollins, 2004. Pp. 307. ISBN 0060520752 ($24.95) MLA.

Lavooij-Janzen, E. M., Adriaan Plak and Piet Visser. Indexen op de Inventaris der Archiefstukken berustende bij de Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Amsterdam opgemaakt door Dr. J. G. de Hoop Scheffer (Amsterdam 1883-1884). Amsterdam: Doopsgezinde Bibliotheek ; Hilversum: Verloren, 2004. Pp. 197. ISBN 9065508015 ($36.00) EMU, MLA.

Leake, Preston Hildebrand. Some descendants of Hans Conrad Hildebrand, Jr., born February 12, 1699 ... died May 1790 ... and his two wives: Susanna Spengler, born about 1699 ... died about 1738 ... and Elisabeth Kundig, born about 1705 ... died after 1759 ... [Hopewell, VA: P.H. Leake], 2003. Pp. xii, 579. EMU.

Lederach, Paul M. Surrounded by many witnesses: Franconia Mennonite congregation 275th anniversary, 1729-2004. Telford, PA: Franconia Mennonite Church, 2004. Pp. 180. ISBN 0974102032. EMU, MLA.

Lee, Jason K. The theology of John Smyth, Puritan, Separatist, Baptist, Mennonite. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2003. Pp. xiv, 310. ISBN 0865547602 ($40.00) EMU, MHL.

Lehmann, Hartmut. Glaubenswelt und Lebenswelten. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2004. Pp. xvi, 709. ISBN 3525553498. MHL.

Lehman, Paul J. Love letters: a Mennonite courtship. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, 2003. Pp. xi, 210. ISBN 0595297188 ($18.95) EMU.

Lehman, Sheryle. Shelter me safe: a young girl’s journey. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2003. Pp. vii, 242. ISBN 1890050652 (pbk. $9.95) EMU.

Let’s read pictures. [East Earl, PA]: Schoolaid, 2003. Pp. 63. MHL.

Listening with our hearts. 11 min. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2004. Videodisc. ($7.00) EMU, MLA.

Listening with our hearts: a video journey with Mennonite Central Committee. Kitchener, ON: Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Resource Centre, [2004?]. 1 portfolio. ($5.95) EMU.

Lyndaker, Roland John. Beginnings: the history and genealogy of an Amish-Mennonite family from New York. [Geneva, NY]: R.J. Lyndaker, [2004?]. Pp. 318. MHL.

Martens, Martha. Dyck: Abram & Justina, history, story, descendants. Winkler, MB: Martha’s Musings Production, 2003. Pp. 219. CMU.

Martin, Arlene. Psalm 1: memorize and color. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, [2004?]. Pp. [28]. ($1.85) EMU.

Martin-Birky, Beth and Maria Yoder, comps. & eds. Bethinking Beck: honoring Ervin and his work. [Goshen, IN: Goshen College English Department?, 2003]. Pp. 75. MHL.

Martin, David L. “Pleasures forevermore”: are the seekers finding? Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2004. Pp. 27. MHL.

Martin, G. L. So were the churches established: a study guide to the Acts of the apostles. Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2004. 4 vols. MHL.

Martin, Isaac D. Relationships that bless. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2004. Pp. 140. MHL.

Martin, Jason S. Stephen Berkey, 1818-1888: nomad on the American frontier. [Goshen, IN?]: J.S. Martin, [2003]. Pp. xiii, 216. MHL.

Martin, Joseph. La oración. Translated by Eldon Kornelson. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2004. Pp. 98. MHL.

Martin, Mabel. Samantha’s gift. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2003, 2002. Pp. 112. ($7.50) EMU.

Martin, Mary-Anne. Our wounded soldier goes to Jerusalem. Theresa, NY (30855 St. Rt. 26, Theresa, NY 13691): M. Martin, 2004 (Pikeville, TN: Printed by Lighthouse Pub.). Pp. 87. MHL.

Martin, Rebecca. Eyes for my heart. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff Publishers, 2003. Pp. 369. MHL.

Mast, Nancy, comp. Poems of sympathy and consolation. Middlefield, OH: Nancy Mast, [2004?]. Pp. 153. MHL.

McGrath, William R. The Anabaptists: neither Catholics nor Protestants. Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2004. Pp. 42. MHL.

Mennonite Brethren Stewardship Ministries. Getting a grip on your resources: planning godly strategy, fulfilling godly goals, building godly dreams. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions, 2004. Pp. 59. ISBN 0921788851. MHL.

Mennonite Central Committee. British Columbia. Reconciled relationships: why treaties matter. [Toronto, ON: KAIROS, 2003?]. Pp. 36. MHL.

Mennonitisches Gesangbuch. 1. Aufl. [Germany]: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinden in Deutschland ; [Switzerland]: Konferenz der Mennoniten der Schweiz (Alttäufer), 2004 (Gersthofen: Schoder-Druck) Pp. 1292. ($52.50) EMU.

Mennonitisches Gesangbuch. Neue Lieder. [Germany]: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinden, 2004. Compact disc. ($10.80) BLU.

Meyer, Eric. Every other day– a comic drama in one act. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2004. Pp. 25. MHL.

Millar, Paul. Welcoming the stranger: an exploration of the nature of the work of Mennonite Christians in the work of refugee assistance in the region of Waterloo. Thesis (M.S.W.)– Wilfrid Laurier University, 2004. Pp. iv, 135. ISBN 0612965902 ($50.00) EMU.

Miller, DeVon, comp. Iowa Amish directory 2004. Millersburg, OH: Abana Books, 2004. Pp. 276. MHL.

Miller, DeVon, comp. New Order Amish directory 2004. Millersburg, OH: Abana Books, 2004. Pp. 183. MHL.

Miller, Gary. Sus testigos. Farmington, NM: Publicadora Lámpara y Luz, 2004. Pp. 52. MHL.

Miller, J. Virgil, Esther Beechy Falb and a group of Beechy cousins. The family descendants of Jonas Bitschy and Elizabeth Yoder and their European heritage. Rev. [Orrville, OH: E. B. Falb], 2004. Pp. 66. ($10.00) EMU.

Miller, Lester and Mary Miller, comps. A trophy of God’s grace. Crockett, KY: L. and M. Miller, 2004. Pp. 112. MHL.

Miller, Lydia E. German cursive writing. Middlefield, OH (15399 Hayes Road, Middlefield, OH 44062): Lydia E. Miller, 2004. 4 vols. MHL.

Miller, Mary Ellen. Tailoring and sewing mutzas: step by step instructions on sewing pants, vests and suitcoats for the plain community. Arcola, IL: M.E. Miller ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2004. Pp. x, 52. ISBN 1890050814 ($12.95) EMU, MHL.

Miller, Mary R. Sooky de las islas filipinas. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2004. Pp. 163. MHL.

Miller, Richard L. The Gayman/Gehman/Gahman family: with an emphasis on the Daniel Gayman and Anna (Landis) family who settled in Cumberland County, PA Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2003. Pp. xvii, 801. ISBN 1930353685. MHL.

Mizutani, Yuki. Museum as boundaries: a case study of a North American Anabaptist museum. Thesis (M. A.)–University of Tokyo, 2004. Pp. 8, 78. MHL.

Molochna - 2004: Menoniti I ikh susidi (1804-2004). Zaporizhzhia: Tandem, 2004. Pp. 198. ISBN 9667482324. FRE.

Moore, Ruth Nulton. The Captain’s treasure. Bandra, Mumbai [India]: Insight Books, 2003. Pp. 176. ISBN 8171765157. MHL.

Moore, Ruth Nulton. Mystery at the Spanish Castle. Bandra, Mumbai [India]: Insight Books, 2003. Pp. 135. ISBN 8171765114. MHL.

Morrison, Ross I. It happened in Lancaster County. Rev. ed. Morgantown, PA (219 Mill Road, Morgantown, PA 19543-9516): Masthof Press, 2004. Pp. 62. ($5.95) EMU.

Muntzer, Thomas. Scritti politici. Torino: Editrice Claudiana, 2003. Pp. 230. ISBN 8870164225. MHL.

Murray, Stuart. Church after Christendom. (After Christendom) Bletchley, UK ; Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster Press, 2004. Pp. 235. ISBN 1842272926 ($16.45) MLA.

Nathaniel Christian Orphanage. Loving Jesus: a cappella. [Berlin, OH]: TGS International, 2004. Compact disc. ($12.99) EMU.

Nathans, Eli. The politics of citizenship in Germany: ethnicity, utility and nationalism. Oxford: Berg, 2004. Pp. 294. ISBN 1859737811 (pbk. $26.95); 1859737765 ($79.95) MLA.

Neufeldt, Harvey, Ruth Derksen Siemens and Robert Martens, eds. First nations and first settlers in the Fraser Valley (1890-1960). Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2004. Pp. 287. ISBN 1894710541 ($27.00) EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Newswanger, Everett R. Two triple-decker barns, one historic grist mill– and snippets of Amish and Mennonite beliefs. [Lancaster, PA: Everett R. Newswanger], 2004, 2005. Pp. 48. ISBN 0963515314. MHL.

Newswanger, Rebecca. God’s miracle– a seed. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2004. Pp. [38]. ISBN 0878136207. MHL.

Nolt, Steven M. and Thomas J. Meyers. The Amish of Indiana: resources for teaching third and fourth grade social studies. Goshen, IN: Goshen College, 2003. 1 packet. MHL.

Nordgren, Kenneth. God as problem and possibility: a critical study of Gordon Kaufman’s thought toward a spacious theology. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 2003. Pp. 315. ISBN 9155457193 ($72.50) MLA.

Not one alone: the church in Africa responds to AIDS. At head of title: Generations at risk. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2003. Videodisc. ($20.00) MLA.

Nussbaum, Sarah and Esther Leggett, eds. In season: favorite recipes from the Amish heartland. Orrville, OH: Spectrum Publications ; Published by Amish Heartland Magazine, 2004. Pp. 160. MHL.

Our fervent prayers: translated prayers from the Ernsthafte Christenpflicht. Compiled. by Mary M. Miller, translated by John B. Martin. Topeka, IN: Our Heritage Books ; Sugarcreek, OH: Printed by Carlisle Printing, 2004. Pp. xviii, 358. ($34.95) EMU, MHL.

Overholt, Vera. Scrapbook of ideas. #3: for Christian workers. Sarasota, FL: Christian Hymnary Publishers, 2004. Pp. iii, 206. MHL.

Paquette, Melanie. The growing babies project: growth and dietary intake of Old Order Amish infants and toddlers aged 6 to 18 months. Thesis (M.S.)–University of Guelph, 2003. Pp. vi, 150. ($50.00) EMU.

Peace: the ultimate trick. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2003. Videodisc. ($20.00) MLA.

Penner, Dennis and Elsie Loewen. Innings: a true story of adoption, reunion, and roots. Linden, AB (P.O. Box 248, Linden, AB T0M 1J0): Innings, 2004. Pp. 306. ISBN 0779500814 ($23.64) EMU, MHL.

Penner, Harold. The Helen Kliewer and Peter Unger story. [Victoria, BC]: Island Blue Print Co. Ltd., [2003?]. Pp. 148. ($30.00) MHL, MLA.

Petersheim, Elizabeth B.. Descendants of Joseph H. Zook and Elizabeth B. (Yoder) Zook … 1866-2004. Conewango Valley, NY (12172 Northeast Rd., Conewango Valley, NY 14726): E.B. Petersheim, 2004 (Gordonville, PA: S.K. Typing) Pp. 201, [25]. MHL.

Pilgrims and exiles: against persecution and prosperity, the Mennonites, Amish and Brethren have followed Christ and their convictions. (Christian history & biography ; issue 84) Carol Stream, IL: Christianity Today International, 2004. Pp. 50. MHL.

Pratt, Dorothy O. Shipshewana: an Indiana Amish community. Bloomington, IN: Quarry Books, 2004. Pp. 209. ISBN 0253345189 ($29.95) BLU, CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Ratzlaff, Agatha C. Enns. Our Koslowsky family history: a family history and genealogy of the family and descendants of David Koslowsky (1769-1846) and Anna (nee Willms) Koslowsky (1792-1846). Abbotsford, BC (31861 Beech Avenue, Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 1G8): Author, 2003. Pp. 268. ($41.00) CMU, MLA.

Ratzlaff, Gerhard. Vater Abram: von der Ukraine über Sibirien und China nach Paraguay und Kanada: ein mennonistischer Lebensweg. Asuncion, Paraguay: Herausgegeben im Selbstverlag, 2004. Pp. 150. MHL, MLA.

Ratzlaff, Keith. Dubious angels: poems after Paul Klee. 1st ed. Tallahassee, FL: Anhinga Press, 2005. Pp. 83. ISBN 0938078836 (pbk. $15.00) ; ISBN 0938078852 (cloth $25.00) EMU.

Redekopp, Alfred H. and Paul Thielmann. Jacob Thielmann (1786-1813) & Helena Kroeker. Hennef [Germany]: Paul Thielmann, 2004. Pp. 296. CMU.

Reed, Angela. Sacred search: encountering God during Lent. Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2004. Pp. 83. MHL.

Reesor, Ruth. Check rein: a journey of remembrance. (Canadian-German folklore ; v. 16) Markham, ON: Stewart, 2003. Pp. 420. ISBN 092003814X ($20.00) EMU.

Regier, Katharina Wiens Bahnmann Dyck. Our heritage: Katharina Regier’s black book containing poems. Port Coquitlam, BC: Margaret Schapansky, 2003. Pp. vii, 281. MHL, MLA.

Reinland Mennonite Church 1958-2003. [S.l.: s.n.], 2003. Pp. 80. ($20.00 CDN) CMU.

Rempel, Clarence E. Missional transformation: a congregational change process for making new disciples. Thesis (D. Min.)–Asbury Theological Seminary, 2004. Pp. ix, 166. ($50.00) EMU.

Rempel, Reg. Bahnmann centennial celebration: commemorating the arrival of Heinrich & Katharina (Wiens) Bahnmann and family in North America, Rosthern Saskatchewan, 4,5 & 6 July 2003. Creighton, SK: Reg Rempel, 2004. Pp. 95. CMU, MHL, MLA.

Rhythm of change. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2005. Videodisc. ($10.00) EMU.

Risler, Daniel. Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines et ses environs. Reprint of 1873 ed. (Monographies des villes et villages de France ; 603) Paris: Res Universis, 1991, 2004. Pp. viii, 224. ISBN 2877605507. MHL.

Robinson, Sue. Bear in the barnyard. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2004. Pp. [30]. ISBN 156148430X. MHL.

Rodes, David S. and Norman R. Wenger. Unionists and the Civil War experience in the Shenandoah Valley. Volume II: Greenmount, Edom, and Linville, Rockingham County, Virginia. Harrisonburg, VA ; Dayton, VA: Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center and the Valley Research Associates, 2004. Pp. 1004. ISBN 0897255526 ($46.00) BLU, MHL, MLA.

Rohrer, Eunice I. The Old Order Mennonites and mass media: electronic media and socialization. Thesis (M.S.)–West Virginia University, 2004. Pp. vi, 122. ($50.00) EMU.

Rohrer, Marvin. Dans le sillage du Prince de la Paix. Translated by Yann Larrieu. Farmington, NM: Éditeur Lampe et Lumière, 2004. 4 vols. MHL.

Roten, Gertrude Wiebe. Commentary on Epistles of 1, 2, 3 John. [Elkhart, IN]: AMBS alumni and family, 2004. Pp. 278. MHL.

Roth, Meryl, ed. The space within: reflective journeys through music and literature. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2004. Pp. 75. MHL.

Sawicki, Jerzy. Skarb Menonitów. Gdansk: Wydawnictwo AGNI, 2003. Pp. 202. ISBN 8391952320. FRE.

Schlachta, Astrid von. Hutterische Konfession und Tradition (1578-1619): etabliertes Leben zwischen Ordnung und Ambivalenz. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2003. Pp. viii, 459. ISBN 3805332718. MHL.

Schmeal, Jacqueline Andre. Patchwork: Iowa quilts and quilters. (Bur oak book) Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2003. Pp. xv, 140. ISBN 0877458650 (pbk. $29.95) EMU.

Schmid, John. John Schmid in Dutch again! Berlin, OH: Common Ground Ministries, [2004?]. Compact disc. MHL.

Schmidt-Schell, Erich. If only you didn’t believe– the life story of David Klassen. Translated by Anne Rempel and Jake Elias. Meinerzhagen, Ger.: Missionswerk Friedensbote, 2004. Pp. 193. ISBN 0973692405 ($12.95) EMU.

Schueler, William L. Salvation themes in Romans: from a series of sermons. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2004. Pp.158. MHL.

Schwartz, Amanda M. Shelter, comp. Old-time family favorites plus recipes for large crowds. Fremont, MI (4273 W. 80th Street, Fremont, MI 49412): Paul H. Schwartz Family, [2004] (Waverly, IA: G & R Pub.) Pp. vi, 210, xiv. MHL.

Schwartz, Mahlon N. Jacob C. Schwartz, family life story: Allen, Adams, 1858-1936. Seymour, MO: Author, 2004. Pp. 165. ($17.00) MLA.

Schwartz, Moses and Susan. Memories of when I was a boy. Frankfort, OH (1656 Sulphur Lick Road, Frankfort, OH 45628): Schwartz Family Books ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, [2004?]. Pp. viii, [366]. ISBN 1890050830. MHL.

Schwartz, Moses and Susan. Memories of when I was a girl. Frankfort, OH (1656 Sulphur Lick Road, Frankfort, OH 45628): Schwartz Family Books ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, [2004?]. Pp. viii, [366]. ISBN 1890050822. MHL.

Searcy, Rhoda Moyer Heartpaths for hard times: bridges for coping with loss and change. Huntington, W. VA: Humanomics Pub., 2003. Pp. xv, 231. ISBN 0966608550. MHL.

Sensenig, D. M. Memories of Daudy and Mommy Sensenig– Elam W. and Lizzie E. Sensenig. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2004. Pp. iv, 190. ISBN 1932864075 (pbk.) MHL.

Sensenig, Janet Martin. Courage with a smile. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2004. Pp. 200. ($8.95) EMU.

Sept pas de l'obéissance. Translated by Donald White. Farmington, NM: Les Éditeurs Lampe et Lumière, 2004. 2 vols. MHL.

Shelter, Jan Bender. Telling our own stories: local histories from South Mara, Tanzania. Leiden, Netherlands; Boston: Brill, 2003. Pp. xii, 334. ISBN 9004126252 (pbk.) MHL.

Showalter, Roy M. Elders in each church. [Chambersburg, PA]: Mennonite Historical Association of the Cumberland Valley ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2004. Pp. 790. ISBN 1930353987 ($52.00) MHL, MLA.

Siebert, Dorothy. Whatever it takes. 2nd ed. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Publications, 2004. Pp. 233. ISBN 1894791029 ($13.00) CMU, MLA.

Slabach, Robert E. Creation, the Fall, & the Flood: a biblical and scientific study of Genesis 1-11: 13 lessons for group or individual study. Nappanee, IN: Printed .. by Evangel Press, 2003. Pp. 83. MHL.

Sorokovsky, Boris. Bible study on discipleship. [Lac la Hache, BC: B. and L. Sorokovsky, 2003?]. Pp. [32]. MHL.

Soto Albrecht, Elizabeth. Reclaiming the theology of nonviolence to overcome family violence in Latin America. Thesis (D.M.)–San Francisco Theological Seminary, 2004. Pp. 314. MHL.

Staker, Joseph. Staker genealogy: Amish Mennonites in Tazewell County. [Silverdale, WA: Joseph Staker, 2003]. 1 v. MHL.

Stedjan, Scott. At the crossroads: disarmament or re-nuclearization. Washington, DC: Friends Committee on National Legislation, 2004. Pp. 28. MHL.

Strubhar, Ernest. Instruction for the Christian life. Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, 2003. Pp. 127. MHL.

Strubhar, Ernest. Instructions pour la vie chrétienne. Translated by Donald White. Farmington, NM: Les Éditeurs Lampe et Lumière, 2004. Pp. 119. MHL.

Süss, Wladimir. Das Schulwesen der deutschen Minderheit in Russland: von der ersten Ansiedlungen bis zur Revolution 1917. (Bildung und Erziehung; 13) Köln: Buhl Verlag, 2004. Pp. 384. ISBN 3412070033. CMU.

Table Singers. That bright morning: Best of the Table Singers, volume 2 (1991-1994). Leola, PA: Harmonies Workshop, 2004. Compact disc. ($9.45) MLA.

The texture of life: the Tusing sisters of Branch Mountain. Produced by Ray and Judy Schmitt ; directed and edited by Ray Schmitt ; story by Kathleen G. Sholl ; produced for the Lost River Educational Foundation with support from the West Virginia Humanities Council. 28 min. Mathias, W. VA: Real Earth Productions, 2003. Videodisc. ($24.95) EMU.

Thiessen, Donald. Come let us worship. Steinbach, MB: Steinbach Bible College, 2004 (Canada: Country Graphics). Pp. 63. MHL.

Thiessen, Donald. Come let us worship. Leader’s guide. Steinbach, MB: Steinbach Bible College, 2004 (Canada: Country Graphics). Pp. 51. MHL.

Toews, John B. Lost fatherland: the story of the Mennonite emigration from Soviet Russia, 1921-1927. Vancouver: Regent College Pub., 2003. Pp. 262. ISBN 155361075X ($24.95) MHL.

TourMagination. Swiss-Volhynian Mennonite Heritage, September 15-29, 2004: extension to Chortitza/Molotschna area, September 29-October 4, 2004; leaders: John & Roma Ruth and Jim Juhnke. [Waterloo, ON; Sellersville, PA]: TourMagination, 2004. Pp. 35. MHL.

Veraguth, Paul. Heile unser land: Versöhnung mit den Wiedertäufern—eine Anfrage an die Kirchen. Winterthur: Schleife Verlag, 2003. Pp. 107. ISBN 3907827236. MHL.

Vincent, Mark. The whys and hows of money leadership: a workbook for pastors and lay leaders. Chicago: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 2003. Pp. 78. ISBN 6000191480. MHL.

Vogel, Herta. Lockvögel im Netz: KGB im Kontext. (Edition Octopus) Münster: Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 2003. Pp. 293. ISBN 3936600775 (pbk. $26.43) EMU.

Wagler, Susie and Rachel Hoover, comps. Beyond sandwiches: then and now. Shakespeare, ON: Susie Wagler ; Aylmer, ON: Rachel Hoover ; Barwick, ON: CMCO Publications, [2004]. Pp. 144. MHL.

Walking in the path Jesus walked. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2003. Videodisc ($20.00) MLA.

Wallace, Liz Nash. Christian H. Kliewer & Arpa Ruth Schmidt: family histories. [Bozeman, MT: Author], 2003. Pp. 148. MLA.

Warkentin, Hans. Wenn die Not am grössten ... ist Gottes Hilfe am nächsten: ein persönliches Lebenszeugnis. Frankenthal: Hirtenstimme, 2004. Pp. 318. ($20.21) EMU.

Warren, Andrea. Escape from Saigon: how a Vietnam War orphan became an American boy. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004. Pp. xvi, 110. ISBN 0374322244 ($17.00) MHL.

Weaver, Sonia K. What is Palestine/Israel? Answers to common questions. Winnipeg: Mennonite Central Committee Canada; Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2004. Pp. 64. ISBN 0973578416. CMU, EMU, MLA.

Webster, Dale Douglas. The descendants of Dutch Mennonites Peter and Anna Berg of the Ukraine and Kansas. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2003. Pp. 146. ISBN 078842467X; 0788424688 (pbk. $24.70) MLA.

The wedding planner. [Burton, OH: Mrs. Samuel Yoder, 2004]. Pp. 32. ($8.25) EMU.

Weier, John. Stand the sacred tree: journeys in place & memory. Winnipeg, MB: Turnstone Press, 2004. Pp. 245. ISBN 088801287X ($16.95) MLA.

Wenger, Norman R. and David S. Rodes. Unionists and the Civil War experience in the Shenandoah Valley. Volume II: Greenmount, Edom, and Linville, Rockingham County, Virginia. Harrisonburg, VA: Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center ; Dayton, VA: Valley Research Associates, 2004. Pp. 721. ISBN 0897255526 ($45.00) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Wengerd, Sara. [A healing grief: walking with your friend through loss. Chinese]. Kowloon, Hong Kong: Chinese Christian Literature Council Ltd., 2003. Pp. 123. ISBN 9622948251. MHL.

Wesselhoeft, Carl and Leota. The history of Turkey Run Mennonite Church. [Ohio]: C. and L. Wesselhoeft, 2003. Pp. 39. EMU.

Wiebe, Dallas E. The sayings of Abraham Nofziger: a guide for the perplexed. Cincinnati, OH: Author, 2004. Pp. 30. MHL, MLA.

Wiebe, Paul. Dead white male. Upland, CA: Komos Books, 2003. Pp. 338. ISBN 0971859922 (pbk.) MHL.

Wiebe, Rudy Henry. Wie Pappeln im Wind: Roman. Translated by Joachim Utz. Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn, 2004. Pp. 350. ISBN 3821809310 ($40.48) EMU.

Wiehler, Hans. 1945 diary: flight of the Wiehler family from East Prussia. [S.l.: s.n., 2004?]. Pp. 27. ISBN 0920562086. MHL.

Will to dominate. Holmesville, OH: Strands of finest gold, [2003]. Pp. 19. MHL.

Wine, Ada L. Bible footprints. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2003. Pp. 93. ($5.35) EMU.

Witmer, Dallas. Der Glaube, fur den es sich zu sterben lohnt. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 2003. Pp. 96. MHL.

Witmer, Nancy. Manheim Christian Day School 50th anniversary history: 1952-2002. [Manheim, PA: Manheim Christian Day School, 2003. Pp. 95. MHL.

Wolf, Peter. Isaak Wolf & Anna Goertzen: Jacob Wolf & Maria Goertzen. English ed. Winkler, MB: Peter Wolf, 2004. Pp. 294. ISBN 1553830377. CMU.

Wyse, Shirley. Wyse family genealogy circa 2003. [Pettisville, OH: Author], 2003. Pp. 205. MHL.

Yoder, Anita, Bob Miller and Sue Miller. Amish-country cookbook: favorite recipes gathered by Das Dutchman Essenhaus. Volume 4. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Pub. House, 2003. Pp. 320. ISBN 1928915361 ($16.95) EMU.

Yoder, Doyle. Amish country 2004. Berlin, OH: Published by Doyle Yoder Publishing, 2003. Pp. [30]. ISBN 1930646054. MHL.

Yoder, Doyle. Amish country 2005. Berlin, OH: Published by Doyle Yoder Publishing, 2004. Pp. [30]. ISBN 1930646062. MHL.

Yoder, Enos and Freda. Oklahoma-Kansas directory: Chouteau, Clarita, Garnett, Haven and Hutchinson, 2004. Inola, OK: Enos & Freda Yoder, 2004. Pp. 98. MHL.

Yoder, Harvey. Elena: strengthened through trials. Berlin, OH: TGS International, 2003. Pp. 240. ISBN 1885270291. MHL.

Yoder, Harvey. Where little ones cry. Berlin, OH: TGS International: Christian Aid Ministries, 2004. Pp. ix, 153. ISBN 1885270348 ($10.99) EMU, MHL.

Yoder, J. J., Mrs., comp. 1st spelling book. Marion, KY (616 Butter Rd., Marion, KY 42064): Mrs. J.J. Yoder ; Marion, KY: Printed by Trails End Printing, [2004?], c1987. Pp. 79. MHL.

Yoder, J. J., Mrs., comp. 1st writing book. Marion, KY (616 Butter Rd., Marion, KY 42064): Mrs. J.J. Yoder ;Marion, KY: Printed by Trails End Printing, 2004. Pp. 80. MHL.

Yoder, J. J., Mrs., comp. 2nd spelling book. [Marion, KY: Mrs. J.J. Yoder] ; (Marion, KY: Printed by Trails End Printing, [2004?]. Pp. 80. MHL.

Yoder, J. J., Mrs., comp. 2nd writing book. Marion, KY (616 Butter Rd., Marion, KY 42064): Mrs. J.J. Yoder ; Marion, KY: Printed by Trails End Printing, 2004. Pp. 80. MHL.

Yoder, J. J., Mrs., comp. 3rd writing book. Marion, KY (616 Butter Rd., Marion, KY 42064): Mrs. J.J. Yoder ; Marion, KY: Printed by Trails End Printing, 2003. Pp. 80. MHL.

Yoder, J. Otis. Revelation messages. Breezewood, PA: Heralds of Hope, 2004. Pp. vii, 270. ($7.00) EMU.

Yoder, John Howard. The original revolution: essays on Christian pacifism. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2003. Pp. 192. ISBN 083611812X ($19.99) MLA.

Yoder, Orley W. and Dianna Yoder. Family memories & record: David D. and Ola (Bontrager) Fry, 1906-2004. Goshen, IN: Orley W. and Dianna Yoder, 2004. Pp. 95. MHL.

Yoder, Robert J., comp. Speak Lord for thy servant heareth. [Millersburg, OH (4622 TR 403, Millersburg, OH 44654)]: Robert J. Yoder ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2004. Pp. x, 187. ISBN 0976540509 ($11.37) EMU, MHL.

Yoder, Veronica. Amish country homestyle cooking: a collection of favorite recipes. Enon Valley, PA (1884 SR 551, Enon Valley, PA 16120): Veronica Yoder ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, [2004?]. Pp. v, 254. ($9.75) EMU, MHL.

Yordy, Gary L. The Yordy siblings in central Illinois. [Illinois?]: Gary L. Yordy, 2004. Pp. [2], 66, [16]; leaves 15. MHL.

Yutzy, Ray and Malinda. Wholesome sugarfree cooking. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2004. Pp. vi, 290. ($11.99) EMU.

Zehr, Calvin D. A missional vision: to hear anew Jesus’ call “Follow me my mission workers!” Thesis (D. Min.)–McCormick Theological Seminary, 2004. Pp. iii, 42, 10. MHL.

Zehr, Howard. [Changing lenses. Japanese] Shūfukuteki shihō towa nanika: Ōhō kara kankei shūfuku e. Tōkyō: Japan UNI Agency, Inc., 2003. Pp. 283, 22. ISBN 4787703072. MHL.

Zepp, Maryann. Quick home-cooked meals: letting your microwave work for you (in 30 minutes or less). Rev. ed. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2003. Pp. 187. ISBN 1561482900 (pbk. $15.95) ; 1561484105 (comb-bound $19.95) EMU.

Zimmerman, F. Arline. Nightingale nursing chronicles: school daze. [Philadelphia]: Xlibris, 2003. Pp. 150. ISBN 140109550X. MHL.

2002 and earlier

Ayindo, Babu, Sam Gbaydee Doe, Janice Jenner. When you are the peacebuilder: stories and reflections on peacebuilding from Africa. Harrisonburg, VA: Conflict Transformation Program, Eastern Mennonite University, 2001. Pp. 99. EMU.

Byler, Dan R., Mrs., comp. Pennsylvania Amish directory of the Punxsy settlement. Smicksburg, PA: Mrs. D.R. Byler ; [Gordonville, PA]: Gordonville, Penna. Print Shop, 1998. Pp.106. MHL.

Ewert, David. Emmanuel: God with us, advent messages. Abbotsford, BC: HeartBeat Productions, 2002. Pp. 151. ISBN 1895112125. CMU.

Friedrich, Lora J. To be or not to be: an examination of baptism into the Amish church. Thesis (Ph. D.)–Ohio State University, 2001. Pp. 133. MLA.

Hershberger, Ervin. God at work in saints of old. Harrisonburg, VA: Vision Publishers, 2002. Pp. 213. ISBN 0971705437 ($8.99) EMU.

Hershberger, Ervin. Seeing Christ in the Old Testament (the Jewish scriptures). Expanded ed. Meyersdale, PA: Ervin N. Hershberger ; Harrisonburg, VA: Printed by Campbell Copy Center, 2000, c1999. Pp. 185. ISBN 0971705410 ($8.99) EMU.

Hinckley, Katherine. A Mennonite landscape: the Blue Creek community. (Occasional paper; St. Mary’s University. Maya Research Program ; 1) San Antonio, TX: St. Mary’s University, 1997. Pp. 51. MLA.

Hursh, Mary. O blessed hope. New Holland, PA (662-A West Main St., New Holland, PA 17557): M. Hursh ; Denver, PA: Saul Printing, [200-]. Pp. 97. ($5.75) EMU.

Jansson, Klaus. Die Sippe Jansson: Tiege/Westpreussen: Fotografien von 1860 bis 1950. [Hofheim am Taunus, Deutschland (Sachsenring 9, D65719 Hofheim/Ts. Germany): Author, 2000]. Pp. 90. ($82.00) MLA.

Juhnke, Eric S. Quacks and crusaders: the fabulous careers of John Brinkley, Norman Baker, and Harry Hoxsey. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2002. Pp. 215. ISBN 0700612033 ($29.95) MLA.

Kauffman, Thelma Hostetler. The big house on the corner: Hostetler: Descendants of Henry Hostetler and Salome Slabach. Harper, KS: T K Legacy, 2001. Pp. 191. MLA.

Kauffman, Thelma Hostetler. Two dollars in his pocket: the Balmer legacy: descendants of Ferdinand Balmer and Lina Gerber. Additions 2002. Harper, KS: T K Legacy, 2002. Pp. 166. MHL, MLA.

Kaufman, Kenneth V., comp. Wheat Ridge directory, Adams County, Ohio. West Union, OH: K.V. Kaufman, 2000. Pp. 80. MHL.

Keys, Linda J. The family of Gerhard & Anna Regier, 1852-2001. Topeka, KS: Author, 2001. Pp. 341. MLA.

Klassen, Abraham Johann. Diaries of Abraham Johann Klassen 1891-1927. [S.l.: s.n., 200-?] Pp. 162. CMU.

Mangold, Wendelin. Russlanddeutsche Literature: Lesebuch. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland e.V., 1999. Pp. 346. ISBN 3923553196 ($17.84) MLA.

Mennonite Central Committee. Food: a plate half full. 17 min. Akron, PA: MCC, 2002. Videocassette. ($25.00) MLA.

Mennonite Central Committee. Listen to my cry. 15 min. Akron, PA: MCC, 2002. Videocassette. MLA.

Mennonite Central Committee. Walking with a hurting world. 13 min. Akron, PA: MCC, 2000. Videocassette. MLA.

Miller, Allen A., Mrs. (Mary), comp. Ohio Amish directory of the Lewisville settlement 1987-2000. Quaker City, OH: Available from Mrs. Allen A. Miller ; [Gordonville, PA]: Printing by Gordonville Print Shop, 2001. Pp. 78. MHL.

Neufeld, Chuck. What might have been. Markham, IL: Charlesongs, 2001. Compact disc. MHL, MLA.

Puppala, Sobha Rachel. The genetic determinants and environmental covariates of blood pressure among Mennonites of Kansas and Nebraska. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Kansas, Anthropology, 2001. Pp. 124. MLA.

Renshaw, John. The Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco: identity & economy. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 2002. Pp. 305. ISBN 080328991X ($29.95) MLA.

Ukraine: country on the edge. 22 min. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2001. Videocassette + discussion guide. ($25.00) MHL, MLA.

Warkentin, Johann. Geschichte der russlanddeutschen Literatur: aus persönlicher Sicht. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland e.V., 1999. Pp. 383. ISBN 3923553188 ($18.09) MLA.

Weier, John. Violinmaker’s lament. Toronto: Wolsak and Wynn, 2002. Pp. 96. ISBN 091989786X ($15.00) MHL, MLA.

Werner, Hans P. Integration in two cities: a comparative history of Protestant ethnic German immigrants in Winnipeg, Canada and Bielefeld, Germany, 1947-1989. Thesis (Ph. D.)– University of Manitoba, 2002. Pp. 376. MLA.

Wiebe, Paul. Benedict XVI. Upland, CA: Komos Books, 2002. Pp. 211. ISBN 0971859906 (pbk.) MHL.

Yoder, Elizabeth L. Zook. Old Order Amish directory of Somerset County, Letart, West Virginia, 1998. Meyersdale, PA: Available from Freeman D. and Elizabeth Yoder ; Gordonville, PA: Gordonville Print Shop, 1998. Pp. 112. MHL.