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Mennonite Bibliography, 2001

Compiled by Barbara A. Thiesen, Mennonite Library & Archives, Bethel College (MLA)

Assisted by Audrey Shenk and Harold E. Huber, Menno Simons Historical Library/Archives, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU); Kevin Enns-Rempel, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies (FRE); Paul Friesen, Canadian Mennonite University (CMU); Joe Springer, Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College (MHL).

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100 ans d'éditions Mennonites. (Dossiers de Christ Seul; 2001/3.) Montbéliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2001. Pp. 93. ISBN 290421464X. EMU, MHL, MLA.

2002 baby birds calendar: nature friend. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2001. Pp. 26. ISBN 189005058X. MHL.

Ammon, Richard. Amish horses. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2001. 1 v. (unpaged). ISBN 0689826230 ($17.00) MHL.

Amsler, Cory M., ed. Bucks County fraktur. (Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society; 33) Doylestown, PA: Bucks County Historical Society; Kutztown, PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 2001. Pp. 387. ISBN 091112201X ($64.95) MHL, MLA.

Anabaptist Evangelism Council (4th : 2001 : Elgin, Ill.) Church planting: the Spirit at work through our systems: presentations to the Fourth annual meeting of the Anabaptist Evangelism Council, February 16-18, 1999 [i.e. 2001], Elgin, Illinois. Ronald W. Waters, ed. Mount Joy, PA: New Life Ministries, 2001. Pp. 62. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Arnold, Johann Christoph. Cries from the heart: stories of struggle and hope. Rev. ed. Farmington, PA: Plough Pub. House, 2001. Pp. 226. ISBN 0874869803 ($10.00) EMU.

Backstrom, Kirsten. In beauty: a Quaker approach to end-of-life care. (Pendle Hill pamphlet: 355) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 2001. Pp. 32. ISBN 0875743552. MLA.

Baer, Mervin J. Marching on. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 186. ($3.99) EMU, MHL.

Bauman, Lester. Wolves in the flock. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 267. ($5.00) EMU, MHL.

Bechler, Le Roy. The Black Mennonite Church in North America, 1886-1986. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001, c1986. Pp. 196. ISBN 1579105785 ($20.00) MHL.

Beechy, Atlee. Seeking peace: my journey. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, Goshen College, 2001. Pp. 211. ($12.50) EMU, MHL.

Beginnings. Lani Wright, series ed. (Being there: the Bible through simulation; Bk. 1) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Resources, Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 36. ISBN 0836191595 ($15.95) MHL, MLA.

Beiler, John. Baby's treasures: early days. Allenwood, PA: John & Emma Beiler, 2001. Pp. 28. MHL.

Bender, Carrie. Lilac blossom time. (Dora's diary; 2) Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 174. ISBN 0836191374 ($8.99) FRE, MLA.

Bergen, Peter. History of the Sommerfeld Mennonite Church: that is the background and first hundred years of the Sommerfeld Mennonite Church. Altona, MB: Sommerfeld Mennonite Church ; Altona, MB: Friesens Corp., 2001. Pp. 308. ISBN 1550567993 ($34.63) EMU, MHL.

Beukema, George. Stories from below the poverty line: urban lessons for today's mission. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 112. ISBN 0836191439 ($9.99) MHL, MLA.

Birdsell, Sandra. The Russländer. Toronto: McClelland & Stuart, 2001. Pp. 350. ISBN 0771014503 ($34.99) CMU.

Birt, Karen and Ruby (Gingerich) Bontrager, eds. Clinton Christian School, celebrating the vision 1950-2000. [Goshen, IN]: Clinton Christian School, 2001. Pp. 68. ($5.00) EMU, MHL.

Blank, Benuel S. The amazing story of the Ausbund: the oldest hymnal in the world known to still be in continuous use. Narvon, PA: Author ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2001. Pp. 120. ($10.00) EMU, FRE, MHL.

Borkholder, Owen E. Nappanee Amish directory: including the Rochester, Kokomo and Milroy communities, 2001. Nappanee, IN: Author, [2001]. Pp. 367. MHL.

Bradley, John. Conrad Weiser homestead. (Pennyslvania trail of history guide) 1st ed. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books ; [Harrisburg]: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 2001. Pp. 48. ISBN 0811727394 ($10.00) MHL.

Brandes, Detlef and Andrej Savin. Die Sibiriendeutschen im Sowjetstaat 1919-1938. 1. Aufl. (Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte im östlichen Europa; Bd. 19) Essen: Klartext, 2001. Pp. 495. ISBN 3884749757 ($20.56) EMU, MHL.

Breckbill, Willis L., Sandy Fribley, Titus Bender ; annotations by Dorothy Yoder Nyce. Sharing personal convictions. (Welcome to dialogue series; booklet no. 1) [S.l.]: Welcome Committee, 2001. Pp. 52. ($2.00) MHL.

Bridge to forgiveness. Jerry L. Holsopple, producer. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media Productions, 2001. 1 video. ($14.95) EMU, MHL.

Bridges beyond: fourth grade reader. Ruth K. Hobbs, comp. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Education, 2001. Pp. 254. ISBN 0878139389 ($9.00) EMU, MHL.

Brown, Hubert L. Black and Mennonite: a search for identity. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001. Pp. 124. ISBN 1579105769 ($15.50) MHL.

Brown, William P. God and the imagination: a primer to reading the Psalms in an age of pluralism. (J.J. Thiessen lectures; 2000) Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications, 2001. Pp. 102. ISBN 0920718698 ($7.68) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Carson, Dina C., ed. Directory of genealogical and historical libraries, archives and collections in the US and Canada. 2001 ed. Niwot, CO: Iron Gate Pub., 2001. Pp. 747. ISBN 187957943X ($75.00) MHL.

Carter, Craig A. The politics of the cross: the theology and social ethics of John Howard Yoder. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2001. Pp. 254. ISBN 158743010X ($20.00) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Central Christian School 40th anniversary alumni cookbook 1961-2001. Kidron, OH: Central Christian School, 2001. Pp. 178. MHL.

Bunge, Marcia J., ed. The child in Christian thought. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001. Pp. 513. ISBN 0802846939 ($24.00) MHL.

Children and youth, be glad and sing. Vera Overholt, comp. Sarasota, FL: Christian Hymnary Publishers, 2001 printing. 1 score ($6.45) EMU.

Coblentz, Elisabeth. The best of the Amish cook. Kevin Williams, ed. Middletown, OH: Oasis Newsfeatures, 2001. Pp. 211. ($19.95) EMU.

Coblentz, Elisabeth. The best of the Amish cook, vol. 2, 1996-2001. Kevin Williams, ed. Middletown, OH: Ten Speed Press, 2001. Pp. 232. ($19.95) EMU.

Coblentz, John. Before you say your vows: premarital counseling, a guide for couples and counselors. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2001. Pp. 61. ISBN 0878135960 ($3.25) EMU, MHL.

Coleman, Bill. The gift to be simple: life in Amish country. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 2001. Pp. 120. ISBN 0811831183 ($25.00) MLA.

Cruz, Daniel Shank, ed. How Julia Kasdorf changed my life: reflections on Mennonite identity. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2001. Pp. 51. ($3.00) MHL, MLA.

Currier, Mary. Always behave cheerfully. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2001. Pp. 28. ($2.00) EMU, MHL.

Directory of the nationwide Fellowship Churches 2001. Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, [2001?]. Pp. [110]. MHL.

Drescher, John M. For bitter or for better? Keys for a great marriage. Worcester, PA: Vision Video, 2001. 2 videos + leader's guide + Drescher's book For the love of marriage. ($69.99) EMU, MLA.

Drescher, John M. Why I am a conscientious objector. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2001, c1982. Pp. 51. ($5.95) MHL.

Driedger, Michael D. Zuflucht und Koexistenz: 400 Jahre Mennoniten in Hamburg und Altona. Bolanden-Weierhof: Herausgegeben vom Mennonitischen Geschichtsverein, 2001. Pp. 142. ISBN 3921881161 ($23.97) EMU, MHL.

Dueck, Dora. Print, text, community: a study of communication in the Zionsbote, a Mennonite weekly, between 1884 and 1906. Thesis (M.A.)-University of Manitoba, 2001. Pp. 155. EMU, MHL.

Duerksen, Carol. Building together: developing your blueprint for congregational youth ministry. Newton, KS ; Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2001. Pp. 97. ISBN 0836191897 ($12.95) MHL.

Ediger, Gerald C. Crossing the divide: language transition among Canadian Mennonite Brethren, 1940-1970. Winnipeg: Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 2001. Pp. 236. ISBN 1895432286 ($14.95) FRE, MHL.

Enns, Aiden Schlichting and Anita Ens. Of brats and brothers: Joseph's coming of age in Genesis. (Good ground: letting the word take root; v.3:7) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Resources ; Elgin, IL: Brethren Press, 2001. Pp. 41. ISBN 0836191730 ($5.95) MHL.

Enns, Gerhard. Family book: Gerhard Enns, 1844-1911, Ohrloff, South Russia, December 1869, and Notes on experiences in Russia during the Revolution, Heinrich Enns, 1878-1935, Reesor, Ontario, Canada, 1924-1930 : family trees. Luise Martens, comp. [Winnipeg, MB: Katherine Martens, 2001]. Pp. 38. MHL.

Ens, Adolf, Jacob E. Peters and Otto Hamm, eds. Church, family and village: essays on Mennonite life on the West Reserve. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 2001. Pp. 310. ISBN 096908837X ($20.00) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Epp-Tiessen, Esther. J. J. Thiessen: a leader for his time. Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, 2001. Pp. 344. ISBN 092071871X ($18.44) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Fairfield, James G. T. God's pace: stress and Psalm 23. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 165. ISBN 0836191536 ($10.99) MHL, MLA.

Faith takes action. Lani Wright, series ed. (Being there: the Bible through simulation; Bk. 3) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Resources, 2001. Pp. 39. ISBN 0836191846 ($15.95) MHL.

Fike, Earle W. A month of Sundays: making sense of things. Scottdale, PA ; Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 256. ISBN 0836191420 ($14.99) CMU, MHL, MLA.

Finger, Reta Halteman and Kari Sandhaas, eds. Wisdom of daughters: two decades of the voice of Christian feminism. Philadelphia: Innisfree Press, 2001. Pp. 269. ISBN 188091347X ($17.95) MLA.

Freed, J. Lamar, Carl S. Keener and Douglas E. Swartzendruber. Biological and psychological perspectives. (Welcome to dialogue series; booklet no. 5) [S.l.]: Welcome Committee, 2001. Pp. 52. ($2.00) MHL.

Frey, Vincent J. The Harmon and Lydia Beck Short family ancestors and descendants: August 4, 2001. [Columbus, OH: Author, 2001]. Pp. 198. MHL.

Friesen, Abram and Abram J. Loewen. Escape across the Amur River: a Mennonite village flees (1930) from Soviet Siberia to Chinese Manchuria. (Echo historical series; 2) Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications ; Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 2001. Pp. 60. ISBN 0920718728 ($6.89) MLA.

Friesen, Helen Lepp. God's orchard: fruit of the Spirit in action. Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2001. Pp. 120. ISBN 092178872X ($7.99) FRE, MHL.

Friesen, Ilse E. The female crucifix: images of St. Wilgefortis since the Middle Ages. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001. Pp.173. ISBN 0889203652 ($45.00) MHL.

Friesen, Jacob T., Melvin D. Schmidt, and Vernon Keith Rempel. Discerning church membership. Part II. (Welcome to dialogue series; booklet no. 6) [S.l.]: Welcome Committee, 2001. Pp. 52. ($2.00) MHL.

Friesen, Miriam Martin. Celebrate good taste: Mim's favorite recipes. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press, 2001. Pp. 660. EMU.

Friesen, Walter S. and Ted Grimsrud On biblical interpretation. (Welcome to dialogue series; booklet no. 4) [S.l.]: Welcome Committee, 2001. Pp. 56. ($2.00) MHL.

Gallery, John Andrew. Reflections from a prayer vigil for peace. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 358) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 2001. Pp. 40. ISBN 0875743587. MLA.

Garber, Merlin E. Karlsschule. [U.S.]: Reprinted ... by R. Jan Thompson, 2001, c1983. Pp. 66. MHL.

Garrett, Ruth Irene with Rick Farrant. Crossing over: one woman's exodus from Amish life. Allen, TX: Thomas More, 2001. Pp. 192. ISBN 0883474727 ($18.95); 088347476X (pbk.) MHL, MLA.

Gäumann, Andreas. Reich Christi und Obrigkeit: eine Studie zum reformatorischen Denken und Handeln Martin Bucers. (Zürcher Beiträge zur Reformationsgeschichte; Bd. 20) Bern ; New York: Peter Lang, 2001. Pp. 584. ISBN 3906766756 ($72.95) MHL.

Gaus, Paul L. Clouds without rain: an Ohio Amish mystery. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2001. Pp. 196. ISBN 0821413791 ($24.95) ; 0821413805 ($12.95 pbk.) MHL.

Gautsche, Erin, ed. Exposition 21: a collection of student essays. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2001. Pp. 74. ($5.50) MHL, MLA.

Geddert, Timothy J. Mark. (Believers church Bible commentary) Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 454. ISBN 0836191404 ($24.99) MHL, MLA.

Gibbons, Phebe Earle. Pennsylvania Dutch & other essays. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2001. Pp. 427. ISBN 0811729028 ($16.95) MHL.

Gids voor Doopsgezind Haarlem, 2001-2002. Haarlem: Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Haarlem, 2001. 1 v. EMU.

Gish, Arthur G. Hebron journal: stories of nonviolent peacemaking. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 301. ISBN 0836191684 ($17.99) MHL, MLA.

Glück, Theo. Blicke in das Glaubensleben der Karlsruher Mennonitengemeinde: Darlegungen zu ihrer Hundertjahr-Feier am 18. August 2001. Karlsruhe: Author, 2001. Pp. 30. MHL.

Goertzen, Jacob J. What I believe. [Chilliwack, BC: Author], 2001. Pp. 118. MHL.

Goertzen, Peggy. Miracle of grace at Ebenfeld. Hillsboro, KS: Ebenfeld Mennonite Brethren Church, 2001. Pp. 276. FRE.

Golan, Jay. Frommer's Philadelphia & the Amish country. 11th ed. New York: Hungry Minds, 2001. Pp. 242. ISBN 0764562126 ($14.95) MLA.

Golden echoes. David W. Miller, comp. [Ind.: David W. Miller] ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, [2001?] Pp. 96. MHL.

Good, Merle & Phyllis Pellman Good, eds. What Mennonites are thinking: 2001. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2001. Pp. 302. ISBN 1561483230 ($9.45). EMU, MHL.

Good, Merle, Rebecca Good, and Kate Good. Menno-lite: a humorous look at Mennonite life. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2001. Pp. 96. ISBN 1561482951 ($6.95) EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Graber, Kenton A. Descendants of Jacob J. Stucky & Anna Krehbiel Stucky. [Munising, MI]: Author, 2001. Pp. 35. MLA.

Graber, Marge. Vision, faith, service: the story of Camp Friedenswald 1950-2000. Cassopolis, MI: Camp Friedenswald, 2001. Pp. 161. MHL.

Groff, Betty. Betty Groff cookbook: Pennsylvania German recipes. Harrisburg, PA: RB Books, 2001. Pp. 144. ISBN 1879441845 ($29.95) MHL.

Groff, Paul E. The Henry & Ella Stoner Groff family. Harrisonburg, VA: Author, 2001. Pp. 92. EMU, MHL.

Gros, Jeffrey and John D. Rempel, eds. The fragmentation of the church and its unity in peacemaking. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001. Pp. 230. ISBN 0802847455 ($25.00) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Grove, Grace S. L. J. Heatwole: a granddaughter's view. Harrisonburg, VA: Author, 2001. Pp. 211. ($18.00) EMU, MHL.

Gulfhaven Mennonite Church: 80th anniversary celebration, 1921-2001, September 7th, 8th & 9th: "Praising God and moving on". Gulfport, MS: Gulfhaven Mennonite Church, [2001]. Pp. 31. EMU.

Gulmans, Jaap. Schots en scheef: van vermaning tot verwondering. Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Societeit, 2001. Pp. 72. ISBN 9065760148. EMU.

Guynn, Matthew. The place just right: biblical teachings on simplicity; Bible-based explorations of issues facing youth. (Generation why; 6:4) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Press, 2001. Pp. 36. ISBN 0873033868. MHL, MLA.

Harder, Leland. The Schardau heritage: Andreas & Aganetha Flaming and their descendants. North Newton, KS: Harder Graphics, 2001. Pp. 146. ($20.00) FRE, MLA.

Harnden, Philip. Letting that go, keeping this. The spiritual pilgrimage of Fritz Eichenberg. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 353) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 2001. Pp. 32. ISBN 0875743536. MLA.

Hartman, Ben and Rachel Hershberger. Responding to conflict: three sessions for grades 3-6: a practical guide for teachers and others who work with children. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2001. Pp. 36. ($3.00) MHL.

Hartzler, Betty J. The Peter O. Graber genealogy. [3rd revision] Newton, KS: Author ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2001. Pp. 188. ISBN 1930353375. MLA.

Hassan, Hazel Nice, ed. Moved with compassion: an account of relief work in Syria after World War I as recorded in the diaries of two who were there. Goshen, IN: Editor ; Allegra Print & Imaging, 2001. Pp. 141. EMU, MHL.

Hayama Missionary Seminar (42nd: 2001: Gotemba) The unseen face of Japan: culturally appropriate communication of the Gospel. Tokyo: Hayama Seminar Annual Report, 2001. Pp. 121. ($12.50) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Hege, Nathan. La iglesia enfrenta problemas: 1 Corintios. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 2001. Pp. 87. MHL.

Hershberger, Barbara. A gleaming experience with Dad. [Middlefield, OH: Author, 2001] Pp. 104. ($8.00) EMU, MHL.

Hershberger, Ben A. Troutville directory migrations and history of Troutville, Pa. Punxsutawney, PA: Author ; Gordonville, PA: Gordonville, Pa. Print Shop, 2001, c1994. Pp. 106. MHL.

Hershberger, Guy F. The way of the cross in human relations. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001. Pp. 424. ISBN 1579105777 ($39.00) MHL.

Hershberger, John and Alma Hershberger. Westbound: out where the West begins. Dover, DE: Authors, 2001. Pp. 71. ($7.50) EMU.

Hildebrandt, Georg. Why are you still alive?: A German in the Gulag. Enlarged and rev. ed. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, 2001. Pp. 266. ISBN 189119321X ($35.00) FRE, MHL.

Hochstetler, Rita Jantzen. Sunshine through the rain: a bouquet of inspirational thoughts. Macon, MS: Author, 2001. Pp. 150. ISBN 1890050539. MHL.

Hockman-Wert, Cathleen, ed. Women together: ideas for groups: a collection of program materials and resources for a variety of women's groups. Volume one. Newton KS: Mennonite Women, 2001. Pp. 58. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Hoekema, Alle. Dutch Mennonite mission in Indonesia: historical essays. (Occasional papers; 22) Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2001. Pp. 148. ISBN 0936273313 ($15.00) EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Hoekema, Alle, Gabe G. Hoekema, Piet Visser. Geen cel ketent deze dromen. (Manuscripta mennonitica; nr. 2) Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren, 2001. Pp. 214. ISBN 9065501940 ($18.56) EMU.

Hofer, David L. Accepting the challenge: the autobiography of David L. Hofer. Reedley, CA: Challenge Books, 2001. Pp. 260. FRE, MHL.

The Holdeman Mennonites: our journey of faith 1851-2001, Holdeman Mennonite Church, Wakarusa, Indiana, 150th anniversary celebration. Eli Miller, Allen Brooks, Lowell Nunemaker, eds. [Wakarusa, IN: Holdeman Mennonite Church, 2001]. Pp. 48. MHL.

Home economics I, Lightunit 1-10. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Education, 2001. 12 v. ($27.48) EMU.

Horst, Isaac R. Separate and peculiar: Old Order Mennonite life in Ontario = Bei sich selwer un ungwehnlich: Alt Mennischde Weg vun Lewe in Ontario. 2nd ed. Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 133. ISBN 0836191463 ($13.99) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Horst, Leona. Church family book of the Washington-Franklin Mennonite Conference July 1, 2001. Waynesboro, PA: Author, 2001. Pp. 157. EMU, MHL.

Horst, Willis G. Toba spirituality: the remarkable faith journey of an indigenous people in the Argentine Chaco. Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Board of Missions, 2001. Pp. 27. ISBN 187773649X. EMU, MHL.

Huntt, Douglas C. Living with physical disability in the Amish community. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Ohio State University, 2001. Pp. 157. MHL.

Ia s vami vo vse dni do skonchaniia veka. Kniga 1, Tiazheliie vremena gonenii i represii 1931-1946 gg: zhisn' veruiushhikh i obshchin evangel'skikh khristian-baptistov i mennonitov Karagandy i Karagandinskoi oblasti. Viktor Fast, ed. Karaganda-Steinhagen: Blagotvoritel'nyii Komitet Akvila, 2001. Pp. 192. MHL.

Jackson, Dave. Roundup of the street rovers: [Charles Loring Brace]. (Trailblazer books) Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2001. Pp. 150. ISBN 0764222694 ($5.99) MHL.

Jackson, Dave. Sinking the Dayspring: [John Paton]. (Trailblazer books) Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2001. Pp. 144. ISBN 0764222686 ($5.99) MHL.

Jantzi, Jeanne Zimmerly. Parent trek: nurturing creativity and care in our children. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 187. ISBN 0836191935 ($11.99) MHL, MLA.

Janzen, Waldemar. Werden was wir sind: biblische Menschenbilder und ihre Bedeutung für uns. (Bienenberg Gemeindepraxis) Weisenheim am Berg: Agape Verlag, 2001. Pp. 79. ISBN 3887447018 ($6.65) EMU.

Jecker, Hanspeter, ed. Jesus folgen in einer pluralistischen Welt: Impulse aus der theologischen Arbeit von John Howard Yoder. (Bienenberg Studien) Weisenheim am Berg: Agape Verlag, 2001. Pp. 175. ISBN 388744700X ($11.50) EMU.

Joldersma, Hermina & Louis Grijp, eds. & trs. "Elisabeth's manly courage": testimonials and songs of martyred Anabaptist women in the Low Countries. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2001. Pp. 200. ISBN 0874627052 ($20.00) MHL, MLA.

Jonker-Voort, Trix. Koken voor ein weeshuis: mit tekeningen van I. Spreekmeester. 3e druk. Amsterdam: Doopsgezind Centrum voor Gemeenteopbouw, 2001. Pp. 45. EMU.

Jordan, Clarence and Doulos, Bill Lane. Cotton patch parables of liberation. 25th anniversary ed. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 156. ISBN 083619151X ($9.99) MHL, MLA.

Juhnke, James C. and Carol M. Hunter. The missing peace: the search for nonviolent alternatives in United States history. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 321. ISBN 1894710134 ($28.00) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Kasdorf, Julia. The body and the book: writing from a Mennonite life. (Center books in Anabaptist studies) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 2001. Pp. 207. ISBN 0801866626 ($26.00) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Kaylor, Earl C. Juniata College: uncommon vision, uncommon loyalty: the history of an independent college in Pennsylvania. Huntington, PA: Juniata College, 2001. Pp. 403. ISBN 0963661019. MHL.

Keim, Anna Beth. Potatoes. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2001. Pp. 22. ($2.50) MHL.

Kern, Kathleen, Dorothy Yoder Nyce, John K. Stoner. Discerning church membership. (Welcome to dialogue series; booklet no. 3) [S.l.]: Welcome Committee, 2001. Pp. 52. ($2.00) MHL.

Kim, Hyoung Min. Sixteenth-century Anabaptist evangelism: its foundational doctrines, practices, and impacts. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2001. Pp. 304. MHL.

King, Michael A. Fractured dance: Gadamer and a Mennonite conflict over homosexuality (C. Henry Smith series; 3) Telford, PA: Pandora Press U.S.; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 304. ISBN 1931038031 ($27.90) FRE, MHL, MLA.

King, Viola Zehr. The life and times of Viola Zehr King. [Hesston, KS: Author], 2001. Pp. 107. MHL.

Klaassen, Walter. Anabaptism: neither Catholic nor Protestant. 3rd ed. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 118. ISBN 1894710010 ($12.00) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Klassen, Bill. Jacob Niebuhr (1766-1835) descendants. [Winnipeg, MB]: Author, [2001]. Pp. 456. ($35.00) MLA.

Klassen, Jacob M. Jacob's journey: from Zagradowka towards Zion: the autobiography of J. M. Klassen. Winnipeg, MB: Author, 2001. Pp. 444. ISBN 0968834108. CMU, MHL.

Klassen, Peter P. Die Mennoniten in Paraguay: Reich Gottes und Reich dieser Welt. 2. erweiterte und aktualisierte aufl. Bolanden-Weierhof: Mennonitischer Geschichtsverein, 2001. Pp. 480. ISBN. 3921881056. CMU.

Klassen, Randolph J. What does the Bible really say about hell?: wrestling with the traditional view. (Living issues discussion series; 2) Telford, PA: Pandora Press, 2001. Pp. 144. ISBN 1931038023 ($13.95) MHL, MLA.

Klassen, Sarah, ed. Lithuania Christian College: a work in progress. Winnipeg, MB: Leona DeFehr, 2001. Pp. 238. ISBN 1550568027 ($10.00) EMU, FRE, MHL.

Kliewer, Victor. Pankratz/Löwens: Genealogie der Familien/Genealogy of the families of Heinrich Pankratz & Katharina Dück und/and Gerhard Löwens & Katharina Dück, 1785-2000. Winnipeg, MB: Author, 2001. Pp. 236. MLA.

Kliewer, Victor D., ed. Mennonite peace perspectives from Essex and Kent. Leamington, ON: The Essex-Kent Mennonite Historical Association, 2001. Pp. 143. ISBN 0968278132. MHL.

Kloek, J. J. 1800 blauwdrukken voor een samenleving. Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers, 2001. Pp. 621. ISBN 9012085624 (EUR 45.00) MHL.

Knauss, James Owen. The Pennsylvania Germans: James Owen Knauss, Jr.'s social history. Don Tolzmann, ed. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2001. Pp. 225. ISBN 0788417061 ($21.55) MHL.

Kopp, Herb. Soul care: caregiving in the church. Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2001. Pp. 60. ISBN 0921788762 ($4.99) FRE.

Krabill, James R. Does your church 'smell' like mission?: reflections on becoming a missional church. (Mission insight; no. 17) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Board of Missions, 2001. Pp. 20. ISBN 1877736481. EMU, MHL.

Krass, Alfred C. Evangelizing neopagan North America: the word that frees. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001, c1982. Pp. 250. ISBN 1579105815 ($9.95) MHL.

Kraus, C. Norman, ed. To continue the dialogue: biblical interpretation and homosexuality. (Living issues discussion series; 1) Telford, PA: Pandora Press, 2001. Pp. 332. ISBN 1931038015 ($28.90) EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Kraus, Harry L. Abram P. Shenk family history, year 2001. [Harrisonburg, VA: Author, 2001] Pp. 95. MHL.

Kraus, Harry L. Samuel and Amanda Kraus family history. [Harrisonburg, VA: Author, 2001]. Pp. 58. MHL.

Kraybill, Donald B. A guide for instructors and students for The riddle of Amish culture. Rev. ed. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2001. Pp. 82. MHL.

Kraybill, Donald B. The riddle of Amish culture. Rev. ed. (Center books in Anabaptist studies) Baltimore: University Press, 2001. Pp. 397. ISBN 0801867711 ($55.00) ; ISBN 080186772X ($15.95 pbk.) EMU, FRE.

Kraybill, Donald B. and C. Nelson Hostetter. Anabaptist world USA. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 296. ISBN 0836191633 ($24.99) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Kraybill, Donald B. and Carl F. Bowman. On the backroad to heaven: Old Order Hutterites, Mennonites, Amish, and Brethren. (Center books in Anabaptist studies) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. Pp. 330. ISBN 0801865654 ($29.95) ; ISBN 0801870895 ($16.95 pbk.) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL.

Kreider, Alan. Anabaptist Christianity, revived and relevant: MBM celebrates 50 years of faithful witness in Europe. (Mission insight; 16) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Board of Missions, 2001. Pp. 14. ISBN 1877736465. EMU, MHL.

Kreider, J. Kenneth. A cup of cold water: the story of Brethren service. Elgin, IL: Brethren Press, 2001. Pp. 588. ISBN 087178033X ($35.00) EMU, MHL.

Kroeker, Frank & Phyllis Kroeker. Henry Kroeker genealogy. Topeka, KS: privately printed, 2001. Pp. 73. FRE.

Kropf, Marlene and Kenneth Nafziger. Singing: a Mennonite voice. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 175. ISBN 0836191528 ($14.99) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Kuiper, J. E. The singers of the prince: a story from the beginning of the Eighty Years War. Nelson P. Springer, tr. 2001. Pp. 294. MHL.

Kurtz, Wayne D. Decendants [sic] of Joshua D. and Rebecca (Zook) Kauffman. Manassas, VA: Author, 2001. Pp. 23. ($5.00) EMU.

Landers, Bertha. Through laughter and tears the church celebrates!: rites of passage and pilgrimage in the Christian church. Scottdale, PA: Faith & Life Resources, 2001. Pp. 160. ISBN 0836160010 ($17.99) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Landis, Mary M. El maíz perdido y otras historias. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2001. Pp. 163. MHL.

Landis, Mary M. Querida princesa. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2001. Pp. 261. MHL.

Layman, Earl R. From the Emmental to Eldee: a history of the Layman family. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 2001. Pp. 276. ($21.00) EMU.

Leid, Lucy Z. The trail to Tanglewild Mountain. New Holland, PA: Author, 2001. Pp. 124. ISBN 1930353243. MHL.

León-Hartshorn, Iris de, Tobin Miller Shearer, and Regina Shands Stoltzfus. Set free: a journey toward solidarity against racism. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 167. ISBN 0836191579 ($20.00) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Letkeman, Peter. Where has the time gone? Robson, BC: Author, 2001. Pp. 106. ISBN 0968089909. CMU.

Lewis, Beverly. October song. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2001. Pp. 256. ISBN 076422588X ($15.99) ISBN 0764223321 ($11.99 pbk.) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Lewis, Beverly. October song. Large print ed. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2001. Pp. 309. ISBN 0764225901 ($15.99) MHL.

Lewis, Beverly and David Lewis. Sanctuary. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2001. Pp. 320. ISBN 0764225103 ($11.99) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Lewis, Beverly. Sanctuary. Large print ed. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2001. Pp. 395. ISBN 0764225138 ($15.99) MHL.

Lillback, Peter A. The binding of God: Calvin's role in the development of covenant theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001. Pp. 331. ISBN 0801022630 ($24.99) MHL.

Littlefield, Holly. Children of the Indian boarding schools. (Picture the American past) Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 2001. Pp. 48. ISBN 1575054671 ($22.60) MLA.

Loewen, Harry, ed. Why I am a Mennonite: essays on Mennonite identity. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001. Pp. 350. ISBN 1579105750 ($30.50) MHL.

Loewen, Royden. Hidden worlds: revisiting the Mennonite migrants of the 1870s. (Cornelius H. Wedel historical series; 12) North Newton, KS: Bethel College, 2001. Pp. 139. ISBN 1889239011 ($15.00) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

MacGowen, Loc. Journey from Eden. Oklahoma City, OK: New Jerusalem Books, 2001. Pp. 290. ISBN 0970952317. MHL.

Marchal, Frédéric, Carole Kanj, Helmut Doerksen. P.A.C.S. et homosexualité. (Dossiers de Christ Seul; 2001/1-2) Montbéliard: Éditions Mennonite, 2001. Pp. 96. ISBN 2904214623. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Marshall, Christopher D. Beyond retribution: a New Testament vision for justice, crime, and punishment. (Studies in peace and scripture) Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001. Pp. 342. ISBN 0802847978 ($24.00) CMU, EMU, MHL.

Martens, Markus von. Amisch alli daag, fromhet i funktion?: efterföljelsen gestaltad i amishfolkets kyrkoliv. (Bibliotheca theologiae practicae; 65) Lund, Sweden: Arcus, 2001. Pp. 428. ISBN 9188553078. FRE, MHL.

Martin, Cleon, Mrs. Candlelight bedtime stories. Wallenstein, ON: Vineyard Publications, 2001. Pp. 353. ISBN 0968836909. MHL.

Martin, Cleon, Mrs. A very fruitful hill. Aylmer, ON ; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2001. Pp. 271. EMU, MHL.

Martin, Emily D. I was a preemie. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2001. Pp. 39. ISBN 0878135944 ($3.50) EMU, MHL.

Martin, Frances E. Poems, 1969-1999. Harrisonburg, VA: Park View Press, 2001. Pp. 24. EMU.

Martin, Ida & Elias Martin, eds. Moments with Marcile. Goshen, IN: The Martin Family, 2001. Pp. 134. MHL.

Martin, Isaac D. The Christian and the world. (Cornerstone series) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 139. ($3.57) EMU, MHL.

Martin, Maurice. Tradition and experience: the functional theology of a congregation at worship, Hillcrest Mennonite Church. Thesis (D. Min.)-McMaster University, 2001. Pp. 192. ($36.99) EMU.

Martin, Rebecca. Fountain of life. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2001. Pp., 198. ISBN 0878135952 ($6.50) EMU, MHL.

Martin, Terry. The Russian Mennonite encounter with the Soviet State, 1917-1955. (Bechtel lectures in Anabaptist Mennonite studies) [Waterloo]: Conrad Grebel College, University of Waterloo, 2001. Pp. 69. CMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Mast, Dorcas R. J is for Jeanette. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 147. ($4.65) EMU, MHL.

Mast, Jan Steffy. Amish doll patterns: an Amish family and friends. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2001. Pp. 124. ISBN 1561482943 ($16.95) MHL, MLA.

Mast, Verna. Spelling by sound and structure. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 150. MHL.

Matheson, Peter. The imaginative world of the Reformation. 1st Fortress Press ed. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2001, c2000. Pp. 153. ISBN 0800632915 ($15.00) MHL.

Mayer, Robin Wentworth. Stepping stones for stumbling saints. Elgin, IL: FaithQuest: Brethren Press, 2001. Pp. 166. ISBN 0871780313 ($13.00) MHL.

McDowell, Lorne. The abundant life: [1 Tim. 1:14]. Mine Center, ON: Author, 2001. Pp. 304. EMU, MHL.

Meng, Katharina. Russlanddeutsche Sprachbiografien: Untersuchungen zur sprachlichen Integration. (Studien zur deutschen Sprache; Bd. 21) Tübingen: Narr, 2001. Pp. 549. ISBN 3823351516 ($89.43) EMU.

Mennonite Church information, 2001. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2001. Pp. 153. ($8.96) EMU.

Miller, Dan J. D. Ordination records by Bishop Dan J.D. Miller. Baltic, OH: Hershberger Country Store, 2001. Pp. 47. MHL.

Miller, Daniel. Early German-American newspapers. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2001. Pp. 115. ($15.00) MHL.

Miller, David I., ed. CMC ministerial manual. 2nd printing, rev. Irwin, OH: Conservative Mennonite Conference, 2001. Pp. 87. MHL.

Miller, Joseph S. and Julie Zimmerman. Letter from Budapest. [Goshen, IN: Authors, 2001] Pp. 38. ($10.00) EMU, MHL.

Miller, Mary R. Sooky of the Philippines. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 154. ($4.71) EMU, MHL.

Mills, Elizabeth S., ed. Professional genealogy : a manual for researchers, writers, editors, lecturers, and librarians. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2001. Pp. 654. ISBN 0806316489 ($44.95) MLA.

Morse, David. Testimony: John Woolman on today's global economy. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 356) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 2001. Pp. 37. ISBN 0875743560. MHL, MLA.

Moyer, Harold. An Isaac family record: descendants of Gerhard Isaac (1836-1886) and Agatha Hiebert Isaac (1836-1912). [North Newton, KS]: J. Harold Moyer, 2001. Pp. 86. ($25.00) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Mulligan, Mary Alice. Remodeling word and table in the believers church. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Vanderbilt University, 2001. Pp. 356. EMU.

Munson, Charles R. You can't help but listen: user-friendly oral communication. Scottdale, PA ; Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 200. ISBN 0836191323. ($14.99) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Murray, Stuart. Anabaptist stirrings in Britain. (Mission insight; no. 18) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Board of Missions, 2001. Pp. 16. ISBN 1877736473. EMU, MHL.

Murray, Stuart. Church planting: laying foundations. North American ed. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 288. ISBN 083619148X ($19.99) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Myers, Tamar. The crepes of wrath: a Pennsylvania Dutch mystery with recipes. New York: New American Library, 2001. Pp. 232. ISBN 0451202252 ($19.99) ; ISBN 0451203224 ($5.99 pbk.) MHL, MLA.

Near death experiences: [Psalm 34:7]. Worthington, IN: Monroe Hochstetler, 2001. Pp. 205. ($7.95) EMU, MHL.

Neufeld, Korny & Levi Hiebert. Mennonitengeschichte Paraguay in Bildern. Filadelfia: 2001. Pp. 70. FRE.

Neufeld, Virginia L. and others. John Neufeld, Sr. family: with partial information of the parents of John Neufeld, Sr., Diedrich & Elizabeth Regier Neufeld. [Newton, KS]: Author, 2001. Pp. 51. MLA.

Nyce, Dorothy Yoder, ed. & comp. Bessie Lucile King (Yoder): Kansas years 1906-1931. Goshen, IN: Editor, 2001. Pp. 52. MHL.

Nyce, Dorothy Yoder. A story of Herman M. and Bessie King Yoder's lives. [Goshen, IN: Author, 2001] Pp. 52. MHL.

O Mensageiro, 2001. Witmarsum, Palmeira, Paraná, Brasil: Peter Pauls Jr., 2001. Pp. 136. EMU.

Okamoto, Christina Neff. The story of my great great great grandmother. [Lebanon, PA: Charles and Elizabeth Neff, 2001. Pp. 20. MHL.

Our heritage: the last days of the Heinrich Bahnmann family in Russia and their voyage to North America in 1903 : from the diary of Margaretha Bahnmann, from the journal of Nicolai Bahnmann, from the diary of Henrietta Bahnmann. [Fort Worth, TX: Marvin Bahnman, 2001]. Pp. 106. CMU, MHL.

Parsons, Barbara E. and Mary C. Morrison. Live the questions: write into the answers. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 354) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 2001. Pp. 39. ISBN 0875743544. MHL, MLA.

Peachey, Linda Gehman. How then shall we live? A study of the Sermon on the Mount. (Mennonite Women Bible study guide; 2001) (Call us anew; year 1) Newton, KS: Mennonite Women, 2001. Pp. 52. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Penner, Dave. Celebrating God's faithfulness: Altona EMMC jubilee 1951-2001. Altona, MB: Altona E.M.M.C., 2001. Pp. 136. ISBN 155056840X. MHL.

Plain & simple cooking: over 400 favorite recipes from the Danville, Ohio Amish community. Danville, OH: Earl & Ruby Hochstetler, 2001. Pp. 254. MHL.

Plett, Delbert F., ed. Old Colony Mennonites in Canada, 1875 to 2000. Steinbach, MB: Crossway Publications, 2001. Pp. 196. ISBN 1550991159. CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Plum Coulee: a century - plus, 1901-2001. Plum Coulee, MB: Town of Plum Coulee ; Altona, MB: Friesens Corp., 2001. ISBN 1550567977 ($35.00) CMU, MHL, MLA.

Ratliff, J. Bill, ed. Out of the silence: Quaker perspectives on pastoral care and counseling. Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pub., 2001. Pp. 324. ISBN 0875749399 ($18.00) MLA.

Ratzlaff, Gerhard. Ein Leib, viele Glieder: die mennonitischen Gemeinden in Paraguay: vielfältige Gemeinde, kämpfende Gemeinde, begnadete Gemeinde. Asunción: Gemeindkomitee (Asociación Evangélica Mennonita del Paraguay), 2001. Pp. 359. FRE, MHL.

Ratzlaff, Gerhard. Hospital Mennonita Km 81: Liebe, die tätig wird: eine Festschrift zum 50jährigen Bestehen. Asunción: Gemeindkomitee (Asociación Evangélica Mennonita del Paraguay), 2001. Pp. 143. FRE, MHL.

Rauert, Matthias H. and Hajo Brandenburg, eds. 400 Jahre Mennoniten in Altona und Hamburg: 25. Mai bis 19. August 2001, Altonaer Museum in Hamburg, Norddeutsches Landesmuseum. Hamburg: Altonaer Museum in Hamburg, Norddeutsches Landesmuseum, 2001. Pp. 51. ISBN 3927637386 ($22.76) EMU, MHL.

Redekop, Benjamin W. and Calvin W. Redekop, eds. Power, authority, and the Anabaptist tradition. (Center books in Anabaptist studies) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. Pp. 246. ISBN 0801866057 ($45.00) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Redekop, Calvin W. The Pax story: service in the name of Christ, 1951-1976. Telford, PA: Pandora Press U.S. ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 160. ISBN 1931038007 ($13.95) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Reger, Adina and Delbert Plett. Diese Steine: Die Russlandmennoniten. Steinbach, MB: Crossway Publications, 2001. Pp. 692. ISBN 1550991248. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Regier, Raymond, comp. A Mennonite farm family during World War I: Grandmother's diary and letters of family members. North Newton, KS: R. Regier, 2001. Pp. 128. MHL.

Reimer, A. James. Mennonites and classical theology: dogmatic foundations for Christian ethics. (Anabaptist and Mennonite studies; 1) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press ; Scottdale, PA ; Waterloo, ON: Co-published with Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 647. ISBN 0968554377. ($65.00 pbk.) EMU, FRE, MHL.

Remple, Henry D. From Bolshevik Russia to America: a Mennonite family story. Sioux Falls, SD: Pine Hill Press, 2001. Pp. 366. ISBN 1575792311. FRE, MHL.

Reynolds, Margaret C. Plain women: gender and ritual in the Old Order River Brethren. (Pennsylvania-German history and culture series) University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001. Pp. 192. ISBN 0271021381 ($29.95) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Richard, Kent E. Peter Bögli-Elisabeth Amstutz, ancestors and descendants, 1776-2000. Talmage, PA: Author ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2001. Pp. 410. MHL.

Richman, Irwin. Pennsylvania German arts: more than hearts, parrots, and tulips. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Pub., 2001. Pp. 159. ISBN 0764312456 ($29.95) MHL.

Richter, Don C. Reconcilable differences: biblical insights for repairing relationships: Bible-based explorations of issues facing you. (Generation why; 6:4) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Press, 2001. Pp. 35. ISBN 0873033876. MHL.

Rissler, Grant. On the road with Grant: a traveling reporter reflects on service and those committed to it. (Mission insight; no. 20) Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Board of Missions, 2001. Pp. 16. ISBN 1877736503. EMU, MHL.

Rissler, Karen. Pathway of love and other stories. Lester R. Miller, artist. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 342. ($6.93) EMU, MHL.

Rohrer, Martha. Aventuras con libros. (Colección preescolar) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 64. MHL.

Rohrer, Martha. Contar con números. (Colección preescolar) Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 64. MHL.

Roth, John D., ed. Engaging Anabaptism: conversations with a radical tradition. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 213. ISBN 0836191919. ($19.99) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Rudy, Jon. Anabaptists and AICs: a unique paradigm for mission in southern Africa. Thesis (M.A.R.)-Eastern Mennonite Seminary, 2001. Pp. 106. EMU.

Ruth, John L. The earth is the Lord's: a narrative history of the Lancaster Mennonite Conference. (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history; 39) Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 1390. ISBN 0836191544 ($59.99) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Sabath, Peter. Degenerating love: a chronicle of letters. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2001. Pp. 58. ($4.00) MHL.

Sauder, Ruth. The mist will lift. [Birdsboro, PA: Author] ; Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2001. Pp. 251. ISBN 1930353278. ($10.46) EMU, MHL.

Schapansky, Henry. The Old Colony (Chortitza) of Russia: early history and first settlers in the context of the Mennonite migrations. [New Westminster, BC]: Author ; Rosenort, MB: Country Graphics & Printing Ltd., 2001. Pp. 519. ($28.00) CMU, EMU, MHL.

Schertz, Mary H. and Perry B. Yoder. Seeing the text: exegesis for students of Greek and Hebrew. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2001. Pp. 220. ISBN 0687091144 ($19.00) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Schlabach, Gerald. For the joy set before us: Augustine and self-denying love. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2001. Pp. 266. ISBN 0268028583 ($40.00) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Schlabach, Susan. But Daddy, why did it hurt? = Pero papi, por qué me dolía tanto? Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2001. Pp. 36. EMU, MHL.

Schmidt, John M. The Lord's donkey: the autobiography of John M. Schmidt. Winnipeg: Windflower Communications ; Steinbach, MB: Derksen Printers, 2001. Pp. 179. ISBN 1895308267 ($15.99) EMU, FRE, MHL.

Schrock, Fredrick J. The Amish Christian Church: its history and legacy. Monterrey, TN: Author ; Altamont, TN: Ambassador Publishers, 2001. Pp. 396. ISBN 0971250804. EMU, MHL.

Schrock, Simon. Where has integrity gone?: with study questions. Harrisonburg, VA: Vision Publishers, 2001. Pp. 100. ISBN 0940883139. EMU, MHL.

Schroeder, Carl J. In quest of Pentecost: Jodocus van Lodenstein and the Dutch second Reformation. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2001. Pp. 213. ISBN 0761819983 ($36.00) MHL.

Schroeder, Steven Mark. Prussian Mennonites in the Third Reich and beyond: the uneasy synthesis of national and religious myths. Thesis (M.A.)--University of British Columbia, 2001. Pp. 60. MHL.

Schroeder, William. Hutterite migrations in Europe. Winnipeg, MB: Author, 2001. Pp. 26. MHL.

Scott, Deborah, ed. Land, water, sky: what is this place? Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2001. Pp. 51. ($4.00) MHL.

Selles, Otto H. New songs: poems. Relief prints by Geraldine Selles-Ysselstein. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2001. Pp. 88. ISBN 1894710142. ($16.00) EMU.

Sharp, John E., ed. Gathering at the hearth: stories Mennonites tell. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 223. ISBN 0836191617 ($14.99) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Shaw, LaVerna Penner and James W. Shaw. Johann Rempel family, 1830-2001: supplement to the Johann Rempel genealogy, 1830-1973. Hutchinson, KS: Authors, 2001. Pp. 94. MLA.

Shenk, Wilbert R., ed. The challenge of church growth: a symposium. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001. Pp. 109. ISBN 1579105807 ($14.00) MHL.

Shetler, Ida E. Descendants of Samuel E. Miller (Money Sam) & Catherine M. Miller, 1868-2001. Dalton, OH: Author ; Dundee, OH: Katie E. Miller, 2001. Pp. 383. MHL.

Shroud for a journey: the Clayton Kratz story. Written and directed by Sidney King with Tim Kennel, Katherine Lemons and Peter Eash Scott; narrated by Julia Kasdorf. [S.l.]: Urbania Productions, 2001. 1 video. EMU, FRE, MHL.

Sider, E. Morris. Canadian portraits: Brethren in Christ biographical sketches. Grantham, PA: Brethren in Christ Historical Society, 2001. Pp. 416. EMU, MHL.

Siebert, Dorothy. Whatever it takes. Asunción: Enns Family Foundation ; Winnipeg, MB: Printed at Christian Press, 2001. Pp. 233. ISBN 0968934307. ($18.60) EMU, FRE, MHL.

Silent grace. (Living in Virginia; no. [309]) [Harrisonburg, VA]: Shenandoah Valley Educational TV Co., 2001. 1 video. EMU.

Singing: treasures from Mennonite worship. Kenneth Nafziger conducts the Eastern Mennonite University Chamber Singers. (Hymnal masterworks) Newton, KS: Herald Press, 2001. 1 compact disc. ($15.99) MHL, MLA.

Skwiercz, Andrew L. Index to the records of the Walley-Mills-Zimmerman Funeral Home, Elkhart, Indiana. Elkhart, IN: Elkhart County Genealogical Society, 2001. Pp. 205. MHL.

Smith, Hugh Alan. When lightning strikes. (Crossings of promise) Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 180. ISBN 0836191641 ($19.29) EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Smith, Patricia D. Kansas biographical index: county histories. Garden City, KS: P.D. Smith and Stanley C. Smith, 2001. 2 v. ($50.00) MLA.

Snow, Donald B. English teaching as Christian mission: an applied theology. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 190. ISBN 0836191587 ($16.99) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Snyder, C. Arnold, ed. Sources of South German/Austrian Anabaptism. Translated by Walter Klaassen, Frank Friesen and Werner O. Packull. (Classics of the radical Reformation; 10) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press ; Scottdale, PA; Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 429. ISBN 1894710150 ($40.00) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Solomon, Victoria. Samadhi: dancing with the gods. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, 2001. Pp. 37. ($3.00) MHL.

Songs for worship: Mennonite Youth Convention, July 2-7, 2001, Opryland Hotel and Convention Center. [Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Youth Convention, 2001]. Pp. 63. MHL.

Stallman, David A. Our home town Holmesville, Ohio. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2001. Pp. 164. ISBN 0970823916 EMU.

Stewart, Sarah. The journey. 1st ed. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2001. Pp. [32] ISBN 0374339058. EMU, MHL.

Stoll, Stephen and Joann Stoll. Sing unto the Lord = Singet zu dem Herren. Loogootee, IN: Authors, 2001. Pp. 16. ($7.35) EMU.

Stutzman, Ervin R. Tobias of the Amish: a true story of tangled strands in faith, family and community. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 352. ISBN 0836191900 ($22.99) EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Taylor, Dora M. More joy as he leads. Morgantown, PA: MecPublishing, 2001. Pp. 211. ISBN 0967228557 ($15.00) EMU, MLA.

Ther, Philipp and Ana Siljak, eds. Redrawing nations: ethnic cleansing in East-Central Europe, 1944-1948 (Harvard Cold War studies book series) Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001. Pp. 343. ISBN 074251093X ; 0742510948 ($29.95 pbk.) EMU, MLA.

Tolzmann, Don Heinrich. German-American studies: selected essays. New York: P. Lang, 2001. Pp. 168. ISBN 0820450146 ($54.95) MHL.

Treasured thoughts from A-Z. Sugarcreek, OH: Barb Mullett, 2001. Pp. 144. MHL.

Troyer, Ella. Where daffodils bloom. [Fredericksburg, OH: Author, 2001?] Pp. 238. ($12.00) EMU.

Trying times (Being there: the Bible through simulation; Bk. 2) Lani Wright, series ed. Newton, KS: Faith & Life Resources, Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 38. ISBN 0836191838 ($15.95) MHL.

Twisck, Pieter Jansz. A father's gift of 1622. [Port Treverton, PA: Titus B. Hoover, 2001] Pp. 132. EMU.

United States Disciplinary Barracks (Fort Leavenworth, Kan.). Rules and regulations for the government and discipline of prisoners. Reprint of 1918 ed. Fredericksburg, OH: Simon S. Hershberger, [2001?]. Pp. 30. MHL.

Unruh, Steve. Two little awakenings. Lawrence, KS: Duct Tape and Bailing Wire Records, 2001. 2 compact discs. ($15.00) MLA.

Van kastelein tot directeur: Teylers Museum in de 20ste eeuw : zes opstellen.... [Haarlem]: Vrienden van Teylers Museum, [2001] Pp. 96. ISBN 9071835138. EMU.

Vincent, Mark L. Firstfruits giving: funding our vision together. [Elkhart, IN]: Mennonite Church USA, [2001] Pp. 23. EMU, MHL.

Vincent, Mark L. Speaking about money: reducing the tension. (Giving Project series) Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 144. ISBN 0836191471 ($14.99) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Ward, Phyllis R. My Mennonite family: life along Dry River, 1942-1962. Dayton, VA: Author, 2001. Pp. 234. ISBN 0615120113 ($29.00) EMU.

Weaver, Carol Ann. Dancing rivers: from South Africa to Canada. Waterloo, ON: LORAC Productions, 2001. 1 compact disc. ($15.00) EMU.

Weaver, Herm and John Paul Lederach. Dream the light: a story and song. Singer Glen, VA: Electric Arts Recording, 2001. 1 compact disc. ($6.00) EMU.

Weaver, J. Denny. The nonviolent atonement. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001. Pp. 246. ISBN 0802849083 ($22.00) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Weaver-Zercher, David. The Amish in the American imagination. (Center books in Anabaptist studies) Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. Pp. 280. ISBN 0801866812 ($39.95) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Weber, Levi B. Possum Hollow. Book 1. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 144. ISBN 0836191269 ($7.99) EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Weber, Levi B. Possum Hollow. Book 2. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 167. ISBN 0836191315 ($7.99) EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Wehrheim, Carol A. Build a better world!: activities for children from Church World Service. Elkhart, IN: Church World Service, [2001?]. Pp. 23. MHL.

Wenger, Ann, Esther Wenger and Malcolm Wenger. Healing the wounds: one family's journey among the Northern Cheyenne. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 210. ISBN 1894710096 ($18.50) CMU, EMU, FRE, MLA.

Wenger, J. C. (John Christian). Was glauben die Mennoniten? Überarbeitete Aufl., 1. deutsche Aufl. Bielefeld, Germany: Christlicher Missions-Verlag, 2001. Pp. 96. ISBN 3932308131 ($2.37) EMU.

Wengerd, Sarah A. Gleanings of 50 years in Juniata County. Mifflintown, PA: Author ; Millersburg, PA: Brookside Bookstore & Printing, 2001. Pp. 114. ($14.26) EMU, MHL.

White, James L. Collected writings of James L. White. Manhattan, KS: Claflin Books and Copies; Manhattan, KS: Available from Neva White, 2001. Pp. 99. MLA.

Whitmire, Catherine. Plain living: a Quaker path to simplicity. Notre Dame, IN: Sorin Books, 2001. Pp. 192. ISBN 1893732282 ($13.95) EMU.

Wiebe, Katie Funk. Bridging the generations. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 235. ISBN 0836191625 ($14.99) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Wiebe, Rudy. Land jenseits der Stimmen: Roman. Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn Verlag, 2001. Pp. 411. ISBN 3821808454 ($24.88) EMU, MHL.

Wiebe, Rudy. Sweeter than all the world. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2001. Pp. 438. ISBN 067697340X ($34.95) CMU, EMU, FRE.

Wissenswertes über die Evangelische Mennonitengemeinde Neuwied. [Neuwied : Die Gemeinde, 2001] Pp. 40. ($6.64) EMU.

Woolman, John. A plea for the poor. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 357) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 2001. Pp. 56. ISBN 0875743579. MHL, MLA.

Yawp: Bethel College poetry review 2001. North Newton, KS: Bethel College, 2001. Pp. 55. MLA.

Yoder, Arletha Zehr Bender. Zehr history and genealogy: from Switzerland to France to America: Andrew and Catherine (Springer) Zehr family from France to America : Christian and Mary (Yousey) Zehr family in New York State. Lowville, NY: Author ; Interlaken, NY: Heart of the Lakes Pub., 2001. Pp. 366. ($28.00) EMU, MHL.

Yoder, Don. Discovering American folklife: essays on folk culture and the Pennsylvania Dutch. 1st Stackpole Books ed. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2001. Pp. 314. ISBN 0811727432 ($16.95) MHL.

Yoder, Dorothy. Sew fast & sew easy: 200 ideas to simplify your sewing. Rev. ed. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2001. Pp. 94. ISBN 1890050547. MHL.

Yoder, Harvey. Not in despair. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 2001. Pp. 175. EMU, MHL.

Yoder, Jacob. Schöne alte weisa von Ausbund und Lieder Sammlung. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2001. Pp. 56. ($7.00) EMU, MHL.

Yoder, John Howard. Body politics: five practices of the Christian community before the watching world. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 88. ISBN 0836191609 ($14.99) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Yoder, Paul. Dios cuida de usted. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 2001. Pp. 56. MHL.

Yoder, Perry B. Banking on God: exploring salvation in the Bible. (Good ground: letting the word take root; 3:8) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Resources ; Elgin, IL: Brethren Press, 2001. Pp. 40. ISBN 0836191749 ($5.95) MHL.

Yoder, Perry B. and Willard M. Swartley, eds. The meaning of peace: biblical studies. 2nd ed. (Studies in peace and scripture) Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2001. Pp. 310. ISBN 0936273305 ($19.00) CMU, EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Yoder, Sara J. Becky's eventful summer. Aylmer, ON ; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2001. Pp. 98. EMU, MHL.

Yost, Abram L. Reproduction of The family and descendants of Samuel Landis by Abram Yost. Maineville, OH: Del Landis, 2001. Pp. 137. MHL.

Zehr, Howard. Transcending: reflections of crime victims. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2001. Pp. 202. ISBN 1561483338 ($18.95) EMU, MLA.

Zerbe, Gordon, ed. Reclaiming the Old Testament: essays in honour of Waldemar Janzen. Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications, 2001. Pp. 265. ISBN 0920718701. ($16.90) CMU, EMU, MHL, MLA.

Zimmerman, Anna Mary, ed. Thou art with me: passing on of companions. Goshen, IN: Roann Mennonite Publishers, 2001. Pp. 267. ISBN 0966566106. MHL.

Zook, Lois Martin. A bit of heaven on the Conestoga. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2001. Pp. 162. ISBN 1883294827. EMU, MHL.

Zook, Mary R. Las niñas misioneras y otras historias. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2001. Pp. 174. MHL.

Zook, Mary R. Mas niñas misioneras. Crockett, KY: Editorial Vara y Cayado, 2001. Pp. 139. MHL.

Zook, Miriam. Bible count from one to ten. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2001. Pp. 24. ($1.56) EMU, MHL.

Zuercher, Melanie A. and Lin Garber. Historical perspectives. (Welcome to dialogue series; booklet no. 2) [S.l.]: Welcome Committee, 2001. Pp. 52. ($2.00) EMU, MHL.


50 Jahre Unterwegs zum Ziel: Mennonitengemeinde Concordia Asuncíon, 1950-2000. Asuncíon: Mennonitengemeinde Concordia, 2000. Pp. 146. FRE, MHL.

2000 directory Fellowship Churches in the Western United States and Northwest Mexico. Farmington, NM: Lamp and light Publishers, 2000. Pp. 52. MHL.

Abu-Jamal, Mumia. Brota la vida. Tafalla, Nafarroa: Editorial Txalaparta S.L., 1999. 179. 8481361259. MHL.

Alberda-van der Zijpp, T. Menno Simons van Witmarsum: pastor, prediker, vernieuwer, vluchteling, 1496-1561. Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit, c2000. Pp. 48. ISBN: 9065760075. EMU, MHL.

Amish directory: feather your nest ... : Allen County, South Whitley, Quincy Michigan, Camden Michigan 2000. [IN?: s.n., 2000]. Pp. 190. MHL.

Amish-Mennonite genealogy. (Family historian; #41)West Caldwell, NJ: S. Conte, [2000?] 1 video. ($20.00) EMU.

Amory, Hugh and David D. Hall, eds. The colonial book in the Atlantic world. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. 639. ISBN 0521482569. MHL.

Ancestors and descendants of Johann Wiebe, August 3, 1866-July 12, 1924. New Bothwell, MB: Wiebe History Book Committee ; Altona, MB: Friesens Corp., 1999. Pp. 156. ISBN 1550567055. MHL.

Anderson, Paul N. Navigating the living waters of the Gospel of John: on wading with children and swimming with elephants. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 342) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 2000. Pp. 32. ISBN 0875743528. MLA.

Arnold, Eberhard. Innerland: a guide into the heart of the Gospel. 2nd ed. Farmington, PA: Plough Publishing House, 1999. Pp. 134. ISBN 0874869781 ($14.00) EMU, MHL.

Arnold, Johann Christoph. Setenta veces siete: reconciliación en nuestra sociedad. Farmington, PA: Plough Publishing House, 1999. Pp. 134. ISBN 0874869773. MHL.

Arnold, Johann Christoph. Un llamada a la pureza: el sexo, el matrimonio y Dios. Farmington, PA: Plough Pub. House, 2000. Pp. 151. ISBN 0874869943. MHL.

Arnold, Johann Christoph. Why forgive? Farmington, PA: Plough Pub. House, 2000. Pp. 161. ISBN 0874869927 ($10.00) EMU.

Audisio, Gabriel. The Waldensian dissent: persecution and survival c. 1170-c. 1570. (Cambridge medieval textbooks) Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. 234. ISBN 0521550297; 0521559847 ($21.95 pbk.) EMU, MLA.

Baergen, Ernest H. Bernhard Peters: ancestors and descendants. Saskatoon, SK: University of Saskatchewan Printing Services, 2000. Pp. 203. CMU.

Baergen, Ernest H. Gerhard J. Baergen ancestors and descendants. 2nd ed. Saskatoon, SK: University of Saskatchewan Printing Services, 2000. Pp. 330. CMU, MLA.

Baker, Ruth F. Yoder. My Yoder roots run deep. [Manheim, PA: Author] ; Adamstown, PA: Ensinger Printing Service, 1999. Pp. 286. EMU, MHL.

Baker's dozen cookbook: favorite recipes from the Jonas Coblentz family's 13 children. [S.l.]: Alvin and Martha Coblentz, 2000. Pp. 279. MHL.

Bast, Robert J. and Andrew C. Gow, eds. Continuity and change: the harvest of late medieval and Reformation history: essays presented to Heiko A. Oberman. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2000. Pp. 459. ISBN 9004116338 ($100.00) EMU, MHL.

Beck, James S. The Anabaptists and the Jews: the example of Hätzer, Denck and the "Worms Prophets". Thesis (M.A.)-University of St. Michael's College, 2000. Pp 168. EMU.

Benedict, Philip, ed. Reformation, revolt and civil war in France and the Netherlands 1555-1585. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde; Nieuwe reeks, d. 176) Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1999. Pp. 298. ISBN 9069842343. MHL.

Bergen, Isaac. Dedicated to our grandparents = unsere Grosseltern gewidmet: George & Justina (Thiessen, Klassen) Krahn : die George Krahn Familie in 160 Jahre = the George Krahn family 160 years. Abbotsford, BC: Author, 1999. Pp. 390. MHL.

Bergsma, Wiebe. Tussen Gideonsbende en publieke kerk: een studie over het gereformeerd protestantisme in Friesland, 1580-1650. Hilversum: Verloren ; Leeuwarden: Fryske Akademy, 1999. Pp. 652. ISBN 9065500448. MHL.

Bethel Place, 1980-2000. [Winnipeg, MB: Bethel Place, 2000]. Pp. 65. CMU, MHL.

Beyond ourselves: an invitation to partnership from Mennonite Board of Missions. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media, 2000. 1 video. EMU.

Block, Susan, comp. Pantry patterns: give us this day our daily bread. 6th ed. [Sask.: s.n., 2000?}. Pp. 196. MHL.

Blyth, Gladys. When God opens the door. Belleville, ON: Essence Pub., 1999. Pp. 437. ISBN 1894169891 ($50.00) EMU, MHL.

Boese, Sam, Mrs. Around the bend. Rosenort, MB: PrairieView Press, 1999. Pp. 128. ISBN 1896199593. MHL.

Boese, Valerie. A song of praise. Edberg, AB: Harold and Valerie Boese, 2000. Pp. 48. ISBN 1896199712. MHL.

Bontrager, Ralph O. The family of Harry and Polly (Miller) Bontrager, 1906-1999. [Goshen, IN: Ralph Bontrager Family, 1999?]. Pp. 52. MHL.

Born, Henry C. In the company of God: an autobiography. [Abbotsford, BC]: Author, 2000. Pp. ISBN 096878240X. MHL.

Bradley, John. Ephrata Cloister. (Pennsylvania trail of history guide) 1st ed. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2000. Pp. 48. ISBN 0811727440 ($10.00) MHL.

Brandes, Detlef and Victor Dönninghaus. Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen. Bd. 2 Von 1917 bis 1998. (Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Ostdeutsche Kultur und Geschichte; 13) München: R. Oldenbourg, 1999. Pp. 988. ISBN 3486561340 ($49.00) MLA.

Brandt, Edward R. Doerksen ancestors (in Prussia) of Edward R. Brandt. Rev. [S.l.: Author], 1999. Pp. 10. MHL.

Bräuer, Siegfried. Spottgedichte, Träume, und Polemik in den frühen Jahren der Reformation: Abhandlungen und Aufsätze. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2000. Pp. 295. ISBN 3374018343. MHL.

Braun, Karl Heinz. Schattenspeil der Wirklichkeiten: der kleine Schuhputzerjunge Luis. Eglesbach ; New York: Fouqué Literaturverlag, 1999. Pp. 284. ISBN 3826745019. MHL.

Brensinger, Terry L., ed. Focusing our faith: Brethren in Christ core values. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Pub. House, 2000. Pp. 183. ISBN 928915108. MHL.

Breul-Kunkel, Wolfgang. Herrschaftskrise und Reformation: die Reichsabteien Fulda und Hersfeld ca. 1500-1525. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte; Bd. 71) Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, c2000. Pp. 366. ISBN 357901739X ($39.40) EMU.

Broadbend, Edmund Hamer. The pilgrim church: tracing the pathway of the forgotten saints for Pentecost to the twentieth century. Grand Rapids, MI: Gospel Folio Press, 1999. Pp. 448. ISBN 1882701534. MHL.

Bryson, Michael. Only a lower paradise and other stories. Toronto: Boheme Press, 2000. Pp. 115. ISBN 1894498151. MHL.

Burgert, Annette K. Palatine origins of some Pennsylvania pioneers. Myerstown, PA: AKB Publications, 2000. Pp. 574. ISBN 1882442172. MHL

Burkholder, Bryon. Turning up the heat: studies on the passion of Jesus. (Good ground: letting the word take root; 3:5) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Press ; Elgin, IL: Brethren Press, 2000. Pp. 43. ISBN 0836191560 ($5.95) MHL.

Burkholder, Lawrence Edward. Let my people go: a Mennonite theology of exorcism. Thesis (M.T.S.)-Conrad Grebel College, 1999. Pp. 262. MHL.

Burkholder, Roger. How did that sun get out: a classical novel. San Jose, CA: Writer's Showcase presented by Writer's Digest, 2000. Pp. 486. ISBN 0595002579. MHL.

Burkholder, Roy S. A century of God's leading: narrative history of the Goodville Mennonite Church, 1900-2000. Goodville, PA: The Church, 2000. Pp. 214. ISBN 1930353030 ($16.87) EMU, MHL.

Byler, Joe A., comp. The cook's choice cookbook: hundreds of selected recipes from 175 down to earth cooks. Sugar Grove, PA: Compiler, [1999?]. Pp. 199. MHL.

Byrum, Isabel C. Favorite stories from the New Testament. [Fredericksburg, OH]: Reprinted by YBS & Co., 2000. Pp. 380. MHL.

Callard, Judith. Images of America: Germantown, Mount Airy and Chestnut Hill. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2000. Pp. 128. ISBN 0738504165. MHL.

Cameron, Euan. Waldenses: rejections of Holy Church in medieval Europe. Oxford, UK ; Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000. Pp. 336. ISBN 063115339X; 0631224971 ($26.95 pbk.) MLA.

Campi, Emidio and Giuseppe La Torre, eds. Il protestantesimo di lingua italiana nella Svizzera: figure e movimenti tra Cinquecento e Ottocento. Torino: Claudiana, 2000. Pp. 185. ISBN 8870163385. MHL.

Carothers, Bettie Stirling. Maryland oaths of fidelity. Westminster, MD: Willow Bend Books, 2000. Pp. 111. ISBN 1585494011. MHL.

Carson, Dina C., ed. Directory of genealogical and historical periodicals in the US and Canada. 2000 ed. Niwot, CO: Iron Gate Pub., 2000. Pp. 592. ISBN 1879579200 ($60.00) MHL.

Carter, Craig A. The pacifism of the messianic community: the christological social ethics of John Howard Yoder. Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of St. Michael's College, Toronto, 1999. Pp. 304. ISBN 0612466671. MHL.

Carvajal Romero, Oscar. The passover of Christ: "Do [you] this in remembrance of me": a systematic description of Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anabaptist, and Lutheran theology and ethics. Thesis (M. Theol.)-Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, 1999. Pp. 91. MHL.

A celebration of faith stories: Bethany Mennonite Church, June, 2000. Denise Falk, Joanne Thiessen, and Renate Klaassen, compilers. [Virgil, ON: Bethany Mennonite Church, 2000] Pp. 94. EMU.

Chupp, Kryss, comp. Sing out against violent toys: how to organize a public witness at your local toy store. Chicago, IL: Christian Peacemaker Teams, [1999?]. Pp. 12. MHL.

Clemens, Theo, Willemien Otten, Gerard Rouwhorst, eds. Het einde nabij?: toekomstverwachting en angst voor het oordeel in de geschiedenis van het christendom. Nijmegen: Uitgeverij Valkhof Pers, 1999. Pp. 316. ISBN 90562068X. MHL.

Clement, Jane T. No one can stem the tide: selected poems, 1931-1991. Farmington, PA: Plough Pub. House, 2000. Pp. 232. ISBN 0874869005 ($10.00) EMU, MHL.

Clercq, Sarah de. Sientje Mesdag-van Houten, 1834-1909. Wassenaar: Mesdag Documentatie Stichting, 2000. Pp. 112. ISBN 45506620. MHL.

Coblentz, Anna Nisly. Through the years with God as my guide. Lamar, MO: [Author, 2000?]. Pp. 66. MHL.

A collection of treasured recipes and poems from the Esh family "The Humps": descendants of Levi and Annie Smucker Esh. Christiana, PA: Mrs. J. S. Esh, [2000?}. Pp. 171. MHL.

Collier-Freed, Anne Marie. Building a case for the communicability of Christian experience in "ordinary" workplaces: George Lindbeck, Nicholas Lash, and John Howard Yoder as they engage religion and experience from cultural-linguistic perspectives. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Fuller Theological Seminary, 2000. Pp. 294. MHL.

Collier, Harold. Menno Haven: the first 35 years: roots of service. [Chambersburg, PA:]: Menno Haven ; Shippensburg, PA: Beidel Printing House, 2000. Pp. 158. ISBN 0970493304 ($11.87) EMU, MHL.

Conley, Dennis. Judas, "once saved", "forever lost". Farmington, NM: Lamp and Light Publishers, [1999]. Pp. 9. MHL.

Cooking for crowds: recipes for weddings, Bible schools, church meals, food committees, family gatherings. Stratton, ON: Melvin and Miriam Heatwole, 2000. Pp. 66. MHL.

Coss, Lewis M. Community Mennonite Church: formerly Mt. Lena, near Boonsboro, MD, 1966-2000. [Hagerstown, MD: Community Mennonite Church, 2000]. Pp. 70. ($7.13) EMU, MHL.

A course in Bible study: an instruction in Christian doctrine especially designed for young people. Moundridge, KS: Gospel Publishers, 1999. Pp. 124. MHL.

Crowl, Donna Mae. Descendants of Rudolph Wurgler. [2000]. Pp. 7, 6. MHL.

D'anna, Lynnette. Fools' bells. Toronto: Insomniac Press, 1999. Pp. 150. ISBN 1895837901. MHL.

Daughters of Zion. Broadway, VA: Zion Mennonite Church, 2000. 1 compact disc. ($15.00) EMU.

Dayfly 4. Dayfly 4.[Newton, KS?]: Steve Unruh, 2000. 1 compact disc. ($10.00) MLA.

Devadason, Margaret. Six decades of building hope, 1940-99: Mennonite Central Committee, India. [Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 2000?] 1 v. ($9.40) EMU, FRE, MHL.

Dick, Elfrieda. Not without zeal: lessons from life: the story of Henry R. Baerg. [Calgary, Alta.]: David & Elfrieda Dick, 2000. Pp. 192. MHL.

Dickerson, James. North to Canada: men and women against the Vietnam War. Westport, CN: Praeger, 1999. Pp. 199. ISBN 0275962113. MHL.

Diener, Amos and Lewis Kaufman, eds. Out of the whirlwind: an anthology of Amishland tornado experiences. [IL: Editors, 2000]. Pp. 61. ($13.00) EMU, MHL.

Directory of genealogical and historical societies in the US and Canada ; Directory of genealogical and historical society libraries, archives and collections in the US and Canada ; Directory of genealogical and historical society periodicals in the US and Canada : 3 volume index. 2000 ed. Niwot, CO: Iron Gate, 2000. Pp. 174. MHL.

The directory of the families of the northwest Fellowship congregations. Barwick, ON: CMCO Publications, 1999. Pp. 112. MHL.

Dixon, C. Scott, ed. The German Reformation: the essential readings. Oxford, UK ; Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1999. Pp. 288. ISBN 0631208100. MHL.

Drake, Paul E. What did they mean by that?: a dictionary of historical & genealogical terms, old & new. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2000. Pp. 335. ISBN 0788416545 ($28.00) MHL.

Draper, Barbara. A family history of Martin S. Frey. St. Jacobs, [ON]: [M.A. Frey], 2000. Pp. 249. MHL.

Drescher, John M. John M. Drescher Sammelband. 1 Aufl. Des Sammelbandes. [Germany}: Schulte & Gerth, 2000. Pp. 134, 122. ISBN 389437666X. MHL.

Drescher, John M. Your child 6 to 12: your last great chance. Worcester, PA: Vision Video, [2000?] 1 video + Drescher's book When your child is 6 to 12. ISBN 1563644207 ($24.99) EMU.

Driedger, Anton. Abraham & Kornelia Bergen Driedger family tree. [Winnipeg, MB: Author], 2000. Pp. 99. MHL.

Driedger, Leo and Shiva S. Halli, eds. Race and racism: Canada's challenge. Montreal ; Ithaca: Published for Carleton University by McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000. Pp. 328. ISBN 0886293626; 0886293650 ($24.95 pbk.) CMU, MHL, MLA.

Du Bois, W. E. B. Du Boise on religion. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2000. Pp. 209. ISBN 0742504204. MHL.

Durksen, Kathe. Derksen - Duerksen - Durksen: the descendants of Heinrich Jakob Derksen, October 20, 1835-January 15, 1913 & Maria Sudermann. Winnipeg, MB: Author and M. A. Durksen, 1999. Pp. 129. MHL.

Durksen, Kathe. Heinrichs: the descendants of Jakob Julius Heinrichs, August 3, 1849-June 11, 1893 & Katharina Dueck, January 14, 1850-June 21, 1910. Winnipeg, MB: M. Albert Durksen, [1999]. Pp. 110. MHL.

Dyck, Elisabeth. Window into my past. Winkler, MB: Author, 1999. Pp. 129. MHL.

Dyck, Mary Knackstedt. Waiting on the bounty: the Dust Bowl diary of Mary Knackstedt Dyck. Pamela Riney-Kehrberg, ed. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1999. Pp. 365. ISBN 0877456941 ($37.95) MHL, MLA.

Dye, Wilmer John. Dye connections. West Palm Beach, FL: Author, 2000. 5 v. MHL.

Eastern Mennonite High School Touring Choir. O magnify. Harrisonburg, VA: Eastern Mennonite High School, 1999. 1 compact disc. EMU.

Ebright, Robin, ed. "You must learn how to be a person": selected entries from the fifth annual Herta Funk Literary Awards. Harrisonburg, VA: China Educational Exchange, 1999. Pp. 120. MHL.

Egenes, Linda. Visits with the Amish: impressions of the plain life. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 2000. Pp. 106. ISBN 0813826098 ($12.95) MHL, MLA.

Enns, Beno F. and Ernest H. Baergen. Family of Franz and Katharina Enns. Saskatoon, SK: University of Saskatchewan Printing Services, 2000. Pp. 296. CMU, MLA.

Enns, Edward. In search of Abraham Ens, 1861-1935, Katharina (Mantler) Ens, 1862-1890, Anna (Toews) Ens, 1869-1951. Winnipeg: Author, 2000. 1 v. CMU.

Ens, Helen, ed. Sojourners at Bethel Place: biographies of the residents of Bethel Place, May 2000. [Winnipeg, MB: Bethel Place], 2000. Pp. 164. CMU, MHL.

Epp, Christine, ed. Mennonite Camping Association cookbook 1960-2000: 40th anniversary. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Camping Association, [2000]. Pp. 118. MHL.

Epp, David. The diaries of David Epp, 1837-1843. Vancouver, BC: Regent College Pub., 2000. Pp. 202. ISBN 0888654405. MHL.

Epp, Johann. Gedenke des ganzen Weges- Band 2: Die Geschichte der Familien Schellenberg, Pauls, Peters, Gooßen u.a. Lage: Logos Verlag, 1999. ISBN 3927767816 ($30.00) MLA.

Epp-Tiessen, Daniel. Hope and prayer in the new millenium: a five-week worship, prayer and study guide. Winnipeg, MB: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Resources Commission, 1999. Pp. 38. ($2.35) EMU.

Eshbach, Edwin. Eschbach, Eshbach, Eshbaugh, Aeschbacher, Eschbacher: also included Ashbaugh, Eschenbach, Eshenbach, Eshenbaugh. Miami, FL: Author, 2000. Pp. 268. MHL.

Evans, Shirlee. Winds of promise. Large print ed. Thorndike, ME: G.K. Hall, 1999. Pp. 256. ISBN 078388673X. MHL.

Everhart, Helen A. Neuhauser/King/Zook book. [Nampa, ID]: Author, 2000. Pp. 509. ($55.00) MLA.

Falk, Gathie. Gathie Falk. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2000. Pp. 162. ISBN 1550547453. MHL.

Fehle, Isabella, ed. Johannes Brenz 1499-1570, Prediger, Reformator, Politiker: alleyn zwey ding: glauben und lieben: Ausstellung im Hällisch-Fränkischen Museum, Schwäbisch Hall und im Württembergischen Landesmuseum, Stuttgart, 28. Feb. bis 24. Mai 1999. (Kataloge des Hällisch-Fränkischen Museums, Schwäbisch Hall) Schwäbisch Hall: Hällisch-Fränkisches Museum ; Stuttgart: Württembergisches Landesmuseum, 1999. Pp. 222. ISBN 3980548309. MHL.

Ferguson, Susan J., comp. Mapping the social landscape: readings in sociology. 2nd ed. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Pub. Co., 1999. Pp. 652. ISBN 0767406168. MHL.

Fertig, Georg. Lokales Leben, atlantische Welt: die Entscheidung zur Auswanderung vom Rhein nach Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. Osnabrück: Universitätsverlag Rasch, 2000. Pp. 466. ISBN 3932147170. MHL.

Filby, P. William and Katherine H. Nemeh, eds. Passenger and immigration lists index: a guide to published records of more than 3,555,000 immigrants who came to the New World between the sixteenth and the mid-twentieth centuries. 2001 supplement Part 1. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group, 2000. Pp. 663. ISBN 0787632805 ($232.75) MLA.

Filby, P. William and Katherine H. Nemeh, eds. Passenger and immigration lists index: a guide to published records of more than 3,681,000 immigrants who came to the New World between the sixteenth and the mid-twentieth centuries. 2001 supplement Part 2. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group, 2000. Pp. 539. ISBN 0787632813 ($232.75) MLA.

Fisher, Claire Ewert. Prayer in the presence of God : a five-session worship, prayer and study guide. Winnipeg, MB: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Resources Commission, 2000. Pp. 37. ($2.35) EMU.

Focht, Harry A., ed. The Perry review, volume 20-23: Geburts- und Taufscheine = illuminated Pennsylvania German birth and baptismal certificates. Newport, PA: The Perry Historians, 1999. Pp. 262. MHL.

For expectant parents. Goshen, IN: Available from Sacred Subjects, [ca. 2000]. Pp. 20. ($2.50) EMU, MHL.

Fox, Stephen. America's invisible gulag: a biography of German American internment & exclusion in World War II: memory & history. (New German-American studies; 23) New York: Peter Lang, 2000. Pp. 379. ISBN 0820449148 ($34.95) MLA.

Fretz, Mary. Two brothers, one mission. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Pub. House, 2000. Pp. 32. ISBN 1928915116. MHL.

Frey, Mark C., Mae L. Jacober, Kathy M. Frey. The Frey family to America: 1842-1992, 150th anniversary. [Canton, OH: Author ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 2000?] Pp. 800 (various pagings) EMU, MHL.

Friesen, Elizabeth Langeman. Which house is home? Granny's story. Ste. Anne, MB ; Moundridge, KS: Gospel Publishers, 2000. Pp. 230. ISBN 1550991116. MHL.

Friesen, Gayle. Men of stone. Toronto: Kids Can Press, 2000. Pp. 216. ISBN 1550747819. MHL.

Friesen, John W. Aboriginal spirituality and biblical theology: closer than you think. Calgary, Alta.: Detselig Enterprises Ltd., 2000. Pp. 183. ISBN 1550592092. CMU, MHL.

Friesen, LeRoy. Mennonite witness in the Middle East: a missiological introduction. Rev. ed. Elkhart, IN: Published by Mennonite Board of Missions, 2000. Pp. 160. ISBN 1877736147. EMU, MHL.

Frijhoff, Willem. 1650 Bevochten eendracht. Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers, 1999. Pp. 704. ISBN 9012086213 (EUR 45,-) MHL.

From the prairie to the town: the pilgrimage of the Zoar Church, 1879-1999. Inman, KS: Zoar Mennonite Brethren Church, [1999]. Pp. 143. MHL.

Funck, Heinrich. A mirror of baptism: with the Spirit, with water, and with blood in three parts. Moundridge, KS: Gospel Publishers, 2000. Pp. 100. MHL.

Galley, Harry D. Eggiwil Galli family lineage. 2nd ed. [Rock Island, IL]: Author, 2000. 1 v. MLA.

Garay-Flühmann, Rosa del Carmen. The social ecology of the Central Chaco in Paraguay: the Mennonite colonies and adjacent indigenous settlements. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Yale University, 2000. Pp. 282 EMU, MHL.

Gehman, Paul F. Gehman family directory, part II : the descendants of Johannes "Hannes" (John) and Anna (Stauffer) Gehman. Maple Grove, MN: Author, 2000. Pp. 164 ($23.16) EMU.

Genealogy of Jacob M. Barkman, 1824-1999. Steinbach, MB: Martens Printing, [1999]. Pp. 235. ISBN 0921002165. MHL.

Gerlach, Horst. Hutterer in Westpreussen: ein Bruderhof in Wengeln am Drausensee. Münster: Landsmannschaft Westpreussen, 1999. Pp. 20. ($7.88) EMU, MHL.

Gesangbuch der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde. Ed. by Gesangbuchkomitee der Kanadischen Konferenz der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde von Nord Amerika.. Shaped note ed. Belize, C.A.: Klein Gemeinde ; Rosenort, MB: PrairieView Press, 1999. Pp. 552. ISBN 1896199615. MHL.

Giesbrecht, Gerd G. Ich sah der Lengua Hütten: Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in der Missionsarbeit. Asuncion: 2000. Pp. 275. FRE.

Gingerich, Lester. The church, a theocracy. Farmington, NM: Modified and republished by Lamp and Light Publishers, 2000. Pp. 58. MHL.

Girod, Jennifer A. Ethical issues in transplantation: making decisions and living with the consequences. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Indiana University, 1999. Pp. 251. EMU, MHL.

God and his nation. Pupil's book. Rev. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 1999. Pp. 52. MHL.

God and his nation. Teacher's manual. Rev. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 1999. Pp. 44. MHL.

God chooses a family: Old Testament study from Saul to Malachi: grade 6. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1999. Pp. 235. MHL.

God speaks to the churches. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2000. Pp. 137. MHL.

God visits his chosen family: New Testament study of the Gospels and Acts. Grade 7. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2000. Pp. 246. MHL.

God visits his chosen family. Teacher's manual. New Testament study of the Gospels and Acts. Grade 7. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 2000. Pp. 271. MHL.

Goertz, Annie. Miss Annie: God sent a 3 [cent] stamp and more-. Abbotsford, BC: Author, 2000. Pp. 256. ISBN 0968744907. MHL.

Goertzen, Tanya Dawn. The Mennonite dialectic: a survey of the cultural and physical morphology of Steinbach. Thesis/practicum (Master of Landscape Architecture)-University of Manitoba, 2000. Pp. 160. EMU, MHL.

Goerzen, Henry D. Namaka 1925-2000: celebrating God's faithfulness from generation to generation. Didsbury, AB: Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta, 2000. Pp. 13 + 9. ISBN 0968787711. CMU, MHL.

Good, Loretta Fay Vanpelt. Bartimeo: Marcos 10.46-52, Lucas 18.35-43. Deer Lodge, TN: Editorial Monte Sion, [2000?]. Pp. 23. MHL.

Good, Loretta Fay Vanpelt. El buen Samaritano: Lucas 10.25-37. Deer Lodge, TN: Editorial Monte Sion, [2000?]. Pp. 24. MHL.

Good, Loretta Fay Vanpelt. Daniel en el fozo de los leones: Daniel 6.4-23. Deer Lodge, TN: Editorial Monte Sion, [2000?]. Pp. 26. MHL.

Good, Loretta Fay Vanpelt. David y Goliat: 1 Samuel 17. Deer Lodge, TN: Editorial Monte Sion, [2000?]. Pp. 20. MHL.

Good news! : a celebration of the Gospel. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media, 2000. 1 compact disc. ($12.95) EMU.

Gorfinkel, Claire. I have always wanted to be Jewish- and now, thanks to the Religious Society of Friends, I am. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 350) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 2000. Pp. 31. ISBN 0875743501. MHL, MLA.

GRANDMA 3 : genealogical registry and database of Mennonite ancestry. Fresno, CA: Genealogy Project Committee of the California Mennonite Historical Society, 2000. 1 disc. ($31.95) EMU, MLA.

Green, Joel B. and Mark D. Baker. Recovering the scandal of the cross: atonement in New Testament & contemporary contexts. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000. Pp. 232. ISBN 0830815716 ($15.99) CMU, EMU, MHL.

Grider, Donald M. The Greiders of the Chiques Valley: ancestors and descendants of Michael Greider (c. 1755-1802), Martin Greider (c. 1761-1822), John Greider (1764-1830), Jacob Greider (c. 1766-1802) of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania : generations one through six. Hilton Head, SC: Author, 2000. Pp. 565. ($55.00) EMU, MHL.

Groffdale Conference Mennonite Church schedules, 2001. [S.l.]: The Conference, [2000?] 1 v. EMU.

Gundy, Jeffrey. Rhapsody with dark matter. (Working lives series) Huron, OH: Bottom Dog Press, 2000. Pp. 88. ISBN 0933087659 ($9.95) EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA.

Hallock, Daniel. Bloody hell: the price soldiers pay. Farmington, PA ; Robertsbridge: Plough Publishing House, 1999. Pp. 368. ISBN 0874869692 ($12.00) EMU, MHL.

Hamilton, Alastair. The Apocryphal Apocalypse: the reception of the second book of Esdras (4 Ezra) from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. (Oxford-Warburg studies) Oxford: Clarendon Press ; New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 393. ISBN 0198175213 ($85.00) MHL.

Harder, Agnes Wiebe. The ancestors and descendants of Abraham Claassen and Anna Bergmann, 1630-2000. [Whitewater, KS]: Author, 2000. Pp. 89. MLA.

Harms, Sara. The Hermann Heide family, 1748-2000. Winkler, MB: Harms Pub., 2000. Pp. 284. ISBN 0968676413. MHL.

Hartman, Ruth B. Memories of a lifetime. Harrisonburg, VA: Copies made by Menno Simons Historical Library, Eastern Mennonite University, 2000. Pp. 28. MHL.

Hartzler, Lloyd. Personal appearance in the light of God's Word. Rev. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1999. Pp. 15. EMU.

Haude, Sigrun. In the shadow of "savage wolves": Anabaptist Münster and the German Reformation during the 1530s. (Studies in Central European histories) Boston: Humanities Press, 2000. Pp. 192. ISBN 0391041002 ($74.20) MHL, MLA.

Hauerwas, Stanley. A better hope: resources for a church confronting capitalism, democracy, and postmodernity. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2000. Pp. 288. ISBN 158743002 ($19.99) CMU, EMU, MHL.

Heatwole, Franklin David. The Heatwole story. [Janesville, WI]: Author, 2000. Pp. 42. EMU.

Hege, Evelyn. Marita. Ephrata, PA: Grace Press, 2000. Pp. 264. MHL.

Heidebrecht, Hermann. Ein Hirte der Zerstreuten: das Leben des ältesten Heinrich Voth, 1887-1973. 1. Aufl. Bielefeld: Christlicher Missions-Verlag, 1999. Pp. 223. ISBN 3932308174. ($4.34) EMU.

Heinrichs, Heinrich. The love letters of Hein and Manja. Translated by Christina Amazonas, Ruth Heinrichs, Heinz Bergen. [S.l.: s.n.], 2000. Pp. 41. CMU.

Helmuth, Harold O. Rocks of the Bible: their meanings and uses in ancient times. Arthur, IL: Author, 2000. Pp. 86. MHL.

Helmuth, Martha. Descendants of Alvin S. Helmuth & Elizabeth Frey. [Plain City, OH: Author], 1999. Pp. 87. MHL.

Herr, Patricia T. Quilting traditions: pieces from the past. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Pub., 2000. Pp. 160. ISBN 0764311212 ($26.95) EMU, MHL.

The history of Conewango Valley, NY from 1949-1999. 1st ed. South Dayton, NY: Shetler's, 1999. Pp. 174. MHL.

Hoag, Tami. Still waters. Bantam reissue. New York: Bantam Books, 1999. Pp. 446. ISBN 0553292722 ($7.99) MHL.

Hochstetler, Dee. Ancestors and descendants of Samuel Hochstetler and Annie Hochstetler, 1712 to 1998. Bremen, IN: Author, [1999]. Pp. 35. MHL.

Hochstetler, John. River of love. Macon, MS: Author ; Ste. Anne, MB ; Moundridge, KS: Gospel Publishers, 1999. Pp. 32. ISBN 1896199623. MHL.

Hofmann-Hege, Charlotte. Mutter: die Geschichte eines erfüllten Lebens. 8. Aufl. Gütersloh: Quell, 2000. Pp. 92. ISBN 357903393X. MHL.

Horst, Marlise. Text encounters of the frequent kind: learning L2 vocabulary through reading. Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Wales, 2000. Pp. 277. EMU.

Hostetler, Marian. Sie liebten ihre Feinde: gelebter Glaube afrikanischer Christen. Bielefeld, Germany: Christlicher Missions-Verlag, 2000. Pp. 105. ISBN 3932308204 ($3.86) EMU.

Houts, Mary Davidoff and Pamela Cassidy Whitenack. Hershey. (Images of America) Cumberland, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2000. Pp. 128. ISBN 073850436X ($18.99) MHL.

Humphrey, John T. Pennsylvania grave stones, Northampton County: for people born before 1800. Washington, DC: Larjon & Co., 2000. Pp. 447. ISBN 1887609180. MHL.

Inscriptions in gravestones found on Mennonite cemetaries [sic] in the Vistula-delta gathered in the years 1993-1999. Aalsmeer: [s.n.], 1999. Pp. 40. MLA.

International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns (8th : 2000 : Washington, D.C.) Conference report: 8th International Conference, War Tax Resistance [and] Peace Tax Campaigns, Washington, D.C., United States, Catholic University, July 6-9, 2000. Washington, DC: National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund, 2000. Pp. 103. MHL.

Jantzen, John Marc. From Prussia to Russia to mid-Asia to America: the story of the migration of the Heinrich B. and Catherine Louise Janzen family. Rev. with the American experience added. Stockton, CA: Author, 2000. Pp. 24. MLA.

Johannimloh, Norbert. Die zweite Judith: drei Frauen aus der Zeit der Wiedertäufer. 1. Ausg. Zürich: Haffmans, 2000. Pp. 190. ISBN 3251004867. MHL

Johns, J. R. Reprint of "History of Bucher Thal and Denver". (Journal of the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley; v. 25) Ephrata, PA: Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, 2000. Pp. 48. ($16.11) EMU.

Johnson, Patricia K. Index to names in the Historical directory, Elkhart County, Indiana, 1892 from the Plat book of Elkhart County, Indiana. Elkhart, IN: Elkhart County Genealogical Society, 2000. Pp. 40. MHL.

Jones, Glenn M. Bosquejos para meditaciones sobre el tabernáculo. Rev. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 2000. Pp. 68. MHL.

Kanagy, Conrad L. and Donald B. Kraybill. The riddles of human society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1999. Pp. 373. ISBN 076198562X ($35.00) EMU, MHL.

Kauffman, Ivan J. He was here: those who knew Jesus speak. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2000. Pp. 172. ISBN 1587430053 ($14.99) MHL, MLA.

Kauffman, J. Howard. The descendants of Levi and Fanny Byler Kauffman. Goshen, IN: Author, 2000. Pp. 67. MHL.

Kaufman, Michelle Weaver. St. Louis Mennonite Fellowship: the first 25 years. St. Louis: Author, 2000. Pp. 118. MLA.

Kierkegaard, Søren. Provocations: spiritual writings. 1st ed. Farmington, PA: Plough Publishing House, 1999. Pp. 430. ISBN 0874869811 ($26.00) MHL.

Klassen, Irene. Pieces and patches of my crazy quilt. Belleville, ON: Guardian Books, 2000. Pp. 243. ISBN 1553061314. CMU, MHL.

Klassen, Sarah. The peony season: short fiction. Winnipeg, MB: Turnstone Press, 2000. Pp. 248. ISBN 0888012489 ($18.00) CMU, EMU, MHL.

Klinefelter, Harcourt, ed. Conflict transformation: the ministry of reconciliation: activities of European Mennonites. Zwolle, the Netherlands: Europäisches Mennonitisches Friedenskomitee, 2000. Pp. 15. MHL.

Koch, Alice. Nith Valley Mennonite Church and its roots: Blenheim 1839-1974 + Biehn 1865-1974, Nith Valley 1975-2000. New Hamburg, ON: [Nith Valley Mennonite Church], 2000. Pp. 89. MHL.

Koehn, Joan. Movin' Marvin. Rosenort, MB: PrairieView Press, 2000. Pp. 189. ISBN 1896199674. MHL.

Kollah Buch = Coloring book with rhymes. Millersburg, OH: Vella Dietsch, [1999?]. Pp. 9. MHL.

Kooi, Christine. Liberty and religion: church and state in Leiden's Reformation, 1572-1620. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2000. Pp. 243. ISBN 9004116435 ($108.00) MHL.

Koop, Karl. Early seventeenth century Mennonite confessions of faith: the development of an Anabaptist tradition. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of St. Michael's College, Toronto, 1999. Pp. 288. EMU, MHL.

Kopp, Achim. The phonology of Pennsylvania German English as evidence of language maintenance and shift. Selinsgrove [PA]: Susquehanna University Press, 1999. Pp. 345. ISBN 1575910063 ($45.00) MHL.

Kottelin-Longley, Margot. An Anabaptist confession of faith 1527: a master's thesis in dogmatics. Thesis (masters)-Åbo Akademi University, 1999. Pp. 151. MHL.

Kriebel, David W. Belief, power, and identity in Pennsylvania Dutch "brauche", or powwowing. Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of Pennsylvania, 2000. Pp. 500. MHL.

Kroeger, Helene Penner. Margareta, a woman of courage. [Winnipeg, MB: Author ; Derksen Printers, 2000?]. Pp. 262. ISBN 1550991140. FRE, MHL.

Kroeker, Donnell Kent. Manitoba Mennonite archives and Canadian Mennonite collective memory. Thesis (M.A.)-University of Manitoba, 2000. Pp. 137. EMU, FRE, MHL.

Kuipers, Anske Hielke. In de Indische wateren: Anske Hielke Kuipers, gezaghebber bij de Gouvernementsmarine, 1833-1902. Zutphen: Walburg, 1999. Pp. 446. ISBN 9057300826. MHL.

Lampman, Lisa Barnes, ed. God and the victim: theological reflections on evil, victimization, justice, and forgiveness. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1999. Pp. 316. ISBN 0802845460 ($16.00) CMU, EMU, MHL.

Landis, Ella Mae Weaver. Weaver family reminiscence. [PA?: Author, 2000]. Pp. 188. MHL.

Der Landkreis Emmendingen. Ed. by Aussenstelle Freiburg der Abteilung Landesforschung und Landesbeschreibung der Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart: J. Thorbecke, 1999. 2 v. in 3. ISBN 3799513612. MHL.

Laube, Adolf, ed. Flugschriften gegen die Reformation (1425-1530). Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2000. 2 v. ISBN 3050033126 (v. 1) ; 3050033134 (v. 2) MHL.

Learning from Jesus. Pupil's book. Rev. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2000. Pp. 54. MHL.

Learning from Jesus. Teacher's manual. Rev. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 2000. Pp. 47. MHL.

Légeret, Jacques. L'énigme Amish: Vivre au XXIE siècle comme au XVIIe. Genève: Labor et Fides, 2000. Pp. 251. ISBN 2830909836 ($28.34) EMU, MHL.

Lehigh, Charles. Tales of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Hanover, PA: Author, 2000. Pp. 130. MHL.

Lehman, Bradley. Hymn vignettes & variations. San Diego, CA:, [2000] 1 compact disc. ($12.99) EMU.

Lehman, Chester K. The Holy Spirit and the holy life. Northville, MI: Biblical Viewpoints Publications, 1999. Pp. 220. ISBN 1890133175. MHL.

Lehman, Myra Kendig. Stories. Harrisonburg, VA: Carol Ann Weaver, 1999. 2 compact discs. ($15.00) EMU.

Leshuk, Leonard, ed. Days of famine, nights of terror: firsthand accounts of Soviet collectivization 1928-1934. Hungerpredigt translations from the German by Raimund Rueger. Expanded, 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Europa University Press, 2000. Pp. 243. ISBN 0970646402 ($19.45) EMU.

Letkeman, Anne Braun. The Brauns from 1756 to 1900. Cover title: The Brauns, 1756 to 1990. [Winnipeg, MB?: Author, between 1998 and 2001]. Pp. 176. MLA.

Lewis, Beverly. De boodschap. Kampen: Uitgeverij Kok, 2000. Pp. 249. ISBN 9043502359. MHL.

Lichti, James Irvin. The response to national socialism by denominations with teachings against bearing arms. Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of California, Los Angeles, 2000. Pp. 387. EMU, FRE.

Life after Messiah College: life stories and observations from members of the Junior College class of 1950. [PA?: s.n., 2000]. Pp. 188. MHL.

Linde, Hendrik van der. Het Koninkrijk van God is de stad op de berg: wat heft Jezus zelf gewild? Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Meinema, 2000. Pp. 158. ISBN 9021137887. MHL.

Littell, Franklin Hamlin. The Anabaptist view of the church: a study in the origins of sectarian Protestantism. 2nd ed., rev. and enlarged. Ephrata, PA: Grace Press, 2000. Pp. 229. ($8.96) EMU.

Littell, Franklin Hamlin. The Anabaptist view of the church: a study in the origins of sectarian Protestantism. (The dissent and nonconformity series; no. 11) Paris, Ark.: The Baptist Standard Bearer, [2000?] Pp. 229. ISBN 157978836X (pbk.) ; ISBN 1579788351. MHL.

Litwiller, Rachel Hess. Our heritage: the descendants of Hans John and Magdalena Hess (immigrant in 1717) and Christian High, wife unknown. Mt. Pleasant, IA: Author, 2000. Pp. 42. MHL.

Living on God's time? (Stewardship for life) [Elkhart, IN]: Mennonite Mutual Aid, 2000. Pp. 8. EMU.

Loewen, Patricia K. Janzen. Embracing evangelicalism and Anabaptism: the Mennonite Brethren in Canada in the late twentieth century. Thesis (M.A.)-University of Manitoba, 2000. Pp. 136. EMU, MHL.

Löneke, Regina. Die "Hiesigen" und die "Unsrigen": Werteverständnis mennonitischer Aussiedlerfamilien aus Dörfern der Region Orenburg/Ural. Marburg: N. G. Elwert Verlag, 2000. Pp. 425. ISBN 3770811550. MHL.

Looking back, looking ahead: a millennium booklet of the Ontario Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. Kitchener, ON: Millennium Booklet Committee, 2000. Pp. 19. MHL.

Lowry, James W. The Martyrs' mirror made plain: a study guide and further studies. Rev. Aylmer, ON ; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2000. Pp. 149. MHL.

Lund, Cynthia Wales. A Bainton bibliography. Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 2000. Pp. 160. ISBN 0943549663 ($40.00) MHL, MLA.

Luther, Frances Marie Birky Whitmer. The story of my life. [Kouts, IN: Author], 2000. Pp. 83. MHL.

Luthy, David. Why some Amish communities fail: extinct settlements, 1961-1999. Rev. Aylmer, ON ; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2000. Pp. 26. EMU, MHL.

Maddimadugu, Das. I was there: poems and other writings about faith and life by a Christian from India who has lived in a variety of cultures. Winnipeg, MB: Larry and Jessie Kehler, 2000. Pp. 41. MLA.

Manual del ministro. Rev. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 2000. Pp. 92. MHL.

Marriage meeting by Family helpers, October 21, 2000. Millersburg, OH: Contact Bishop David E. Yoder, 2000. Pp. 41. MHL.

Martens, Luise, Gert Martens, and Katherine Klassen. Geschichte der Töws familie, 1723-1999. Winnipeg: Authors, 1999. Pp. 73 + 12. CMU.

Martens, Luise, Gert Martens, and Katherine Klassen. Töws family history, 1723-1999. [Winnipeg, MB: Authors, 1999]. Pp. 68 + 12. CMU, MHL.

Martin, Carl. Jesús, el Hijo de Dios: Juan. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 2000. Pp. 79. MHL.

Martin, Israel S. Records. [Stevens, PA: M. Rissler?] ; Ephrata, PA: Grace Press, 2000. Pp. 108. EMU.

Martin, Kathryn. Elaine's thorn in the flesh. Akron, PA: Martin's Pretzel Bakery, 2000. Pp. 140. MHL.

Martin, Noah. Tears in a bottle: comfort for life's hurts. Johnstown, PA: Noah's Ark Publishing Co., 2000. Pp. 212. ISBN 0970037309 ($7.99) EMU.

Mast, Andy J., Mr/s., eds. Blest be the tie that binds: Rudy D. Otto family memories. Dorchester, WI: Mr/s. Andy J. Mast ; Millersburg, OH: Abana Books, 2000. Pp. 136. MHL.

Mast, Jonathan. La obra de la iglesia. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 2000. Pp. 79. MHL.

Mast, Kelvin. La vida de Cristo: Mateo y Lucas. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 2000. Pp. 83. MHL.

Mast, Rodney. Dios y su salvación. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 1999. Pp. 84. MHL.

Matlins, Stuart M. and Arthur J. Magida, eds. How to be a perfect stranger: a guide to etiquette in other people's religions ceremonies. Woodstock, VT: SkyLight Paths, 1999. 2 v. ISBN 1893361012 (v.1); 1893361020 (v. 2) ($19.95) MLA.

McDonald, Bill. Dakota incarnate: stories. (Minnesota voices project; 92) Minneapolis, MN: New Rivers Press, 1999. Pp. 112. ISBN 0898231965 ($12.95) MLA.

Menkin, Arthur H. Different times. [Philadelphia, PA]: Xlibris Corp., 2000. Pp. 214. ISBN. 0738824747. MHL.

Menno Mennonite Church centennial history book: 1900-2000 Menno Mennonite Church ... Ritzville, WA. Ritzville, WA: Menno Mennonite Church, 2000. Pp. 243. MHL, MLA.

Mennonite World Conference. Mennonite and Brethren in Christ world directory, 2000. Strasbourg, France ; Kitchener, ON: Mennonite World Conference, 2000. Pp. 19. ($4.50) EMU, MHL.

Mennonites en route: the first large Mennonite immigration from Russia to Canada, 1874-1900. Winnipeg, MB: General Conference Mennonite Church, 2000. Pp. 48. MHL.

Merrell, James Hart. Into the American woods: negotiators on the Pennsylvania frontier. New York: Norton, 200. Pp. 463. ISBN 0393319768 ($14.95) MHL.

Messimer, Claire. Known by the work of his hands. (Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society; 32) Kutztown, PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 2000. Pp. 231. ISBN 091112200 ($98.00) MHL, MLA.

Meyer, Dietrich. Zinzendorf und die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine, 1700-2000. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000. Pp. 231. MHL.

Meyer, Mary Clemens. In Jesu Namen: wahre Geschichten von Menschen, die Jesus liebten. Bielefeld, Germany: Christlicher Missions-Verlag, 2000. Pp. 138. ISBN 3932308166 ($4.35) EMU.

Miller, Daniel L. 2001 calendar: Amish prints. Limited ed. Charm, OH: Countryside Connections, 2000. Pp. 26. EMU.

Miller, Daniel L. 2002 Amish print calendar. Limited ed. Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, 2000. Pp. 26. ISBN 0966762274. MHL.

Miller, Daniel L. The Backroad Artist's Amish prints, 2000: limited edition calendar. [Charm, OH]: Countryside Connections ; Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, [1999?] Pp. 26. ISBN 0966762223. EMU.

Miller, David I., ed. CMC ministerial manual. Irwin, OH: Conservative Mennonite Conference, 1999. Pp. 68. MHL.

Miller, DeVon, ed. Amish Mennonite directory 2000: United States & Canada. 3rd ed. Millersburg, OH: Abana Books, 2000. Pp. 445. MHL.

Miller, DeVon, ed. Kansas-Oklahoma Amish directory 2000. Millersburg, OH: Abana Books, 2000. Pp. 96. MHL.

Miller, DeVon, ed. Missouri Amish directory 2000. Millersburg, OH: Abana Books, 2000. Pp. 276. MHL.

Miller, Elsa. Amish home cooking with Elsa: a collection of over 500 tasty recipes from Elsa. Dundee, OH: Author ; Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 1999. Pp. 191. MHL.

Miller, Henry C. Descendants of Christian D. Troyer and Catherine Beachy 1840-2000. Dundee, OH: Levi L. Troyer, 2000. Pp. 464. MHL.

Miller, Leon. The problem with suffering: it raises so many questions! Lancaster, PA: Author, 2000. Pp. 44. ($3.00) EMU.

Miller, Sarah Mae. Bits and pieces of the childhood and growing up years of Olen J. and Sarah Mae Miller. Goshen, IN: Author, 2000. Pp. 112. MHL.

Miller, Thomas N. Descendants of Daniel C. Miller and Catherine E. Hershberger 1850-2000. 2nd printing [i.e. ed.] Hartstown, PA: Author, 2000. Pp. 773. MHL.

Miller, Timothy. The 60s communes: hippies and beyond. 1st ed. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1999. Pp. 329. ISBN 0815628110 ($24.95) MHL.

Minert, Roger P. Baden place names indexes: identifying place names using alphabetical and reverse alphabetical indexes. Woods Cross, UT: GRT Publications, 2000. Pp. 60. ISBN 0967842042 ($10.45) MHL.

Minert, Roger P. Hesse place name indexes: identifying place names using alphabetical and reverse alphabetical indexes. Woods Cross, Utah: GRT Publications, 2000. Pp. 51. ISBN 096784200X ($10.45) MHL.

Minert, Roger P. Hesse-Nassau place names indexes: identifying place names using alphabetical and reverse alphabetical indexes. Woods Cross, UT: GRT Publications, 2000. Pp. 82. ISBN 0967842034 ($10.45) MHL.

Minert, Roger P. Mecklenburg place names indexes: identifying place names using alphabetical and reverse alphabetical indexes. Woods Cross, UT: GRT Publications, 2000. Pp. 56. ISBN 0967842069 ($10.45) MHL.

Minert, Roger P. Palatinate place names indexes: identifying place names using alphabetical and reverse alphabetical indexes. Woods Cross, UT: GRT Publications, 2000. Pp. 51. ISBN 0967842026 ($10.45) MHL.

Minert, Roger P. Spelling variations in German names: solving family history problems through applications of German and English phonetics. Woods Cross, UT: GRT Publications, 2000. Pp. 88. ISBN 0967842018 ($16.45) MHL.

Minert, Roger P. Württemberg place names indexes: identifying place names using alphabetical and reverse alphabetical indexes. Woods Cross, UT: GRT Publications, 2000. Pp. 114. ISBN 0967842050 ($10.45) MHL.

Mock, Melanie Springer. Journey of God and country: the narrative of Great War Mennonite conscientious objectors. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Oklahoma State University, 2000. Pp. 372. EMU, MHL.

Morrow, Lynn and Linda Myers-Phinney. Shepherd of the hills country: tourism transforms the Ozarks, 1880s-1930s. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1999. Pp. 279. ISBN 1557285748 ($24.00) MHL.

Morton, Craig and Ken Hawkley. Word of mouth: creative ways to present scripture. Winnipeg, MB ; Newton, KS: Faith & Life Press ; Waterloo, ON ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2000. Pp. 82. ISBN 0873033981 ($13.13) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Myers, Tamar. The hand that rocks the ladle: a Pennsylvania Dutch mystery with recipes. New York: Signet, 2000. Pp. 261. ISBN 0451197550 ($5.99) MHL, MLA.

Nancy and her dry-night book. Aylmer, ON: Country Dry Goods ; Burton, OH: Available in USA from Mrs. Lizzie Hershberger & Family, 1999. Pp. 37. MHL.

Nathan and his dry-night book. Aylmer, ON: Country Dry Goods ; Burton, OH: Available in USA from Mrs. Lizzie Hershberger & Family, 1999. Pp. 37. MHL.

Nation, Mark Thiessen. The ecumenical patience & vocation of John Howard Yoder: a study in theological ethics. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Fuller Theological Seminary, 2000. Pp. 304. EMU, FRE, MHL.

Nation, Mark Thiessen and Samuel Wells, eds. Faithfulness and fortitude: in conversation with the theological ethics of Stanley Hauerwas. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2000. Pp. 335. ISBN 0567087387 ($29.95) CMU, MHL.

Oasis, songs of praise, prayer and precept. Neilburg, SK: Praise Hymn Publishers, 2000. Pp. 64. ISBN 0969116861. MHL.

Old Order Mennonite (Wenger) Church in Missouri. Calendar of the meetings of the Old Order Mennonite (Wenger) Church in Missouri. [Missouri: Wm. Idlewine, 1999?] Pp. 8. EMU.

Pastorius, Francis Daniel. Umständige geographische Beschreibung der zu allerletzt erfundenen Provintz Pennsylvaniae, in denen end-gräntzen Americae in der West-Welt gelegen. Kommern: Eigenverlag Förderverein Rheinisches Freilichtmuseum Kommern, 2000. Pp. 140. MHL.

Penn Valley map and directory of Groffdale Conference Mennonites, 2000. Ephrata, PA: Hoover's, 2000. 1 map. ($1.00) EMU.

Penner, Carol. Mennonite silences and feminist voices: peace theology and violence against women. Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of St. Michael's College, Toronto, 1999. Pp. 195. EMU, MHL.

The Philharmonia: a collection of tunes, adapted to public and private worship, containing tunes for all the hymns in the English Mennonite hymn book, the Gemeinschaftliche, Unparteiische und Allgemeine Liedersammlungen, the Unparteiische Gesangbuch, and the Mennonitische Gesangbuch, with instructions and explanations in English and German, also English and German texts to most of the tunes, metrical indexes, &c. Martin D. Wenger, comp. 1999 ed. Elmira, ON: Old Order Mennonite Conference of Ontario, 1999. Pp. 384. ISBN 189619964X ($15.75) EMU, MHL.

Picoult, Jodi. Plain truth. New York: Pocket Books, 2000. Pp. 405. ISBN 0671776126 ($14.00) EMU, MHL.

Piqué, Nicolas and Ghislain Waterlot, comp. Tolérance et Réforme: éléments pour une généalogie du concept de tolérance. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1999. Pp. 202. ISBN 2738480020. MHL.

Preheim, Lois Janzen. Roots out of dry ground: First Mennonite Church, Nampa, Idaho, 1899-1999. [Nampa, ID: First Mennonite Church], 2000. Pp. 235. ISBN 1575791919. MHL.

Preheim, Lois Thieszen. Apples for immigrants. Aurora, NE: Blue River Pub., 1999. Pp. 24. ISBN 1930379005. MHL.

Prero, Lila. Kohn family history: Germany to Australia, 1700-1999. Hervey Bay, QLD: Author, 1999. 1 v. MLA.

Presencia Mennonita en el Paraguay. Asuncíon: Asociación de Colonias Mennonitas del Paraguay, 2000. 1 video. FRE.

Prown, Jules David & Kenneth Haltman, eds. American artifacts: essays in material culture. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2000. Pp. 255. ISBN 0870135244 ($32.95) MHL.

Raber, Dorothy. Descendants of Jacob A. Miller: ancestors from Germany; chronologically arranged with alphabetical index. Millersburg, OH: Author, 2000. Pp. 140. MHL.

Rake, Valerie Sanders. "In the old days, they used scraps"; gender, leisure, commodification, and the mythology of quiltmaking, Wayne County, Ohio, 1915-1955. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Ohio State University, 2000. Pp. 369. MHL.

Ramirez, Frank, comp. The love feast. Elgin, IL: Brethren Press, 2000. Pp. 166. ISBN 0871780208 ($17.95) EMU, MHL.

Ramirez, Frank. This wooden O: the story of Amish Acres, Plain and Fancy, and the Round Barn Theatre. Commemorative ed. Nappanee, IN: Amish Acres, 2000. Pp. 134. ISBN 0970928718. MHL.

Ranck, Dawn J. and Phyllis Pellman Good. Fix-it and forget-it cookbook: feasting with your slow cooker. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2000. Pp. 283. ISBN 1561483389 ($23.95 hc gift ed.) ; ISBN 1561483176 ($13.95) ; ISBN 1561483397 (comb-bound pbk edition) EMU, MLA.

The Reesor family in Canada: genealogical and historical records, 1804-2000. Markham, ON: Published by the Reesor Family in Canada, 2000. Pp. 949. ISBN 0969039719. MHL.

Regehr, Gerhard Peter. Journey report = "Reisebericht" of Gerhard Peter Regehr. Trans. By Jeff Clingenpeel and Laura Brubacher; additional text by Anita and Galen Toews. [Ann Arbor, MI: Anita Toews, 2000]. Pp. 103. FRE, MHL.

Reid, Kathryn Goering. Children together: teaching girls and boys to value themselves and each other. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2000. Pp. 114. ISBN 0829813802 ($14.95) MHL.

Reiling, Denise Mae. An exploration of the relationship between Amish identity and depression among the Old Order Amish. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Michigan State University, 2000. Pp. 426. EMU, MHL.

Reimer, Peter K. The Aron Peters family, 1746-2000. Kleefeld, MB: Author, 2000. Pp. 585. ISBN 1896257313. CMU.

Reis, Eugen, ed. Kaiserslautern im 18. Jahrhundert: die Menschen, die in den familienkundlichen Quellen der Stadt erwähnt werden. Kaiserslautern: Kulturamt der Stadt Kaiserslautern, 2000. 2 v. ISBN 3980594661. MHL.

Reuben's Potted Ferns. Howling at the moon. Harrisonburg, VA: Marlin Rosado Studio, 2000. 1 compact disc. EMU.

Romme, Barbara, ed. Das Königreich der Täufer. Münster: Stadtmuseum, 2000. 2 v. EMU, MHL.

Rummel, Erika. The confessionalization of humanism in Reformation Germany. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp. 211. ISBN 0195137124 ($49.95) MHL.

Runge, Tina. Treasures of the heart. (A quilting romance) New York: Jove Books, 1999. Pp. 279. ISBN 0515126802 ($5.99) MHL, MLA.

Ruth, John L. Conrad Grebel, son of Zurich. Commissioned by Conrad Grebel College, Waterloo, Ontario, in observance of the 450th anniversary of the Mennonites. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1999. Pp. 160. ISBN 1579103081 ($14.00) EMU.

Ruth, Merle. The Mennonite rationale for church discipline. Rev. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 1999. Pp. 20. MHL.

Sayings of Samuel L. Martin, 1908-2000. Greencastle, PA: [s.n.], 2000. Pp. 35. ($2.50) EMU.

Schaeffer, Nicola. Does she know she's there? Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1999. Pp. 310. ISBN 1550412884 ($18.95) EMU.

Schiedel, Mary Hunsberger. A journey of faith: the history of Shantz Mennonite Church, 1840-2000. [Baden, ON: Shantz Mennonite Church], 2000. Pp. 96. MHL.

Schmidt, Roma Garber. Christina Rebecca: the story of a young Mennonite girl growing up in Commanche County, southwest Kansas in the early 1900s, the 13th child of Noah E. & Sophronia Hummel Miller, her twin brother, Harold Roosevelt, the 14th. Hesston, KS: Prairie Songs Publishers, 1999. Pp. 145. ($12.95) MLA.

Schmucker, Kristine Flaming. A heritage of care: a history of the Mennonite Bethesda Society. Goessel, KS: Bethesda Home, 1999. Pp. 146. MLA.

Schmucker, Polly Miller. The family of Andrew A. and Susan (Eash) Miller, 1881-2000. [Nappanee, IN: Author, ca. 2000]. Pp. 48. MHL.

Schrock, Jason. Lengthen the cords, strengthen the stakes: a history of the Tangent Mennonite Church, 1950-2000. Tangent, OR: Tangent Mennonite Church History Committee, 2000. Pp. 416. MHL.

Schrock, Lawrence. Pennsylvania Amish directory of the Spartansburg settlement. Spartansburg, PA: L. and B. Schrock, 2000. Pp. 74. MHL.

Schrock, Simon. What shall the redeemed wear?: with study questions. Harrisonburg, VA: Vision Publishers, 2000. Pp. 120. ISBN 0940883120. EMU, MHL.

Schroeder, David. Authority in the church and world. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Church Canada, 2000. Pp. 30. EMU.

Scott, Kirk, Steve Unruh, and Kevin Kehrberg. Egeria jazz trio. [Newton, KS?]: Steve Unruh, 2000. 1 compact disc. ($10.00) MLA.

Sensenig, J. Carl. That blessed hope: the story of Daniel and Marian Weaver. Denver, PA: Author ; Manheim, PA; Executive Printing, 2000. Pp. 207. ($12.55) EMU, MHL.

Servir la vie!: 50 ans d'action sociale. Montbeliard: Éditions Mennonites, 2000. Pp. 95. ISBN 2904214623. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Shank, Esther H. Mennonite country-style recipes & kitchen secrets. 2000 ed. New York: Gramercy Books, 2000. Pp. 679. ISBN 0517162105 ($12.99) MHL.

Shank, Joseph Luther and Marjorie K. Showalter. Shank history: ancestors and descendants of J "Luther" and Cornelia Craun Shank. Dayton, VA: Shank ; Bridgewater, VA: Showalter, 2000. Pp. 66. EMU.

Shenk, David W. Surprises of the Christian way. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2000. Pp. 255. ISBN 0836191331 ($14.99) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Shoemaker, Alfred Lewis. Christmas in Pennsylvania: a folk-cultural study. 1st Stackpole ed. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1999. Pp. 162. ISBN 0811703282 ($19.95) MHL.

Short, Kelly and Robin Ebright, eds. Changing China: selected entires from the sixth annual Herta Funk Literary Awards. Harrisonburg, VA: China Educational Exchange, 2000. Pp. 158. MHL.

Siehe, dein König kommt! Bielefeld, Germany: Christliche Missions-Verlags-Buchhandlung, [2000?] 1 compact disc. ($8.30) EMU.

Singh, Sundar. Wisdom of the sadhu: teachings of Sundar Singh. Farmington, PA: Plough, 2000. Pp. 208. ISBN 0874869986 ($12.00) MHL.

Smeltzer, Ken. Heart smart: studies on wisdom in the Bible. (Good ground: letting the word take root; 3:6) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Press ; Elgin, IL: Brethren Press, 2000. Pp. 54. ISBN 0836191552 ($5.95) MHL, MLA.

Smit, Kees. Pieter Langendijk. Hilversum: Verloren, 2000. Pp. 382. ISBN 9065500995. EMU, MHL.

Snaet, Kurt. In de wereld: de visie van John Howard Yoder op de maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid van de kerk. Thesis--Evanglische Theologische Faculteit, Heverlee, Belgium, 2000. Pp. 90. MHL.

Snyder, Jim. Peter B. Snyder and the Mennonite community at Plainview TX, 1907 to 1921. Hewitt, TX: Author, 2000. Pp. 79. MHL.

Songs to live by II: passing on hymns of the faith. (Hymnal masterworks) Newton, KS ; Winnipeg, MB: Faith and Life Press, 2000. 1 compact disc. ($15.95) EMU, MLA.

Starck, Johann Friedrich. John Frederick Starck's Daily hand-book in good and evil days: containing all the meditations and prayers of the complete German original edition, together with an appropriate selection of standard English hymns ... Fredericksburg, OH: Available from Toby Hostetler ; Leroy Mast, [2000?]. Pp. 662 + 116. MHL.

Stayer, James M. Martin Luther, German saviour: German evangelical theological factions and the interpretation of Luther, 1917-1933. Montreal: McGill-QUeen's University Press, 2000. Pp. 177. ISBN 0773520449 ($55.00) MHL.

Stoll, Joseph. How the Dordrecht confession came down to us. Aylmer, ON ; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2000. Pp. 44. EMU, MHL, MLA.

Stoltzfus, Christian J. Henry U. and Lydia Zook Blank family history. [Rebersburg, PA: Author, 2000]. Pp. 79. MHL.

Strite, Russell B. Deacon Henry S. Burkholder, 1872-1930. Gettysburg, PA: Author, 2000. Pp. 48. MHL.

Strite, Russell B. Descendants of Andrew C. Strite, August 1, 2000. Gettysburg, PA: Author, 2000. Pp. 72. MHL.

Stuck, Kurt. Herzoglich zweibrückisches Hofpersonal: und andere Bedienstete. Ludwigshaven am Rhein: Verlag Pfälzisch-Rheinische Familienkunde, 1999. Pp. 233. MHL.

Suter, Scott Hamilton. Shenandoah Valley folklife. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1999. Pp. 129. ISBN 1578061881 ($18.00) MHL.

Sutherland, John R., ed. Us and them: building a just workplace community. Mississauga, ON: Work Research Foundation, 1999. Pp. 182. ISSBN 1896701027. MHL.

Swinger, Marlys, ed. Sing through the day: eighty songs for children. 2nd ed. Farmington, PA: Plough Pub. House of The Bruderhof Foundation, 1999 (2000 printing) Pp. 108 + 1 compact disc. ISBN 0874869714 ($24.00) EMU.

Swinger, Marlys, ed. Sing through the seasons: seventy-three songs for children. 2nd ed. Farmington, PA: Plough Pub. House of The Bruderhof Foundation, 2000. Pp. 108 + 1 compact disc. ISBN 0874869994 ($24.00) EMU.

Table Singers. Century singing live. [S.l.]: Harmonies Workshop, 1999. 1 compact disc. ($11.95) EMU.

Tanneberger, Hans-Georg. Die Vorstellung der Täufer von der Rechtfertigung des Menschen. Stuttgart: Calwer Verlag, 1999. Pp. 269. ISBN 376683634X. MHL.

Teachings for the celebration of Easter & the Lord's Supper. Ste. Agathe, MB: Crystal Spring Colony, Hutterian Brethren Church, 1999. Pp. 268. ($35.00) EMU.

Teachings on the Gospel of John. Ste. Agathe, MB: Crystal Spring Colony, Hutterian Brethren Church, Schmiedenleut Conference, 1999. Pp. 212. ($35.00) EMU.

There's a new Christian school in the museum area!: the Philadelphia Mennonite High School.... Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Mennonite High School, [2000]. Pp. 12. MHL.

Toews, Clint. In search of my father: the sometimes tender, sometimes turbulent chronicles of a young boy's journey. Camp Hill, PA: Horizon Books, 1999. Pp. 195. ISBN 0889651663 ($10.99) MLA.

Toews, G. Victor. The black elixir. Charlottetown, P.E.I.: TWiG Publications, 2000. Pp. 104. MHL.

Toews, Margaret Penner. Footprints: reaching- climbing- : poems to inspire. Neilberg, SK: Praise Hymn Publishers, 1999. Pp. 160. ISBN 0969116853. MHL.

Toews, Paul, Mrs. Spices of India. St. Marys, ON: Author, 2000. Pp. 46. ISBN 1896199704. MHL.

Tolzmann, Don Heinrich. The German-American experience. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2000. Pp. 466. ISBN 1573927309 ; ISBN 1573927317 ($35.00 pbk.) MHL.

Towell, Larry. The Mennonites: a biographical sketch. London: Phaidon, 2000. 1 v. ISBN 0714839612 ($59.95) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Troyer, Francine Sue. Descendants of Jonathan S. Miller and Mary J. Troyer (1); Catherine Hershberger (2): 1846-2000. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2000. Pp. 492 + 84. MHL.

Turney, Kelly, ed. Shaping sanctuary: proclaiming God's grace in an inclusive church. Chicago, IL: Reconciling Congregation Program, 2000. Pp. 424. ISBN 0970156804. MHL.

Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch, enthaltend geistreiche lieder und Psalmen, zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des wahren Gottesdienstes. 43. Aufl. [Lancaster County, PA]: Verlag von den Amischen Gemeinden in Lancaster County, Pa., 1999. Pp. 79, 512. MHL.

Unrau, William, ed. The way it was: the Peter V. and Helena (Schmidt) Unrau illustrated story, 1906-1977 : their fore-parents and descendants. [S.l.:s.n.], 2000. Pp. 58. MLA.

Van rider's handbook. Millersburg, PA: Plain Interests, 2000. Pp. 68. MHL.

Vives, Juan Luis. On assistance to the poor. Translated with an introduction and commentary by Alice Tobriner. (Renaissance Society of America reprint texts; 9) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. Pp. 62. ISBN 0802082890 ($12.95) MHL.

Voth, O. L. The silent force: a novel. Newton, KS: DeVille Publishing, 2000. Pp. 202. ISBN 0967756308 ($10.95) MLA.

Voth, Stanley. Henderson Mennonites: from Holland to Henderson Index to second edition (also useable to page 116 of first edition) [North Newton, KS]: Author, 1999. 1 v. MLA.

Vries, Theun de. De wilde vrouwen van Pella. Amsterdam: Em. Querido's Uitg., 1999. Pp. 155. ISBN 9021486482. MHL.

Wadel, James. El ayuno. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 2000. Pp. 60. MHL.

Waite, Gary K. Reformers on stage: popular drama and religious propaganda in the Low Countries of Charles V, 1515-1556. Toronto ; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2000. Pp. 364. ISBN 0802044573 ($75.00) MHL.

Walbert, David J. Garden spot: Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, The Old Order Amish, and the selling of rural America. Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000. Pp. 330. EMU, MHL.

Waldrep, George Calvin. Southern workers and the search for community: Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000. Pp. 272. ISBN 0252025873 ($17.95) MHL.

Waltner-Toews, David. The fat lady struck dumb. London, ON: Brick Books, [2000]. Pp. 119. ISBN 1894078128. MHL.

Warkentin, Edith. John G. Warkentin family. [S.l.: s.n., 1999]. Pp. 76. CMU.

Warkentin, John. The Mennonite settlements of southern Manitoba. Steinbach, MB: Hanover Steinbach Historical Society, 2000. Pp. 409. ISBN 1896257275. CMU, MHL.

We remember when- : the Levi M. Miller family. Smicksburg, PA: Available from William J. and Fannie Miller, 2000. Pp. 103. MHL.

Weaver, Dorothy Jean, ed. Bread for the enemy: a peace & justice lectionary. Orrville, OH: Mennonite Church Peace & Justice Committee, 20001. Pp. 63. ($5.00) EMU, MHL.

Weaver, Herm. Travellin' home and back. Singers Glen, VA: Electric Arts Recording, 2000. 1 compact disc. ($12.99) EMU.

Weaver, Isaac A. Amish senior citizens & marriages of Holmes County & vicinity: persons 80 years old & older, couples married 50 years & over. Dundee, OH: Author, [2000?]. Pp. 44. MHL.

Wenger, Daniel Lee. Hans and Hannah Wenger: North American descendants. Santa Cruz, CA: Author, 2000. 4 v. MHL.

Wenger, John Christian. God's word written: essays on the nature of biblical revelation, inspiration, and authority. Northville, MI: Biblical Viewpoints Publications, 1999. Pp. 150. ISBN 1890133167. MHL.

Wenger, Mark Richard. Anointing the sick with oil in the Mennonite Church: an exercise in practical theology. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education, 2000. Pp. 416. EMU, MHL.

Wengerd, Marvin. Follow & find. Carol Conner, illus. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Press, 2000. Pp. 24. ISBN 890050458. MHL.

Wert, Katrina, ed. The world at our table. Dayton, VA: Skyline Literacy Coalition, 2000. Pp. 59. ($5.00) EMU.

The whirlwind cometh. Aylmer, ON ; LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers, 2000. Pp. 167. EMU, MHL.

White, Neva L. The collected writings of Neva L. White. Manhattan, KS: Author, 2000. Pp. 262. MLA.

Wickes, Bonnie R. The socialization of nonviolence among the Amish: a qualitative study. Thesis (doctoral)-California Institute of Integral Studies, 2000. Pp. 179. EMU, MHL.

Wideman. Lucille. The abundance of the heart. [Manitoba?]: Author, [1999]. Pp. 82. MHL.

Widmer, Melba Rae. Exploring the relastionship among the Amish belief system, their way of life and house form. Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of Minnesota, 2000. Pp. 114. EMU, FRE, MHL.

Wiebe, Kathleen. Willow Creek summer. Regina: Coteau Books, 2000. Pp. 217, ISBN 1550501690 ($7.95) MHL.

Wiest, Bill and Thelma Wiest, eds. Tones and overtones: Paraguay and Brazil, April, 2000. Portland, OR: Reed College Printing Services, 2000. Pp. 211. MLA.

Williamson, Chet. Pennsylvania Dutch Night Before Christmas. Gretna, LA: Pelican Pub. Co., 2000. Pp. 30. ISBN 1565547217. MHL.

Williamson, John. Practical community empowerment: concepts, organizational issues and the process. [Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee], 2000. Pp. 86. MHL.

Wilmshurst, Steve. On the ban: the Anabaptists' scriptural rationale for church discipline and its relevance for today. A dissertation ... for the BA Honours degree of Trinity College Bristol ... April 2000. Pp. 29. MHL.

Wise, Ruth Ann. Weaverland directory: members and their families who attend the Weaverland Conference Mennonite Churches located in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Missouri, New York, Wisconsin and Iowa ; including an appendix ... 4th ed. Womelsdorf, PA: Author, 2000. Pp. 727, 99. ($40.00) EMU.

Witmer, Harold. History of Virginia church and schools. Dayton, VA: Harold & Milda Witmer, [1999]. 1 v. MHL.

[Worship anthology]. [Goshen, IN: Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference Nurture Commission, 2000]. Pp. 62. MHL.

Wright, David. Lines from the provinces. [Charleston, SC]:, 2000. Pp. 83. ISBN 1588980588. MHL.

Wright, Nigel. Disavowing Constantine: mission, church and the social order in the theologies of John Howard Yoder and Jürgen Moltmann. (Paternoster biblical and theological monographs) Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Paternoster Press, 2000. Pp. 251. ISBN 0853649782 (£19.99) MHL.

Yoder, Abe S. My walk with God in Big Valley. Belleville, PA: Author, 2000. Pp. 88. MHL.

Yoder, Alma D. Family history of Seth S. Yoder and wife Annie C. (Hostetler) Yoder, 1895-2000. Panama, NY: Author, 2000. Pp. 35. MHL.

Yoder, Fred R. History of the Yoder family in North Carolina. [S.l.: s.n., 2000]. Pp. 172. MHL.

Yoder, Gerald & Doris Yoder. A matter of taste. Arthur, IL: Authors, 2000. Pp. 56. MHL.

Yoder, Harvey. War in Kosovo: the real victors. Berlin, OH: TSG International, 2000. Pp. 140. ISBN 1885270178. MHL.

Yoder, James D. Black spider over Tiegenhof. Large print ed. Thorndike, ME: Thorndike Press, 2000. Pp. 335. ISBN 0786227095 ($23.95) MHL.

Yoder, James D. Lucy of the Trail of Tears: survivor of the Trail - Oklahoma seminary girl, and Andrew's Wichita bride. [Philadelphia, PA]: Xlibris Corp., 1999. Pp. 347. ISBN 0738899607 ($32.99) ; ISBN 0783399615 ($22.99 pbk.) MHL, MLA.

Yoder, Lawrence M. Tunas Yang tumbuh: seja gereja kristen muria Indonesia, 1920-1977, vol. 1. Semarang : Penerbit Sinode GKMI, 2000. Pp. 143. ISBN 9799397006. EMU.

Yoder, Paul. La iglesia, la familia de Dios. Farmington, NM: Publicadores Lámpara y Luz, 1999. Pp. 58. MHL.

Yoder, Rosa Edna. Descendants of Aaron A. Yoder and Mary D. (Hochstetler) Yoder, 1878-2000. Dover, DE: Available from Calvin D. and Rosa Edna Yoder, 2000. Pp. 335. MHL.

Zijlstra, S. Om de ware gemeente en de oude gronden: geschiedenis van de dopersen in de Nederlanden, 1531-1675. (Fryske Akademy (Series); nr. 908) Hilversum: Verloren ; Leeuwarden: Fryske Akademy, 2000. Pp. 544. ISBN 9065506314 ($42.77) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Zimmerman, D. Pauline. If I cry, will someone understand me? Violence and the church's response: finding hope and healing. Lancaster, PA: Pearl Pub., 2000. Pp. 113. ISBN 0970343906 ($15.14) EMU.

Zion's harp: a collection of hymns and songs for the Apostolic Christian Church of America, translated from the German. Rev. ed. [S.l.]: Apostolic Christian Church of America, 2000. Pp. 477. MHL.

Zook, Leroy N. Reflections of yesteryear. Lamar MO: Malinda Mast, 2000. Pp. 176. ($6.50) EMU.

Zuercher, Dwight L and Wilma Zuercher. To a larger land. Rockford, IL: Authors, 1999. 1 v. MLA.

Zünd, André. Gescheiterte Stadt- und Landreformationen des 16. Und 17. Jahrhunderts in der Schweiz. Basel: Schwabe & Co AG Verlag, 1999. Pp. 316. ISBN 3796511260. MHL.

1998 and earlier

Bauman, Elizabeth Hershberger. Feurige Kohlen: Menschen, die Böses mit Gutem vergalten. Bielefeld, Germany: Christliche Missions-Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1998. Pp. 128. ISBN 3932308123 ($4.83) EMU.

Burkholder, Harold E., ed. Camp Andrews Association: fifteen years of reaching urban youth. Holtwood, PA: Camp Andrews Association, 1998. Pp. 28. ($5.00) EMU.

Eitzen, Ruth. Die weisse Feder. Bielefeld, Germany: Christliche Missions-Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1998. Pp. 63. ISBN 3932308115 ($4.83) EMU.

Lem, Anton van der. Inventaris van het archief van Johan Huizinga: bibliografie 1897-1997. (Codices manuscripti; 29) Leiden: Universiteitsbibliotheek leiden, 1998. Pp. 420. ISBN 9074204090. EMU.

Living community: an introduction to the Bruderhof. Robertsbridge, East Sussex, UK: Bruderhof Video Productions ; Farmington, PA: distributed by Plough Pub. House, 1998.1 video. ($13.50) EMU.

Parham, Robert Mereman. An ethical analysis of the Christian social strategies in the writings of John C. Bennett, Jacques Ellul, and John Howard Yoder. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Baylor University, 1984. Pp. 251. ($48.00) EMU.

Peters, Franz. Wie nahe ist das Kommen Jesu Christi? Bielefeld, Germany: Christliche Missions-Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1997. Pp. 8. ISBN 3932308069 ($1.88) EMU.

Reimer, Johannes. Bis an die Enden Sibiriens: Johann Peters, vom Leben und Wirken des Ostjaken-Missionars. 1. Aufl. Lage: Logos Verlag, 1998. Pp. 155. ($10.92) EMU, MHL, MLA.

Reimer, Johannes. Chudo na Obi: iz zhizni i deyatelnosti Ivana Petersa. Lage: Logos Verlag, 1998. Pp. 127. ISBN 3933828074 ($4.61) EMU.

Teachings on the Psalms. Ste. Agathe, MB: Hutterian Brethren Church, Chystal Spring Cology, 1998, Pp. 224. ($35.00) EMU.