Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography, 1994Compiled by Barbara A. Thiesen, Mennonite Library & Archives, Bethel College (MLA)(Originally published in the June 1995 issue, vol. 50, no. 2. pp. 18-27) Assisted by Harold E. Huber, Menno Simons Historical Library/Archives, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU); Kevin Enns-Rempel, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, Fresno Pacific College (FRE); Paul Friesen, Mennonite Heritage Centre and Canadian Mennonite Bible College Library (MHC); Ina Ruth Breckbill, Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College (MHL). 1994
127 sins in the New Testament. Holmes County: Marvin Wengerd, 1994. Pp. 14. MHL. Abrahams, Ilona Schmidt. The Jacob Abrahams genealogy, 1851-1993. [Newton: Author, 1994] Pp. 108. MLA. African tales. Akron: MCC, 1994. 1 video. MHL. Akerboom, Jack and Anna Ruth Salzman. The descendants of Peter and Sophia (Lauer) Ruth. Elverson, PA: Mennonite Family History, 1994. Pp. 993. MLA. Ames, Stanley R. How to write and publish your family history using WordPerfect DOS versions 5.1 and 6.0. Interlaken, NY: Heart of the Lakes, 1994. Pp. 159. MHL. The Amish struggle with modernity. Donald B. Kraybill and Marc A. Olshan, eds. Hanover: Univ. Press of New England, 1994. Pp. 304. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Anabaptist deaf ministries library list. Riverdale, MD: Anabaptist Deaf Ministries, [1994]. Pp. 29. EMU. Anabaptist letters from 1635 to 1645: translated from the Ausbund. 5th rev. ed. John E. Kauffman, tr. Atglen, PA: Martha K. Coffman, 1994. Pp. 29. MHL, MLA. Anabaptist/Mennonite faith and economics. Calvin Redekop ... [et al.], eds. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 1994. Pp. 428. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Anderson, Richard C. Peace was in their hearts: conscientious objectors in World War II. Watsonville, CA: Correlan, 1994. Pp. 318. EMU, MLA. Andrews, George W. Descendants of Johannes and Catharine Thomas of Frederick County, Maryland. Akron: Author, 1994. Pp. 42. MHL. Arnold, Heini. Discipleship. Farmington, PA: Plough, 1994. Pp. 282. EMU, MLA. Augsburger, Myron and Esther Augsburger. How to be a Christ shaped family. Wheaton: Victor Bks., 1994. Pp. 195. MHL. Backward glance. Ft. Wayne: Missionary Church, 1994. 1 video. MHL. Bartel, Siegfried. Living with conviction: German army captain turns to cultivating peace. Winnipeg: CMBC, 1994. Pp. 210. FRE, MHC, MLA. Baughman, J. Ross. Harvest time: being several essays on the history of the Swiss, German, & Dutch folk in early America named Baughman, Layman, Moyer, Huff, & others across New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, and four centuries. Edinburg, VA: Shenandoah History, 1994. Pp. 312. EMU, MHL. Bauman, Lester. The true Christian. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1994. Pp. 237. EMU, MHL. Baxter, Angus. In search of your German roots: a complete guide to tracing your ancestors in the Germanic areas of Europe. 3rd ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., 1994. Pp. 114. MLA. Beck, Bill. Cowboy memories : published in honor of the seagoing cowboys, air attendants, and truckers of HPI animals, on the fiftieth anniversary of Heifer Project International, 1944-1994. [S.l.: s.n., 1994] Pp. 181. MHC. Beiler, David. Eine Betrachtung über den Berg Predig Christi und über den Ebräer; das 11 Cap. [Gordonville, PA?]: David Z. Esch, Jr., 1994. Pp. 125. EMU, MHL. Bell, Albert A. A guide to the New Testament world. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 324. MHL, MLA. Bellafiore, Sharyn. Amos and Abraham. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 32. EMU, MLA. Bender, Carrie. A joyous heart. (Miriam's journal; 3) Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 168. FRE, MHL, MLA. ________. A winding path. (Miriam's journal; 2) Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 160. FRE, MHL, MLA. Bender, Esther. Katie and the lemon tree. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 95. FRE, MHL, MLA. Benner, Cheryl. An Amish farm coloring book. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. 1 v. FRE, EMU. ________. An Amish quilt coloring book. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. 1 v. EMU. Bergen, Peter. Sommerfeld Village. Altona, MB: Friesen Printers, 1994. Pp. 120. MHC, MLA. Bird, Phyllis A. Feminism and the Bible : a critical and constructive encounter. Winnipeg: CMBC, 1994. Pp. 87. MHC. Block, Kevin James. Without shedding blood. Winnipeg: Windflower, 1994. Pp. 185. FRE, MLA. Body of dissent: lesbian and gay Mennonites and Brethren continue the journey. Toronto: Bridge Video Productions, 1994. 1 video + study guide. EMU, FRE, MLA. Bonson, James and Vivian Bonson ... [et al]. Pennsylvania folk art of Samuel L. Plank. Allensville, PA: Kishacoquillas Valley Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 67. EMU. Bontrager, G. Edwin. Following in the footsteps of Paul. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1994. Pp. 136. MHL. ________. Following in the footsteps of Paul: leaders guide. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1994. Pp. 236. MHL. Bontrager, Martha. Busy bees. Walnut Creek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 1994. Pp. 150. MHL. Borntrager, Mary Christner. Polly. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 144. FRE, MHL, MLA. Braiding hearts and hands: a poetry and dramatic arts anthology. Kathleen Hull and Wendy Kroeker, eds. Winnipeg: MCC Canada, 1994. Pp. 113. FRE. Brandt, Bruce and Edward R. Brandt. Where to look for hard-to-find German-speaking ancestors in Eastern Europe. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1994. Pp. 122. MLA. Branum, Ethelyn Fern. Bachman geneology [sic]. [Newton: Author, 1994]. Pp. 144. MLA. Brunk, Teresa. Sewing for conservative men. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light, 1994. Pp. 111. EMU, MHL. Brussee-van der Zee, Lies. De smalle weg van Israël en de gemeente: Bibeluitleg voor doopsgezinden. Amsterdam: Doops. Sem. vd ADS, 1994. Pp. 135. EMU. Bueren, Truus van. Karel van Mander en de Haarlemse schilderkunst. 's-Gravenhage/Utrecht: Sdu/Openbaar kunstbezit, 1994. 1 v. EMU. Burgert, Annette K. Brethren from Gimbsheim in the Palatinate to Ephrata and Bermudian in Pennsylvania. Myerstown, PA: AKB Pubs., 1994. Pp. 37. MHL, MLA. Burnett, Amy Nelson. The yoke of Christ: Martin Bucer and Christian discipline. (16th century essays & studies; 26) Kirksville, MO: 16th Century Journal, 1994. Pp. 244. MLA. Bushfield, Deborah and James Bushfield. Things they never taught you in seminary. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 160. MHL, MLA. Cambridge encyclopedia of Russia and the former Soviet Union. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994. Pp. 604. MLA. Camp, Cathryn. Family tree: update of Emile Kinsinger's history of John and Anna Garber Nafziger. [S.l.: s.n., 1994]. Pp. 45. MHL. Canadian Mennonites and the challenge of nationalism. Abe J. Dueck, ed. Winnipeg: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 207. EMU, FRE, MHC, MLA. Charles, J. Robert. Mennonite international peacemaking during and after the Cold War. (MCC occasional paper; 21) [Akron]: MCC, 1994. Pp. 35. EMU, MHL, MLA. Chrétien et service: La diaconie - n° 1. (Cahier de Christ Seul; 1994/3) Montbéliard: Christ Seul, 1994. Pp. 86. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Chrétien et service: La diaconie - n° 2. (Cahier de Christ Seul; 1994/4) Montbéliard: Christ Seul, 1994. Pp. 107. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Christenpflicht. Fredericksburg, OH: A.C. Sales, 1994. Pp. 251. MHL. Church book of the Mennonite congregation at Deutsch Kazun: records of baptized youth from the year 1834 until time in the future. St. Catharines, ON: Arnold M. Schroeder, 1994. 1 v. MLA. The Church's peace witness. Marlin Miller and Barbara Nelson Gingerich, eds. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994. Pp. 228. FRE. Coblentz, John and Merna Shank. Proclaiming God's truth: the first 25 years at Christian Light Publications, 1969-1994. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light, 1994. Pp. 177. EMU, MLA. Confession of faith. Aylmer, ON: Pathway, 1994. Pp. 43. MHL. Constitution and Bill of Incorporation of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. Steinbach, MB: The Conference, 1994. Pp. 48. MHL. Creation: in the beginning, God-- ministers directory: April 5-7, 1994 Messiah Fellowship, Berlin, OH. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, Walnut Creek, 1994. Pp. 20. MHL. Cross, Marie and Pat Hochstedler. Family record of George Cross and Fannie Eash and their descendents. Goshen: Authors, 1994. Pp. 112. MHL. Culto: adoracíon a Dios y compromiso humano. (Esperanza en Camino versión popular; 4) Guatemala City: Esperanza en Camino, 1994. Pp. 34. EMU. Cutman, Marie E. A little bit of love: Ada & Ida Stoltzfus in India: three years of relief work. Morgantown, PA: Author, 1994. Pp. 199. EMU, FRE, MHC, MHL, MLA. Davis, Melodie M. Why didn't I just raise radishes?: finding God in the everyday. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 166. MHL, MLA. A Day in the life of the Amish. Greendale, WI: Reiman Pub., 1994. Pp. 98. EMU, MHL, MLA. Detweiler, Gideon D. Carroll County Amish directory, 1994. Carrollton, OH: Author, 1994. Pp. 15. MHL. Dilly, Barbara Jane. A comparative study of religious resistance to erosion of the soil and the soul among three farming communities in northeast Iowa. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Calif., Irvine, 1994. 1 microfilm. MHL. Directory of Civilian Public Service; May 1941 to March 1947. Rev. & updated through Dec. 1993. Washington, DC: NISBCO, 1994. Pp. 267. EMU. Directory of Civilian Public Service: May 1941 to March 1947. Rev. & updated through June 1994. Washington, DC: NISBCO, 1994. 1 v. MLA. Directory Vietnamese pastors and Christian workers overseas. Monrovia, CA: World Vision, 1994. Pp. 70. MLA. Doell, Leonard. Mennonite Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Saskatchewan: a history 100 years 1894-1994. [S.l.: s.n., 1994]. Pp. 72. MHC. Drescher, John M. If I were starting my family again. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 57. MHL, MLA. Drescher-Lehman, Sandra. Meditations for new moms. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 302. EMU, MLA. Driedger, Leo and Donald B. Kraybill. Mennonite peacemaking: from quietism to activism. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 344. FRE, MHC, MHL, MLA. A Dry roof and a cow: dreams and portraits of our neighbours. Howard Zehr and Charmayne Denlinger Brubaker, eds. Akron: MCC, 1994. Pp. 152. EMU, FRE, MLA. Duerksen, Carol. Sex: God's great idea. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1994. Pp. 64. MHL. Dyck, Peter J. Storytime jamboree. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 184. FRE, MHL, MLA. Early Anabaptist spirituality: selected writings. Daniel Liechty, ed. New York: Paulist, 1994. Pp. 304. EMU, MLA. Earnest, Corinne Pattie and Beverly Repass Hoch. German-American family records in the fraktur tradition: volume III: Birth and baptism certificates and Bible records from a private collection. Damascus, MD: Russell D. Earnest Assoc., 1994. Pp. 320. MHL, MLA. Educational coloring book on Holmes County, Ohio. John R. Phillips, ed. Millersburg, OH: Buckeye, 1994. Pp. 48. MHL. Eicher, Lovina. Amos and Leah Graber family record. [S.l.]: Author, 1994. Pp. 32. MHL. Eighteenth century register of emigrants from southwest Germany (to America and other countries). Werner Hacker, ed. Apollo, PA: Closson, 1994. Pp. 516. MHL, MLA. Enninger, Werner. Die sprachliche Enklave als Kontext für Sprachwechsel. Essen: Benedikt Jessing, 1994. Pp. 43. MHL. Epp, Marlene. Mennonites in Ontario. Waterloo: Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, 1994. Pp. 43. FRE, MHL. Epperly, Kenneth and Gene Alley. Kay County kinfolk. Wyandotte, OK: Gregath Publishing, 1994. Pp. 98. MLA. Erickson, Carolly. Great Catherine: the life of Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia. New York: Crown, 1994. Pp. 392. MLA. Die ernsthafte Christenpflicht enthaltend schöne geistreiche Gebete, womit sich fromme Christenherzen zu allen Zeiten und in allen Nöten trösten können. Aylmer, ON: Pathway, 1994. Pp. 269. EMU, MHL, MLA. Die ersten mennonitischen Einwanderer in Paraguay. Abram B. Giesbrecht, ed. Loma Plata: Die Verwaltung der Kolonie Menno, 1994. 1 v. FRE. Eshleman, Grace. Rissler: Jacob 1838 to 1906 and Esther Sensenich Weber 1843 to 1891 family and descendants. Lancaster: Author, 1994. Pp. 216. MHL. Essays in Anabaptist theology. H. Wayne Pipkin, ed. (Text reader series; 5) Elkhart: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1994. Pp. 271. EMU, MHL, MLA. Exposition 15: a collection of student essays. Rachel Hostetler, ed. Goshen: Pinchpenny, 1994. Pp. 102. MHL. Eykerman, Roger. Sexualité et mariage: approche éthique et médicale (3) (Cahiers de Christ Seul; 1994/1) Montbéliard: Christ Seul, 1994. Pp. 90. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Fehr, Norman H. Homeward bound and family bound. Armstrong, BC: Author, 1994. Pp. 246. MHL. Fernando, Kathleen. Journeys: a collection of short stories and poems. Goshen: Pinchpenny, 1994. Pp. 73. MHL. Fitzgerald, Daniel C. Faded dreams: more ghost towns of Kansas. Lawrence: Univ. Press of Kansas, 1994. Pp. 318. MLA. Fitzpatrick, Sheila. Stalin's peasants: resistance and survival in the Russian village after collectivization. New York: Oxford, 1994. Pp. 386. MLA. Flowing toward the future. Salunga, PA: Eastern Mennonite Missions, 1994. 1 video. EMU, MHL, MLA. Foss, Rich. Jonas and Sally: a novel. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 332. EMU. Franz Froese (1825-1913) and Anna Braun (1844-1908) family register. Rosenort, MB: PrairieView, 1994. Pp. 320. MHC, MHL, MLA. Franz, Gilbert W. The family trees of the Peter Hiebert-Katherina Nachtigal Voth-Anna Pankratz family and the Heinrich Goertz-Eva Janzen family, with historical background. [Fresno]: Author, 1994. 1 v. FRE, MLA. Fraser, Elouise Renich and Louis A. Kilgore. Making friends with the Bible. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 167. MHL, MLA. Friesen, Abraham. History and renewal in the Anabaptist/Mennonite tradition. (Cornelius H. Wedel historical series; 7) North Newton: Bethel College, 1994. Pp. 155. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Friesen, Bert, John Schoenfeld and Anne Ens Schoenfeld. Faith-love-hope: Schoenfeld-Ens. Winnipeg: Dunvegan, 1994. Pp. 221. MHC, MLA. Friesen, C.T. Johann "Hans" Ediger, 1775-1994. Houston: Author, 1994. Pp. 746. FRE, MLA. Friesen, Dietrich and Margaret Friesen. The diary of Dick and Margaret from 1911 to 1932: a daily account of two Friesen families in transition. Prairie Village, KS: Stanley R. Friesen, 1994. 1 v. MLA. Friesen, John. Against the wind: the story of four Mennonite villages (Gnadental, Gruenfeld, Neu-Chortitza, and Steinfeld) in the southern Ukraine, 1872-1943. Winnipeg: Henderson Bks., 1994. Pp. 165. FRE, MHC, MLA. From Bern, Switzerland to Kidron and Bluffton, Ohio: Anabaptist documents. Andrea Boldt, Werner Enninger, Delbert Gratz, eds. Essen: Boldt & Enninger, [1994] Pp. 69. EMU, MHL. Gascho, Joseph A. and Susan L. Gascho. Landisville Mennonite cemetery: gravestone transcriptions and parentages. Lancaster: Authors, 1994. Pp. 286. EMU. Geddert, Tim. Gott hat ein Zuhause: biblische Reden zum Thema Gemeinde. Weisenheim am Berg: Agape, 1994. Pp. 220. FRE. Geertz, Armin W. The invention of prophecy: continuity and meaning in Hopi Indian religion. Berkeley: Univ. of Calif., 1994. Pp. 490. MLA. Gehman, Wayne T. Focus: telling stories with a video camera. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media Productions, 1994. Pp. 23. MHL. Geiser, Betty Lou. Historical sketches of Kidron businesses. Kidron, OH: Kidron Community Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 108. MHL. Gerbrandt, Henry J. Enroute-- Hinjawäajis: the memoirs of Henry J. Gerbrandt. Winnipeg: CMBC, 1994. Pp. 314. FRE, MHC, MLA. Gesangbuch treasures: hymns of the 1804 Unpartheyisches Gesangbuch. Leola, PA: Harmonies Workshop, 1994. 1 cassette. EMU, MHL. Gillman, Harvey. Spiritual hospitality: a Quaker's understanding of outreach. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 314) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1994. Pp. 31. MHL, MLA. Gingerich, James Nelson and Matthew Lind. The Harmonia Sacra handbook: a compilation of genuine information. Comprising a great variety of tedious and tasteless details, gathered for the 25th edition: together with a copious documentation of authors, composers and sources. Exemplified with dates and cross-references, in a plain and comprehensive manner. Goshen: Authors, 1994. Pp. 131. EMU, MHL. Glick, Aaron S. The fortunate years: an Amish life. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 251. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Goering, Elmer H. Chronicle III: a history of the First Mennonite Church of Christian, Moundridge, Kansas. [Moundridge: Author], 1994. Pp. 96. MLA. Goertz, Reuben. Princes, potentates, and plain people: the saga of the Germans from Russia. (Prairie plains series; 3) Sioux Falls, SD: Center for Western Studies, 1994. Pp. 232. EMU. Good, Janis. Summer of the lost limb. Mt. Solon, VA: Christian Recollections, 1994. Pp. 111. EMU, MHL. Good, Kenneth G. Healthy families, a healthy church: what families are the church is. Harrisonburg, VA: Author, 1994. Pp. 99. EMU, MHL, MLA. Good, Merle. Going places: a play. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 93. EMU. Good, Phyllis Pellman. An Amish table. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 48. EMU. ________. The festival cookbook: four seasons of favorites. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 287. MLA. Goossen, Edna Ensz and Marjorie Jantzen Shoemaker. The Gerhard Ensz genealogy and family history. [North Newton: Authors], 1994. 1 v. MLA. Goossen, Walfried. Anabaptism: a dying candle in a darkening world. Winnipeg: Henderson Bks., 1994. Pp. 80. FRE, MLA. Goshen College, 1894-1994, alumni directory, 1994, centennial edition. Goshen: Alumni Relations, 1994. Pp. 556. EMU, MHL. Graber Miller, Keith. Wise as serpents, innocent as doves: American Mennonites engage Washington. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Emory Univ., 1994. Pp. 593. FRE, MHL, MLA. Gratz, Delbert L. Bernese Anabaptists and their American descendants. Reissue. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1994. Pp. 219. EMU. Groff, Ruth R. Echoes from my heart. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1994. Pp. 190. EMU, MHL. Gross, Suzanne E. Hymnody of eastern Pennsylvania German Mennonite communities: Notenbüchlein (manuscript songbooks) from 1780 to 1835. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Maryland, 1994. Pp. 759. MHL. Guenther, Robert G. Passionate possessions of faith: the Jacob Guenther family 1725-1994. Honolulu: Author, 1994. Pp. 308. FRE, MHC, MHL, MLA. Gugel, Lois Swartzendruber. Cemetery directory of Amish and Mennonites in Iowa, Johnson and Washington counties of Iowa: Supplement 1972-1993. Kalona: Mennonite Historical Society of Iowa, 1994. Pp. 146. MHL. Habegger, David L. The Hirschy genealogy: the descendants of Philip Hirschy (1787-1831) and Julianna Frey (1795-1839). Fort Wayne: Author, 1994. Pp. 530. MHL, MLA. ________. The Lehman families of Langnau, Switzerland. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1994. Pp. 45. EMU, MHL, MLA. Hall, Eddy. Youth against the flow. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1994. 1 v. MHL. Hamilton, Alastair, Voolstra Visser and Piet Visser. From martyr to muppy. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Press, 1994. Pp. 243. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Handbook for congregational leaders. Goshen: Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference, 1994. 1 v. MHL. Harms, Kelly G. I. Grace upon grace : a history of the Mennonite Nursing Home of Rosthern. [S.l.]: Mennonite Nursing Homes, 1994. Pp. 196. MHC. Hatcher, Patricia Law and John V. Wylie. Indexing family histories: simple steps for a quality product. Arlington, VA: National Genealogical Society, 1994. Pp. 22. MLA. Hayama Missionary Seminar. A.D. 2000 and beyond: Christian education and mission. Missionary survival before A.D. 2000. Two seminars: Innovative strategies; Contextualizing the Gospel. Russel Sawatsky, ed. Tokyo: Tokyo Mission Research Institute, 1994. Pp. 96. EMU, MLA. He is our peace: meditations on Christian nonviolence. Emmy Barth, ed. Farmington, PA: Plough, 1994. Pp. 170. EMU, MHL, MLA. Heath, Harriet. Answering that of God in our children. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 315) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1994. Pp. 39. MLA. Hege, Evelyn. More than gold. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1994. Pp. 204. EMU, MHL. Heinrichs, Gerald B. A brief history of the Heinrichs family. Regina, SK: Author, 1994. Pp. 38. MHC, MLA. Heisey, John W. Pennsylvania genealogical library guide. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1994. Pp. 73. MLA. Henry, Roy Wilson. Wayside revelations. Newton: Wordsworth, 1994. Pp. 141. MLA. Herr, Theodore W. Genealogical record of Reverend Hans Herr and his direct lineal descendants, from his birth A.D. 1639 to the present time containing the names, etc., of 13223 persons. 3rd ed., with corrections and supplemental data by Phillip E. Bedient. Lancaster: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 800. MHL. Hershberger Ben A. Troutville directory: migrations and history of Troutville, Pa. Punxsutawney, PA: Author, 1994. Pp. 64. EMU. Hershberger, Susan. Teacher's favorites song book. Baltic, OH: Author, 1994. Pp. 62. MHL. Hertzler, Leon E. History of the annual reunions of the Hertzler-Hartzler family. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1994. Pp. 36. MHL. Hoekema, Alle Gabe. Denken in dynamisch evenwicht: de wordingsgeschiedenis van de nationale protestantse theologie in Indonesie (ca. 1860-1960). Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 1994. Pp. 350. EMU. Hoffmann, Manfred. Rhetoric and theology: the hermeneutic of Erasmus. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto, 1994. Pp. 306. MLA. Homan, Gerlof D. American Mennonites and the Great War, 1914-1918. (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history; 34) Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 237. FRE, MHC, MHL, MLA. Hoover, Joanne and Kenneth Hoover. Hoover--three generations: from Washington Co., Md. to Rockingham Co., Va. Westfield, NJ: Authors, 1994. Pp. 30. EMU. Hoover, Titus B. Three baptisms: fire, water and suffering. [Port Trevorton, PA]: Author, 1994. Pp. 11. MHL. Horst, C. Jean. The heart of roses quilt. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 96. MHL, MLA. Horst, Carmen Susana. Like the cicada = como la cigarra. Goshen: Pinchpenny, 1994. Pp. 36. MHL. Horst, Carmen and Wanda Kraybill. A whistle over the water: a broadside sampler. Goshen: Pinchpenny, 1994. Pp. 101. EMU, MHL. Horst, Leona J. Birthday and wedding anniversary calendar of the Washington-Franklin Mennonite Conference: complete as of March 15, 1987. Waynesboro, PA: Author, 1994. Pp. 96. EMU, MHL. Horst, Rebecca Bontrager. Goshen College: a pictorial history, 1894-1994. Goshen: Goshen College, 1994. Pp. 108. EMU, FRE, MHL. Hostetler, Marian. A name for our organization. Elkhart: WMSC, 1994. Pp. 4. MHL. ________. We knew Jesus. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 159. MHL. Hunsberger, Arthur G. Analysis of the draft of the Confession of faith in a Mennonite perspective. Meadville, PA: Author, 1994. Pp. 27. MHL. Ich kann Pennsylvania deitsh laysa: a self-teaching primer. [Sugar Creek, OH]: Committee for Translation, 1994. Pp. 18. EMU. Index to Genealogical records of Reverend Hans Herr and his direct lineal descendants. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1994. Pp. 125. MHL, MLA. Isaak, Sally Schroeder. Some seed fell on good ground. Winnipeg: Henderson Bks., 1994. Pp. 120. FRE, MLA. J. P. van den Tol. The Mennonites: a collection of books on Anabaptism, Mennonitica & related subjects. Dordrecht: J. P. van den Tol, [1994]. Pp. 31. EMU. Janzen, Waldemar. Old Testament ethics: a paradigmatic approach. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1994. Pp. 236. EMU, MHC, MLA. Jésus-Christ notre paix. (Cahiers de Christ Seul; 1994/2) Montbéliard: Christ Seul, 1994. Pp. 95. EMU, MHL, MLA. Johnson, Keith A. and Malcolm R. Sainty. Genealogical research directory, national & international. North Sydney, NSW: Authors, 1994. Pp. 1136. MHL. Joris, David. The Anabaptist writings of David Joris, 1535-1543. Waterloo: Herald, 1994. Pp. 345. MHC, MHL, MLA. Journeys with God: at the crossroads. Rose M. Stutzman and Nancy Nussbuam, eds. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1994. Pp. 174. MHL. Juhnke, James C. Creative crusader: Edmund G. Kaufman and Mennonite community. (Cornelius H. Wedel historical series; 8) North Newton: Bethel College, 1994. Pp. 298. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Kahn, Edythe T. Jacob and Sara Wolf Lotz: their ancestry and descendants, 1760 to 1994. LaSalle, MI: Author, 1994. Pp. 439. MHL. King, Terri Michele. Survival analysis of familial data: a study of the aggregation of length of life. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Johns Hopkins Univ., 1994. 1 microfilm. MHL. Kintner, Elgin P. Edward Kintner and Glada Snyder: ancestral genealogy and tour guide. Maryville, TN: Author, 1994. Pp. 310. EMU, MHL. Kizik, Edmund. Mennonici w Gdansku, Elblgu i na Zulawach Wislanych w drugiej Polowie XVII w XVIII Wieku. Gdansk: Gdanskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 1994. 1 v. FRE. Kraus, C. Norman. A theological basis for intervention ministries: MCC seminars (Spring, 1994). (MCC occasional papers; 20) Akron: MCC, 1994. Pp. 46. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Kraus, Harry Lee. Stainless steal hearts. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bks., 1994. Pp. 412. EMU. Krehbiel, Howard E. From troubled times. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1994. Pp. 54. MHL, MLA. Krehbiel, James W. Swiss Russian Mennonite church and family books: data extracted from Edwardsdorf-Kutusovka church book, Michelsdorf-Horodyszcze church book, Volhynian church book number three. Charleston, IL: Author, 1994. Pp. 202. MHL, MLA. Kropf, Marlene and Eddy Hall. Praying with the Anabaptists. Newton: Faith & Life, 1994. Pp. 176 + 1 cassette. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Kurtz, Shirley. Birthday chickens. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 32. EMU. ________. Growing up plain. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 63. EMU, FRE, MLA. Lamar, Charles. Some observations on the Bruderhof, the Holocaust and Christianity. San Francisco: KIT, 1994. Pp. 17. MHL. Längin, Bernd G. Plain and Amish: an alternative to modern pessimism. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 416. FRE, MHC, MHL, MLA. Lederach, Paul M. Daniel. (Believers church Bible commentary) Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 326. MHL, MLA. Lehman, Celia. The history of Kidron. Kidron, OH: Kidron Community Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 32. MHL. ________. Our Swiss heritage. Kidron, OH: Kidron Community Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 32. MHL. Lehman, Joanne. Traces of treasure: quest for God in the commonplace. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 158. MHL, MLA. Lehman, Maurice E. Paragraphs of life. Patricia L. McFarlane and Jennifer Fern McFarlane, eds. Lancaster: Author, 1994. Pp. 191. EMU. Levering, Robert. Friends and alcohol: recovering a forgotten testimony. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 313) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1994. Pp. 39. MHL, MLA. Liechty, Daniel. Early Anabaptist spirituality. New York: Paulist, 1994. Pp. 304. MHL. Liechty, Jeanne M. The influence of community upon the development of self: an exploratory study of Mennonite women. Thesis (M.S.W.)--Smith College, 1994. Pp. 78. MHL. Lind, Katie Yoder. From hazelbrush to cornfields: the first one hundred years of the Amish-Mennonites in Johnson, Washington and Iowa counties of Iowa, 1846-1945. Kalona: Mennonite Historical Society of Iowa, 1994. Pp. 755. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Linder, Linda. Joseph Conrad genealogy, 1821-1994. Alliance, OH: Author, 1994. Pp. 114. MHL. Living mirror: young Mennonite poets. Cincinnati: Mennonite Arts Weekend, 1994. Pp. 32. FRE, MHL, MLA. Locher, Paul G., Joseph W. Irvin, and Stanley A. Kaufman. Decorative arts of Ohio's Sonnenberg Mennonites. Kidron, OH: Kidron Community Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 176. MHL. Loewen, Diana. Family history of the ancestors of Henrich John Loewen. Calgary: Author, [1994]. 1 v. MHC. Longenecker, Stephen L. Piety and tolerance: Pennsylvania German religion, 1700-1850. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1994. Pp. 195. MLA. Löwen, Abram. Frau Braun, die Lange, die übrigblieb: vom Niedergang einer Indianersippe in Paraguay. Preetz, Germany: Adelheid und Heinrich Derksen, 1994. Pp. 100. EMU. Manual of doctrine and government of the Brethren in Christ Church: constitution, articles of faith and doctrine, bylaws. 1994 ed. Nappanee: Evangel, 1994. Pp. 95. EMU, MLA. Martens, Elmer A. God's design: a focus on Old Testament theology. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994. Pp. 271. FRE. Martens, Queenie and J. Vernon Martens. The Jacob Martens family history, 1812-1993. Vernon, BC: Authors, 1994. 1 v. MHL. Martin, Marla. Little church house by the river. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light, 1994. Pp. 101. EMU, MHL. Martin, Paul H. The dome of the Lord: the first four decades of the Des Moines Mennonite Church, Des Moines, Iowa. Des Moines, IA: The Church, 1994. Pp. 82. MLA. Martin, Robert W. Descendants of Christian Marti/Marty Martin. [S.l.]: Author, 1994. Pp. 6. MHL. Mast, Lois Ann. The Shetter family tree. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1994. Pp. 105. EMU. Mathews, Edward. The Rosenberger family of Montgomery County: historical and genealogical sketches. Reprint. Bedminster, PA: Adams Apple, 1994. Pp. 56. MLA. McGoldrick, James Edward. Baptist successionism: a crucial question in Baptist history. Metuchen NJ: Scarecrow, 1994. Pp. 181. MHL. McGrath, William R. Conservative Anabaptist theology. [Minerva, OH]: Author, 1994. Pp. 102. MLA. McLeod, Roxie. Dreams and rumors: a history of "Book of the Hopi". Thesis (M.A.)--Univ. of Colorado, 1994. Pp. 330. MLA. Mennonite family history surname index IV. Elverson, PA: Mennonite Family History, 1994. Pp. 35. EMU, MHL, MLA. Miller, D. New Order Amish directory. Millersburg, OH: Author, 1994. Pp. 106. MHL. Miller, Lester. Boys and girls of the Bible coloring book. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1994. 1 v. EMU, MHL. Miller, Lydia Ann. John D. Hochstetler and Jemima Detweiler family history, 1904-1994. Millersburg, OH: Author, 1994. Pp. 74. MHL. Miller, Melissa A. Family violence: the compassionate church responds. Waterloo: Herald, 1994. Pp. 180. MHL, MLA. Miller, Ruth. Ruth's bulk food cookbook. Walnut Creek, OH: Author, [1994]. Pp. 176. EMU. Miller, Susan Fisher. Culture for service: a history of Goshen College, 1894-1994. Goshen: Goshen College, 1994. Pp. 377. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Mitchell, Barbara and John Sandford. Down Buttermilk Lane. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Bks., 1994. 1 v. MHL. Model Ts, pep chapels, and a wolf at the door: Kansas teenagers, 1900-1941. Marilyn Irvin Holt, ed. [Lawrence]: Univ. of Kansas, 1994. Pp. 271. MLA. Monsma, Stephen V. The mixing of church and state: religious nonprofit organizations and public money. Grand Rapids: Calvin College, 1994. Pp. 24. MHL. Moore, Ruth Nulton. Where the eagles fly. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 104. MHL. Morrison, Helen S. Fort Wayne land office entries, 1823-1855. Indianapolis: Friends of the Archives, 1994. Pp. 138. MHL. Myers, Tamar. Too many crooks spoil the broth: a Pennsylvania Dutch mystery with recipes. New York: Doubleday, 1994. Pp. 245. MHL. Natural connections: faith stories from African and African-American Christians. Ardell Stauffer, Pearl Sensenig, and Howard Good, eds. Evanston, IL: African-American Mennonite Association/MCC, [1994]. Pp. 58. EMU. Neufeld, Herman Abram. Neufeld ancestors and lineage (222 years, 1772 through 1994). Canoga Park, CA: Author, 1994. Pp. 23. FRE. Nofziger, Lenae K. The music is with the river. Goshen: Pinchpenny, 1994. Pp. 40. MHL. Northey, Wayne. Restorative justice: rebirth of an ancient practice. (New perspectives on crime & justice; 14) Akron: MCC, 1994. Pp. 39. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Nussbaum Shawn. Genre: Storehouse. Akron: Genre, 1994. 1 v. + 1 sound cassette. MHL. Oberman, Heiko A. The impact of the Reformation. Grand Rapids: Eerdman, 1994. Pp. 263. MLA. Old and new world Anabaptists: studies on the language, culture, society and health of the Amish and Mennonites. James R. Dow, Werner Enninger, Joachim Raith, eds. (Internal and external perspectives on Amish and Mennonite life; 4) Essen: Univ. of Essen, 1994. Pp. 205. MHL, MLA. On the cutting edge: textile collectors, collections, and traditions. Lewisburg, PA: Oral Traditions Project, 1994. Pp. 120. MHL. Our rich heritage: Hepburn and districts. Hepburn, SK: Hepburn History Book Committee, 1994. Pp. 791. FRE. Oyer, Phyllis Smith. Oyer and allied families, Supplement I. Rochester, NY: Author, 1994. Pp. 71. MHL. Patkau, Esther. Ministry of Rosthern Bible School alumni: 1932-1994. Saskatoon: Author, 1994. Pp. 115. MHC, MHL, MLA. Penner, Elizabeth. Striving for perfection: recollections of the life and service in India and following of Betty Erb, 1918-1993. Goshen: Author, 1994. Pp. 67. MHL. Petre, Mahlon. The directory of the families of the Mennonite Christian Fellowship congregations. Gap Mills, WV: Author, 1994. Pp. 268. MHL. A Pilgrim people: volume II : Johannes J. Dyck, 1885-1948, Johannes J. Dyck, 1860-1920, Johannes D. Dyck, 1826-1898. Peter J. Dyck and C.J. Dyck, eds. Winnipeg: Rena & George Kroeker, 1994. Pp. 216. MHL, MLA. A Pleasant view of Martindale. [Denver, PA: Saul Printing, 1994]. Pp. 303. EMU. Pleil, Nadine Moonje. Free from bondage: after forty years in Bruderhof communities on three continents. San Francisco: Carrier Pigeon, 1994. Pp. 369. EMU, MLA. Preaching the word: sermons by Brethren in Christ ministers. E. Morris Sider, ed. Grantham, PA: Brethren in Christ Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 180. EMU, MHC, MHL, MLA. Quiroga, Marta. A Los 75 Años De Vida (1919-1994): Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Argentine. Argentina: [s.n.], 1994. Pp. 89. MHL. Ratzlaff, Keith. New winter light. Troy, ME: Nightshade, 1994. 1 v. MLA. Reed, Martha C. The Long Green heritage. Reprint. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1994. Pp. 58. MLA. Reeder, Josh. Indexing genealogy publications. Damascus, MD: Russell D. Earnest Assoc., 1994. Pp. 48. MHL. Reformation in national context. Bob Scribner, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ., 1994. Pp. 236. MLA. Regier, Katharina. Our heritage: remembrances of my life in Russia 1866-1895, from the diary of: Katharina (Wiens) Bahnmann Dyck Regier. Marvin Bahnmann, ed. [S.l.: s.n.], 1994. Pp. 160. MHC. Resource directory for older adults. Harrisonburg, VA: Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, 1994. Pp. 91. EMU. Richard, Kent E. The Michel (1787-1863) and Magdalena (Widmer) Richard family: Graber, Richard, Riche, Widmer ancestors and descendants. Talmage, PA: Author, 1994. Pp. 144. MHL. Roth, Donald W. The family of Joseph and Barbara (Ulrich) Litwiller. Ft. Wayne: Author, 1994. Pp. 341. MHL. Roth, Lorraine and John Bradley Arthaud. The Jacob LeBold and Magdalena Blank family, 1800-1993: with allied families of Ebersol, Gascho, Neuhasuer, Schwartzentruber and Zwalter. Waterloo: Authors, 1994. Pp. 106. MHL. Russia's great reforms, 1855-1881. Ben Eklof, ed. Bloomington: Indiana Univ., 1994. Pp. 297. MLA. Sareyan, Alex. The turning point: how men of conscience brought about major change in the care of America's mentally ill. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric, 1994. Pp. 309. EMU, MHL, MLA. Sareyan, Alex. The turning point: how men of conscience brought about major change in the care of America's mentally ill. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 314. MLA. Schlabach, Kyle. The cow in science hall: a collection of Goshen College folklore. Goshen: Pinchpenny, 1994. Pp. 69. EMU, MHL. Schloneger, Weldon. A concordance to: Hymnal: A worship book. [Chenoa, IL]: Author, 1994. 1 v. MHL, MLA. Schmidt, Hilda and Carl Schmidt. Directory of the Mennonite Cemetery, Beatrice, Nebraska. [Beatrice, NE: Authors, 1994]. 1 v. MLA. Schrag, Dale R., John D. Thiesen, and David A. Haury. The Mennonites: a brief guide to information. North Newton: Bethel College, 1994. Pp. 20. EMU, MLA. Schrock, Lawrence and Barbara Schrock. Pennsylvania Amish directory of the Spartansburg settlement. [Spartansburg, PA: Authors], 1994. Pp. 57. EMU. Schroeder, William. Balthasar Denner, 1685-1749, portrait artist. Winnipeg: A.D. Schroeder Typesetting, 1994. Pp. 30. MHL, MLA. Schwartz, Susan and Verna Mast. Behold the lilies of the field. Mt. Perry, OH: Moses & Susan Schwartz, 1994. Pp. 366. MHL. Seitz, Ruth Hoover. Philadelphia & its countryside. Photos by Blair Seitz. Harrisburg, PA: RB Bks., 1994. Pp. 144. EMU. Shank, David A. Prophet Harris, the "Black Elijah" of West Africa. New York: Brill, 1994. Pp. 309. MHL. Shearer, Jody Miller. Enter the river: healing steps from white privilege toward racial reconciliation. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 214. FRE, MHL, MLA. ________. Living without violence. (Fast lane Bible studies) Newton: Faith & Life, 1994. Pp. 56. MLA. Shenk, David W. God's call to mission. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 229. FRE, MHC, MHL, MLA. Shenk, John H. Growing up Mennonite: memoirs of John H. Shenk: the first twenty-four years. Sarasota, FL: Author, 1994. Pp. 109. EMU, MHL, MLA. Shott, James R. Othniel. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 168. MHL. Showalter, Rhoda F. Noah's ark coloring book. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light, 1994. Pp. 53. EMU. Sider, Ronald J. Cup of water, bread of life: inspiring stories about overcoming lopsided Christianity. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. Pp. 186. EMU. Sine, Tom. Live it up! Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 232. MHL. Sites, Donald E. Windmills and windmill weights. Meade, KS: Friesen Windmill & Supply, 1994. 1 v. MHL, MLA. Smith, Kenneth L. Genealogical dates: a user-friendly guide. Camden, MA: Picton, 1994. Pp. 196 + 1 computer disk. MLA. Smith, Luther E. Jr. Intimacy & mission: intentional community as crucible for radical discipleship. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 189. MHL, MLA. Smith, Patricia Douglass. Kansas biographical index: state-wide and regional histories. Garden City, KS: Author, 1994. Pp. 350. MLA. Smoker, Dorothy W. Ambushed by love: God's triumph in Kenya's terror. Fort Washington, PA: Christian Literature Crusade, 1994. Pp. 284. EMU. Smucker, John D. Mennonite choral literature: a survey of compositions, 1900-1994. Thesis (M.A.)--Ball State Univ., 1994. Pp. 81. MHL. Soper, Sharon E. Soybeans and the kingdom of God: an approach to holistic mission. Winnipeg: Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference, 1994. Pp. 159. EMU. Spohn, Clarence. The Bauman/Bowman family of the Cocalico Valley: printers, papermakers and tavernkeepers. Ephrata: Historical Society of Cocalico Valley, 1994. Pp. 94. EMU, MHL. Sprunger, Keith L. Trumpets from the tower: English Puritan printing in the Netherlands, 1600-1640. Leiden: Brill, 1994. Pp. 240. MLA. Stahl, J. D. Mark Twain: culture and gender. Athens: Univ. of Georgia, 1994. Pp. 231. MHL. Stoesz, Edgar and Chester Raber. Doing good better! How to be an effective board member of a nonprofit organization. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 150. EMU, MHL, MLA. Stoll, Joseph. The drummer's wife and other stories from Martyrs' Mirror. Aylmer, ON: Pathway, 1994. Pp. 251. MLA. Stoltzfus, Ada Fern. Tri state directory migrations and history of Kentucky, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Oak Grove, KY: Author, 1994. Pp. 75. MHL. Stoltzfus, Isaac K. Song translations (German to English) for the hearing impaired. Aylmer, ON: Author, 1994. Pp. 52. MHL. Stoltzfus, Louise. Amish women: lives and stories. Intercourse: Good Bks., 1994. Pp. 123. EMU, FRE, MLA. Strahl, Gary. A Canadian story: the Bill & Martha Strahl family. [S.l.]: Don Dearborn, 1994. Pp. 382. MHC, MLA. Stucky, Nancy Voth. Isaac Fast genealogy, 1859-1994. Goessel, KS: Author, 1994. Pp. 47. MLA. Stucky, Naomi R. Jonathan's journey. Brighton, ON: Author, 1994. Pp. 98. MLA. Stutzmann, Jonas. Ein Sendschrieben an die Christen aller Confessionen.... Walnut Creek, OH: Genza Valley Anabaptist Library, 1994. Pp. 10. MHL. Suderman, Robert J. Discipulado Cristiano al servicio del Reino. Bogota: CLARA, 1994. Pp. 143. MHL. Suter, Scott Hamilton. The importance of making progress: the potteries of Emanuel Suter, 1851-1897. Thesis (Ph.D.)--George Washington Univ., 1994. Pp. 243. EMU. Swartley, Willard M. Israel's scripture traditions and the Synoptic Gospels: story shaping story. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1994. Pp. 367. MHL, MLA. La tarea educativa de la iglesia. (Esperanza en Camino version popular; 5) Guatemala City: Esperanza en Camino, 1994. Pp. 50. EMU. The Task of the congregational historian. Goshen: Historical Committee and Archives of the Mennonite Church, 1994. Pp. 20. EMU, MLA. Thackrey, Don. Some Amish branches of the Keim family. Ann Arbor, MI: Author, 1994. Pp. 124. EMU, MHL. That voice: Heralds of Hope, Inc.: 25 years of mission. Breezewood, PA: Heralds of Hope, 1994. Pp. 36. MHL. Thirlwall, Lynda McIntosh. Mennonite quilts of Fresno County, California: 1900-1940. Thesis (M.S.)--California State Univ., Fresno, 1994. Pp. 115. FRE. Thode, Ernest. Address book for Germanic genealogy. 5th ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., 1994. Pp. 174. MLA. Thomas, Marlin E. Resolving disputes in Christian groups. Winnipeg: Windflower, 1994. Pp. 224. FRE, MLA. Thorp, Malcolm R. and Arthur J. Slavin. Politics, religion and diplomacy in early modern Europe. (16th century essays & studies; 27) Kirksville, MO: 16th Century Journal, 1994. Pp. 332. MHL. Timmer, Doug A., D. Stanley Eitzen, and Kathryn Talley. Paths to homelessness: extreme poverty and urban housing crisis. Boulder: Westview, 1994. Pp. 210. MHL. Toevs, Dudley Dodgion. Newton remembering yesterday today: romancing history, Newton, Kansas-- 1860's toward 2000. [S.l.: s.n.], 1994. Pp. 128. MLA. Toews, Art. Arnaud Mennonite Church: 1944-1994. Arnaud, MB: Arnaud Mennonite Church Yearbook Committee, [1994]. Pp. 112. MHC. Torrance, Patricia. Writing a regional history book with a committee. Bowie, MD: Heritage Bks., 1994. Pp. 108. MLA. Towne, Marian Kleinsasser. Bread of life: diaries and memories of a Dakota family, 1936-1945. Freeman: Pine Hill, 1994. Pp. 459. FRE, MLA. Trigg, Jonathan D. Baptism in the theology of Martin Luther. Leiden: Brill, 1994. Pp. 234. MLA. Troyer, Andrew M. Troyer's T-14 purple martin house. Conneautville, PA: Author, 1994. Pp. 14. MHL. Ummel, Charly and Claire-Lise Ummel. L'Église Anabaptiste en Pays Neuchâtelois. 2nd ed. [S.l.]: Société Suisse D'Histoire Mennonite, 1994. Pp. 189. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Urner, Carol Reilley. The kingdom and the way: meditations on the kingdom of God. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 317) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1994. Pp. 40. MHL, MLA. Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions. Answering the call: 1919-1994: Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions celebrates 75 years. [Harrisonburg, VA]: VMBM, 1994. Pp. 11. EMU. Warkentin, Larry. The song I hear: poems and fragments. Fresno: Ryan Lovell, 1994. Pp. 287. FRE. Warkentin, Leonard. The quest: more than a thousand miles by wagon train in search of a better life. Kingsburg, CA: Author, 1994. Pp. 29. FRE. Wasilchick, John V. Amish life: a portrait of plain living. 2nd ed. New York: Crescent Bks., 1994. Pp. 155. EMU. Weaver, Virginia Kreider. Early years of Weaver Book Store. [Lancaster]: Author, 1994. Pp. 26. EMU. Weiser, Frederick S. The gift is small, the love is great: Pennsylvania German small presentation frakturs. York, PA: York Graphic Services, 1994. Pp. 119. MLA. Wenger, A. Grace. Landis Homes: the first thirty years, 1964-1994. Parkesburg, PA: Leaman Associates, 1994. Pp. 67. EMU, MHL. ________. A people in mission: 1894-1994. Salunga, PA: Eastern Mennonite Missions, 1994. Pp. 95. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. When we sing: conversations with Alice Parker and friends. Harleysville, PA: Branch Valley Prod., 1994. 1 video. MHL. White, Emerson E. School management and moral training: a practical treatise for teachers and all other persons interested in the right training of the young. Gordonville: Gordonville, Penna. Print Shop, 1994. Pp. 320. MHL. Widmer, Rose G. and Nancy Nussbaum. Journeys with God: running the race. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1994. Pp. 137. MHL. Wiebe, Joel A. Remembering, reaching: a vision for service: a fifty year history of Fresno Pacific College. Fresno: Fresno Pacific College, 1994. Pp. 223. EMU, FRE. Wiebe, Katie Funk. Prayers of an omega: facing the transitions of aging. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 112. FRE, MHC, MHL, MLA. Wiebe, Rudy. A discovery of strangers. Toronto: Knopf, 1994. Pp. 317. FRE. Witmer, Dallas. The faith worth dying for. Farmington, NM: Lamp & Light, 1994. Pp. 77. EMU. Witmer, Hannah Wenger. Taking time: reminiscences of my life. [S.l.: Author's family], 1994. Pp. 142. EMU. Woman's work: a guide to growth and self-discovery. Anne Baxter & Nora O. Lozano-Díaz, eds. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 120. MLA. Wright, Barton. Clowns of the Hopi: tradition keepers and delight makers. Flagstaff: Northland, 1994. Pp. 136. MLA. Wright, Susan Kimmel. Death by babysitting. Scottdale: Herald, 1994. Pp. 167. MHL. Yoder, Dale D. Bible mazes. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1994. Pp. 48. EMU, MHL. Yoder, Franklin L. Opening a window to the world: a history of Iowa Mennonite School. Kalona: Iowa Mennonite School, 1994. Pp. 319. MHL, MLA. Yoder, Isabelle King. Geneology [sic] of Abraham, Jr. and Alice Hartzler King. 2nd update by Helen K. Yates. [Harrisonburg, VA: Yates], 1994. Pp. 10. EMU. Yoder, James D. Barbara: Sarah's legacy. Newton: Faith & Life, 1994. Pp. 175. FRE, MHL, MLA. Yoder, John Howard. The politics of Jesus: vicit agnus noster. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994. Pp. 257. MHL, MLA. Yoder, Olen F. Ausbund songs with notes. Burr Oak, MI: S. Chupp, 1994. Pp. 39. MHL. Yoder, Raymond A. Ray Yoder, his life. Staunton, VA: Author, 1994. Pp. 35. MHL. Yoder-Sickler, Telissa J. J.C. Penney and other camp skits. Goshen: Pinchpenny, 1994. Pp. 61. MHL. Yoder, Wanda M. Markie and the Hammond cousins. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light, 1994. Pp. 124. EMU, MHL. Yoder, Willis E. Suitable Lieder Sammlung tunes. Kalona: W.E. Yoder family, 1994. Pp. 20. MHL. Yungblut, John. For that solitary individual: an octogenarian's counsel on living and dying. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 316) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1994. Pp. 30. MLA. Zeitgeist: student perspectives on contemporary culture. Christopher Sauder, ed. Goshen: Pinchpenny, 1994. Pp. 59. MHL. Zimmerman, Ella. Memories of days past. Rutledge, MO: Author, 1994. Pp. 109. MHL. Zook, Lee. The function of Amish mutual aid. Decorah, IA: Author, 1994. Pp. 15. MHL. 25th anniversary, 1968-1993, Sherbrooke Mennonite Church. [Vancouver, BC: The Church, 1993] Pp. 144. MHC, MLA. 300 Jahre Mennonitenkirche Krefeld: 1693-1993. Hans Adolf Hertzler, ed. Krefeld: The Church, 1993. Pp. 48. EMU. Against great odds. Worcester, PA: Gateway Films/Vision Video, 1992. 1 video. EMU, MHL. Alabanzas favoritas No. 2. Moundridge: Gospel Publishers, 1993. Pp. 252. MHL. Ambrose, Mary E. Ancestors and descendants of Abraham Koons and his wives: Susan Shrader of Franklin County, Pennsylvania and Jane Mills of Crawford County, Ohio. Mechanicsburg, PA: Author, 1992. Pp. 83. MHL. Amish. Bala CynWyd, PA: Library Video, 1993. 1 video. MHL. Amish-country cookbook: volume III. Bob and Sue Miller, Anita Sekora, eds. Elkhart: Bethel Publishing, 1993. Pp. 308. MLA. Anderson, Janet Byron. Amish word wisdom. Rocky River, OH: Author, 1993. Pp. 25. MHL. Archilla, Aurelio A. Garcia. The theology of history and apologetic historiography in Heinrich Bullinger: truth in history. San Francisco: Mellen Research Univ., 1992. Pp. 337. MHL. Auf dem Weg zum Dienst in Gemeinde und Mission: Berufung, Ausbildung, Dienst. [Leistal, Switzerland]: Konferenz der Mennoniten der Schweiz, 1993. Pp. 16. EMU. Augsburger, A. Don. A pattern for living: reflections on the Sermon on the Mount. [Sarasota, FL]: Author, 1993. Pp. 192. EMU, MLA. Aylesworth, Jim. The folks in the valley: a Pennsylvania Dutch ABC. New York: HarperCollins, 1992. 1 v. MHL. Baker, Margaret Musser. The reflections of seeking God: a musical drama: Oak Grove Mennonite Church, 175th anniversary. Smithville, OH: The Church, 1993. Pp. 55. EMU. Bauman, Velina and Melinda Martin. Family tree of Urias Buehler, Leah Brubacher, Mary (Kilmer) Brubacher and a sketch of Abraham Buehler and Julian Beatty (Urias' parents). St. Jacobs, ON: Authors, 1992. Pp. 43. MHL. Becker, Paul G. The Becker chronicle. Denver, CO: Author, 1993. 1 v. MLA. Beiler, David. Eine Vermahnung oder Andenken. Baltic, OH: Raber's Bookstore, 1993. Pp. 35. MHL. Bellafiore, Sharyn and T. J. Redcay. Amish farm animals. Gettysburg, PA: Americana Souvenirs & Gifts, 1992. Pp. 32. EMU. Bender, Urie A. All the days of my life : the story of Peter and Anna Dick. [S.l.: s.n.], 1993. Pp. 352. MHC. Bergsma Friesen, Lynn. Calvin and the Anabaptists: re-examining the theological conflict. Thesis (M.T.)--Conrad Grebel College, 1993. Pp.187. MLA. Berti, Peter Robert. The contribution of maternal age, birth order and birth interval to variation in prevalence of linear enamel hypoplasia. Thesis (M.A.)--Univ. of Guelph, 1992. 2 microfiche. MHL. Beyond instinct. Ephrata: Grace, 1993. Pp. 45. EMU. Blosser, Donald, Peitian Shuai, Ping Zhou. Dictionary of the literature of the Bible. Chengdu: Sichuan People's Pub. House, 1993. Pp. 495. MHL. Bly, Daniel W. From the Rhine to the Shenandoah: eighteenth century Swiss & German pioneer families in the central Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and their European origins: Baker, Bly, Brubeck, Dosh, Funk, Funkhouser, Keller, Orndorff, Pitman, Rosenberger, Snapp, Spiggle, Supinger, Windle. Baltimore: Gateway, 1993. Pp. 228. EMU. Bontrager, Glen Martin. Ancestors and descendants of Abraham & Eliza Nissley. Kalamazoo, MI: Author, 1993. 1 v. MHL. Brandt, Carsten. Sprache und Sprachgebrauch der Mennoniten in Mexiko. Marburg: Elwert, 1992. Pp. 436. EMU, FRE. Brandt, Di. Wild mother dancing: maternal narrative in Canadian literature. Winnipeg: Univ. of Manitoba, 1993. Pp. 188. MLA. Bratt, James D. Protestant immigrants: paper for the Pew project on minority faiths in the American Protestant mainstream. [S.l.]: Author, 1993. Pp. 41. MHL. Braun, Helene. Gemischte Rezepte für Küche und Backstube. 12th ed. Loma Plata, Paraguay: Hein K. Braun, 1992. Pp. 55. MHL. Brentz, Wilma Jean Schertz. Schertz tales. Farmington, IL: Author, 1992. Pp. 181. MHL. Building Christian English: following the plan: Grade 5 teacher's manual. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 655. MHL. Byler, J. A. Starting dairy replacement calves. Sugar Grove, PA: Author, 1993. Pp. 29. MHL. Byler, John M. Amish immigrants of Waldeck and Hesse: a record of 263 immigrants, with a record of their descendants to those who were married by about 1865, plus historical records of Germany, shiplists, etc. Bellville, OH: Author, 1993. Pp. 231. EMU. Carlsen, Robert. Descendants of Henry Bowman. Oakhurst, CA: Author, 1993. Pp. 69. MHL. Charles, J. Robert. The future tasks of the alliance: NATO's 1967 Harmel exercise and report. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Tufts Univ., 1993. Pp. 616. MHL. Coblentz, John. Called to be a layman. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light, [1993]. Pp. 6. EMU. Colletta, John P. They came in ships: a guide to finding your immigrant ancestor's arrival record. Rev. ed. Salt Lake City: Ancestry, 1993. Pp. 93. MLA. Country recipes from friends and family: a collection of 900 tasty recipes from Mennonite homes all across America. Sherry Yost, ed. Hillsboro: Hearth, 1993. Pp. 284. MHL. Country schoolteacher: a Kansas legacy. Vera Ellerman Rodecap, ed. Holton, KS: Bell Graphics, 1993. Pp. 129. MLA. Dawn of the Golden Age: northern Netherlandish art, 1580-1620. Ger Luijten, ed. Amsterdam/Zwolle: Rijksmuseum/Waanders, 1993. Pp. 718. EMU. Detweiler, William N. The creation, founding and early settlers of Bebber's Township, Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania, 1702 (now Skippack Township, Montgomery County, PA). Bedminster, PA: Adams Apple, 1992. Pp. 26. MHL. ________. The highways & byways of Hilltown Township, colonial crossroads of Pennsylvania: study of the road development in Hilltown Township from Indian trails to the mid-nineteenth century. Bedminster, PA: Adams Apple, 1993. Pp. 63. MHL. Dice, Evelyn Funk. The ancestors and descendants of Jacob Brechbill Sollenberger and his wife Frances Meyers Sollenberger. Chambersburg, PA: Author, 1993. Pp. 88. MHL. Dickens, Jane W. Index to A history of Washington County, Maryland. Westminster, MD: Family Line, 1992. Pp. 295. MHL. Dietz, Barbara and Peter Hilkes. Russlanddeutsche: Unbekannte im Osten: Geschichte, Situation, Zukunftsperspektiven. München: Olzog, 1992. Pp. 140. MHC. Directory of the Washington County, Md. and Franklin Co., Pa. Mennonite churches. Hagerstown, MD: Washington Co. and Franklin Co. Conference, 1993. Pp. 51. EMU. The Distorter Band: closer than they appear. Winnipeg: Mennonite Distorter, 1993. 1 sound cassette. MHL. Dollinger, Gerhard. In der schönen Wüste. Stuttgart: Betulius, 1993. Pp. 127. MLA. Driedger, Michael D. Conflict and adaptation in an exile community: Flemish Mennonites in Altona and Hamburg, 1649-1711. Thesis (M.A.)--Queen's Univ., 1993. Pp. 129. MHL, MLA. Driver, John. Cómo los cristianos hicieron paz con la guerra: entendimiento de la guerra de los primeros cristianos. Bogota: CLARA, 1993. Pp. 101. MHL. Dück, Klaus. Mennonitengemeinde: Congregación Menonita Montevideo, 1952-1992. [S.l.: s.n.], 1992. Pp. 71. MHL. Dueck, Hilda M. Riediger. An orphan's song. Winnipeg: Windflower, 1993. Pp. 304. FRE, MHL, MLA. Dyck, Harvey L. Recovering an inheritance: the Peter J. Braun Russian Mennonite Archive, 1803-1920. Toronto: Conrad Grebel College, 1993. Pp. 19. MLA. Dyck, Heinz John. The work of Mennonite Central Committee volunteers in a developing aboriginal community. Thesis (M.A.)--Univ. of Victoria, 1993. microfiche. MHL. Dyck, John. Crosstown Credit Union Limited: serving the Mennonite community, the first fifty years 1944-1994. Winnipeg: Crosstown Credit Union Ltd., 1993. Pp. 174. MHC, MHL. Earnest, Corinne Pattie and Beverly Repass Hoch. German-American family records in the fraktur tradition: volume II: the Franklin and Marshall College collection. Damascus, MD: Russell D. Earnest Assoc., 1993. Pp. 182. MHL, MLA. Ebersole, Cora. Down memory's lane. Shippensburg, PA: Author, [1993] Pp. 60. MHL. Eby, Benjamin. Kurzgefasste Kirchen-Geschichte und Glaubenslehre der Taufgesinnten Christen oder Mennoniten. [S.l.: Woolwich, Ont. Old Order Mennonite deacons, 1992]. Pp. 229. EMU. Ediger, Gerald C. Deutsch und Religion: ethnicity, religion and Canadian Mennonite Brethren, 1940-1970. Thesis (Th.D.)--Univ. of Toronto, 1993. Pp. 363. FRE, MHC. Eisfeld, Alfred. Die Russlanddeutschen. Munich: Herbig, 1992. Pp. 221. MHL. Elias, David H. Crossing the line: short stories. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers, 1992. Pp. 147. MHC. Eller, Cynthia. Living in the lap of the goddess: the feminist spirituality movement in America. New York: Crossroad, 1993. Pp. 276. MHL. Epp, Albert H. Discipleship therapy: healthy Christians--healthy churches. Henderson, NE: Stairway Discipleship, 1993. Pp. 277. MHL, MLA. Epp, Ingrid I. Finding guide: the Peter J. Braun Russian Mennonite Archive, 1803-1920. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto/Conrad Grebel College, 1993. Pp. 277. MHC. Esau, Heinrich. Grassroots approach to church growth and mission. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Fuller Theological Seminary, 1993. Pp. 286. EMU. Exploring personal autonomy: a Rolling Ridge symposium. Paul Peachey, ed. Harpers Ferry, WV: Study Retreat Assoc. of Rolling Ridge, 1992. Pp. 74. EMU. Fahrney, Walter and Omer Long. The descendants of Dr. Peter Fahrney (1767-1837). Frederick, MD: O.M. Long, [1993] Pp. 199. MHL. Flowers, Marshall E. Christian college distinctives: a study of the institutional satisfaction and morals at Christian College Coalition institutions. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Claremont Graduate School, 1992. 1 microfilm. MHL. Flynn, George Q. The draft, 1940-1973. Lawrence: Univ. Press of Kansas, 1993. Pp. 376. MHL, MLA. Folk and decorative art of the Shenandoah Valley. Elkton, VA: Shenandoah Valley Folklore Society, 1993. Pp. 127. MLA. Ford, Ada Lou. Wolf family record: descendants of Abraham and Julia Wolf: an update. San Marcos, CA: Author, 1992. Pp. 118. MHL. Forty years of nursing education at Goshen College. Miriam E. Martin, ed. Goshen: Goshen College, [1993]. Pp. 24. EMU. Franklin, Charles M. Dutch genealogical research. Rev. ed. Indianapolis: Ye Olde Genealogie Shoppe, 1993. Pp. 128. MLA. Frick, Paul Sumner. A history of Fricks Locks, East Coventry Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania: Vol. I: The Hans Grumbacher family of Coventry Township, 1733-1814. Arizona City, AZ: Author, 1993. Pp. 103. MHL. Friesen, Bruce Kelly. A sociological examination of the effects of auspice on day care quality. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Calgary, 1992. 4 microfiche. MHL. Friesen, Jacob. The road unknown. Gladstone, MB: Author, 1993. Pp. 248. FRE, MLA. Friesen, John W. When cultures clash: case studies in multiculturalism. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1993. Pp. 208. MHL. Friesen, Theodore E. A history of DWFriesen: a unique company 1907-1933. Altona, MB: DWFriesen, 1993. Pp. 79. MHC. A Funnie place, no fences: teenagers' views of Kansas, 1867-1900. C. Robert Haywood and Sandra Jarvis, eds. Lawrence: Division of Continuing Education, Univ. of Kansas, 1992. Pp. 349. MLA. Geiser, Linea. Liberia, looking for hope: children's caring project, family mission meal. Elkhart: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1993. Pp. 36 + sound cassette. MHL. Gibbens, Carol. Auernheimer history and genealogy. [Newton: Author, 1992]. Pp. 501. MLA. Gilbert, Martin. Atlas of Russian history. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford, 1993. Pp. 161. MLA. Goertz, Hans-Jürgen. Religiöse Bewegungen in der frühen Neuzeit. München: R. Oldenbourg, 1993. Pp. 149. MHC. ________. Thomas Müntzer: apocalyptic mystic and revolutionary. Jocelyn Jaquiery, tr. ; Peter Matheson, ed. Edinburgh, Scotland: T. & T. Clark, 1993. Pp. 229. EMU, MHC. Great mysteries of the West. Ferenc Morton Szasz, ed. Golden, CO: Fulcrum, 1993. Pp. 266. MLA. Guethlein, Lisbeth A. Evaluation of the molecular basis of mixed lymphocyte culture reactivity between cella expressing different ELA-DR7 bearing haplotypes. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Johns Hopkins Univ., 1993. Pp. 97. MHL. Guias para disciplina sobre credenciales ministeriales. 2nd ed. Elkhart: La Iglesia Menonita de Liderato Congregacional, 1993. Pp. 30. MHL. Habermann, Johann. Christliche Morgen- u. Abendgebete auf alle Tage in der Woche. Reprint. Union City, PA: F.D. Stutzman, 1993. Pp. 192. MHL. Hall, Charles M. The Atlantic bridge to Germany. Vol. 8, Prussia. Salt Lake City: Monda Genealoga Ligo, 1993. Pp. 245. MHL, MLA. Haude, Sigrun. The rule of fear: the impact of Anabaptist 'terror' 1534-1535. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Arizona, 1993. Pp. 434. MLA. Hawley, Jana Marie. Amish/English entrepreneurial activity as a function of culture and world view: conceptions of responsibility, cooperation and competition, and success. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, 1993. 1 microfilm. MHL. Hayama Missionary Seminar. How wide is God's mercy?: Christian perspectives on religious pluralism. Tokyo: Tokyo Mission Research Institute, 1993. Pp. 136. MHL, MLA. Heiberger, Rose. Buggy seat--bare feet. Lancaster: Author, 1993. Pp. 139. MHL. Hershberger, Alma. Amish women. Danville, OH: Art of Amish Taste, 1992. Pp. 107. MLA. Hewner, Sharon Jean. Elder care in an Amish and an English rural community: a comparative medical anthropological study. Thesis (Ph.D.)--SUNY at Buffalo, 1993. 1 microfilm. MHL. Hildebrand, Bodo. Erziehung zur Gemeinschaft: Geschichte und Gegenwart des Erziehungswesens der Hutterer. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus, 1993. Pp. 219. EMU, MHL. Hoerder, Dirk. People on the move: migration, acculturation, and ethnic interaction in Europe and North America. Oxford: Berg, 1993. Pp. 59. MHL. Hofman, R. Het kerkje op de Kaasmarkt: geschiedenis van de Doopsgezinde Gemeente Edam. Wormerveer: Noord-Holland, 1993. Pp. 83. EMU. Hostetler, Michael J. The rhetoric of Christian martyrdom: an exploration of the homiletical uses of ultimate terms. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Northwestern Univ., 1993. Pp. 244. MHL. Hoover, Titus B. The car. Port Trevorton, PA: Author, 1992. Pp. 8. MHL. Huber, Paul. The Huber story. Oak Ridge, TN: Author, 1993. Pp. 27. MHL. Husler, Donald E. Juniata County one-room schools, 1799-1958. Mifflintown, PA: Juniata County Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 76. MHL. Hymnal: accompaniment handbook. Elgin, IL: Brethren, 1993. Pp. 430. MHC. International directory of Renaissance & Reformation associations and institutes. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 1993. Pp. 105. MHL. Iowa's lost summer: the flood of 1993. Michael Wegner, ed. Des Moines Register, photos. Des Moines, IA: Des Moines Register, 1993. Pp. 108. MHL. Isaak, Mary Anne. A description of the theology expressed in song of the Mennonite Brethren Church of Zaïre. Thesis (M.A.)--Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1993. Pp. 137. MHL. Jantzen, Paul G. Prairie wanderings: the land and creatures of the grasslands. Hillsboro: Hearth, 1993. Pp. 141. MHL, MLA. Kansas on my mind. Helena, MT: Falcon, [1993]. Pp. 120. MLA. Kaufman, James R. Traditional religious belief and the local-cosmopolitan orientation among the General Conference Mennonites. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Kansas State Univ., 1993. Pp. 90. MHL, MLA. Kempf, Greg. Reflections of a country cat. Millersburg, OH: Briar Hill, 1993. Pp. 34. MHL. Kennedy, Kathryn Anne. John K. Friesen: adult educator, mentor and humanitarian. [S.l.]: Author, 1992. Pp. 404. MHC. Klaassen, Martin. Martin Klaassen diary. Esther C. Bergen, tr. Winnipeg: Bergen, 1993. Pp. 252. MHL, MLA. Klassen, A. J. The church in the heart of the valley: 1892-1992. Abbotsford, BC: Matsqui-Abbotsford Ministerial Association, 1992. Pp. 189. MHC. Klassen, Heinrich. Mundart und Plautdietsche Jeschichte: ut dem Orenburgschen en ut dem Memritjschen (Russlaund). Marburg: Elwert, 1993. Pp. 155. FRE. Kliewer, Victor. Kliewer: Familie/Family Peter Kliewer & Anna Adrian 1813-1992. Winnipeg: [Author, 1993]. Pp. 194. MHC, MHL. Klopfenstein, Perry A. Fond expectations: a Christian parent's perspective on nurturing children. Fort Scott, KS: Sekan Publications, 1993. Pp. 170. MHL. Knisely, Kim Gehman. A is for Amish. Lititz, PA: Knisely Stoltzfus Bks., 1993. Pp. 29. EMU, FRE, MHL. Kooi, Christine Jane. The Reformed community of Leiden, 1572-1620. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Yale, 1993. 1 microfilm. MHL. Koop, Peter H. Peter, a man of stamina and courage. A.E. Heidi Koop, tr. Winnipeg: Regehr's Printing, 1993. Pp. 181. MLA. Kostick, Diane P. The biography of me: a journey of self-discovery. Carthage, IL: Good Apple, 1992. Pp. 156. MHC. Kosyk, Volodymyr. The Third Reich and Ukraine. New York: P. Lang, 1993. Pp. 669. MLA. Krabill, James R. and Allan Yoder. The urban mission: a cloud of Anabaptist witnesses: an overview and bibliography. Elkhart: MBM, 1993. Pp. 19. MHL, MLA. Krabill, Russell R. John Shank Hiestand, 1909-1992: Mennonite minister and founder of the Congregational Bible Church. Elkhart: Author, 1992. Pp. 33. EMU. Kraybill, Herman F. Kraybill family history: sixteenth through twentieth centuries. Kensington, MD: Scribbler's, 1993. Pp. 199. MHL. Kurtz, Agnes Bixler. John Bixler, pioneer, immigrant, farmer and his descendants. Hanover, NH: ABK Publications, 1993. Pp. 151. MHL. Landis, Henry K. Canoeing on the Juniata, 1888. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission and Landis Valley Associates, 1993. Pp. 67. MHL. L'aqtaqa ñi i'otapecna. Buenos Aires: Argentina Bible Society, 1993. Pp. 902. MHL. Latham, Jane Holly. In search of the true church: an examination of the significance of small groups within early Anabaptism and Pietism. Thesis (M.A.)--Acadia Univ., 1993. microfiche. MHL. Leaders of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Russia, 1812 to 1874. Delbert F. Plett, ed. (Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde historical series; 6) Steinbach: Crossway, 1993. Pp. 932. MHC, MLA. Lehmann, Artur. Familienbuch in 2 Teilen. Saarbrücken: Author, 1993. Pp. 340. EMU, MLA. Leid, Lewis M. and Aaron W. Leid. Leid family history, 1821-1993. Narvon, PA: Authors, 1993. Pp. 118. EMU, MHL. Letters from Russia. Justina Wiens Peters, tr. Saskatoon: Herbert D. Peters, 1993. Pp. 75. MLA. Lichdi, Diether Gotz. Die Mennoniten: eine moderne Freikirche. Hamburg: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinde, 1992. Pp. 16. EMU. Liechty, Joseph. Roots of sectarianism in Ireland: chronology and reflections. Belfast: Author, 1993. Pp. 51. MHL. Limits of perfection: conversations with J. Lawrence Burkholder. Rodney J. Sawatsky & Scott Holland, eds. Waterloo: Institute of Anabaptist-Mennonite Studies, 1993. Pp. 137. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Litwiller, Shirlee. To east from west by air express. Rosenort, MB: PrairieView, 1993. Pp. 32. MHL. Loewen, Helen Harder. Kornelius Spenst I, 1826-1913 and Anna Dueck Spenst, 1824- geneology [sic]. Waterloo: Author, 1993. Pp. 120. MLA. Long journey home. Akron: MCC, [1993]. 1 video. EMU. Madson, John and Frank Oberle. Tall grass prairie. Helena, MT: Falcon, 1993. Pp. 112. MLA. Magocsi, Paul Robert. Historical atlas of East Central Europe. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto, 1993. Pp. 218. MLA. Maier, Margaret. John Peters family tree, 1863-1993. [S.l.]: Author, 1993. Pp. 96. MHL, MLA. Markley, Rena and Verda Kauffman. Descendents of Johann Peter Lembrich. Goshen: Authors, 1993. Pp. 445. MHL. Martin, Marie. Struggle for truth. Ephrata: Grace, 1993. Pp. 160. EMU. Martin, Mildred A. Missionary stories with the Millers. (Miller family series) Minerva, OH: Green Pastures, 1993. Pp. 205. EMU. ________. Prudence and the Millers. (Miller family series) Minerva, OH: Green Pastures, 1993. Pp. 192. EMU. McCammon, Dorothy Snapp. Tragedy and triumph: courage and faith through 27 years in Chinese prisons: the story of Dr. Yu Enmei. San Francisco: Purple Bamboo, 1993. Pp. 114. MHL, MLA. McKee, Wilma. Heritage celebrations: a guide to celebrating the history of your church. Newton: Faith & Life, 1993. Pp. 100. MHC, MLA. Mellinger, C. Mervin. Descendants of Hans Ulrich Huber: Warwick Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Willow Street, PA: Author, 1993. Pp. 257. EMU, MHL. Mennonite Disaster Service: act of love. Akron: MCC Information Services, 1992. 1 video. EMU. Die Mennoniten in Paraguay: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft. Asunción: Instituto Bíblico Asunción, 1993. Pp. 188. MLA. Michalski, Sergiusz. The Reformation and the visual arts: the Protestant image question in Western and Eastern Europe. London: Routledge, 1993. Pp. 232. MLA. Miller, Ella J. The growing generation of Jacob M. Miller, 1869-1992. Topeka, IN: Author, 1993. Pp. 76. MHL. Milne, Drucilla. The Amish of Harmony. Harmony, MN: Author, 1993. Pp. 134. MHL. Moos, Mario von. Bibliography of Swiss genealogies. Camden, ME: Picton, 1993. Pp. 839. MHL. Multiculturalism and Ukrainian Canadians: identity, homeland ties, and the community's future. Stella Hryniuk and Lubomyr Luciuk, eds. Downsview, ON: Univ. of Toronto, 1993. Pp. 89. MLA. Müntzer, Thomas. Revelation and revolution: basic writings of Thomas Müntzer. Michael G. Baylor, tr. & ed. Bethlehem: Lehigh Univ., 1993. Pp. 256. MLA. Näf-Hatt, Emil. Stammbaum der Familie Näf von Zürich und Kappel gewidmet der jetzigen Generation. Reprint of 1901 ed. Princeton Junction, NJ: Neff Family Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 13. EMU. Es Nei Teshtament. Special Pennsylvania Dutch-English ed. South Holland, IL: The Bible League, [1993]. Pp. 912. EMU. Neufeld, Arnie. A family portrait: stories and adventures of the Klassen/Peters family. Winkler, MB: Heritage Valley Publications, 1993. Pp. 138. FRE, MHC, MHL. Neufeldt, Leonard. Yarrow. Windsor, ON: Black Moss, 1993. Pp. 55. FRE, MHL, MLA. Niditch, Susan. War in the Hebrew Bible: a study in the ethics of violence. New York: Oxford, 1993. Pp. 180. MLA. Nieuwendijk, G. van den. Het laat je niet koud Doperse leergang. Amsterdam: Doopsgezinde Jeugd Centrale, 1992. Pp. 53. MHL. Nightingale, Marianne. Get creative. Moundridge: Gospel Publishers, 1993. Pp. 109. MHL. Ninety-eight selected songs: addition to Church and Sunday school hymnal. [S.l.: s.n.], 1993. Pp. 50. MHL. Pankratz, Elsie Penner. Through the years: memoirs of Elsie Penner Pankratz. Newton: Wordsworth, 1993. Pp. 142. EMU, MLA. Penner, Chris. Zacharias-Hiebert family history: Frank F. & Helena (Hiebert) Zacharias. Altona, MB: Zacharias Family Book Committee, 1993. Pp. 146. FRE, MHC, MHL, MLA. Penner, Martin. Not only with you-- but with those not here today. Winnipeg: Author, 1993. Pp. 92. MHL. Des Pennsylvania Deitche color book. Fredericksburg, OH: Yoder Bargain Store, 1993. 1 v. MHL. Peters, Edward L. Some descendants of Michael Peters. Manson, WA: Peters Publishing, 1993. Pp. 593. MLA. Phillips, Donna L. Ecological approach in health promotion with a distinct cultural group: the Dariusleut Hutterites. Thesis (M.A.)--Univ. of Calgary, 1992. microfiche. MHL. Pörtner, Rudolf. Heimat in der Fremde: Deutsche aus Russland erinnern sich. Düsseldorf: ECON, 1992. Pp. 521. MHL. Proceedings of the conference Tradition and Transition: an Amish Mennonite Heritage of Obedience, 1693-1993. Gordon V. Oyer, ed. Metamora: Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society, 1993. Pp. 241. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Racism. (Beyond the news) Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media Productions, 1993. 1 video. MLA. Rauschenbusch, Walter and Ira D. Sankey. Evangeliums-Lieder 1 und 2 (Gospel hymns) mit deutschen Kernlieder. Rosenort, MB: PrairieView, 1993. Pp. 350. EMU, MHL. Reaman, G. Elmore. The trail of the Black Walnut. Reprint. Baltimore: Geneal. Pub. Co., 1993. Pp. 267. MHL. Redekop, Gloria L. Neufeld. Mennonite women's societies in Canada: a historical case study. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Ottawa, 1993. Pp. 287. EMU, MHL, MLA. Redekop, Vern. Scapegoats, the Bible, and criminal justice: interacting with René Girard. (New perspectives on crime and justice; 13) Akron: MCC U.S., 1993. Pp. 50. EMU. Regier, Alma. History and genealogy of John M. (1865-1923) and Margaretha (Rempel) (1872-1956) Classen. Meade, KS: Author, 1993. Pp. 146. MHL. Renkewitz, Heinz. Hochmann von Hochenau (1670-1721). Philadelphia: Brethren Encyclopedia, 1993. Pp. 148. MHL. Research guide to German-American genealogy. Mary Bellingham, ed. St. Paul: Germanic Genealogy Society, 1993. Pp. 215. MLA. Ringenberg, William C. The business of mutual aid: 75 years of the Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company. Fort Wayne: Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company, 1992. Pp. 85. EMU, FRE, MHL, MLA. Romeijn, Gerrit Jan. Doopsgezinden aan weerszijden van de Atlantische Oceaan: een zoektocht naar gemeentebeleving in een aantal Doopsgezinde gemeenten in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten = Mennonites across the Atlantic: a search for perceptions of congregational life in a number of Mennonite congregations in the United States and the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Author, 1993. Pp. 45, 14. MHL, MLA. Roth, Lorraine. John and Anna (Zehr) Wagler family history and genealogy. New Hamburg, ON: John Wagler Family Book Committee, 1993. Pp. 214. MHL. Schlabach, David. Guidelines for backyard fruit production. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, Walnut Creek, 1993. Pp. 36. MHL. Schlabach, Joetta H. Weniger ist mehr: Bd. 2. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1992. Pp. 320. MHL. Schmucker, Jane. Living our name: 175 years: Oak Grove Mennonite Church, Smithville, Ohio 1993. [Smithville, OH]: Oak Grove's 175th Anniversary Committee, 1993. Pp. 128. MHL. Sexual abuse. Harrisonburg, VA: Mennonite Media Productions, 1993. 1 video. MLA. Share, John. The Share grist mills in Pennsylvania. New Carlisle, OH: Author, 1993. Pp. 10. MHL. Slabach, Gertrude. Grandma's great adventure. Lansing, MI: AMY Foundation, 1993. Pp. 48. MHL. Smith, Elizabeth A. Zern. A genealogical history of the Detweiler, Detwiler family: the descendants of Johannes & Anna (Reiff) Detweiler, including four generations of descendants of Hans and Susanna Detweiler. Bountiful, UT: Family History Pub., 1993. Pp. 774. MHL. Smith, Marilyn. Crown of life. Moundridge: Gospel Publishers, 1992. Pp. 48. MHL. Smucker, Barbara Claassen. Heinrich und das Rote Meer. Scottdale: Herald, 1993. Pp. 99. MLA. Snyder, William T. William's wit & wisdom. Edgar Stoesz, comp. [Akron: MCC, 1992]. 1 v. MLA. Stauffer, Mary. A sketch of Hahnstown history, 1793-1993. 2nd ed. Ephrata: Author, 1993. Pp. 44. MHL. Stoner, John. Interventions of truth: Christian Peacemaker Teams. Chicago: CPT, 1993. Pp. 19. MHL. Swinger, Marlys. The kingdom of God's justice. Choral ed. Farmington, PA: Plough, 1993. Pp. 57. MHL. ________. The kingdom of God's justice as foretold by Isaiah. Farmington, PA: Plough, 1992. 1 compact disc. MHL. Table Singers Four. In thy holy place: 45 voices celebrate the Church hymnal (1927). Leola, PA: Harmonies Workshop, 1993. 1 cassette. EMU. Tanis, James and Daniel Horst. Images of discord: a graphic interpretation of the opening decades of the Eighty Years' War = De tweedracht verbeeld: prentkunst als propaganda aan het begin van de Tachtigjarige Oorlog. Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College Library; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993. Pp. 123. MLA. The Teachable moment: a Christian response to the native peoples of the Americas: a supplement to the 10 Lesson Series. Winnipeg: MCC Canada, 1993. Pp. 258. MHL. Teacher education handbook: Eastern Mennonite College Education Department. Harrisonburg, VA: EMC Office of Teacher Education, 1993. Pp. 36. EMU. Tepper, Michael. American passenger arrival records. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1993. Pp. 142. MHL. Thiessen, Elmer John. Teaching for commitment. Buffalo, NY: McGill-Queen's Univ., 1993. Pp. 332. MHL. Thompson, Glenn. Prisoners on the plains: German POWs in America. 2nd ed. [Holdrege, NE]: Phelps County Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 298. MLA. Toews, Jacob D. Poems of this and that, of now and then. Rosenort, MB: Jim Baerg, 1993. Pp. 207. MHL. Toews, Margaret Penner. First a fire, then a still small voice. Abbotsford, BC: Author, 1993. Pp. 120. MHL. ________. Fourth watch. Abbotsford, BC: Author, 1993. Pp. 128. MHL. Toews, Robert D. Victory voices. Rosenort, MB: PrairieView, 1993. Pp. 79. MHL. Troyer, Mrs. Walter. My favorite songs and poems (old and new): around 140 songs and poems. Clymer, NY: Author, 1993. Pp. 113. MHL. Trutanow, Igor. Russlands Stiefkinder: ein Deutsches Dorf in Kasachstan. Berlin: Basisdruck Verlag, 1992. Pp. 253. MHL. Ulstein, Stefan. Pastors off the record: straight talk about life in the ministry. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1993. Pp. 246. MLA. Unger, Isaac. Skeena aground. Winnipeg: Author, 1992. Pp. 115. MHC. Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch, enthaltend geistreiche Lieder und Psalmen, zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des wahren Gottesdienstes / auf Begehren der Brüderschaft der Mennonisten Gemeinen, aus vielen Liederbüchern gesammelt; mit einem dreyfachen Register. [Lancaster]: Verlag von den Amischen Gemeinden, 1993. Pp. 483, 19. EMU. Unruh, Janelle. Break forth into singing. Scio, OR: Author, 1993. Pp. 20. MHL. Verheus, S. L. Naarstig en vroom: doopsgezinden in Haarlem, 1530-1930. Haarlem: Rombach, 1993. Pp. 320. EMU. Verzeichnis der Kirchenbücher im Evangelischen Zentralarchiv in Berlin. Berlin: Evangelisches Zentralarchiv in Berlin, 1992. 1 v. MHC. Vogt, Esther Loewen. The lonely plains. Camp Hill, PA: Horizon House, 1993. Pp. 195. MLA. Wagler, David L. Stories behind the news. Bloomfield, IA: Brookside, 1993. Pp. 509. EMU, MHL, MLA. Walsmith, Timmie Berkey. Genealogy of Jacob Berkey and related families, Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Santa Maria, CA: Author, 1992. Pp. 103. MHL. Ward, W.R. The Protestant evangelical awakening. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ., 1992. Pp. 370. MLA. Weaver, Katie. Descendants of Emanuel (Mona) D. & Lizzie (Wengerd) Yoder, Wayne County, Ohio, 1838-1993. Dundee, OH: Author, 1993. Pp. 36. MHL. Weaver, Robert Kean. Chains of titles for some early land owners of the Strasburg Village area, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania: a legal perspective. St. Augustine, FL: Author, 1993. Pp. 317. MHL. Weber, Lester G. Ancestral line of John Musser Weber and descendants of John Musser Weber and Elizabeth (Gehman) Weber. Nottingham, PA: Author, 1993. Pp. 100. EMU. Wenger-Hege, Dora. Ein Hof, zwei Kriege, drei Generationen. [S.l.: s.n.], 1993. Pp. 72. MHL. Wiens, Frank J. That's the way it was: events and stories of my life. Hillsboro: Author, 1993. Pp. 73. MLA. Wiese, Luella Toevs. Franz Toews: from Heubuden, West Prussia to Mountain Lake, Minnesota, 1812-1898 and his descendants, Toevs, Toavs, Taves, Taevs. Knoxville: Tennessee Valley Pub., 1993. Pp. 284. MLA. Wire, Doris Deppe. A brief history of Bethany Bible Fellowship Church, 1893-1993. Whitehall, PA: The Church, 1993. Pp. 84. MHL. Workman, Jay. The complete guide to Kansas museums. Wichita: Wichita Eagle and Beacon Pub., 1993. Pp. 160. MLA. Yes, we'll gather: singing hymns with Alice Parker. Chicago: Liturgy Training Pub., 1993. 1 video. MHL. Yoder, Martha B. Hettie's story: a brief background and early life of Hettie H. Martin Bauman Weaver. Bridgewater, VA: Author, 1992. Pp. 9. MHL. Yoder, Owen. Dichten und Trachten. Crofton, KY: Author, 1993. Pp. 54. MHL. Yoder, Ruth S. and Sara E. Hartzler. Descendants of Moses E. Yoder, 1846-1993. Reedsville, PA: Authors, 1993. Pp. 111. MHL. Yoder, Verna. Family history of Daniel E. and Fannie (Borntrager) Nissley descendants. Dover, DE: Author, 1993. Pp. 128. MHL. Zhu, Jun. A model of the age patterns of births by parity in natural fertility populations. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Princeton, 1993. 1 microfilm. MHL. Zielke, Irina and Rainer Zielke. Ratgeber '92 Familienforschung GUS/Baltikum. Münster in Westfalen: Zielke-Verlag, 1992. Pp. 23. MHL. Zorrilla C., Hugo. San Juan de la Cruz: desde la espiritualidad anabaptista. Fresno, CA: Author, 1993. Pp. 125. MHL. Ein Gesang-Buch von Deutsche Melodies. Hillsboro, OH: [s.n.], [19??]. Pp. 64. MHL. |