Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography, 1993Compiled by Barbara A. Thiesen, Mennonite Library & Archives, Bethel College (MLA)(Originally published in the June 1994 issue, vol. 49, no. 2. pp. 15-26) Assisted by Harold E. Huber, Menno Simons Historical Library/Archives, Eastern Mennonite College (EMC); Kevin Enns-Rempel, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies (FRESNO); Paul Friesen, Mennonite Heritage Centre and Canadian Mennonite Bible College Library (MHC); Ina Ruth Breckbill, Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College (MHL). 1993
2nd Yoder family record of Michael E. Yoder and Mary Ann Schlabach, 1874-1993. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, Walnut Creek, [1993]. Pp. 80. MHL. 100 years of service, 1893-1993. James E. Horsch, ed. Scottdale: Mennonite Church of Scottdale, PA., 1993. Pp. 30. EMC. 1993-94 Virginia Conference devotional planner. Harrisonburg: Virginia Mennonite Conference-Youth Ministries Committee and Eastern Mennonite College, 1993. 1 vol. EMC. A B C coloring book 7. (Y.B.S. book 7) Fredericksburg, OH: Yoder Bargain Store, 1993. 1 vol. EMC. Adams, Willi Paul. The German-Americans: an ethnic experience. American ed. Tr. and adapted by LaVern J. Rippley and Eberhard Reichmann. Indianapolis: Max Kade German-American Center, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ., 1993. Pp. 46. MHL, MLA. Address and business directory, Holmes County and vicinity 1993. Millersburg, OH: Mast Printing, 1993. Pp. 132. EMC. The Amish and the state. Donald B. Kraybill, ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 333. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MLA. The Amish church: will it stand the test of the judgment? [S.l.: s.n.], 1993. Pp. 72. MHL. Amish Mennonite directory. Millersburg, OH: Abana Book Services, 1993. Pp. 398. MHL, EMC. And it was good. Harold Horst Nofziger, illus. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 35. MHL, MLA. Andreas, Viola. Heinrichs of Halbstadt, 1896-1993. Rosenort, MB: Heinrichs History Book Committee, 1993. Pp. 200. MHC, MLA. Arnold, Eberhard. The individual and world need. 2nd ed. Farmington, PA: Plough, 1993. Pp. 72. MHL, MLA. Arnold, Johann Christoph. Palmgrove diary. Kleinsasser, Jacob. The present struggle of the church. Farmington, PA: Plough, 1993. Pp. 98. MHL, MLA. Aschliman, Kathryn. Grandma Pearl centennial, July 25, 1993. [Goshen: Author, 1993]. Pp. 27. MHL. Augsburger, Myron S. 75th anniversary convocation: "Christian realism in education". Harrisonburg, VA: Eastern Mennonite College and Seminary/Eastern Mennonite High School, [1993]. Pp. 16. EMC. Aukerman, Dale. Reckoning with apocalypse : terminal politics and Christian hope. New York: Crossroad, 1993. Pp. 250. MHL. Baecher, Robert. The patriarch of Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines. [S.l.: s.n., 1993]. Pp. 12. MHL. Baker, Margaret Musser. The reflections of seeking God: Oak Grove Mennonite Church 175th anniversary, October 17, 1993. [Smithville, OH]: The Church, [1993]. Pp. 12. EMC. Bartel, Amanda. The story of Heinrich E. Ediger & Helena Janzen Ediger: their roots, & their descendants. Wichita: Author, 1993. Pp. 155. MLA. Bartsch, Franz. Our trek to Central Asia. Elizabeth Peters and Gerhard Ens, trs. (Echo historical series; 5) Winnipeg: CMBC Publications and Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 142. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Bauman, Clarence. On the meaning of life: an anthology of theological reflections. Nappanee, IN.: Evangel Press, 1993. Pp. 282. EMC, MHL, FRESNO. Baumgartner, Mira. Die Täufer und Zwingli: eine Dokumentation. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 1993. Pp. 355. MHL. Beachy, Eli R. Just plain people: tales and truths of Amish life. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1993. Pp. 136. MHL. Beachy, Norma. Family record of Solomon S. Beachy and Susie J. (Miller) Beachy, 1855-1993. Gordonville: Gordonville PA Print Shop, 1993. Pp. 203. MHL, MLA. Bear, Lily A. Beyond the trail. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 318. EMC, MHL. Becker, Palmer. Called to care: a training manual for small group leaders. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 138. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. ________. Called to equip: a training and resource manual for pastors. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 108. MHL, MLA. Beechy, William D. and Malinda Beechy. Experiences of C.O.'s in C.P.S. camps, in I-W service in hospitals, and during World War I. LaGrange, IN: Authors, [1993?]. Pp. 191. EMC. Bender, Carrie. A fruitful vine. (Miriam's journal; 1) Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 191. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Benner, Cheryl A. and Rachel T. Pellman. The country tea rose quilt. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 81. MHL. ________. Favorite applique quilt patterns from the Old Country Store. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. 6 vols. MHL. Benowitz, Jean-Paul. Community and conflict: the structuring of the Old Order Mennonite Church in Virginia. Thesis (M.A.)--Millersville Univ., 1993. Pp. 106. EMC. Bergen, David. Sitting opposite my brother. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1993. Pp. 142. FRESNO, MLA. Bergthal Gemeinde Buch: consisting of: Bergthal Gemeinde Buch, 1843-1876 with annotations by John Dyck; Chortitzer Gemeinde Buch indexes for volumes started in 1878, 1887 and 1907; Passenger lists 1874-1880 of Mennonite immigrants to Manitoba with annotations by Cathy Barkman; The 1881 federal census data on residents in Manitoba Mennonite communities. John Dyck, ed. (East Reserve historical series; 2) Steinbach: Hanover Steinbach Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 439. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Berkey, Marietta H. In memory of a Christian mother, Mary Etta Rhodes Berkey. Wooster, OH: Author, [1993?]. Pp. 114. EMC. Bial, Raymond. Amish home. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993. Pp. 40. MHL. Bier, Philip N. The quest for Shar-i-sabs. Pittsburgh: Dorrance, 1993. Pp. 270. FRESNO. Biographical annals of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania: containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and of many of the early settled families. Facsim. reprint. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1993. 2 vols. MHL. Bloomfield, Elizabeth. Waterloo County to 1972: an annotated bibliography of regional history. Guelph, ON: Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation, 1993. Pp. 734. MLA. Blosser, Timothy Hobert. Ancestors and descendants of Bishop John Blosser. Spokane, WA: Author, 1993. Pp. 96. EMC, MHL, MLA. Bohlken-Zumpe, Elizabeth. Torches extinguished: memories of a communal Bruderhof childhood in Paraguay, Europe and the USA. San Francisco: Carrier Pigeon Press, 1993. Pp. 300. FRESNO, MHL. Boldt, Menno. Surviving as Indians: the challenge of self-government. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1993. Pp. 384. MHL. Bonta, Bruce D. Peaceful peoples: an annotated bibliography. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1993. Pp. 288. MLA. Borntrager, Mary Christner. Andy. (Ellie's people; 6) Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 144. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Bridges, James R. Some descendants of Peter Hirstein (1749-1817) and Magdalena Eichacker. Washingtonville, NY: Author, 1993. Pp. 134. MHL, MLA. Brubaker, Landis H. The Brubakers and their lands in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. [S.l.]: Brubaker Family Association, 1993. Pp. 20. MHL. Burkett, Jerri Lynn. The Huber-Hoover family history index. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1993. Pp. 96. EMC, MHL, MLA. Carrier, David. Warren Rohrer: new paintings, October 13-November 10, 1993. Philadelphia: Locks Gallery/Locks Art Publications, 1993. Pp. 32. EMC. Collins, Robert L. Touring Harvey County: Mennonites, the wild West & the wheat that made a state. [S.l.: Author], 1993. Pp. 44. MHL. Conchies: an American story of commitment and courage. Harrisonburg, VA: Sisters & Brothers, 1993. 1 videorecording. MHL, MLA. Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Committee on Ministerial Leadership. Ministerial-congregational ethics for Conference of Mennonites in Canada. [S.l.: The Committee], 1993. Pp. 12. MHL. Creighton, Linn. Beyond this darkness. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 176. MHL. Crowder, Norman Kenneth. Early Ontario settlers: a source book. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., 1993. Pp. 239. MHL. Dear, John. Disarming the heart: toward a vow of nonviolence. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 192. FRESNO, MHL. Denlinger, A. Martha. Real people: Amish and Mennonites in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. 4th ed. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 95. FRESNO, MHL. Denton, Betty Lou and Merle L Eyestone. Kansas 4-H: the history of head, heart, hands and health, 1906-1993. Manhattan: Kansas 4-H Foundation, 1993. Pp. 230. MLA. Derby, Janice. Are you my friend? Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 40. MHL. Derksen, John David. Strasbourg's religious radicals from 1525 to 1570: a social history. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Manitoba, 1993. Pp. 544. MHL. Dick, Harold J. Lawyers of Mennonite background in western Canada before the Second World War. [Winnipeg?]: Legal Research Institute of the Univ. of Manitoba, [1993?]. Pp. 163. MHC. Discipulado y liberación: la teología de la liberación en perspectiva anabautista. Daniel Schipani, ed. 1st Spanish language ed. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: Ediciones Clara-Semilla, 1993. Pp. 247. MHL. Dock, Christopher. A hundred necessary rules of conduct for children. Lancaster: Hazelwood Press, 1993. 1 vol. EMC. Doctrines of the Bible: a brief discussion of the teachings of God's word. Daniel Kauffman, ed. Scottdale: Herald Press, [1993]. Pp. 639. MHL. Drescher, John M. Doing what comes spiritually. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 326. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. ________. When your child is 6 to 12. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 96. EMC, MHL, MLA. Drescher-Lehman, Sandra. Waters of reflection: meditations for every day. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 179. EMC, MHL, MLA. The Dutch revolt. Martin van Gelderen, ed. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 250. MLA. Dyck, Helga. Our Guenther family = Unsere Familie Günther, (1764-1993). Winnipeg: [s.n.], 1993. Pp. 308. MHC. Dyck, Stanley P. Mennonites and the Northern Cheyennes: conflict, crisis, and change on the Tongue River Reservation, 1904-1947. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Oklahoma State Univ., 1993. Pp. 340. MLA. Eastern Mennonite College and Seminary. Alumni directory. Harrisonburg, VA: EMC&S Alumni Office, 1993. Pp. 233. EMC. Edwards, Albert. An every-name index to A genealogical history of the Cassel family in America (1896) by Daniel Kolb Cassel. Lancaster: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 55. EMC, MLA. Edwardsdorf-Kotosufka-Hoffnungsfeld Mennonite Church family records. Extracted and tr. by James W. Krehbiel. Charleston, IL: J.W. Krehbiel, 1993. Pp. 112. MLA. En busca de una subsistencia agraria: situación socio-económica de los indigenas del Chaco Central Paraguayo. Filadelfia: Edición Revisada, 1993. Pp. 18. MLA. Enss, Amy Evelyn Greaves Sudermann. Winding trails: from Sheffield to the steppes and beyond: a memoir 1899-1914. David P. Sudermann and Mary Blocksma, eds. Northfield, MN: Privately Published, 1993. Pp. 230. MHL, MLA. Epp, Reuben. The story of Low German and Plautdietsch: tracing a language across the globe. Hillsboro: Reader's Press, 1993. Pp. 133. FRESNO, MLA. Erasmus, Desiderius. Controversies. J. K. Sowards, ed. (Collected works of Erasmus; 71) Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1993. Pp. 190. MHL, MLA. Estes, Steven R. Love God and your neighbor: the life and ministry of Christian Engel. Metamora, IL: Robert & Juliet Engel Schertz for Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society, 1993. Pp. 137. EMC, MHL, MLA. Ewert, David. A journey of faith: an autobiography. Winnipeg: Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1993. Pp. 257. MHL, MLA. ________. When the church was young: studies in the Thessalonian epistles. (Luminaire studies) Winnipeg: Kindred Press, 1993. Pp. 152. MHL. Eyestone, Merle L. and Betty Lou Denton. Kansas 4-H: addendum to the history of the head, heart, hands and health, 1906-1992. Manhattan: Kansas 4-H Foundations, 1993. Pp. 105. MLA. Eykerman, Roger. Sexualité et mariage: bible, famille, sexologie (1). (Les Cahiers de Christ Seul; 1993/1) Montbéliard: Christ Seul, 1993. Pp. 100. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. ________. Sexualité et mariage: vie conjugale et famille (2). (Les Cahiers de Christ Seul; 1993/3) Montbéliard: Christ Seul, 1993. Pp. 90. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Faw, Chalmer Ernest. Acts. (Believers church Bible commentary) Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 335. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Fernando, Ajith. Reclaiming friendship: relating to each other in a frenzied world. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 160. MHL, MLA. Finger, Reta Halteman. Paul and the Roman house churches: a simulation. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 207. MHL, MLA. Fitzgerald, E. Keith. Ontario people, 1796-1803. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., 1993. Pp. 250. MHL. Friesen, Theodore E. The history and genealogy of Johann (1845-1923) & Agatha (1843-1927) Klippenstein. Altona, MB: Klippenstein Family History, 1993. Pp. 140. MHL, MLA. Gail, Peter A. Amish craftsmen, merchants and service providers of northeastern Ohio. 2nd ed. Cleveland, OH: Goosefoot Acres Press, 1993. Pp. 142. EMC, MHL. Gemeinde unterwegs: Frage deine Ältesten: Danke/Denke. Sonderausgabe Der Bote. Winnipeg: Allgem. Konf. and KMK, 1993. Pp. 31. EMC. Gerlach, Horst. Mein Reich ist nicht von dieser Welt: 300 Jahre Amische (1683-1983). Kirchheimbolanden: H. Gerlach, 1993. Pp. 272. FRESNO, MLA. German immigration to America: the first wave. Don Heinrich Tolzmann, ed. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1993. 1 vol. MHL, MLA. Goerz, Heinrich. The Molotschna Settlement. Al Reimer and John B. Toews, tr. (Echo historical series; 7) Winnipeg: CMBC Publications and Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 252. EMC, FRESNO, MLA. Good, Loretta Fay Vanpelt. Bread and fish: based on Mark 6:30-46 and John 6:5-14. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. 1 vol. EMC. ________. Daniel in the lions' den: based on Daniel 6:4-23. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 24. EMC, MHL. ________. David and Goliath: based on 1 Samuel 17:40-50. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 20. EMC, MHL. Good, Merle. Amos and Susie: an Amish story. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 23. EMC, FRESNO, MHL. ________. Reuben and the fire. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 31. EMC, MHL, MLA. ________. Today Pop goes home: a play. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 92. MHL, MLA. Good, Merle and Jerry Irwin. An Amish portrait: song of a people. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. 1 vol. EMC, MHL, MLA. Good, Phyllis Pellman. A Mennonite woman's life. Ruth Hershey, photographer. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 91. EMC, FRESNO, MLA. Goossen, Alvin L. Genealogy of Peter J. Franz. Newton: Author, 1993. 1 vol. MLA. Goossen, Rachel Waltner. Conscientious objection and gender: women in Civilian Public Service during the Second World War. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Kansas, 1993. Pp. 253. MLA. Grieser, Dale Jonathan. Seducers of the simple folk: the polemical war against Anabaptism (1525-1540). Thesis (Th.D.)--Harvard Univ., 1993. Microfilm. Pp. 429. MHL. Growing toward peace: stories from teachers and parents about real children learning to live peacefully. Kathryn Aschliman, ed. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 363. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Haas, Craig and Steve Nolt. The Mennonite starter kit. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 84. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Haller, Charles R. Across the Atlantic and beyond: the migration of German and Swiss immigrants to America. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1993. Pp. 324. MHL, MLA. Hamm, Peter M. Reflections on my journey. Abbotsford, BC: Privately Printed, 1993. Pp. 311. FRESNO, MLA. Hans Detweiler family history and Joseph Harley Detweiler descendants. Francis C. Wise Waite and Thomas G. Webb, eds. [Timonium, MD: T.G. Webb, 1993]. Pp. 394. MHL. Harder, Leland. Doors to lock and doors to open: the discerning people of God. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 198. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. The Harmonia sacra: a compilation of genuine church music: comprising a great variety of meters, harmonized for four voices; together with a copious explication of the principles of vocal music. 25th ed. Intercourse, Pa: Good Books, 1993. 1 vol. EMC, FRESNO, MLA. Hartse, Caroline Marie. On the colony: social and religious change among contemporary Hutterites. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of New Mexico, 1993. Microfilm. Pp. 387. MHL. Hartzler, Lloyd. The Christian and the state. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1993. Pp. 9. EMC. Hassan, Hazel Nice. Nice family history: the ancestors and descendents of Joseph Nice (1794-1874) and his wife Mary Clemmer (1794-1882); also the story of Joseph and Mary's life in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and Medina County, Ohio; allied lines of Brouse, Conrad, Kuhns, Mast, McTimmonds, Mishler, Monk, Row, and Walker. Goshen: Author, 1993. Pp. 400. EMC, MHL, MLA. Hasse, Hans-Peter. Karlstadt und Tauler: Untersuchungen zur Kreuzestheologie. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte; 58) Gütersloh, Germany: Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, [1993]. Pp. 246. MHL. Haury, David A. Heritage preservation: a resource book for congregations. Newton: Historical Committee of the General Conference Mennonite Church; Fresno, CA: Historical Commission of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1993. Pp. 30. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Heggen, Carolyn Holderread. Sexual abuse in Christian homes and churches. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 208. MHL, MLA. Hertzler, J. David. Best cure for a headache. Dryden, ON: Author, [1993]. Pp. 87. EMC. Hetherington, Ralph. Universalism and spirituality. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 309) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1993. Pp. 32. MLA. Hey, David. The Oxford guide to family history. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 245. MLA. Hildebrandt, Georg. Wieso lebst du noch?: ein Deutscher im Gulag. Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1993. Pp. 302. MLA. Hill, Leslie. Marriage: a spiritual leading for lesbian, gay, and straight couples. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 308) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1993. Pp. 32. MLA. Hochstetler, Devon A. Ein Verzeichnis der Schriften und Lieder der Alt-Amish Mennoniten Gemeinden. Nappanee, IN: [s.n.], 1993. Pp. 20. MHL. Hofer, Marnette D. Ortman. The F. Christian and Anna Eleanor (Zafft) Ortmann family history, 1800-1992. Freeman, SD: Pine Hill Press, 1993. Pp. 466. MLA. Holzach, Michael. The forgotten people: a year among the Hutterites. Stephan Lhotzky, tr. Sioux Falls, SD: Ex Machina, 1993. Pp. 260. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Hoover, Titus B. Lingering memories. [Port Trevorton, PA]: Author, [1993?]. Pp. 34. EMC. ________. Sprinkling or pouring: the Bible mode of baptism: Isa. 52-15 Eze. 36-45. [Port Trevorton, PA]: Author, 1993. Pp. 27. EMC. Hostetler, John A. Amish society. 4th ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 435. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Houser, Nannie Ellis. Poetker families in North America. [Tamarac, FL: Author], 1993. Pp. 192. MHL. Huebner, Harry and David Schroeder. Church as parable: whatever happened to ethics? Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, 1993. Pp. 240. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Humphrey, John T. Pennsylvania births, Montgomery County, 1682-1800. Washington, D.C.: Humphrey Publications, 1993. Pp. 536. MHL. Hutterian Brethren Church family record list: the file contains the Hutterian Brethern [sic] Church record of family listings from Hutterthal, Johannesburg, Hutterdorf, & New Hutterthal Church, in the years of 1771-1876: and the Hutterian Brethren Church of the Dariusleut colonies in the United States & Canada in the years 1874-1993. Joseph K. Wipf, ed. 3rd ed. [Cranford, Alta.: Lakeside Colony], 1993. Pp. 495. MHL. The Importance of music in worship / for Church of the Brethren by Nancy Rosenberger Faus; for General Conference Mennonite Church by Marilyn Houser Hamm; for Mennonite Church in North America by Philip K. Clemens. Nancy Rosenberger Faus, ed. (Hymnal and related resources) Elgin, IL: Brethren Press; Newton: Faith & Life Press; Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1993. Pp. 45. EMC, MHL. Index of unnumbered persons in Harvey Hostetler's 1912 Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler. Goshen: Jacob Hochstetler Family Association, 1993. Pp. 136. EMC, MHL, MLA. Inter-Mennonite Confession of Faith Committee. Confession of faith in a Mennonite perspective: draft articles: October 1993. Newton: Faith & Life Press; Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1993. Pp. 44. EMC. An Introduction to Mennonite history. Cornelius J. Dyck, ed. 3rd ed. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 452. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. The Jan Luyken prints. Printed by Stanley Kaufman. Goshen: Martyrs Mirror Trust, 1993. 16 prints in portfolio, with explanatory booklet, Pp. 10. EMC. Jantzen, Mark. The wrong side of the wall: an American in East Berlin during the peaceful revolution. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1993. Pp. 213. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Janzen, Russel H. Baerg, 1777-1992: a family history and genealogy of Johann and Catrina (Newman) Baerg, their ancestors and their descendents. Bountiful, UT: Family History Publishers, 1993. Pp. 355. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Jardine, Lisa. Erasmus, man of letters: the construction of charisma in print. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 284. MLA. K.G. Toews: a man of commitment. Esther Patkau, ed. Rosthern, SK.: Rosthern Junior College, 1993. Pp. 60. MHC, MHL, MLA. Kansas quilts & quilters. Barbara Brackman ... et al. Lawrence: Univ. Press of Kansas, 1993. Pp. 206. MLA. Kauffman, Christmas Carol Miller. Search to belong. Leola, PA: Conestoga Valley Bookbindery, 1993. Pp. 341. MHL. Kauffman, Richard A. Big questions. Students book. Teacher's guide by Mark Miller. Elgin, IL: Brethren Press, 1993. 2 vols. EMC, MHL. Kaufman, Gordon D. In face of mystery: a constructive theology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 509. MLA. Keys, Linda J. Gerhard & Catharine Regier family, 1858-1992. Carol Stream, IL: Author, 1993. Pp. 105. MLA. King, David S. Fifty years in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Myerstown, PA: Author, 1993. Pp. 106. EMC, MHL, MLA. Kinsinger, Susan. Over 200 select poems and sayings from the print shop counter, 1955-1993. Gordonville: Gordonville, Pa. Print Shop, 1993. Pp. 243. EMC. Kirk, Janice E. and Donald R. Kirk. Cherish the earth: the environment and scripture. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 183. MHL, MLA. The KIT 1992 annual: the collected newsletters of the KIT Information Service. San Francisco: KIT Information Service, [1993]. Pp. 371. MHL. Klassen, Bertha Elizabeth. Da Capo: start once from the front: a history of the Mennonite Community Orchestra. Winnipeg: Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1993. Pp. 130. FRESNO, MHC, MLA. Klassen, Is. P. The Kronsweide Mennonite Church in Russia: its villages and elders. Edward Enns, tr. Winnipeg: Mennonite Heritage Centre, 1993. Pp. 89. EMC, MHL, MLA. Klassen, Sarah. Borderwatch. Windsor, ON: Netherlandic Press, 1993. Pp. 93. FRESNO, MLA. Kliewer, Leon R. Johann Kliewer, Henderson, Nebraska, family history and genealogy. Buhler, KS: Author, 1993. Pp. 157, 656. MLA. Kloberdanz, Timothy J. and Rosalinda Kloberdanz. Thunder on the steppe: Volga German folklife in a changing Russia. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1993. Pp. 302. MLA. Klopfenstein, Gilbert. Développement et mission. (Les Cahiers de Christ Seul; 1993/2) Montbéliard: Christ Seul, 1993. Pp. 92. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Knowles, Jeffrey J. What of the night?: a journey through depression and anxiety. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 141. MHL, MLA. Kobelt-Groch, Marion. Aufsässige Töchter Gottes: Frauen im Bauernkrieg und in den Täuferbewegungen. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1993. Pp. 213. MHL. Koenig, Glennis. Goodbye for now Grandpa. (A love and concern book) Shakespeare, ON: Blue Ribbon Bookhouse, 1993. 1 vol. EMC. ________. Solution for Randy's problem. (A love and concern book) Shakespeare, ON: Blue Ribbon Bookhouse, 1993. 1 vol. EMC. Kraus, C. Norman. The community of the spirit: how the church is in the world. Rev. ed. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 221. FRESNO, MHL. Kraybill, Donald B. Old Order Amish: their enduring way of life. Photographs by Lucian Niemeyer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ., 1993. Pp. 187. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Küng, Markus. Die bernische Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik am Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts. (Publications de l'Association suisse pour l'histoire du refuge huguenot; 2) Genève: Droz, 1993. Pp. 465. MHL. Lampen, John. Findings: poets and the crisis of faith. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 310) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1993. Pp. 48. MLA. Landis-Eigsti, Anita. Zigzags and curlycues. (Journeys with God) Scottdale: Mennonite Pub. House, 1993. Pp. 32. MHL. Landis-Martin, Jane. The descendants of Abraham Bossler Landis and Ida Elizabeth Landis-Landis. Rev. Leola, PA: Author, 1993. Pp. 26. MHL. Landis, Mary M. ABC book of God's creatures. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. 1 vol. EMC, MHL. ________. My blue book of God's different things. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. 1 vol. EMC, MHL. ________. My green book of God's different things. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. 1 vol. EMC, MHL. Landis, Susan Mark. But why don't we go to war? Finding Jesus' path to peace. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 239. FRESNO. Lansing, Karen. Time to be a friend. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 96. MHL. Larson, Bruce. What God wants to know: finding your answers in God's vital questions. San Francisco: Harper, 1993. Pp. 134. MLA. Leaders of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Russia, 1812 to 1874. Delbert Plett, ed. (Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde historical series; 6) Steinbach, MB: Crossway Publications, 1993. Pp. 932. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Leaman, James R. Faith roots: learning from and sharing witness with Jewish people. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1993. Pp. 171. MHL. Learning to drive safely with a horse and buggy. Aylmer, ON: Pathway Publishers, 1993. Pp. 54. EMC, MHL, MLA. Learning to drive safely with a horse and buggy. Teacher's ed. Aylmer, ON: Pathway Publishers, 1993. Pp. 54. EMC, MHL, MLA. Lehman, Donna. What on earth can you do?: making your church a creation awareness center. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 200. MHL. Lehman, Harold D. and Ruth K. Lehman. Where there is vision: the Laurelville story, 1943-1993. [S.l.: Laurelville Mennonite Church Center], 1993. Pp. 96. EMC, FRESNO, MHL. Lehman, Tim. Seeking the wilderness: a spiritual journey. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1993. Pp. 239. MLA. Letters of the Amish division: a sourcebook. John D. Roth and Joe Springer, tr. & eds. Goshen: Mennonite Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 162. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Life after 50: a positive look at aging in the faith community. Katie Funk Wiebe, ed. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1993. Pp. 169. MHL, MLA. A Life of wholeness: reflections on abundant living. Rev. ed. Ann Raber, revision editor. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 159. MHL, MLA. The Lights of home and other poems by plain people. Aylmer, ON: Pathway, 1993. Pp. 200. EMC, MLA. Loewen, Harry. No permanent city: stories from Mennonite history and life. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 224. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Loewen, Royden K. Family, church, and market: a Mennonite community in the Old and New worlds, 1850-1930. (Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island centennial series) Urbana, IL: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1993. Pp. 370. FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Lumans, Valdis O. Himmler's auxiliaries: the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle and the German national minorities of Europe, 1933-1945. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1993. Pp. 335. MLA. Mantle, J. Gregory. The way of the cross. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 128. EMC. Manufactured by hand: the Soap Hollow School. Loretto, PA: Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, 1993. Pp. 63. EMC, MLA. Martin, Ernest D. Colossians, Philemon. (Believers church Bible commentary) Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 341. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Martin, Marla. Birthday friend. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. 1 vol. EMC. Martin, Mary Ann. Consolation through a time of crisis. 2nd ed. [Philadelphia, NY]: Author, 1993. Pp. 142. EMC. Martinez G., Juan F. Historia y teologia de la Reforma radical: un desafio actual: guía de estudio. Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla; Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, 1993. Pp. 98. MHL. Mason, Floyd R. and Kathryn G. Mason. The Michael Miller and Susanna Bechtol family record. Bridgewater, VA: Bridgewater Beacon Printing, 1993. Pp. 1007. MHL. Mast, J. Lemar and Lois Ann Mast. Tricentennial Amish tour in 1993. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, [1993]. Pp. 25. EMC, MHL. MCC Christmas fair. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 1993. 1 portfolio. MHL. McGrath, William R. A devotional study of I. & II. Timothy and Titus. [Minerva, OH]: Christian Printing Mission, 1993. Pp. 125. EMC. McLary, Kathleen. Amish style: clothing, home furnishing, toys, dolls, and quilts. Bloomington: Indiana Univ., 1993. Pp. 104. MHL, MLA. Memoirs of peasant Tolstoyans in Soviet Russia. William Edgerton, tr. & ed. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 264. MLA. The Mennonite book of poetry. Todd James Buhrows, ed. Waterloo: Parkminister Pub., 1993. Pp. 55. EMC, MHL, MLA. Mennonite your way directory 7: for the years 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. Leon and Nancy Stauffer, eds. 20th anniversary ed. Salunga, PA: [Mennonite Your Way], 1993. Pp. 118. MHL. Mennonites and Baptists: a continuing conversation. Paul Toews, ed. (Perspectives on Mennonite life and thought; 7) Winnipeg: Kindred Press, 1993. Pp. 261. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL. Merrill, Stephen. The doctrine of salvation. Mervin J. Baer, ed. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 128. EMC, MHL. Miller, Dewitt Henry. Ancestors and descendants of Samuel J. Rhodes and Lydia Catherine Niswander. Roanoke, VA: Author, 1993. Pp. 79. EMC. Miller, Harold F. Peace and reconciliation in Africa: a preliminary survey of ecumenical perspectives and initiatives. (MCC occasional paper; 19) Akron, PA: MCC, 1993. Pp. 34. EMC, MLA. Miller, J. Virgil. Wayne, Holmes & Tuscarawas counties: places of interest, Jacob Hochstetler descendants: self guided tour booklet. Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, [1993]. Pp. 16. MHL. Miller, Julia A. and Tura M. Hostetler. The family record of Joseph Y. Kurtz and descendants. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1993. Pp. 70. MHL. Miller, Orie A. Prophecies: the last seven years. Pekin, IL: Author, [1993?]. Pp. 15. EMC, MHL. Miller, Peter E. Ohio Amish directory, Geauga County and vicinity. 1993 ed. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing of Walnut Creek [1993]. Pp. 383. MHL. Morley, Barry. Beyond consensus: salvaging sense of the meeting. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 307) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1993. Pp. 32. MLA. Mumaw, John R. Answers to anxiety: insights from the Sermon on the Mount. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1993. Pp. 140. EMC. Nequatewa, Edmund. Born a chief: the nineteenth century Hopi boyhood of Edmund Nequatewa as told to Alfred F. Whiting. P. David Seaman, ed. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Press, 1993. Pp. 193. MLA. Neu vermehrtes geistliches Lust-Gärtlein frommer Seelen: Das ist: Heilsame Anweisungen und Regeln zu einem gottseligen Leben. Wie auch schöne Gebete und Gesänge, Täglich und auf alle Festtage im Jahr, in allerley Anliegen zu gebrauchen. Lancaster County, PA: Verlag v.d. Amischen Gemeinden, 1993. Pp. 263. EMC, MLA. The New conscientious objection: from sacred to secular resistance. Charles C. Moskos and John Whiteclay Chambers II, eds. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 286. MHL, MLA. Nonviolent America: history through the eyes of peace. Louise Hawkley and James C. Juhnke, eds. (Cornelius H. Wedel historical series; 5) North Newton: Bethel College, 1993. Pp. 279. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Old epitaphs Montgomery County Pennsylvania burial grounds: Leidig's Burying Ground in Frederick Township, Falkner Swamp Reformed Churchyard in New Hanover Township, St. James' Episcopal Church Burying Ground Lower Providence Township. Bedminster, PA: Adams Apple Press, 1993. Pp. 20. MHL. O'Malley, John M. Religious culture in the sixteenth century: preaching, rhetoric, spirituality, and reform. Brookfield, VT: Variorum, 1993. Pp. 282. MLA. Ortíz, José M. Una introducción al cristianismo del Nuevo Testamento: Guía de estudio bíblico. Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala: Semilla; Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: Clara, 1993. Pp. 118. MHL. Ostler, Jeffrey. Prairie populism: the fate of agrarian radicalism in Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa, 1880-1892. Lawrence: Univ. of Kansas Press, 1993. Pp. 256. MLA. Oved, Yaacov. Distant brothers: history of the relations between the Bruderhof and the Kibbutz. Hanna Lash and Yehuda Riemer, tr. Ramat Efal, Israel: Yad Tabenkin, 1993. Pp. 94. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Owen E. Borkholder family. Nappanee Amish directory, including the Kokomo and Milroy communities, 1993. Nappanee, IN: Compilers, 1993. Pp. 296. EMC. Park View Mennonite Church [directory], 1953-1993. Harrisonburg, VA: The Church, 1993. 1 vol. EMC. Peachey, Titus. Silence and courage: income taxes, war and Mennonites, 1940-1993. (MCC occasional paper; 18) [Akron, PA]: MCC, 1993. Pp. 44. EMC, MLA. Pearcy, Deone K. and N. Dale Talkington. The silent cities of Grant County, Oklahoma: cemetery, funeral home, and newspaper accounts. Tehachapi, CA: T.P. Productions, 1993. Pp. 998. MLA. Pellman, Rachel T. Tips for quilters. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 236. MHL. Penner, Ronald J. An evaluation of the Mennonite Brethren Missions/Services church planting ministry in Spain. Thesis (Th.M.-Miss.)--Fuller Theological Seminary, 1993. Microfilm. Pp. 139. MHL. People of the desert. (The American Indians) Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1993. Pp. 192. MLA. Peters, Alan. Kleinsasser kin: a record of the family circle of John A. and Katharina (Glanzer) Kleinsasser. Fresno, CA: Privately Printed, 1993. 1 vol. FRESNO. Petersen, Rodney L. Preaching in the last days: the theme of "two witnesses" in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 318. MLA. Der Pietismus vom siebzehnten bis zum frühen achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Johannes van den Berg ... [et al.]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1993. Pp. 584. MHL. Plancke, Frits. Les Amish. [S.l.]: Publié par l'Association d'Histoire Anabaptiste Mennonite, [1993]. Pp. 20. MHL. Das Postleitzahlenbuch: alphabetisch geordnet. Bonn, Germany: Hrsg. von der Deutschen Bundespost Postdienst, 1993. Pp. 986. MHL. Pries, Betty. Seawindrock: the history of MCC in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1954-1993. [Winnipeg]: MCC Canada, 1993. Pp. 107. EMC, FRESNO, MLA. Pritts, Kim D. The mystery of Sadler Marsh. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 112. MHL. Przecha, Donna and Joan Lowrey. Guide to genealogy software. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., 1993. Pp. 195. MHL. Quillin, Patrick. The wisdom of Amish folk medicine. North Canton, OH: The Leader Co., 1993. Pp. 115. MHL. Raitt, Jill. The colloquy of Montbéliard: religion and politics in the sixteenth century. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 226. MLA. Ratzlaff, Gerhard. Entre dos fuegos: los menonitas en el conflicto limítrofe entre Paraguay y Bolivia, 1932-1935. Asunción, Paraguay: Author, 1993. Pp. 32. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. _______. Inmigración y colonización de los menonitas en el Paraguay bajo Ley 514. Asunción, Paraguay: Comité Social y Económico Menonita, 1993. Pp. 36. FRESNO, MLA. Records of conscience: three autobiographical narratives by conscientious objectors, 1665-1865. Peter Brock, ed. York: William Sessions, 1993. Pp. 66. MLA. Reeves-Graybill, Edward Earl. Our family history. Alexandria, VA: Author, 1993. Pp. 67. MHL, MLA. Reformation on the American scene. Gettysburg, PA: Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1993. Pp. 58. MHL. Reimer, Al. Mennonite literary voices: past and present. (Cornelius H. Wedel historical series; 6) North Newton: Bethel College, 1993. Pp. 75. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Religious gleanings from a ministers scrap book. Dan G. Troyer, comp. West Union, OH: Compiler, [1993?]. Pp. 99. MHL. Rempel, John D. The Lord's Supper in Anabaptism: a study in the Christology of Balthasar Hubmaier, Pilgram Marpeck, and Dirk Philips. (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history; 33) Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 272. MHL, MLA. Reschly, Steven D. & Katherine Jellision. Production patterns, consumption strategies, and gender relations in Amish and non-Amish farm households in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1935-1936. [S.l.]: Agricultural History Society, 1993. Pp. 28. MHL. Resources for worship renewal: a directory of worship and music leaders. Mennonite Board of Congregational Ministries and Commission on Education, comps. Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Board of Congregational Ministries, 1993. Pp. 11. MHL. Responding to changing times: environmental mediation in Canada. David Shaftoe, ed. Waterloo: The Network, 1993. Pp. 162. MHL. Ressler, Pauline. God's detour. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 240. EMC, MHL. Riedemann, Peter. Love is like fire: the confession of an Anabaptist prisoner. Farmington, PA: Plough, 1993. Pp. 74. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Rineer, A. Hunter, Jr. Churches and cemeteries of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: a complete guide. Lancaster: Lancaster County Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 560. EMC, MLA. Roosen, Gerhard. Conversations on saving faith for the young in questions and answers. Stevens, PA: Martin M. Rissler, 1993. Pp. 301. EMC. Ropp, Steve. One on one: making the most of your mentoring relationship. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1993. Pp. 90. MLA. Rudolph, Miriam and Marla Martin. Exploring arithmetic. Grade 3. Teacher's manual. (Mathematics for Christian living series) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 376. EMC. Sayler, Esther Deckert. Fabric & patterns: portraits of some rural Kansas Mennonite women. Newton: Wordsworth, 1993. Pp. 86. MHL, MLA. Schipani, Daniel S. Teología del ministerio educativo: perspectivas latinoamericanas. Buenos Aires: Nueva Creacion; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1993. Pp. 302. MHL. Schlabach, David R. Guidelines for backyard fruit production. Millersburg, OH: Author, 1993. Pp. 36. EMC. Schlabach, Mose A. and John A. Erb. CPS camp book, Vol. II: the story of our men in Civilian Public Service during World War II. Millersburg, OH: Compilers, [1993]. Pp. 132. EMC, MHL. Schlabach, Sue V. and Glen A. Roth. Shared burdens: stories of caring practices among the Mennonites. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 185. EMC, FRESNO. Schmidt, Hilda Neufeld. Which way, Yahwey? [S.l.]: James Publishing Co., 1993. Pp. 143. MHL, MLA. Schmucker, Mary. Family history of John H. Eash and Ida C. (Beachy) Eash, 1879-1993: a family geneaolgy [sic] with a few pages history of our ancestors. LaGrange, IN: Author, 1993. Pp. 99. MHL. Schoolland, Marian. At the little white cabin. (Treasure series) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 163. EMC, MHL. Schuricht, Herrmann. The German element in Virginia: Herrmann Schuricht's history. Don Heinrich Tolzmann, ed. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1993. 1 vol. MHL. Seidel Menchi, Silvana. Erasmus als Ketzer: Reformation und Inquisition im Italien des 16. Jahrhundrs. (Studies in medieval and Reformation thought; 49) Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1993. Pp. 505. MHL. Seitz, Ruth Hoover. Pennyslvania's natural beauty. Photography by Blair Seitz. (Pennsylvania's cultural & natural heritage series) Harrisburg, PA: RB Books, 1993. Pp. 120. MHL. Sensenig, Kenneth L. An ethnographic approach to the study of sociopolitical views in two Mennonite high schools. Thesis (Ed.D.)--Temple Univ., 1993. Pp. 376. EMC. Shearer, Jody Miller. Challenging racism. (Fast lane Bible studies) Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1993. Pp. 42. EMC, MLA. Shetler, Margaret. God at work in our midst: a history of Zion Mennonite Church, 1893-1993. Scotts Mills, OR: Author, 1993. Pp. 264. EMC, MHL, MLA. Shott, James R. Deborah. (People of the promise; 5) Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 176. MHL. ________. Esau. (People of the promise; 4) Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 216. MHL. Showalter, Lester E. Lessons in perspective drawing. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 40. EMC, MHL. Sider, E. Morris. Who are the Brethren in Christ? Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, [1993?]. Pp. 31. MHL. Sider, Ronald J. One-sided Christianity?: uniting the church to heal a lost and broken world. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1993. Pp. 256. MHL. Sing a song of praise: a collection of children's songs. Mary Miller, comp. Bart, PA: Miller, 1993. Pp. 86. MHL. Smith, Kenneth L. German church books: beyond the basics. Rev. ed. Camden, ME: Picton Press, 1993. Pp. 224. MLA. Sounding differences: conversations with seventeen Canadian women writers. Janice Williamson, ed. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1993. Pp. 370. MHL. Sprunger, Mary Susan. Rich Mennonites, poor Mennonites: economics and theology in the Amsterdam Waterlander congregation during the Golden Age. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993. Pp. 260. EMC, MHL, MLA. Static lines and canopies: stories from the smokejumpers in Civilian Public Service Camp No. 103, Missoula, Montana, 1943, 1944, and 1945. Asa Mundell, ed. Beaverton, OR: A. Mundell, 1993. Pp. 78. EMC, MHL, MLA. Steiner, Donovan D. Love and other echoes of the spirit. Harrisonburg, VA: Author; EMC Education Dept., 1993. 1 vol. EMC. Stoll, Joseph. The wasted years: the story of Yonie Kauffman. Aylmer, ON; LaGrange, IN: Pathway, 1993. Pp. 95. EMC, MHL. Stoltzfus, Louise and Jan Mast. Lancaster County cookbook. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 251. EMC, MHL, MLA. Stone, Lynn M. Pennsylvania Dutch country. (Back roads) Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Corp., 1993. Pp. 48. MHL. Strauss, Gerald. Enacting the Reformation in Germany: essays on institution and reception. Brookfield, VT: Variorum, 1993. 1 vol. MHL, MLA. Strite, Amos L. and Carrie Strite. The directory of the families of the Mennonite Christian Brotherhood. Ephrata, PA: Grace Press, 1993. Pp. 148. MHL. Studer, Gerald C. Christopher Dock, colonial schoolmaster: the biography and writings of Christopher Dock. 2nd ed. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 448. MHL, MLA. Stutzman, Ervin Ray. From nonresistance to peace and justice: Mennonite peace rhetoric, 1951-1991. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Temple Univ., 1993. Pp. 403. EMC. Swartzentruber, L. L. My walk through the twentieth century. Scottdale: Mennonite Pub. House, 1993. Pp. 238. EMC, MLA. That voice: Heralds of Hope, Inc.: 25 years of mission. Breezewood, PA: Heralds of Hope, Inc., 1993. Pp. 36. EMC. Thon, Charles. Squire Thon's diary. Reprint and index by Gary T. Hawbaker. Hershey, PA: G.T. Hawbaker, 1993. Pp. 168. MLA. A Time of peace. With eighth reader teacher's guide. (Rod & Staff's eighth reader) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. 2 vols. EMC, MHL. Toews, J. B. A pilgrimage of faith: the Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia and North America, 1860-1990. (Perspectives on Mennonite life and thought; 8) Winnipeg: Kindred Press, 1993. Pp. 376. EMC, MLA. Toews, Johann B. Memoirs and family book of Johann B. Toews, 1993. Rosenort, MB: PrairieView, 1993. Pp. 83. MHL, MLA. Tollefson, James W. The strength not to fight: an oral history of conscientious objectors of the Vietnam War. Boston: Little, Brown, 1993. Pp. 248. MLA. Toward the twenty-first century in Christian mission: essays in honor of Gerald H. Anderson, director, Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, Connecticut, editor, International bulletin of missionary research. James M. Phillips and Robert T. Coote, eds. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1993. Pp. 400. MHL. Transfiguration of mission: biblical, theological, and historical foundations. Wilbert R. Shenk, ed. (Institute of Mennonite Studies missionary studies; 12) Scottdale: Herald Press, 1993. Pp. 256. FRESNO, MHL. Eine Unparteiische Lieder-Sammlung zum Gebrauch beim oeffentlichen Gottesdienst und der häuslichen Erbauung. Arthur, IL: Echo, 1993. Pp. 342. MHL. Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch translations and lessons. East Earl, PA: Schoolaid, [1993?]. Pp. 169. MHL. Valdés, Juan de. Valdés' two catechisms: The dialogue on Christian doctrines and The Christian instruction for children. José C. Nieto, ed.; William B. and Carol D. Jones, trs. 2nd enl. ed. Lawrence, KS: Coronado Press, 1993. Pp. 276. MHL. Vandagriff, G. G. Voices in your blood: discovering identity through family history. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1993. Pp. 168. MLA. Vincent, Mark. Untold stories about advent. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1993. Pp. 80. MLA. Virginia Mennonite Conference. Called to faithful service. Harrisonburg, VA: Virginia Mennonite Conference and Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions, [1993]. Pp. 13. EMC. Vogt, Florence. The Franz Vogt family, 1815-1992. Fresno, CA: Florence Vogt, 1993. 1 vol. MLA. Voices of Manor IV residents: a collection of articles, stories, anecdotes and verses about us. Karl Massanari, ed. Goshen: Greencroft Manor IV, 1993. Pp. 80. MHL. Walking together in faith: the Central District Conference, 1957-1990. Bluffton, OH: Central District Conference, 1993. Pp. 284. EMC, FRESNO, MLA. Weaver, Melvin J., Mrs. New York Amish directory of the Clymer settlement, 1976-1993. Panama, NY: Compiler, 1993. Pp. 56. EMC. Weaver, Sarah M. My ocean is wide. Millersburg, OH: David D. Miller, 1993. Pp. 230. EMC, MHL. Weaver, William Woys. Pennsylvania Dutch country cooking. (Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society; 27) New York: Abbeville Press, 1993. Pp. 203. MHL, MLA. Wenger, John C. J. C.: a life sketch. Goshen: Historical Committee of the Mennonite Church, 1993. Pp. 79. EMC. ________. Qui sont les Mennonites?: d'où viennent-ils? (Les Cahiers de Christ Seul; 1993/4) Montbèliard: Christ Seul, 1993. Pp. 73. EMC, MHL, MLA. Wenger, Linden M. Climbing down the ladder: a teacher and pastor reflects on his retirement. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1993. Pp. 183. EMC, MHL, MLA. Wenger, Rachelle D. and Renee Wenger. Word of God, priceless treasure. (Nuggets from Christian history; 1) Plain City, OH: Plumb Line Press, 1993. Pp. 64. EMC. Wentz, Richard E. Pennsylvania Dutch folk spirituality. (Sources of American spirituality) New York: Paulist Press, 1993. Pp. 329. MHL, MLA. Wiens, Elisabeth. Schicksalsjahr 1945: erlebnisse nach tagebuchnotizen. Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON: Author, 1993. Pp. 147. EMC. Wie zijn de Doopsgezinden? Haarlem, The Netherlands: Verlag Doopsgesinde Gemeente te Haarlem, [1993?]. Pp. 12. EMC. Wingeard, William Osborne. Jacob Frederick Rudy, 1807-1890, of Union County, PA and some of his descendants. [Harrisburg, PA: Author, 1993?]. Pp. 36. MHL. Without the loss of one: the story of Nevin & Esther Bender as told by their family. Harrisonburg, VA: Nevin V. Bender family, 1993. Pp. 271. EMC. Women in spiritual and communitarian societies in the United States. Wendy E. Chmielewski, Louis J. Kern, and Marlyn Klee-Hartzell, eds. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1993. Pp. 275. MHL. Wright, Susan Kimmel. The secret of the old graveyard. Scottdale: Herald, 1993. Pp. 183. MHL. Yoder, Eli M. The immigration of Michael Yoder, and our forefathers' influence of true freedom and prosperity. Fresno, OH: Author; Walnut Creek, OH: Carlisle Printing, 1993. Pp. 11. EMC. Yoder, Elmer S. Simon L. & Lydia E. Yoder: 20th century pilgrimage. Hartville, OH: Diakonia Ministries, 1993. Pp. 315. EMC, MHL, MLA. Yoder, James D. Sarah of the border wars. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1993. Pp. 185. MLA. Yoder, Rosa L. Old German Baptist Brethren obituary summaries from the Vindicator, 1870-1992. Volume III, I-M. Camden, IN: Author, [1993?]. Pp. 354. MHL. Ziegler, Osie Ola Hertzler. Homespun verse: a mother's medley. Singers Glen, VA: Don Ziegler, 1993. Pp. 148. EMC. Zion Mennonite Church. 1993 directory of Zion Mennonite Church..., Broadway, Va. Broadway, VA: The Church, 1993. Pp. [32]. EMC. Zook, Martha and Lela Birky. The eight parts of speech: English worksheets: grades 3-5. Teacher's ed. Rev. (Building Christian English series) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 88. EMC. ________. The sentence: English worksheets: Grades 3-5. Teacher's ed. Rev. (Building Christian English series) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1993. Pp. 56. EMC. Zorrilla C., Hugo. Saint John of the Cross: from Anabaptist spirituality. Fresno, CA: Zorrilla, 1993. Pp. 112. EMC, MLA. After sexual abuse: two stories of an incest survivor's struggles to deal with her abuse. Akron, PA: MCC, 1992. 1 videocassette. MHL. Agricultural [sic] of the Belleville Times history, 1950-1957: Big Valley area farm pcitures which appeared in the Belleville Times, 1944, 1945, 1957. Ammon R. Peachey, ed. Belleville, PA: A.R. Peachey, 1992. Pp. 176. MHL. Akeret, Robert U. Family tales, family wisdom: how to gather the stories of a lifetime and share them with your family. New York: Holt, 1992. Pp. 234. MLA. Amish history of Southern Lancaster County Pennsylvania, 1940-1992. John S. Kauffman, comp. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1992. Pp. 170. MLA. Anderson, David A. and Elta Anderson. Descendants of David B. Miller and Susanna H. Yoder. [Goshen: Authors], 1992. Pp. 202. MHL. Atheism from the Reformation to the Enlightenment. Michael Hunter and David Wootton, eds. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. Pp. 307. MLA. Baer, Laura Crossgrove. A closer look: pain, suffering & healing: what does the Bible say? Lima, OH: Fairway Press, 1992. Pp. 200. MHL. Bailey, Judith K. The relationship of the Frisian Mennonites to the public schools of Elkhart County, Indiana, 1853-1885. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Loyola Univ. of Chicago, 1992. Pp. 121. EMC, MHL. Balzer, Harold M. From Prussia to Russia to America. Buhler, KS: Author, 1992. Pp. 27. MLA. Barrett, Lois. Wreath of glory: Ursula's prophetic visions in the context of Reformation and revolt in southwestern Germany, 1524-1530. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Union Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1992. Pp. 310. EMC, MHL, MLA. Bartel, Dietrich. Handbuch der musikalischen Figurenlehre. 2. Aufl. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 1992. Pp. 300. MHL. Bartsch, Abe. A. J. and Susie Wiebe family. Fresno, CA: Author, 1992. 1 vol. MHL. Beirnes, Eileen. Family history of John Strohm Clemens, 1833-1991. Cambridge, ON: Lloyd Clemens, 1991. Pp. 106. MHL. Berend, Nina and Hugo Jedig. Deutsche Mundarten in der Sowjetunion: Geschichte der Forschung und Bibliographie. Marburg: N.G. Elwert, 1991. Pp. 403. MHC. Berry, Brian J. L. America's utopian experiments: communal havens from long-wave crises. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College, Univ. Press of New England, 1992. Pp. 283 MHL. Bert, Norman A. Adventure in discipleship. 2nd ed. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1992. Pp. 153. MHL. Birdsell, Sandra. The chrome suite: a novel. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart, 1992. Pp. 364. MHL. Blickle, Peter. Communal reformation: the quest for salvation in sixteenth-century Germany. Thomas Dunlap, tr. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1992. Pp. 219. MHL, MLA. Block, Isaac I. A study of domestic abuse among Mennonites in Winnipeg. Thesis (D.Min.)--Bethel Theological Seminary, 1991. Microfiche. Pp. 146. MHL. Blough, Neal. Jésus-Christ aux marges de la Réforme. Paris: Desclée, 1992. Pp. 257. MHL, MLA. Bodnar, John E. Collective memory and ethnic groups: the case of Swedes, Mennonites, and Norwegians. Rock Island, IL: Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center, 1991. Pp. 39. MHL, MLA. Book of favorite recipes. Souderton, PA: Penn View Christian School, 1991. Pp. 190. MHL. Boyer, Nova J. In honor and loving memory of Henry C. and Cora E. Hostetler. Bowie, MD: Author, 1992. Pp. 82. MHL. Boynton-Arthur, Linda Louise. Idealized images: appearance and the construction of femininities in two exclusive organizations. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of California, Davis, 1992. Pp. 255. EMC, MLA. Brenneman, Michael Jay. Family record of Christian P. Brenneman & Catherine Slabaugh. Kalona, IA: Author, 1992. Pp. 102. MHL. Brenneman, Paul E. and Lois Brenneman. John J. Miller and Magdalena Miller and their descendants, 1833-1991. Kalona, IA: Enos and Ada Miller, 1991. Pp. 308. MHL. Brogan, Martha L. Research guide to libraries and archives in the Low Countries. (Bibliographies and indexes in library and information science; 5) New York: Greenwood Press, 1991. Pp. 546. MLA. Broken boundaries: resources for pastoring people: child sexual abuse. Rev. Kitchener, ON: MCC Canada Women's Concerns, 1991. 1 portfolio. MHL. Brumbaugh, Gaius Marcus. Genealogy of the Brumbach families: including those using the following variations of the original name, Brumbaugh, Brumbach, Brumback, Brombaugh, Brownback, and many other connected families. Salem, MA: Higginson Book Co., [1991?]. Pp. 850. MHL. Brunk, George R. The centerpoint: personal reflections of George R. Brunk I. Katie Florence Shank, ed. Harrisonburg, VA: Sword & Trumpet, 1992. Pp. 85. MHL. Bryant, Teddie. Randy and Prince. Winnipeg: Windflower Communications, 1992. Pp. 119. MHL. Buckwalter, Leoda. Conquest and glory: true tales from the land of the Taj. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1992. Pp. 171. MHL. Burns, Loren. Keepers of the light. Moundridge, KS: L. Burns/Gospel Pub., 1992. 1 vol. EMC. Byler, Anna Mary. A woman by God's grace: "her candle goeth not out by night" Proverbs 31:18. Stuarts Draft, VA: Author ; Fairfax, VA: Distributed by Choice Books of Northern Virginia, 1992. Pp. 142. MHL. Byler, Daniel N., Mrs. Recipes. Middlefield, OH: Author, [1991?]. Pp. 57. MHL. Calvary Christian Fellowship Church celebrates its 75th anniversary and the 21st anniversary of its ministry in education through Calvary Christian School: November 10-December 1, 1991. Inglewood, CA: [The Church, 1991]. 1 vol. MHL. Cameron, Euan. The European Reformation. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991. Pp. 564. MLA. Canadian Council of Churches. Commission on Faith and Witness. Initiation into Christ: ecumenical reflections and common teaching on preparation for baptism. Winfield, BC: Wood Lake Books, 1992. Pp. 50. MHL. Le Canton du Jura de A à Z. Porrentruy: Office du patrimoine historique, 1991. Pp. 210. MHL. Carson, Mary Brown. Reconstructing experiences of a lifetime: an oral history of educator Alma Marie Gloeckler. Thesis (M.A.)--San Jose State Univ., 1992. Microfilm. MHL. Caskey, Douglas Liechty. Tour guide performances at Mennonite historical sights [sic] as cultural performance. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Bowling Green State Univ., 1992. Pp. 286. MHL. Chadwick, William Rowley. The battle for Berlin, Ontario: an historical drama. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 176. MHL. Cleland-Moyer, Kathleen. Caught in the middle. Waterloo, ON: The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution, 1991. Pp. 32. MHL. ________. Kids and conflict: teaching creative conflict resolution skills to grades 7 and 8. Waterloo, ON: The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution, 1991. 1 vol. MHL. Coblentz, John. The victorious life. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1992. Pp. 27. EMC. Coburn, Carol. Life at Four Corners: religion, gender, and education in a German-Lutheran community, 1868-1945. (Rural America) Lawrence: Univ. Press of Kansas, 1992. Pp. 227. MLA. A Collection of psalms and hymns suited to the various occasions of public worship and private devotion. 28th ed. [S.l.: s.n.], 1992. Pp. 383, 48. EMC, MLA. Combined atlases of Woodford County, Illinois. Mt. Vernon, IN: Windmill Publications, 1992. Pp. 212. MHL. Communities of conscience: collected statements on conscience and taxes for military preparations. Bernd G. Janzen, ed. 2nd ed. Linda Coffin, ed. Washington, DC: Peace Tax Foundations, [1992]. Pp. 105. MLA. Computer genealogy: a guide to research through high technology. Rev. ed. Richard A. Pence, ed. Salt Lake City, UT: Ancestry, 1991. Pp. 258. MLA. Confession de foi Chretienne, des Chretiens sans défense, connus surtout dans les Païs-bas sous le nom de Mennonites: avec quelques prières chrétiennes & sept cantiques spirituëls, auxquels on a ajouté un sermon d'un de leurs prédicateurs / traduite d'une edition Allemande de l'an 1711. Facsimile of 1711 ed. Flavion, Belgique: Editions Le Phare, 1992. Pp. 143. EMC. Confession de foi Chretienne, des Chrétiens sans défense, connus surtout dans les Pays-Bas Sous le nom de Mennonites: avec quelques prières chrétiennes & sept cantiques spirituels, auxquels on a ajouté un sermon d'un de leurs prédicateurs / traduction d'une édition Allemande de l'an 1711. Facsimile of 1862 ed. Flavion, Belgique: Editions Le Phare, 1992. Pp. 144. EMC. Cottrell, Richard G. The Monk-Kuhns family history and genealogical record of associated Kuhns, Kratz, Mishler, and Nice families. Parma, MI: Author, 1991. Pp. 76. MHL. Davis, Richard Warren. The Stauffer families of Switzerland, Germany, and America (including Stouffer and Stover). Provo, UT: Author, 1992. Pp. 209. EMC, MHL. Dell, Robert W. Presence and power. (Covenant Bible study series) Elgin, IL: FaithQuest, 1991. Pp. 48. MHL. Deppermann, Klaus. Protestantische Profile von Luther bis Francke: sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1992. Pp. 111. MHL. Derksen, Mary Hiebert. A tribute to Isaak F. and Susana Doerksen. [Steinbach, MB?]: M.H. Derksen and Anne Hiebert Neufeld, 1992. Pp. 365. MHC, MHL, MLA. DeVries, Fred. Worldviews & policy action: a comparative study of the Mennonite Central Committee and Oxfam-Canada. Thesis (M.A.)--Univ. of Guelph, 1991. Pp. 93. EMC. Dick, Harold J. Lawyers of Mennonite background in western Canada before the Second World War. Thesis (LL.M.)--Univ. of Manitoba, 1992. Microfiche. Pp. 324. MHL. Dittrich, Christoph. Die vortridentinische katholische Kontroverstheologie und die Täufer: Cochläus, Eck, Fabri. New York: P. Lang, 1991. Pp. 457. EMC, MHL. Doerksen, Bernard P. and Barth B.P. Doerksen. Kleine Gemeinde (Evangelical Mennonite Conference since 1952) grave sites of Blumenort Manitoba and area (East Reserve) 1875-1990. [S.l.: s.n.], 1991. Pp. 111. MHC. Dollinger, Gerhard. Das Paradies in der grünen Hölle: was ein Landarzt erlebte. Stuttgart: J.F. Steinkopf, 1992. Pp. 140. MLA. Dotterer, Henry S. Descendants of Jacob Markley of Skippack, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Reprint. Bedminster, PA: Adams Apple Press, 1991. Pp. 47. MHL. Drescher-Lehman, Sandra. Just between God and me: devotions for young adults. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1991. 1 vol. MHL. Drudge family history. Stouffville, ON: [s.n.], 1992. Pp. 64. MHL. Dyck, Dietrich. Mein Weg durch dieses Leben: Aufzeichnungen. Stuttgart: Tempelgesellschaft in Deutschland, 1992. Pp. 93. MHC, MLA. Earth care toolkit: an ecumenical resource for Christian churches. Margaret Cameron, Carole Christopher, Elaina Hyde-Mills, eds. 2nd ed. Burnaby, BC: EarthJustice Project Steering Committee, 1992. 1 vol. MHL. Eby, Jonas and Marie Eby. David and Nancy (Horst) Reiff family. Clear Spring, MD: Authors, 1992. 1 vol. MHL. Elias, Joyce Stevenson. Descendants of Jacob Dyck and Elisabeth Jaeger. Winkler, MB: Jacob Dyck Family History Book Committee, 1992. Pp. 303. MHC, MHL, MLA. Enninger, Werner. Zu Genese, Umbau, Ausbau und Abbau von sprachlicher und sozio- religiöser Distinktheit: der Fall der Schweizer Täufer vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert in der Schweiz und im Gebiet des heutigen Frankreich. Essen: Author, [1991?]. Pp. 20. MHL. Ensminger, Robert F. The Pennsylvania barn: its origin, evolution, and distribution in North America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 238. MHL, MLA. Epp, Brenda Neufeld. The Rosthern Junior College music program: history and influence, 1905-1990. [S.l.: s.n.], 1991. Pp. 210. MHC. Epp, Margaret. Spreading God's glory for 40: history of the Waldheim Missions Conference. Waldheim, SK: [s.n., 1992]. Pp. 53. MHC. Epp, Reuben. 161 Plautdietsch verbs fully conjugated in all the tenses with a new venture in writing system. [S.l.: s.n.], 1991. Pp. 200. MHC. Evans, Gillian Rosemary. Problems of authority in the Reformation debates. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 328. MHL. Fame, fortune and sweet liberty: the great European emigration. Dirk Hoerder, Diethelm Knauf, eds. Thomas Kozak, tr. Bremen, Germany: Edition Temmen, 1992. Pp. 208. MLA. Families of the Indiana and Michigan Wisler Mennonite Church. Goshen: Pilgrim Publishers, [1992]. Pp. 61. MHL. Family record of Isaac J. Hershberger and Veronica I. Miller, 1850-1991. 3rd ed. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, [1991]. Pp. 192. MHL. Fast, Bernhard H. From windmills to prairies. Saskatoon, SK: Author, 1991. Pp. 118. MHC. Fewkes, Jesse Walter. Hopi katcinas. New York: Dover, 1991. Pp. 144. MLA. Flowering of Old Testament theology: a reader in twentieth-century Old Testament theology, 1930-1990. Ben C. Ollenburger, Elmer A. Martens, Gerhard F. Hasel, eds. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992. Pp. 547. MHL. Flugschriften vom Bauernkrieg zum Täuferreich (1526-1535). Adolf Laube, ed. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1992. 2 vols. MHL. Forster, Marc R. The Counter-Reformation in the villages: religion and reform in the Bishopric of Speyer, 1560-1720. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 272. MHL. Friesen, James G. Uncovering the mystery of MPD. San Bernardino, CA: Here's Life Publishers, 1991. Pp. 299. MHL. Friesen, John W. The cultural maze: complex questions on native destiny in western Canada. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1991. Pp. 256. MHL. Friesen, LeRoy. Mennonite witness in the Middle East: a missiological introduction. Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1992. Pp. 160. MHL. Friesen, P. M. Die Alt-Evangelische Mennonitische Brüderschaft in Russland (1789-1910): im Rahmen der mennonitische Gesamtgeschichte. Göttingen: Verein zur Erforschung und Pflege des Kulturerbes des russlanddeutschen Mennonitentums, 1991. Pp. 776, 154, 103. MLA. Frugé, Eric William. Anabaptism and the Reformation in France, 1534-1648. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1992. Microfilm. Pp. 225. MHL. Fry-Miller, Kathleen M. Story gifts for children. [Elgin, IL]: FaithQuest, 1992. Pp. 72. MHL. Gardens of spring: Indiana Amish quilts. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana State Museum, 1992. 1 portfolio. MHL. Gehman, John B. Diary of John B. Gehman, 1851-1861: Hereford Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Wilmer L. Reinford, comp. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1992. Pp. 48. MHL, MLA. Gelderen, Martin van. The political thought of the Dutch revolt, 1555-1590. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 332. MLA. German-American press. Henry Geitz, ed. Madison, WI: Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, 1992. Pp. 270. MHL. German pioneer life: a social history. Don Heinrich Tolzmann, ed. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1992. Pp. 128, 95. MHL, MLA. Gibb, I. Donald. Summary of transactions involving Rosedale Hutterian Brethren, Inc.; Mike Waldner, Millrook Hutterian Brethren, Inc.,; and Jacob Kleinsasser, Crystal Spring Colony Farms, Ltd. (from 1982 to the present). Also, Exhibits. [Cos Cob, CT]: Author, 1992. 2 vols. EMC. Gift, Aaron Kern Christopher Royer and his posterity. [Salem, MA: Higginson Book Co., 1991?] Pp. 126-163. MHL. Glaubensbekenntnis des wehr- und rachlosen Christentums & confession of faith. Burr Oak, MI: S. Chupp's Books, 1991. Pp. 35, 41a. EMC. Gleim, Elmer Q. Brethren heritage along the Big Conewago: anniversary volume, 1741-1991: the Upper Conewago Church of the Brethren. Mechanicsburg, PA: Center Square Press, 1991. Pp. 237. MHL. Gleysteen, Jan. Our Mennonite legacy: the Anabaptist vision in pictures. 1992 version. Scottdale: Anabaptist Heritage Presentations, Congregational Literature Division, Mennonite Publishing House, 1992. 1 script (64 p.); 320 slides. EMC. Goering, Joseph. William de Montibus (c. 1140-1213): the schools and the literature of pastoral care. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1992. Pp. 638. MLA. Gordon, Bruce. Clerical discipline and the rural reformation: the synod in Zürich, 1532-1580. New York: P. Lang, 1992. Pp. 297. MHL. Goss, Glenn R. The descendants of John Shetzley and Annie L. Sauder. [Yardley, PA]: Author, 1992. Pp. 28. MHL. Graber, Anna Marie. Family record of Abraham Knepp and his descendants 1869-1992. Loogootee, IN: Author, 1992. Pp. 214. MHL. Graff, Jane. Seward County 1992: a photographic journey: in celebration of the Seward County Quasquicentennial. Virginia Beach, VA: Donning Co., 1992. Pp. 128. MHL. Hamel, H. H. R. van. The external debt: selective bibliography = La dette exterieure: bibliographie selective. The Hague: Peace Palace Library, 1992. Pp. 69. MLA. Hammond, Gene Paige. Some Shenandoah Valley Mennonite settlers: where they came from, who they were. [Strasburg, VA]: GP Hammond Pub., 1992. Pp. 95. MHL. Harnish, Lindsay Druck. New Danville: church-community-heritage, 1717-1992. Lancaster, PA: New Danville Mennonite Church, 1992. Pp. 213. EMC. Haury, Helmut. Die Lehr- und Erziehungsanstalt auf dem Weierhof: erster Abschnitt der Geschichte des Gymnasiums Weierhof am Donnersberg 1867-1884. Bolanden: Author, 1992. Pp. 135. MHL. Health care reform: exploring the options. Goshen: Mennonite Mutual Aid, [1992]. 1 portfolio. MHL. Heatwole, Wendell. Bible studies for new believers. Rev. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1992. Pp. 81. MHL. Heckler, James Y. History of Franconia township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. [Bedminster, PA: Harry C. Adams, 1992?]. Pp. 62. MHL. ________. History of Skippack & vicinity, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. [Bedminster, PA: Harry C. Adams, 1992?]. Pp. 38. MHL, MLA. Hein, Gerhard. Vertrauen, Freuen, Danken: geistliche Gedichte und Texte. Weisenheim am Berg: Agape Verlag, 1992. Pp. 132. MHL. Helmuth, Richard Eli and Wilma Parks Helmuth. The Abraham J. Helmuth family journal. Barbara and Lloyd Newman, eds. Central, SC: Editors, 1992. Pp. 313. MHL. Henning, Eckart and Christel Wegeleben. Kirchenbücher: Bibliographie gedruckter Tauf-, Trau- ; und Totenregister sowie der Besandsverzeichnisse im deutschen Sprachgebiet. Neustadt an der Aisch: Degener, 1991. Pp. 447. MHL. Herr, Victoria Martin. Updating of genealogy in green book of Christian and Barbara Becker Latschar. Lancaster, PA: Author, 1992. Pp. 18. MHL. Hiebert, D. Edmond. Working with God through intercessory prayer. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones Univ. Press, 1991. Pp. 129. EMC, MHL. History of Grace Brethren Churches Northern Atlantic District, 1956-1986. Gettysburg, PA: Brethren Heritage Press, 1991. Pp. 244. MHL. Hochstetler, Betty. The Mennonite theology of peacemaking and the process of individuation and differentiation in Mennonite lay women: a field project report. Thesis (D.Min.)--Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1992. Pp. 187. MHL. Hoeppner, Mary Wiens. Wiens and Enns genealogies. Herbert & Justina Peters, comps. Saskatoon, SK: H. & J. Peters, 1992. Pp. 85. MHL, MLA. Hofer, Joseph. The diary of Joseph Hofer while in St. Petersburg (now Leningrad) during the summer of 1873 waiting to see the Czar and to present a petition to the Czar. Arnold M. Hofer, tr. [Freeman, SD: A.M. Hofer], 1991. Pp. 44. MLA. Homan, B. K. De Mennisten en hun vermaningen: beknopte geschiedenis van de Doopsgezinden in Enkhuizen. Enkhuizen, The Netherlands: Kerkeraad, Doops. Gem. in Enkhuizen, 1992. Pp. 80. EMC. Horton, Mary Davis and Mary Ann Horton. The American history of William A. Yankey, 1803-1865. Vol. II. Mississippi: Authors, 1992. 1 vol. EMC. Hostetler, Robert L. Ira J. and Elizabeth Hostetler family. [Moreno Valley, CA: Author], 1992. Pp. 49. MHL. Howlett, Charles F. The American peace movement: references and resources. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1991. Pp. 416. MLA. Hubalek, Linda K. Butter in the well: a Scandinavian woman's tale of life on the prairie. Hillsboro, KS: Hearth Publishing, 1992. Pp. 128. MLA. Huber, Elaine Gish. Holding forth the Word of Life, 1950-1990. Manheim, PA: Author, 1991. Pp. 127. MHL. Humphrey, John T. Early families of Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Washington, DC: Author, 1991. 2 vol. MHL. _______. Pennsylvania births, Lehigh County, 1734-1800. Washington, DC: Humphrey Publications, 1992. Pp. 327. MHL. Hungerfest: a packet of events to help you discover hunger. Akron, PA: MCC, [1992]. 1 portfolio. MHL. Die Hutterischen Episteln, 1527-1763: vol. IV. Elie, MB: James Valley Book Centre, 1991. Pp. 664. MHL. Imprinting our image: an international anthology by women with disabilities. Diane Driedger and Susan Gray, eds. [S.l.]: Gynergy, 1992. Pp. 224. MLA. In the shadow of conquest: Islam in colonial Northeast Africa. Said S. Samatar, ed. Trenton, NJ: Red Sea Press, 1992. Pp. 163. MHL. Information packet on Somalia: responses to the crisis. Akron, PA: MCC, 1992. Pp. 12. MHL. Kauffman family cookbook. [S.l.]: Kauffman Family, 1991. Pp. 154. MHL. Iowa Amish directory. Millersburg, OH: Abana Book Services, 1992. Pp. 149. EMC, MHL. Jantzi, Bruce W. and Ruthann Jantzi. Roots and branches of the Herrfort/Herford family 1992: the history and genealogy of the John and Magdalena (Erb) Herford family and the Andrew and Barbara (Wagler) Herrfort family. Lorraine Roth, ed. Wellesley, ON: Jo Ann Herrfort, 1992. Pp. 335. MLA. Johnson, Ralph Linwood and David H. Bergey. Genealogical landmarks and milestones of the Lower Perkiomen Country. Bedminster, PA: Adams Apple Press, 1992. Pp. 188. MHL. Jones, Iris Carter. A collection of family information on Tyson, Theison, Teissen (Doors, Dahrs). (Krefeld immigrants and their descendants: a series of surname publications; 2, no. 1) Sacramento, CA: Links Genealogy Publications, [1992?]. Pp. 39. MHL. Jubilate: 60 years First Mennonite Church, 1926-1986, Winnipeg, Canada, formerly Schönwieser Mennoniten Gemeinde. Winnipeg: First Mennonite Church, 1991. Pp. 182. MHC, MLA. Jung-Stillings Welt: das Lebenswerk eines Universalgelehrten in interdisziplinären Perspektiven. Hans-Günter Krüsselberg and Wolfgang Lück, eds. Krefeld: Dr. Günter Marchal und Dr. Hans-Jochen Matzenbacher Wissenschaftsverlag, 1992. Pp. 251. MHL. Kauffman, John S., Melvin R. Petersheim, and Ira S. Beiler. Amish history of Southern Lancaster County, Pa., 1940-1992. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1992. Pp. 170. EMC, MHL. Kauffman, Sandra. Descendants and ancestors of Amos & Priscilla Stoltzfus Kauffman. Bethel, PA: Author, 1992. 1 vol. MHL. Ketzerverfolgung im 16. und frühen 17. Jahrhundert. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1992. Pp. 271. MHL. Kinientos: new pictures of an old world: an anthology commemorating the last 500 years. Pilar Castrejón, illus., Kamala Platt, comp. Newton: Wordsworth, 1992. Pp. 85. MHL, MLA. Kinsinger, Henry R. Family history of Gideon J. and Olive D. (Yoder) Brenneman and descendants 1882 to 1991. Salisbury, PA: Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Kinsinger, 1991. Pp. 111. MHL. Kinsinger, Noah R. Lewis S. Yoder and Elizabeth C. Beachy Yoder and descendants, 1869-1992. Salisbury, PA: Author, 1992. Pp. 126. MHL. Kinsinger, Roy S., Mr. & Mrs. A collection of unusual happenings. Salisbury, PA: Compilers, 1991. Pp. 111. EMC. Klassen, Pamela E. Going by the moon and the stars: stories of two Russian women. Thesis (M.A.)--Wilfrid Laurier Univ., 1992. Microfiche. Pp. 160. MHL. Kline, Edward A. A theology of the will of man. Baltic, OH: Amish Brotherhood, [1992]. Pp. 38. MHL. Knippenberg, Hans. De religieuze kaart van Nederland: omvang en geografische spreiding van de godsdienstige gezindten vanaf de Reformatie tot heden. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1992. Pp. 302. MHL. Kniss, Fred. Disquiet in the land: conflict over ideas and symbols among American Mennonites, 1870-1985. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Chicago, 1992. Pp. 242. EMC, MHL. Korol, Todd, photography; Sharon Butala, essay. Harvest: a celebration of harvest on the Canadian prairies. Saskatoon, SK: Fifth House Publishers, 1992. Pp. 121. MHL. Krahn, George. Memory Lehn: a history of Jacob Jacob Lehn and his descendants, 1679-1990. Saskatoon, SK: Author, 1991. Pp. 141. MHL. Kroes, Rob. The persistence of ethnicity: Dutch Calvinist pioneers in Amsterdam, Montana. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1992. Pp. 161. MLA. Lainhart, Ann S. State census records. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing, 1992. Pp. 116. MHL, MLA. Lancaster County architecture, 1700-1850. [Lancaster, PA]: Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County, 1992. Pp. 176. MHL. Landis, Henry S. Landis-Landes family: descendants of Jacob Landes who settled in Franconia Township and died in 1749. Index by Helen Urbanchuck. Harleysville, PA: Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania, 1991. Pp. 61, [10]. EMC. Landis Homes Retirement Community. A taste of hospitality. Lititz, PA: Landis Homes Retirement Community-Adult Day Care, 1992. Pp. 288. EMC. Landis, Mary M. Anthony gets ready for church. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff Publishers, 1990. Pp. 24. MHL. ________. God's wonderful trees. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff Publishers, 1990. Pp. 24. MHL. ________. God's wonderful water. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff Publishers, 1990. Pp. 24. MHL. ________. My thank you book. (Little jewel books) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff Publishers, 1990. Pp. 24. MHL. Längin, Bernd G. Die Russlanddeutschen unter Doppeladler und Sowjetstern: Städte, Landschaften und Menschen auf alten Fotos. Augsburg: Weltbild Verlag, 1991. Pp. 120. MHL, MLA. Lapp, John J. Stoltzfus, Nafzinger family history. New Holland, PA: Author, 1992. Pp. 98. MHL. Lasansky, Jeannette. Bits and pieces: textile traditions. Lewisburg, PA: Oral Traditions Project of the Union County Historical Society, 1991. Pp. 120. MHL. Lederach, John Paul. Beyond prescription: new lenses for conflict resolution training across cultures. Waterloo, ON: Conrad Grebel College Peace Studies, 1992. Pp. 43. MHL. Lestz, Gerald S. To Lancaster with love. Lancaster, PA: Brookshire Publications, Inc. in association with John Baer's Sons, 1992. Pp. 60. MHL. Levy, Jerrold E. Orayvi revisited: social stratification in an "egalitarian" society. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, 1992. Pp. 198. MLA. Lienhard, Marc. Religiöse Toleranz in Strassburg im 16. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1991. Pp. 43. MHL. Life choices: guidelines for creating your advance medical directives. Goshen: Mennonite Mutual Aid, [1992]. Pp. 18. MHL. Little, David. Ukraine: the legacy of intolerance. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1991. Pp. 111. MLA. Lohse, Bernhard. Thomas Müntzer in neuer Sicht: Müntzer im Licht der neueren Forschung und die Frage nach dem Ansatz seiner Theologie. Hamburg: Joachim Jungius-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1991. Pp. 118. MHL. Lowry, James W. Haskins genealogy: the descendants of Jonas Haskins (1788-1837) of Dutchess Co., New York, and Uhrichsville, Ohio, including history of the Haskins family by Luman Birch Haskins. Hagerstown, MD: Deutsche Buchhandlung, 1992. Pp. 334. MHL. Luthy, David. The Amish in America: settlements that failed, 1840-1960. 2nd ed. Aylmer, ON: Pathway, 1991. Pp. 555. MHL. Maendel, Darius. Our trip to Europe, 1991. Portage La Prairie, MB: Author, 1991. Pp. 14. MLA. Magee, Joan. The Swiss in Ontario. Windsor, ON: Electa Books, 1991. Pp. 271. MHL. Markley, Glenn F. Towamencin Mennonite Church: glimpses of history, 1713-1992. Kulpsville, PA: The Church, 1992. Pp. 39. MHL. Marples, David R. Stalinism in Ukraine in the 1940s. New York: St. Martin's, 1992. Pp. 228. MLA. Martens, Queenie and J. Vernon Martens. The Jacob Martens family history, 1812-1992. Vernon, BC: [s.n.], 1992. 1 vol. MHC. Martin, Gladys S. Es Weibsmensch in der Schpiggel: a collection of PA German poetry with English translation. Gordonville, PA: Gordonville Print Shop, 1992. Pp. 152. MLA. Martin, Mildred A. Storytime with the Millers. Minerva, OH: Green Pastures Press, 1992. Pp. 95. EMC. Mason, Debra and Robert Nanney. A stubborn faith: the media and the Amish. Athens, OH: Authors, [1992]. Pp. 40. MHL. Mason, Floyd R. and Kathryn G. Mason. A Shank family record [Michael and Mary Shank]. Bridgewater, VA: Compilers, 1992. Pp. 24. [With A Shank family record: changes and additions, 1993. Pp. 3.] EMC. Maust, Evan and Ada Maust. Descendants of Jonas Maust. Salisbury, PA: Authors, 1992. Pp. 198. MHL. McAllister, Anne Williams. Heinrich Weidner, 1717-1792, Catharina Mull Weidner, 1733-1804: through four generations. Lenoir, NC: Author, 1992. Pp. 1101. MHL. McConica, James. Erasmus. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991. Pp. 106. MLA. McGrew, Roderick E. Paul I of Russia, 1754-1801. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 405. MLA. Mennonite family history surname index: III. Elverson, PA: Mennonite Family History, 1991. Pp. 40. MHL, MLA. Met dopers aan Tafel. Nijkerk: Uitgeverij G.F. Callenbach, 1992. Pp. 182. MHL Meyer's directory of genealogical societies in the U.S.A. and Canada. 9th ed. Mary K. Meyer, ed. Mt. Airy, MD: M.K. Meyer, 1992. Pp. 123. MLA. Millar, David Douglas and Anne Eby Millar. Two pine trees: pictorial biographies of the antecedants, descendants and relatives of David Douglas and Anne Eby Millar. [Kitchener, ON]: Authors, 1992. Pp. 243. MHL. Miller, Homer D. Before the memories fade. Goshen: G.E.T. Printig, 1991. Pp. 68. MHL. Miller, Laurel, Mary Ellen Lash, Kathleen Lorah. A genealogical guide to Berks County private cemeteries. Reading, PA: Authors, 1992. Pp. 342. MHL. Miller, Stephen Kent. A structurationist interpretation of land use conflict in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Pennsylvania State Univ., 1992. Microfilm. Pp. 303. MHL. Mitchell, Don T. Christian Mylin and his descendants. Westborough, MA: Author, [1992?]. Pp. 104. MHL. Mueller, Amelia. Jeremy's jack-o-lantern. Newton: Wordsworth, 1992. Pp. 24. MHL. Mullet, Judy H. and Paula Snyder. A drama of love: a Christian educator's guide to creating classes where everyone belongs. [S.l.]: MCC, [1992?]. Pp. 8. MHL. Murray, Stuart Wood. Spirit, discipleship, community: the contemporary significance of Anabaptist hermeneutics. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Whitefield Institute, 1992. Pp. 469. MHL. Musselman, Doris A. Ancestors and descendants of Abraham N. Hoover and Annie R. Oberholtzer. Myerstown, PA: Author, 1992. Pp. 45. EMC, MHL. Nafziger-Leis, Cheryl. Hegel's lectures on the philosophy of art: the dramatic form and the end of art as a vehicle of truth. Thesis (M.A.)--Univ. of St. Michael's College and Toronto School of Theology, 1992. Pp. 116. MHL. Neff, Elizabeth Clifford. A chronicle, together with a little romance regarding Rudolph and Jacob Näf, of Frankford, Pennsylvania, and their descendants: including an account of the Neffs in Switzerland and America. [Salem, MA: Higginson Book Co., 1991?]. Pp. 352. MHL. Neff, Eugene Jonas. The family of Christopher and Elizabeth Neff: Volume II. Phoenix, AZ: Author, 1991. 1 vol. MHL. Neufeld, Heinrich T. Family tree of Peter Neufeld and Aganetha Wiens Neufeld. Partially updated by Hilda Neufeld Schmidt. Beatrice, NE: H.N. Schmidt, 1992. 1 vol. MLA. Ninkovich, Thomas and Barbara E. Brown. Family reunion handbook: a guide for reunion planners. San Francisco: Reunion Research, 1992. Pp. 226. MLA. No Gods except me: orthodoxy & religious practice in Europe, 1200-1600. Charles Zika, ed. Melbourne, Australia: Univ. of Melbourne, 1991. Pp. 198. MHL. Nolt, Miriam B. Inspirational potpourri. Lititz, PA: Author, 1991. 1 vol. MHL. Oelke, Harry. Die Konfessionsbildung des 16. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel illustrierter Flugblätter. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992. Pp. 474. MHL. Penner, Elizabeth E. The road I traveled. Goshen: Author, 1991. Pp. 100. MHL. Peters, Katie and Henry J. Riediger. Genealogy of Abraham Riediger, 1782-1992. Leamington, ON: H.J. Riediger, 1992. Pp. 162. MLA. ________. Genealogy of Johann Heese, 1760's - 1992. Leamington, ON: H.J. Riediger, 1992. Pp. 120. MLA. Peters, Victor. Die hutterischen Brüder, 1528-1992: Die geschichtliche und soziale Entwicklung einer erfolgreichen Gütergemeinschaft. Jack Thiessen, tr. Marburg: N.G. Elwert, 1992. Pp. 223. EMC, MHL, MLA. Pettegree, Andrew. Emden and the Dutch revolt: exile and the development of reformed Protestantism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. Pp. 350. MLA. Platt, Kamala J. A cultural history of Mexican Americans in Newton, Kansas. Thesis (M.A.)--Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1992. Pp. 85. MHL. Polk Goshen, Indiana yellow pages and city directory. Business ed. Taylor, MI: R.L. Polk & Co., 1992. 1 vol. MHL. Prairie fire: a special issue on Patrick Friesen. Hildi Froese Tiessen and G.N. Louise Jonasson, guest eds. Winnipeg: Prairie Fire Press, 1992. Pp. 192. MHL. Precious promises in song No. 2. Rosenort, MB: PrairieView Press, 1992. Pp. 224. EMC. Prieto Valladares, James Adrian. Die mennonitische Mission in Costa Rica (1960-1978). Ammersbek bei Hamburg: Verlag an der Lottbek, 1992. Pp. 250. MHL, MLA. Principles of teaching: a study guide for Christian teachers. Rev. Ephrata, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 1992. Pp. 87. MHL. Protestantism and politics in Eastern Europe and Russia: the communist and postcommunist eras. Sabrina Petra Ramet, ed. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 441. MHL, MLA. Raalte, Albertus C. Voices from North America. Grand Rapids, MI: Heritage Hall Pub., 1992. Pp. 35. MHL. Rademaker-Helfferich, B. and H. van der Staak. Een stille plaats aan de Brink. Deventer: Doopsgezinde Gemeente Deventer, 1992. Pp. 72. MHL. Ratzlaff, Agatha. Ratzlaff: our family heritage ; a Ratzlaff family history and a genealogy of the family of Peter P. and Anna (nee Schroeder) Ratzlaff and some relatives. Clearbrook, BC: Author, 1992. Pp. 163. MHC, MLA. Rauert, Matthias H. and Annelie Kümpers-Greve. Van der Smissen: eine mennonitische Familie vor dem Hintergrund der Geschichte Altonas und Schleswig-Holsteins: Texte und Dokumente. Hamburg: Nord Magazin, 1992. Pp. 274 + geneal. chart. MLA. Redekop, Karl G. Grade seven and eight Latin American immigrant students: an examination of selected aspects of their adaptation to schooling in Manitoba. Thesis (Ed.M.)--Univ. of Manitoba, 1992. Microfiche. Pp. 166. MHL. A Reformation debate: Karlstadt, Emser, and Eck on sacred images: three treatises in translation. Bryan D. Mangrum and Giuseppe Scavizzi, trs. Ottawa, ON: Dovehouse Editions, 1991. Pp. 115. MLA. Reformation Europe: a guide to research. II. William S. Maltby, ed. St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1992. Pp. 348. MHL. Reformiertes Erbe: Festschrift für Gottfried W. Locher zu seinem 80. Geburtstag. Heiko Oberman, ed. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 1992-1993. 2 vol. MHL. Reichstage und Kirche: Kolloquium der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, 9. März 1990. Erich Meuthen, ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991. Pp. 272. MHL. Reinford, Wilmer, L. Diary of John B. Gehman, 1851-1861: Hereford Township, Berks Co., Pa. Creamery, PA: Compiler, 1992. Pp. 48. EMC. Remember now. Omar A. Kurtz, ed. [Oley, PA: Oley Mennonite Church, 1992]. Pp. 51. MHL. Resources for dealing with conflict: a directory of Mennonite and Brethren in Christ mediators, consultants and trainers in the U.S. Akron, PA: Mennonite Conciliation Service, 1992. Pp. 116. MHL. Responding to HIV and AIDS: a resource guide for congregations. Goshen: Mennonite Mutual Aid, [1992]. Pp. 12. MHL. Reynolds, Margaret Clark. Assimilation and acculturation in a Pennsylvania-German landscape: the Nisley family and its architecture in the Lower Swatara Creek Basin. Thesis (M.A.)--Penn State, Harrisburg, 1992. Pp. 321. MHL. Richmond, Robert W. Kansas: a pictorial history. Rev. ed. Lawrence: Univ. Press of Kansas, 1992. Pp. 274. MLA. Rinckhard, Martin. Der Müntzerische Bawren-Kreig: Ein Lutherdrama in fünf Akten. Fritz-Dieter Maass, ed. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1991. Pp. 182. MHL. Rosita y Mateo = Rosie and Matthew. Michelle Beidler, artist. Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, [1992]. Pp. 40. MHL. Roth, Donald W. The family of Christian and Magdalena (Springer) Litwiller. Fort Wayne, IN: Author, 1992. Pp. 90. MHL. Schenck, Alexander Du Bois. The Rev. William Schenck, his ancestry and his descendants. [Salem, MA: Higginson Book Co., 1991?]. Pp. 163. MHL. Schipani, Daniel S. and Paulo Freire. Educación, libertad y creatividad: encuentro y diálogo con Paulo Freire. Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1992. Pp. 200. MHL, MLA. Schlabach, Mary. (Rote) Abe M. Yoder and Mattie A. Miller, 1874-1946, Holmes County, Ohio: Yoder genealogy, 1874-1992. Millersburg, OH: Author, [1992]. Pp. 66. MHL. Schlabach, Walter E. Faith and fellowship: a history of the Mennonite Medical Association 1944 to 1991. Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Medical Association, 1991. Pp. 23. MHL. Schmucker, Kristine K. Flaming. Generations of care: a history of the Mennonite Bethesda Society. Thesis (M.A.)--Wichita State Univ., 1992. Pp. 149. MLA. Schmucker, Tobe. Beacon of hope: the story of an inner city rescue mission. South Bend, IN: Hope Rescue Mission, 1991. Pp. 136. MHL. Schrader-Muggenthaler, Cynthia. The Baden emigration book: (including emigration from Alsace). Apollo, PA: Closson Press, 1992. Pp. 193. MHL, MLA. Seitz, Ruth Hoover. Susquehanna heartland. Photography by Blair Seitz. Harrisburg, PA: RB Books/ Seitz and Seitz, Inc., 1992. Pp. 120. EMC, MHL. Shantz, Marcus. Looking for peace: three Mennonites remember WWII. Kitchener, ON: MCC, 1992. 1 portfolio. MHL. Shea, John Gerald. Making authentic Pennsylvania Dutch furniture: with measured drawings of museum classics. New York: Dover, 1992. Pp. 226. MHL. Shelly, Harold P. The Bible Fellowship Church: formerly Mennonite Brethren in Christ, Pennsylvania Conference, originally die Evangelische Mennoniten Gemeinschaft von Ost-Pennsylvanien. Bethlehem, PA: Historical Committee, Bible Fellowship Church, 1992. Pp. 393. EMC, MHL, MLA. Shepherds and shoppers. Helen Johns, ed. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1992. Pp. 55. MHL. Shirk, Laura N. Directory of the Groffdale Conference Mennonite churches. 2nd ed. Kutztown, PA: Groffdale Conference, 1992. Pp. 662. EMC, MHL. Short, Kathy G. and Carolyn Burke. Creating curriculum: teachers and students as a community of learners. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1991. Pp. 72. MHL. Sider, E. Morris. Quienes son los hermanos en Cristo? Nappanee, IN: Evangel Pub. House, 1992. Pp. 31. MHL. Siegelbaum, Lewis H. Soviet state and society between revolutions, 1918-1929. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 284. MLA. Silva, Mercedes. Memorias del Gran Chaco. [Argentina]: Editado por Encuentro Interconfesional de Misioneros, 1991. 5 vols. MHL. Sims, Albert E. Palace beautiful. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1992. Pp. 47. EMC, MHL. Sing a song: a collection of children's songs. Mary Miller, comp. Bart, PA: Miller, 1992. Pp. 78. MHL. Six Hutterian prefaces: nos. 20-25. Farmington, PA: Plough Pub. House, 1992. Pp. 33. MHL. Skolfield, Ellis H. La puesta del sol sobre la iglesia. Minerva, OH: Christian Printing Mission, [1991?]. Pp. 96. MHL. Smit, Freerk. Geschiedenis der doopsgezinden in Blokzijl. Steenwijk: Van Kerkvoorde en Hollander, 1992. Pp 288. MHL. Social basis of health and healing in Africa. Steven Feierman and John M. Janzen, eds. Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 1992. Pp. 487. MHL. Spinner, Jeff. Living arrangements: race, ethnicity and nationality in the liberal state. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Michigan, 1992. Microfilm. Pp. 328. MHL. Staeck, Frank. Ketzer, Täufer, Utopisten. Pfaffenweiler: Cantaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1991. Pp. 342. MHL. Stark, Sara Callender. A psychological examination of the Amish persona. Thesis (Ph.D.), 1992. Pp. 252. MHL. Stephens, W. P. Zwingli: an introduction to his thought. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 174. MLA. Stoll, Dale L. Nuevas comunidades de fe en Cristo Jesus: desde la semilla hasta la cosecha. Marta Judith de Mejía, tr. Elkhart, IN: Consejo Menonita de Misiones, 1991. Pp. 48. MHL. Stoltzfus, Irma H. The Wanners: an early Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Mennonite family. Coatesville, PA: Author, 1992. Pp. 227. MHL. Storer, Agnes Williamson. Kolb family genealogy. [Salem, MA: Higginson Book Co., 1991?]. Pp. 60. MHL. Stuckey, Thomas L. Cross sectional analysis of allegiance to religious beliefs among young Mennonite adults. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Bowling Green State Univ., 1991. Pp. 108. EMC. Sturdevant, Saundra Pollock and Brenda Stoltzfus. Let the good times roll: prostitution and the U.S. military in Asia. New York: New Press, 1992. Pp. 343. MHL. Taber, William. Four doors to meeting for worship. (Pendle Hill pamphlets; 306) Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1992. Pp. 31. MLA. Tennant, Joseph F. Jottings from a buckboard. (Meet you on the trail: West before the railroad; 2) [Winnipeg: Boundry Commission NWMP Trail Association, 1992]. Pp. 76. MHL. Thiessen, Hermann. Die Familie Mekelburger. Burgdorf, Germany: Author, 1992. Pp. 582. MLA. Treasured Mennonite recipes: recipes from Mennonite Relief Sales volunteers. Lancaster, PA: Fox Chapel, 1992. Pp. 220. EMC, MHL, MLA. Troyer, Harley. A brief history relating to the Griner Conservative Mennonite Church. [S.l.: s.n.], 1992. Pp. 28. MLA. Under his wings, 1927-1992. Hope Neufeld and Janice Dick, eds. Watrous, SK: Philadelphia MB Church, 1992. Pp. 310. MHL. Unruh, Judy Ann. Lions beyond the lattice: poetry. Grant, NE: Exaltations Publications, 1991. Pp. 96. MHL. Uttley, Meredith. The relationship of measures of biological age to survivorship among Mennonites. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univ. of Kansas, 1991. Pp. 299. EMC. Vogt, Esther Loewen. The enchanted prairie. Camp Hill, PA; Horizon House Publishers, 1992. Pp. 271. MHL. Waddell, Marc E. The depiction of Anabaptist religious sects in select sixteenth and seventeenth century literature: Nashe, Marston, and Dryden. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1992. Pp. 214. EMC. Walford, E. John. Jacob van Ruisdael and the perception of landscape. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 1991. Pp. 243. MHL. Walpot, Peter. True Christian baptism: from the Great article book of Peter Walpot, 1577. Elizabeth Horsch Bender, tr. Farmington, PA: Plough, 1992. Pp. 77. MHL. Waltner, Tim. The times and life of Smokey Joe Mendel. Freeman, SD: Pine Hill Press, 1992. Pp. 127. MHL. Waltner-Toews, David. Food, Sex and salmonella: the risks of environmental intimacy. Toronto, ON: NC Press Limited, 1992. Pp. 175. MHL, MLA. Weaver, Nora S. Burkholder. Joseph S. and Emaline R. Burkholder family record. Ephrata, PA: Grace Press/Walter B. Burkholder, 1992. Pp. 136, 30. EMC, MHL. Wenger, Edna K. Stories I like to read: second grade reading lessons. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1991. Pp. 160. MHL. Wenger, J. C. Introducere în teologie. [Berlin, OH: Christian Aid Ministries, 1991]. Pp. 384. MHL. Wenger, John S. John: "a man sent from God" : life of John S. Wenger. [Harrisonburg, VA]: Campbell Copy Center, 1991. Pp. 42. MHL. Werner, David. Where there is no doctor: a village health care handbook. Palo Alto, CA: Hesperian Foundation, 1992. Pp. 446. MHL. Whanger, Thomas Richard. The trail of agony: the arduous Civil War journey of David Whanger. Elverson, PA: Olde Springfield Shoppe, [1992?]. Pp. 52. EMC, MHL. White, John and Ken Blue. Church discipline that heals: putting costly love into action. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, [1992]. Pp. 238. MHL. Widmer, Pierre. Guerre ou paix?: L'objection de conscience telle qu'elle a été vécue de mennonites et d'autres chrétiens dans la seconde moitié du XX siècle. (Les Cahiers de Christ Seul; 1992/4) Montbéliard: Christ Seul, 1992. Pp. 112. EMC, MLA. Wiebe, Henry. Erinnerungen unserer Eltern Johann Abram und Susanna (Kehler) Wiebe = Memories of our parents John Abram and Susanna (Kehler) Wiebe. Kitchener, ON: Evenstone Press, 1992. Pp. 250. MHC. Wiebe, Rudy. Chinook Christmas. Paintings by David More. Red Deer, Alta.: Red Deer College Press, 1992. Pp. 32. MHL. Wilke, Steve, Dave & Neta Jackson. When it's hard to trust. (Recovering hope in your marriage) Wheaton, IL: Living Books, 1992. Pp. 129. MHL. ________. When we can't talk anymore. (Recovering hope for your marriage) Wheaton, IL: Living Books, 1992. Pp. 124. MHL. Williams, George Hunston. The radical Reformation. 3rd ed. (Sixteenth century essays & studies; 15) Kirksville, MO: Sixteenth Century Journal Pub., 1992. Pp. 1513. MHC, MHL, MLA. Windhorst, Hans-Wilhelm and Werner Klohn. Die Amischen in der Lancaster County (Pennsylvania): Beharrung und Wandel einer fundamentalistisch-religiösen Minderheit: Frau Professorin Dr. Angelika Sievers zum 80. Geburtstag. Vechta: Vechtaer Druckerei und Verlag, 1992. Pp. 127. MHL. Wisotzki, Elisabeth. Die ethnische Identität der russländischen Mennoniten. Marburg: N.G. Elwert, 1991. Pp. 70. MHL. Witmer, Daryl E. Crossing over: a message of hope and encouragement for those in the midst of a stormy trial. Monson, ME: Author, 1992. Pp. 13. EMC. ________. Passing showers: a message offering hope and perspective on the temporary nature of pain, suffering and adversity. Monson, ME: Author, 1991. Pp. 39. EMC. Wolff, Michèle. Zur sprachlichen Assimilation der Mennoniten im Elsass und im Pays de Montbéliard im 20. Jahrhundert. [1991?]. Pp. 27. MHL. Women & preschool directory 1992. [PA: Women and Preschool Committee], 1992. Pp. 26. MHL. Would you believe an angel? Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1992. Pp. 55. MHL. Wuschke, Ewald. Protestant church records on microfilm for the former Congress Poland (1815-1915) and Volhynia: microfilmed by Family History Centre, Church of the Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. Vancouver, BC: E. Wuschke, 1992. Pp. 42. MLA. Yankey, Lewis H. The Hottinger and Yankey families. Patricia T. Ritchie, typist and editor. Criders/Winchester, VA: L.H. Yankey and P.T. Ritchie, 1991. Pp. 364. EMC. Yoder, Ada. Descendents of John C. Miller, 1860-1913 and Sarah Ann Hostetler, 1864-1891. Sugarcreek, OH: Carlisle Printing, Walnut Creek [1991?]. Pp. 95. MHL. Yoder, Clarence A. Vanity, vision, victory. Goshen: Author, 1991. Pp. 91. MHL. Yoder, Fannie R. Old Order Amish directory of Mifflin and Juniata Counties plus Sinking Valley, Mercersburg and Newport, New York. Rev. ed. by Katie E. Yoder. Salisburg, PA: Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Kinsinger, 1992. Pp. 173. EMC. Yuhas, Bonnie McLean. Index of surnames found in Berks County historical & biographical books. Reading, PA: Berks County Genealogical Society, 1991. Pp. 22. MHL. Ziegler, Valarie H. The advocates of peace in antebellum America. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1992. Pp. 241. MHL. Zion's praises. Rev. 2nd ed. Aaron Z. Weaver, ed. Bridgeton, NJ: Weaver Music Co., 1991. Pp. 858. MHL. Zook, Martha and Lela Birky. Punctuation and capitalization: English worksheets: Grades 3-5: teacher's edition. Rev. (Building Christian English series) Crockett, KY: Rod & Staff, 1992. Pp. 29. EMC. |