Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography, 1989Compiled by Marilyn Loganbill(Originally published in the June 1990 issue, vol. 45, no. 2. pp. 26-35) Assisted by Harold E. Huber, Menno Simons Historical Library/Archives, Eastern Mennonite College (EMC); Kevin Enns-Rempel, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies (FRESNO); Lawrence Klippenstein, Mennonite Heritage Centre (MHC); Ina Ruth Breckbill, Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College (MHL); and Barbara Thiesen, Mennonite Library and Archives, Bethel College (MLA). 50 years: a vision for the future. Gettysburg, Pa.: Bethel Mennonite Church, 1989. Pp. 66. MHL. 1989 directory of Gehmans Mennonite Church, Adamstown, Pennsylvania. Adamstown, Pa.: The Church, 1989. 1 vol. EMC. Adams, Marcia. Cooking from quilt country: hearty recipes from Amish and Mennonite kitchens. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1989. Pp. 202. FRESNO, MHL. Adrian, Marlin Wayne. Mennonites, missionaries, and Native Americans: religious paradigms and cultural encounters. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Virginia, 1989. Pp. 229. FRESNO, MLA. Alexander, John T. Catherine the Great: life and legend. Oxford, 1989. Pp. 418. MLA. Allix, Peter. The ecclesiastical history of the ancient churches of Piedmont and of the Albigenses, 1690-1692. Gallatin, Tenn.: Church History Research and Archives, 1989. Pp. 282. MHL, MLA. Arndt, Karl John Richard and Reimer C. Eck, eds. The first century of German language printing in the United States of America. (Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society; 21-22) Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 1989. 2 vols. MHL, MLA. Augsburger, Myron S. I'll see you again! Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 232. MHL, MLA. Aukerman, Dale. Darkening valley: a Biblical perspective on nuclear war. (A Christian peace shelf selection) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 236. MHL, MLA. Baer, Martha. Martha's radiance. [New Hamburg, Ont.]: Baer, 1989. Pp. 40. EMC. Baer, Mervin J., ed. A time to gather. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 398. EMC. Barrett, Lois. Doing what is right: what the Bible says about covenant and justice. (Peace and justice series; 7) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 95. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Bartel, Barry C. Animation in Haiti: MCC Haiti's experience with rural community development. (MCC occasional paper; no. 8) Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1989. Pp. 28. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Bartel, Marvin. My own picture book about getting older. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1989. Pp. 43. MHL. Baughman, J. Ross. Some ancestors of the Baughman family in America: tracing 12 generations from Switzerland. [New York, N.Y.]: Baughman, 1989. Pp. 171. EMC. Bauman, Harold Ernest. Presence and power: releasing the Holy Spirit in your life. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 124. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Baxter, Angus. In search of your Canadian roots. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1989. Pp. 350 MLA. Beck, Warren A. Historical atlas of the American West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. 1 atlas. MLA. Bender, Sue. Plain and simple: a woman's journey to the Amish. New York: Harper and Row, 1989. Pp. 152. FRESNO. Benner, Cheryl A. The country love quilt. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1989. Pp. 192. EMC, MHL, MLA. Bixel, James W. Dance of the Kobzar [videorecording]: scenes from the life of John Peter Klassen, artist as peacemaker. [Bluffton, Ohio]: Bluffton College, 1989. 2 vidoecassettes. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Borntrager, Mary Christner. Rebecca. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 176. MHL, MLA. Boschmann, David. Den Pionier-Lehrern der Kolonie Fernheim: gewidmet. Hillsboro, Kan.: Multi Business Press, 1989. Pp. 97. FRESNO, MHL. Bowman, John David. Psalms. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1989. Pp. 39. MHL. Brandt, Edward R. Brandt roots (1605-1988). Minneapolis, Minn.: Brandt, 1989. Pp. 92. MHL, MLA. Brentz, Wilma Schertz, comp. The family circle: Augspurger and Imhoff genealogy and history. Farmington, Ill.: Schertz, 1989. Pp. 95. MHL. Broken boundaries: resources for pastoring people: child sexual abuse. Akron, Pa.: MCC Domestic Violence Task Force, [1989?]. EMC. Brunk, George R. II. Academic freedom gone to seed at EMC. Harrisonburg, Va.: Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, 1989. [Pp. 3] EMC. Brunner, Marta. Elly and Oliver. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1989. Pp. 29. MHL. Bubenheimer, Ulrich. Thomas Müntzer: Herkunft und Bildung. (Studies in medieval and Reformation thought; v.46) Leiden: Brill, 1989. Pp. 359. MLA. Buggy horse mishaps of 1988. Kresgeville, Pa.: 3/Mi. Mfg., Inc., [1989?]. Unpaged. EMC, MHL. Burgert, Annette K. Eighteenth and nineteenth century emigrants from Lachen-Speyerdorf in the Palatinate. Myerstown, Pa.: AKB Publications, 1989. Pp. 38. MHL. Burkholder, John Lawrence. The problem of social responsibility from the perspective of the Mennonite Church. Elkhart, Ind.: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1989. Pp. 238. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Burkholder, Myrna, ed. Handbook on congregational ministry with young adults. Elkhart, Ind.; Newton, Kan.: MBM/SYAS and COE of GCMC, 1989. Pp. 58. EMC, MHL. Byler, Dennis. Making war and making peace: why some Christians fight and some don't. (Peace and justice series; 8) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 103. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Christianity in China: a scholars's guide to resources in the libraries and archives of the United States. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1989. Pp. 709. MLA. Claassen, Jacob. Jacob Claassen journal 1911. Milo, Iowa: Betty C. Miller, 1989. Pp. 57. MLA. Clayton Kratz: can we depend on you? Harleysville, Pa.: Branch Valley Produce, [1989]. 1 videocassette. FRESNO, MLA. Coggins, James R. and Paul G. Hiebert. Wonders and the word: an examination of issues raised by John Wimber and the Vineyard Movement. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1989. Pp. 162. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Conti-Entin, Carol. Improvisation and spiritual disciplines: continuing the divine-human duet. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 288) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1989. Pp. 31. MLA. Cornelsen, Rose. Please carry me Lord. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1989. Pp. 153. EMC, MHC. Counting with numbers. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 64. EMC. Crauderueff, Elaine J. War taxes: experiences of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Quakers through the American Revolution. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 286) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1989. Pp. 39. MHL, MLA. Curran, Thomas. The ideological roots of civil war pacifism. South Bend, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1989. Pp. 19. MHL. Dealing with death: a guide to resources. Goshen, Ind.: College Mennonite Church, 1989. Pp. [20]. MHL. Derksen, Peter Isaak. Es wurde wieder ruhig: die Lebensgeschichte eines mennonitischen Predigers aus der Sowjetunion. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Heritage Centre, 1989. Pp. 183. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Dettwiler, Alma. Harvest of tears. Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1989. Pp. 168. EMC, MHL. Deutsches Jahrbuch für Paraguay, 1989. Asunción: [G. Ratzlaff], 1989. Pp. 113. FRESNO, MHL. Dill, Clarence W. Tombstone inscriptions of Butler County, Kansas. Seminole, Okla.: P and C Research, 1989. Pp. 628. MLA. A Disciple's Christology: appraisals of Kraus's Jesus Christ our Lord. (IMS occasional paper; 13) Elkhart, Ind.: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1989. Pp. 111. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Drescher, John M. God's presence in time of trouble. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 14. EMC, MHL. Drescher, John M. The Lord is near: experiencing the presence of God. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 14. EMC, MHL. Driedger, Diane, et al. Development and disability. (MCC occasional paper; no. 9) Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1989. Pp. 17. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Driedger, Leo. The ethnic factor: identity in diversity. Toronto, Ont.: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1989. Pp. 450. FRESNO. Dueck, Dora. Under the still standing sun. Winnipeg, Man.: Kindred Press, 1989. Pp. 293. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MLA. Earnest, Corinne P. and Russell D. Earnest. Papers for birth dayes: guide to the fraktur artists and scriveners. Albuquerque, N.M.: R.D. Earnest Associates, 1989. Pp. 496. MHL. Eighmy, Jeffrey Lynn. Mennonite architecture: diachronic evidence for rapid diffusion in rural communities. New York: AMS Press, 1989. Pp. 220. FRESNO, MHL. Erb, Elizabeth S. A Parkinsonian's pilgrimage. Lititz, Pa.: Erb, 1989. Pp. 25. EMC. Estes, Steven R. Love in action: the story of thirty Illinois Mennonite Relief Sales. [Illinois]: Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale Association, 1989. Pp. 139. MHL. `Facing' the enemy: conflict resolution rooted in the Horn of Africa. Waterloo, Ont.: Conrad Grebel College, 1989. Pp. 44. EMC. Fardelmann, Charlotte. Sink down to the seed. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 283) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1989. Pp. 32. MHL, MLA. Farney, Laura. Genealogies of three large families of Lewis County, New York. Castorland, N.Y.: [Julia Karcher], 1989. 2 vols. MHL. Fast, Karl. Gebt der Wahrheit die Ehre!: Ein Schicksalsbericht. Winnipeg, Man.: Canzona Publishing, 1989. Pp. 324. FRESNO, MHC. Feeding the flock. Kearney, Neb.: Morris Press, 1989. Pp. 374. MHL. Figes, Orlando. Peasant Russia, civil war: the Volga countryside in revolution (1917-1921). New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Pp. 401. MLA. Finger, Thomas N. Christian theology: an eschatological approach. Vol.II. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 544. EMC, MHL. First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana: a twenty-five year history. Urbana, Ill.: The Church, 1989. Pp. 103. EMC, MHL, MLA. Fretz, Clarence Y. Handbook to The Anabaptist Hymnal. Hagerstown, Md.: Fretz, 1989. Pp. 115. EMC, MHL. Fretz, J. Winfield. The Waterloo Mennonites: a community in paradox. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1989. Pp. 391. MHL, MLA. Friesen, Adeline. The Von Riesen-Friesen story: 1769-1987. Mountain Lake, Minn.: Friesen, [1989]. Pp. 363. FRESNO. Friesen, John, ed. Mennonites in Russia: essays in honour of Gerhard Lohrenz. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1989. Pp. 386. FRESNO, MHC. Friesen, Larry D. The impact of community support for farmers coping with economic distress. Thesis (D.S.W.)--Columbia University, 1989. Pp. 171. MLA. Friesen, Walt. Linked in caring community: pursuing mutuality with persons experiencing prolonged mental illness. Elgin, Ill.; Akron, Pa.: Mennonite/Brethren Mental Health A & E Committee, [1989?]. Unpaged. EMC. Fry-Miller, Kathleen M. Peace works: young peacemakers project book II. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1989. Pp. 128. MHL, MLA. Glick, Vernon A. All in a lifetime. Oakland Mills, Pa.: Glick, 1989. Pp. 217. EMC. Goering, Edna D. My memories of meat canning. [Moundridge, Kan.: E.D. Goering], 1989. Pp. [16]. MHL, MLA. Goering, Henry J. At eventide there shall be light: poems. [North Newton, Kan.: Oswald H. Goering, 1989]. Pp. 70. MLA. Goering, Orlando J. and Violet H. Goering. The Benj. B.J. and Anna (Goering) Goering family record, 1891-1989. Freeman, S.D.: Pine Hill Press, 1989. Pp. 79. MLA. Goering, Regina M. A history of the Bank Mennonite Church. Dayton, Va.: The Church, 1989. Pp. 22. EMC. Good, Elaine W. It's summertime! Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1989. Unpaged. EMC. Good, Joyce. Year of doubt. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 272. EMC. Good, Phyllis Pellman. The Central Market cookbook: favorite recipes from the standholders of the nation's oldest farmer's market, Central Market in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1989. Pp. 224. EMC, MHL, MLA. Granick, Eve Wheatcroft. The Amish quilt. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1989. Pp. 192. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Griffin-Allwood, Philip G.A. Baptists in Canada 1760-1990: a bibliography of selected printed resources in English. Hantsport, N.S.: Lancelot Press, 1989. Pp. 266. MHL. Gruys, J.A. Thesaurus 1473-1800: nederlandse boekdrukkers en boekverkopers: met plaatsen en jaren van werkzaamheid. Nieuwkoop: DeGraaf Publishers, 1989. Pp. 293. MHL. Guenther, Gloria. The gift of love. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1989. Pp. 174. EMC, MHL. Harder, Eldon B. and Helen Klempel Harder. Seventy-five years at Aberdeen, 1907-1982. Aberdeen, Idaho: First Mennonite Church, 1989. Pp. 383. MLA. Harder, Helmut. Témoigner de Jésus-Christ dans le monde d'aujourd'hui: manuel d'études pour les assemblees de la XIIe Conférence Mennonite Mondiale. (Cahiers de Christ Seul. Nouvelle serie; 2-3/1989) Montbéliard: Les Cahiers de Christ Seul, 1989. Pp. 142. EMC, MHL, MLA. Harder, Helmut. Witnessing to Christ in today's world: a faith and life study book, Mennonite World Conference. Carol Stream, Ill.: Mennonite World Conference, 1989. Pp. 90. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Harris, Richard Jackson. A cognitive psychology of mass communication. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989. Pp. 287. MHL. Haury, Emil W. Point of Pines, Arizona: a history of the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School. (Anthropological papers of the University of Arizona; no. 50) Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1989. Pp. 141. MLA. Hawbaker, Gary T. and Clyde L. Groff. A new index, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, before the federal census. Vol.5. Hershey, Pa.: Hawbaker, 1989. Pp. 204. MHL. Hayama Missionary Seminar (30th: 1989: Amagi Sanso) Showa, X-Day and beyond: papers presented at the thirteenth Hayama Men's Missionary Seminar, Amagi Sanso, January 5-7, 1989. Tokyo: [s.n.], 1989. Pp. 98. MHL, MLA. He has the whole world in his hands: International Visitor Exchange Program manual 1988-89. [S.l.]: International Visitor Exchange Program, 1989. MHL. Heijting, W. De catechismi en confessies in de Nederlandse Reformatie tot 1585 = The catechisms and confessions of faith in the Dutch Reformation to 1585: with a summary in English. (Bibliotheca bibliographica Neerlandica; v.27) Nieuwkoop: DeGraaf, 1989. 2 vols. MHL. Heisey, Nancy and Paul Longacre. Mennonite international study project: final report. [Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee], 1989. Pp. 108. MHL, MLA. Herold, Ann Bixby. The mysterious passover visitors. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 117. MHL. Herr, Amy. Exploring with God: Grade 4: teacher's manual. (Bible nurture and reader series) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 141. EMC. Hershberger, Alma. Country cookbook: old favorites from the Amish community Dover, Delaware. Dover, Del.: [John J. Hershberger], 1988-89. Pp. 100. EMC. Hershey, Noah L., ed. The descendants of John Eby Hershey and Anna Mellinger Hershey. Lititz, Pa.: Sutter House, 1989. Pp. 133. EMC. Hertzler, Silas. The Hertzler-Hartzler family history. Kokomo, Ind.: Selby Publishing, 1989. Pp. 773. EMC, MHL. Horner, Norman A. A guide to Christian churches in the Middle East: present-day Christianity. Elkhart, Ind.: Mission Focus Publications, 1989. Pp. 128. EMC. Horst, Irvin B. Dutch Mennonite spirituality in Colonial America. (Offprint from Oecumennisme: opstelle aangeboden aan Henk B. Koosen) [Amsterdam: Algemene Doops. Soc., 1989. Pp. [6]. EMC. Hostetler, Helen M. A time to love. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 221. MHL. Hostetler, John A. Amish roots: a treasury of history, wisdom, and lore. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. Pp. 319. FRESNO, MHL. Hostetler, John A. Toward responsible growth and stewardship of Lancaster County's landscape. Elizabethtown, Pa.: Hostetler, 1989. Pp. 15. MHL. Hostetler, Jonathan J. Papa was an entrepreneur. Goshen, Ind.: Hostetler, 1989. Pp. 58. MHL. Hunsberger, Arthur G. Christ or Kraus?: a critique of Kraus' book on Christology. Harrisonburg, Va.: Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, 1989. Pp. 56. EMC, MHL. Hurd, Jill J. The ancestors and descendants of Jan Lucken. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1989. Pp. 599. EMC. Hymnal sampler: for churches in the Anabaptist tradition. Findley, Ohio: Churches of God, General Conference; Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press; Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press; Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1989. Pp. 136. EMC, MHL, MLA. Imel, Joy Ann Dirks. Wiens. [Oklahoma City, Okla.: Imel, 1989]. Pp. 163. MLA. Irvin, Margaret Meyer. Full circle. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1989. Pp. 67. MHL. Jackson, Dave and Neta Jackson, eds. On fire for Christ: stories of Anabaptist martyrs, retold from Martyrs mirror. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 184. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Jackson, Mary Percy. The homemade brass plate: the story of Dr. Mary Percy Jackson as told to Cornelia Lehn. Sardis, B.C.: Cedar-Cott Enterprise, 1989. Pp. 215. MHL, MLA. Jantzen, Carl Raymond. The Mennonites of Spanish Lookout. [Washington, D.C.: Washington Times Corp.], 1989. Pp. 9. MHL. Janzen, Susan E., ed. Youth guide: a discipleship resource for youth ministry. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1989. Pp. 80. MHL. John Peter Klassen: artist as peacemaker. Bluffton, Ohio: Bluffton College, 1989. Pp. 21. MHL. Jones, T. Canby. Thomas R. Kelly as I remember him. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 284) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1989. Pp. 47. MHL, MLA. Juhnke, James C. Vision, doctrine, war: Mennonite identity and organization in America, 1890-1930. (Mennonite experience in America; v.3) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 394. MHL, MLA. Justice: the restorative vision. (Occasional papers of MCC Canada Victim Offender Ministries program and the MCC U.S. Office of Criminal Justice) Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1989. Pp. 41. EMC, MHL, MLA. Kinder, A. Gordon. Michael Servetus. (Bibliotheca Dissidentium; v.10) Baden-Baden: Valentin Koerner, 1989. Pp. 167. MHL. King, Harley. Mother, don't lock me in that closet! Perrysburg, Ohio: Keller University Press, 1989. Pp. 167. MHL. Kinsinger, Roy S. Amish families of the Oakland, Maryland congregation along with some history of the past. Salisbury, Pa.: Kinsinger, 1989. Pp. 33. EMC. Klaassen, Walter. Between world and faith: meditations by Walter Klaassen. Waterloo, Ont.: Mennonite Publishing Service, 1989. Pp. 49. EMC. Klassen, Doreen. Singing Mennonite: Low German songs among the Mennonites. Winnipeg, Man.: University of Manitoba Press, 1989. Pp. 330. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Klassen, Paul, et.al. The butterflies of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Man.: Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature, 1989. Pp. 290. MHL. Klassen, Peter James. A homeland for strangers: an introduction to Mennonites in Poland and Prussia. Fresno, Calif.: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1989. Pp. 95. FRESNO, MLA. Klassen, Peter P. Kampbrand und andere mennonitische Geschichten aus dem paraguayischen Chaco. Asuncion: Makrografic, 1989. Pp. 135. FRESNO, MHL. Klassen, Ted and George Peters. Kohmt Met Noh Expoh. Winnipeg, Man.: Bindery Publishing House, 1989. Pp. 100. FRESNO, MHC. Kossen, H.B. De God des vredes als bondgenoot: de gemeente in de maatschappij: afscheidscholl. Amsterdam: Algemene Doops. Soc., 1989. Pp. 16. EMC. Krauss, Wolfgang and Ben Redekop. The difficulties of being peace church: Johann and Anna Baptist lead a tour through Mennonite history and the present. Bammental: German Mennonite Peace Committee, 1989. Pp. 35. FRESNO. Kraybill, Donald B. The riddle of Amish culture. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. Pp. 304. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Kreider, Robert S. and Rachel Waltner Goossen. When good people quarrel: studies of conflict resolution. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 198. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Krewson, Margrit B. The German-speaking countries of Europe: a selective bibliography. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1989. Pp. 318. MHL. Krewson, Margrit B. The Netherlands and northern Belgium: a selective bibliography of reference works. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. Pp. 152. MHL. Landis, Marvin. Elam N. Burkholder family album, 1716-1989. Elizabethtown, Pa.: Mayflower Print Co., [1989]. Pp. 58. MHL. Landis, Mary M. God's gifts. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Unpaged. EMC. Landis, Mary M. Helping mother. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Unpaged. EMC. Lebenn nach der Ler Jhesu ... Das sind aber wir!: Berner Täufer und Prädikanten im Gespräch, 1538-1988. (Informations-Blätter; Heft 11/12) Bern: Stämpfli, 1989. Pp. 208. FRESNO, MLA. Leeson, Muriel. Journey to freedom. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 126. MHL. Lehman, Willis A. My pilgrimage of more than 80 years. Apple Creek, Ohio: Lehman, 1989. Pp. 78. EMC. Lichti, James Irvin. Religious identity vs. "Aryan" identity: German Mennonites and Hutterites under the Third Reich. Thesis (MA)--San Francisco State University, 1989. Pp. 187. FRESNO, MLA. The life and times of Menno S. Yoder, 1863-1952: the story of a Mennonite family. Colorado Springs, Col.: Yoder, 1989. Pp. 341. MHL, MLA. Lind, Timothy. MCC Africa program: historical background. (MCC occasional paper; no.10) Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1989. Pp. 25. EMC, MHL. Löwen, Heinrich. In Vergessenheit geratene Beziehungen: frühe Begegnungen der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde mit dem Baptismus in Russland-- ein Überblick. (Beiträge zur osteuropäischen Kirchengeschichte; Bd.1) Bielefeld: Logos, 1989. Pp. 94. FRESNO, MHC, MLA. Malone, Michael P. The American West: a 20th century history. (The Twentieth-century American West) Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989. Pp. 347. MLA. Martens, Sheri. Adam and Andrea learn and grow: understanding church words from a kid's viewpoint. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1989. Pp. 79. EMC, MHL. Martin, Clara W. Myers family history 1717-1989. Gordonville, Pa.: Gordonville Print Shop, 1989. Pp. 89. EMC, MHL. Martin, J.W. Religious radicals in Tudor England. Ronceverte, W.V.: Hambledon Press, 1989. Pp. 237. MLA. Martin, Titus. 145 original poems, 1985-1989. Bird-in-Hand, Pa.: Martin, 1989. Pp. 154. EMC. Mast, C.Z. A brief history of Bishop Jacob Mast and other Mast pioneers. Elverson, Pa.: Mennonite Family History, 1989. Pp. 822. EMC, MLA. McGrath, William R. The mystery of Jacob Amman. Carrollton, Ohio: A-M Publications, 1989. Pp. 116. EMC, MHL. Meer, S. van der, et al. Iemand als Job: vijf preken over het bijbelboek Job. Haarlem, The Neth.: Ver. Doops. Gemeente, 1989. Pp. 28. EMC. Mennonite Brethren Churches. Southern District. Approved: recommendations and resolutions of the Southern District Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. Hillsboro, Kan.: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1989. Pp. 302. FRESNO. Mennonite Library and Archives. Serials index. North Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Library and Archives, Bethel College, 1989. [Pp. 120]. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Miller, Gene Edwin. As a good soldier of King Immanuel: a history and genealogy of David Y. Miller, 1809-1898. Irvine, Calif.: Miller, 1989. Pp. 666. MHL. Miller, Gordon W. Rockingham, an annotated bibliography of a Virginia county. Harrisonburg, Va.: Miller, 1989. Pp. 623. MHL. Miller, Hazel L. Christian windows of our past. Carlock, Ill.: Carlock Mennonite Church, 1989. Pp. 298. MHL, MLA. Miller, Henry C. Samuel C. Miller family history: historical and other incidents, 1866-1989: Samuel C. Miller-Sarah Raber. Millersburg, Ohio: Miller, 1989. Pp. 80. EMC, MHL. Miller, Levi. Ben's Wayne. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1989. Pp. 166. EMC, MHL, MLA. Miller, Timothy Joe. Shaman's voice. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1989. Pp. 33. MHL. Miller, Vernell Klassen. Anywhere with you! Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 192. MHL, MLA. Mills, Kathi. Yesterday, today, and forever. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 213. MHL. Moore, Ruth Nulton. The Christmas surprise. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 159. MHL. Mow, Merrill. Torches rekindled: the Bruderhof's struggle for renewal. Ulster Park, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1989. Pp. 309. FRESNO, MHL. Mumaw, Evelyn King. More like Jesus: you can grow in your Christian life. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 152. MHL, MLA. Mumaw, John R. Assurance of salvation. Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1989. Pp. 112. EMC, MHL. Mumaw, John R. Assurance of salvation: study guide. Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1989. Pp. 21. MHL. Murphy, Carol R. Milestone 70. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 287) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1989. Pp. 39. MLA. Neufeld, Bill, ed. A heritage of homesteads, hardships and hope: 1914-1989: La Crete and area. La Crete, Alta.: La Crete and Area Then and Now Society, 1989. Pp. 450. MHC. Neufeld, William. From faith to faith: the history of the Manitoba Mennonite Brethren Church. Winnipeg, Man.: Kindred Press, 1989. Pp. 243. FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Neufeldt, Colin Peter. The fate of Mennonites in Soviet Ukraine and the Crimea during the Soviet collectivization and the famine (1928-1933). [Toronto, Ont.]: Neufeldt, 1989. Pp. 674. FRESNO. Nussbaum, Stan. New religious movements. (Mission Focus pamphlet) Elkhart, Ind.: Mission Focus Publications, 1989. Pp. 36. EMC. Nyce, Dorothy Yoder. Strength, struggle, and solidarity: India's women. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1989. Pp. 98. EMC, MHL. Ohio cemetery records. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1989. Pp. 495. MHL. Ohno, Michio. Selected book list of Friedmann-Sakakibara library. Tokyo: Japan Anabaptist Center, 1989. Pp. 80. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Old Order shop and service directory (Amish and Mennonite). Lancaster, Pa.: Benjamin K. Beiler, 1989. Pp. 54. MHL. Omwille van onze toekomst: brochure uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het 40-jarig bestaan van de herrezen staat Israel. [Osterbeek]: Frits Kuiper-Stichting, 1989. Pp. 40. MHL, MLA. Ortíz, José and David Graybill. Reflections of an Hispanic Mennonite. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1989. Pp. 93. EMC, FRESNO, MHL. Osborne, Philip. Parenting for the '90s. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1989. Pp. 311. EMC, MHL, MLA. Our family can be your family: Mennonites, who we are and what we believe. Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Board of Missions Media Ministries, 1989. [1 videocassette] FRESNO. Oyer, Verle C. At the bend in the river: a 100-year history of East Bend Mennonite Church. Fisher, Ill.: Oyer, 1989. Pp. 49. MHL. Passenger and immigration lists index: 1989 supplement. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research, 1989. Pp. 722. MLA. Pellman, Hubert R. Seventy-five years of mutual aid: Virginia Mennonite Property Aid Plan. Harrisonburg, Va.: Virginia Mennonite Conference, 1989. Pp. 98. EMC. Peters, Katie. The colonies and their villages founded by the Mennonites in Russia. Winnipeg, Man.: Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies, [1989?]. 1 vol. EMC. Pipkin, H. Wayne and John H. Yoder. Balthasar Hubmaier: theologian of Anabaptism. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp 608. MHL. Plett, Delbert F. Plett picture book. Steinbach, Man.: DFP Publications, 1989. Pp. 159. MHL. Princess in calico. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 92. EMC. Punshon, John. Letter to a universalist. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 285) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1989. Pp. 31. MHL, MLA. Raber, Margery Myers, comp. The descendants of Jacob Krabill (Krayenbul) and Fanny Miller, 1803-1989. Alliance, Ohio: Raber, 1989. Pp. 102. EMC. Read, Maureen Hay. The least one. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 184. MHL. Reddig, Kenneth Wayne. Manitoba Mennonites and the Winnipeg Mobilization Board in World War II. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Manitoba, 1989. Pp. 174. MHL. Redekop, Calvin W. A bibliography of Mennonites in Waterloo County and Ontario. Waterloo, Ont.: Institute of Anabaptist and Mennonite Studies, Conrad Grebel College, 1989. Pp. 19. EMC, FRESNO, MHL. Redekop, Calvin W. Mennonite society. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. Pp. 397 EMC, FRESNO, MHL. Redekopp, Alf. A guide to genealogical resources at the Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Winnipeg, Man.: Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1989. Unpaged. EMC, FRESNO. Regehr, Ernie, ed. Polar opposites: ensuring peace in the arctic. Waterloo, Ont.: Project Ploughshares, 1989. Pp. 16. MHL. Reimer, Douglas. Older than ravens. Winnipeg, Man.: Turnstone Press, 1989. Pp. 158. FRESNO, MHC, MHL. Reno County Genealogy Society. 1880 census Reno County, Kansas. Hutchinson, Kan.: Reno County Genealogical Society, 1989. Pp. 239. MLA. Rice, Timothy. Membership statistics for the Franconia Mennonite Conference churches. Perkasie, Pa.: [Rice], 1989. Pp. 37. MHL. Rohrer, Martha. Bible pictures to color. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Unpaged. EMC. Rohrer, Martha. Bible stories to read. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 135. EMC. The role of service-learning in international education: proceedings of a Wingspread Conference, held April 26-28, 1989 at Racine, Wisconsin. Goshen, Ind.: Goshen College, 1989. Pp. 121. MHL. Romijn, J.M. Drie eeuwen het Nieuwe Huys: lesbrief in twee delen de Doopsgezinde Gemeente Zaandam. [Zaandam: Doopsgezinde Gemeente, 1989]. Pp. 41. MHL, MLA. Rose, Marilyn Preheim. On the move: a study of migration and ethnic persistence among Mennonites from East Freeman, South Dakota. New York: AMS Press, 1989. Pp. 237. MHL. Rosenberry, Naomi and Alta Showalter. The swift years come and go: life of Harry Showalter. Harrisonburg, Va.: Rosenberry and Showalter, 1989. Pp. 65. EMC, MHL. Rudy, John H. Moneywise meditations: to be found faithful in God's audit. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 160. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Rummel, Erika. Erasmus and his Catholic critics. (Bibliotheca humanistica and reformatorica; v.45) Nieuwkoop: DeGraaf, 1989. 2 vols. MLA. Russell, Lila Mae Luginbill. Keeping Luginbill ties together: the ancestors and descendants of Johannes Luginbühl (John Luginbill) and Katharina (Reusser) Luginbill. Vallejo, Calif.: L.M.L. Russell, 1989. Pp. 102. MLA. Ruth-Heffelbower, Duane. A technical manual for church planters. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions; Newton, Kan.: Commission on Home Ministries, 1989. Pp. 82. EMC, MHL. Ruth, Merle. Dying to live with Christ. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 79. EMC. Schipani, Daniel S. Freedom and discipleship: liberation theology in an Anabaptist perspective. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1989. Pp. 188. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Schmidt, Herbert Rempel and Mariam Penner Schmidt. Tiger hunts, hurricanes and other happenings. Newton, Kan.: United Printing, 1989. Pp. 161. MLA. Schrock, Simon. Vow-keepers/vow breakers. (Biblical heritage series; no.5) Harrisonburg, Va.: Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, 1989. Pp. 70. EMC. Scott, Stephen and Kenneth Pellman. Living without electricity. (People's Place booklet; no.9) Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1990. Pp. 128. MLA. Séguy, Jean. Les Mennonites dans la Revolution Francaise. (Les Cahiers de Christ Seul. Nouvelle série; no. 4/1989) Montbéliard, France: Christ Seul, 1989. Pp. 72. EMC, MHL, MLA. Seitz, Ruth Hoover. Pennsylvania's historic places. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1989. Pp. 176. EMC, MHL. Sensenig, Janet Martin. Daryl borrows a brother. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 166. EMC. Shank, Marietta. Moses M. Schrock family history. Rochelle, Va.: Schrock family, [1989]. Pp. 57. EMC. Shearer, Jay. A pacifist rumble. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1989. Pp. 62. MHL. Showalter, Elizabeth A. and Edith Showalter, comp. Family history of George Branner Showalter and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ellen Blosser. [Harrisonburg, Va.]: Compilers, 1989. Pp. 27. EMC, MHL. Showalter, Lester E. Learning to sing by note from The Anabaptist hymnal. Greencastle, Pa.: Showalter, 1989. Pp. 24. EMC. Showalter, Mary Emma. Favorite family recipes from the Mennonite community cookbook. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 127. MHL. Showalter, Rhoda. Just learning to color. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Unpaged. EMC. Sider, Lewis B. Missionary reminiscences: an autobiography. [S.l.]: Sider; Grantham, Pa.: The Brethren in Christ Historical Society, 1989. Pp. 138. MHL, MLA. Sigurdson, Paul A., ed. Paper rainbows. Morden, Man.: The Minnewasta Press, 1989. Pp. 56. MHC. Skeie, Eyvind. Summerland: a story about death and hope. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1989. Pp. 38. MHL. Smoker, Anna Marie. Books of the Bible puzzle book. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 84. EMC. Steiner, Susan Clemmer. God has no favorites: Acts 1-12. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1989. Pp. 97. EMC, MHL, MLA. Steps to true security: a Quaker-Mennonite approach to NATO. Brussels: Quaker Council for European Affairs, [1989]. Pp. 7. MHL, MLA. Stoffer, Dale R. Background and development of Brethren doctrines, 1650-1987. Philadelphia, Pa.: Brethren Encyclopedia Inc., 1989. Pp. 327. MHL. Stoll, Joseph, comp. Supplement to A handbook for vegetable growers. Aylmer, Ont.: Stoll, 1989. MHL. Stoltzfus, Nicholas. Living truth. [Salem, Ind.]: Mahlon Byler, [1989?]. Pp. 298. EMC, MHL. Stoner, John K. Letters to American Christians. (A Christian peace shelf selection) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 142. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Strickler, Johannes. Actensammlung zur schweizerischen Reformationsgeschichte in den Jahren 1521-1532: im Anschluss an die gleichzeitigen eidgenössischen Abschiede. Zürich: Theologische Buchhandlung, 1989. 5 vols. MLA. Swartzentruber, Mrs. James. The egg and the chick. (God is good series; 1) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. EMC. Swartzentruber, Mrs. James. The squirrel and the nut. (God is good series; 2) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Pp. 32. EMC. Der Theologe Thomas Müntzer: Untersuchungen zu seiner Entwicklung und Lehre. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1989. Pp. 385. MHL. Thimm, Paul F. Het dualisme "wereld-gemeente" in de Doperse "Bruderliche Vereinigung" van 1527, bekend als de "Zeven Artikelen van Schleitheim." Thesis (Masters?)--Seminarium van de Alge. Doops. Soc. te Amsterdam, 1989. Pp. 63. EMC. Tiessen, Hildi Froese. Liars and rascals: Mennonite short stories. Waterloo, Ont.: University of Waterloo Press, 1989. Pp. 227. FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Toews, C.P., et al. The Kuban settlement. Winnipeg, Man.: published jointly by CMBC Publications, Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1989. Pp. 91. FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Toews, John A. Sans defense à cause de Christ: étude des principes bibliques de la non-violence. (Cahiers de Christ Seul. Nouvelle serie; 1/1989) Montbéliard, France: Les Cahiers de Christ Seul, 1989. Pp. 93. EMC, MHL, MLA. Tucker, Jerry and Sandy Tucker. Faith, hope, and room for one more. Liberty, Ky.: Galilean Home Ministries, 1989. Pp. 199. MHL. Turner, Harold W. Religious movements in primal societies. (Mission focus pamphlet) Elkhart, Ind.: Mission Focus Publications, 1989. Pp. 31. EMC. Unrau, Ruth. Index to obituaries in the Mennonite Weekly Review, 1924-1955. North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1989. Pp. 55. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Unruh, Sophia. Lenka of Emma Creek. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1989. Pp. 30. MHL, MLA. Urry, James. None but saints: the transformation of Mennonite life in Russia 1789-1889. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press, 1989. Pp. 328. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA. Verhandlungen (1859-1895): proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Society also known as the Mennonite Brethren in Christ now known as the Bible Fellowship Church. Coopersburg, Pa.: Historical Committee of the Bible Fellowship Church, 1989. Pp. 248. EMC, FRESNO, MHL. Vogt, Esther Loewen. The splendid vista. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 192. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Voigt, Melvin John. From whence we came. [Del Mar, Calif.]: Voigt, 1989. 1 vol. MLA. Waltner, Gary James. 300 Jahre Mennoniten Gemeinde Weierhof: 1682-1982. [Weatherford, Okla.]: E.C. Lowenberg, 1989. Pp. 95. MLA. Weaver, Lester. Spelling by sound and structure. Grade 7. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. 2 vols. EMC. Wecksler, Becky Lynn. In God's hand. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 102. MHL. Wedel, K.A. An oracle in China: on the history of the West China General Conference Mennonite mission: Paoki and Chengtu. Thesis (M.A.)--Emporia State University, 1989. MLA. Wells, Ronald. History through the eyes of faith: Western civilization and the Kingdom of God. San Francisco, Calif.: Harper and Row, 1989. Pp. 262. MLA. Welty, Lavon J. Side by side: mentoring guide for congregational youth ministry. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press; Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1989. Pp. 108. MHL, MLA. Wenger, A. Grace. Witness: empowering the church through worship, community, and mission. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1989. Pp. 196. FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Wenger, Jay V. The Wenger book index. Akron, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Heritage History, 1989. Pp. 340. EMC, MHL, MLA. Wenger, Joseph H. History of the descendants of Abraham Beery. Kokomo, Ind.: Selby Publishing, 1989. Pp. 328. EMC. Wiens, Hans J. Dass die Heiden miterben seien: Die Geschichte der Indianermission im paraguayischen Chaco. Filadelfia: Konferenz der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde in Paraguay, 1989. Pp. 238. FRESNO. Wine, Ada L. A child's praise. Lebanon, Pa.: Wine, 1989. Pp. 56. EMC. Witmer, Edith. Three happy days. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1989. Unpaged. EMC. Xakellis, Martha J. Grave undertakings: Elizabeth Township. Lancaster, Pa.: Xakellis, 1989. Pp. 95. MHL. Yoder, Jonathan G. Jungle surgeon. Goshen, Ind.: Yoder, 1989. Pp. 135. EMC. Yoder, Paton. Joseph Yoder: Amish Mennonite bishop. Goshen, Ind.: Yoder, 1989. Pp. 23. MHL. Yoder, Sara J. Benjie. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers, 1989. Pp. 75. EMC, MHL, MLA. Zielinski, John M. Amish barns across America. Iowa City, Iowa: Amish Heritage Publications, 1989. Pp. 144. EMC, MHL. 25 years of good cooking. Glendale, Ariz.: Trinity Mennonite Church, 1987. Pp. 168. MHL. 350 Jaar Lokhorstkerk. [Leiden: Doopsgezinde Gemeente, 1988]. Pp. 64. MHL. Address directory of the Lancaster County Amish. Lancaster, Pa.: Katie Beiler, 1988. Pp. 56. MHL. The auction catalogue of the library of William Ames. Utrecht: HES Publishers, 1988. Pp. 22. MHL, MLA. Augsburger, Myron. Principles of Biblical interpretation. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1988. Pp. 61. MHL. Baer, Mervin J., et. al. Preparing children for school and life. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 111. MHL. Baker, Margaret. God's promise: the story of Joseph. Smithville, Ohio: Oak Grove Mennonite Church, 1988. Pp. 47. MHL. Beachy, Alma. History of Tobias C. and Mary E. Miller and Eli H. and Sarah J. Troyer and Tobias C. and Sarah J. Miller and their descendants. Sugarcreek, Ohio: Printed by Schlabach Printers, [ca. 1988]. Pp. 122. MHL. Bebb, Phillip N. and Sherrin Marshall. The process of change in early modern Europe. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1988. Pp. 218. MHL. Before your church builds: a guide for planning. Mishawaka, Ind.: The Troyer Group, Inc., 1988. Pp. 18. EMC, MHL. Beknopte geschiedenis van de doopsgezinden in Edam en hun vermaning. [Edam: s.n., 1988]. Pp. 12. MHL. Bell, Carol Willsey. Ohio guide to genealogical sources. [Baltimore, Md.]: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1988. Pp. 372. MHL. Bethel Mennonite Church. Bethel: pioneering in faith, 1937-1987. Winnipeg, Man.: The Church, 1988. Pp. 147. MHL. Bidden om vrede, betalen voor oorlog: waarom weigeven christenen defensie-belasting? [Amsterdam]: Beweging Weigering Defensiebelasting, 1988. Pp. 64. MHL. Birdsell, Sandra. Agassiz stories: night travellers and ladies of the house. Winnipeg, Man.: Turnstone Press, 1987. Pp. 353. MHL. Blickle, Peter. Unruhen in der ständischen Gesellschaft 1300-1800. München: R. Oldenbourg, 1988. Pp. 144. MHL. Bonneville, Francois. Itineraire d'un art decoratif populaire Alsace-Europe, Pennsylvanie U.S.A. Strasbourg: Bonneville, 1988. Pp. 472. MHL. Borkholder, Owen E., comp. Family record of Daniel J. Schmucker and his descendants. Nappanee, Ind.: Borkholder, 1987. Pp. 325. MHL. Boschmann, Erwin, ed. Thoughts to live by. Indianapolis, Ind.: Science Enterprises, 1987. Pp. 68. MHL. Bridgens, Henry F. Atlas of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. [Carlisle, Pa.]: Cumberland County Historical Society, 1987. Pp. 48. MHL. A brief history of the Denver Mennonite Church and congregational directory. [Denver, Pa.: Denver Mennonite Church], 1988. Pp. 20. MHL. Brunk, Conrad G. Hawks, doves and two models of conflict resolution. Waterloo, Ont.: Project Ploughshares, 1988. Pp. 12. MHL. Bucer, Martin. Consilium theologicum privatim conscriptum. (Martini Buceri Opera omnia. Series II, Opera Latina; v.4)(Studies in medieval and Reformation thought; v.42) Leiden; New York: Brill, 1988. Pp. 194. MLA. Bucer, Martin. Enarratio in Evangelion Iohannis. (Martini Buceri Opera Omnia. Series II, Opera Latina; v.2)(Studies in medieval and Reformation thought; v.40) Leiden; New York: Brill, 1988. Pp. 619. MLA. Cavanaugh, Karen B. Sources for searching Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Ft. Wayne, Ind.: Cavanaugh, 1987. Pp. 22. MHL. Celebrating 75 years: Eighth Street Mennonite Church. [Goshen, Ind.: 75th Anniversary Committee, 1988]. Pp. [13]. MLA. Cerny, Johni. A guide to German parish registers: in the Family History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1988. Vol. 1. MHL, MLA. Chaffee, Rudy A. The other Henry Funk: who received a 1717 land patent in Strasburg Township (then) Chester County, Pennsylvania and some of his descendants. Kingman, Ariz.: Chaffee, 1988. Pp. 43. MHL. Chipman, Josephine. The Mennonite Selbstschutz in the Ukraine: 1918-1919. Thesis (M.A.), 1988. Pp. 217. MHL. Clercq, Willem de. Woelige weken, Nov.-Dec. 1813: toelichting, W.A. de Clercq. Amsterdam: Em. Querido's, 1988. Pp. 132. EMC. Closson, Bob and Mary Closson, comp. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania cemetery surname index. Apollo, Pa.: Clossen Press, 1988. Pp. 118. MHL. Coffman, Dorothy Yoder and Maurice Fred Coffman. Coffman-King and related families. Malvern, Pa.: Coffman, 1987. MHL. Conner, Alvin E. Sectarian childrearing: the Dunkers, 1708-1900. Gettysburg, Pa.: Brethren Heritage Press, [1987?]. Pp. 247. MHL. Cronica, Ordo sacerdotis. Acta HN. (Kerkhistorische Bijdragen; 15) Leiden: Brill, 1988. Pp. 392. MLA. Daily devotional diary. Ephrata, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 1988. Pp. 56. MHL. Dary, David. More true tales of old-time Kansas. Lawrence: University of Kansas, 1987. Pp. 280. MLA. Davis, Melodie M. Becoming a better friend. Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany House Publishers, 1988. Pp. 141. MHL. DeMolen, Richard L. The spirituality of Erasmus of Rotterdam. (Bibliotheca humanistica and reformatorica; v.40) Nieuwkoop: DeGraaf, 1987. Pp. 224. MHL, MLA. Descendants of Eli V. Yoder and Barbara Eash 1848-1988. [Middlebury, Ind.: Printed by Middlebury Graphic Arts, Inc.], 1988. Pp. [194]. MHL. Dijkhuizen, Sietzo. Rebel onder de regenbook: roman. Kampen: J.H. Kok, 1988. Pp. 156. EMC. Dollarhide, William. Managing a genealogical project. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1988. Pp. 69. MLA. Duncan, Mark, ed. Section lines: a Manitoba anthology. Winnipeg, Man.: Turnstone Press, 1988. Pp. 266. MHL. Dyck, George. Kornelius Ens, 1819-1884: a record of his descendants in Canada and the United States. West Valley City, Utah: Verne Ediger, 1988. Pp. 180. MHL, MLA. Ebert, Klaus. Thomas Müntzer: von Eigensinn und Widerspruch. Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum, 1987. Pp. 291. MHL. Ellwood, Gracia Fay. Batter my heart. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 282) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill Pub., 1988. Pp. 37. MHL, MLA. Entz, Jacob. Family register Jacob Entz. [S.l.:Ernestine Pankratz Manz, 1987]. Pp. 32. MLA. Erasmus of Rotterdam: the man and the scholar: proceedings of the symposium held at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 9-11 November 1986. Leiden: Brill, 1988. Pp. 260. MLA. The family history of David and Anna Klassen: 1773-1988. [S.l.: Klassen Family History Book Committee, 1988]. Pp. 108. MLA. Femmes & eglises: dossier d'animation. Court St. Etienne: Femmes Chretiennes de Belgique, 1987. Pp. 32. EMC. Filby, P. William. Directory of American libraries with genealogy or local history collections. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources Inc., 1988. Pp. 319. MHL. The first twenty-five years at Trinity Mennonite Church, Glendale, Arizona. Glendale, Ariz.: The Church, 1987. Pp. 127. MHL. Francisco, Patricia Weaver. Cold feet. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988. Pp. 331. MHL. Friesen, Gerhard and Karin Gurttler, eds. Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch/German-Canadian yearbook. Toronto, Ont.: Historical Society of Mecklenburg Upper Canada, 1988. Pp. 280. FRESNO. Friesen, Lauren, ed. Our learning environment. Goshen, Ind.: Goshen College, 1987. Pp. 155. MHL. Friesen, Mrs. Andrew. Hilltown friends: more about the Martin family and their neighbors. Ste. Anne, Man.: Friesen, 1987. Pp. 198. MHL. Friesen, P.W. Listen Lila! Rosenort, Man.: Prairie View Press, 1987. Pp. 181. MHL. Friesen, Rhinehart. Almost an elephant. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press, 1987. MHL. Friesen, Ruth. A Godly inheritance. Hague, Sask.: Morning Glory Pub., 1988. Pp. 220. MHL. Fröschle, Hartmut. Die Deutschen in Kanada. Vienna: Österreichische Landsmannschaft, 1987. Pp. 123. MHL. Gerlo, Aloïs. Erasmus van Rotterdam: zeven studies. (Bibliotheca humanistica and reformatorica; v.41) Nieuwkoop: DeGraaf, 1988. Pp. 79. MLA. Gingerich, Ervin, comp. Ohio Amish directory: Holmes County and vicinity. Millersburg, Ohio: Gingerich, 1988. Pp. 814. MHL. Gleim, Elmer Q. The history and families of the Black Rock Church of the Brethren (1738-1988). Brodbecks, Pa.: [Anniversary Committee], 1988. Pp. 278. MHL. Gods vrede wint de strijd: een bijdrage aan het conciliar process: een visie vanuit de levende traditie van de historische vredeskerken. Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Societeit, 1988. Pp. 64. MHL. Golomb, Maria Antoinette. Zur Rolle der amischen Hymnodie bei der Erhaltung von kultureller Identität in einer Kulturkontaktsituation. Essen: [s.n.], 1988. Pp. 158. MHL. Golterman-van Dijk, Cita. Ik zocht de mens. Amstelveen: Luyten, 1987. Pp. 48. MHL. Good, Rebecca H. and Rebecca A. Ebert. Finding your people in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Alexandria, Va.: Hearthside Press, 1988. Pp. 104. MHL. Goshen College alumni directory 1987. Goshen, Ind.: Alumni Relations Office, Goshen College, 1987. Pp. 459. MHL. Grady, Duane. Helping the homeless: God's word in action. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 87. MHL. Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. Archives and manuscript repositories in the USSR, Ukraine and Moldavia. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988. Pp. 2200. MLA. Gross, Larry. Image ethics: the moral rights of subjects in photographs, film and television. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. 382. MHL. Guide to research in Brethren family history. Elgin, Ill.: Church of the Brethren, 1988. Pp. 16. MHL. Gwinn, Wanita Smith. Ancestors and descendants of Nina Ethel Decker . . . Dave J. Smith. [Derby, Kan.: Gwinn], 1987. Pp. 40. MLA. Harder, Helmut. Christus bezeugen in der heutigen Welt: ein studienheft für Gem. der Menn. Weltkonferenz. Carol Stream, Ill.: Mennonite World Conference, 1988. Pp. 109. EMC. Harris, James Rendel. The Pilgrim press: a bibliographical and historical memorial of the books printed at Leyden by the Pilgrim fathers. (Bibliotheca bibliographica Neerlandica; v.23) Nieuwkoop: DeGraaf, 1987. Pp. 179. MLA. Hawbaker, Gary T. Runaways, rascals, and rogues: missing spouses, servants, and slaves. Hershey, Pa.: Hawbaker, 1987. Pp. 136. MHL. Heile, Gerke van. "De duivel verzaken": onderzoek naar de doopleer van Bernhard Rothmann, Menno Simons en Dirk Philips. Bassum: G. van Heile, 1988. Pp. 75. MHL. Hein, David, ed. Die Ayoreos - unsere Nachbarn: der Mission im noerdlichen Chaco. Asunción: Impreso en Imprenta Modelo S.A., [1988]. Pp. 216. MHC, MLA. Hellerich, Mahlon H., ed. Allentown 1762-1987: a 225-year history. Allentown, Pa.: Lehigh County Historical Society, 1987. 2 vols. MHL. Herr, Amy. Exploring with God: grade 4. (Bible nurture and reader's series) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 320. EMC. Hiebert, D. Edmond. Primera y Segunda Epístolas a Timoteo. Grand Rapids, S.D.: Publicaciones Portavoz Evangélico, 1988. Pp. 250. FRESNO. History and directory of the Illinois District churches. Anna, Ill.: Marvin Weaver, 1988. Pp. 32. MHL. History of the patriarchs for the young. Baltic, Ohio: Raber's Bookstore, 1988. Pp. 408. MHL. Hitzeman, Louis, Melvina Seyfert Hitzeman and Gerhardt R. Seyfert. The Johann Georg Seyfert family, 1630-1987: 357 years of genealogy. Wichita, Kan.: The authors, 1987. Pp. 147. MLA. Höcker, Ludwig. Ephrata Cloister school booklet: an eighteenth century textbook for children. Ephrata, Pa.: Ephrata Cloister Associates and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1988. Pp. 50. MHL. Hofman, R. Doopsgezinden in Waterland. Landsmeer: Doopsgezinde Gemeente, 1988. Pp. 33. MHL. Horst, Irene. The kitchen scrapbook. Narvon, Pa.: Horst, 1988. Pp. 59. MHL. Horst, Mel. Amish perspectives. York, Pa.: York Graphic Services, 1988. Pp. 104. EMC, MHL. Hostetler, John A. A new look at the Old Order Amish. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University, 1987. Pp. 21. MHL. Hostetter, B. Charles. Keep yourself pure. Miom, Mich.: House of Reading, 1988. Pp. 96. MHL. Hsia, R. Po-Chia. The German people and the Reformation. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. 303. MHL. Hull, Robert. Fear God and honor the emperor. Philadelphia, Pa.: Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns, 1988. Pp. 88. MHL. Die hutterischen Epistel: 1527 bis 1767. Elie, Man.: James Valley Book Centre, 1987. Pp. 328. MLA. Invited to the banquet: a collection of stories about disability. Winnipeg, Man.: MCC Canada Handicap Concerns Committee, 1987. Pp. 72. EMC. Jacob Harder and Maria Abrams, 1788-1988. Plum Coulee, Man.: Agatha Giesbrecht, 1988. Pp. 194. MHL. Jantz, Melvin E. Memoirs of World War II. McPherson, Kan.: Jantz, 1987. Pp. 19. MLA. Joost van den Vondel, 1587-1987. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1987. Pp. 96. MHL. Josephus, Flavius. Josephus, the essential writings: a condensation of Jewish antiquities and The Jewish war. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel, 1988. Pp. 413. MLA. Justlife/88: a 1988 election study guide for justice, life, and peace. Philadelphia, Pa.: Justlife Education Fund and Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1988. Pp. 32. MHL. Jutzi, Robin. The good Sikh and other plays on peace and justice. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee Canada, [1987]. 1 portfolio. MHL. Kaufman, Stanley A. Moravians in Ohio. Berlin, Ohio: German Culture Museum, 1987. Pp. 52. MHL. Keen, Ralph. A checklist of Melanchthon imprints through 1560. St. Louis, Mo.: Center for Reformation Research, 1988. Pp. 262. MHL. Klaassen, Walter. Entre la iglesia del estado y la religion civil. Guatemala City: Ediciones Semilla, 1988. Pp. 109. MHL. Klassen, Mary E. Responding to the challenges of AIDS: a resource guide for congregations. Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Mutual Aid, 1988. Pp. 15. EMC. Klassen, Sarah. Journey to Yalta. Winnipeg, Man.: Turnstone Press, 1988. Pp. 87. MHL, MLA. Kniss, Fred. Religious organizational conflict in global context: Mennonites in eastern Pennsylvania, 1870-1985. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago, 1988. Pp. 28. MHL. Knoop, Hedi. Wilder Honig: Geschichten aus Heide und Moor. Isenbüttel und Melle: Aurora und Knoth, 1988. Pp. 192. MHL, MLA. Kohler, Alfred and Heinrich Lutz. Alltag im 16. Jahrhundert: Studien zu Lebensformen in mitteleuropäischen Städten. (Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit; Bd. 14 (1987)) Wien: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 1987. Pp. 328. MHL. Kolb, Robert. For all the saints: changing perceptions of martyrdom and sainthood in the Lutheran reformation. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1987. Pp. 186. MHL. Krauss, Wolfgang and Ben Redekop. Die Schwerigkeit, Friedenskirche zu sein: Johann und Anna Baptist führen durch mennonitische Geschichte und Gegenwart. Bammental: Deutsches Mennonitisches Friedenskomitee, 1988. Pp. 35. FRESNO. Kreider, Robert S. Interviews with Peter J. Dyck and Elfrieda Klassen Dyck: experiences in Mennonite Central Committee service in Europe, 1941-1949. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988. Pp. 487. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA. Lauver, Melvin H. Laubers (1581-1988) of Old Zion (1813-1988). Akron, Pa.: Lauver, 1988. Pp. 28. MHL. Leininger, Madeleine M., ed. CARE: discovery and uses in clinical and community nursing. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press, 1988. Pp. 201. MHL. Library of Congress. Pennsylvania German fraktur and printed broadsides: a guide to the collections in the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1988. Pp. 48. MHL. Loewen, Heinrich. Ein Beitrag zum selbstverständnis der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde und des Baptismus: Darstellung der Einflüss und Wechselwirkungen dieser Bewegungen in Russland und in der Sowjetunion. Thesis (M.Div.)--Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1988. Pp. 115. FRESNO. Lohse, Bernhard. Evangelium in der Geschichte. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1988. Pp. 446. MHL. Long, James W. From privileged to dispossessed: the Volga Germans, 1860-1917. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1988. Pp. 337. MHL, MLA. Mallinson, James A. and Carla A. Mallinson. A cross-compilation of the 1798 U.S. direct tax for Pennsylvania and the 1800 federal census for Pennsylvania, Lancaster County. [Salisbury, N.C.]: Mallinson, 1987-88. 3 vol. MHL. Mansfield, Sue. Some reasons for war: how families, myths, and warfare are connected. New York: Crowell, 1988. Pp. 218. MLA. Marriages and deaths from the newspapers of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 1821-1830. Westminster, Md.: Family Line Pub., 1988. Pp. 193. MHL. Marriages and deaths from the newspapers of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 1831-1840. Westminster, Md.: Family Line Pub., 1988. Pp. 181. MHL. Martin, Ezra and Edith Martin. History and descendants of Josiah Martin and Sarah Clemmer. Ephrata, Pa.: Martin, 1988. Pp. 74. MHL. Martin, Mrs. Cleon. The pineapple quilt. Aylmer, Ont.; LaGrange, Ind.: Pathway Publishers, 1987. Pp. 240. EMC, MHL. Material accompanying the Ausbund. Aylmer, Ont.; LaGrange, Ind.: Pathway Pub. Corp., 1987. Pp. 56. EMC, MHL. McGrath, William. The Anabaptists versus divorce and remarriage. Carrolltown, Ohio: Amish Mennonite Pub., 1988. Pp. 18. MHL. Melanchthon, Philipp. A Melanchthon reader. (American university studies; 41) New York: Peter Lang, 1988. Pp. 296. MHL. Mellinger, C. Mervin, comp. The Byerland Huber families. Willow Street, Pa.: Mellinger, 1988. MHL. Melo, Helena Flavia de Rezende. A cegueira trocada em miudos. Campinas, Brazil: UNICAMP, 1988. Pp. 18. EMC. Mennonite Central Committee. Earth stewardship packet. Akron, Pa.: MCC Development Education Office, 1988. EMC, MHL. Mennonite Central Committee. Hunger packet. Akron, Pa.: MCC, 1988. MHL. Mennonite Church. General Assembly. Bylaws of the Mennonite Church. Lombard, Ill.: Mennonite Church, 1987. Pp. 14. EMC. Mennonite family history surname index: II. Elverson, Pa.: Mennonite Family History, 1988. Pp. 44. MHL. Mennonite hand towels and samplers: winter exhibit Mennonite Heritage Center: December 18, 1988 through February 26, 1989. Souderton, Pa.: Mennonite Heritage Center, [1988]. Pp. 31. MHL. Mestern, Pat Mattaini. Rachael's legacy. Guelph, Ont.: Backdoor Press, 1988. Pp. 259. MHL. Miller, David L. Record of the old Yellow Creek Cemetery. Goshen, Ind.: Printed by Pilgrim Publishers, [1987?]. Pp. 47. MHL. Miller, James P. A family record of John W. Miller (1889-1968) and Elizabeth C. (Miller) Miller (1892-1957). [Sturgis, Mich.: Miller], 1987. Pp. 56. MHL. Mission resource guide. Newton, Kan.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1988. Pp. 16. MHL. Moeller, Bernd. Reichsstadt und Reformation. Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1987. Pp. 119. MHL. Mount Royal Mennonite Church 1963-88. Saskatoon, Sask.: The Church, 1988. Pp. 90. MHL. Mow, Merrill. How great is our God. Ulster Park, N.Y.: Plough Pub. House, 1987. Pp. 95. MHL. Moyer, J. Harold. Hail to the Lord's anointed. Waterloo, Ont.: Waterloo Music Co., 1988. Pp. 9. MHL. Myers, Margaret E. Georg(e) Zimmerman and descendants of Frederick County, Maryland 1714-1987. [New Market, Md.]: American Forms and Stationery, Inc. 1987, [1988]. 2 vols. MHL. Nafziger, E. Wayne. Inequality in Africa: political elites, proletariat, peasants and the poor. (African society today series) New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. 204. EMC. Neu vermehrtes geistliches Lust-Gärtlein frommer seelen. Lancaster, Pa.: Amischen Gemeinden, 1988. Pp. 263. MHL. New beginnings [videorecording]: Mennonite refugees to South America (1947-48). Akron, Pa.; Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988. 1 videocassette. MLA. Oberholtzer, Amos. The Weaverland Conference Mennonites of north east Missouri: Dec. 1972-Feb. 1988. [Rutledge, Mo.: P. Zimmerman], 1988. Pp. [23]. MHL. Oberman, Sheldon. Julie Gerond and the polka dot pony. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press, 1988. MHL. O'Donovan, Oliver. Peace and certainty: a theological essay on deterrence. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1988. Pp. 125. MLA. Old Order Mennonite families 1987: Elkhart County, Indiana. Goshen, Ind.: Pilgrim Pub., 1987. Pp. 32. MHL. O'Neil, Joyce Greenwalt, comp. Under the Greenwalt tree. Columbia Falls, Mont.: [O'Neill], 1988. Pp. 99. MHL. Ortíz, José M. Ven!: Camina con nosotros: una afirmación y una invitación a ser parte de la iglesia Anabautista-Menonita. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1988. Pp. 86. MHL. Oswald, Kenneth and Fern Oswald, comp. The family of Jacob and Margretha Oswald. West Point, Neb.: Oswald, 1988. Pp. 197. MHL, MLA. Paul, Frederic G. and Jeffrey J. Howell. Berks County, Pennsylvania births 1705-1760. Reading, Pa.: HP Publishing, 1988. MHL. Penner, Fred. Rollerskating. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press, 1987. MHL. Pippenger, Wesley E. Pippenger and Pittenger families. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, Inc., 1988. Pp. 590. MHL. Plett, Delbert. The Peter Epp family tree, 1690. [Steinbach, Man.: D.F. Plett, 1988]. Pp. 21. MLA. Pries, Edmund. The historical context of Anabaptist oath refusal in Zurich: 1525-1532. Waterloo, Ont.: Pries, 1988. Pp. 142. MHL. Profiles of a few of MCC's church partners. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988. 1 portfolio. MHL. The purple packet: domestic violence resources for pastoring persons: wife abuse. Elkhart, Ind.: MCC Office of Criminal Justice and MCC Domestic Violence Task Force, 1987. 1 packet. EMC. Raber, John Paul. Songs for Christians. Millersburg, Ohio: Raber, 1988. Unpaged. EMC. Ratzlaff, Velda. Andrew Dirks (1862-1936). Montezuma, Kan.: Ratzlaff, [1988]. Pp. 33. MLA. Redcay, Ruth M. Descendants of Amos M. and Bertha F. Nolt Redcay. [Morgantown, Pa.: Redcay], 1987. Pp. 35. MHL. Redcay, T.J. The Old Order Amish in plain words and pictures. Gettysburg, Pa.: Tem Inc., 1987. Pp. 32. MHL. Regehr, Ernie and Simon Rosenblum. The road to peace. Toronto, Ont.: James Lorimer and Co., 1988. Pp. 206. MHL. Reimer, Margaret Loewen, ed. Christians courageous: stories for children from church history. Waterloo, Ont.: Mennonite Publishing Service, 1988. Pp. 63. EMC, MHL. Rogers, Ingrid. Glimpses of China. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 147. MHL, MLA. Rosenberger, Mary Sue H. Harmless as doves: witnessing for peace in Vietnam. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 188. MHL, MLA. Roth, Donald F. Morton, 1820-1988: a pictorial history. St. Louis, Mo.: G. Bradley Pub., 1988. Pp. 232. EMC, MHL. Ruby, Marie, comp. The genealogy of the Joseph Ruby Sr. family. Pigeon, Mich.: Ruby, 1988. Pp. 81. MHL. Ruth, Phil Johnson. A North Penn pictorial. Lansdale, Pa.: Clemens Markets, 1988. Pp. 164. MHL. Salzmann, Zdenek. The Arapaho Indians: a research guide and bibliography. (Bibliographies and indexes in anthropology; 4) New York: Greenwood, 1988. Pp. 113. MLA. Sawatsky, Ronald George. Looking for that blessed hope: the roots of fundamentalism in Canada 1878-1914. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1987. 4 microfiche. MHL. Schenk, Trudy and Ruth Froelke. The Wuerttemberg emigration index. Vol.4. Salt Lake City, Utah: Ancestry Pub., 1988. Pp. 240. MHL. Schlabach, Martha Bontrager. More new favorites. Holmesville, Ohio: Schlabach, 1988. Unpaged. EMC, MHL. Schmidt, Allen R. Translated diary of Tobias Schmidt (1852-1937): volume I, 1886-1911. Clearbrook, B.C.: Schmidt, 1988. Pp. 570. FRESNO. Schmidt-Eller, Berta. Oh, diese Gabriele. Wuppertal: R. Brockhaus Verlag, 1987. Pp. 127. MHL. Schnucker, Robert V., ed. Calviniana: ideas and influence of Jean Calvin. (Sixteenth century essays and studies; v.10) Kirksville, Mo.: Sixteenth Century Journal Pub., 1988. Pp. 288. MHL. Schoeck, Richard J. Erasmus grandescens: the growth of a humanist's mind and spirituality. (Bibliotheca humanistica and reformatorica; v.43) Nieuwkoop: DeGraaf, 1988. Pp. 176. MLA. Schrack, Vera. Come along with me. Hamburg, Pa.: Schrack, 1988. Pp. 145. MHL. Schrag, Dale R., et al. The Mennonites: a brief guide to information. North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1988. Pp. 20. EMC, MLA. Schultz, Jane Marie. The evolution of singing schools among the Swiss Mennonites of southern Ontario. Thesis (B.A.)--University of Waterloo, 1987. Pp. 82. MHL. Schuytvlot, A.C. Catalogus van werken van en over Vondel gedrukt voor 1801 en aanwezig in de Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam. (Bibliotheca bibliographica Neerlandica; v.25) Nieuwkoop: DeGraaf, 1987. Pp. 290. MHL. Shank, J. Ward. The view from Round Hill: selected writings of J. Ward Shank. Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 1988. Pp. 200. MHL, MLA. Shank, Tom. "--Let her be veiled": an indepth study of 1 Corinthians 11:1-16. Kalispell, Mont.: Torch Publications, 1988. Pp. 80. MHL. Shellenberger, Janet Marie. A practice model for culturally appropriate nursing care in a primary health care setting for Mexican-American persons. Austin, Tx.: Shellenberger, 1987. Pp. 358. MHL. Shelly, David. International directory of Mennonite communicators. Newton, Kan.: Mennonite World Conference, 1988. Pp. 10. MHL. Shenk, Wilbert R. Tìm hiêu vê giáo hôi Mennonite = [About the Mennonite Church.] Souderton, Pa.: Franconia Mennonite Conference, [1988?]. EMC. Slabaugh, John M. The Lauver legacy of life and love: Jacob M. Lauver (1871-1965) and Emma Graybill (1870-1942). Uniontown, Ohio: Slabaugh, [1988?]. Pp. 180. EMC, MHL. Smith, Kenneth L. Going to Germany: a guide for traveling and doing genealogical research in West Germany. [Columbus, Ohio]: Smith, 1987. Pp. 40. MHL. Smith, Larry, ed. From the heartlands: photos and essays from the midwest. (Midwest writers series; no.1) Huron, Ohio: Bottom Dog Press, 1988. Pp. 221. MHL. Socolofsky, Homer E. Historical atlas of Kansas. Norman: University of Olkahoma Press, 1988. Pp. 74. MLA. Spence, Judy and Vicki Koehn. Egg-citing bulletin boards and activities. Rosenort, Man.: Prairie View Press, 1988. Pp. 32. MHL. Spykman, Gordon, ed. Let my people live: faith and struggle in Central America. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1988. Pp. 271. MLA. Steinmetz, Nadine A. and John T. Bradley. Ephrata cloister school booklet. Ephrata, Pa.: Ephrata Cloister, 1988. Pp. 50. MHL. Stoll, Polly Anna. The Joe E.G. Yoder family. Aylmer, Ont.: Stoll, 1988. Pp. 175. MHL. Subtelny, Orest. Ukraine: a history. Toronto, Ont.: University of Toronto/Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1988. Pp. 666. MLA. Tiessen, Henry B. Teaching in Ontario 1936-1970. Kitchener, Ont.: Tiessen, 1988. MHL. To care for God's creation: a look at the problems, a call to faithfulness. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, [1988?]. Pp. 12. EMC. Toevs, John L. A personal history. [S.l.: Toevs, 1987]. Pp. 37. MLA. Toleranz und Repression: zur Lage religiöser Minderheiten in modernen Gesellschaften. Frankfurt am Main; New York: Campus, 1987. Pp. 349. MHL. Udd, Viola Entz. The Johannes Wiebe family history. [S.l.: s.n.], 1988. Pp. 183. MLA. Unruh, Dora K. The family history of Henry G. Regier. [Durham, Kan.: Unruh, 1988]. Pp. 230. MLA. Unruh, Heinrich Peter. Autobiography of our father and grandfather Heinrich Unruh: teacher, and preacher and elder of the Halbstaedter Mennonite Church. [S.l.: Herbert P. Enns, 1988]. Pp. 35. MLA. Verslag van aktiviteiten 1987. [Amsterdam?: Stichting voor Bijzondere Noden in de Doopsgezinde Broederschap en daarbuiten, 1987.] Pp. 18. MHL. Vilela, Ernesto Suárez. Reflexiones de un Latinoamericano Evangélico. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1987. Pp. 172. MLA. War and famine: indigenous perspectives on conflict in the Horn of Africa. Waterloo, Ont.: Horn of Africa Project, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, Conrad Grebel College, 1988. Pp. 24. EMC, MHL. Weaver, Les. Hybrid vigor, 1711-1987. New York: Vantage Press, 1988. Pp. 87. MHL. Weaver, Martha Palmer. Traveling with Pilgrim: a narrative based on Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress pointing up inspiring lessons contained in allegory. Amelia, Va.: Traveling with Pilgrim, 1988. Pp. 238. EMC, MHL. Weber, Edwin W. Families of the Old Order Mennonite Church in Ontario. Heidelberg, Ont.: Weber, 1988. Pp. 222. EMC, MHL. Weber, Lester G., comp. Ancestors and descendants of Moses Musser Horning and Lavina Musser Gehman. Peach Bottom, Pa.: Weber, 1988. Pp. 607. MHL. Weier, John. Ride the blue roan. Winnipeg, Man.: Turnstone Press, 1988. Pp. 77. MHL. Weigelt, Horst. Lavater und die Stillen im Lande - Distanz und Nähe: die Beziehungen Lavaters zu Frömmigkeitsbewegungen im 18. Jahrhundert. (Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Pietismus; Bd.25) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1988. Pp. 214. MHL. Wellauer, Maralyn A. Record keeping and archives in West Germany. Milwaukee, Wis.: Roots International, 1987. Pp. 54. MHL. Wenger, Anna Frances. The phenomenon of care in a high context culture: the Old Order Amish. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Wayne State University, 1988. Pp. 227. MHL. Wenger, J.C. A faith to live by (Chinese). Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1988. Pp. 75. MHL. Wenger, J.C. A history of the Olive Mennonite Church: the first 125 years at the present location. Elkhart, Ind.: The Church, 1988. Pp. 145. MHL. Wenger, J.C. How Mennonites came to be (Chinese). Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1988. Pp. 107. MHL. Wenger, J.C. What Mennonites believe (Chinese). Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1988. Pp. 86. MHL. Wenger, J. C. William A. Derstine: Franconia leader. (Reprint from Mennonite Quarterly Review (Oct. 1988)) Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Quarterly Review, 1988. Pp. 8. EMC, MHL. Wengerd, Jacob. Diary of a tragedy. Atlantic, Pa.: Wengerd, 1988. Pp. 36. MHL. Weyer, Jim. Red walls, black hats: an Amish barn raising. Toledo, Ohio: Weyer International, 1988. Unpaged. EMC, FRESNO, MHL. White, Warren. Oral history interviews of Warren White. Manhattan, Kan.: [s.n.], 1988. Pp. 31. MLA. Whiteley, Peter M. Deliberate acts: changing Hopi culture through the Oraibi split. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988. Pp. 373. MLA. Widmer, Pierre. Ombres et lumière: choix de poèmes (de 1929 à 1987). Montbéliard: Impr. Metthez Frères, 1987. Pp. 95. MHL. Wilson, Elizabeth Byler. Oral history interview of Elizabeth (Byler) Wilson. Manhattan, Kan.: [s.n.], 1988. Pp. 17. MLA. Wood, Marjorie. A pinch of the past: a tasteful glimpse of our heritage. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press, 1987. Pp. 120. MHL. Wuttke, Dieter. Nuremberg: focal point of German culture and history. Bamberg: Stefan Wendel Verlag, 1988. Pp. 52. MHL. Yoder, Andy and Millie Yoder. Amish country cooking. Rexford, Mont.: Yoder, 1988. Pp. 282. MHL. Yoder, Rosa L. Old German Baptist Brethren obituary summaries from the Vindicator 1870-1988. Goshen, Ind.: Yoder, 1988. Pp. 345. MHL. Zercher, Ray M. Thistle dew. Grantham, Pa.: Zercher, 1988. Pp. 50. MHL. Zestig jaar DJB. [Amsterdam: Doopsgezinde Jongeren Bond, 1988]. Pp. 115. MHL. Zimmerman, Gary J. and Marion Wolfert, comps. German immigrants: lists of passengers bound from Bremen to New York, 1863-1867. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1988. Pp. 221. MHL. Zook, Gordon D. Current patterns of shared leadership in Mennonite Church congregations. Thesis (D.Min.)--Lancaster Theological Seminary, 1988. Pp. 535. MHL.
Andres, Joanna Sudermann. These keeping things. [Newton, Kan.: Andres, 198-]. Pp. 88. MHC, MLA. Showalter, Harry. Hymns of tribute. Columbiana, Ohio: Elmer Showalter, [n.d.]. Pp. 25. MHL. Siemens, Anna Daisy. The lines are fallen: a human interest story based on Suderman family history. [S.l.: s.n., between 1986 and 1989]. Pp. 121. MLA. |