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Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography, 1988

Compiled by Marilyn Loganbill

(Originally published in the June 1989 issue, vol. 44, no. 2. pp. 25-36)

[This version was scanned from a paper copy. Aug. 2002]

Assisted by Grace Showalter, Menno Simons Historical Library/Archives, Eastern Mennonite College (EMC); Kevin Enns-Rempel, Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies (FRESNO); Lawrence Klippenstein, Mennonite Heritage Centre (MHC); Ina Ruth Breckbill, Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College (MHL); and Barbara Thiesen, Mennonite Library and Archives, Bethel College (MLA).


Alderfer, Joel D. Peace be unto this house: a history of the Salford Mennonite congregation, 1717-1988. Harleysville, Pa.: Salford Mennonite Church, 1988. Pp. 87. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Ames, Stanley Richard. How to write and publish your family history using WordPerfect. Interlaken, NY: Heart of the Lakes Publishing, 1988. Pp. 158. MHL.

Amish quilts, 1989 calendar. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1988. Unpaged. EMC.

Andersen, Linda. Genealogy of C. B. Wedel. Galva, Kan.: Printed by Quality Printing, 1988. Pp. 365. MLA.

Andersen, Linda. John H. and Marie Wedel Koehn: pioneers of 1874. [S.1.: s.n.], 1988. Pp. 138. MLA.

Andres, Lenore and Pat van Nes. The mother's book: practical ideas for parenting. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1988. Pp. 218 EMC, MHL, MLA.

Arnold, Eberhard. Brothers unite: an account of the uniting of Eberhard Arnold and the Rhon Bruderhof with the Hutterian Church. Ulster Park, NY: Plough Pub. House, 1988. Pp. 366. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Bachmann-Geiser, Brigitte and Eugen Bachmann. Amishe: die Lebensweise der Amischen in Berne, Indiana. Bern: Benteli Verlag, 1988. Pp. 252. FRESNO, MHL.

Bailey, Helen, ed. My sister Tatiana, my brother Ivan: learning to know the Soviets. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 147. MHL, MLA.

Baker, Irene. A portrait of our ancestors Jury, Troxell Shisler and Parrish: volume II - Troxell Elk Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1988.Pp. 380. MHL.

Bartel, David and Jan Bartel. A study ofthree cookstove models. (MCC occasionalpaper, no. 4) Akron, Pa.: MennoniteCentral Committee, 1988. Pp. 10. EMC, MHL.

Barth, Jeffrey B. Papa Leonardo. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 60. EMC.

Beautiful Lancaster County: 1989 calendar. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1988. Unpaged. EMC.

Bechtel, Faythelma. The creative touch, number III. Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1988. Pp. 118. EMC.

Beck, Ervin. Joe Wright: Goshen folk hero. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1988. Pp. 59. MHL.

Beidler, Michelle. Rosita y Mateo (Rosie and Matthew). Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Unpaged. EMC.

Beiler, Katie K., ed. Descendants and historyof Christian Fisher (1757-1838). [Lancaster, Pa.]: Committee of Fisher Descendants, 1988. Pp. 568. EMC, MHL.

Benner, Richard L. Four distinctive Anabaptist theological themes on the editorial page of the Gospel Herald: 1908-1988. Thesis(M.A.)--Arizona State University, 1988. Pp. 87. MHL.

Bergen, Peter. Genealogy of Peter and Maria (Hiebert) Bergen. Winnipeg: Peter Bergen Family History, 1988. Pp. 124. FRESNO.

Bergmann, Peter. Ein Brief des Diktators. Bielefeld: Kleine Verlag, 1988. Pp. 169. MHL.

Berner Taufertum and Reformation im Dialog: eine Ausstellung zum 450 jahrigen Jubilaum der Tauferdisputation in Bern 1538-1988. Bern: Bernisches Historisches Museum, 1988. Pp. 56. MHL, MLA.

Birkey, Del. The house church. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 182. MHL.

Blumhardt, Christoph. Lift thine eyes: evening prayers. Ulster Park, NY: Plough Pub. House, 1988. Pp. 388. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Bonk, Jon. The world at war, the church at peace: a biblical perspective. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1988. Pp. 85. EMC, FRESNO, MLA.

Borntrager, Mary Christner. Ellie. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 168. MHL, MLA.

Boshart, Sanford. Institutionalized poverty and its implications for MCCs organization and structure. (MCC occasional paper, no. 6) Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988. Pp. 6. EMC, MHL.

Bouwsma, William James. John Calvin: a sixteenth-century portrait. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. 310. MLA.

Bowman, Robert C and Linea Reimer Geiser. A light for my path. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 172. FRESNO, MHL.

Bowman, Robert C. Sermon on the mount. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 40. MHL, MLA.

Brandt, Edward R. Brandt roots (1605-1988). Minneapolis, Minn.: Brandt, 1988. Pp. 77. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Braun, Helena. Chronicles and genealogy of the Abram Edmund Klassen family (Insel Chortitz). Sardin, B.C.: Braun, 1988. Pp. 164. MHL.

Breneman, Charles D. A history of the descendants of Abraham Breneman. Kokomo, Ind.: Selby Pub. and Printing, 1988. Pp. 566. EMC.

A brief history and genealogy of the Christian Schlabach family as descended through the line of Levi L. Schlabach (1893-1979) and borne by his grateful children. [Shaker Heights, Ohio: J. A. Miller], 1988. Pp. 44. MHL.

Brock, Peter. The military question in the early church: a selected bibliography of a century's scholarship, 1888-1987. Toronto, Ont.: Brock, 1988. Pp. 15. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Brotherfield Mennonite Brethren Church: 1898-1986. Waldheim, Sask.: The Church, 1988. Pp. 159. FRESNO, MHL.

Brown, Harold O. J. Heresies: the image of Christ in the mirror of heresy and orthodoxy from the apostles to the present. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1988. Pp. 486. MLA.

Brunk, George Rowland. A trumpet sound: a crisis among Mennonites on the doctrine of Christ. Harrisonburg, Va.: Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, 1988. Pp. 64. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Bucher, Caleb W. From where I stand. Lancaster, Pa.: Bucher, 1988. Pp. 127. MHL.

Buckwalter, Leoda. Silhouette: colonial India as we lived it. Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press, 1988. Pp. 192. MLA.

Burgess, Stanley M. and Gary B. McGee, eds. Dictionary of Pentecostal and charismatic movements. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Regency Reference Library, 1988. Pp. 914. MHL.

Burkholder, David G. Young man, be strong. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 246. EMC.

Burkholder, John Richard. Mennonites in ecumenical dialogue on peace and justice. (MCC occasional paper, no. 7) Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988. Pp. 27. FRESNO, MHL.

Chamberlain, Martha E. Surviving junior high. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 295. MHL.

Child, William. Mastering numbers. (Grade 7.) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 481. EMC.

Clark, Allen B. This is good country: a history of the Amish of Delaware 19151988. Gordonville, Pa.: Gordonville Print Shop, 1988. Pp. 232. EMC.

Cobb, Sanford H. The story of the Palatines: an episode in colonial history. Bowie, MD.: Heritage Books Inc., 1988. Pp. 319. MHL.

Coffman, Dorothy Yoder. The Johan Henrich Fuchs/Fox and Johan Nicholaus Konig/King families beginning 1749 in York County, Pennsylvania to Ohio, 1804. Malvern, Pa.: Coffman, 1988. Pp. 79. MHL.

Coleman, Bill. Amish odyssey. New York: Van der Marck Editions, 1988. Pp. 144. FRESNO, MHL.

Coleman, Bill. Das Leben der Amish. Heidelberg: Edition Braus, 1988. Pp. 144. MLA.

Cord, Robert L. Separation of church and state: historical fact and current fiction. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1988. Pp. 315. MLA.

Comelsen, Rose. Please carry me, Lord. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1989. Pp. 153. MHL.

De Santo, Charles P. and Terri Robinson Williams. Putting love to work in marriage. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 187. MHL.

Decker, Hans. God's salvation plan. Hawley, Minn.: Spring Prairie Printing, 1988. Pp. 55. FRESNO, MHL.

Denlinger, Charity R. A time to speak Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1988. Pp. 32. MHL.

Derksen, Heinrich. Vom "Paradies" in die Grune Holle Paraguays. Asuncion, Paraguay: Derksen, 1988. Pp. 133. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Diller, Carol. Peter and Barbara Suter Diller family history, 1988. Bluffton, Ohio: Diller, 1988. Pp. 88. MLA.

Directory of archives and manuscript repositories in the United States. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1988. Pp. 853. MLA.

Directory of civilian public service: May 1941 to March 1947. Middlefield, Ohio: Dan E. Miller, 1988. Pp. 167. MHL.

A directory of Groffdale Conference Mennonites in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: August 1988. New Holland, Pa.: E. Z. Sensenig & Son Harness Shop, 1988. Pp. 39. EMC, FRESNO, MLA.

Drescher, John M. Seven things children need. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 144. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Driedger, Leo. Mennonite identity in conflict (Studies in religion and society; v. 19) Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, 1988. Pp. 237. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Driver, John. How Christians made peace with war: early Christian understandings of war. (Peace and justice series; 2) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 95. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Dructor, Robert M. A guide to genealogical sources at the Pennsylvania State Archives. Harrisburg, Pa.: Pennsylvania History and Museum Commision, 1988. Pp. 129. MHL.

Dueck, A. J., ed. The Bible and the church: essays in honour of David Ewert. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1988. Pp. 277. EMC, FRESNO.

Durland, William R. The apocalyptic witness: a radical calling for our own times. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 279) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1988. Pp. 36. MHL, MLA.

Dyck, Arnold. Arnold Dyck: collected works = Werke, vol. 3. Winnipeg, Man.: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1988. Pp. 277. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Dyck, Betty. Bethel: pioneering in faith, 1937-1987. Winnipeg, Man.: Bethel Mennonite Church, 1988. Pp. 148. FRESNO, MHC.

Dyck, Edna Krueger. Neighbors near and far: Africans and Black Americans: a mission course of study to interest, inform and inspire children. [Newton, Kan.]: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1988. 1 portfolio. MHL, MLA.

Eby, Omar. A long dry season. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1988. Pp. 216. EMC, FRESNO.

Eggers, Ulrich. Community for life. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 199. FRESNO, MHL.

Eller, Cynthia. Moral and religious arguments in support of pacifism: conscientious objectors and the Second World War. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Southern California, 1988. Pp. 200. MLA.

Enninger, Werner, ed. Internal and vernal perspectives on Amish and Mennonite life 3. Essen: Unipress, 1988. Pp. 147. MLA.

Enninger, Werner. The social construction of past, present and future in the written and oral texts of the Old Order Amish: an ethno-semiotic approach to social belief. (Offprint from Literary anthropology) Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Philadelphia, Pa.: John Benjamins, 1988. Pp. [61]. MLA.

Enninger, Werner. The theme of ethnicity in the literature of the Old Order Amish. (Offprint from Studies in the languages and the verbal behavior of the Pennsylvania Germans) Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag, 1988. Pp. [21]. MLA.

Enninger, Werner. Varieties, variation, and convergence in the linguistic repertoire of the Old Order Amish in Kent County, Delaware. (Offprint from Variation and convergence: sutdies in social dialectology) Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1988. Pp. [33]. MLA.

Epp, Peter. Ob tausend fallen: Mein Leben in Archipel Gulag. Weichs: Memra-Verlag, 1988. Pp. 203. FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA.

Estep, William Roscoe. Religious liberty: heritage and responsibility. (Cornelius H. Wedel historical series; 3) North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1988. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Evangelical Archives Conference (1988: Wheaton, Ill.) A heritage at risk: the proceedings of the Evangelical Archives Conference, July 13-15, 1988. [Wheaton,Ill.: The Conference, 19881. Pp. 47. MLA.

Ewert, David. The church under fire: studies in Revelation. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1988. Pp. 175. EMC, FRESNO, MLA.

Finke, Theodor. Leben and Arbeit deutschsprachiger Siedler in Sudbrasilien and Paraguay. Bremen: T. Finke, 1988. Pp. 293. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Fishman, Andrea. Amish literacy: what and how it means. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1988. Pp. 225. MHL.

Fitzgerald, Daniel. Ghost towns of Kansas: a traveler's guide. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1988. Pp. 348. MLA.

Fleming, Alice Mulcahey. The king of Prussia and a peanut butter sandwich. New York: Scribner, 1988. Pp. 42. MLA.

Florilegium patristicum. (Studies in medieval and Reformation thought; 41) (Martini Buceri Opera omnia. Series 11, Opera Latina; v.3) Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1988. Pp. 237. MHL, MLA.

Fretz family history. Volume III. Lansdale, Pa.: Fretz Family Assn., 1988. Pp. 962. EMC, MHL.

Friesen, Dorothy. Critical choices: a journey with the Filipino people. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1988. Pp. 284. FRESNO, MHL.

Friesen, Rhinehart. A Mennonite odyssey. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press, 1988. Pp. 124. FRESNO, MHL.

Friesen, T. E. Altona Mennonite Church 25th anniversary, 1962-1987. Altona, Man.: Altona Mennonite Church, 1988. Pp. 175. FRESNO, MHC.

Friesen, T. E. Dietrich Krahn genealogy A4 1853-1916 [Altona, Man.: Friesen, 1988]. Pp. [342]. MHL.

Friesen, T. E. ed. Genealogy of Bernhard Krahn (1847-1930) and Helena Peters (1849-1919). Altona, Man.: Friesen, 1988. Pp. 100. MHC, MHL.

Friesen, T. E. Johann Krahn genealogy A3. [Altona, Man.: Friesen, 1988?]. Pp. 38. MHL.

Friesen, Victor Carl. The windmill turning: nursery rhymes, maxims, and other expressions of western Canadian Mennonites Edmonton, Alta.: University of Alberta Press, 1988. Pp. 139. EMC, FRESNO, MHL.

Fry-Miller, Kathleen. Young peacemakers project book. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 116. MHL, MLA.

Gallardo, Jose. Freedom for the captives: how love is rebuilding lives in Spain. (Peace and justice series; 5) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 92. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

George, Timothy. Theology of the reformers. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman Press, 1988. Pp. 337. MHL.

Gerber, Samuel. Von Sieg zu Sieg: (Josua mit Gottes Volk unterwegs). Liestal: Worte des Lebens, 1988. Pp. 75. MHL.

Gerberich, Albert H. The Brenneman history. Kokomo, Ind.: Selby Pub. & Printing, 1988. Pp. 1217. EMC.

Gilmer, Lois C. Genealogical research and resources: a guide for library use. Chicago, Ill.: American Library Association, 1988. Pp. 70. MHL.

Glick, Lester and Doris Glick. Adolescence: becoming adult. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1988. Pp. 71. MHL.

Glick, Lester and Doris Glick. Dating: decisions about marriage. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1988. Pp. 48. MHL.

Glick, Lester and Doris Glick. Marriage: the joyful covenant. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1988. Pp. 54. MHL.

Glick, Lester and Doris Glick. Parenting: the challenge and the art. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1988. Pp. 91. MHL.

God leads his people. (Grade 3. Units 1, 2, 3) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 377. EMC.

God's people follow him. (Grade 3. Units 4, 5) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 304. EMC.

Goldsmith, Dale. New Testament ethics: an introduction. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 185. MHL, MLA.

Good, Douglas L. The growth of a congregation: a history of the Hereford Mennonite Church, Bally, Pennsylvania. Bally, Pa.: Hereford Mennonite Church, 1988. Pp. 235. MHL; MLA.

Good, Edgar Reginald. Frontier community to urban congregation: First Mennonite Church, Kitchener, 1813-1988. Kitchener, Ont.: First Mennonite Church, 1988. Pp. 160. EMC, FRESNO, MLA.

Good, Phyllis Pellman. The best of Amish cooking. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1988. Pp. 224. EMC, FRESNO, MLA.

Goossen, Rachel Waltner. Prairie vision: a history of the Pleasant Valley Mennonite Church, 1888-1988. [Harper, Kan.]: Pleasant Valley Mennonite Church, 1988. Pp. 146. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Grimsrud, Theodore G. An ethical analysis of conscientious objection to World War II. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, 1988. Pp. 282. EMC, MLA.

Groot, B. de. De Anabaptisten: nonconformisten in de zestiende eeuw. Kampen, The Netherlands: J.H. Kok, 1988. Pp. 276. EMC, MHL.

Grove, Elmer and Ella Grove. Beautiful India. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Unpaged. EMC.

Haag, Earl C., ed. A Pennsylvania German anthology. Selinsgrove; London; Cranbury, N.J.: Associated University Presses, 1988. Pp. 352. MHL, MLA.

Hackman, Ruth. The Spruce Lake story: 25th anniversary, 1963-1988. Canadensis, Pa.: Franconia Mennonite Camp Assn., 1988. Unpaged. EMC.

Halteman, Jim. Market capitalism and Christianity. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1988. Pp. 176. MHL.

Hamilton, Alastair, ed. Cronica. Ordo Sacerdotis. Acta HN. (Documenta anabaptistica Neerlandica; v. 6) Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1988. Pp. 392. MHL.

Hamm, Berndt. Zwinglis Reformation der Freiheit. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchen Verlag, 1988. Pp. 154. MLA.

Hammann, Louis J. and Harry M. Buck. Religious traditions and the limits of tolerance. Chambersburg, Pa.: Anima, 1988. Pp. 155. MHL.

Harrisonburg [Va.] Mennonite Church. Recipes to cherish. Harrisonburg, Va.: WMSC Cookbook Committee, Harrisonburg Mennonite Church, 1988. 2 vols. EMC.

Hayama Missionary Seminar (29th: 1988: Amagi Sanso) Incarnating the Gospel in the Japanese context: papers presented at the twenty-ninth Hayama Men's Missionary Seminar, Amagi Sanso, January 5-7, 1988. Tokyo, Japan: [s. n.], 1988. Pp. 96. MHL, MLA.

Heatwole, Sandra G. History of Abram D. Heatwole of Rocky Hollow. Harrisonburg, Va.: Heatwole, 1988. Pp. 109. EMC.

Heatwole, Wendell. Bible studies for new believers Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1988. Pp. 81. EMC.

Heisey, Craig N. and Rachel T. Pellman. The country bride quilt. Intercourse, Penn.: Good Books, 1988. Pp. 104. EMC, MLA.

Heisey, John W. The W.P.A. historical records survey sources for genealogists York, Pa.: Walter R. Gooldy, 1988. Pp. 56. MHL.

Herr, Robert. Listening to the church: Mennonite ministry in South Africa. (MCC occasional paper; 3) Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988. Pp. 48. EMC, MHL.

Hershberger, Atlee and Ella Hershberger. History of Joni M. Miller and Lizzie E. Hostetler and their descendants up to the year 1878 to 1988. Oakland, MD.: compilers, 1988. Pp. 68. MHL.

Hershey, Elmer. God's hand on me: the personal story of Elmer Hershey, a farmer from Paradise, Pennsylvania. Gordonville, Pa.: Hershey, 1988. Pp. 85. EMC, MHL.

Hiebert, Rhonda, ed. 1888-1988, Buhler, Kansas: a centennial history. Newton, Kan.: Printed by Mennonite Press, 1988. Pp. 217. MLA.

Hildebrand, Jacob. The past sixty, 19271987. Crystal City, Man.: Hildebrand, 1988. Pp. 106. MHL.

Hillerbrand, Hans J., ed. Radical tendencies in the Reformation: divergent perspectives. (Sixteenth century essays and studies; IX) Kirksville, Mo.: Sixteenth Century Journal, 1988. Pp. 140. EMC.

A history of the first settlers of the Amish Mennonites and the establishment of their first congregation in the state of Indiana. Topeka, Ind.: Dan A. Hochstetler, 1988. Pp. 20. MHL.

History of Topeka. [Topeka, Ind.]: Topeka Area Historical Society, 1988. Pp. [36]. MHL.

Hochstetler, Clair and Janeen Bertsche Johnson. Women in leadership ministry: a comparative analysis of Mennonite Church and General Conference Mennonite Church positions and practice. [Elkhart, Ind.]: Hochstetler and Johnson, 1988. Pp. 18. MHL.

Hockman, Cathy and Cynthia Hockman, eds. Exposition 9: a collection of student essays. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1988. Pp. 67. MHL.

The Holy Bible: special English-German edition containing the Old and New Testaments Aylmer, Ont.; LaGrange, Ind.: Pathway Publishers, 1988. MHL.

Hooley, Paul E. Sanctity of human life and biomedical decision making. (Biblical heritage series; no. 4) Harrisonburg, Va.: Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, [1988?]. Pp. 54. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Horst, Irvin B. Mennonite confession of faith. (Mennonite sources and documents; no. 2) Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 1988. Pp. 80. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Hostetler, Jonathan J. Matthew explained: the Gospel story of Jesus as King. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 176. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Hostetler, Marian. They loved their enemies: true stories of African Christians. (Peace and justice series; 3) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 102. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Hostetler, Virginia A., ed. Children's clubs: introductory leader's guide. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press; Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1988. Pp. 51. MHL.

Huck, Bernard. Croire Aujourd'hui. (Nouvelle serie; no. 1/1988) Montbeliard, France: Christ Seul, 1988. Pp. 60. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Hutterian Brethren. The gospel in Dostoyevsky. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1988. Pp. 258. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Huxman, Susan Schultz. In the world, but not of it: Mennonite rhetoric in World War I as an enactment of paradox. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Kansas, Communication Studies, 1988. Pp. 387. MHL, MLA.

Inter-Mennonite Home Ministries Council. Urban task force report: surveys and profiles of urban Mennonite congregations. [S. l.: The Council, 1988]. Pp. 149. MLA.

Invitation: become who we are. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1988. Pp. 118. MHL.

Jansson, Abraham. Familienchronik der Familie Jansson zum Familientag am 3. Juli 1927. Lutzerath (Eifel): [E. Jansson], 1988. Pp. [32]. MHL.

Jantzen, Hermann. Im wilden Turkestan: ein Leben unter den Moslems. Giessen; Basel: Brunnen, 1988. Pp. 300. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Janzen, R.H., ed. By God's grace Rev. H. H. Janzen was who he was. Scarborough, Ont.: Janzen, 1988. Pp. 63. FRESNO.

Jeschke, Marlin. Discipling in the church: recovering a ministry of the Gospel. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 202. FRESNO, MHL.

Kasdorf, Hans and Klaus W. Muller, eds. Reflection and projection: missiology at the threshold of 2001; Festschrift in honor of George W. Peters and his eightieth birthday. Bad Liebenzell: Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, 1988. Pp. 504 FRESNO.

Kasdorf, Hans and Klaus W. Muller, eds. Bilanz and plan: Mission an der Schwelle zum Dritten Jahrtausend; Festschrift fur George W. Peters zu seinem aehtzigsten Geburtstag. Bad Liebenzell: Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, 1988. Pp. 504. FRESNO.

Kauffman, Christmas Carol. Regina. Weichs: Memra-Verlag, 1988. Pp. 206. MHL.

Kauffman, Henry J. The American farmhouse. New York: Bonanza Books, 1988. Pp. 269. MHL.

Kaufman, Peter R. The Peter and Elisabeth (Graber) Kaufman family record, 1770-1987. North Newton, Kan.: Kaufman Genealogy Committee, 1988. Pp. 1078. MHL, MLA.

Keim, Albert N. The politics of conscience: the historic peace churches and America at war, 1917-1955. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 176. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Kenaga, Eugene Ellis. Descendants of Johanes Gnage and John Kenege Sr. and related families. Midland, Mich.: Kenaga, 1988. Pp. 534. MHL.

King, Shirley Sprunger. The organ works of Alberto Ginastera: a lecture-recital Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of Kansas, 1988. Pp. 60. MLA.

Klassen, Isaac P. Chronicles and genealogy of the Abram Edmund Klassen family: Insel Chortitz, Ukraine. Sardis, B.C.: Helena Braun, 1988. Pp. 164. MHL.

Klassen, Peter P. Die Mennoniten in Paraguay: Reich Gottes and Reich dieser Welt. Bolanden-Weierhof: Mennonitischer Geschichtsverein, 1988. Pp. 391. FRESNO, MLA.

Klemm, Ulli, ed. Chicago area Mennonite directory, 1987-1988. Chicago, Ill.: C.A.M. Directory, 1988. Pp. 55. MHL.

Der konziliare Prozess fur Gerechtigkeit: Frieden and Bewahrung der schopfung. (Der Weg des Friedens; no. 20) Heidelberg: Deutsche Mennonitisches Friedenskomitee, 1988. Pp. 27. EMC.

Krabill, Russell. Beginning the Christian life. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 142. MHL.

Kratz, Paul. L., ed. The view from Round Hill: selected writings of J. Ward Shank. Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 1988. Pp. 200. EMC.

Kreider, Robert, ed. James Liu and Stephen Wang: Christians true in China. (Mennonite historical series; 14) Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1988. Pp. 114. MHL, MLA.

Kreider, Robert S. and Rachel Waltner Goossen. Hungry, thirsty, a stranger: the MCC experience. (Mennonite Central Committee story series; 5) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 391. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Kroeker, Evangeline. Proverbs, humor and children's chants in Low German and English. [Clovis, Calif.: Kroeker], 1988. Pp. 53. MLA,

Kroeker, Evangeline. Schaule Jon frieyoa: Plautdietsch un English. [Clovis, Calif.: Kroeker, 1988]. Pp. 185. MLA.

Kropf, Wilbur D. The plural ministry. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, [1988]. Pp. 23. MLA.

Kulp, Ernest. Kolb-Kulp-Culp ancestry and descendants of Joseph Kulp (1838-1919). New Paris, Ind.: Kulp, 1988. Pp. 88. MHL.

Lacey, Paul A. Education and the inward teacher. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 278) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1988. Pp. 40. MHL, MLA.

Lange, Andrea. Die Gestalt der Friedenskirche: offentliche verantwortung and Kirchenverstandis in der neuen mennonitischen Diskussion. Weisenheim/Berg: Agape Verlag, 1988. Pp. 111. MHL.

Latter, Walter F. I do remember: the recollections of Helen Fry Latter. Morden, Man.: Latter, 1988. Pp. 128. MHC.

Lee-Hostetler, Jeri. Seasons of change: meeting the challenge of a nursing home. Elgin, Ill: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 186. MHL, MLA.

The Library: a guide to the LDS Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah: Ancestry, 1988 Pp. 763. MLA.

Liechty, Daniel. Andreas Fischer and the Sabbatarian Anabaptists. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 167. MHL, MLA.

Life in all its fullness: the word of God and human rights New York: Produced for Human Rights Office, National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. by the American Bible Society, [1988]. Pp. 70. MLA.

Life together: the Hutterian Bruderhof. [S.1.]: Carstin Mark Communications, Ltd., 1988. Video. FRESNO.

Loewen, Harry, ed. Why I am a Mennonite: essays on Mennonite identity. Scottdale, Pa.; Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 350. FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA.

Longacre, Doris Janzen. Weniger ist mehr: Gesunder Leben and nicht verschwenden. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hanssler-Verlag, 1988. Pp. 351. FRESNO.

Looking back in faith: commemorative collection of photos and writing to mark the centennial of Mennonite Brethren in Manitoba, 1888-1988. Winnipeg, Man.: Manitoba Mennonite Brethren Centennial Committee,1988. Pp. 83. EMC, FRESNO, MHL.

Makhale, Palesa. Mbale. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1988. Pp. 27. MHL.

Martens, Katherine. All in a row: the Klassens of Homewood. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Literary Society, 1988. Pp. 164. FRESNO, MLA.

Martens, Phyllis, ed. Why Papa went away and other stories. (Junior teen companions) Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1988. Pp. 154. EMC, FRESNO, MHL.

Martin, Arlene. Rhyme and color. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Unpaged. EMC.

Martin, Harvey and Esther Martin. The long night. [S. l.: Martin, 1988]. Pp. 41. MHL.

Martinez, Juan Francisco. Ministry among United States Hispanics by an ethno-religious minority: a Mennonite Brethren case study. Thesis (Th.M.)--Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World Mission, 1988. Pp. 222. FRESNO.

Mast, Eli A. A partial death record of over 2000 of Holmes, Wayne, Stark, and Tuscarawas Counties and other Amish communities. Millersburg, Ohio: Mast, [1988]. Pp. 97. MHL.

Maxwell, Daniel C. Responses of non-governmental organizations to conflict situations. (MCC occasional papers; no. 5) Akron, Pa.; Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988. Pp. 14. EMC, MHL.

McCauley, Daniel. Decorative arts of the Amish of Lancaster County. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1988. Pp. 160 EMC, FRESNO, MLA.

McCaw, Thomas M. The genealogy of Christian Gingrich Kurtz--Hannah Jan (Puterbaugh) Kurtz and their children. [S. l.:McCaw, 1988]. Pp. 443. MHL.

McGrath, William R. Should Christians vote? [Minerva, Ohio]: Amish Mennonite Publications, 1988. Pp. 6. EMC.

McKee, Wilma, ed. Growing faith: General Conference Mennonites in Oklahoma. (Mennonite historical series) Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1988. Pp. 228. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Mennonite Central Committee. Committee on Women's Concerns. Resource listing of Mennonite and Brethren in Christ women. [Akron, Pa.: The Committee, 1988]. Pp. 147. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Miller, Carolyn, ed. Sing-- "Alleluia to the King!" Sullivan, Ill.: Miller, 1988. MHL.

Miller, Jerry E. Indiana Amish directory, LaGrange and Elkhart counties. Middlebury, Ind.: Miller, 1988. Pp. 552. EMC, MHL.

The Modern encyclopedia of religions in Russia and the Soviet Union. Gulf Breeze, Fla.: Academic International Press, 1988. Vol. 1. MLA.

Moes, Ernst Wilhelm. De Amsterdamsche boekdrukkers en uitgevers in de zestiende eeuw. Utrecht: HES Publishers, 1988. 4 vols. MHL, MLA.

Mueller, Adam Theodore. The Ernest F. W. Mueller genealogy: a biographical write-up about Ernest F. W. Mueller and his descendants. Halstead, Kan.: Mueller, 1988. Pp. 77. MLA.

Mumaw, John R. A philosophy of change. (Reprint from Sword and Trumpet, Feb. 1988) Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 1988. Pp. 11. EMC.

Neuschwander, Evangeline. Retzlaff roots from the scroll: descendants of Johann and Sarah Voth Retzlaff. Goshen, Ind.: Neuschwander, 1988. Pp. 49. MHL.

Neuschwanger, Weldon D. and Barbara L. Neuschwanger. Neuschwanger from Germany to North America, 1846. Olympia, Wash.: Neuschwanger, 1988. Pp. 562. MHL.

The Niagara United Mennonite Church, 1938-1988. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.: Anniversary Committee, 1988. Pp. 196. MHL.

Nickel, Johann J. Hope springs eternal: sermons and papers of Johann J. Nickel (1859-1920). Nanaimo, B.C.: Nickel Publishers, 1988. Pp. 304. FRESNO, MHC, MLA.

Nissen, Peter. De Katholieke polimiek tegen de dopers: reacties van katholieke theologen op de doperse beweging in de Nederlanden (1530-1650). Proefschrift--Katholieke Theologische Universiteit to Amsterdam, 1988. Pp. 567 EMC, MHL, MLA.

Old Order (Amish and Mennonite) shop and service directory 1988. Lancaster, Pa.: Pequea Publishers and Stemgas Publishers, 1988. Pp. 52. EMC.

O'Malley, John W., ed. Catholicism in early modern history: a guide to research. (Reformation guides to research; v. 2) St. Louis, Mo.: Center for Reformation Research, 1988. Pp. 342. MLA.

Otstot, Charles Mathieson. A history of the Otstot(t) family in America: supplement 1988. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1988. MHL.

Ott, Bernhardt. Conviction et tolerance. (Nouvelle serie; no. 4/1988) Montbeliard, France: Christ Seul, 1988. Pp. 102. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Oyer, Gordie. Sketches of the Oyer immigrants and their children. Champaign, Ill.: Oyer, 1988. Pp. 161. MHL.

Oyer, Phyllis Smith. Oyer and allied families: their history and genealogy. Rochester, N.Y.: Oyer, 1988. Pp. 358. MHL.

Passenger and immigration lists index: 1988 supplement. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Co., 1988. Pp. 644. MLA.

Peachey, Urbane, ed. The role of the church in society: an international perspective. Carol Stream, Ill.: International Mennonite Peace Committee, 1988. Pp. 120. EMC, FRESNO.

Peck, George Terhune. What is Quaff?: a primer. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 277) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1988. MHL, MLA.

Pennsylvania Mennonite heritage cumulative five-year index, 1983-1987. Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 1988. Pp. 92. FRESNO.

Peters, Klaas and Leonard Doell. The Bergthaler Mennonites. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1988. Pp. 91. FRESNO, MHC.

Plett, Stan. Leader's guide for group study of The world at war, the church at peace. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1988. Pp. 44. FRESNO.

Poems for memorization. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 199. EMC.

Poling, Newton L. and Virginia S. Poling. The story of Solomon and Lydia Smith Miller and their children. Hagerstown, Md.: Poling, 1988. Pp. 162. MHL.

Preheim, Marion Keeney. Story sequel: to Children's worship experiences: for use in children's story time during worship services. [Newton, Kan.: Preheim], 1988. Pp. 36. MHL.

Preparing children for school and life. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 111. EMC.

Presence au Monde: 4eme Conf. Mennonite Europeenne. . .12 au 15 Mai 1988. (Nouvelle Serie; no. 2-3/1988) Montbeliard, France: Christ Seul, 1988. Pp. 112. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Priebe, Vel. Wendy's gift. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1988. Pp. 19. EMC, MHL.

Quellen zur Geschichte der Taufer; 16. Bd: Elsass, IV. Ted: Stadt Strassburg 1543-1552 samt Nachtragen and Verbesserungen zu Teil 1, II und III. (Quellen andForschungen zur Reform ationsgeschichte, Band 54, Quell. zur Gesch. der Taufer XVI) Gutersloh, W. Germany: Gerd Mohn, 1988. Pp. 621. EMC.

Quilts des Amish 1870-1930. [S. l.: s. n.], 1988. Pp. 40. MHL.

Rademaker-Helfferich, B. Een wit vaantje op de Brink: geschiedenis van de Doopsgezinde gemeente to Deventer. Deventer. Arko Boeken, 1988. Pp. 199. MHL, MLA.

Rae, Robert W. Into thy hands Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 15. MHL.

Ramseyer, Robert L. Mennonites in China. Winnipeg, Man.: China Educational Exchange, 1988. Pp. 116. FRESNO, MLA.

Ratzlaff, Edith. Leader's guide for group study of The power of the lamb. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1988. Pp. 44. EMC, FRESNO.

Ratzlaff, Gerhard. Deutsches Jahrbuch fuer Paraguay, 1988: Geschichte, Kultur, Unterhaltung. Asuncion, Paraguay: Ratzlaff, 1988. Pp. 112. FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA.

Ratzlaff, Vern. The Coptic Orthodox Church: five essays (MCC occasional paper; no. 1) Winnipeg, Man.; Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988. Pp. 35. EMC, MHL.

Redekop, Calvin Wall, ed. Mennonite identity: historical and contemporary perspectives. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1988. Pp. 284. FRESNO, MHL.

Redekop, Calvin Wall and Urie A. Bender. Who am I? What am I?: searching for meaning in your work Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1988. Pp. 284. FRESNO, MLA.

Regier, Harold M. The Regier and Haury family history. Newton, Kan.: Regier, 1988. Pp. 261. MLA.

Regehr, T. D. and J. I. Regehr. For everything a season: a history of the Alexanderkrone Zentralschule. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1988. Pp. 161. FRESNO, MHC, MLA.

Rempel, Herman, ed. Johann S. Rempel and family: 1830-1913. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Heritage Centre, 1988. Pp. 20. FRESNO, MHC.

Rempel, Herman. A new world for Adele. Morden, Man.: Rempel, 1988. Pp. 145. MHC.

Rempel, John and Bill Harms. Atlas of original Mennonite villages and homesteaders of the East Reserve, Manitoba. Altona, Man.: Rempel, 1988. Pp. 25. MHC.

Rempel, Peter H., ed. Mennonitisches Jahrbuch index (1903-1913) numbers 1-10. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Heritage Centre Archives, 1988. Pp. 20. FRESNO, MHC, MLA.

Resources for Canadian Mennonite studies: an inventory and guide to archival holdings at the Mennonite Heritage Centre. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Heritage Centre, 1988. Pp. 136. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MLA.

Ressler, Everett M. Unaccompanied children: care and protection in wars, natural disasters and refugee movements. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. 421. EMC.

Riley, Glenda. The female frontier. a comparative view of women on the prairie and the plains. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1988. Pp. 299. MLA.

Rochelle, Jay C. An attender at the altar: a sacramental Christian responds to silence. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 280) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1988. Pp. 31. MLA.

Rogers, John A. A place apart: meditations for those who teach. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1988. Pp. 24. MHL.

Rogers, John, ed. Medical ethics, human choices: a Christian perspective. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 159. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Schipani, Daniel S. Religious education encounters liberation theology. Birmingham, Ala.: Religious Education Press, 1988. Pp. 276. FRESNO, MLA.

Schlabach, Gerald. Identification with the people in a revolutionary situation. (MCC occasional paper, no. 2) Akron, Pa.; Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1988. Pp. 19. EMC, MHL.

Schlabach, Theron F. Peace, faith, nation: Mennonites and Amish in nineteenth-century America. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 415. FRESNO, MLA.

Schuster, Rolf-Rudiger. In der Welt habt ihr Angst, aber Seid Getrost!: Radioansprachen. Liestal: Quelle des Lebens, 1988. Pp. 76. MHL.

Schweitzer, Albert. On nuclear war and peace. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 216. MHL, MLA.

Scott, Stephen. The Amish wedding and other special occasions of the Old Order communities. (People's place pamphlet; no.8) Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1988. Pp. 128. EMC, FRESNO, MLA.

Scriven, Charles. The transformation of culture: Christian and ideologies. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 224. FRESNO, MHL.

Shenk, Calvin E. When kingdoms clash: the Christian and ideologies (Peace and justice series; 6) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 104. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Shenk, David W. and Ervin R. Stutzman. Creating communities of the kingdom: New Testament models of church planting. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 229. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Shenk, Stanley. Mission in Asia. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1988. Pp. 131. EMC, MHL.

Shenk, Wilbert R. The American Society of Missiology, 1972-1987. Elkhart, Ind.: The Society, [1988]. Pp. 47. MHL.

Shenk, Wilbert R. God's new economy: mission and interdependence. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Mission, 1988. Pp. 69. EMC, MHL.

Sherer, Lon. Practicing: a liturgy of self learning. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1988. Pp. 35. MHL.

Sider, E. Morris. The Brethren in Christ in Canada: two hundred years of tradition and change. Hamilton, Ont.: Canadian Conference, Brethren in Christ Church, 1988. Pp. 322. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Sider, E. Morris. Called to evangelism: the life and ministry of John L. Rosenberry. Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press, 1988. Pp. 160. EMC.

Smith, Allen. Directory of oral history collections. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1988. Pp. 141. MLA.

Snyder, Graydon F. Tough choices: health care decisions and the faith community. Elgin, Ill. Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 129. MHL, MLA.

Sources on Elkhart County history at the Elkhart County Historical Society, Bristol, Indiana. [Bristol, Ind.: The Society], 1988. Pp. 30. MHL.

Special Libraries Association. Heart of America Chapter. Directory of special libraries and special collections, 1988. [Kansas City, Mo.: Directory Committee, 1988]. Pp. 74. MLA.

Sprunger, Ardus Gene. The Sprungers of Compromise Street: the family of Arley Sprunger (1901-1980) and Lillian Mettler Sprunger (1901-1974). North Newton, Kan.: The Sprungers, 1988. Pp. 82. MLA.

Stauffer, Romaine. Circle of love. Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1988. Pp. 373. EMC.

Steiner, Samuel J. Vicarious pioneer: the life of Jacob Y. Shantz. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press, 1988. Pp. 224. FRESNO.

Stoll, Joseph. The Lengacher-Steury family history. Aylmer, Ont.: Stop, 1988. Pp. 548. EMC.

Stoltzfus, Eli. The beautiful Amish church and the precious prophetic promises for the plain and humble people. New Holland, Pa.: Stoltzfus, [1988?]. Pp. 53. EMC.

Streams of spirituality in the congregation. Lombard, Ill.: Mennonite Church General Board, 1988. MHL.

Strite, Amos and Carrie Strite. The directory of the families of the Mennonite Christian Brotherhood. Mt. Crawford, Va.: Strites/Mennonite Christian Brotherhood, 1988. Pp. 120. EMC.

Suderman, Ernest, comp. Origin of Trinity Church. [S.1.: s.n.],1988. Pp. 16. MLA.

Swarthmore College. Peace Collection. Guide to sources on women in the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Swarthmore, Pa.: [Swarthmore College Peace Collection], 1988. Pp. 118. MLA.

Swartley, Willard M., ed. Essays on peace theology and witness. (IMS occasional papers; no. 12) Elkhart, Ind.: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1988. Pp. 212. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Swartley, Willard M., ed. Essays on spiritual bondage and deliverance. (IMS occasional papers; no. 11) Elkhart, Ind.: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1988. Pp. 223. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Swartz, Herbert L. Fear and amazement responses: a key to the concept of faith in the Gospel of Mark: a redactional/literary study. Thesis (Th.D.)--Emanuel College/Victoria University and the University of Toronto, 1988. Pp. 331. EMC.

Swartzentruber, Eli N. History of our grand fathers Daniel J. Mast and Daniel J. Byler. [Hartly, Del.?: Swartzentruber, between 1976 and 1988.] Pp. [6]. MHL.

Theses concerning Thomas Muntzer,1489-1989. [Berlin: Panorama DDR, 1988]. Pp. 63. .MHL, MLA.

Thiessen, Gerhard. Diary from the years 1907 1908-1909-1910-1911-1912. Leamington, Ont.: Thiessen, 1988. Pp. 227. MHC, MLA.

Thomas, Marlin E. A healing and spiritual growth ministry at the Emmanuel Mennonite Brethren Church, Onida, South Dakota: a consultative interim ministry. Thesis (D.Min.)--Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1988. Pp. 364. FRESNO.

Toews, John B., ed. and trans. Letters from Susan: a woman's view of the Russian Mennonite experience (1928-1941). (C.H. Wedel historical series; 4) North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1988. Pp. 150. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Toews, John B. Perilous journey: the Mennonite Brethren in Russia, 1860-1910. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1988. Pp. 94. EMC, FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA.

Troyer, Lester. Daily devotional treasures. Sugarcreek, Ohio: Schlabach Printers, 1988. Pp. 178. EMC.

Visser, Pieter. Broeders in de geest: de doopsgezinde bijdragen van Dierick en Jan Philipsz. Schabaelijke tot de Nederlandse stichtelijke literatuur in de zeventiende eeuw. (Deventer studien; 7) Deventer: Uitgeverij Sub Rosa, 1988. 2 vol. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Visser, Pieter. Het lied dat nooit verstomde: viereeuwen doopsgezinde liedboekjes: catalogus bij de gelijknamige tentoonstelling. Den Ilp: Doopsgezinde Gemeente Den Ilp/Landsmeer to Den Ilp, 1988. Pp. 38. MHL.

Wade, Mary Helen. Wade: Esrom and Amelia, 100 years 1888-1988. Sterling, Ill.: Wade, 1988. MHL.

Waltner-Toews, David. Endangered species. Winnipeg, Man.: Turnstone Press, 1988. Pp. 91. EMC, FRESNO, MHL.

Waybill, Marjorie. God builds his church. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 75. MHL.

Weber, Wilhelm. Daniel Wohlgemuth: Leben and Werk Landau i.d. Pfalz: Verlag Pfalzer Kunst, 1988. Pp. 144. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Weaver, Rachel K. Spelling by sound and structure. (Grade 3.) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 71. EMC.

Weaver, Samuel M. and Laura G. Weaver. Christian M. Sauder and Barbara G. Good Sauder, Magdalena C. Martin Sauder, Lizzie B. Weaver Sauder descendants. Myerstown, Pa.: Weaver, 1988. Pp. 132. MHL.

Welty, Lavon J. Blueprint for congregational youth ministry. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life, 1988. Pp. 126. MHL, MLA.

Wenger, J.C. A life sketch. Goshen, Ind.: Wenger, 1988. Pp. 70. MHL.

White, Zoe. A Quaker theology of pastoral care: the art of the everyday. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 281.) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1988. Pp. 24. MHL, MLA.

Wiebe, Katie Funk. Bless me too, my Father: living by choice, not by default. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 260. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Wiebe, Paul D. Christians in Andhra Pradesh: the Mennonites of Mahbubnagar. Bangalore: The Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society; Madras: The Christian Literature Society, 1988. Pp. 260. FRESNO.

Wiens, Jake. Index to Mennonite Historian, 1975-1986. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Heritage Centre, 1988. Pp. 12. FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA.

Wilcox, Marian. Nurses' notes to God. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 64. MHL.

Winter, Henry H. Ein Hirte der Bedrangten: Heinrich Winter, Letzter Altester von Chortitza. Wheatley, Ont.: Winter, 1988. Pp. 255. FRESNO, MHC.

Witmer, Edith. Cotton sailboats: poems for little children. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Pp. 78. EMC.

Wolff, Stephan. Das Verhaltnis nordamerikanischer Mennoniten zur staatlichen Obrigkeit am Beispiel des Kriegsdienstes. Thesis(M.A.)--LudwigMaximilians Univeritat, Munchen, 1988. Pp. 111. EMC.

Yamasaki, April. Where two are gathered: readings for shared devotions. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1988. Pp. 118. MHL, MLA.

YES: Youth Evangelism Service 1989-91 handbook Salunga, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions, 1988. Pp. 15. MHL.

Yoder, Amzie. The descendants of Joseph A. Yoder and Anna Hershberger. Nappanee, Ind.: Yoder, 1988. Pp. 56. MHL.

Yoder, James D. The Yoder outsiders. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1988. Pp. 185. EMC, FRESNO, MHL.

Yoder, Joe D. and Henry L. Erb. Swartzentruber family history: lineal descendants of Daniel D. Swartzentruber Jr., 1842-1988. Baltic, Ohio: Yoder, 1988. Pp. 534. MHL.

"Yoder, Lois." The language of my heart: an Amish girl's journal. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers, 1988. Pp. 263. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Yoder, Menno S. Homesteading with Menno Yoder: Greeley County, Kansas, 1886-1887. Colorado Springs, Colo.: Yoder, 1988. Pp. 37. MLA.

Yoder, Richard J. The Christian J. Yoder and Cams Bacher Yoder family genealogy. Dalton, Ohio: Yoder, 1988. Pp. 330. EMC.

Yost, Burton G. My people says your God: Jeremiah. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1988. Pp. 116. MHL, MLA.

Young, Jean Ann, ed. Tales of a Hoosier village: a history of Bristol, Indiana. Bristol, Ind.: Bristol Alumni Assoc., 1988. Pp. 247. MHL.

Zeiset, A. Leon. Student packet for developing motor skills in art. (Grades 1 and 2.) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1988. Unpaged. EMC.

Zielinski, John M. Amish horsefarming across America. Iowa City, Iowa: Amish Heritage Pub., 1988. Pp. [44]. MHL.

Zimmerman, Ezra S., et al. A branch of the Zimmerman offspring of Glause Zimmerman in Europe and his children. Ephrata, Pa.: [Zimmerman?], 1988. Pp. 1634. EMC.

Zorrilla C., Hugo. The good news of justice: share the Gospel, live justly. (Peace and justice series; 4) Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1988. Pp. 87. FRESNO, MHL, MLA

Zuercher, Melanie A. Save the homeplace. Prestonsburg, Ky.: Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, 1988. Pp. [48]. MHL.

Zwingli, Ulrich. Ausgewahlte Schriften: in neuhochdeutscher Wedergabe mit einer historisch-biographischen Einfuhrung. (Grundtexte zur Kirchen- and Theologiegeschichte; Bd.1) Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 1988. Pp. 184. MLA.


Adventures with books. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1987. Pp. 64. EMC.

Alblas, J.B.H. Johannes Boekholt (16561693): the first Dutch publisher of John Bunyan and other English authors. (Bibliotheca Bibliographica Neerlandica; vol. XII) Nieuwkoop: DeGraaf Pub., 1987. Pp. 535. MHL.

Annable, E.B. Light on the wedding ring. Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 1986. Unpaged. EMC.

Arthaud, John Bradley. The Emile and Susanna (Ebersol) Arthaud family, 1765-1987. Columbia, Mo.: Arthaud, 1987. Pp. 104. MHL.

Augsburger, Myron S. Nuclear arms: two views on world peace. Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1987. Pp. 186. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Bader, Robert Smith. Prohibition in Kansas: a history. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1986. Pp. 322. MLA.

Baer, Mervin J., ed. A time to build (Rod and Staffs sixth reader) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1986. Pp. 383., EMC.

Ballod, Georg, ed. 120 Jahre Bilden and Erziehen auf dem Weierhof: Beitrage zur Schul- and Internatsgeschichte. (Schriften des Gymnasiums Weierhof; Bd. 4) Weierhof: Im Selbstverlag des Gymnasiums Weierhof, 1987. Pp. 158. MHL, MLA.

Bare, Ken. Descendants of Jacob Bare (1778-1859) of Baresville, Ohio to 1987. West Palm Beach, Fl.: Bare, 1987. Pp. 143. MHL.

Barrow, Zelma D. Danner. St. Petersburg, Fl.: Barrow, [1986]. Pp. 280. MHL.

Bartsch, Anna. The hidden hand in the story of my life. Nelson, B.C.: Arthur Bartsch/The Christian Press, 1987. Pp. 234. EMC, FRESNO.

Beachy, Jonas, J. Old Order Church districts of Johnson and Washington counties, Iowa. Riverside, Iowa: Beachy, 1986. Pp. 8. MHL.

Bergmann, Helen Reimer, ed. Ebenezer, hitherto the Lord helped us: Virgil Mennonite Brethren Church, 1937-1987. Virgil, Ont.: The Church, 1987. Pp. 131. FRESNO.

Blickle, Peter. Zugange zur bauerlichen Reformation. Zurich: Chronos, 1987. Pp. 291. MHL.

Boom, H. ten. De Reformatie in Rotterdam, 1530-1585. (Hollandse historische reeks; 7) [Amsterdam]: Bataafsche Leeuw,1987. Pp. 301. MLA.

Boshart, Shirley Jantzi. David D. Stutzman and Mary Ann (Beckler) Stutzman family history and genealogy. Shedd, Ore.: Boshart, 1986. Pp. 215. MHL.

Bouterse, Johannes. De boom en zijn vruchten. Kampen: J.H. Kok, 1986. Pp. 460 MHL.

Bowman, S. Loren. Power and polity among the Brethren: a study of church govemance. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1987. Pp. 159. EMC, MHL.

Boyer, Donald Arthur. American Boyers. York, Pa.: Association of American Boyers, 1986. Pp. 670. MHL.

Boyer, Neil A. The Boyers of Easton. Washington, D.C.: Boyer, 1987. Pp. 319. MHL.

Brethren in Christ Church. Heritage cook book. Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press, 1987. Pp. 158. MLA

A brief guide to the contents of Heritage Historical Library. Aylmer, Ont.: The Library, 1986. Pp. 8. MHL.

Brubaker, Carolyn Horst. Genealogy of Michael Franck Hostetter (1832-1920) and Maria Hess Eby (1842-1924). Dallas, Pa.: Brubaker, 1987. MHL.

Buchsweiler, Meir. Die Sowjetdeutschen--ausserhalb der Wolgarepublik--im Vergleich mit anderen Minderheiten,1917 bis 1941/42. (Offprint from Die Deutschen im Russischen Reich and im Sowjetstaat) Koln: Kappeler, Meissner, Simon Markus Verlagsgesellschaft,1987. Pp. [27]. MLA.

Buckingham, Betty Jo, ed. Women at the well. Elgin, Ill.: Women's Caucus of Church of the Brethren, 1987. Pp. 214. MHO

Buckwalter, Ralph. Bye, Bye, Ojichan. (Japanese version of I saw Jesus today) [S.l.: s.n.], 1987. Pp. 161. MHL.

Burgert, Annette K. Emigrants from Eppingen to America in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Myerstown, Pa.: AKB Pub., 1987. Pp. 40. MHL.

Burr, Linda M. Mennonites and the ecological crisis. [Elkhart, Ind.: Burr], 1987. Pp. 20. MHL.

Carrasco, Pedro. Aspects du protestantisme "evangelique". Strasbourg: Centre de Sociologie du Protestantisme, 1986. Pp. 202. MHL.

Cavanaugh, Karen B. Directory of genealogical software. [S.1.]: Cavanaugh, 1987. Pp. 49. MHL.

Chirovsky, Nicholas L. An introduction to Ukrainian history. New York: Philosophical Library, 1981-1986. 3 vols. MLA.

Chupp, Lyle, comp. Gospel country hymns. Shipshewana, Ind.: Chupp, 1986. Pp. 111. MHL.

Clement, Charles, ed. Genealogy and computers. Chicago, Ill.: American Library Association, 1986. Pp. 59. MHL.

Clifford, J. Garry and Samuel R. Spencer. The first peacetime draft. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1986. Pp. 320. MLA.

Coblentz, Anna Mae, comp. Family record of Mose J Coblentz and Sarah (Nisley) Coblentz and their descendants. Kalona, Iowa: Coblentz, 1987. Pp. 247. MHL.

Conley, Lucy Ann. Little jewel bird Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1986. Unpaged. EMC.

Conley, Lucy Ann. The lost milk jar. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1986. Unpaged. EMC.

Conley, Lucy Ann. Two surprises. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1986. Unpaged. EMC.

Consultation on Ministry in Global Perspective. (1987: Minneapolis, Minn.) Proceedings of Consultation on ministry in global perspective. Convened by Council of International Ministries.--1987. Pp. 153. MHL, MLA.

Cooper, Agnes Thomson. Beginnings: Thomas Cooper of Springfield and some allied families. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1987. Pp. 277. MLA.

Cooper, Roy Bissell. A critical analysis of liberation theology in the work of Jose Miguez Bonino and Ronald J. Sider. Thesis(Ph.D.)--SouthwesternBaptist Theological Seminary, 1986.Pp. 272. MLA.

Coornhert, Dirck Volckertsz. Op zoek naar het hoogste goed (Geschiedenis van de wijsbegeerte in Nederland; no. 7) Baarn, The Netherlands: Ambo, 1987. Pp. 159. EMC.

Criteria for assessing policy options for responding to the U.S. farm crisis. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1987. Pp. 4. MHL.

De Bakker, William John. Civic reformer in Anabaptist Munster: Bernhard Rothmann. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago, 1987. Pp. 376. MHL.

Debe un cristiano llevar arenas? Guatemala: Ediciones Semilla, [1987?]. Pp. 12. MHL.

Derstine, J. Darin. Retro scan. Goshen, Ind.: Goshen College, 1987-88. Video. MHL.

Die Deutschen im Russischen Reich and im Sowjetstaat.(Nationalitaten-und Region alprobleme in Osteurope. Schriftenreihe; Bd.1) Koln: Markus Verlag, 1987. Pp. 190. MLA.

Dossier d'animation: femmes and eglises [Court St. Etienne: Femmes Chretiennes de Belgique, 1987]. Pp. 32. MHL.

Druist, Miriam L. Heart throbs of motherhood. Reinhods, Pa.: Share-a-Care Pub., 1987. Pp. 190. MHL.

Dyck, Dorothea J. More inspirational poems Newton, Kan.: Dyck, 1986. Pp. 28. MHL.

Dyck, Edna Krueger. Neighbors near and far: Asians in Asia and North America: a mission course of study to interest, inform and inspire children. [Newton, Kan.]: Published jointly by Commissions of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1987. Vol. 2. MHL, MLA.

Eberly, William R. and Elois Whitehead Eberly. The story of a family, Argus and Myrtle Whitehead. N. Manchester, Ind.: [s.n.], 1986. Pp. 118. MHL.

Eckhart, Meister. Meister Eckhart, teacher and preacher. (Classics of Western spirituality) New York: Paulist,1986. Pp. 420. MLA.

Eicher, Marvin. Spelling by sound and structure. (Grade 6) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1987. Pp. 143. EMC.

Eller, Vernard. The beloved disciple: his name, his story, his thought. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans,1987. Pp. 124. MHL.

Eller, Vernard. Christian anarchy: Jesus' primacy over the powers. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987. Pp. 267. MHL.

Erb, J. Delbert. Bienaventurados los paci icadores: lecciones biblicas para grupos de estudio. Guatemala: Ediciones Semilla, 1987. Pp. 47. MHL.

Et Cetera Shop: 121 North State, Weatherford, Oklahoma: tenth anniversary, 1977-1987. [Weatherford, Okla.: Et Cetera Shop, 1987]. Pp. 20. MLA.

An evening to remember: Abram and Elizabeth Kroeker, November 20, 1987. [S.l.: s.n., 1987]. 1 vol. MLA.

Ewert, David. Y luego el fin. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1987. Pp. 204. MHL.

Fisher, Gideon L. Ein Diener Register von Diener, Deaconien and Bischof in Lancaster County, 1788-1987. Ronks, Pa.: Fisher, 1987. Pp. 126. EMC.

Friesen, Gerald. The Canadian prairies: a history. Toronto, Ont.: University of Toronto Press, 1987. Pp. 534. EMC.

Froese, Jake. What is my house: the story of the Peter K Froese family,1987. Winnipeg, Man.: Froese Heritage Committee, 1987. Pp. 217. MHL.

Garber, Allan A. Yea, we have a goodly heritage: the family record of Ira D. and Mary E. Hostetler. Edmonton, Alta.: Garber, 1986. Pp. 223. MHL.

Gerber, Samuel and Pierre Widmer. Crises et Conflits Conjugaux et familiaux. (Nouvelle serie; 4/1987) Montbeliard, France: Christ Seul,1987. Pp. 96. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Gibble, June A., ed. Called to caregiving: a resource for equipping deacons in the Believers Church. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1987. Pp. 175. EMC, FRESNO, MHL.

Gijsen, Aafje. Het dagverhaal van Aafje Gijsen, 1773-1775. Wormerveer, The Netherlands: Stichting Uitg. Noord-Holland, [1987?]. Pp. 463. EMC, MHL.

Glick, Priscilla and Sadie Mae Esh, comp. Selected favorite hymns. Gordonville, Pa.: Glick, 1987. Pp. 119. MHL.

Gonnet, Giovanni. Dalla revoca al rimpatrio: prigionia ed espartio. Torre Pellice: Societa di Studi Valdesi, 1987. Pp. 31. MHL.

Goossen, Walfried, ed. Behold your God! Selected sermons by Herman Enns. Hamilton, Ont.: [s.n.], 1986. Pp. 152. MHL.

Groff, Betty. Betty Groff's up-home down home cookbook. Mount Joy, Pa.: GFE Pond Press, 1987. Pp. 204. MHL.

Groff, Robert and Elsworth Groff. Swamp John Groff, descendants of Martin Groff and Barbara Hoover, Christian H. Groff and Mary Mowrer. [Quarryville, Pa.: Groff, 1987]. Pp. 42. MHL.

Gwinn, Nancy E., ed. Preservation microfilming: a guide for librarians and archivists. Chicago, Ill.: American Library Association, 1987. Pp. 207. MHL.

Harms, Doreen. Memory of a people: 40th anniversary, Russian Mennonite refugee immigration to South America, October 31 November 1, 1987, Akron Mennonite Church. [Akron, Pa.: Akron Mennonite Church, 1987]. Pp. 20. MLA.

Haury, David A.The origins of the Liberal Party and liberal imperialism: the career of Charles Buller, 1806-1848. New York: Garland, 1987. Pp. 375. MHL, MLA.

Heisey, John W. A genealogist's guide to Washington, D. C. research. Indianapolis, Ind.: Heritage House, 1986. Pp. 24. MHL.

Hemsing, William Souder. Diaries of William Souder Hernsing: an intimate look at Souderton, Pennsylvania, 1885-1888, 19021906, 1918. Souderton, Pa.: Indian Valley Print, 1987. Pp. 494. MLA.

Hershberger, Alma. Amish life through a child's eyes New York: Vantage Press, 1987. Pp. 150. MHL.

Hertzler, Hans Adolf. An-Sichten Mennoniten einer Freikirche. Krefeld: Hertzler, 1987. Pp. 48. MHL, MLA.

History of the Whitewater Mennonite Church, Boissevain, Manitoba, 1927-1987. Boissevain, Man.: Whitewater Mennonite Church, 1987. Pp. 99. MHL, MLA.

Hobbs, Ruth O. The master teacher, his traits, his methods. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1986. Pp. 77. EMC.

Hochstetler, Martin. Life on the edge of the wilderness [Coalgate, Okla.?]: Hochstetler, 1987. Pp. 222. EMC, MHL.

Horst, Leona. Birthday and wedding anniversary calendar of the WashingtonFranklin Mennonite Conference: complete as of March 15, 1987. Waynesboro, Pa.: Horst, 1987. Pp. 83. MHL.

Hostetler, James C. The descendants of Jacob Schmucker and Jacobena Egley, 1823-1987. Richmond, Va.: Hostetler, 1987. Pp. 88. EMC, MHL, MLA.

Huber, Jane Parker. A singing faith. Philadelphia, Pa.: Westminster Press, 1987. Pp. 139. MHL.

Imhoff, Christian W. Peter Strubhar family record. Chicago, Ill.: Imhoff, 1987. Pp. 129. MHL.

Inman, Kansas, 18871987: a centennial history, including the 50th anniversary Study Club edition of the Inman Review. [Inman, Kan.: The Book Committee, 1987]. Pp. 224. MLA.

Jantzen, Marjorie. In earlier days: a history of Goessel, Kansas. Goessel, Kan.: Mennonite Immigrant Historical Foundation, 1987. Pp. 64. MLA.

Janzen, Annie. The Bartel reunion: a genealogy. Winnipeg, Man.: Janzen,1986. MHL.

Janzen, Hilda Neufeldt. Madame Queen: memoirs of Hilda Neufeldt Janzen. [North Newton, Kan.: Janzen], 1987. Pp. 96. MHL, MLA.

Janzen, Waldemar. By faith Abraham and Sarah (Gen. 12-25). Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life, 1987. Pp. 70. MHL.

Jehaunes (Plautdietsch). Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: J.J. Neufeld, 1987. Pp. 47. MHL, MLA.

Johannesen, S.K., ed. Historical reflections. Waterloo, Ont.: [s.n.], 1987. MHL.

Jonker, W. Driehonderd jaar Doopsgezinden in 'Het Nieuwe Huys', 1687-1987. Zaandam: Doopsgezinde Gemeente, [1987]. Pp. 8. MHL.

Kanagy, Ezra. Kanagy roots and a branch. Shreve, Ohio: Kanagy, 1987. Pp. 94. MHL.

Kappeler, Andreas. Die Deutschen im Russischen Reich und im Sowjetstaat. Koln: Markus Verlag, 1987. Pp. 191. MHL, MLA.

Kasdorf, Hans. A century of Mennonite Brethren mission thinking 1885-1984. Thesis (Th.D.)--University of South Africa, 1986. Pp. 706. FRESNO.

Kennel, LeRoy. Preaching as shared story. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1987. Pp. 102. EMC, FRESNO, MHL.

Kephart, William M. Extraordinary groups. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987. Pp. 300 MHL.

Kerr-Tyson, Genevieve A. Cornelius Tyson descendants, 1652-1986. [S.1.]: Kerr-Tyson, 1987. Pp. 332. EMC, MHL.

Kienzle, Robert. Vom Bauernjungen der Ukraine zum Sehulrat in Paraguay. Bonn: V. D. A. Bundesgeschaftsstelle, 1987. Pp. 84. MHL.

Kingsley, Mitchell and Duane RuthHeffelbower. After we're gone: estate and life planning for a disabled person's family, a Christian perspective. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1987. Pp. 40. FRESNO, MHL.

Klaassen, Victor. Genealogy of Johann Klassen (1819-1887) and Agneta (Nickel) Klassen (1832-1878). Wichita, Kan.: Klaassen, 1987. Pp. 296. MHL, MLA.

Klopfenstein, Perry A. Apostolic Christian Church doctrinal perspectives. [Gridley, Ill.: Klopfenstein, 1987]. Pp. 86. MLA.

Klopfenstein, Perry A. The Biblical pattern of repentance and conversion. [Gridley, Ill.: Klopfenstein, 1987]. Pp. 20. MLA.

Klopfenstein, Perry A. Christian liberty: the true and the false: a discussion of Christian liberty, "legalism"; standards, and obedience. [Gridley, Ill.: Klopfenstein, 1987]. Pp. 34. MLA.

Koch, Roy S. Ten steps to your personal pentecost. Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press, 1987. Pp. 27. MHL, MLA.

Landes, Alva D. The William and Lucinda Landes family of Montgomery County, Ohio. Covington, Ohio: Landes, 1987. Pp. 83. MHL.

Landis, Mary. Treasured memories of our baby. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1986. Unpaged. EMC.

Lapp, Rhoda Snader. Devotionals for nurses. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1986. Pp. 63. EMC.

Liechty, Joseph. Irish evangelicalism, Trinity College Dublin, and the Mission of the Church of Ireland at the end of the eighteenth century. Thesis (Ph.D.)--St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, 1987. Pp. 530. MHL.

Lind, Marcus. From swords to plowshares. Salem, Ore.: Lind, 1986. Pp. 204. MHL.

Loewen, Abram J. Schauen and Erleben. Clearbrook, B.C.: Loewen,1987. Pp. 126. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Loewen, Eleanor M. Make my joy complete. (Faith and Life Bible studies; 8) Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1987. Pp. 77. MHL, MLA.

Longenecker, Stephen L. Selma's peacemaker: Ralph Smeltzer and civil rights mediation. Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press, 1987. Pp. 273. MHL.

Luebke, Frederick C. Germans in Brazil: a comparative history of cultural conflict during World War I. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1987. Pp. 248. MLA.

Luiken, Jan. Het menselyk bedryf. Haarlem, The Netherlands: H.J.W. Becht, 1987. Pp. 223. EMC.

Lutz, John and Ruth Landis Lutz. Landis lines: a continuing family history. Quechee, Vt.: Lutz, 1986. Pp. 24. MHL.

MacMaster, Richard K. Augusta County history, 1865-1950. Staunton, Va.: Augusta County Historical Society, 1987. Pp. 229. MHL.

Mannhardt, Heinz-Jurgen. Die Mennonitenfamilie van der Smissen and ihre Nachkommenschaft. [Darmstadt: Mannhardt], 1987. Pp. 310. MLA.

Marshall, Howard Wight and James W. Goodrich, eds. The German-American experience in Missouri: essays in commemoration of the tricentennial of German immigration to America, 1683-1983. (Publications of Missouri Cultural Heritage Center; no. 2) Columbia: University of Missouri-Columbia, Missouri Cultural Heritage Center: Extension Division, University of Missouri -Columbia,1986. Pp. 218. MLA.

Mason, Floyd R. John Mason and Mary Ann Miller of Virginia. Alexandria, Va.: Mason, 1986. Pp. 369. MHL.

Mason, Floyd R. Matthias Miller and his 17 children. Alexandria, Va.: Mason. Pp. 34. MHL.

Mast, Daniel J. Anweisungen zur Seligkeit. Baltic, Ohio: Raber's Bookstore, 1987. Pp. 784. MHL.

McGregor, J.F. and B. Reay, eds. Radical religion in the English Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Pp. 219. MLA.

Mennonite and related sources up to 1600. Supplement 2. (Radical Reformation Microfilm Project; Section 1) Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Co., [1987?]. Pp. 25. EMC.

Mennonites in Ontario: a Mennonite bicentennial portrait, 1786-1986. [Kitchener, Ont.]: Mennonite Bicentennial Commission, 1986. Pp. 176. MLA.

Meyer, Walter E. Huldrych Zwinglis Eschatologie: reformatorische Wende, Theologie and Geschichtsbild des Zurcher Reformators im Lichte seines eschatologischen Ansatzes. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 1987. Pp. 367. MLA.

Miller, David R.S. and Katie Miller. A time to be born and a time to die. Middlefield, Ohio: Miller, 1987. Pp. 165. MHL.

Miller, Emanuel D. and Ben J. Raber. Von dem Christlichen Glauben and Leiden Jesu Christi. Baltic, Ohio: Raber's Book Store, 1986. Pp. 168. MHL, MLA.

Miller, Ida R. Gleanings of Locust Creek A.M. Church 1977-1987. Gordonville, Pa.: Printed by Gordonville Print Shop, 1987. Pp. 100. MHL.

Miller, Jacob M. Family history of Noah P. Miller and Mary M. Swartzentruber, 1856-1987. Millersburg, Ohio: Miller, 1987. Pp. 243. MHL.

Miller, Lester. God gave us: dot to dot coloring book Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1987. Unpaged. EMC.

More stories about God's people. (Grade 2. Units 4, 5) (Bible nurture and reader series) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1987. Pp. 261. EMC.

Morgan, Teresa. Days on the farm with Annette and Samuel. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1987. Pp. 196. EMC.

Mumaw, Catherine R. Technology, women and change. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1987. Pp. 45. FRESNO, MHL.

Nafziger, E. Wayne. Entrepreneurship, equity, and economic development. (Contemporary studies in economic and financial analysis; v. 53) Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1986. Pp. 308. MLA.

Neufeld, Herman A. Mary Neufeld and the Repphun story: from the Molotschna to Manitoba. North Hollywood, Calif.: Carole Joyce Gallery, 1987. Pp. 234. FRESNO, MLA.

Neufeld, J.J. Daut Niehe Testament: Plautdietsch. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1987. Pp. 483. FRESNO, MHC, MHL, MLA.

Newswanger, Donald E. Descendants of Peter M. Newswanger and Lydia Burkhart. NewHolland, Pa.: Newswanger, 1986. MHL.

Nicholson, Bertha May. Meditations on a D major scale. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 276) Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1987. Pp. 39. MHL, MLA.

Nickel, Barbara K. Opal's sun: stories and essays from home. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1987. Pp. 43. MHL.

Nicoletti, Geoffrey L. The family of Walter S. Kurtz of Churchtown, Pennsylvania. Willow Grove, Pa.: Nicoletti, 1987. Pp. 14. MHL.

O'Brien, Elizabeth E. Population structure and genetic variability among 44 Hutterite Colonies. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Northwestern University, 1986. Pp. 165. MHL.

Ollenburger, Ben C. Zion the city of the great king: a theological symbol of the Jerusalem cult. Sheffield: ]SOT Press, 1987. Pp. 271. FRESNO.

Oshins, Lisa Turner, comp. Quilt collections: a directory for the United States and Canada. Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books, 1987. Pp. 255. MHL.

Overholt, John J., comp. Erweckungs Lieder, Nr. 1. Sarasota, Fl.: Christian Hymnary Pub., 1987. MHL.

Overholt, Vera, comp. Be glad and sing. Sarasota, Fl.: Christian Hymnary Pub., 1987. MHL.

Overholt, Vera. Scrapbook of ideas for Christian workers. Sarasota, Fl.: Christian Hymnary Pub., 1986. Pp. 167. MHL.

Pannabecker, Rachel. Ribbonwork of the Great Lakes Indians: the material of acculturation. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Ohio State University, 1986. Pp. 273. MLA,

"Pansy". Tip Lewis and his lamp. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1987. Pp. 208. EMC.

Pantry gems II: from the W.C. Rhodes family line, a collection of recipes wisdom and prose. [S.l.: s.n], 1986. Pp. 141. EMC.

Peachey, Jeffrey S. Stone styrofoam. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1987. MHL.

Pendleton, John. More justice, less law. Elkhart, Ind.: MCC Office of Criminal Justice, 1987. Pp. 18. MHL, MLA.

The People's Place address book of Amish folk art. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1987. Unpaged. EMC.

Petkau, Brenda. Invited to the banquet: a collection of stories about disability. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee Canada, 1987. Pp. 72. MHL.

Pettegree, Andrew. Foreign Protestant communities in sixteenth-century London. (Oxford historical monographs) Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Pp. 329. MLA.

Pfister, Hans Ulrich. Die Auswanderung aus dem Knonauer Amt, 1648-1750: ihr Ausmass, ihre Strukturen and ihre Bedingungen. Zurich: Hans Rohr, 1987. Pp. 369. MHL, MLA.

Plett, Delbert F. Profile of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde, 1874. (Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde Historical Series; no. 4). Steinbach, Man.: DFP Publications, 1987. Pp. 312. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Poortinga, Ype. Ik ha't ris han: it Jan Hepkes-ferhaal. Drachten; Ljouwert: A.J. Osinga, 1986. Pp. 269. MHL.

Prater, Rosella. Mennonite stirrings in "America's Playland". Naubinway, Mich.: Prater, 1987. Pp. 115. MHL.

Programma van een O P E N Geloofsgemeenschaf, de Doopsgezinde en Remonstrantse Gerneente to Den Haag. [S.l.: s.n.], 1986. Pp. 50. MHL.

Raber, Merrill F. and George Dyck. Mental fitness: a guide to emotional health. Los Altos, Calif.: Crisp Pub., 1987. Pp. 64. MHL.

Raitt, Jill, ed. Christian spirituality: high Middle Ages and Reformation. (World spirituality; v.17) New York: Crossroad, 1987. Pp. 479. MLA.

Redekopp, Jakob D. Chortitzer Lehrerseminar. Volendam: Redekop,1987. Pp. 42. FRESNO.

Reed, Frank L. The capitalistic communist: a story of Israel Eckerlin and the Ephrata Community. [Danville, Pa.: J.R. Renno, 1986 or 19871. Pp. 14. MHL.

Regehr, Ernie. Arms Canada: the deadly business of military exports. Toronto, Ont.: James Lorimer and Co., 1987. Pp. 273. MHL.

Regehr, Ernie. Making Canada a nuclear weapon free zone. (Ploughshares working paper, 87-1) Waterloo, Ont.: Project Ploughshares, 1987. Pp. 8. MHL.

Reilly, James M. Care and identification of 19th-century photographic prints. Rochester, N.Y.: Photographic Products Group, Eastman Kodak Company, 1986. Pp. 116. MLA.

Reinford, Wilmer L. Transcript of memorial stones in the new cemetery behind Lower Skippack Mennonite Meeting House. Creamery, Pa.: Reinford, 1987. Pp. 27. EMC, MHL.

Renno, John R. Circumstances that caused me to leave the Amish Church. Danville, Pa.: Renno, 1987. Pp. 26. MHL.

Responses to militarism packet. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee Canada, [1987?]. 1 portfolio. MHL.

Ressler, Martin E. An annotated bibliography of Mennonite hymnals and songbooks, 1742-1986. Quarryville, Pa.: Ressler, Lancaster,Pa.: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 1987. Pp. 117. EMC, FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Ringler, Floyd K. Ringler family history. Narvon, Pa.: Matthew Gehman, 1986. Pp. 148. MHL.

Robertson, Helen Miller, comp. The Henry Royer and Sebastian Royer families. Akron, Ohio: Robertson, 1987. Pp. 288. MHL.

Rooted in faith - growing in love: Forest Hills Mennonite Church, 1946-1986. Leola, Pa.: The Church, 1986. Pp. 63. MHL.

Ruffmann, Karl-Heinz. Die Deutschen in der Sowjetunion. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987. Pp. 599. MHL.

Russell, Joycelyne Gledhill. Peacemaking in the Renaissance. London: Duckworth, 1986. Pp. 278. MLA.

Ruth-Heffelbower, Duane. The Christian and jury duty. Elkhart, Ind.; Kitchener, Ont.: MCC U.S. Office of Criminal Justice/Victim Offender Ministries Program, [1987?]. Pp. 59. EMC, MHL.

Sawatzky, Reynold. Out from the prairie: the history of the family of Jacob and Cornelia (Klassen) Sawatzky. Milford, Ind.: Kosko Printers, 1987. Pp. 106. MLA.

Schama, Simon. The embarrassment of riches: an interpretation of Dutch culture in the Golden Age. New York: Knopf, 1987. Pp. 698. MHL, MLA.

Scheer, Herfried. Die deutsche Mundart der Hutterischen Bruder in Nordamerika. (Beitrage zur Sprachinselforschung; Bd. 5) Pp. 321. Wien: VWGO, 1987. Pp. 321. MLA,

Schipani, Daniel S., ed. Los ninos y el reino: guia para la educacion cristiana. Bogota, Columbia: CAEBC,1987. Pp. 135. MHL.

Schlabach, Gerald. Las bases biblicas del servicio social: Cinco lecciones para impartirse en intensivo o en la congregacion. Guatemala: Ediciones Semilla, [1987?]. Pp. [18]. MHL.

Schlabach, Gerald. Bibliografia en Espanol sobre la no-violencia. Guatemala: Ediciones Semilla, [1987?). Pp. 15. MHL.

Schlabach, Gerald. Por esta senda tambien le seguimos?: Un estudio biblico autodidactico de la justicia y la noviolencia. Guatemala: Ediciones Semilla, [1987?]. Pp. [44]. MHL.

Schreiner-Yantis, Netti and Florene Speakman Love. The personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Augusta County, Virginia. Springfield, Va.: Genealogical Books in Print, 1987. MHL.

Schreiner-Yantis, Netti and Florene Speakman Love. The personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Frederick County, Virginia. Springfield, Va.: Genealogical Books in Print, 1987. MHL.

Schreiner-Yantis, Netti and Florene Speakman Love. The personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Orange County, Virginia. Springfield, Va.: Genealogical Books in Print, 1987. MHL.

Schreiner-Yantis, Netti and Florene Speakman Love. The personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Rockingham County, Virginia. Springfield, Va.: Genealogical Books in Print, 1987. MHL.

Schreiner-Yantis, Netti and Florene Speakman Love. The personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Shenandoah County, Virginia. Springfield, Va.: Genealogical Books in Print, 1987. MHL.

Schreiner-Yantis, Netti and Florene Speakman Love. The personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Springfield, Va.: Genealogical Books in Print, 1987. MHL.

Schurch, Rene. Schuerch von Sumiswald. Bremgarten bei Bern: Schurch,1986. Pp. [292]. MHL.

Schwartz Marie H., comp. Family record of Joseph A. Schwartz and Lydia Borkholder, 1867-1987. Berne, Ind.: Schwartz, 1987. Pp. 135. MHL.

Schwenkfelders in America: papers presented at the Colloquium on Schwenkfeld and the Schwenkfelders, Pennsburg, Pa., September 17-22, 1984. Pennsburg, Pa.: Schwenkfelder Library, 1987. Pp. 274. EMC.

Scott, Tom. Freiburg and the Breisgau: towncountry relations in the Age of Reformation and Peasants' War. Oxford; New York: Clarendon Press, 1986. Pp. 265. MLA.

Scribner, Robert W. Popular culture and popular movements in Reformation Germany. London: Hambledon, 1987. Pp. 364. MLA.

Seguenny, Andre. The christology of Caspar Schwenckfeld. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen, 1987. Pp. 142. MHL.

Servicio militar y servicio alternative: un paquete de recursos. Guatemala: Ediciones Semilla, [1987?]. Pp. [41]. MHL.

Shelly, Maynard. Education is our commission: report of the Commission on Educaton to the General Conference Mennonite Church in session at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. [S.l.]: Shelly, 1986. Pp. 60. MLA.

Shenk, Jon and Sheryl Shenk. Descendants of S.P. and Mary Metzler Yoder to 1987. [S.1.]: Shenk, [1987]. Pp. 140. MHL.

Sherk, Thomas A. The Sherk family. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1986. Pp. 357. EMC.

Shirk, Laura N. Directory of Old Order Mennonites, Groffdale Conference 1987. Kutztown, Pa.: [s.n.], 1987. Pp. 513. EMC, MHL.

Shenk, Doyle and Mary Hatcher. A history of Barrs Mills, Ohio and vicinity. Dover, Ohio: Shenk, 1987. Pp. 58. MHL.

Shouse, Bill. The blind mule and other stories. Prestonsburg, Ky.: Kentucky Coalition, 1987. Pp. [28]. MHL.

Sider, Ronald J. Completely pro-life: building a consistent stance. Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity, 1987. Pp. 239. MHL.

Sine, Tom. Why settle for more and miss the best? Waco, Tex.: Word Pub., 1987. Pp. 225. MHL.

Slabaugh, John M. Knit together in love: Moses Schlabach 1859-1932 and Lydia Yoder 1868-1959: their ancestry and the descendants. Sugarcreek, Ohio: Printed by Schlabach Printers, [1987?]. Pp. 170. EMC, MHL.

Smith, R.G. Reprint of Baker's 1856 map of Wayne County, Ohio. Wooster, Ohio: Genealogical Section, Wayne Co. Historical Society, 1987. Pp. 36. EMC.

Smoker, Aaron E. Christian J. Beiler, 18501934, Barbara (Keener) Beiler, 1848-1932Gap, Pa.: Smoker, [1987]. Pp. 38. MHL..

Spijker, W. van 't. Gereformeerden en Dopers: Gesprek onderweg. Kampen: J.H. Kok, 1986. Pp. 125. EMC, MHL.

Stanton-Rich, Diane Karen. Becoming peacemakers: an introduction. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1987. Pp. 133. EMC, MLA.

Stauffer, Freda M., comp. Joseph and Barbara Stauffer and their descendants, 1824-1983. Kitchener, Ont.: Stauffer, 1986. Pp. 109. MHL.

Stoesz, Dennis E. A history of the Chortitzer Mennonite Church of Manitoba, 1874-1914. Winnipeg, Man.: Stoesz, 1987. Pp. 292. MHL.

Stoltzfus, Amos L. In memory of Susie E. Stoltzfus. Gap, Pa.: Stoltzfus, 1987. Pp. 18. MHL.

Stoltzfus, Elaine. Tending the vision, planting the seed a history of the Mennonite Central Committee in Haiti, 1958-1984. [Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1987]. Pp. 140. MHL, MLA.

Symposium on Mennonites in Canada. The influence of World War ll, 1939-1945. [Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Studies, University of Winnipeg: Mennonite Historical Society of Canada, 1987]. Pp. [213]. MLA.

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Troyer, Jarnot D. Troyer family directory. Bowie, Md.: Troyer, 1987. Pp. 45. MHL.

Umble,DianeZimmerman. The consequences of television viewing for a subculture:astudy of Mennonite orientations. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Pennsylvania, 1986. Pp. 111. MHL.

The United Methodist Church (U.S.). Council of Bishops. In defense of creation: the nuclear crisis and a just peace. Nashville, Tenn.: Graded Press, 1986. Pp. 96. MLA.

Urbanchuk, Helen F. Indexes to Landes-Landis-Lantis reunion booklets. [Telford, Pa.: Urbanchuk, 1986]. MHL.

Vins, Georgii P. Wie Schafe unter Wolfen: Erfahrungen eines Christen in Sowjetischen Straflagern. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hanssler, 1987. Pp. 117. MHL.

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Vliet, Jan von. Ketters rond de Dom: de reformatie in Utrecht, 1520-1580. (Historische reeks Utrecht; dl. 10) Utrecht: Matrijs, 1987. Pp. 64. MLA.

Von dem Christlichen Glauben and Leiden Jesu Christi. Baltic, Ohio: Raber's Book Store, 1986. Pp. 168. MLA.

Voran, Roxie. Houston Mennonite Church, 1967-1987. Houston, Tex.: The Church, 1987. Pp. 48. MHL, MLA.

Vries, Theun de. De ontsnapping. Nijmegen: Uit. Vriendenlust, 1987. Pp. 95. EMC.

Der Wahrheitsfreund Index 1915-1947. Fresno, Calif.: Historical Commission of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1987. Pp. 390. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.

Waite, Anna Linelle Shrock. Descendants of John C. Shrock and Catherine Hochsteder. Los Angeles, Calif.: Waite, 1987. Pp. 346. MHL.

Wampler, Roy H. The Derr family, 1750-1986. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1987. Pp. 515. MHL.

We learn about God's people. (Grade 1. Units 4,5.) (Bible nurture and reader series) Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1986. Pp. 247. EMC.

Weaver, Dorothy Jean. The missionary discourse in the Gospel of Matthew: a literary critical analysis. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Union Theological Seminary, 1987. Pp. 310. EMC.

Weaver, Harvey. Ohio: the families of the Chester (Wooster) and Pleasant View (Columbiana) congregations. Wooster, Ohio: Weaver, 1986. MHL.

Weaver, Mrs. John G. Treasury of Bible subjects. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1986. Pp. 214. EMC.

Weaver, Levi E. Family record of John M. and Mary E. (Snyder) Groff. East Earl, Pa.: Weaver, 1987. Pp. 34. EMC.

Weidlich, Lorre Marie. Quilting transformed: an anthropological approach to the quilt revival. Thesis (Ph.D.) --University of Texas at Austin, 1986. Pp. 298. MHL.

Whitelaw, D.P. A crisis of credibility: contemporary dialogue with Colenso and du Plessis. (Reprint. Originally published in Journal of theology for Southern Africa, 60, Sept. 1987) [Rondebosch: University Cape Town, 1987] Pp. [15]. MLA.

Wiens, Peter. Mennonitas en Paraguay: Folleto para las reuniones del Consejo General de la Conferencia Mundial Mennonita en Filadelfia, 14-19 de julio de 1987. Filadelfia, Colonia Fernheim, Paraguay: [s.n.], 1987. Pp. 15. MLA.

Wingeard, William O. German Rudy immigrants to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in the year 1737. Harrisburg, Pa.: Wingeard, [1987?]. 1 vol. MHL.

Winters, John W. John Bender Senger: pioneer evangelist and pastor,1850-1932. Lititz, Pa.: Winters, 1987. Pp. 57. MHL.

Witmer, Edith. God's happy family. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1986. Unpaged. EMC.

Wolff, Elizabeth Bekker. Briefwisseling van Betje Wolff en Aagje Deken. Utrecht: HES, 1987. 2 vols. MHL.

Worterbuch der schweizerdeutschen Sprache. Frauenfeld: Huber and Co., 1987. MHL.

Yantzi, Henry and Mae Yantzi. The family history and genealogy of Nicolaus and Barbara (Roth) Schlegel. New Hamburg, Ont.: Yantzi, 1986. Pp. 246. MHL.

Yoder, J. Otis. He that should come. Breezewood, Pa.: Heralds of Hope, 1987. Pp. 148. MHL.

Yoder, Joseph W. Rosanna's boys. Harrisonburg, Va.: Choice Productions, 1987. Pp. 276. MHL.

Yoder, Katie S. Bible exercises for children. (Book 1 and Book 2) Salisbury, Pa.: Yoder, 1986-87. Pp. 63, 61. EMC. MHL.

Yoder, Lawrence M. The introduction and expression of Islam and Christianity in the cultural context of north central Java. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World Mission, 1987. Pp. 547. EMC.

Yoder, Owen and Erma Yoder. The Mountain View story, 1962-1987. Aroda, Va.: Mountain View Nursing Home, 1987. Pp. 138. MHL.

Yoder, Ruth. Montezuma Mennonite cookbook. Waverly, Iowa: Yoder, 1987. Pp. 310. MHL.

Yoder, Sylvan M., comp. Family record of Jeremiah Yoder and Fannie Bender. [Carlsbad, N.M.]: Yoder, 1987. Pp. 118. MHL.

Zion Mennonite Church (Broadway, Va.). Organization of the Zion Mennonite Church. Broadway, Va.: The Church, 1987. Pp. 13. EMC.

Date Unknown

Early Amish land owners map, Berks County, Pennsylvania. [S.1.: Abner Beiler, n.d.]. MHL.

Die familie Gerber. von Langnau im Emmental ab 1530. [S.l.: s.n., n.d.].

Friesen, Isaac Peter. Im Dienste des Meisters. [Steinbach, Man.: Derksen Printers, 198-]. 2 vol. MLA.

Garman, Frank K. and Katie O. Frey Garman. Garman gleanings: a booklet of family memories. [Mannheim, Pa.]: Garman, [n.d.]. Pp. 36. MHL.

Grandma the life saver. [Sugarcreek, Ohio]: [s.n., n.d.]. Pp. 22. EMC.

Hershberger, Dora J. Friendship thoughts. [Baltic, Ohio: Hershberger,198-]. Pp. 20. MHL.

Indiana census project 1860 for Elkhart, Lagrange and Adams Counties. Indianapolis, Ind.: Indiana Historical Society, [n.d.]. Microfiche. MHL.

Kauffman, Samuel. Descendants of Benjamin S. Hershberger and Catherine Berlincourt. Greentown, Ind.: Kauffman, [n.d.]. Pp. 96. MHL.

Klopfenstein, Perry A. Closed communion. [Gridley, Ill.: Klopfenstein, 198-]. Pp. 6. MLA.

Lapp, Ida. Delicious country style cooking.' with memories of home. [Gordonville, Pa.: Lapp, n.d.]. Pp. [40]. MHL.

MacGregor, Norman. A synopsis in chart form of the theologies of some of the founders of the three historic peace churches. [S.l.: s.n., n.d.]. MHL.

Miller, Elva. God's call to Costa Rica: experiences. [Stuarts Draft, Va.: Miller, n.d.]. Pp. 125. MHL.

Overholt, William J. From Conestoga wagon to modem times: the eventful life of W.J. Overholt. Seymour, Mo.: Edgewood Press, [198-?]. Pp. 265. EMC.

Slabaugh, John M. Map of Amish land tracts. Gordonville, Pa.: Abner Beiler, [n.d.]. MHL.

Twisck, Peter Jansz. A fathers' gift. [S.1.: s.n., n.d.]. Pp. 123. MLA.