(Originally published in the June 1986 issue, vol. 41, no. 2. pp. 15-31)
[This version was scanned from a paper copy. Jan. 2003]
Assisted by Ina Ruth Breckbill, Mennonite Historical Library (MHL); Grace Schowalter, Eastern Mennonite College (EMC); Laurie Wolfe, Mennonite Library and Archives (MLA); and Kevin Enns-Rempel, Fresno Pacific College (FRESNO).
1985 directory of Zion Mennonite Church . . . Broadway, Va.: Congregation, 1985. Pp. 27. EMC.
1986 Mennonite calendar of Weaverland Conference. S. l.: Weaverland Conference, 1986.Pp. 40. EMC.
Alderfer, Irene B. The history of Perkiomenville Mennonite Church, 1935-1985. Perkiomenville, Pa.: The Congregation, 1985. Pp. 31. EMC.
Andereck, Paul A. Computer genealogy: a guide to research through high technology. Salt Lake City, Utah: Ancestry, Inc., 1985. Pp. 280. MHL.
Arnold, Heini. Give us burning hearts (prayers). (May Thy Light Shine; 5). Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 30. MHL, MLA.
Arnold, Heini. Lead us on thy way (prayers). (May Thy Light Shine; 4). Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 30. MHL, MLA.
Arnold, Heini. Make us ready for thy kingdom (prayers). (May Thy Light Shine; 7). Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 30. MHL, MLA.
Arnold, Heini. May thy light shine (prayers). (May Thy Light Shine; 6). Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 30. MHL, MLA.
Arnold, Heini. Thine is the kingdom (prayers). May Thy Light Shine; 2). Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 32. MHL, MLA.
Arnold, Heini. Thou art the vine (prayers). (May Thy Light Shine; 1). Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 32. MHL, MLA.
Arnold, Heini. We are thy children (prayers). (May Thy Light Shine; 3). Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 30. MHL, MLA.
Augsburger, David W. Caring enough to confront: learning to speak the truth in love. Hants: Marshall Pickering, 1985. Pp. 142. MHL.
Aylmer Amish directory -1985. Aylmer, Ont.: s.n., 1985. Pp. 16. MHL.
Baerg, Anna. Diary of Anna Baerg: 1916-1924. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1985. Pp. 158. MLA.
Bair, Ray. God's managers. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 48. MHL.
Bakely, Donald C. Bethy and the mouse: God's gifts in special packages. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1985. Pp. 164. MLA, MHL.
Baker, William H. On capital punishment. Chicago, Ill.: Moody Press, 1985. Pp. 166. MLA.
Barkman, Betty. Anna: a life of stubbornness made into joyous service. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1985. Pp. 171. EMC. FRESNO.
Bauman, Clarence. The Sermon on the Mount: the modern quest for its meaning. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1985. Pp. 440. EMC.
Baxter, Angus. In search of your European roots. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985. Pp. 289. MLA.
Beachy, Lucy. Daniel Bender family history. Grantsville, Md.: Bender Book Revision Committee, 1985. Pp. 648. MHL, EMC.
Benner, Henry G. The story of the Paradise Mennonite Church . . . 250 years . . . 1735-1985. Paradise, Pa.: The Congregation, 1985. Pp. 170. EMC.
Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.). Alumni Relations Office. Bethel College alumni directory, 1985: Bethel College centennial 1887-1987. North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1985. Pp. 285. MLA.
Bethel Mennonite Church (Pekin, Ill.). 75th anniversary Bethel Mennonite Church: 1910-1985. Pekin, Ill.: The Church, 1985. Pp. 17. MLA.
Bethlehem Mennonite Church (Bloomfield, Mont.). Hist. Committee. 75th anniversary Bethlehem Mennonite Church. Bloomfield, Mont.: The Committee, 1985. Pp. 40. MLA.
Bhagat, Shantilal P. The family farm: can it be saved? Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1985. Pp. 74. MLA.
Bogart, Athena Johnson. Jansen/Johnson family of Chester County. Lancaster, Pa.: author, 1985. Pp. 49. MHL.
Borntrager, Salome D. Memories of the Dan M. Borntreger family. Nunnelly, Tenn.: Lester and Rebecca Grater, 1985. Pp. 94. MLA, MHL.
Brady, Thomas A. Turning Swiss: cities and empire, 1450-1550. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Pp. 302. MLA.
Braun, Matthew. Kinch. New York, N.Y.: Pinnacle Books, 1985. Pp. 182. MLA.
Brelsford, Bridgie Brill. Indians of Montgomery County, Indiana. Crawfordsville, Ind.: Montgomery County Historical Society, 1985. Pp. 221. MHL.
Brenneman, Helen Good. Meditations for the expectant mother. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 79. MHL.
Brenneman, Helen Good. Meditations for the new mother. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 79. MHL.
Brubaker, Carolyn H. History and genealogy of Jacob M. Horst and Magdalena Weaver. S. l.: Carolyn H. Brubaker, 1985. Pp. 143. EMC.
Brubaker, Pamela. She bath done what she could: a history of women's participation in the Church of the Brethren. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1985. Pp. 222. MLA.
Byler, Uria R. As I remember it. Middlefield, Ohio: Mrs. Elizabeth Byler, 1985. Pp. 368. EMC.
Caring through life's stages. Bloomington, Ill.: Community Relations Department, BroMenn, 1985. Unpaged. EMC.
The church and nuclear disarmament. Waterloo, Ont.: Project Ploughshares, 1985. Pp. 25. MHL.
Coblentz, John. Nonresistance: God's plan for the church. Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1985. Pp. 93. EMC.
Coblentz, John. Nonresistance: God's plan for the church: teacher's guide. Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light publications, 1985. Pp. 93. EMC.
Common ground: essays by international students. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1985. Pp. 65. MHL.
Conversations on Faith II. Presentations at Conversations on Faith II. the church's relationship to the political order. Lombard, Ill.: Mennonite Church General Board, 1985. Unpaged. EMC.
Cox, Gray. Bearing witness: Quaker process and a culture of peace. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 262). Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill Pub., 1985. Pp. 32. MLA, MHL.
Crisp, Marty. "Herr" itage: fictional adventures in Herr House history. S. l.: s. n., 1985. Pp. 24. MHL.
Denlinger, Steven L. Glimpses past. Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 1985. Pp. 155. MLA, MHL.
Detjen, David W. The Germans in Missouri, 1900-1918: prohibition, neutrality, and assimilation. Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press, 1985. Pp. 244. MLA.
Dreher, Trautel. The stars shall light your journey. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1986. Pp. 26. MHL, MLA.
Drescher, John M. If we were starting our marriage again. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1985. Pp. 96. MHL, EMC.
Duennhaupt, Gerhard. The Martin Luther quincentennial. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press, 1985. Pp. 315. MHL.
Durnbaugh, Donald F. The believers' church. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 315. MLA, MHL.
Dyck, Arnold. Arnold Dyck: collected works = Werke. Vol. l: Verloren in der Steppe-aus meinem Leben. S. l.: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1985. Pp. 515. MLA.
Dyck, John. Freedom! for a price: experiences in eastern Pennsylvania. Moundridge, Kan.: Gospel Publishers, 1985. Pp. 157. EMC.
Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church. Meeting house map directory of the Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church and related areas. S. l.: Publication Board of the Eastern Penn. Mennonite Church, 1986. Pp. 60. EMC.
Eggers, Ulrich. Gemeinschaft-lebenslaenglich: deutsche Hutterer in den USA. Witten: Bundes-Verlag, 1985. Pp. 200. MLA, MHL, EMC.
Endres, Michael E. The morality of capital punishment: equal justice under the law? Mystic, Conn.: Twenty-Third Publications, 1985. Pp. 152. MLA.
Engbrecht, Dennis D. The Americanization of a rural immigrant church: the General Conference Mennonites in central Kansas, 1874-1939. Ph.D. Thesis-University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1985. Pp. 330. MLA.
Enninger, Werner. Significant silence among the Amish. Radford, Va.: Intercultural Communications Center, Radford Univ., 1985. Pp. 149-159. MLA.
Enninger, Werner. Structural aspects of Amish High German. 1985. Pp. 43. MLA.
Esch, Henry D. The Mennonites in Arizona. Phoenix, Ariz.: Esch, 1985. Pp. 200. MLA, MHL, EMC.
Evans, Shirlee. Tree Tall and the whiteskins. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 104. MHL.
Exposition 6: essays selected from the 1984-85 expository writing classes at Goshen College. Goshen, Ind.: Pinchpenny Press, 1985. Pp. 46. MHL.
Falcon, Rafael. La iglesia Menonita Hispana en Norte America: 1932-1982. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 191. MHL.
Family night at home: learning and sharing activities for the family. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1985. Pp. 137. EMC.
Favorite recipes from the Candle Barn folks. Intercourse, Pa.: s.n., 1985. Pp. 48. MHL.
Filby, P. William. A bibliography of American county histories. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985. Pp. 449. MLA.
Fisher, Roger. Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in. New York, N.Y.: Penguin Books, 1985. Pp. 161. MLA.
Fisher, Sara E. The Amish school. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1986. Pp. 96. EMC, MLA.
Foth, David John. Foth's two branches. S. l.: Dave Foth, 1985. Pp. 106. MLA.
Foth, Margaret. Life is too short . . . to miss today. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1985. Pp. 138. EMC.
Friederichs, Heinz F. How to find my German ancestors and relatives. Neustadt: Degener & Co., 1985. Pp. 16. MLA.
Friesen, Anna. The mulberry tree. Winnipeg, Man.: Queenston House Pub. Co., 1985. Pp. 206. MLA, MHL.
Friesen, Evelyn. Freedom isn't free: a boat people story. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1985. Pp. 185. EMC, FRESNO.
Friesen, Frank. Among the cloud of witnesses: the story of Hans Sedlmair. Stirling, Ont.: Friesen, 1985. Pp. 36. MLA.
Friesen, John W. When cultures clash: case studies in multiculturalism. Calgary, Alta.: Detselig, 1985. Pp. 171. MHL, FRESNO.
Friesen, Lauren. The eagle and the dove: a three-act drama on life in the Johannine community. Ph.D. Thesis-Graduate Theological Union, 1985. Pp. 204. MLA.
Froese, Carolyn Brown. The Jacob Enns family history and genealogy. 1985. Pp. 145. MLA.
Gallardo, Jose Comes. Vers une justice biblique. Montbeliard: Christ Seul,1985. Pp. 104. MLA, EMC.
Garter, Allan A. The descendants of Christian S. and Anna Garter of Lancaster County, PA. Edmonton, Alta.: Garter Historical Association, 1985. Pp. 138. MHL, EMC.
Gardiner, Allen. The Carnegie legacy in Kansas: a restrospective view of the 59 public libraries built by Andrew Carnegie. Topeka, Kan.: Kansas State Library, 1985. Pp. 163. MLA.
Gehret, Ellen J. This is the way 1 pass my time: a book about Pennsylvania German decorated hand towels. Birdsboro, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1985. Pp. 292. MLA, MHL, EMC.
Genealogical societies & historical societies (with genealogical interests): a comprehensive worldwide listing. Munroe Falls, Ohio: Summit Publications, 1985. Pp. 125. MLA.
Gerber, Samuel. Schweigen. Liestal: Worte des Lebens, 1985. Pp. 30. MHL.
Gesangbuch. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonitisches Verlagshaus, 1985. Pp. 890. MHL.
Gingerich, Eli E. Jacob Guengerich family history. S. l.: Authors?, 1985. Unpaged. EMC.
Glanzer, Janice. God's great love. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 110. MHL.
Goerzen, Sue. Preparation for marriage: materials for premarriage instruction. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1985. Pp. 154. MLA.
Good, E. Richard. Enlarging the borders. Harrisonburg, Va.: Virginia Mennonite Conference, 1985. Pp. 61. MHL, EMC.
Good, Merle. Who are the Amish? Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1985. Pp. 128. MLA, MHL, EMC.
Grater, Edwin C. What lyric lends itself as living? Freeman, S.D.: Grater, 1985.1 vol. MLA, EMC.
Grimley, Mildred Hess. Mattie loves all. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1985. Pp. 26. MLA.
Guldbeck, Per E. The care of antiques and historical collections. Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State & Local History, 1985. Pp. 248. MLA.
Hagen, Kenneth. Sixteenth century bibliography. St. Louis, Mo.: Center for Reformation Research, 1985. Pp. 91. MHL.
Harder, Helmut. Guide to faith (Chinese translation). Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1985. Pp. 145. MHL.
Hartman, Bruce H. Hartman genealogy: George F. Hartman and his wife Elizabeth H. Beery 1856-1916. Palmyra, Pa.: compiler, 1985. Pp. 290. MHL.
Haury, Emil W. Mogollon culture in the Forestdale Valley: east-central Arizona. Tucson, Ariz.: University of Arizona Press, 1985. Pp. 454. MLA.
Hayama Missionary Seminar (26th: 1985: Amagi Sanso). "Current threats to God-given life": the Christian response to violence. Tokyo: The Seminar, 1985. Pp. 82. MLA, MHL, EMC.
Heatwole, Gabriel D. Gabriel D. Heatwole correspondence . . . 1871-1906. Dayton, Va.: Harold H. Showalter, 1985. Pp. 284. EMC.
Heikes, Janice K. Differences among the Old Order Amish of Wayne County, Ohio and their use of health care services. M.A. Thesis-Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio: author, 1985. Pp. 93. MHL.
Hershberger, Noah L. Nota Buch. Orrville, Ohio: N. L. Hershberger, 1985. Pp. 54. EMC.
Hershberger, Noah L. A struggle to be separate: a history of the Ohio Amish parochial school movement. Orrville, Ohio: N. L. Hershberger, 1985. Pp. 52. EMC.
Hertzler, Enos. Time out for Paraguay. Marion, Ken.: compiler, 1985. Pp. 164. MHL.
Hess, Mahlon M. The pilgrimage of faith of Tanzania Mennonite Church, 1934-83. Musoma; Salunga, Pa.: Eastern Menn. Bd. of Missions & Charities, 1985. Pp. 176. EMC.
Hofer, Joshua. Japanese Hutterites: a visit to Owa Community. Elie; Altona, Man.: Author, 1985. Pp. 112. EMC.
Hogan, Jan. Gladdys makes peace. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1985. Pp. 24. MLA.
Hoover, Mary Edna. Directory of the members and their families who attend the Weaverland Conference Mennonite churches . . . Reinholds, Pa.: Hoover, 1985. Pp. 598. MLA, EMC.
Hostetler, Marian. God's messengers (leader's manual). Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 56. MHL.
Hostetler, Marian. Mystery at the mall. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 86. MHL.
Houser hunters directory: descendants of Charles Franklin Houser & Fannie Jane Murphy with memorable dates. S. l.: E. A. Houser, Jr.,1985. Pp. 17. MHL.
Human sexuality in the Christian life: some options for organizing your study. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press; Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 12. EMC.
Hurley, Lucius M. Newton, Kansas, a railroad town: history, facilities and operations, 1871-1971. North Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Press, 1985. Pp. 184. MLA.
Hutterian Brethren, Woodcrest Bruderhof. Youth movement to Bruderhof: letters and diaries of Annemarie Arnold nee Waechter 1926-1932. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1986. Pp. 234. MHL, MLA.
Hutterite roots. Freeman, S.D.: Pine Hill Press, 1985. Pp. 127. MHL.
Janzen, Rod A. Terry Miller: the pacifist politician from Hutterite colony to state capitol. Freeman, S.D.: Pine Hill Press/Rod A. Janzen, 1986. Pp. 141. EMC, MLA.
Johnson, Geraldine Niva. Weaving rag rugs: a women's craft in western Maryland. Knoxville, Tenn.: University of Tennessee Press, 1985. Pp. 180. EMC.
Kaufman, Gordon. Theology for a nuclear age. Philadelphia, Pa.: Westminster Press, 1985. Pp. 65. MLA, EMC.
King, Mike. The Mike King story. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1985. Pp. 176. MLA, EMC.
Konrad, Anne. The blue jar. Winnipeg, Man.: Queenston House Publishing Co., 1985. Pp. 225. EMC, MLA.
Koontz, Gayle Gerber. Confessional theology in a pluralistic context: a study of the theological ethics of H. Richard Niebuhr and John H. Yoder. Ph.D. Thesis-Boston University, 1985. Pp. 328. MLA.
Kroeker, Evangeline. The English translation of "The watchful eye of God" by Johann Toews. Clovis, Calif.: Evangeline Kroeker, 1985. FRESNO.
Kyle, Richard G. From sect to denomination: church types and their implications for Mennonite Brethren history. Hillsboro, Kan.: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1985. Pp. 181. MHL, FRESNO.
Lacey, Paul A. Leading and being led. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 264). Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1985. Pp. 36. MHL, MLA.
Leadership handbook: handbook of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches of North America. Winnipeg, Man.: Kindred Press, 1985. FRESNO.
Lehman, Elsie E. God's wisdom and power: 5. activity book. (Story Bible series; 5). Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 73. MLA, MHL.
Lehman, Glenn M. Zamma kumma: a history of the Conservative Mennonite Conference: a historical drama in three scenes. Grantsville, Md.: CMC Historical Committee, 1985. Pp. 43. EMC.
Lenski, Lois. Sing for peace. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 13. MHL.
Lesher, Emerson L. The muppie manual: the Mennonite urban professional's handbook for humility and success . . . Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1985. Pp. 94. MLA, EMC.
Loewen, Abram J. Schicksalswege 1929/1930: vier Gedichte geschrieben im Jahre 1930 im Fluechtlingslager. Clearbrook, B.C.: Author, 1985. Pp. 27. EMC, MLA.
Loewen, Harry. Visions and realities: essays, poems, and fiction dealing with Mennonite issues. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press, 1985. Pp. 260. EMC.
Loewen, Howard J. One Lord, one church, one hope, and one God: Mennonite confessions of faith. Elkhart, Ind.: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1985. Pp. 369. EMC, MLA.
Luthy, David. The Amish in America: settlements that failed, 1840-1960. Aylmer, Ont.; LaGrange, Ind.: Pathway Publishers, 1986. Pp. 555. EMC, MLA.
MacDonald, Helen Lay. Christian Bauman/Bowman of Shenandoah County, Virginia. Hayden Lake, Idaho: Author, 1985. Pp. 31. EMC.
MacLeish, A. Bruce. The care of antiques and historical collections. Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State & Local History, 1985. Pp. 248. MLA.
MacMaster, Eve. God comforts his people. (Story Bible series; 7). Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 181. MLA, MHL.
MacMaster, Richard K. Land, piety, peoplehood: the establishment of Mennonite communities in America 1683-1790. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 343. MLA, MHL.
Martin, Raymond S. Bishop Jonas H. Martin: his life and genealogy. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1985. Pp. 269. EMC, MLA.
Martin, Titus. 128 original poems 1930-1985. Bird-in-Hand, Pa.: author, 1985. Pp. 148. EMC.
McGrath, William R. The origin, decline and fall of humanism: a study guide . . . Minerva, Ohio: A-M Publications, 1985. Pp. 64. EMC.
Menno Simons art prints (done by artists Gleysteen, Graber, Johnson & Stamm). Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1985. MHL.
Mennonite Central Committee. Resource catalog: a listing of audiovisual and printed materials available from Mennonite Central Committee, 1985-1986. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1985. Pp. 32. MLA, EMC.
Mennonite yearbook 1985. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1985. Pp. 236. MLA.
Messenger of Truth, January 1908 to February 1910. Rosenort, Man.: Prairie View Press, 1985. Various paging. EMC.
Miller, Ivan J. History of the Conservative Mennonite Conference, 1910-1985. Grantsville, Md.: author, 1985. Pp. 365. EMC.
Miller, Ruth Yoder. The story of Charles D. and Susanna Heatwole Yoder. S. l.: The Authors, 1985. Pp. 38. MLA.
Moore, Ruth Nulton. Mystery of the secret code. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 123. MHL.
Morrison, Mary C. The way of the cross: the gospel record. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 260). Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill Pub., 1985. Pp. 23. MHL.
Mueller, Adam Theodore. The Jacob David Hiebert genealogy. Halstead, Kan.: Mueller, 1985. Pp. 64. MLA.
Myers, William A. Replacing the warrior: cultural ideals and militarism. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 263). Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1985. Pp. 31. MLA, MHL.
Nead, Peter. Theological writings on various subjects: or a vindication of primitive Christianity as recorded in the Word of God. Poland, Ohio: Dunker Reprints, 1985. Pp. 468. MHL.
Newspapers on microfilm [microfiche]. Topeka, Kan.: Kansas State Historical Society, 1985. 35 microfiche. MLA.
Passenger and immigration lists index: 1984 supplement. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Co., 1985. Pp. 616. MLA.
Peifer, Jane Hoober. Good thoughts about me. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 24. MLA, MHL.
Peifer, Jane Hoober. Good thoughts about people. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 24. MLA, MHL.
Peifer, Jane Hoober. Good thoughts at bedtime. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 24. MLA, MHL.
Pellman, Rachel T. Amish crib quilts. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1985. Pp. 96. MLA, EMC.
Pellman, Rachel T. Small Amish quilt patterns. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1985. Pp. 128. MLA, EMC.
Piper, John F. American churches in World War I. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1985. Pp. 230. MLA.
Plett, Delbert F. The golden years: the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Russia (1812-1849). Steinbach, Man.: D. F. P. Publications, 1985. Pp. 355. EMC, MHL, MLA.
Prevallet, Elaine M. Interconnections. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 261). Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill Publications, 1985. Pp. 32. MLA, MHL.
Redekop, Ben. Mennonite peace identity through three wars: 1914-1975. Senior History Project, Fresno Pacific College, 1985. FRESNO.
Regier, Sylvia. Abraham and Johanna Funk family album: 1985. Laird, Sask.: Regier,1985. Pp. 227. MLA.
Renno, John R. A brief history of the Amish divisions in Lancaster County, Jan., 1985. Danville, Pa.: author, 1985. Pp. 16. EMC.
Resource listing of Mennonite and Brethren in Christ women. Akron, Pa.: MCC Committee on Women's Concerns, 1985. Pp. 66. EMC.
Resources on world hunger, responsible living and other global issues (an annotated bibliography). Akron, Pa.: MCC, Development Education Office, 1985. Pp. 14. EMC.
Ruth, John L. A quiet and peaceable life. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1985. Pp. 96. EMC, MLA.
Schartner, Sieghard. "Licht den Indianern" 1935-1985. Fernheim, Paraguay: D.d.I. Missionsbuero, 1985. Pp. 13. EMC, MLA.
Schlesier, Karl H. Die Woelfe des Himmels = (Nanehov meohotoxc), Welterfahrung der Cheyenne (Tsistsistas). Koln: Eugen Diederich, 1985. Pp. 259. MLA.
Schmidt, Elsie Duerksen. Jacob & Helena (Schroeder) Schmidt, 1823-1985. Hillsboro, Kan.: Schmidt, 1985. Pp. 123. MLA.
Schmidt, Wilma L. Family register of Tobias D. & Helena (Unruh) Schmidt. Saskatoon, Sask.: Mister Print Productions, 1985. Pp. 92. MLA.
Schroeder, Andreas. Toccato in "D". Lantzville, B.C.: Oolichan Books, 1985. Pp. 57. MHL.
Schroeder, David. Faith refined by fire: First Peter. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1985. Pp. 143. MLA.
Shank, J. Ward. Toward a spiritual awakening: a series of selected messages delivered at Basic Biblical Beliefs Conferences 1981-84. Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 1985. Pp. 162. EMC.
Shank, Thomas L. Schenck-Shenk-Shank: history of the descendants of Andreas Schenck in America. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1985. Pp. 402. EMC.
Shanks, J. Arthur. The Shanks family from Pequea Creek. Providence; Ken.: author, 1985. Pp. 89. EMC.
Shenk, Barbara Keener. The God of Sarah, Rebekah, & Rachel. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 130. MLA, MHL.
Shenk, Sara Wenger. And then there were three: an ode to parenthood. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 219. MHL, MLA.
Sider, E. Morris. Holiness unto the Lord: the story of Roxbury Holiness Camp. Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press, 1985. Pp. 137. MHL.
Siemens, Nicolai K. Heartcries and blessings: the reflections of a Russian-born servant of God. S. l.: N. K. Siemens, 1985. FRESNO.
Sing alleluia. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Board of Christian Literature, General Conf. of the Menn. Brethren Churches of North America, 1985. Unpaged. EMC, FRESNO.
Sing of the shepherd: a collection of hymns and compositions inspired by the shepherd psalm and related scriptures. Waynesboro, Pa.?: Ray Eby family?, 1985. Unpaged. EMC, MHL.
Skarsten, Trygve R. The Scandinavian reformation: a bibliographical guide. St. Louis, Mo.: Center for Reformation Research, 1985. Pp. 130. EMC.
Soderlund, Jean R. Quakers & slavery: a divided spirit. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1985. Pp. 220. MLA.
Sources of Swiss Anabaptism: the Grebel letters and related documents. (Classics of the Radical Reformation; 4). Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 815. MLA, MHL.
Stoesz, Dennis. The story of Home Street Mennonite Church: 1957-1982. Winnipeg, Man.: Home Street Mennonite Church, 1985. Pp. l l l . MLA, MHL.
Stoll, Joseph. A handbook for vegetable growers. Aylmer, Ont.: s.n., 1985. Pp. 96. MHL.
Stucky, Tim. Reno County: the early years. Pretty Prairie, Kan.: Prairie Publications, 1985. Pp. 85. MLA.
Stutzman, Ervin R. Being God's people: studies for Christian growth. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 47. MHL.
Stuurman, F. J. Het geslacht Stuurman van Blokzijl (Overijssel). Almelo: Stuurman family, 1985. Pp. 49. EMC.
Swartzentruber, Jon. Pennsylvania patchwork: a homemade sort of comedy in two acts. Lansdale, Pa.: author, 1985. Pp. 45. EMC.
Swayne, Kingdon W. Stewardship of wealth. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 259). Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill Publications, 1985. Pp. 29. MHL.
Talstra, Frans. Muzikale uitingen in de vermaningen der Doopsgezinden to Huizinge, Middelstum en Westeremden. Middelstum: Doopsgezinde Gemeente Middelstum,1985. Various paging. EMC.
Taylor, Sharon. The complete registry of the Yoders in America. Bath, Ohio: Halbert's Inc., 1985. Pp. 65. MHL.
Theologie in de Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam; bijdragen . . . bij het afscheid van Dr. Simon L. Verheus. Amsterdam: Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam, 1985. Pp. 200. EMC, MLA.
Thiessen, Dick. Beyond those mountains: in search of freedom. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Kindred Press, 1985. Pp. 149. EMC, FRESNO.
Thomas, D. R. Good news for the world. (Alex Wood Memorial Lecture, 1985). Surrey: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1985. Pp. 21. MLA.
Toews, J. B. Mennonite Brethren Church membership profile. Fresno, Calif.: Direction 14:2, 1985. Pp. 89. EMC.
Tomlonson, Judy Schroeder. Mennonite quilts and pieces. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1985. Pp. 96. MLA, EMC, MHL.
Treasures of time: the rural municipality of Cartier, 1914-1984. Manitoba: R.M. of Cartier, 1985. Pp. 858. MHL.
Ulrich, Raymond N. John Burkhart family history, 1747-1985. Denver, Pa.: R. N. Ulrich, 1985. Pp. 565. EMC.
Umbreit, Mark. Crime and reconciliation: creative options for victims and offenders. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1985. Pp. 141. MLA.
Understanding numbers grade 6. (Mathematics for Christian Living Series). Crockett, Ken.: Rod & Staff Publishers, 1985. Pp. 487. MHL.
Van der Puy, Abe C. Like a mighty army: the church enlisted. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible, 1985. Pp. 160. MHL.
Vernon, Louise A. William Tyndale: Bible smuggler. Hants: Pickering & Inglis, 1985. Pp. 130. MHL.
Voolstra, S. Vrij en volkomen: rechtvaardiging en heiliging in dopers perspectief. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1985. Pp. 22. EMC.
Vries, Theun de. Vliegende vissen: korte gedichten. Wijhe: s.n., 1985. Pp. 11. MHL.
Warner, Miriam. Mennonite Brethren: the maintenance of continuity in a religious ethnic group. Ph.D. dissertation-University of California, Berkeley, 1985. FRESNO.
Waybill, Marjorie. God's justice: 6. activity book. (Story Bible series; 6). Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 79. MLA, MHL.
Weaver, Robert K. Indices & supplement to Who was Henry Weaver (1732-1807) . . . St. Augustine, Fla.: author, 1985. Pp. 84. EMC.
Wenger, John Christian. History of the Mennonites of the Franconia Conference. S. l.: Publication Board, Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church, 1985. Pp. 523. EMC.
Wenger, John Christian. The Yellow Creek Mennonites: the original Mennonite congregations of western Elkhart County. Goshen, Ind.: Yellow Creek Congregation, 1985. Pp. 275. EMC, MHL.
Wenger, Katie E. My ancestry. Linville, Va.: author, 1985. Pp. 48. EMC.
Widmer, Pierre, et al. Actualite des valeurs Anabaptistes. Montbeliard: Christ Seul,1985. Pp. 105. EMC, MHL.
WMSC Group, Mathias Mennonite Church. Recipes. Mathias, W.V.: WMSC Group, Mathias Mennonite Church, 1985. Pp. 112. EMC.
Workbook: Mennonite Church General Assembly. Lombard, Ill.: Mennonite Church General Assembly, 1985. Pp. 149. MHL.
Worship resources for disability awareness. Winnipeg, Man.: MCC (Canada), 1986. Pp. 16. MHL.
The WPA guide to Minnesota. St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Society, 1985. Pp. 539. MLA.
Yoder, Edward. Edward: pilgrimage of a mind: the journal of Edward Yoder, 1931-1945. Wadsworth, Ohio: Ida Yoder; Irwin, Pa.: Virgil E. Yoder, 1985. Pp. 482. MLA, EMC, MHL.
Yoder, J. Otis. Biblical inerrancy and reliability. Harrisonburg, Va.: Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, 1985. Pp. 44. EMC.
Yoder, Jean. Unto the hills. Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1985. Pp. 182. EMC, MHL.
Yoder, John Howard. He came preaching peace. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. Pp. 143. MLA, MHL.
Zacharias, Peter D. Footprints of a pilgrim people: story of the Blumenort Mennonite Church. Gretna, Man.: Blumenort Mennonite Church, 1985. Pp. 291. MHL.
Zehr, Vernon. Cassel Mennonite Church, 1935-1985. Tavistock, Ont.: Congregation, 1985. Pp. 40. EMC.
Zimmerman, Gary J. German immigrants: lists of passengers bound from Bremen to New York,1847-1854, with places of origin. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985. Pp. 175. MLA.
80 years of political art in the U. S. (War Resisters League calendar; 1980). New York, N.Y.: War Resisters League, 1980. Pp. 128. MLA.
1484-1984 Zwingli and die Zuercher Reformation. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 1984. Pp. 96. MLA.
1984 directory of the Beachy Fellowship Churches. Sugarcreek, Ohio: Beachy Fellowship Churches, 1984. Pp. 112. EMC.
A-B-C. Gordonville, Pa.: Print Shop, 1984. Pp. 48. EMC.
Aanmerkingen op het vers van Petrus Hofstede, genaamd de waarheid in Friesland tegen de aanslagen der kettery verdedigt. Harlingen: s. n., 1742?. Pp. 22. MHL.
Acid rain resource packet. Akron, Pa.: MCC, n.d. MHL.
Adeney, Bernard Temple. A critical assessment of just war theory and political realism as methods for evaluating modern war. Ph.D. Thesis-Graduate Theological Union. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms Internat.,1983. Pp. 286. MLA.
Alcorn, Gay Day. Tough country: the history of the Saratoga and Encampment Valley 1825-1895. Saratoga, Wyom.: Legacy Press, 1984. Pp. 223. MHL.
Alderfer, Owen H. The mind of the Brethren in Christ: d synthesis of revivalism and the church conceived as total community. Ph.D. ThesisClaremont University, 1963. Pp. 325. MLA.
Aldrich, Lewis Cass. History of Henry & Fulton Counties Ohio: with illustrations & biographical sketches . . . Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & Co., 1888. Pp. 713. MHL.
All the maiden ladies of Lancaster County Penna. to the year of 1984. Gordonville, Pa.: s. n., 1984. Pp. 24. MHL.
Die allgemeine Weltgeschichte: each biblischen Grundsaetzen bearbeitet fuer nachdenksame Leser. Stuttgart: J.F. Steinkopf,1861. Pp. 362. MLA.
Altena, I. Q. van Regteren, et al. Wybrand Hendriks 1744-1831. Haarlem: Teylers Museum, 1972. Pp. 120. MHL.
Altschul, Charles. German militarism and its German critics. Washington, D.C.: Committee on Public Information, 1918. Pp. 45. MLA.
Amer. Assn. of School Administrators. Air-age Education Comm. The waging of peace: a program for the air age. Washington, D.C.: The Association, 1944. Pp. 48. MLA.
Amer. Friends Service Committee. United States and the Soviet Union: some Quaker proposals for peace. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1950. Pp. 39. MLA.
Amer. Hist. Assn. Committee for the Study of War Documents. Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, Va. Washington, D.C.: National Archives, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, 1958-80. MLA.
Amer. Leprosy Missions (New York, N.Y.). Ministry of the Mennonite churches to the victims of leprosy. New York, N.Y.: American Leprosy Missions, Inc., 195-. Pp. 8. MLA.
Amer. Library Association. Filing Committee. ALA filing rules. Chicago. Ill.: American Library Association, 1980. Pp. 50. MLA.
Amish cooking. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1981. Pp. 318. MHL.
Anderson, Edwin Raymond. A spiritual defense program. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1942. Pp. 30. MLA.
Andrews, Willy. Deutschland vor der Reformation, eine Zeitenwende. Stuttgart/Berlin: s.n., 1943. Pp. 686. MHL.
De archieven in het Algemeen Rijksarchief. Alphen wan den Rijn: Samson, 1982. Pp. 559. MLA.
Arnaud, Henri. Die Rueckkehr der Waldenser. Stuttgart: J. F. Steinkopf,1876. Pp. 92. MLA.
Arnold, Eberhard. Inner land: a guide into the heart and soul of the Bible. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1976. Pp. 570. MLA.
Arnold, Eberhard. Lebensbeweise lebendiger Gemeinden: die Liebe zu Christus and die Liebe zu den Bruedern. Rifton, N. Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1973. Pp. 29. MLA.
Arnold, Heini. Gemeinsames Leben: ein Weg zu wahrer Bruederlichkeit. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1977. Pp. 30. MLA.
Arnold, Heini. Living in community. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1983. Pp. 18. MLA.
An art of Amish cooking. Westphalia, Kan.: s.n., 1984. Pp. 150. MHL.
Arthur, William. Der glueckliche Kaufmann. Cincinnati, Ohio: Swormstedt & Poe, 1857. Pp. 495. MLA.
As long as the rivers shall f low--. (War Resisters League calendar; 1974). New York, N.Y.: War Resisters League, 1974. 1 vol. MLA.
Aufruhr and Empoerung?: Studien zum baeuerlichen Widerstand im Alten Reich. Muenchen: C. H. Beck, 1980. Pp. 320. MLA.
Augsburger, David W. The control and management of hostility in a nonviolent-nonresistant community. Claremont, Calif.: s.n., 1974. Pp. 215. MHL.
Die augsburgische Confession . . . = Confessio fides. Guetersloh: C. Bertelsmann, 18--. Pp. 38. MLA.
Augustijn, C. Erasmus en de Reformatie: een onderzoek naar de hooding die Erasmus ten opzichte van de Reformatie heeft aangenomen. Amsterdam: H. J. Paris, 1962. Pp. 323. MHL.
Autoatlas: Deutsche Demokratische Republik mit Bulgarien CSSR Polen Rumaenien UdSSR Ungarn. Berlin; Leipzig: VEB Tourist Verlag, 1983. Pp. 276. MHL.
Axling, William. This is Japan. New York: Friendship Press, 1957. Pp. 24. MLA.
Bachmann, Arnold. Galiziens Mennoniten im Wandel der Zeiten: ihre Geschichte and ihre Familien. Backnang: Arbeitskreis fuer Familienforschung, 1984. Pp. 620. MHL, EMC, FRESNO.
Bader, Robert Smith. The great Kansas bond scandal. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1982. Pp. 392. MLA.
Badley, Brenton Thoburn. Is there room for the missionary in India? Bombay: Claridge & Co., 1926. Pp. 39. MLA.
Baechtold, Hans Ulrich. Heinrich Bullinger vor dem Rat: zur Gestaltung and Verwaltung des Zuercher Staatswesens in den Jahren 1531 bis 1575. (Zuercher Beitraege zur Reformationsgeschichte; 12). Bern: Peter Lang, 1982. Pp. 372. MLA, MHL.
Baer, Mervin J. A time to plant [5th reader]. Crockett, Ken.: Rod & Staff, 1982. Pp. 264. EMC.
Bainton, Roland Herbert. The church of our fathers. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1954. Pp. 222. MLA.
Bakels, Floris B. Nacht and nebel: mijn verhaal list Duitse gevangenissen en concentratiekampen. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1982. Pp. 348. MHL.
Bakels, H. Leekeboek over godsdienst, een geloovigkettersch boek. Amsterdam: de Vrij Religieuse Tempel, 1924. Pp. 227. MHL.
Bakhuizen van den Brink, J. N. De Nederlandsche belijdenisgeschriften: vergelijkende teksten. Amsterdam: s.n., 1940. Pp. 287. MHL.
Baldwin, Hanson Weightman. Conscription for peacetime? New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. Pp. 12. MLA.
Baldwin, Roger. Wandering through Milford Township: a glimpse at its past and present. Spinnerstown, Pa.: s.n.,1984. Pp. 224. MHL.
Bamforth, Charles Lee. When I was hungry: the church's response to world hunger. D.Min. Thesis-School of Theology at Claremont, 1980. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1984. Pp. 115. MLA.
Barth, Karl. Weihnacht. Muenchen: Chr. Kaiser, 1934. Pp. 72. MLA.
Barton County Genealogical Society. Barton County cemeteries. Great Bend, Kan.: The Society, 1983-1984. Vol. 1-3. MLA.
Baum, Johann Wilhelm. Capito and Butter: Strassburgs Reformatoren. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1967. Pp. 611. MLA.
Bauman, Wes, et al. Country kitchen cookbook. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, n.d. Pp. 288. MHL.
Be thou my vision. (Art Janzen sings sacred music in German & English). Recording (LP album). MLA.
Becker, Nancy. Celebrating differences, leader's guide. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1984. Pp. 72. MHL.
Becker, Palmer. Creative family worship. (Worship series; 15). Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1984. Pp. 57. MLA.
Beets, Pieter. Uff Predikatien over gewigtige stoffen. Hoorn: T. Tjallingius, 1778-79. 2 vol. MHL.
Begraebnis Lieder, eine Sammlung . . . Hawley, Minn.: Spring Prairie Printing, 1984. Pp. 198. EMC.
Being brothers and sisters: stories of personal need in the church. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1984. Pp. 115. MLA, MHL.
Bender, D. H. Conference record containing the proceedings of the Kansas-Nebraska Mennonite Conference 1876-1914. United States: s.n., 1914. Pp. 207. MLA.
Bender, Harold S. Menno Simons' life and writings: a quadricentennial tribute 1536-1936. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House. 1983. Pp. 110. MHL.
Benjamin, Steven M. Papers from the third Conference on German-Americana in the Eastern United States. Radford, Va.: Radford University, 1982. Pp. 193. MHL.
Benner, Dick. Behind the scenes: a collection of weekly columns by Dick Benner . . . 1973-84. Everett, Pa.: Richmar Publications, 1984. Pp. 92. EMC.
Bentley, Jerry H. Humanists and holy writ: New Testament scholarship in the Renaissance. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1983. Pp. 245. MHL.
Bentz, Edna M. If I can, you can decipher Germanic records. San Diego, Calif.?: E. M. Bentz, 1982. Pp. 78. MLA.
Bericht ueber die Mennonitische Welt-HilfsKonferenz: vom 31. August bis 3. September 1930 in Danzig. Karlsruhe: Heinrich Schneider, 1930?. Pp. 192. MLA.
Berkhof, Hendrikus. Christ and the powers. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1962. Pp. 62. MLA.
Berkouwer, G. C. Karl Barth en de kinderdoop. Kampen: J. H. Kok N.V., 1947. Pp. 168. MHL.
Berneker, Erich. Russische Grammatik. Leipzig: G. J. Goeschen, 1897. Pp. 174. MLA.
Berry, Wendell. The gift of good land: further essays cultural and agricultural. San Francisco, Calif.: North Point Press, 1981. Pp. 281. MHL.
Berry, Wendell. The unsettling of America: culture & agriculture. San Francisco, Calif.: Sierra Club Books, 1977. Pp. 228. MHL.
Bethany Mennonite Church (Watrous, Sask.). Through 50 years at Bethany Mennonite Church: 1932-1982. Watrous, Sask.: The Church, 1982. Pp. 88. MLA.
Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.). Building for a second century: Bethel College, 1887-1987. North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1984. Pp. 20. MLA.
Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.). Institutional self-study. North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1978. Pp. 194. MLA.
Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.). Department of Education. Institutional self study of the Teacher Education Program. North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1984. Pp. 150. MLA.
Biblia sacrosancta testaments veteris & novi, e sacra hebraeorum lingua Graecorumque fontibus, consultis simul . . . Tiguri (Zurich): Chr. Froschauer, 1544. Pp. 367. MHL.
Bibliography of American hymnals. Ft. George Station, N.Y.: Univ. Music Editions, 1983. MHL.
Biblische Zahlen- and Namen-Konkordanz. Wuppertal-Elberfeld: R. Brockhaus,1937. Pp. 223. MLA.
Biblisches Handwoerterbuch illustriert. Calw; Stuttgart: Verlag der Vereinsbuchhandlung, 1893. Pp. 992. MLA.
Bierens de Haan, J. A. De Hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen 1752-1952. Haarlem: s.n., 1952-70. 2 vol. MHL.
Het Bijbel in zes Nederlandse vertalingen. The Hague: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum B.V., 1979-80. 4 vol. MHL.
Bijbelrooster. Aerdenhout: s.n., 1932. MHL.
Binnerts, A. De kerk in omen tijd in Nederland. Amsterdam: s.n., 1930. Pp. 156. MHL.
Biographical review containing life sketches of leading citizens of Somerset and Bedford Counties, Pennsylvania. Boston, Mass.: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1982. Pp. 345. MHL.
Blanke, Johannes. Gott sei mit dir!: christliche Dichtungen als Begleiter auf dem Lebenswege. Konstanz; Emmishofen: Carl Hirsch, 190-?. Pp. 192. MLA.
Buckle, Peter. Religion, politics and social protest: three studies on early modern Germany. London; Boston, Mass.: George Allen & Unwin, 1984. Pp. 98. MHL.
Bock, Helmut. Unter dem Regenbogen: historische Portraets zur deutschen fruehbuergerlichen Revolution. Koln: Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag, 1978. Pp. 255. MHL.
Boehn, Max von. Die Mode: Menschen and Moden . . . Muenchen: Bei F. Bruckmann A.G., 1923-25. 5 vol. MHL.
Boekenoogen, G. J. Die evangelien vanden spinrocke metter glosen bescreuen ter eeren vanden vrouwen. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1910. MHL.
Boer, M. de. Wie ist toch deze? Amsterdam: s. n., 1956. Pp. 19. MHL.
Boetje, H. Dagon voor jahre gevallen. Amsterdam: s.n., n.d. Pp. 11. MHL.
Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich von. Biblisches Gebetbuch: auf alle Morgen and Abend des ganzen Jahrs. Reutlingen: bei Johann Friedrich Schrabin, 1833. Pp. 736. MLA.
Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich von. Gueldenes SchatzKaestlein der Kinder Gottes, deren Schatz im Himmel ist. Halle: Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1869. 2 vol. in one. MLA.
Bogehold, Jensen & LeFebvre Consultants. Springvale Hutterian Brethren: a report concerning spending habits of a typical colony of Hutterites as compared to those . . . Calgary, Alta.: Bogehold, Jensen & LeFebvre Consultants, 1960. Pp. 20. MHL.
Bohm, H. Unsere Kinder in Haus and Schule: Blicke in die Praxis der Kinder-Erziehung. Berlin: L. Dehmigke (R. Appelius),1884. Pp. 110. MLA.
Bondurant, Joan Valerie. Conquest of violence. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1965. Pp. 271. MLA.
Bontrager, Martha. Busy bees. Shipshewana, Ind.: Author, 1984. Pp. 125. EMC.
Border, Ronald J. The Bible vs. divorce/remarriage. Minerva, Ohio: Amish-Mennonite Publications, 1982. Pp. 21. EMC.
Border, Ronald J. Heaven or Washington?: guidelines for Christian citizenship. Minerva, Ohio: A-M Publications, 1982. Pp. 17. EMC.
Bosboom-Toussaint, A. L. G. Historische novellen. Haarlem: A. C. Kruseman,1857. Pp. 284. MHL.
Bourdeaux, Michael. Religious minorities in the Soviet Union: a report. London: Minority Rights Group, 1984. Pp. 24. MLA.
Braekman, E. M. Guy de Bres, pages choisies. Brussels: s.n., 1967. Pp. 72. MHL.
Brand, Miller. De dag grenst aan de nacht . . . Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 1938. Pp. 228. MHL.
Brandt, Geeraerdt. Daghwyzer der geschiedenissen. Amsterdam: Aart Dirksz Ooszaan, 1689. Pp. 692. MHL.
Brandt, Karl. Is there still a chance for Germany?: America's responsibility. (Human affairs pamphlets; 30). Hinsdale, Ill.: H. Regnery Co., 1948. Pp. 46. MLA.
Brednich, Rolf Wilh. Die Liedpublizistik im Flugblatt des 15. bis 17. Jahrhunderts. (Bibliotheca Bibliographica Aureliana). BadenBaden: Valentin Koerner, 1975. 2 vol. MHL.
Brenneman, Helen Good. To the new mother. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1969. Pp. 16. MHL.
Brenneman, Johannes M. Hoffart and Demut einander gegenueber gestellt. Baltic, Ohio: Raber's Book Store, 1984. Pp. 93. EMC.
Brenneman, Virgil J. Mennonite students and student fellowships at universities and non-Mennonite colleges. S. l.: Study Commission on Mennonite Secondary & Higher Education, 1963. Pp. 106. MLA.
The Brethren encyclopedia, vol. 3: lists, maps. Philadelphia, Pa.; Oak Brook, Ill.: Brethren Encyclopedia, 1984. Pp. 2126. EMC.
British Museum. Department of Printed Books. Short-title catalogue of books printed in the German-speaking countries & German books printed in other countries: from 1455 to 1600 now in the British Museum. London: British Museum, 1962. Pp. 1224. MLA.
British Museum. Department of Printed Books. Short-title catalogue of books printed in the Netherlands and Belgium and of Dutch and Flemish books printed in other countries: from 1470 to 1600. . . London: British Museum, 1965. Pp. 274. MLA.
Brittingham, Janet R. 1910 census index of Bucks County, PA. Jamison, Pa.: author, 1984. Pp. 260. MHL.
Brockmann-Jerosch, H. Schweizer Volksleben, Sitten, Braeuche, Wohnstaetten. Zurich: s. n., 1929-31. 2 vol. MHL.
Brockway, Fenner. The C. O. and the community. Temple: Fellowship of Conscientious Objectors, 1942?. Pp. 9. MLA.
Brockway, Thomas Parmelee. A peace that pays. (Headline series; 48). New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1944. Pp. 96. MLA.
Broer, A. L. Giethoorn: dorp tussen de wieden. Wogmeer: s. n., 1980. Pp. 123. MHL.
Broer, A. L. Overijssels Noordwesthoek: land van oude steden en wijde wieden. Zaltbommel: s. n., 1984. Pp. 192. MHL.
Broer, A. L. Het toneel door de eeuwen. Katwijk aan Zee: s. n., 1980. Pp. 155. MHL.
Brooks, Arle. We the offenders. Philadelphia, Pa.: Social-Industrial Section of the American Friends Service Committee, 1947?. Pp. 28. MLA.
Brubaker, Allen G. 80 years learning to walk with God: an autobiography. Shippensburg, Pa.: Beidel Printing House/Author, 1983. Pp. 201. EMC.
The Bruderhof.. a Christian community. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1984. Pp. 14. MLA.
Bruggencate, Karel ten. Engels woordenboek. Groningen: J. B. Wolters, 1951. Pp. 1074. MLA.
Bruin, C. C. de. De hervorming en die Bijbel: een verhaal van lijden, strijd en zegepraal. 'sGravenhage: Zwijger-Stichting, 1949. Pp. 52. MHL.
Brunk, George Rowland. The concept of the resurrection according to the Emmaus account in Luke's Gospel. Th. D. dissertation-Union Theological Seminary, 1975. Pp. 460. MHL.
Bullinger, Heinrich. Briefwechsel. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 1973-1983. Vol. 1-3. MLA.
Bunyan, John. De heilige oorlog. Utrecht: Joh. de Liefde, 1850. Pp. 279. MHL.
Bunyan, John. Pilgerreise nach der seligen Ewigkeit: nebst der Lebensgeschichte des Verfassers. Emmishofen: Evangelische Buchhandlung, Carl Hirsch & Johannes Blanke, 190-?. Pp. 356. MLA.
Burger, C. G. Praktischer Hausarzt: oder gemeinverstaendliche Anleitung . . . Reutlingen: Fleischhauer and Spohn, 1864. Pp. 239. MLA.
Burkhardt, H. Predigt-Entwuerfe ueber freie Texte von verschiedenen Predigern. Bremen: Buchhandlung and Verlag des Traktathauses, 188-. Pp. 388. MLA.
Burkhardt, Helmut. Einfacher Lebensstilen neuer Massstab?: Thesen zu Evangelisation and sozialer Gerechtigkeit. Wuppertal: Aussaat Verlag, 1981. Pp. 86. MHL.
Burkholder, Marion D. Eighty-five years under God's blessings: life history of Marion D. Burkholder. Harrisonburg, Va.: Author, 1984. Pp. 60. EMC.
Caldwell, Erskine. De strop voor Sonny Clark. Amsterdam: Republiek der Letteren, 1948. Pp. 219. MHL.
Calhoun, Donald W. Conscription and the four freedoms. New York: Plowshare Press, 194-. Pp. 10. MLA.
Calvin, Jean. Johannes Calvins Lebenswerk in seinen Briefen. Neukirchen Kreis Moers: Neukirchener Verlag, 1961-1962. 3 vol. MLA.
Cameron, Euan. The reformation of the heretics: the Waldenses of the Alps, 1480-1580. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984. Pp. 291. MLA, MHL.
Cargill Thompson, W. D. J: The political thought of Martin Luther. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble, 1984. Pp. 187. MLA.
The catechism, or, Simple instruction from the sacred scriptures: as taught by the Mennonite Church. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1917. Pp. 31. MLA.
Celebrating 25 years: a history of First Mennonite Church, Edmonton, Alberta 1984. Edmonton, Alta.: First Mennonite Church, 1984. Pp. 104. MHL.
Census descriptions of geographic subdivisions and enumeration districts. Washington, D.C.: National Archives Microfilm Publications, 1910. Vol. 12-14. MLA.
Central Board for Conscientious Objectors. The C. O. and the National Service Acts: a guide for men and women conscientious objectors and their advisors. London: Central Board for Conscientious Objectors, 1942. Pp. 31. MLA.
Central Board for Conscientious Objectors. Courtmartial guide and friend. London: The Board, 1940. Pp. 15. MLA.
Chase, Stuart. National Training Laboratories: the story of the Bethel idea. Washington, D.C.: National Training Laboratories, 1957. Pp. 18. MLA.
Children in community sing together: sung by children . . . of Society of Brothers at Children's Conference . . . (Recording). Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing Co., 1973. MHL.
Christen im Streit um den Frieden: Beitraege zu einer neuen Friedensethik: Positionen and Dokumente. Freiburg: Dreisam-Verlag, 1982. Pp. 380. MLA.
The Christian hymnary: books 1-4. Sarasota, Fla.: The Christian Hymnary Publishers, 1972. Pp. 926. MHL.
The Christian in Business Conference (1955: Hillsboro, Kan.). The Christian in business. Newton, Kan.: The Conference, 1955. Pp. 80. MLA.
Christliche Lehre, zunaechst zum Gebrauch der Taufgesinnten in Deutschland. Crefeld: J. H. Funcke, 1836. Pp. 48. MLA.
Christliches Vergissmeinnicht. Frankfurt a. M.: Morstatt, Schrodt & Co., 189-?. Pp. 384. MLA.
Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. A statement of the Christian doctrine: of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Moundridge, Kan.: A. L. Yost, 192-. MLA.
Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. A statement of the Christian doctrine: of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Moundridge, Kan.; Steinbach, Man.: Church of God in Christ (Mennonite), Free Tract and Bible Societies, 195-. MLA.
Church of the Brethren. Bible teachings on peace: studies for children, youth, and adults. Elgin, Ill.: Church of the Brethren General Offices, 1959. Pp. 95. MLA.
Church of the Brethren. Christian Education Commission. Youth and Christian citizenship. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Pub. House, 195-?. Pp. 58. MLA.
Cipolla, C. M., et al. Sechzehntes and siebzehntes Jahrhundert. (Europaeische Wirtschaftsgeschichte; 2). Stuttgart; New York: Gustav Fischer, 1983. Pp. 412. MHL.
Civilian Public Service. Camp No. 26 (Chicago,Ill.). Of human importance. Chicago, Ill.: Alexian Brothers Hospital. 1946. Pp. 30. MLA.
Claessen, Le Chanoine. L'inquisition: et le regime penal pour la repression de l'heresie dans les Pays-Bas du passe. Turnhout: Splichal-Roosen, 1886. Pp. 280. MLA.
Clark, Howard. Making nonviolent revolution. Nottingham: MUSHROOM, 1981. Pp. 28. MLA.
Clasen, Claus-Peter. The Anabaptists in south and central Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Ann Arbor, Mich.: author, 1978. Pp. 224. MHL.
Climbing higher [grade 2, unit 3]. Aylmer, Ont.; LaGrange, Ind.: Pathway Publishers, 1983. Pp. 248. EMC.
Clouse, Robert G. Wealth and poverty: four Christian views of economics. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1984. Pp. 226. MHL.
CMBC sings. Recording (LP album). MLA.
Coates, C. A. Ein Ueberblick ueber das dritte Buch Mose. Leipzig-Gohlis: F. H. Rueckbrodt, 192-?. Pp. 390. MLA.
A collection of hymns designed for the use of the Church of Christ. Lancaster, Pa.: Reformed Mennonite Church, 1873. Pp. 450. MHL.
Collection of hymns designed for the use of the Church of Christ. Lancaster, Pa: New Era Printing, 1894. Pp. 224. MHL.
A collection of psalms and hymns suited to the various occasions of public worship and private devotion. Philadelphia, Pa.: National Publishing Company, 1977. Pp. 383. MHL.
Colledge, Edmund. Mediaeval Netherlands religious literature. Leyden: Sythoff, 1965. Pp. 226. MLA.
Commelin, Casparus. Beschryvinge van Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Aart Dirksz. Oossaan, 1693-94. 2 vol. MHL.
Commission to Study the Organization of Peace. Fundamentals of the international organization: general statement. New York: The Commission, 1943. Pp. 27. MLA.
Conference on Faith and Learning: major addresses. North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1980. Pp. 94. MHL.
Confession of faith of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America. Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Pub. House, 1917. Pp. 47. MLA.
Confession of faith of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America. Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Pub. House, 1965. Pp. 39. MLA.
Congregational wellness manual. Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Mutual Aid, 1983. Pp. 108. MHL.
The continental walk for disarmament and social justice. New York: Continental Walk for Disarmament and Social Justice, 1977. Pp. 111. MLA.
Conversations on Faith I. Presentations at Conversations on Faith 1, Feb. 27 29,1984. Lombard, Ill.: Mennonite Church General Board, 1984?. Unpaged. EMC.
Cooper, Clara Chassell. Thoughts on war and peace: poems on the second World War . . . Washington, D.C.: Distributed by the National Council for Prevention of War, 1941. Pp. 12. MLA.
Cooper, Lydia Eck. David Unruh family record. Salt Lake City, Utah?: L. E. Cooper, 1959. Pp. 42. MLA.
Coornhert, Dirk Volkertsz. Van de predestinatie, of Godt yemandt verwerpt, ende verhardt onveroorsaackt door desselvens quaatheydt. Gouda: s. n., 1611. Pp. 35. MHL.
Cord, Robert L. Separation of church and state: historical fact and current fiction. New York: Lambeth Press, 1982. Pp. 307. MHL.
Correll, Charles M. A century of Congregationalism in Kansas, 1854-1954. Topeka, Kan.: Congregational and Christian Conference, 1953. Pp. 207. MLA.
Coster, Charles de. De legende en de held haf tige vrolijke en roemrijke daden van uilenspiegel en lamme goedzak in vlaanderenland en elders. Amsterdam: N.V. de Arbeiderspers, 1941. Pp. 580. MHL.
Coudert, Frederic R. Intergovernmental debts: radio address. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1932. Pp. 8. MLA.
Craandijk, J. Een weitasch vol herinneringen: zwerftochten van een jager door de vrije natuur. Laren: A. G. Schoonderbeek, 1944. Pp. 215. MHL.
Cramer, Alle Meendertz. Bijvoegselen tot de levensbeschrijving van David Joris. (Offprint from Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkelijke Geschiedenis, v.6, 1846). Leiden: S. & J. Luchtmans, 1845. Pp. 289-368. MLA.
Cramer, Alle Meendertz. Levensbeschrijving van David Joris. (Offprint from Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkelijke Geschiedenis, v.5,1845). Leiden: S. & J. Luchtmans, 1845. Pp. 145. MLA.
Creager, Alfred L. Sweet and sour: poetic insights into the Amish way of living. Collegeville, Pa.: author, 1984. Pp. 36. MHL.
Crime is a peace issue: readings on issues in the criminal justice system. Winnipeg, Man.: MCC (Canada), 1981. Pp. 309. MLA.
Crow, James F. Effects of radiation and fallout. New York: Public Affairs Committee, 1957. Pp. 28. MLA.
Dajani, Munther S. Conflict and conflict resolution: political initiatives and formulas for peace in the Middle East. Ph.D. Thesis-Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1982. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms Int., 1982. Pp. 363. MLA.
Dale, A. van. De oraculis ethnicorum dissertationes dua. Amsterdam: s. n., 1683. Pp. 510. MHL.
Dalmer, Helene. Um des Glaubens willen: eine Salzburger Emigranten-Erzaehlung. Konstanz: Carl Hirsch, 19--. Pp. 183. MLA.
Dalton, Hermann. Johannes a Lasco: Beitrag zur Reformationsgeschichte Polens, Deutschlands... Nieuwkoop: deGraaf, 1970. Pp. 577. MHL.
Dancing in the streets. (War Resisters League calendar; 1982). New York, N.Y.: War Resisters League, 1982. 1 vol. MLA.
Dannert, H. Das Kreuz von Golgatha. Kassel: Ernst Roettger, 1905?. Pp. 207. MLA.
Dary, David. True tales of old-time Kansas. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1984. Pp. 322. MLA.
Davidis, Henriette. Praktisches Kochbuch fuer die Deutschen in Amerika: . . . Milwaukee, Wis.: Georg Brumder's Verlag, 1879. Pp. 400. MLA.
Davis, Arthur K. Canadian confrontations: hinterlands vs. metropolis. S. l.: University of Alberta, Department of Sociology, 1969. Pp. 7. MHL.
Davis, Melodie M. Working, mothering and other "minor" dilemmas: an inspirational guidebook . . . Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1984. Pp. 159. EMC.
Day, Robert. The last cattle drive: a novel. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1984. Pp. 224. MLA.
Days of civil disobedience. War Resisters League calendar; 1970). New York, N.Y.: War Resisters League, 1970. 1 vol. MLA.
Dean, Vera Micheles. On the threshold of world order. (Headline series; 44). New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1944. Pp. 96. MLA.
Dein Reich komme!: Lebenserfahrungen eines Schweizer-Farmers in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika in den Jahren 1910-1921. S. l.: Buchdruckerei Ragaz A.-6.,1925. Pp. 23. MLA.
Deiss, William A. Museum archives: an introduction. Chicago, Ill.: Society of American Archivists, 1984. Pp. 37. MLA.
Deken, Aagje. Redevoering . . . op het eeuwgetyde van derzelver weeshuis, gevierd 26 Maart des jaars 1777. Amsterdam: Laurens van Hulst, 1777. Pp. 37. MHL.
Deknatel, Joannes. De beede Christi aan zyne gekochte zondaars. Amsterdam: J. ter Beek en K. Veer, 1755. Pp. 180. MHL.
Delainey, William Philip. Saskatoon: a century in pictures. Saskatoon, Sask.: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1982. Pp. 177. MLA.
Dellsperger, Rudolf. Die Anfaenge des Pietismus in Bern: Quellenstudien. (Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Pietismus; 22). Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1984. Pp. 221. MLA.
DeMolen, Richard L. Leaders of the Reformation. Selinsgrove, Pa.: Susquehanna University Press, 1984. Pp. 360. MHL.
Derksen, Lynda. Our heritage, our treasure: Zoar Mennonite Church, Langham, Saskatchewan, 1910-1985. Langham, Sask.: The Church, 1984. Pp. 108. MLA.
Dester, Herbert E. About Hinduism. S. l.: Published by the Literature Committee of the Women's Missionary Association of the General Conference Mennonites, 1946. Pp. 9. MLA.
Deutel, Jan Jansz. lournael ofte gedenckwaerdighe beschrijvinge vande Oost-Indische reyse van Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe 1618-1625. Hoorn: editor, 1648. Pp. 80. MHL.
Der deutsche Farmer im Busch and auf der Prairie. Milwaukee, Wis.: Geo. Brumder. 185-. Pp. 335. MLA.
Deutschle, Knut. Die alten Turmuhren. (Uhren der Pfalz, Teil 2). Rockenhausen: Uhrenstube Rockenhausen, 1983. Pp. 55. MLA.
Dialoge fuer die Weihnachtsfeier. Cleveland, Ohio: Central Publishing House, 1912. Pp. 56. MLA.
Dialoge fuer die Weihnachtsfeier. Cleveland, Ohio: Central Publishing House, 1913. Pp. 68. MLA.
Dick, La Vernae. Who are the Mennonites? Newton, Kan.: Heritage Committee of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1977. Pp. 5. MLA.
Dickens, Charles. Twee steden. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 1950. Pp. 375. MHL.
Dickson, Lillian. These my people: serving Christ among the mountain people of Formosa. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Pub. House, 1976. Pp. 121. MLA.
Dillen, Johannes Gerard van. Documente betref fende de politieke en kerkelijke twisten to Amsterdam: (1614-1630). S. l.: s. n., 196-?. Pp. 191-249. MLA.
Dircksz, Jacob. Vijf predikatien. Amsterdam: by beteringh des levens, . . . Amsterdam: by Jan Rieuwertsz, 1697. Pp. 166. MLA.
Dircksz, Jacob. Vif, f predikatien. Amsterdam: by Jan Rieuwertsz; Hoorn: by Jan Jansz Deutel, 1678. Pp. 192. MLA.
Directory of the. fellowship churches, 1984. Farmington, N.M.: Lamp & Light Publishers, 1984. Pp. 79. EMC.
Disarming images: art for nuclear disarmament. New York: Adama Books, 1984. Pp. 71. MLA.
Doel, H. G. van den. Daar moet veel strijds gestreden zijn: het leven van Dirk Rafaelsz Camphuysen (1586-1627). Meppel: J. A. Boom & Zoon, 1967. Pp. 270. MHL.
Doijer, Assuerus. Vertaling van den eersten brief van den apostel Johannes, met aanmerkingen. Zwolle: H. As. Zoon, 1829. Pp. 95. MHL.
Dowd, M. Jane. A history of the Hager Store; founded in 1821 by Christopher Hager. Lancaster, Pa.: s. n., n. d. Pp. 10. MHL.
Dozy, J. D. Wijsheid van dwazen. Amsterdam: W. ten Have N.V., 1958. Pp. 187. MHL.
Dr. Airy's Naturheilmethode oder sichere Anleitung. Leipzig: Richter's Verlags-Anstalt, 1879. Pp. 544. MLA.
Dr. Martin Luthers kleiner Katechismus mit beweisenden and erlaeuternden Spruechen aus der heiligen Schrift. Ausbach: Carl Bruegel, 180-. Pp. 128. MLA.
Drake, Thomas E. Patterns of influence in Anglo-American Quakerism. London: Friends' Historical Society, 1958. Pp. 16. MLA.
Drescher, John M. Facing illness with faith. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1969. Pp. 16. MHL.
Duehren, Isaac van. Geschichte der Maertyrer: oder kurze historische Nachricht von den Verfolgungen der Mennonisten. Molotschna: Gottl. Schaad, 1863. Pp. 236. MLA.
Duehren, Isaac van. Geschichte der Maertyrer: oder kurze historische Nachricht von den Verfolgungen der Mennoniten. S. l. : Hrsg. von den Mennonitischen Gemeinden Manitobas, 1939. Pp. 215. MLA.
Duffey, Aliza Bisbee. Was die Frauen wissen sollten: das Buch einer Frau fuer die Frauen... Muenchen: Joh. Palm's Verlag, 1896. Pp. 243. MLA.
Duikerius, Joannes. Voorbeeldzels der oude wyzen. Amsterdam: Aard Wolsgrein, 1693. Pp. 710. MHL.
Dulles, John Foster. Peaceful change within the society of nations. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1936. Pp. 12. MLA.
Dunck, Marten. Vant rechte euangelissche auontmael Christi lesu. Aantwerpen: by Peeter van Keerberge, 1567. Pp. 214. MLA.
Durnbaugh, Donald F. Meet the Brethren. Elgin, Ill.: The Brethren Press for The Brethren Encyclopedia, 1984. Pp. 120. MHL.
Dwyer, Judith A. An analysis of nuclear warfare in light of the traditional just war theory: an American Roman Catholic perspective (1945-1981). Ph.D. Thesis-Catholic Univ. of America, 1983. Pp. 481. MLA.
Dyck, Anni. Jesu Botschaft: Geschichten, Bilder, Lieder and Anregungen zum Bibellesen. Basel: Agape-Verlag, 1961. Pp. 64. MLA.
Dyck, Anni. Jesu Botschaft: Handbuch fuer den Leiter: 10 Lektionen fuer 13- and 14jaehrige. Basel: Agape-Verlag, 1961. Pp. 119. MLA.
Dyck, Heinrich J. Our Christian faith: a series of meditations. 198-?. Pp. 79. MLA.
Dyck, J. W. Alexander von Humboldt. New York: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1965. Pp. 85. MLA.
Dyck, J. W. The fate of the Russo-Germans: (a survey in retrospect). S. l.: Pennsylvania Folklore Society of Ontario, 1957. Pp. 16. MLA.
Dyck, J. W. Mensch and Welt: an elementary science reader. Waltham, Mass.: GinnBlaisdell, 1970. Pp. 117. MLA.
Dyck, J. W. Nietzsche. Waltham, Mass.: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1967. Pp. 88. MLA.
Dyck, J. W. Wagner. New York: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1965. Pp. 79. MLA.
Early Lutheran baptisms and marriages in southeastern Pennsylvania: records of Rev. John Casper Stoever 1730-1779. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1984. Pp. 107. MHL.
Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities. Home ministries & evangelism self study. Salunga, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1980. Various paging. EMC.
Eastman, Fred. The great choice: (an incident of the next war): a play in one act. New York, N.Y.: S. French, 1932. Pp. 33. MLA.
Eby, Benjamin. A concise ecclesiastical history and doctrinal theology of the Baptists or Mennonites. Elkhart, Ind.: Benjamin Eby, 1901. Pp. 171. MLA.
Eby, Lela. Every name index: a history of the Church of the Brethren in Kansas by Elmer LeRoy Craik, 1922. Mill Valley, Calif.: Eby; San Leandro, Calif.: C. Blake Lapp, 197- Pp. 23. MLA.
Eckhart, Meister. Meister Eckhart: a modern translation. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. Pp. 333. MLA.
Ediger, Max. A Vietnamese pilgrimage. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1978. Pp. 79. MHL.
Edwards, John P. Historical atlas of Harvey County, Kansas. Philadelphia, Pa.: John P. Edwards, 1882. Pp. 55. MLA.
Eeghen, Isabella H. van. "In mijn journaal gezet" Amsterdam 1805-1808: het getekende dagboek van Christiaan Andriessen. Alphen aan den Rijn: s. n., 1983. Pp. 280. MHL.
Eeghen, P. van. Johannes Amos Comenius. Utrecht: s. n., 1892. Pp. 20. MHL.
Eijsselsteijn, Lidy van, et al. Het huis 'de twee Luyckskens'. Amsterdam: Wereld-Bibliotheek, 1958. Pp. 210. MHL.
Eikenberry, Amos R. The bearing of some modern psychological trends upon the problem of war. (Peace series; 2). Elgin, Ill.: Bd. of Christian Education, Church of the Brethren, 1935. Pp. 16. MLA.
Eli M. Hershberger Freindschaft Koch Buch. Holmesville, Ohio: s. n., 1984. Pp. 154. MHL.
Elizabeth Nickel Esau Dickman: 1805-1981. 1981. Pp. 8. MLA.
Eller, David Barry. The Brethren in the western Ohio valley, 1790-1850: German Baptist settlement and frontier accommodation. Ph.D. dissertation. Oxford, Ohio: author, 1976. Pp. 238. MHL.
Eller, Enten V. United States of America, plaintiff, vs. Enten V. Eller, defendant, Criminal Action #82-57. . . La Verne, Calif.: Vernard Eller, 1983. MLA.
Eller, Vernard. The most revealing book of the Bible: making sense out of Revelation. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1974. Pp. 214. MLA.
Ellinwood, Leonard Webster. To praise God: the life and work of Charles Winfred Douglas. New York: Hymn Society of America, 1958. Pp. 75. MLA.
Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Toronto, Ont.; Buffalo, N.Y.: University of Toronto Press, 1984. MLA.
Engbrecht, Nita M. In memory of David Engbrecht, 1824-1908 and Maria Woelk Engbrecht, 1829-1902. Freeman, S.D.: Pine Hill Press, 1983. Pp. 233. MLA.
Englands Suendenregister. (Die Saat des Hasses: Kulturdokumente ueber unsere Feinde; 1). Berlin: Deutschnationaler Kolonialverein, 1915.. Pp. 63. MLA.
Engler, Karl. Das Gleichnis von den zehn Jungfrauen. Witten (Ruhr): Stadtmission, 1920. Pp. 16. MLA.
Enns, Hilda. Teens and sexuality: resources for working with youth in the church. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1984. Pp. 94. MLA.
Ens, Gerhard John. The Rural Municipality of Rhineland: 1884-1984. Altona, Man.: R. M. of Rhineland, 1984. Pp. 302. MLA.
Entretiens Luthero-Mennonites: resultats du colloque de Strasbourg (1981-1984). (Les Cahiers de Christ Seul; 16). Montbeliard: Christ Seul, 1984. Pp. 76. MLA.
Epp. D. D. Familien Stammbaum. Winkler, Man.: Epp, 1958. Pp. 16. MLA.
Epp, D. H. Die chortitzer Mennoniten: Versuch einer Darstellung des Entwicklungsganges derselben. Steinbach, Man.: Die Mennonitische Post, 1984. Pp. 122. MHL.
Epp, Edwin W. The celebration of the Lord's supper. (Worship series; 4). Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press; Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1979. Pp. 52. MLA.,
Epp, Elsie Huebert Friesen. The Mennonite heritage and descendants of Bernhard Friesen. Henderson, Neb.: Friesen, 1975. Unpaged. MLA.
Epp, Johann. Von Gottes Gnade getragen. Gummersbach: Verlag Friedensstimme, 1984. Pp. 147. MHL.
Epp, Theodore H. Bible answers to your questions: No. 3. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Publishers, 1961. Pp. 76. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Christ reflected in Bible characters. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Publishers, 1959. Pp. 104. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Christ speaks to the church. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1968. Pp. 142. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Christian giving. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1967. Pp. 46. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. God's program for Israel. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Publishers, 1952. Pp. 64. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. The Holy Spirit and the believer. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible, 1979. Pp. 163. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. The ideal Christian mother. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible, 1980. Pp. 48. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Joseph: 'God planned it for good'. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1971. Pp. 143. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Love is the answer. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Publishers, 1960. Pp.
91. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Moses. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1975-1976. Vol. 2 & 4. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Moses in three major crises. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1963. Pp. 80. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Portraits of Christ in the tabernacle. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1976. Pp. 158. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Practical studies in Revelation. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1969. 2 vol. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Rightly dividing the word. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Publishers, 1955. Pp. 96. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Romans: a do-it-yourself course. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Correspondence School, 1976-1977. 2 vol. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Russia's doom prophesied. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Correspondence School, 1961. Pp. 23. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Spiritual gifts for every believer. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Publishers, 1962. Pp. 64. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. The times of the Gentiles. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible, 1977. Pp. 93. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Why do Christians suffer? Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1970. Pp. 135. MLA.
Epp, Theodore H. Why must Jesus come again? Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible, 1960. Pp. 79. MLA.
Erhard, Christoph. Salus ex inimicis. Goliatha Schwerdt. Augenscheinliche Erweysung, was wir Catholische and alte Christen fuer klare . . . Ingolstadt: W. Eder., 1586. Pp. 40. MHL.
Eshleman, H. Frank. The meaning of Lancaster County's two hundred years of history 1710-1910. Lancaster, Pa.: s. n., 1910. Pp. 29. MHL.
Evangelisches Gesangbuch. Hawley, Minn.: Spring Prairie Printing. 1984. Pp. 293. EMC.
Ewert, Lydia Siemens. Lydia's letters & messages. Hillsboro, Kan.: Author, 1984. Pp. 116. MLA, MHL, EMC.
Falkenberg, Don R. I am a soldier. Minneapolis, Minn.: Family Altar WDGY, 1941. Pp. 30. MLA.
Familienbuch: Gutes and Schoenes aus Literatur and Kunst. Cincinnati, Ohio: Cranston & Stowe, 1884. Pp. 304. MLA.
Family chronicle of the family Van der Smissen. Hamburg: s. n., 1981. Pp. 113. MLA.
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. Commission on International Justice and Goodwill. What pastors and churches can do in the crusade for a warless world. New York: The Commission, 1924. Pp. 11. MLA.
Felbinger, Jeremias. Christian handbook. / Rights and ordinances, by A. Mack, Sr. Dayton, Ohio: J. W. Miller, 1975. Pp. 105. MLA.
Felldin, Jeanne Robey. Index to the 1800 census of Pennsylvania. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1984. Pp. 453. MHL.
Fellers, Pat. Peace-ing it together: peace and justice activities for youth. Minneapolis, Minn.: Winston Press, 1984. Pp. 137. MLA.
Ferban yn us wurk. Ljouwert: Fryske Akademy, 1983. Pp. 42. MHL.
Fey, Harold Edward. Disarmament or obliteration. (Human events pamphlets; 26). Hinsdale, Ill.: H. Regnery Co., 1948. Pp. 18. MLA.
Finke, Theodor. Auf den Spuren deutschstaemmiger Siedler. S. l.: author, 1984. Pp. 40. MHL.
Fosdick, Harry E. Five sectors of the peace movement: address of... Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1937. Pp. 15. MLA.
Foth, David John. Our Schultz roots, branches and twigs. S. l.: Authors, 1978. Pp. 140. MLA.
Foth, David John. Our Schultz roots, branches and twigs: supplement. S. l.: : Authors, 1983. Pp. 30. MLA.
Foundations of ethics. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983. Pp. 237. MLA.
Frans Halsmuseum. Frans Halsmuseum:
Funcke, Otto. Ernste Fragen. Barmen: Wuppertaler Traktat-Gesellschaft, 19--?. Pp. 101. MLA.
Funk, Herta M. Ernst Behrends' sechs Romane: Das Volk der Wanderschaft. Ph.D. dissertation. 1981. Pp. 230. MHL.
Funk, John F. The Mennonite Church and her accusers: a vindication of the character of the Mennonite Church . . . Port Treverton, Pa.: Howard Eastland, Jr., 198-. Pp. 210. EMC.
Furcha, E. J. Prophet pastor Protestant: the work of Huldrych Zwingli after five hundred years. (Pittsburgh Theological Monographs; 11). Allison Park, Pa.: Pickwick Pub., 1984. Pp. 191. MHL.
Gaebler, Ulrich. Huldrvch Zwingli im 20. Jahrhundert: Forschungsbericht and annotierte municipal art gallery at Haarlem. Haarlem: The Museum, 1955. Pp. 95. MLA.
Franz, Guenther. Der deutsche Bauernkrieg. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1984. Pp. 333. MHL.
Frederichs, Julius. De secte der Loisten of Antwerpsche Libertijnen (1525-1545). Gent: J. Vuylsteke, 1891. Pp. 64. MHL.
Freeman, Harrop Arthur. Road to peace: a study in functional international organization. Ithaca, N.Y.: Pacifist Research Bureau, 1947. Pp. 62. MLA.
Fretz, A. J. A brief history of Bishop Henry Funck and other Funk pioneers, and a complete genealogical family register . . . Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Publishing Co., 1899. Pp. 874. MHL.
Fretz, A. J. Oberholtzer & Nash family histories. Milton, N.J.: Westmoreland-Fayette Historical Society, 1903. Pp. 530. MHL.
Frey, Peter William. U. S. Supreme Court dissenting opinions since McCollum: their role in the continuing controversy over religion and education. Ph.D. Thesis-Temple University, 1981. Pp. 271. MLA.
Friedrich, Gerhard. Auslegungen der Reformatoren: gemeinsam mit Ulrich Asendorf, Samuel Lutz and Wilhelm Neuser herausgegeben. (Texte zum Neuen Testament; 3). Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1984. Pp. 291. MHL.
Friesen, Don. The life of Jesus: a 40-session survey for youth and adults. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1979. 2 vol. MLA.
Friesen, Dorothy. Family favourites from Gals with God of the Greendale MB Church. Sardis, B.C.: Gals with God, 1984. Pp. 172. EMC.
Friesen, Duane K. The relationship between Ernst Troeltsch's theory of religion and his typology of religious association. Ph.D. Thesis-Harvard Divinity School, 1972. Pp. 369. MLA.
Friesen, Frank. Among the cloud of witnesses: papers concerning Augustin Wuerzlburger. Stirling, Ont.: Friesen, 1984. Pp. 60. MLA.
Friesen, Gerhard. German-Canadian yearbook. Toronto, Ont.: Historical Society of Mecklenburg, Upper Canada, 1984. Pp. 279. MHL.
Friesen, Gerhard. Principle of self-sacrifice for a Christian social order. Bluffton, Ohio: s. n., 1928. Pp. 118. MHL.
Friesen, Jacob Loeppky. Ancestors-descendants: of Jacob Loeppky and Helena Toews Friesen, John S. and Elisabeth Toews Friesen: and memoirs. Mountain Lake, Minn.: Friesen, 1962. Pp. 75. MLA.
Friesen, John W. People, culture and learning. Calgary, Alta.: Detselig Enterprises, 1977. FRESNO.
Frischlin, Nicodemus. Phasma: hoc est; comoedia posthuma, nova et sacra. Strassburg: Impressum in Iazygibus-Metanastis, 1592. MHL.
Froese, Leonhard. Deutschlandisierung des Sicherheitsrisikos: oder Deutschland- and Sicherheitspolitik des Ausgleichs. Braunschweig: Liberale, 1984. Pp. 104. MLA.
Fulbrook, Mary. Piety and politics: religion and the rise of absolutism in England, Wuerttemberg and Prussia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. 215. MHL.
Funcke, Otto. Christi Bild in Christi Nachfolgern. Bremen: C. Ed. Mueller, 1891. Pp. 400. MLA.
Bibliographie 1897-1972. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 1975. Pp. 473. MLA.
Gaeddert, Albert. The Hoffnungsau Preparatory School story. Buhler, Kan.?: Gaeddert?, 198-?. Pp. 55. MLA.
Gaeddert, LouAnn Bigge. Daffodils in the snow. New York: Dutton, 1984. Pp. 114. MLA.
Ganglofs, Claes. The united undivided church of God. Port Treverton, Pa.: T. B. Hoover?, 1973?. Pp. 188. MLA.
Ganglofs, Claes. Von die einige unzerteilte Gemeinde Gottes. Port Treverton, Pa.: Peter Peters, 1965. Pp. 209. MLA.
Gardiner, Gordon P. Sowing beside all waters: the story of Elizabeth Foth. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Elizabeth Foth, 1972. Pp. 223. MLA.
Gardner, Burleigh Bradford. Man in an industrial society. (Human events pamphlets; 16). Chicago, Ill.: Human Events Associates, 1947. Pp. 21. MLA.
Gardner, Milton Bliss. "Shall the sword devour forever?" Philadelphia, Pa.: Gardner, 1942. Pp. 33. MLA.
Das Gebet des Herm in Wort, Lied und Bild: fuer unsere lieben Kinder. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers, 1984. Pp. 24. MHL, EMC.
Gebet- and Danklieder Nr. 2: fuer Erweckungsund Gebetsversammlungen. Cleveland, Ohio: Verlagshaus der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft, 1894. Pp. 260. MHL.
Geertz, Armin W. The Sa'lakwmanawyat: sacred puppet ceremonial among the Hopi Indians in Arizona: a preliminary investigation. (Reprint from Anthropos, Vol. 77,1982). Germany: Anthropos, 1982. Pp. 163-190. MLA.
Gemaeldegalerie (Berlin, Germany). Verzeichnis der ausgestellten Gemaelde des 13. bis 18. Jahrhunderts im Museum Dahlem. Berlin: Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1963. Pp. 126. MLA.
Gemeindeordnung der Ersten Mennoniten-Gerneinde zu Halstead, Kansas. Newton, Kan.: The Church, 1912?. Pp. 20. MLA.
General Conference Mennonite Church. General Conference Mennonite Church: our common confession: "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ. " 1962. Pp. 22. MLA.
General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Christian Service. Youth and Christian love. Newton, Kan.: Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1956?. Pp. 69. MLA.
General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Missions. Mission to the Cheyennes. Newton, Kan.: The Board, 1961?. Pp. 8. MLA.
General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Missions. With Christ in Colombia. Newton, Kan.: The Board, 1961?. Pp. 7. MLA.
General Conference Mennonite Church. Central Dist. Conference. There's a church in McKinley by the highway. S. l.: Board of Home and Foreign Missions, 195-. Pp. 7. MLA.
General Conference Mennonite Church. General Board., Operation Understanding: a resource manual for visitors: 1970-1971. Newton, Kan.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1971. Pp. 63. MLA.
General statutes of Kansas, 1915, authenticated. Topeka, Kan.: Kansas State Printing Plant, 1917. Pp. 2718. MLA.
Generals for Peace and Disarmament. Generals for Peace and Disarmament: a challenge to US/NATO strategy. New York: Universe Books, 1984. Pp. 151. MLA.
Germantown and its founders. S.1.: Germantown Historical Society, 1983. Pp. 20. MHL.
Germantown and the Germans: an exhibition of books, manuscripts, prints and photographs from the collection of the Library Company of Philadelphia and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, . . . Philadelphia, Pa.: Library Company of Philadelphia, 1983. Pp. 120. MLA.
Geschichtliche Darlegung der Ereignisse in der Hoffnungsfeld Gemeinde. Newton, Kan.: General Conference Mennonite Church, Western District Conference, 1924?. Pp. 83. MLA.
Gibble, Phares Brubaker. History and genealogy of the Brubaker, Brubacher, Brewbaker family in America (Vol. 1). S. 1. : Eastern Pennsylvania Brubaker Association, 1979. Pp. 93. MHL, MLA.
Giesbrecht, Herbert. Sach- and Namen Register zu Abraham H. Unruh's Die Geschichte der Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde: 1860-1954. Winnipeg, Man.: Giesbrecht?, 1975. Pp. 34. MLA.
Gingerich, Laura Stutzman. Stutzman history: steps from Switzerland. Paoli, Ind.: Gingerich, 1979. Pp. 222. MLA.
Gingerich, Ura. Akron Mennonite Church: twenty-five years, October 1959-September 1984. Akron, Pa.: The Church, 1984. Pp. 33. MLA, MHL, EMC.
Glanville, Joan P. Not a sparrow shall fall. Winnipeg, Man.: The Christian Press/Author, 1984. Pp. 120. EMC.
Glaubensbekenntnis der vereinigten christlichen taufgesinnten Mennoniten-Bruedergemeinde von Nord-Amerika. Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1965. Pp. 47. MLA.
Goeree, Willem. Mosaize historie der Hebreeuwse kerke . . . Amsterdam: author and sons, Willem en David, 1700. 4 vol. MHL.
Goeree, Willem. Voor-bereidselen tot de Bybelsche wysheid, en gebruik der heilige en kerkelijke historien. Utrecht: s. n., 1700. Pp. 1716. MHL.
Goering, Gladys V. Women of the hour, 1934-84: Bethel College Women's Association. Newton, Kan.: The Association, 1984. Pp. 39. MLA.
Goering, James. Charts of Revelation. Waterloo, Iowa: Family Altar Broadcast, 1982. Pp. 28. MLA.
Goerz, David. Zur Diakonissensache: ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der weiblichen Diakonie mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Stellung . . . Newton, Kan.: s. n., 1904. Pp. 39. MLA.
Gogolj, N. Taras boeljba. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 1948. Pp. 187. MHL.
Goossen, Rachel Waltner Brick and mortar: a history of Newton, Kansas. M.A. Thesis. Santa Barbara, Calif.: University of California, 1984. Pp. 56. MLA.
Gorman, Michael. Anglo-American cataloguing rules. Chicago, Ill.: American Library Association, 1978. Pp. 620. MHL.
Gottschalk, Asher M. Growing up in Blooming Glen. New York: Carlton Press, Inc., 1984. Pp. 71. MHL, EMC.
Graff, Joyce Wilcox. A Freed family history. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1981. Pp. 231. MLA, EMC.
Greeley, Horace. The American conflict. Hartford, Conn.: 0. D. Case & Co., 1865-67. 2 vol. MLA.
Grossmann, H. Die Offenbarung Jesu Christi: eine kurze Auslegung der Of ffenbarung. Kassel: J. G. Oncken Nachf., 19--?. Pp. 276. MLA.
Growing up Mennonite: stories by the people. Vineland, Ont.: M. Klaus. 198-. Pp. 72. MLA.
Guenther, Franz. Thomas Muentzer: die Fuerstenpredigt. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam Jun., 1983. Pp. 159. MHL.
A guide to the OCLC database and the special collections therein. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, 1984. Pp. 85. MLA.
Guilland, Harold F. Early American folk pottery. Philadelphia, Pa.; London: Chilton Book Co., 1971. Pp. 322. MHL.
Gulick, Edward Vose. The balance of power. Philadelphia, Pa.: The Pacifist Research Bureau, 1943. Pp. 59. MLA.
Gulliford, Andrew. America's country schools. Washington, D.C.: Preservation Press, 1984. Pp. 291. MLA.
Habegger, Alfred. Gender, fantasy, and realism in American literature. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982. Pp. 378. MHL.
Habegger, David L. The Valentine Krehbiel and Susanna Ruth genealogy. Wichita, Kan.: Habegger, 1984. Pp. 18. MLA.
Habermann, Johann. Dr. Johann Habermann's christliche Morgen- and Abendgebete: auf alle Tage in der Woche nebst Beicht-, Communion- und anderen Gebeten. Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 18--. Pp. 108. MLA.
Haders, Phyllis. The Main Street pocket guide to quilts. Pittstown, N.J.: The Main Street Press, 1983. Pp. 255. MHL.
Haeusser, Ludwig. Ludwig Haeusser's Geschichte des Zeitalters der Reformation, 15171648. Berlin: Weidmann, 1879. Pp. 816. MLA.
Halbertsma, J. H. Het Evangelie van Mattheus: vertaald in het land friesch. London: British & Foreign Bible Society, 1884. Pp. 152. MHL.
Halbertsma, J. H. De lapekoer fen gabe-skroar trochskodde, oanteikeningen by de rimen en teltsjes fen broerren Halbertsma. Deventer: s. n., 1894. Pp. 156. MHL.
Halbertsma, J. H. Letterkundige naoogst. Deventer: J. de Lange, 1840-45. 2 vol. MHL.
Halbertsma, J. H. De treemter fen Dr. E. Halbertsma. Dimter: Jan de Lange, 1836. Pp. 262. MHL.
Halbertsma, J. H. De treemter fen Dr. E. Halbertsma, mei katteikeningen. Dimter: Jan de Lange, 1836. Pp. 59. MHL.
Hammann, Gottfried. Entre la secte et la cite: le projet d'eglise du reformateur Martin Bucer (1491-1551). Geneve: Labor et Fides, 1984. Pp. 486. MHL.
Hammer, Wilhelm. Die Melanchthonforschung im Wandel der Jahrhunderte. Guetersloh: Gerd Mohn, 1967-68. 2 vol. MHL.
Hamner, Sharon. Family reunion ABCs. Charlottesville, Va.: Forebears & Friends, 1981. Pp. 26. MHL.
Hanekuyk, Hylke. 's Menschen geluk op deeze waereld. Harlingen: V. van der Plaats, 1801. Pp. 95. MHL.
Harder, Abraham J. Auto-Biographie von Prediger Abraham J. Harder, Alexanderwohl, Russland. Alexanderwohl: s. n., 1899. Pp. 26. MHL.
Harder, Bertha Fast. Celebrate!: ideas for intergenerational celebration of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1980. Pp. 97. MLA.
Harder, Gary. Celebrating Christian marriage. (Worship series; 6). Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press; Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1980. Pp. 48. MLA.
Harder, Johannes. Und der Himmel lacht mit: Heiteres von Theologen and Theolunken. Breisgau: Herder Freiburg, 1982. Pp. 125. MLA.
Harless, Gottlieb Christoph Adolph von. Die Ehescheidungsfrage: eine erneute Untersuchung der neutestamentlichen Schriftstellen. Stuttgart: Samuel Gottlieb Liesching, 1861. Pp. 132. MLA.
Harshbarger, Ralph R. Our Harshbarger family genealogy: from Christian-I-to-me. Bement, Ill.: authors, 1983. Pp. 287. MHL.
Harshbarger, Wilma R. Family genealogy of Christian Marty and Barbara Ruegsegger. Bement, Ill.: author, 1984. Pp. 216. MHL.
Harttmann, Karl Friedrich. Karl Friedrich Harttmann's Leichenpredigten: neue (2.) Sammlung. Stuttgart: J. F. Steinkopf, 1889?. Pp. 475. MLA.
Hartzler, H. Harold. King family history. Mankato, Minn.: Author?, 1984. 2 vol. EMC.
Hauser, Heinrich. After the years of the locust. (Human events pamphlets; 17). Chicago, Ill.: Human Events Associates, 1947. Pp. 28. MLA.
Heaps, Leo. A boy called Nam: the true story of how one little boy came to Canada. Toronto, Ont.: Macmillan of Canada, 1984. Pp. 95. MHL.
Hecker, Julius Friedrich. Religion and communism: a study of religion and atheism in Soviet Russia. London: Chapmen & Hall Ltd., 1933. Pp. 302. MLA.
Heering. G. J. Karl Barth zum Problem des Krieges. Oegstgeest-Leiden: Heering?, 1952?. Pp. 14. MLA.
Heinisch, Paul. Das Buch Genesis. (Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments, 1. Bd.). Bonn: Peter Hansstein, 1930. Pp. 436. MLA.
Heisey, John W. "Genealogy": help, hints and hope. York, Pa.: author, 1984. Pp. 99. MHL.
Heller, Dick D., Jr. 1979 history of Adams County, Indiana. Decatur, Ind.:. Adams County Historical Society, 1980. Pp. 786. MHL.
Helling, Rudolf A. A socio-economic history of German-Canadians: they, too, founded Canada. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1984. Pp. 156. EMC.
Heman, F. Geschichte des juedischen Volkes seit der Zerstoerung Jerusalems. Stuttgart: Calwer, 1927. Pp. 444. MLA.
Henry, Marie. The secret life of Hannah Whitall Smith. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1984. Pp. 186. MHL.
Herder, Dirk de, et al. Leeghwater. Hoorn: Drukkerij Edecea, 1975. Pp. 141. MHL.
Herlyn, Gerrit. Dat Neei Testament: weergeven un wiedergeven in oostfreeske taal. Weener: Verlag H. Risius, 1983-84. 2 vol. MHL.
Hershberger, Jonas N. Allgemeinden Diener Fersammlung in Geauga Co., Ohio Aug. 29-30, 1972. Gordonville, Pa.: Print Shop, 1972?. Pp. 25. MLA.
Hershey, J. Eby. Hershey family history. S. l.: s. n., 1959. Pp. 63. MHL.
Hesston College 75th anniversary alumni directory. Hesston, Kan.: Alumni Office, Hesston College, 1984. Pp. 277. MHL.
Heydorn, J. Der Jakobusbrief. Kiel: G. Grohmann, 1903?. Pp. 127. MLA.
Hibben, C. C. Gouda in revolt: particularism and pacifism in the revolt of the Netherlands 1572-1588. Utrecht: Hes Publishers, 1983. Pp. 298. MHL.
Hicks, Elias. Journal of the life and religious labours of Elias Hicks. New York: Isaac T. Hopper, 1832. Pp. 451. MHL.
Hiebert, Elfrieda Franz. The piano trios of Beethoven: an historical and analytical study. Ph.D. dissertation-University of Wisconsin, 1970. Pp. 392. MHL.
Hiebert, Paul. Not as the scribes. Winnipeg, Man.: Queenston House Publishing Co., 1984. Pp. 104. EMC.
Hilverda, W. J. Ds. A. van der Os Doopsgezind? S. l.: s. n., n. d. Pp. 31. MHL.
Hinshaw, Cecil E. An adequate and moral national defense. Cambridge, Mass.: American Friends Service Committee, 195-?. Pp. 14. MLA.
A historical review of Rosthern superintendency. Saskatchewan: Editorial Comm., 1967. Pp. 153. MHL.
History of Manitoba Mennonite Women in Mission, 1942-1977: commemorating 35 years of caring and sharing. Winnipeg, Man.: Manitoba Mennonite Women in Mission, 1977. Pp. 96. MLA.
Hoberg, Martin. Die Gesangbuchillustration des 16. Jahrhunderts: ein Beitrag zum Problem Reformation and Kunst. (Studien zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte; 296). Baden-Baden: Valentin Koerner, 1973. Pp. 138. MHL.
Hochstetler, Joh. D. Ein alter Brief. Elkhart, Ind.. Mennonitische Verlag., 1916. Pp. 31. MHL.
Hoe dienen wij de vrede? The Hague: s. n., 1956. Pp. 40. MHL.
Hofer, Sam. Hutterite cooking. Melville, Sask.: Hofer Publications, 1984. Pp. 25. MHL.
Holford, George Peter. Die Zerstoerung Jerusalems: ein unumstoetzlicher Beweisgrund von der Wahrheit des Christenthums. Saint Joe, Ark.: Martin Printers, 1952. Pp. 71. MLA.
Hoogstraten, David van. Groot algemeen historisch, geographisch, genealogisch en oordeelkundig woordenboek. Amsterdam: Compagnie Boekverkopers, 1733. 7 vol. MLA.
Hoover, Nora B. Martin. Daniel S. and Anna W. Burkholder family: 1833-1957 genealogy. Adamstown, Pa.: Hoover, 1957. Pp. 93. MLA.
Horn, W . Liebliche Erzaehlungen fuer die Jugend. (Miniatur-Bibliothek; 9). Cleveland, Ohio: W. F. Schneider, 18--. Pp. 24. MLA.
Hornung, Christoph Karl. Kleines Gebetbuch fuer Auswanderer. Ansbach: E. H. Gummi, 1853. Pp. 166. MLA.
Horst, Esther. Life is a poem. Listowel, Ont.: Author, 1983. Pp. 119. EMC, MLA.
Horst, Isaac R. Conestoga Mennonite cook book. t. Forest, Ont.: compiler, 1983. Pp. 252. MHL.
Horst, John L. Instructions to beginners in the Christian life. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1955. Pp. 121. MLA.
Horst, Tileman van der. Theatrum machinarum universale; of keurige verzameling van verscheide grote en zeer fraaie waterwerken, schutsluizen . . . Amsterdam: s. n., 1981. MHL.
Hosak, Ladislav. Mistni jmena na morave a ve slezsku. Praha: Academia Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved, 1970. 2 vol. MHL.
Hostetler, Erma. Henry and Isaac Hostetler family istory. S. l.: s. n., 1984. Pp. 64. MHL.
Hostetler, John Andrew. Mennonite life. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974. Pp. 40. MLA.
Hostetter, C. N. War and the word: a study of the problem of the Christian conscience and war. Nappanee, Ind.: E. V. Publishing House, 1951?. Pp. 22. MLA.
Houser, Elmer A., Jr. Descendants of Jacob S. (Sayne) Houser and Polly Ann Hedrick. Rockville, Md.: compiler, n. d. Pp. 9. MHL.
Houston, William R. M. Ohio records & pioneer families. Mansfield, Ohio: Ohio Genealogical Society, 1984. Pp. 138. MHL.
Howes, Charles C. This place called Kansas. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1984. Pp. 236. MHL.
Huebner, Johann. Johann Huebners allgemeine Geographie aller vier Welt-Theile. Dresden: in der Waltherischen Hofbuchhandlung, 1773. 3 vol. MLA.
Hume, George. Thirty-five years in Russia. New York: Arno Press, 1971. Pp. 319. MLA.
Hunsicker, Ronald Jay. An experiment with spiritual direction in a unit of basic clinical pastoral education. Ann Arbor, Mich.: author, 1982. Pp. 146. MHL.
Hurt, R. Douglas. American farm tools. Manhattan, Kan.: Sunflower University Press, 1982. Pp. 120. MLA.
Hutchinson, Dorothy Carleton Hewitt. A call to peace now: a message to the Society of Friends. Philadelphia, Pa.: Peace Section, American Friends Service Comm., 1943. Pp. 36. MLA.
Hutchinson, Dorothy Carleton Hewitt. Must the killing go on?: a peace catechism. New York: Peace Now Movement, 1943. Pp. 24. MLA.
Hutterian Society of Brothers. Sing through the seasons: ninety-nine songs for children. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1972. Pp. 127. MLA.
Hylkema, Tjeerd Oedes. Die Mennoniten-Gemeinden in Russland: waehrend der Kriegs- und Revolutionsjahre 1914 bis 1920. Heilbronn a. Neckar: Kommissions-Verlag der Merin. Fluechtlingsfuersorge E. V. 1921. Pp. 115. LA.
Hymn singing. (Worship series; 7). Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press; Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1983. Pp. 48. MLA.
Hymnal, Church of the Brethren. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Publishing House, 1925. Pp. 527. MHL.
In Arapahoe: Matthew 9, 1-8. Newton, Kan.: Wm. J. Krehbiel, 1888. Pp. 9. MHL.
In the Court of Appeal between Benjamin Hofer... nd Zacharias Hofer . . . of the Interlake Colony of Hutterian Brethren. S. l.: s. n., 1967. Pp. 17. MHL.
International politics: a study course and bibliography. Washington, D.C.: American Association of University Women, 1930. Pp. 26. MLA.
It beaken. S. l.: : Fryske Akademy,1982. Pp. 192. MHL.
Ives, Edward D. The tape-recorded interview: a manual for field workers in folklore and oral history. Knoxville, Tenn.: University of Tennessee Press, 1984. Pp. 130. MLA.
Jacob, Betty Muther. Handbook for the leaders of High School Civilian Service. Washington, D.C.: High School Civilian Service, 1944?. Pp. 12. MLA.
Jacob, Betty Muther. A peace to end wars?: a study and action manual for high school young people. Washington, D.C.: High School Civilian Service, 1944?. Pp. 54. MLA.
Janacek, Leos. Jenufa: opera in drie bedrijven. Amsterdam: Stadsdrukkerij, 1937. Pp. 54. MHL.
Jansma, L. G. Religieuze bewegingen. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1981. Pp. 284. MHL.
Janz, Denis R. Luther and late medieval Thomism: a study in theological anthropology. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1983. Pp. 186. MHL.
Janzen, Cornelius Cicero. Americanization of the Russian Mennonites in central Kansas. M.A. Thesis-University of Kansas, 1914. Pp. 141. MHL.
Janzen, Jacob Heinrich. Wanderndes Volk: die Geschichte einer Familie von der Ansiedelung des Dorfes Petershagen bis in unsere Tage. Waterloo, Ont.: Janzen, 1945-1949. 3 vol. MLA.
Janzen, Reinhild Kauenhoven. The art of sharing, the sharing of art: responses to Mennonite relief in postwar Germany: exhibit catalogue. North Newton, Kan.: Kauffman Museum, 1984. Pp. 88. MLA, MHL.
Jelsma, Auke Jan. Adriaan van Haemstede en zijn martelaarsboek. 's-Gravenhage: Boekencentrum N.V., 1970. Pp. 326. MHL.
Jesus Christus verzoent: voorbereiding op het thema van de negende Doopsgezinde Wereldconferentie. S. l.: s. n., 1971. Pp. 40. MLA.
Johnson, Connie. Living our visions of peace: a guide for studying Swords into plowshares, visions of peace. New York: Friendship Press, 1984. Pp. 35. MLA.
Jolles, W. C. Begin en erode: geloofsoverdenkingen voor jong en oud. Drachten: Drukkeru Laverman, 1949. MHL.
Jonasson, Eric. Pre-1851 census records of Ontario. Salt Lake City, Utah: s. n., 1984. Pp. 6. MHL.
Jones, Edgar L. I'm an ill-adjusted veteran. New York: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1946?. Pp. 16. MLA.
Jones, T. Canby. The Biblical basis of conscientious objection. S. l.: American Friends Service Committee, 1976. Pp. 13. MHL.
Jong, Auke de. Een wijsbegeerte van het woord, een godsdienstwijsgerige studie over to taalbeschouwing van Martin Heidegger. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij W. ten Have, 1966. Pp. 232. MHL.
Jong, Eelke de. Sprookjes van de lage landen. Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, 1972. Pp. 166. MLA.
Juenger, Friedrich Georg. The price of progress. (Human affairs pamphlets; 33). Hinsdale, Ill.: Regnery, 1948. Pp. 23. MLA.
Junker, Fritz. Die Waldenser: ein Volk unter Gottes Wort. Zurich: EVZ, 1969. Pp. 109. MLA.
Kaam, Ben van. De dominee gaat voorbij, familiealbum van driekwart eeuw Protestants leven in Nederland. Bilthoven: Amboboeken, 1974. Pp. 238. MHL.
Kaestner, Erich. Fabian: de wederwaardigheden van een moralist. Amsterdam: L. J. Veen's, 1932. Pp. 210. MHL.
Kaetler, Sarah. Stories from Grandpa's rocking chair. Winnipeg, Man.: Kindred Press, 1984. Pp. 64. EMC, MHL.
Kalma, J. J. Ostfriesische Studenten in Franeker: Auszug aus der Matrikel der Akademie zu Franeker 1585-1843. Leeuwarden: Ostfriesischen Landschaft in Aurich and der Fryske Akademy, 1957. Pp. 36. MLA.
The Kalona heritage: Amish and Mennonite culture, religion, recipes, quilts, country scenes. Iowa City, Iowa: Penfield Press, 1983. Pp. 64. MLA.
Kansas Institute of International Relations (1941). Papers. S. l.: The Institute, 1941. Pp. 56. MLA.
Katechismus der evangelischen Gemeinschaft: ein Inbegriff der christlichen Religionslehre. Cleveland, Ohio: Verlagshaus der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft, 1893. Pp. 181. MLA.
Katechismus, oder Kurze and einfache Unterweisung aus der Heiligen Schrift: in Fragen and Antworten fuer die Jugend. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1917. Pp. 80. MLA.
Katechismus, oder Kurze and einfache Unterweisung aus der Heiligen Schrift: in Fragen and Antworten fuer die Jugend. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1919. Pp. 80. MLA.
Katechismus, oder Kurze and einfache Unterweisung aus der Heiligen Schrift: in Fragen and Antworten fuer die Jugend. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1921. Pp. 80. MLA.
Katechismus, oder Kurzer Unterricht christlicher Lehre. Schaffhausen: Verlag der Evangelischen Gesellschaft, 1887. Pp. 126. MLA.
Kauffman, Christmas Carol. Dannie of Cedar Cliffs. Gordonville, Pa.: Print Shop, 1984. Pp. 261. EMC.
Keener, Joseph B. Growing in music, book one. Crockett, Ken.: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1982. Pp. 63. EMC.
Keller, Conrad. The German colonies in South Russia: 1804 to 1904. Lincoln, Neb. :American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1980-83. 2 vol. MLA.
Keller, Frank A. Looking back 60 years. Everett, Pa.: Richmar Publications, 1984. Pp. 125. EMC, MLA.
Keller, Ludwig. Doellinger's letztes Werk: Beitraege des Mittelalters. Muenchen: Knorr & Hirth, 1890. Pp. 16. MLA.
Kerssenbroick, Hermann von. Geschichte der Wiedertaeufer zu Muenster in Westfalen. Muenster: Aschendorffschen Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1929. Pp. 548. MLA.
Kilmer, Henry W. New life in Christ. Ephrata, Pa.: Kilmer, 1938. Pp. 34. MLA.
Kintner, Philip L. Studies in the historical writings of Sebastian Franck (1499-1542). Ph.D. Thesis-Yale University, 1957. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, 1983. Pp. 255. MLA.
Kist, Nicolaas Christiaan. Kritiek en literatuur van de geschiedenis der Waldenzen. S. l.: s. n., 185-?. Pp. 209-270. MLA.
Kist, Nicolaas Christiaan. Het terugkeeren der Waldensen in hunne valleijen: in de jaren 1689 en 1690. 's Gravenhage?: Martinus Nijhoff?, 1845?. Pp. 138. MLA.
Klassen, Abram John. The seminary story: twenty years of education in ministry, 1955-1975. Fresno, Calif.: Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1975. Pp. 140. MLA.
Klassen, John J. Two methods of evangelism and church planting: a case study of the Brazilian Mennonite Brethren Convention. D. Miss. Thesis-Fuller Theological Sem. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms, 1981. Pp. 232. MLA.
Klassen, William. The writings of Pilgram Marpeck. Kitchener, Ont.; Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1978. Pp. 612. MHL.
Der kleine Saenger. Altona, Man.: D. W. Friesen & Sons, 1982. Pp. 96. EMC.
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Kline, Edward. A sure path for mankind. Baltic, Ohio: Amish Brotherhood Publication, n. d. Pp. 7. EMC.
Klippenstein, Lawrence. Mennonite pacifism and state service in Russia: a case study in churchstate relations 1789-1936. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1984. Pp. 403. MHL, MLA.
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Koopmans, Wopko Cnoop. Disputatio de Sardanapalo. Amsterdam: Vid. G. Warnars, 1819. Pp. 188. MHL.
Kossen, Henk B. Der Friedensbegriff in der Bibel. Kaiserslautern: Deutsches Mennonitisches Friedenskomitee, 1977. Pp. 20. MHL.
Krabill, Russel. Beginning the Christian life: a manual to prepare the young believer for church membership (pupil's book). Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1958. Pp. 144. MHL.
Krahn, Cornelius. The Mennonites: a brief guide to information. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1976. Pp. 32. MLA.
Krahn, Neta. Jubilaeumsmalbuch. Chihuahua Die Mennonitische Post, 1982. Pp. 21. EMC.
Kratz, Paul L. Who takes the lead ? men ? women ? both? Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 1984. Pp. 14. EMC.
Kraus, C. Norman. Christians and the state. S. l.: Peace Problems Committee, Mennonite General Conference, 1956. Pp. 15. MLA.
Kraus, C. Norman. Christians and the state. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1959. Pp. 15. MLA.
Kraybill, Donald B. The upside-down kingdom. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1978. Pp. 327. MHL.
Kreider, Robert S. Singing in the west: we strike up for a new world. North Newton, Kan. : Bethel College, 1984. Pp. 24. MLA.
Kroeker, Abraham Jakob. Bilder aus Sowjet-Russland. Mt. Lake, Minn.: Kroeker, 1930. Pp. 159. MLA.
Kroeker, Abraham Jakob. Bilder aus Sowjet-Russland. Striegau: Theodor Urban, 1931. Pp. 183. MLA.
Kroon, Marijn de. Studien zu Martin Bucers Obrigkeitsverstaendnis: evangelisches Ethos and politisches Engagement. Guetersloh: Gerd Mohn, 1984. Pp. 199. MHL.
Kuhlmann, Paul. Outline studies of prophetic truths. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Publishers, 1959. Pp. 64. MLA.
Kuhlmann, Paul. The story of Grace: a brief history of the founding and growth of Grace College of the Bible, 1943-1978. Omaha, Neb.: Grace College of the Bible, Inc., 1980. Pp. 176. MLA.
Kurtz, Karen B. Paper, paint, and stuf f :a calendar of creative art ideas. Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman & Co., 1984. Pp. 104. MHL.
Kuyper, Susan Jean. The Americanization of German immigrants: language, religion and schools in nineteenth century rural Wisconsin. Ph.D. Thesis-Univ. of Wisconsin, 1980. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms, 1981. Pp. 218. MLA.
Kyle, Richard G. The mind of John Knox. Lawrence, Kan.: Coronado Press, 1984. Pp. 347. MHL.
Laarman, Edward J. Nuclear pacifism: 'just war' thinking today. (Theology & Religion, Series VII; 4). New York: Peter Lang, 1984. Pp. 210. MHL, MLA.
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Lacoste, Auguste. Henri Arnaud and die Waldenser: der Kampf um die Rueckkehr in die heimatlichen Taeler. Bern: Peter Lang, 1982. Pp. 215. MHL.
Laengin, Bernd G. Germantown-auf deutschen Spuren in Nordamerika. (Schriftenreihe zu Fragen der Deutschen im Ausland; 3, and Wege and Wandlungen: die Deutschen in der Welt heute; 3). Bonn: Westkreuz-Verlag, 1984. Pp. 219. MLA.
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Langer, Herbert. The Thirty Years' War. Poole, Dorset: Blandford Press, 1980. Pp. 262. MLA.
Lapp, Gideon F. What would you do??? Ronks, Pa.: author, 1984. Pp. 13. MHL.
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Leas, Speed. Report to the Western District Conference of the General Conference Mennonite Church. S. l.: Speed Leas, 1984. Pp. 23. MLA.
Leendertz, P. Uit den muiderkring. Haarlem: De Erven F. Bohn N.V., 1935. Pp. 209. MHL.
Lehman, Jacob S. The church of Christ identified: by her obedience-to scriptural teaching and practice, non-resistance of evil, . . . Hagerstown, Md.: Printed by Mailpublishing Co., 1897. Pp. 155. MLA.
Lehman, Titus. The first century of one Christian congregation. S. l.: s. n., n. d. Pp. 20. MHL.
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Leonard, Bill J. Early American Christianity. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman, 1983. Pp. 415. MHL.
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Liebhart, Henry. Das Buch der Gleichnisse: naemlich: biblische Wahrheiten in Sinnbildern and Beispielen: ein Handbuch fuer Prediger, Lehrer and Eltern. Cincinnati, Ohio: Verlag von Walden & Stowe, 1883. Pp. 586. MLA.
Liebing, C. 260 erprobte and gemeinnuetzige Mittel and Vorschriften fuer die Haus- & Landwirthschaft: ein unentbehrlicher Rathgeber fuer den Buerger and Landmann. Reutlingen: Ensslin and Laiblin, 18--?. Pp. 64. MLA.
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Liland, Peder Martin Idsoe. Anabaptist separatism: a historical and theological study of the contribution of Balthasar Hubmaier (ca. 1485-1528). Ph.D. Thesis-Boston CollegeAndover Newton Theological School, 1983. Pp. 235. MLA, MHL.
Limbach, S. Die Propheten Gottes. Basel: Kober C. F. Spittlers Nachfolger, 1906. Pp. 210. MLA.
Lind, Millard C. Christ and war. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1961. Pp. 19. MLA.
Lisco, Friedrich Gustav. Das christlich-apostolische Glaubensbekenntniss katechetisch erklaert: oder der Lehrinhalt der heiligen Schrift, . . . Cincinnati, Ohio: Hitchcock & Walden, 1858. Pp. 208. MLA.
Little, L. Gilbert. Nervous Christians. Chicago, Ill.: Moody Press, 1956. Pp. 127. MLA.
Liu, Harry. S-L-O-W boat to China. East Point, Ga.: Norman Press, 197-?. Pp. 25. MLA.
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Loewen, Abram J. Vor vielen wie ein Wunder: Fuehrungen durch 85 Jahre meines Lebens. S. l.: Loewen, 1983?. Pp. 93. MLA, EMC, MHL.
Loewen, Eleanor. Cantemos louvores. S. l.: Associacao Evangelica Mennonita, n. d. MHL.
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Loose, John Ward Willson. The heritage of Lancaster. Woodland Hills, Calif.: Windsor Pub., Inc., 1978. Pp. 188. MHL.
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Low, Denise. Quilting. Lawrence, Kan.: The Holiseventh Press, 1984. MLA.
Lowry, James W. En el vientre de la ballena. Farmington, N.M.: Lampara y Luz, 1984. Pp. 121. EMC, MHL.
Ludwig, Ernst. Die heilige Nacht: ein Weihnachtspiel mit 17 Rollen and Choeren. Dresden-U.: C. Ludwig Ungelenk, n. d. Pp. 19. MLA.
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Lutze, Arthur. Dr. Arthur Lutze's Lehrbuch der Homoeopathie. Coethen: Lutze Klinik, 1871. Pp. 896. MLA.
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Malin, James Claude. In commemoration of the centennial anniversary of the admission of Kansas into the Union 1961. Lawrence, Kan.: University of Kansas Library, 1961. Pp. 12. MLA.
Mallett, Manley W. The Newcomer families of Pennsylvania. Largo, Fla.: author, 1983. Pp. 69. EMC.
Mander, Karel van. Ter liefde der const. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1983. Pp. . 233. MHL.
Mannhardt, Wilhelm. Die Wehrfreiheit der altpreussischen Mennoniten. Marienburg: B. Hermann Hemmpels Wwe., 1863. Pp. 202. MLA.
Manns, Peter. Luther's ecumenical significance: an interconfessional consultation. Philadelphia, Pa.: Fortress Press, 1984. Pp. 288. MHL.
Manns, Peter. Martin Luther: an illustrated biography. New York: Crossroad Pub., 1983. Pp. 120. MHL.
Marcinkowski-Schumacher, Nelly. Wenn's aus blauem Himmel regnet: mein Leben mit Wladimir Ph. Marcinkowski. Wuppertal: R. Brockhaus, 1978. Pp. 159. MLA.
Marietta, Jack D. The reformation of American Quakerism, 1748-1783. Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984. Pp. 356. MLA, MHL.
Marks, Glen K. Oldstone's guide to creative rubbings. Boston, Mass.: Oldstone Enterprises, 1973. Pp. 21. MHL.
Martin, John R. Discipling for discipleship: a handbook on discipleship and discipling with an Anabaptist perspective. D. Min. Thesis-Lancaster Theol. Sem., 1983. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms, 1983. Pp. 232. MLA, MHL.
Martin, Michael. Emigration and Nationalgueterveraeusserungen im pfaelzischen Ted des Departements du Bas-Rhin. Inaugural-Dissertation . . . Dr. phil. . . . Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet zu Mainz. S. l.: s. n., 1980. Pp. 308, 363. MLA.
Mast, Daniel E. Lessons in the Sermon on the Mount. S. l.: s. n., 1982. Pp. 168. MHL, MLA.
Matthijssen, Johannes Petrus. Door de geest bewogen? Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Societeit, 1969. Pp. 36. MLA.
Matzenberger, Stefan. Von der Friedensethik zur Friedenspolitik: hundert Fragen an den Pazifzsmus. Wien-Straubing: Eurasia, 1963. Pp. 218. MLA.
Mayer, Milton Sanford. These few. (Human events pamphlets; 14). Chicago, Ill.: Human Events Associates, 1947. Pp. 22. MLA.
Mayer, Robert. The making of an Anabaptist counter-culture. North Newton, Kan.: s. n., 1971. Pp. 28. MHL.
Media handbook: a resource to help Christians understand & use the media. Winnipeg, Man.; Hillsboro, Kan.: Board of Mass Media, General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1984. Pp. 18. EMC, MHL.
Meier, K. K. Heilsfragen beantwortet: oder Irrlehren mit Gottes Wort gefangen genommen. Hillsboro, Kan.: Meier, 19--. Pp. 93. MLA.
Mendl, Wolf. The study of war as a contribution to peace. (Pendle Hill pamphlet; 247). Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill Publications, 1983. Pp. 28. MLA.
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Metcalf, Fay D. Using local history in the classroom. Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State & Local History, 1982. Pp. 284. MLA.
Meulen, Jacob ter. Bibliographie des ecrits imprimes de Hugo Grotius. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1950. Pp. 708. MHL.
Meyer, Ernest Louis. "Hey! Yellowbacks!": the war diary of a conscientious objector. New York: The John Day Company, 1930. Pp. 209. MLA.
Meyer, Johannes. Kleines deutsches Sprachbuch: fuer mehrklassige Volksschulen. Hannover-List: Carl Meyer (Gustav Prior), 1913. Pp. 90. MLA.
Meyers, Thomas J. Stress and the Amish community in transition. Ph. D. Thesis-Boston University, 1983. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1983. Pp. 213. MLA.
Miller, Carolynne L. Wendel. Indiana sources for genealogical research in the Indiana State Library. Indianapolis, Ind.: Indiana Historical Society, 1984. Pp. 199. MHL.
Miller, Joseph S. Beyond the mystic border: the Pennsylvania Mennonite congregation near Zimmerdale, Kansas. M.A. Thesis-Villanova University, 1984. Pp. 198. MLA.
Miller, Robert Henry. The Christian philosophy of peace. (Peace Series; 1). Elgin, Ill.: Bd. of Christian Education, Church of the Brethren, 1935. Pp. 15. MLA.
Miner, H. Craig. Wichita: the early years, 1865-80. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1982. Pp. 201. MLA.
Minimum standards for the Amish parochial and vocational schools of the state of Penna. S. l.: s. n., 1981. Pp. 67. MLA.
Minutes of the annual meetings of the Old German Baptist Brethren 1778-1955 and Appendix . . . Winona Lake, Ind.: BMH Printing, 1981. Pp. 891. MHL.
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Moerke, Olaf. Rat and Buerger in der Reformation: soziale Gruppen and kirchlicher Wandel in den wefschen Hansestaedten Lueneburg . . . Hildesheim: August Lax, 1983. Pp. 403. MHL.
Mohler, Robert Ellsworth. Out on broad Kansas plains: an autobiography. S. l.: Mohler, 1969. Pp. 100. MLA.
Moore, Francis. Old Moore's almanack. S. l.: s. n. , 1972. Pp. 108. MHL.
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Morgan, Arthur Ernest. The great community. (Human events pamphlets; 11). Chicago, Ill.: Human Events Associates, 1946. Pp. 17. MLA.
Morrow, Ord L. Behold he cometh. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1963. Pp. 75. MLA.
Morrow, Ord L. Counsel on the Christian's problems. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1974. Pp. 128. MLA.
Morrow, Ord L. What follows death? Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1963. Pp. 79. MLA.
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Morrow, Ord L. Your sin and God's forgiveness. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1967. Pp. 95. MLA.
Mosher, Arthur Theodore. This is India. New York: Friendship Press, 1946. Pp. 18. MLA.
Mod, Hans-Joachim. Krefeld and die Mennoniten: eine Glaubensgemeinschaft and ihre Stadt. Krefeld?: Mod, 1983. Pp. 85. MLA.
Moyer, Charles A. "The only good Indian is a Christian Indian": General Conference Mennonite mission work in Oklahoma, 1880-1920. North Newton, Kan.: s. n., 1975. Pp. 44. MHL.
Mueller, Christian. A brief history of the Swiss Mennonites . . . 2nd part: Decisions of first Conference of Mennonite Churches in Dakota... S. l.: s. n., 1880. Pp. 11. MHL.
Mueller, Heinrich. Heinrich Mueller's Kreuz-, Buss- und Bet-Schule: aus dem Psalm 143. Hamburg: Agentur des Rauhen Hauses, 1853. Pp. 216. MLA.
Muente, Heinz. Das altonaer Handlungshaus van der Smissen 1682-1824: ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Stadt Altona. Altona (Elbe): Herm. Lorenzen, 1932. Pp. 173. MLA.
Mumaw, John Rudy. Finding a life vocation. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1941?. Pp. 16. MLA.
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Mumaw, John Rudy. Interpreting the Word in the congregation. Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword & Trumpet, 1975?. Pp. 12. EMC.
Mumssen, Rudgar. Letzte Schau: sieben endgeschichtliche Betrachtungen. Neumuenster; Hostein: G. Ihloff, 1932. Pp. 72. MLA.
Munro, Joyce Clemmer. Early and successive land owners in Franconia Township Montgomery County, PA and a brief history of their activities. S. l.: Franconia Township, 1981. Pp. 46. MHL.
Murch, James DeForest. The coming world church. Lincoln, Neb.: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1969. Pp. 70. MLA.
The Mystic Shrine illustrated. Chicago, Ill.: Ezra A. Cook, 1894. Pp. 40. MLA.
Nafziger, Carroll. Christian Nafziger: emigrated to America in the 1840's, settled in Hopedale, IL. Grafton, Ohio: Nafziger Heritage News, 1984. Pp. 103. MHL.
Nafziger, E. Wayne. The economics of developing countries. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1984. Pp. 496. MHL.
Nagler, Franz L. Neue Predigt-Studien: Jesu Leben and Lehre. Cincinnati, Ohio: Cranston & Curts, 1893. Pp. 344. MLA.
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Naumann, Emil. Ueber Einfuehrung des Psalmengesanges in die evangelische Kirche. Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1856. Pp. 39. MLA.
Neu vermehrtes geistliches Lust-Gaertlein frommer Seelen. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Baer's Soehnen, 1876. Pp. 288. MLA.
Neue deutsche Biographie. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1984. Pp. 784. MHL.
Neues Gesangbuch fuer die evangelisch-lutherischen Gemeinden in den kurfuerstlich-hessischen Landen. S. l.: s. n., 1830. Pp. 332. MHL.
Neufeld, Woldemar. Woldemar Neufeld: constructivistic sculpture, [exhibition] South Kent School. . . New Preston, Conn.: Neufeld Studios, 1972. Pp. 24. MLA.
Neufeldt, Aldred H. Celebrating differences. Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1984. Pp. 150. MHL.
Newton, Elizabeth M. Dear Palatines and Switzers. Kutztown, Pa.: author, 1983. Pp. 118. MHL, MLA.
Niagara United Mennonite Church (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.). 25th anniversary: Niagara United Mennonite Church, 1938-1963. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.: The Church, 1963. Pp. 46. MLA.
Nickel, Katherine. Unruh family: 17??-1977. S. l.: author, 1977. Pp. 85. MLA.
Nickel, Wilhelm T. The Nickel family tree. 1942. Pp. 47. MLA.
Nielsen, Fredrik Kristian. Freimaurertum and Christentum. Leipzig: Johannes Lehmann, 1884. Pp. 129. MLA.
Ninety eight selected songs: addition to church and Sunday school hymnals. S. l.: s. n., 1984. Pp. 49. MHL.
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Nursing education in the Mennonite Church. S. l.: Mennonite Nurses' Association, 1979?. Pp. 12. EMC.
Nykor, Lynda M. Mennonite furniture: the Ontario tradition in York County. Toronto, Ont.: J. Lorimer & Co., 1977. Pp. 95. EMC, MLA.
0 Kersnacht, schooner dan de daegen. Laren: s. n., 1944. Pp. 27. MHL.
Oberholtzer, Amos. The Weaverland Conference Mennonites of north east Missouri, Dec. 1972 -Dec. 1983. S. l.: s. n., 1983?. Pp. 20. EMC.
Oberman, Heiko A. Wurzeln des Antisemitismus: Christenangst and Judenplage im Zeitalter von Humanismus and Reformation. Berlin: Quadriga GmbH Verlag, 1981. Pp. 217. MHL.
Oculeus. Eine Reise in die Himmel: oder fuenf Bilder aus der Hoehe. Cleveland, Ohio: Lauer & Yost, 1884. Pp. 79. MLA.
The old world and the new: literary perspectives of German-speaking Canadians. Toronto, Ont. ; Buffalo, N.Y.: University of Toronto Press, 1984. Pp. 191. MLA.
Oostdyk, Harv. Step one: the gospel and the ghetto. Basking Ridge, N.J.: SonLife International, 1983. Pp. 342. MLA.
Oosterbaan, P. Johannes Stinstra en de kerk. (Geschriftjes ten behoeve van de Dolpsgezinden in de verstrooing; 18). Uithuizen: s. n., 1903. Pp. 16. MHL.
Ostrom, Henry. The Christian and war: what should be the Christian's attitude? Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1941. Pp. 32. MLA.
Oudaan, Joachim. Uyt-breyding over het boek der Psalmen in verscheyde dichtmaat. Rotterdam: Pieter ter Wout, 1680. MHL.
Pacifism in service. London: Peace Pledge Union, 194-. Pp. 23. MLA.
Pack, Charles L. Capital punishment. Oklahoma City, Okla.: Southwest Radio Church, 1972?. Pp. 3. MLA.
Page, Kirby. An American peace policy. New York: George H. Doran Co., 1925. Pp. 94. MLA.
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Penner, Fred. The bump. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press Ltd., 1984. Pp. 32. MHL.
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Press, Jaques Cattell. American library directory. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1983. Vol. 2. MHL.
Price, James P. Seven years of prairie life. Goff, Kan.: Great Plains Book Company, 1983. Pp. 88. MLA.
Principles of faith. Hesston, Kan.: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1963. Pp. 62. MHL.
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Der Psalter der Koenigs and Propheten Davids. . . Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Baer, 1826. Pp. 248. MHL.
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Raith, Joachim. The conceptualization of the social substratum of language ecology. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1984. Pp.. 6-28. MLA.
Raith, Joachim. The Pennsylvania GermanAmerican English bilingualism: a case study. Kronberg/Ts.: Scriptor-Verlag, 1977. Pp. 104-128. MLA.
Ramer, Clarence J. God's unfolding plan. Edson, Alta.: Northwest Mennonite Conference, 1984. Pp. 198. EMC, MHL.
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Ratzlaff, Keith. Out here. Pittsford, N.Y.: State Street Press, 1984. Pp. 27. MHL.
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Reeves, George B. Men against the state. (Human events pamphlets; 9). Washington, D.C.; Chicago, Ill.: Human Events, Inc., 1946. Pp. 18. MLA.
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Reissner, J. C. A B C, Buchstabir and Lesebuch zum Gebrauch fuer deutsche Schulen. S. l.: s. n., n. d. Pp. 144. MHL.
Reitz, Herman R. The Christian and the nuclear menace. Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword & Trumpet, 198-. Pp. 12. EMC.
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Ressler, Martin E. Some Mennonite hymns translated from the German language. Quarryville, Pa.: M. E. Ressler, n. d. EMC.
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Rice, John R. Bobbed hair, bossy wives and women preachers. Wheaton, Ill.: Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1941. Pp. 91. MLA.
Riedel, Walter E. The Old World and the New: literary perspectives of German-speaking Canadians. Toronto, Ont.: University of Toronto Press, 1984. Pp. 191. MHL.
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Ritter, Marilynn Alper. Hard time: the effects of internment on political prisoners of conscience. M.A. Thesis-University of Oregon, 1982. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1982. Pp. 339. MLA.
Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn. Archives & manuscripts: administration of photographic collections. Chicago, Ill.: Society of American Archivists, 1984. Pp. 173. MLA.
Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn. Archives & manuscripts, conservation: a manual on physical care and management. Chicago, Ill.: Society of American Archivists, 1983. Pp. 144. MLA.
Roberts, Lawrence D. Approaches to nature in the Middle Ages. (Medieval & Renaissance Texts and Studies; 16). Binghamton, N.Y.: MRTS, 1982. Pp. 220. MHL.
Rocheleau, Bruce. Hospitals and community oriented programs for the elderly: innovations in health care. Ann Arbor, Mich.: AUPHA Press, 1983. Pp. 171. MHL.
Rod and Staff English handbook. Crockett, Ken.: Rod & Staff Publishers, 1983. Pp. 336. MHL.
Rodemeyer, A. Predigt-Entwuerfe ueber freie Texte von verschiedenen Predigern. Bremen: Traktathaus, 1893?. Pp. 224. MLA.
Rogge, Joachim. Anfaenge der Reformation: der junge Luther 1483-1521, der junge Zwingli 1484-1523. Berlin: Evangelische Verlag, 1983. Pp. 309. MHL.
Rohn, Arthur H. Great Bend sites at Marion, Kansas. (Publications in Anthropology; 1). Wichita, Kan.: Wichita State University, 1984. Pp. 214. MLA.
Rood, Paul William. Who will win the war? Grand Rapids, Mich.: Printed by the Zondervan Publishing House for Back-to-the-Bible Book Room, 1942. Pp. 22. MLA.
Roon, Ger van. Protestants Nederland en Duitsland, 1933-1941. Utrecht/Antwerp: Uitgeverij het Spectrum, 1973. Pp. 414. MHL.
Roosen, Gerhard. Conversation on saving faith for the young in questions and answers. Ephrata, Pa.: Martin M. Rissler, 1984. Pp. 301. EMC.
Rosenberg, David Lee. Social experience and religious choice: a case study, the Protestant weavers and woolcombers of Amiens in the 16th century. Ph.D. dissertation-Yale University, 1978. Pp. 287. MHL.
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Sawatzky, Peter J. The rare book. Leamington, Ont.: Sawatzky, 1984. Pp. 197. MLA.
Sawatzky, Peter J. Das seltene Buch. Leamington, Ont.: Sawatzky, 1984. Pp. 343. MLA.
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Schilling, Samuel. Samuel Schillings kleine Schul-Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche. Breslau: Ferdinand Hirt, 1882. Pp. 160. MLA.
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Schindler, Robert. Spurgeon: sein Leben and Wirken, eine Biographie des Fuersten unter den Predigern. Hamburg-Borgfelde: J. G. Oncken Nachfolger, 1898. Pp. 192. MLA.
Schirlitz, Samuel Christoph. Griechisch-deutsches Woerterbuch zum neuen Testamente. Giessen: Emil Roth, 1908. Pp. 458. MLA.
Schmidt, Richard H. District school games: as played by Grandpa in the late teens and early twenties. Emporia, Kan.: Emporia State Press, 1984. Pp. 41. MLA.
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Schroeder, David. Anleitung zum Bibelstudium. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1984. Pp. 110. MHL.
Schultz, Karl V. Manual/handbook: for assessing holistic health, effective functioning, social creativity. Oakland, Calif.: Psychological Services Press, 1984. Pp. 116. MLA.
Schurz, Carl. Carl Schurz: Lebenserinnerungen bis zum Jahre 1850. Boston, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon, 1913. Pp. 223. MLA.
Schwab, John G. Besprengung: die biblische Art and Weise der Taufe. Cleveland, Ohio: Mattill & Lamb, 185-. Pp. 32. MLA.
Schwake, Wilhelmina Frieda van der Smissen. Aus Grossmutters Erinnerungsschatze. S. l.; s. n., 190-. Pp. 40. MLA.
Schwartz, David. Die geistliche Restitution: das ist, alles, was von Anfang geschehen ist, das ist in Jesu Christo geistlich erfuellt . . . Berne, Ind.: Schwartz, 1913. Pp. 138. MLA.
Schwartz, Mrs. Joe D. J. Descendants of Peter Girod and Louise Allman. Berne, Ind.: authors, 1984. Pp. 109. MHL.
Schwartz, Warren E. In the far country. Lincoln, Neb.: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1984. Pp. 217. MLA.
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Serl, Vernon C. Final report on the Sasketchewan Hutterite program. S. l.: Government Committee on Minority Groups, 1958. Pp. 40. MHL.
Shank, David A. A prophet of modern times: the thought of William Wade Harris, West African precursor of the reign of Christ. Ph.D. dissertation. Aberdeen, Scotland: s. n., 1980. Pp. 1180. MHL.
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Shaw, S. B. Children's edition of touching incidents & remarkable answers to prayer. Elkhart, Ind.: Young People's Paper Association, 1895. Pp. 128. MHL.
Shelly, Maynard. The Mennonite and the General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton, Kan.: General Conference Mennonite Church, Commission on Education, 1971. Pp. 116. MLA.
Shelly, Patty. Many gifts. Recording (LP album). Newton, Kan.: Faith & Life Press, 1983. MLA.
Shenk, David W. Peace and reconciliation in Africa. Nairobi: Uzima Press, Ltd., 1983. Pp. 180. MHL.
Shenk, Joseph C . Kisare: a Mennonite of Kiseru. Salunga, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1984. Pp. 194. EMC, MLA.
Shirk, Eli M. God's order viz Anti-Christ's order: as to the spirit of forgiveness. Ephrata, Pa.: Shirk, 19--. Pp. 75. MLA.
Shirk, Joseph H. Records of ordination of the Old Order Mennonites from 1750 to 1963. New Holland, Pa.: J. Shirk, 1963. Unpaged. MLA.
Showalter, Elizabeth A. Seguidores de Jesus. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1964. Pp. 48. MLA.
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Showalter, Mary Emma. Mennonite community cookbook. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1950. Pp. 494. MHL.
Sibley, Mulford Quickert. Pacifism, socialism, anarchism: which way to peace and justice? New York, N.Y.: War Resisters League, 1980. Pp. 57. MLA.
Sibley, Mulford Quickert. The political theories of modern pacifism: an analysis and criticism. Philadelphia, Pa.: Pacifist Research Bureau, 1944. Pp. 56. MLA.
Sider, Ronald J. Evangelicals and development: toward a theology of social change. Philadelphia, Pa.: Westminster Press, 1981. Pp. 123. MHL.
Sider, Ronald J. Rich Christians in an age of hunger. Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity Press, 1984. Pp. 261. MHL.
Siemens, Henry J. The story of Jacob and Helena (Peters) Siemens and their descendents. Victoria, B.C.: Siemens, 1984. Pp. 211. MLA.
Sillem, Carl Hieronymus Wilhelm. Die Einfuehrung der Reformation in Hamburg. Halle: Verein fuer Reformationsgeschichte, 1886. Pp. 195. MLA.
Singels, J. C. Inventaris van het Oud-archief der stad Leeuwarden. Leeuwarden: A. Jongbloed, 1893. Pp. 341. MLA.
Slosson, Preston William. Swords of peace: problems of disarmament. Problems of international policing, by Graysan Kirk. New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1947. Pp. 62. MLA.
Smucker, Carl F. A model to assist congregations in their unique role in ministry with the aging. Newton, Kan.: Inter-Mennonite Council on Aging, 1984. Pp. 26. EMC, MHL, MLA.
Socinus, Faustus. De baptismo aquae disputado. Racov: Sternacius, 1613. Pp. 246. MHL.
Sociocultural and biological approaches to Mennonite aging and longevity in Kansas and Nebraska. Los Angeles, Calif.: s. n., 1981. Pp. 254. MHL.
Soderlund, Jean R. William Penn and the founding of Pennsylvania 1680-1684: a documentary history. Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983. Pp. 416. MHL.
Sokolyszyn, Aleksander. Ukrainians in Canada and the United States: a guide to information sources. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Co., 1981. Pp. 236. MLA.
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Speer, Robert Elliott. What constitutes a missionary call? New York, N.Y.: Student Volunteer Movement, 1944. Pp. 30. MLA.
Spinniker, Adriaan. Leerzaame zinnebeelden. Soest: Davaco Pub., 1975. 2 vol. in one. MHL.
Spoor, J. De kerk in de gevangenis. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1983. Pp. 181. EMC.
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Sprunger, John Abraham. Ein Blick in die prophetische Zukunft. Berne, Ind.: Publishing House "Light and Hope," 1900. Pp. 263. MLA.
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Bilder aus der Pilgerreise. Kassel: J. G. Oncken Nachfolger, 1905. Pp. 162. MLA.
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Troestet mein Volk!: zwoelf Predigten fuer Trauende and Verzagte. Heilbronn: Max Kielmann, 1896. Pp. 179. MLA.
Starck, Joh. Friedr. Taegliches Gebetbuechlein fuer Schwangere, Gebaerende, and Woechnerinnen sowie auch fuer Unfruchtbare. Frankfurt a. M.: Joh. Friedr. Starck?, n. d. Pp. 80. MLA.
Starck, Joh. Friedr. Taegliches Hand-Buch in guten and boesen Tagen. Reutlingen: Ensslin & Laiblins Verlagsbuchhandlung, n. d. Pp. 592. MLA.
Stark, Johann Jakob. Johann Friedrich Starck's taegliches Handbuch in guten and boesen Tagen, enthaltend: Aufmunterungen, Gebete and Lieder . . . Frankfurt am Main: Heinrich Ludwig Broenner, n. d. Unpaged. MLA.
Starter, J. J. Friesche lust-hof. Zwolle: s. n., 1966. Pp. 376. MHL.
Stauffer, J. Mark. Mennonite church music: its theory and practice. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1947. Pp. 46. MLA.
Stauffer, Richard. Interpretes de la Bible: etudes sur les reformateurs du XVIe siecle. (Theologie Historique; 57). Paris: Editions Beauchesne, 1980. Pp. 275. MHL.
Stevenson, R. L. St. Ives roman van avontuur. Amsterdam; Antwerpen: Wereld-Bibliotheek, 1952, Pp. 363. MHL.
Stinstra, Joannes. De natuure en gesteldheid van Christus koningrijk, onderdaanen, kerke, en godsdienst. Harlingen: Folkert vander Plaats, 1741. Pp. 296. MHL.
Stoeckhardt, George. Die biblische Geschichte des Neuen Testaments: kurze Auslegung der Evangelien and Apostelgeschichte. St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia Publishing House, 1898. Pp. 408. MLA.
Stoett, Frederik August. Nederlandse spreekwoorden en gezegden. Zutphen: W. J. Thieme, 1981. Pp. 429. MLA.
Stoffer, Dale Rupert. The background and development of thought and practice in the German Baptist Brethren (Dunker) and the Brethren (Progressive) . . . Ph.D. Thesis-Fuller Theo. Sem., 1980. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1982. Pp. 804. MLA, MHL.
Stoltzfus, Nicholas. The two testaments. Saint Joe, Ark.: Printed by Martin Printers, 1953. Pp. 19. MLA.
Stoppelaar, R. J. de. Blinkende verten. Amsterdam: L. J. Veen's Uitgevers, 1934. Pp. 266. MHL.
Stoppelaar, R. J. de. Op Frieslands wijde wateren. Leeuwarden; Amsterdam: R. van der Velde, n. d. Pp. 110. MHL.
Stout, Henry Rice. Unser Familien Arzt: ein Nothund Hilfsbuch in kranken Tagen. Milwaukee, Wis.: Georg Brumder, 1883. Pp. 548. MLA.
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Wagler, David L. What about images? Saint Joe, Ark.: Printed by Martin Printers, 195-?. Pp. 7. MLA.
Waite, Frances Wise. Bucks County tombstone inscriptions: Hilltown Township. Doylestown, Pa.: Bucks County Genealogical Society, 1984. Pp. 210. MHL.
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Wenger, Ruth M. My dear grandchildren. Minneapolis, Minn.: Dillon Press, 1982. Pp. 310. MLA.
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Wiebe, Bernie. The new morality and the Ten Commandments. Altona, Man.: Mennonite Radio Mission, 1965. Pp. 43. MLA.
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Wiebe, Paul. The architecture of religion: a theoretical essay. (Trinity University Monograph Series in Religion; 8). San Antonio, Tex.: Trinity University Press, 1984. Pp. 153. MHL.
Wiens, Esther J., et al. Our Wiensz heritage. Clearbrook, B.C.: s. n., 1980. Pp. 79. MHL.
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Williams, Roger L. Self publishing: planning for a better book. North Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Press, Inc., 1983. Pp. 31. MLA.
Williamson, David B. Industry in the country. London: Peace Pledge Union, 1941. Pp. 18. MLA.
Winkler, Wilhelm. Pfaelzischer Geschichtsatlas. Neustadt an der Haardt: Verlag der Pfaelzischen Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften, 1935. Pp. 4. MLA.
Winrod, Gerald B. Communism in prophecy, history, America. Wichita, Kan.: Defender Publishers, 1957. Pp. 78. MLA.
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Winter-Loewen, Maria. Lyrik and Epik: Gedichte: auf goettlichen Spuren im grossen Zeitgeschehen. St. Catharines, Ont.: Winter-Loewen,1982. Pp. 196. MLA, MHL.
Wittner, Lawrence S. Rebels against war: the American peace movement, 1933-1983. Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press, 1984. Pp. 364. MLA.
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Wood, Herbert George. The spiritual basis of peace. (Peace aims pamphlet; 6). London: National Peace Council, 1941. Pp. 27. MLA.
Wooden, Warren W. John Foxe. Boston, Mass.: Twayne Pub., 1983. Pp. 144. MHL.
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Wright, Norman Edgar. Preserving your American heritage: a guide to family and local history. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1981. Pp. 285. MLA.
Yake, Clayton Franklin. Young people's literary society manual. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1934. Pp. 148. MLA.
Yoder, Henry D. Ausbund notebook. S. l.: Schlabach Printers, 1982. Pp. 43. EMC.
Yoder, John Howard. Christian unity within a divided Protestantism. 1966. Pp. 10. MLA.
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Yoder, John Howard. Nevertheless: varieties of religious pacifism. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1972. Pp. 141. MHL.
Yoder, John Howard. The priestly kingdom: social ethics as Gospel. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1984. Pp. 222. EMC, MLA, MHL.
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Youth and life. Gordonville, Pa.: Gordonville Print Shop, 198-. Pp. 45. MLA.
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Zimmer, Hermann. Die Wiederkunft Christ: von der die Prophezeiungen sprechen . . . Waiblingen: Freie Bahai, 1984. Pp. 66. MLA.
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