(Originally published in the September 1983 issue, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 21-31)
[This version was scanned from a paper copy, July 2004]
Assisted by Ann Gingerich (Mennonite Historical Library), Grace Schowalter (Eastern Mennonite College), Mark Froese (Mennonite Heritage Center), Laurie Wolfe (Mennonite Library and Archives) and Rachel Hiebert (Fresno).
Anderson, Colena M. Handbook for Christian Writers: A Guide to Better Communication for Writers and Speakers. Harrisonburg, VA.: Christian Light Publications, 1977. Pp. 96. EMC.
Arnold, Eberhard. Salz and Licht: Ueber die Bergpredigt. Moers, W. Germany: Brendow-Verlag, c1982. Pp. 176. EMC.. MLA, MHL. ($5.00)
Augsburger, David. Caring Enough to Forgive. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press. 1981. Pp. 75. MLA.
Augsburger. Myron S. Evangelism as Discipling. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1983, Pp. 80. MHL.
- - - - - - Matthew. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1982. Pp. 336. MHL. ($14.95)
- - - - - - Practicing the Presence of the Spirit. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 195. MLA, MHL. ($7.95)
Banister, Stuart. One Baptism: Shadow or Substance? Foraker, IN: author, s. a., Unpaged, MHL.
Bauman, Kenneth. Invitation to Life: Catechism. Berne, IN: First Mennonite Church, 1982. Unpaged. MHL.
Bender, Malinda and Alice, translators. The Cost of our Redemption. New Hamburg, Ont.: translators, 1981, Unpaged. MHL.
Bender. Ross T. Christians in Families: Genesis and Exodus. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 191. MLA.
Berkhof, Hendrik. Christ and the Powers. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1977. Pp. 79. MLA.
Bible, N. T. Luba. 1961. Dihungila Dihia-Dihia dies mukelenge wetu ne musungidi wetu Yesu Kilisto. Leopoldville: Societes Bibliques au Congo, 1961. Pp. 665. MLA.
Bible. N. T. Pende. Kibungishilo kihekihe kia fumu wetu nu muhuluishi wetu Yesu Kilisto. Kinshasa, Zaire: La Societe Biblique du Congo, 196-? Pp. 540. MLA.
Birky, J. A. Old and New Testament Correlation. Minerva. OH: A-M Publications, 1981. Pp. 23. EMC.
Blel, Dr. Karel, De kinderdoop in diskussie. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1981. Pp. 201. MHL.
Bracht, Tieleman Janszoon van. Der Blutige Schauplass, oder Martyrer-Spiegel der Taufgesinnten oder wehrlosen Christen. . . Aylmer, Ont. ; La Grange, IN: Pathway Publishing Corporation, 1973. 2 vols. in 1. MLA.
Brunk. George Reuben. Rightly Dividing the Scriptures. 4th ed. Harrisonburg, VA: Sword and Trumpet. 1977. Pp. 75. EMC.
Bubenhelmer, Ulrich von. Consonantia Theologiae et Iurisprudentiae. Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1977, MHL.
Burkholder, J. Lawrence. To Drink or Not to Drink. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1981. Pp. 23. MLA.
Byler, Dan J. B. The Shadow of the Cross: Types and Shadows of Jesus Christ and from the New Testament Church taken from the Old Testament. Seymour, MO: Historic Christian Publishers, 1982. Pp. 154. EMC.
Christian Ideals, Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1979. Pp. 117. EMC.
Epp. Theodore H. The All-Sufficient Christ: Studies in Colossians. Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1982, Pp. 179. MHL,
- - - - - - The Other Comforter: Practical Studies on the Holy Spirit. Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible Broadcast. 1966. Pp. 264. MLA.
Die Ernsthafthe Christenpflicht. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press. 1982. Pp. 251. MHL. ($3.95)
Ewert, David. The Holy Spirit in the New Testament. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1983. Pp. 324. FRESNO.
- - - - - -The Holy Spirit in the New Testament. Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1983. Unpaged. MHL.
Finlay, M. H. The Lim Family of Singapore. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1982. Pp. 280. EMC.
Fordham, Gladys. Bible A-B-C Book. Gordonville, PA: Print Shop, 1981. Pp. 64. EMC.
Friesen, Garry and J. Robin Maxson. Decision-making and the Will of God. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press, 1980. Pp. 452. MHL. ($11.95)
Froehlich, S. H. Writings of S. H. Froelich. Eureka, IL: Apostolic Christian Publishers, 1978. 10v. EMC.
Funck, Heinrich. Restitution: Or, an Explanation of Several Principal Points of the Law . . . Moundridge, KS: Gospel Publishers, 1980. Pp. 448. Or pub. Harrisonburg, VA: Edwin Eberly, 1981. Both EMC. (latter $9.36)
Gallardo, Jose. The Way of Biblical Justice. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1983. Pp. 76, MHL.
Gerber, Samuel. Nehemia baut die mauern Jerusalems, Liestal, Germany: Worts des Lebens, 1982. Pp. 58. MHL.
Glaubensbekenntnis des wehr- and rachlosen Christentums. Arthur, IL: L. A. Miller, n.d. Pp. 32. MLA.
Haines, Leland M. The Unfolding Plan of Redemption: A Biblical Survey. Harrisonburg. VA: Christian Light Publications, 1982. Pp. 280, EMC.
Hertzler, Lois Shank. Prayers for the Newly Single. Valley Forge: Judson Press, 1981. Pp. 30. MLA.
Hiebert, D. Edmond. Selected Studies from I Peter. Biblioteca Sacra. Part I: Jan.March 1982: 32-45: Part II: Apr.-June 1982: 146-158: Part III: Jul.-Sept. 1982: 243-254; Part IV: Oct.-Dec. 1982: 330-341. FRESNO.
Hoffman, Daniel. Brotherly Love. New York: Vintage Books, Random House, 1981. Pp, 176. MHL. ($5.95)
Hooks, Margaret Anne. God Cares for Timothy. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1982. Pp. 167. EMC.
Ingraham, Joseph Holt. Das Leben Jesu: Der Fuerst aus David's Hause; oder, drei Jahre in der heiligen Stadt . . . Phildelphia: J. Kohler, 1860. Pp. 475. MLA.
Jackson, Neta. A New Way to Live: A Bible Study on Christian Relationships. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1983. MHL.
Justice and the Christian Witness: Leaders Guide. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press. 1982. Pp. 65. MHL.
Kaufman, Gordon D. The Theological Imagination: Constructing the Concept of God. Philadelphia: Westminster Press. 1981. Pp. 309. MLA, MHL. ($13.95)
Klopfenstein, Perry A. The Holy Kiss. s.l. s.n., 198-?. Pp. 10. Church Practices, Apostolic Christian Church. EMC.
- - - - - - Noon Fellowship Hour. s. l.: s.n., 198-?. Pp. 6. Church Practices Apostolic Christian Church. EMC.
- - - - - Prayer Veil. s.l.: s.n.. 198-?. Pp. 9. Church Practices, Apostolic Christian Church. EMC.
- - - - - -. Proving Candidates for Baptism. s.l: s.n., 198-?. Pp. 16. Church Practices, Apostolic Christian Church. EMC.
- - - - - - Reference Guide to Scriptural Themes. s.l.: s.n., 198-?. Pp. 11. Church Practices, Apostolic Christian Church, EMC.
- - - - - - Separated Seating. s.l.: s.n, 198-?. Pp. 8. Church Practices, Apostolic Christian Church. EMC.
- - - - - -. Singings. s.l.: s.n., 198-?. Pp. 6. Church Practices, Apostolic Christian Church. EMC.
Kroeker, Jakob and Hans Bradenburg. Des Lebendige Wort. 15 vols. Basel: Brunnen Verlag, 1982. MHL, FRESNO.
Landis, Paul M. Who Then is Willing? No.:3-The Remedy. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1980. Pp. 14. EMC.
Lind, Marcus. The Gospel of God Expounded: Romans. Salem, OR: Marcus Lind, 1981. Pp. 227. MHL. ($6.63)
MacMaster, Eve B. God Rescues His People. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 167. MLA, MHL.
Martin, Harold S. The Scriptural Headveiling. Minerva, OH. A-M Publications, 1981. Pp. 11. EMC, MHL. ($.10)
Martin, J. E. How Spiritually Confused Minds Can Be Restored. Listowel, Ont.: author, 1981. Unpaged. EMC.
McGrath, William R. The Bible Versus the Cults. Minerva, OH: A-M Publications, 1982. Pp. 18. EMC. MHL, ($.50)
- - - - - - Christlicher Ordnung: On Christian Discipline. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishing, 1966. Pp. 40. MLA.
Miller, John W. La Voie Chretienne: Traduit et Adapte de l'Anglais. Montbeliard France: Les Cahiers de Christ Seul, 1981. Pp. 126. EMC, MHL.
Miller, Lewis B. Big Smoke Mountain. 3rd ed. Gordonville, PA: Pequea Publishers, 1982. Pp. 342. EMC.
- - - - - - The Crooked Trail: The Story of a Thousand-Mile Saddle Trip Up and Down the Texas Frontier in Pursuit of a Runaway Ox. 3rd ed. Gordonville, PA; Pequea Publishers, 1982. Pp. 298, EMC.
Peters, Frank C. The Christian in Relationship to the Commercial Movie and Amuse ments. Virgil, Ont.: Niagara Press, n.d. Pp. 20. MLA.
Peters, G. W. Gemeindewachstum, Ein Theologischer Grundriss. Bad Liebenzell: Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, 1982. Pp. 298. FRESNO.
Ruth. Merle R. A Brief Commentary on Revelation Twenty. Hagerstown, MD: Marco Press, 198-?. Pp. 13. EMC.
- - - - - - The Significance of the Christian Woman's Veiling. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1981. Pp. 19. EMC.
Schrock, Simon. The Price of Missing Life. Scottdale, PA; Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1981. Pp. 102. MLA.
Schroeder, David. Invited to Faith. Elgin, IL: The Brethren Press, 1981. Pp. 159. MLA.
Swartley, Willard M., ed. The Bible and Law: Occasional Papers. Elkhart, IN: Institute of Menn. Studies, 1982. Pp. 138. MHL. ($5.00)
Twisck, Peter Jansz. A Fathers' Gift of 1622. Port Treverton, PA: Titus B. Hoover, 1982. Pp. 132. EMC.
- - - - - - Das Friedensreich Christi: Auslegung des 20. Kapitels in der Offenbarung des . . . Berne: Joe E. Schwartz. 1975. Pp. 31. MLA.
Vis, Albert. The Messianic Psalm Quotations in the New Testament: A Critical Study on the Christian "Testimonies" in the Old Testament. Amsterdam: Menno Hertzberger, 1936. Pp. 86. MLA.
Voolstra, Sjouke. Het Woord is Vlees Geworden: De Melchioritisch-Menniste Incarnatieleer. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1982. Pp. 245. EMC.
Weaver, John M. Studies in Revelation. Lebanon, PA: North Lebanon Publishers, 198-. Pp. 92. EMC.
Wenger, J. C. A Lay Guide to Romans. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1983. Pp. 158. MHL.
White, James Springer. Christi Glorreiche Erscheinung: Eine Auslegung von Matthaeus Vierundzwanzig. Gordonville, PA: Print Shop, 1976. Pp. 96. MLA.
Wiersbe. Warren. Key Word of the Christian Life. Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible, 1982. Pp. 128. MHL.
- - - - - - Be God's Guest: Feasts of Leviticus 23. Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible. 1982. Unpaged. MHL.
Yoder, Perry. From Word to Life: A Guide to the Art of Bible Study. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 287. MLA, MHL.
Young People's Illustrated Bible History: Being a Simple and Attractive Account of the Great Events Mentioned in the Old and New Testaments . . . Bellville. PA: Ammon R. Peachy. 1981 (Gordonville. PA: Print Shop). Reprint of 1875 ed. Pp. 584. EMC.
Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden. Haarlem: Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1979. Vol. 6. Pp. 457. MLA.
Arndt, Karl J. R. The German Language Press of the Americas. Muenchen: Verlag Dokumentation, 1976. 2 vols. MLA.
Baerg, Elizabeth and Peter Rempel, compiler. "Thinking of Drinking?": An Alcohol Awareness Packet. Winnipeg, Man.: M. C. C. Canada, 1982. MHL.
Banting. Meredith Black. Prairie Pioneers. Craik, Saskatchewan: 1966. Pp. 116. MLA.
Bartsch. Anna. Die Verborgene Hand in Meiner Lebensgeschichte. Winnipeg: The Christian Press, 1982. Pp. 220. FRESNO.
Bauman, Elizabeth Hershberger. Ascuas de Fuego. Scottdale: PA: Herald Press, 1982. MHL ($3.50)
Beechy, Winifred Nelson. The New China. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 263. MLA, MHL. ($6.95)
Beidelman, William. The Story of the Pennsylvania Germans: Embracing an Account of Their Origin, Their History, and Their Dialect. Easton, PA: Express Book Print., 1898. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1969. Pp. 254. MLA.
Berg. P. W. J. van den. Het Karakter der Plattelands-Samenleving. Assen, Neth.: Van Gorcum. 1941. Pp. 175. MLA.
Bittinger, L. F. The Germans in Colonial Times. New York: Russell and Russell, 1968 (reprint of 1901 ed.) Pp. 314. MLA.
Bodelschwingh. Gustav V. Friedrich V . Bodelsehwingh. Bielfeld: Bethel, 1922. Pp. 423. MLA.
Boldt, Cornelius. A Greater Than Jonas is Here: Brief Meditations. Saskatoon: Author, 1982. Pp. 43. MHL.
- - - - - - There He Builded an Altar: Brief Meditations. Saskatoon: Author, 1981. Pp. 70. MHL.
Bontreger, Eli J. My Life Story. Shipshewana: M. E. Bontreger, 1982. MHL. ($3.00)
Brunk, George R. Musical Instruments. Minerva, OH: William R. McGrath, 1981. Pp. 16. EMC.
Byler. David. An Additional Writing to my Booklet "A Voice Crying in the Wilderness." Albany, KY: Author, 1982. MHL.
- - - - - - A Voice Crying in the Wilderness. Albany, KY: Author, 1982. MHL. (1.50)
The Centennial History of Cottonwood County, Minnesota. Windom, MN, 1970. Pp. 701. MLA.
Choice Fruits: Meditations. Milford, NE: Bellwood Mennonite Church, 1982, Pp. 102. EMC.
Crean, David and Eric and Helen Ebbeson. eds. Living Simply: An Examination of Christian Lifestyles. New York: Seabury. 1981. MHL. ($5.95)
Creating Resourceful Ministry, (The Seminarian). Harrisonburg. VA: Eastern Mennonite Seminary, 1982.
De Santo, Charles P. Dear Tim. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 199. MHL, ($7.95)
DeFehr, Art, et al. The Business Person, the Christian and the Life of the Church. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Mennonite Economic Development Assoc., 1982. MHL.
DeFehr, Cornelius A. Erinnerungen aus einem Leben. s.l.: s.n., 1976 (Winnipeg. Man.: Christian Press). Pp. 245. MLA.
DeFehr, Maria. Mia: oder ueber den Amur in die Freiheit. Winnipeg, Man.: DeFehr Foundation, c1981. Pp. 179. FRESNO.
Derksen, Sandy. The Other Side of Sorrow. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, c1982. Pp. 124. FRESNO, MHL. ($3.95)
Drescher, James M. A Letter from Freddy: A Once Act Play with Five Scenes. Lancaster, PA: MIJIM Enterprises, 1982. Pp. 8. EMC.
Dyck. J. M. Das Unglueck Welches den Ehrsemen Diakon Isaak Dyck Btroffen hat. s.l., s.n., 1981. (Steinbeck, Man.: Die Mennonitische Post) MHL.
Edwards, John P., comp. Historical Atlas of Sedgwick County, Kansas. Sedgwick County, KS: Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society, 1982. reprint of 1882 ed. Philadelphia: J. P. Edwards. Pp. 17. MLA.
Eidse, Doris J. Great Things the Lord Hath Done, Book One and Two. Moundridge, KS: Gospel Publishers, 1972-78. 2 vols. EMC.
Eidse, Lenore. ed. Furrows in the Valley. A Centennial Project of the Rural Municipality of Morris 1880-1980. Morris, Man.: RM of Morris. Pp. 891. MHC. ($25.00)
Epp. Margaret. A Fountain Sealed. Winnipeg, Man.: Kindred Press, 1982. MHL. ($5.95)
Epp-Tiessen. Esther. Altona: The Story of a Prairie Town. Altona, Manitoba: D. W. Friesen & Sons Ltd., 1982. Pp. 373. MHC. ($25.00)
Falk. Richard, et. al., ed. Toward a Just World Order. Boulder. CO: Westview Press, 1982. Pp. 652. MHL ($37.50)
Family Favorites: Complimentary Booklet. Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, 198-. Pp. 20. EMC.
Frey. J. William. A Simple Grammar of Pennsylvania Dutch. Lancaster, PA: John Baers & Son, 1981. Pp. 140. MHL. ($8.00)
Friesen, John W. The Helping Book. Burlington: G. R. Welch Co., Ltd., 1982. Pp. 174. MHL. ($9.95)
Funk, Cornelius C. Escape to Freedom. Hillsboro, KS: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1982. Pp. 124. MHL. ($6.95)
Germany (Federal Republic, 1949-____) Bundesministerium fuer Gesamtdeutsche Fragan. SBZ von 1955 bis 1956: Die sowjetische Besatzungszone Deutschlands in den Jahren 1955-1956. Bonn: Auslieferung fuer den Buchhandel, Deutscher BundesVerlag, 1958- . Pp. 255. MLA.
Giesinger, Adam. Reports of 1942-43 from German villages in the Ukraine: A Key to a Microfilm of Materials in Boxes 146-154 of the Captured German Documents at the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Lincoln, NE: Am. Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1977. Pp. 6. MLA.
Glatfelter, Charles H. Pastors and People: German Lutheran and Reformed Churches in the Pennsylvania Field, 1717-1793. Breinigsville, PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 1980- . 2 vols. MLA.
Hamm, Gerhard. Du Hast uns nie Verlassen: Erfahrungen Christlicher Familien in der Sowjetunion. Wuppertal: Brockhaus, 1978. Pp. 175. MLA.
Harder, Johannes. Und der Himmel Lacht Mit: Heiteres von Theologen and Theolunken. Freiberg, W. Germany: Herder. 1982. Pp. 126. EMC, MHL.
Harman, Edna. Meditations from My Window. Harrisonburg, VA: Park View Press, 1982. EMC.
Hartfeld, Hermann. Faith Despite the KGB. Chappaqua. NY: Christian Herald Books. 1980. Pp. 248. FRESNO.
- - - - - - Irina: A Love Stronger than Terror. Chappaqua, NY: Christian Herald Books, 1981. Pp. 316. FRESNO, MHL. ($6.95)
Hawbaker, Gary T. An Index to Tombstones in the Brickerville Cemetery Brickeruille, Pa. Elizabethtown, PA: Author, 1982, Pp. 16. EMC. ($3.50)
Headings, Ira J. Truth is Stranger than Fiction. Buffalo, MO: Author, 1981. Pp. 74. MHL.
Height, Joseph S. Memories of the Black Sea Germans: Highlights of their History and Heritage. s.l.: Associated German-Russian Sponsors, 1979. Pp. 372. MLA.
Heppner, Art, ed. Morden Centennial Souvenir Booklet. Morden, Man.: 1982. Pp. 239. MHC. ($5.00)
Hiebert, Susan and the Book Committee. Morden. Morden, Man.: Morden Centennial Committee, 1981. Pp. 382. MHC. ($30.00)
Hildebrand, Jacob. A Backward Glance. Crystal City. Man.: Author, 1982. Pp. 136. MHC. ($10.00)
Holsopple, Curtis R. Skills for Radio Broadcasters. Goshen, IN: Author, 1982. Unpaged. MHL. ($10.00)
Horst, Irvin Buckwalter. De Broege Bloei van Teylers Godgeleerd Genootschap. Overdruk uit 'Teyler' 1778-1978. Haarlem /Antwerpen: Schuyt & Co. 1978. Pp. 111-118. EMC.
Is There a Better Way?: A Perspective on American Prisons. Washington, D. C.: Prison Fellowship, 1981. Pp. 30. Unpaged. MHL.
Kauffman, Daniel. A Talk With Our Young People. Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, 1979. Pp. 88. EMC.
Kauffman, Daniel E. A New Look at Philanthropy. Goshen: Goshen College & Mennonite Foundation. 1982. MHL.
Kautsky. Karl. Thomas More and Seine Utopie; Mit Einer Historischen Einleitung, von Karl Kautsky. Stuttgart: J. H. W. Dietz, 1913. Pp. 322. MLA.
Klassen, Is. P. Licht and Schatten: 1. Teil: Gedichte. Winnipeg: Author, 1981. Pp. 92. MHL. ($5.00)
Kliewer, Tim. A Home for All Seasons. Siloam Springs. AR: Energy Self-Sufficiency, 1982. MHL, ($3.95)
Kloss, Heinz. Atlas der im 19. und fruhen 20. Jh. Entstandenen Deutschen Siedlungen in der USA. Marburg: Elwert, 1974. Pp. 17. MLA.
Koehn, Marvin, Mrs. Chats With Aunt Jo. s. l.: s. n., 197-. Pp. 115. EMC.
Kroeker, Irvin, ed. and comp. Manitoba. West Vancouver, B. C.: Whitecap Books, 1979. Pp. 71. MLA.
Kuhns, Dennis R. Frauen in de Gemeinde. Witten: Bundes-Verlag. 1980. Pp. 63. EMC.
Lane, David. The Roots of Russian Communism. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1975, c1968. Pp. 240. MLA.
Lederach, Paul and John H. Rudy. Stewardship of the Gospel: A Business Person's Perspective. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Economic Development Assoc., 1982. MHL.
Lind, Miriam S. Vignettes and Collages: Persistent Memories of an Idaho Childhood. Scottdale, PA: Author, 1981. MHL. ($11.95)
Martin, E, and H. Lienhart. Woerterbuch der Elasaessischen Mundarten. Berlin: New York: W. de Gruyter, 1974. 2 vols. MLA.
Martin, Elaine. Rainbows of Promise. Elora, Ont.: Author, 1981. Pp. 102. MHL. ($5.85)
Martin, Lynne. ed. Peace Unearth. A Directory of Canadian Peace Organizations with International Concerns. Winnipeg. Man.: MCC (Manitoba). 1982. Pp, 250. MHC. ($6.00)
Matheson, Peter, ed. The Third Reich and the Christian Churches. Grand Rapids. MI: W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1981. Pp. 103. MLA.
Mennonite Central Committee. Hymn Sing Celebration: Mennonite Centennial, 1874197¢. Altona, Man.: Centennial Committee. 1974. 71 hymns. MLA.
Meyen, Emil. comp. and ed. Bibliography on the Colonial Germans of North America. Baltimore, ND: Genealogical Publ. Co., 1982. Pp. 636. Reprint, originally published as Bibliographie des Deutschtums der Kolonialzeitlichen Einwanderung in Nordamerika. Leipzig: O. Harassowitz. 1937, MLA.
Miller, D. L. Letters from Europe and Bible Lands. Mt. Morris, IL: Brethren Publishing Co., 1884. Pp. 438. MLA.
Mitzka, Walther. Grundzuege Nordostdeutscher Sprachgeschichte. Halle-Saale: Max Niemeyer, 1937. Pp. 108. MLA.
Mohn, Viola Kohl. Shadows of the Rhine Along the Tulpehocken. Lebanon, PA: Lebanon County Historical Society, 1982. 2 vols. MHL ($5.00/volume)
Mould, David. The Kansas Immigrants: A Series of Thirty Radio Programs on the Ethnic Heritage of Kansas. Lawrence. KS: Univ. of KS, 1981. Pp. 66. MLA.
Mullet, Rosa Kurtz. Fall and Winter in North Carolina Forests. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff, 1982. Pp. 241. EMC.
- - - - - - Spring and Summer in North Carolina Forests. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1982. Pp. 238. EMC.
Nebraska State Farmer's Alliance. Douglas A. Bakken. ed. Nebraska Farmer's Alliance Papers, 1887-1901. Lincoln, NE: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1966. Pp. 10. MLA.
Neff. Charles and Elizabeth. Do You Dare to Be Different?: A Book About Alcohol for Today's Christians of All Ages. Salunga. PA: Lancaster Conference, 1982. Unpaged. MHL.
Neue Deutsche Biographie. Berlin: Duncker and Humbolt, 1982. MHL. ($69.50)
Neufeld. Gerhard G. What God Has Done. Winnipeg, Man., 1982. Trans. by Margaret Neufeld. Pp. 92. MHC. ($8.00)
Noth, Werner. Die Wartburg. Leipzig, East Germany: Koehler and Amelang, 1967. Pp. 157. MLA.
Oberman, Heiko A. Die Kirche in Zeitalter. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981. Pp. 297. MHL.
Penner, Lydia. Hanover: 100 Years. Steinbach, Man.: RM of Hanover, Man., 1982. Pp. 196. MHC. ($10.00)
Peters, Victor. Nestor Mancho: das Leben eines Anarchisten. Winnipeg, Man.: Echo Books, 1970. Pp. 139. MLA.
Pochmann, Henry A., comp. Bibliography of German Culture in America to 1940. Millwood, NY: Kraus International Publishers, 1982. Pp. 489. MHL. ($86.00)
Preservation of Photographs. Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak Co., 1979. Pp. 60. MLA.
Qualben, Lars P. A History of the Christian Church. New York: T. Nelson, 1942. Pp. 644. MLA.
Rasimus, Hans. Auswanderer aus Jackgrim im 19. Jahrhundert. Kaiserslautern, W. Germany: Heimatstelle Pfalz: Germersheim, W. Germany: Kreisverwaltung Germersheim, 1980. Pp. 416. MLA.
Regehr, Walter. Die lebensraumliche Situation der Indianer im Paraguayischen Chaco: Human Georgrophisch-ethnologische Studie zu Subsistenzgrundlage und Siedlungsform Akkulturiertur Chacovolker, Basel: Geographisch-Ethnilogischen Gesellschaft in Kommission bei Wepf & Co., 1979. Pp. 436. MLA.
Reimer, Margaret Loewen, comp. Meditations on a Place and a Way of Life. Winnipeg. Man.: Hyperion, 1982. MHL. ($11.95)
Rempel, Ben, ed. Winkler. A Proud Heritage. Winkler, Man.: The Winkler Home Coming Committee. 1982. Pp. 270. MHC. ($20.00)
Riemann. Erhard, ed. Preussisches Woerterbuch. Neumunster: Karl Wachholtz, 1982. MHL. ($14.48)
Sawatzky. Valentin. Abendlicht: Gedichte- und Maerchen. Waterloo, Ont.: s.n.. 1977. Pp. 130. MHC. ($4.00)
- - - - - - Eichelaub: Gedichte and Maerchen. Waterloo, Ont., 1981. Pp. 141. MHC. ($5.00)
- - - - - - Friedensklaenge: Gedichte. Waterloo, Ont., 1971. Pp. 95. MHC. ($4.00)
- - - - - - Glockenlaeuten: Gedichte. Waterloo. Ont.. 1982. Pp. 176. MHL. MHC. ($5.00)
- - - - - - Heimatglockens Lyrik and Balladen. Virgil, Ont., 1962. Pp. 103. MHC. ($4.00)
- - - - - - Lindenblaetter. Ausgewaehlte Gedichte. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., n.d. Pp. 90. MHC ($4.00)
Scheuerman, Richard D. Pilgrims on the Earth: A German-Russian Chronicle. Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press, 1976, c1974, Pp. 165. MLA.
Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen and das religioese Leben der Russlanddentschen. Stuttgart: Selbstverlag Joseph Schnurr, 1980. Pp. 416. MLA.
Shenk, Lois L. Out of Mighty Waters. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 187. FRESNO, MHL, MLA.
Shetter. Janette. Rhythms of the Ecosystem. Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1976. Pp. 24. MLA.
Shirk, Esther S. A Battle Lost, a Victory Won: Story of Miriam Zimmerman. Reinholds, PA: Author, s.a. Pp. 51. MHL. ($1.50)
Sider, Ronald J. Der Weg Durchs Nadeloehr: Reiche Christen and Welthunger. Wuppertal: Aussaa, 1981 (reprint of 1978). Pp. 208. EMC.
Simons, Menno. Foundation of Christian Doctrine. From The Complete Writings of Menno Simons. Cassadaga. NY: Jacob Lapp, 1980. Pp. 226. EMC. ($2.00)
Smith, Ruth and Florence. Precious Memories. Gowanstown, Ont.: Authors, 1982. MHL. ($3.00)
Sommer, Lillian and Ira. Jura Mountain Sonnenberg, Switzerland Dalton, OH: Authors, s.a. MHL.
Sommer. Lillian Bixler. Easy Reference Bern Swiss Translation. Dalton, OH: Author, s.a. MHL.
- - - - - - Our Heritage. Dalton, OH: Author, s.a. MHL.
- - - - - - Through Sunshine and Shadow. Dalton, OH: Author, s.a. MHL.
Stahl, John D. and Henry D. Weaver. Nuclear Energy: Two Mennonite Views. Akron, PA: MCC U.S. Peace Section. 1982. Unpaged. MHL. (Free)
Stratton, Joanna L. Pioneer Women: Voices from the Kansas Frontier. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981, Pp. 319. MLA.
Suny, Ronald Grigor. The Baku Commune, 1917-1918; Class and Nationality in the Russian Revolution. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1972. Pp. 412. MLA.
Survey of Conditions of the Indians in the United States: Hearing Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, 76th Congress, Part 37. Washington, D. C.: G. P. O., 1940. Pp. 1575. MLA.
Taylor, A. Wingrove. Youth and His Birthright. Harrison, VA: The Sword and Trumpet, 1980. Pp. 9. EMC.
Taylor, Philip. The Distant Magnet: European Emigration to the U. S. A. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1971. Pp. 326. MLA.
Tillett, Lowell. The Great Friendship: Soviet Historians on the Non-Russian Nationalities. Chapel Hill, NC: Univ. of N. Carolina Press, 1969. Pp. 468. MLA.
20th Annual Hand-I-Cap Gathering at Jamesport, Mo., June 12, 1982. Jamesport, MO: Esther M. Troyer, 1982. Pp. 23. EMC.
Twisck, Peter Jansz. A Father's Gift of 1622. S.l.: s.n., 1982. Trans. by Titus Hoover. Pp. 132. MHL.
United States National Archives and Records Service. Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA. Washington: National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration. 1958-80. No. 16, Pt. I and No. 21, Pt. II. MLA.
- - - - - -Svenningsen, Robert, comp. Preliminary Inventory of the Pueblo Records Created by Field Offices of the Bureau of Indian Affairs: Records Group 75. Washington: National Archives and Records Service. General Services Administration, 1980. Pp. 34. MLA.
Vining, Elizabeth Gray. A Quest There Is. Wallingford. PA: Pendle Hill Publishers. 1982, MHL. ($1.50)
Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang. The Germanic People in America. Norman, OK: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1976. Pp. 404. MLA.
Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam) Bibliothek. Een Vrije Universiteitsbibliothek. Assen: The Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1980. Pp. 391.
Wagner, Jonathan F. Brothers Beyond the Sea: National Socialism in Canada. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 1981. Pp. 163. MHL ($14.75)
Walters, George J. Wir Wollen Deutche Bleiben (We Want to Remain Germans): The Story of the Volga Germans. Kansas City, MO: Halcyon House, 1982. Pp. 425. MLA.
Wedel, Waldo R. Notes on the Prairie Turnip (Psoralea esculenta) Among the Plains Indians. Lincoln, NE: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1978. Pp. 25. MLA.
Weiman, Eiveen. Which Way Courage. New York: Atheneum, 1981. Pp. 132. MHL. ($8.95)
Whittenburg. Ruth Stump. comp. Time for Everything Under the Sun: On the Life and Times of V. L. Stump. New York: Philosophical Library, 1980. Pp. 363. EMC, MHL ($17.50)
Widmer, Pierre. Il y a Des Gens Qui Vans Troublent. Montbeliard, France: Les Cahiers de Christ Seul, 1982. Pp. 98. EMC, MHL.
Wiersbe, Warren W. God Isn't in a Hurry. Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible, 1982. MHL.
Yoder, Bruce. Single Voices. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 126. FRESNO, MHL.
Yoder, Lawrence M. The Church of the Muria: A History of the Muria Christian Church of Indonesia-GKMI. Ann Arbor. MI: University Microfilms International, 1981. Pp. 634. MLA.
Zehr, Vernon. Reflections of an Era That Has Ended. New Hamburg, Ont.: Author, 1982. Pp. 55. MHL. ($2.50)
Zercher, John E. Lantern in the Dawn: Selections from the Writings of John E. Zercher. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press. 1980. Pp. 192. EMC.
Zweeker, Hermann. Begegnungen Zwischen Ostsee and Baikalsee. Karlsruhe: Swecker, 1972. Pp. 31. MLA.
Amish-Country Cookbook: Favorite Recipes Gathered by Das Dutchman Essenhaus. Bob and Sue Miller, eds. Elkhart, IN: Bethel Pub., 1979. Pp. 301. EMC.
Beachy, Kenton. Wholeheart Cookbook: A Guide to Healthy Eating. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press. Goshen College, 1982. Unpaged. MHL. ($3.25)
Charlottesville Mennonite Church. Women's Missionary and Service Commission, A Book of Favorite Recipes. Charlottesville. VA: Author, 1979. Pp. 88. EMC.
Chupp, Ada, comp. 500 Favorite Recipes from the Ladies of Whispering Pines Mennonite Church. Honea Path, SC: Compiler, 1982. Pp. 135. MHL, EMC. ($6.00)
Ferguson, Jo Sawatzke, comp. Grandma's Kitchen. Midwest City, OK: Compiler, 1981. Pp. 54. MHL.
Good, Phyllis Pellman and Rachel Thomas Pellman, eds. Breads from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens. Lancaster, PA: Good Books, 1982. Pp. 32 (unpaged). EMC, MHL. ($1.95)
- - - - - - Cookies from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens. Lancaster, PA: Good Books, 1982. Pp. 32 (unpaged). EMC, MHL ($1.95)
- - - - - - Meats from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens. Lancaster, PA: Good Books, 1982. Pp. 32 (unpaged) EMC, MHL. ($1.95)
- - - - - - Pies from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens. Lancaster, PA: Good Books, 1982. Pp. 31 (unpaged). EMC, MHL ($1,95)
- - - - - - Soups from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens. Lancaster, PA: Good Books, 1982. Pp. 32 (unpaged), EMC, MHL ($1.95)
- - - - - -Vegetables from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens. Lancaster, PA: Good Books, 1982. Pp. 32 (unpaged). EMC, MHL. ($1.95)
Habegger Sisters, comp. A Collection of Favorite Recipes Compiled by the Habegger Sisters of the Muddy Pond . . . Monterey, TN: s.n., s.a. Pp. 105. MHL. ($4.00)
The Home-Style Cookbook. Paradise, PA: Linville Hill Mennonite School, 1981. Pp. 301. EMC.
Kitchen Kreations. Blumenort, Man.: Blumenort Junior Ladies Fellowship. 1981. Unpaged. MHL. ($6.00)
Lapp, Sallie Y. Amish Cooking: Specialties of Lancaster County, Soft Pretzels and Funnel Cake. Gordonville, PA: Author, 1982. Pp. 48. EMC.
- - - - - - Amish Treats from My Kitchen. Gordonville, PA: Author, 1981. Pp. 48. EMC, MHL.
- - - - - - Lanc. Co. Amish Cookbook: Favorite Recipes Collected and Received by Sallie Y. Lapp and Sylvia Y. Miller. Gordonville, PA: Author, 1982. Pp. 355. EMC.
Lund. Adrienne. The Amish Recipe Sampler. Chagrin Falls, OH: Jupiter Press, 1982. Pp. 38. EMC, MHL. ($3.00)
Members of Bellwood Mennonite Church, Milford. NE. Choice Fruits. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers, 1982. Unpaged. MHL. ($4.25)
The Mennonite Cookbook: With Recipes in Standard and Metric Measures. New York: Beaufort Books, Inc., 1981. Unpaged. MHL. ($9.95)
Recipes. Wichita, KS: First Menn. Breth. Church, s.a. Unpaged. MHL.
Troy Community Cookbook. Gordonville, PA: Print Shop, 1982, Pp. 69. EMC.
Voth, Norma Jost. Festive Cookies of Christmas. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 104. MHL. ($3.25)
Zion Christian School. The Zion School Mothers Cookbook: Recipes for Good Home Cooking and Baking. Millersburg, OH: Compilers, 1982. Unpaged. MHL. ($3.75)
Aberle, George P. Anecdotes of the Prairies. Bismarck, ND: Quality Printing Service. 1975. Pp. 120. MLA.
Appere, Guy. Dialague with God. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 68. MLA, MHL. ($1.95)
Drescher, Sandra. Dear Jesus . . . Love Sandy. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1982. Pp. 137. MHL, EMC.
The Drunkard's Children. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1982. Pp. 166. Reprint. 1860. EMC.
Dyck, E. F. The Mossbank Canon. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, c1982. Pp. 87. FRESNO.
Epp, Margaret. Die Verschlossene Quelle. Neuwied: Memra-Verlag, 1981. Pp. 327. MHL. (DM 9.95)
- - - - - - Sarah and the Pelican. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1977. Pp. 132. MLA.
Etchison, Birdie L. Strawberry Mountain. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 131. MLA.
Friesen, Lauren. The Fallow Fields. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press. 1971. Pp. 27. MLA.
Graber, Edwin C. Meditations Browned Selectively. Freeman. SD: Author, 1982. Pp. 212. MLA, EMC, MHL.
Graybill. Edith Kennel. Original Poems. New Holland, PA: Chester C. Graybill, 1978. (Gordonville, PA: Print Shop). Pp. 106, EMC. ($3.00)
Hamilton, Dorothy. Gina In-Between. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 122. MLA.
- - - - - - Last One Chosen. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 106. MHL.
Kauffman, David, comp. Poem, Autographs and Quotations that Live and Teach. Richfield, PA: Author, s.a. Pp. 53. MHL. ($4.50)
Keith, W. J. Epic Fiction: The Art of Rudy Wiebe. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Press, c1981. Pp. 158. FRESNO, MHL. ($10.00)
Kinsinger, Mrs. Ray. Coloring Book A, Book B, Book C. Springs, PA: Author, 1981, 3 vols. EMC. ($1.50/volume)
Klaus, Menno, ed. Growing up Mennonite. Stories by the People. Vineland, Ont., 1982. Pp. 72. MHC ($4.50)
Laur, Christopher. No Said the Bird. Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, Goshen College, 1982. MHL. ($2.50)
Lauremberg, Johann. Neiderdeutsche Scherzgedichte. Halle a.s.: M. Niemeyer, 1879. Pp. 120. MLA.
Lehman, James H. The Divorce of Russell Hershey. Elgin. IL: Brotherstone Publishers, 1981. 26 parts (paged continuously). MLA.
Lichdi, Hartmut. Stolpern im finsterm Tal: Gedichte. Maxdorf: Agape Verlag, 1982. Pp. 89. MHL.
Loeb, Louisa, ed. Down Singing Centuries: Folk Literature of the Ukraine. Winnipeg, Man: Hyperion Press, 1981. Pp. 204. MHL. ($29.95)
Lohrenz. Gerhard. The Lost Generation and Other Stories. Winnipeg, Man., 1982. Pp. 178. MHC. ($9.00)
Miller, Elizabeth. The Winding Road. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers, 1981. Pp. 171. MLA.
Moore, Ruth Nulton. The Sorrel Horse. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 154. MHL.
Newcomb, Thomas. Homecoming: A Romance of the Amish. Garrettsville, OH: Newcomb Publishing Co., 1979. Pp. 28. MLA.
Nighswander, Ada, The Little Martins Learn to Love. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1982. Pp. 187, EMC.
Oomes, P. Joost van den Vondel. Amsterdam: "Joost van den Vondel," 1937. Pp. 95. MLA.
Overholt, Joe. Theological Themes in the Hymns of the Ausbund. Uniontown, OH: Overholt, 1980, Pp. 96, MLA.
Quiring, Isaac, Strangled Roots. Calgary, Alberta: Detselig Enterprises Ltd., c1982. Pp. 186. FRESNO.
Redekopp, Elsa. Wish and Wonder. A Manitoba Village Girl. Winnipeg, Man.: Reddell Publishing, 1982. Pp, 59. MHC. ($4.00)
Romein-Verschoor, Anna H. M. Vrouwenspiegel: Een literairsociologische Studie over de Nederlandse Romanschrijfster. Utrecht: Vitgeversmaatschappij W. De Haan N, V., 1935. Pp. 177. MLA,
Ruth, Philip. This Lit Brow, Goshen, IN: Pinchpenny Press, Goshen College, 1981. MHL. ($2.00)
Sawatzky, Valentin. Eichenlaub Gedichte and Maerchen. Waterloo, Ont.: Author, 1981. Pp. 141. MHL.
Schloneger, Florence. Sara's Trek. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1981. Pp. 105, MLA.
Shank, Merna B. Happy Ways: Verses for Children, No. 1. Harrisonburg, VA: Park View Press, 1982. Pp. 27, EMC.
- - - - - - Thankful Days: Verses for Children, No. 2. Harrisonburg, VA: Park View Press, 1982. Pp. 28. EMC.
Shenk, Barbara Keener. Rimes for Our Times. Lancaster, PA: Barkeesh Enterprises, 1979. Pp. 28. EMC.
Strite, Anna May. Square Peg, Round Hole. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1981. Pp. 123. EMC.
The Three-legged Stool and Other Stories. Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, 1980. Pp. 101. MLA.
Unruh, Vickie. Pancho's Good News. Macon, MS: Errol Wedel, 198-. Pp. 94. EMC.
Van Dyck, Walter. Monikas Puppenkinder. Pentiction, B. C.: Van Dyck, 1975. Pp. 86. MLA.
Vernon, Louise A. Le Livre Trague. Flavion-Florennes: Editions "Le Phare", 1982. Pp. 160. Herald Press. MHL.
Walser, Martin. Das Sauspiel: Szenen aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1975. Pp. 159. MLA.
Wiebe, Rudy. The Angel of Tar Sands and Other Stories. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, c1982. Pp. 191. FRESNO.
- - - - - - The Scorched-wood People: A Novel. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1977, Pp. 351. MLA.
Willms, Abram. Mein Lohn: Gedichte. Canada Christian Press, c19ß2. Pp. 272. FRESNO.
Witmer, Esther Mae. The Family God Gave. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff, 1982. Pp. 268. EMC.
Zook, Mary R. Lieder in der Nacht and Andere Geschichten. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1981. Pp. 152. EMC.
- - - - - - More Little Missionaries. Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff, 1982. Pp. 130. EMC.
Augsburger, Homer D., comp. Descendants of Christian Augsburger and Barbara Liechty Augsburger, Married 1859. Dayton, OH: Compiler, 1981. Pp. 70. MHL.
Babbel, June Andrew. Lest We Forget: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the ation's Capital. Annandale, VA: Annandale Stake of Church of Latter-Day Saints, 1982. Pp. 103. MHL. ($7.50)
Bare, Howard C. Ancestors anr Relatives of Kendig Herr Bare, Lancaster, Pa. s.l.: Author, 1981. Unpaged. EMC.
- - - - - - Some Descendants of John Bare (Barr), Conestoga Township, Lancaster County, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. [s.l.]: Author, 1981. EMC.
Blosser, Esther Mast. The Descendants of Frederick and Lydia Stutzman Mast. Dayton, VA: Author, 1978. Pp. 65. EMC.
Boehm, Helen. Boehm Family History. Fort Wayne, IN: Author, 198-. Unpaged. MLA.
Bowman, Millard L. David Hollar Family History. Harrisonburg, VA: Author, 1981. Pp. 375. EMC ($20.00)
Brightbill, Patricia Shannon. Our Brechbill /Brightbill, Kreider and Landis Ancestors. Fountain Valley, CA: Author, 197-. Pp. 244. EMC, MHL. ($20,00)
Brunk, Ivan W. Jacob's Ladder: A Supplement to The Progeny of Jacob Brunk 1 The Will-Maker. Sarasota, FL: Author. 1982. Pp. 285. EMC.
Burkett, James P. The Emigrants: A Story of the Amish Ancestors of Menno Z. and Susan B. Troyer. West Liberty, OH: Author, 1980. Pp. 86. MHL, ($8.00)
Burkhart, B. LeRoy. Additions and Corrections to History of the Family of David Z. and Mary Burkhart. Emmaus, PA: Author, 1982. Pp. 15. EMC, MHL.
Burkholder, Anna (Mrs. Benjamin), comp. Daniel S. Burkholder Family History. Gordonville, PA: Amos B. Hoover, 1981. Pp. 455. MHL, EMC. ($9.50)
Burgle, J, Anthony, ed. Yearbook of German-American Studies, Vol. 16. Kansas: Society for German American Studies. 1981. MHL. ($15.00)
Byler, Fannie J. The Draft of Imgrant [sic] Jacob Beiler 1737, Son Christoper Beiler, His Three Sons Are Descendants, Intermarried Kauffman-Lapp-Stoltzfus-Naffzinger & Smucker. New Wilmington, PA: Author, 1982. Pp. 99. Cover title: History of First Amish Settlers from Germany In States of U.S. and Descendants of Byler and Naffsingers. EMC.
Byler. Martha A. Hershberger Family History. Smicksburg, PA: Author, 1981. Pp. 90. EMC.
Byler, Milo J. Descendants of Benjamin M. Miller and Elizabeth N, Miller. s.l.: Milo J. Byler family, 1981. Pp. 246. MHL. ($5.90)
Coblentz, Esther. Family Record of Joe D. Coblentz and Anna C. Troyer. Geneva IN: Author, 1982. Pp. 101. EMC.
Denlinger, Carolyn Teach. Every Name Index for History of the Church of the Brethren of the Southern District of Ohio. Dayton, OH: S. Ohio District Ch, of the Breth. Hist. Comm- 1982. MHL. ($4.00)
Dyck, John P. Troubles and Triumphs. Klaas Dueck and Descendants. Springstein, Man.: s.n., n.d. FRESNO.
Ebey, Bob and Ruth, comp. Eby Family History. Kendallville, IN: Compilers. 1981. Pp. 45. MHL.
Eby, Lela, comp. Every Name Index: A History of the Church of the Brethren in Kansas. s.l.: s.n., s.a. Unpaged. MHL. ($2.00)
- - - - - - Every Name Index: History of the Brethren in Indiana. s.l.: s.n., s.a. Unpaged. MHL. ($2.25)
- - - - - - Every Name Index: History of the Brethren in Virginia. s.l.: s.n., s.a. Unpaged. MHL. ($1.25)
- - - - - - Every Name Index: Record of the Faithful 1881-1882. s.l.: s.n., s.a, Unpaged. MHL. ($2.00)
Eby, Martin Christian, comp. Family and Descendants of H. John and Sarah L. Eby: Along with Historical Background. New Holland, PA: Compiler, 1976. Pp. 66. MHL. ($4.25)
Eby, Ruth N. and Vivian Eby Denlinger comp. The Henry N. Eby Family. s.l.: Compilers, 1982. MHL. ($9.30)
Emrich, Oran S. Descendants of Johannes Gingrich and Joseph Engel, IllinoisKansas. Washington, D. C.: Author 1981. Pp. 96. MHL.
Ferguson, Johanna Ruth. The Family Barkman. s.l.: Arthur W. Ratzlaff, 1982. Pp. 327. FRESNO. MHL. ($25.00)
Friesen, Adeline. Johann F. and Anna Rempel Sawatzky Family History. Mt. Lake, MN: Author, 1978, Unpaged. MHL. ($5.00)
Friesen, Elsie H., comp. In the Days of Our Youth: The Mennonite Heritage & Descendants of Johann & Cornelius Siebert. Henderson, NE: Author, 1980. Unpaged. MHL. ($15.00)
Fyock, Karen and Alvera Luettig. Pfile-Dahlem. Freeport, IL: K. Fyock; Freeport, IL: A. Luettig, 1981. Pp. 126. MLA.
Goossen, John R. Gerhard Goossen Family Book: Born 1811, Died 1854. Rosenort, Man.: s.n., n.d. Pp. 187. FRESNO.
Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Lester F. John E. Borntreger & Barbara Mishler 1837-1981. Bronson, MI: Author, 1982. Pp. 326. MHL. ($9.00)
Hershberger, Jean H. The Hershberger Family of Somerset County, Pennsylvania, 1737-1980. Sykesville, MD: Author, 1980. Pp. 45. EMC.
Hershberger, Menno M. Family History of Christian D. Miller and Wife Mary S. (Weaver) Miller, 1867-1982. Sugar Grove, PA: Abe E. Byler, 1982. Pp. 143. EMC, MHL. ($2.50)
Hess, James H. Descendants of John Hess, 1809-1888: A Hess Genealogy Through Pioneer Hans Hess. [s.l: s.n., 1981] Pp. 110. EMC.
History of Grant County Families, 1893-1980. Grant County. OK: Grant County Historical Society, 1980. Pp. 704. MLA.
Hochstetler, Ervin L. Family Record of John J. Borkholder and Anna Schmucker, 1842-1976. Pp. 205. EMC.
Hochstetler. Irene Steiner. Peter & Anna (Beer) Moser Family Record, 1809-1981. Orville, OH: Author, 1981. Pp. 272. EMC.
Hocker, Edward W. Genealogical Data Relating to the German Settlers of Pennsylvania and Adjacent Territory. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1980. Pp. 242. MLA.
Hofmann, William J. Life Writing, A Guide to Family Journals and Personal Memoirs. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. Pp. 181. MLA.
Hostetler, Paul V. The Three Zug (Zook) Brothers of 1742 and Their Male Descendants Until 1850. Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, 1982. Pp. 213. EMC, MHL. ($15.00)
Houle, Irmgard, ed. And Johann Begat . . . The Story of Johann Neufeldt (1815-1884) and His Descendants. Victoria, B. C., 1982. Pp. 373. MHC.
Jacob Albrecht and Veronica Ropy Albrecht Family Tree. s.l.: s.n., 1980. Pp. 19. EMC.
Kratz, Herbert E. The Kratz Family History: A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of John Valentine Kratz . . . North Wales, PA: Author, 1982. Pp. 678. EMC. ($35.00)
Kraybill, Spencer L. and Noah L. Zimmerman. History of a John Graybill Family in America 1681-1981, Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, 1982. Unpaged. MHL. ($20.50)
Kreider, Mabel Shimp. The Family of John and Fanny Herr Krantz, Strasburg Township, Lancaster, Pa. [s.l.: s.n.], 1981. Pp. 48. EMC.
Kriebel, Warren R., comp. The Ruth Families: A Companion Volume to Ruth Genealogy, 2nd ed., 1979. Freeport, PA: Fountain Press, 1981. Pp. 615, MLA, MHL. ($38.00)
Lehman, James O. The Willis and Sarean (Amstutz) Lehman Family Calendar. Harrisonburg, VA: Author, 1981. Pp. 20. EMC. ($10.00)
Linscheid. Glen, ed. We Did Take Root: A Brief Saga of the Migrations to the New World by Galician Forebearers. Butterfield, MN: s.n., 1981. Pp. 427. MLA.
Long, Anna Mary (Nolt). Little Foxes: The Voelpel /Felpel Family in America. Elverson, PA: Mennonite Family History, 1982. Pp. 113. EMC.
Mast, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn, comp. Descendants of Daniel E. Borntreger and Mary Nissley. Tuscola, IL: compilers, 1982. Pp. 194. MHL. ($10.00)
McKinnon, William. Family History of Jacob B. Brubacher. Kitchener, Ont.: Author. 1979. Pp. 97. EMC.
Metzger, Mrs. Cloice E. (Willodean Rickel), comp. The Metzger Family History 1653-1981. Warsaw, IN: Compiler, 1981. Pp. 672. MHL. ($24.50)
Meyer, Mary Keysor. Meyer's Directory of Genealogical Societies in the USA and Canada. Pasadena, MD: Arthur, 1982. Pp. 92. MHL. ($15.00)
Miller, Carolynne L. Genealogical Research: A Basic Guide. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History, 1969. Unpaged. MLA.
Miller, Gertie L. Ananias and Mattie Miller 1882-1976. Goshen. IN: Mrs. Ammon A Miller, 1976. Pp. 40. MLA.
Miller. Marie Arlene Helmuth and Barbara A. Miller, comp. The Ties That Bind: Ancestral History & Family Record of Joseph C. Miller & Barbara Mishler. Middlebury, IN: compilers, 1982. Pp. 86. MHL. ($6.50)
Miller, Oscar R.. comp., Miller Family History: vol. 1, Descendants of Eli S. Miller and Marie Kauffman; vol. 2, Descendants of Isaac S. Miller & (1) Rachel Troyer; (2) Fannie Erb. Berlin, OH: Oscar R. Miller, 1981. Pp. 126. (2 vols. in 1). MLA.
Moore, Marcell Straman, comp. The Shenk Family. Berrien Springs, MI: compiler. 1982. Pp. 187. MHL. ($4.00)
Oswald, Donald. The Descendants of Jacob Oswald, 1858-1931, & Elizabeth Rupp Oswald 1860-1927. Tremont, IL: Author 1979. Pp. 148. EMC.
Oyer, Darrell. Descendants of Christian Oyer and Katherine Zehr. Alexandria. VA: Author, 1982. Pp. 63. EMC, MHL.
Parker, J. Carlyle, ed. Library Service for Genealogists. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Co., 1981. Unpaged. MHL. ($42.00)
Parsons, Frances Berg. Exiles of the Steppes, Book III. Bergs in the U.S.A. s.l.: s.n. 1982. Pp. 86. FRESNO.
Peachey, Samuel M. A Memorial History of Peter Bitsche, and Complete Family Register of His…. , 3rd ed. Dundee, OH: Andrew J. A. Miller, 1982. Pp. 205. MHL. ($5.50)
Plett, Delbert F. Plett Picture Book: A Pictorial History of the Children and Grandchildren of Cornelius Plett (1820-1900) and Sara Loewen (1822-1903). Steinbach. Man.: D. F. Plett Farms, 1981. Pp. 161. MLA.
Raber, David M. and Mary Sammy. Descendants of John C. Speicher and Christena Miller 1821-1982. Sugarcreek, OH: David Raber, s.a. Unpaged. MHL. ($6.50)
Raid, Howard, comp. Krehbiel History & Family Records from Pfrimmerhof to America. Bluffton, OH: Compiler, 1974. Pp. 79. MLA.
Regier. Sylvia. Through the Years with the C. W. Regiers. Laird, Saskatchewan. 1982. Pp. 160. MHC.
Reimer, Bernhard P. D., comp. Index to Obituaries in "Familienfreund" 1934-June 1981. Steinbach: Compiler. 1981. MHL. ($1.64)
Schmidt, Elsie (Duerksen) comp. Genealogy of Abraham and Justina (Friesen) Woelk 1840-1981. s.l.: n.p, n.d. Pp. 95. FRESNO.
Schowalter. Elizabeth Anna. Our Family; Facts of the George B. Schowalter Family. Scottdale, PA. 1955. Pp. 30. MLA.
Schrock, R. P. Descendants of Peter D. Schrock, 1829-1982. Millersburg, OH: Author, 1982. Pp. 198. EMC, MHL. ($7.50)
Schrocks, Edwin and Roman Borkholders, comp. Family Record of Jacob A. Kauffman and Wives Sally Troyer and Fanny Miller 1837-1982. Arthur, IL: Compilers, 1982. Pp. 252. MHL.
Schroeder, Katherine, ed. Karl Hildebrand: Family Tree. Winnipeg, Man., 1982. Pp. 190. MHC. (($20.00)
Schulz, Henry. Snowborne. The Siberian Chronicles of Henry Schulz. Vancouver, B.C.: Orca Sound Publishing. 1982. Pp. 227. MHC. ($25.00 hdc.; $10.00 pb.)
Sherk, Lyle R. Sherk-Shirk Freundschaft 1732-1982. Littleton, CO: Author, 1982. Unpaged. MHL. ($14.95)
Siemens, Anna Enns. The Life and Descendants of Berhard Buhler (1834-1.918), Buhler, Kansas. Buhler. KS: Author, 1972. Pp. 34. MLA.
Slagle, Maudie (Brenneman), comp. Jacob J. Brenneman and Sally Elizabeth Fuller Family Record. Wellman, IA: Compiler. 1977. MHL. ($1.00)
Smith, Clifford Neal and Anna PiszczanCzaja Smith. Encyclopedia of GermanAmerican Genealogical Research. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1976. Pp. 273. MLA.
Sommer, Lillian. Short History and Record of Our Family the Descendants of Isaac Nussbaum & Marianne Neuenschwander, 1882-1981. Dalton, OH: Author, 1981. MHL.
Steinberg, Alice Taylor. An Index to "Good Old Times in McLean County, Illinois." Bloomington, IL: Bloomington-Normal Genealogical Society. 1969. Pp. 45. MLA.
Steiner, Clayton. From Switzerland to Sonnenberg: The Steiner, Amstutz, and Zuercher Families from Wayne County, Ohio. Goshen, IN: Steiner, 1976. Pp. 181. MLA.
Stucky, Harley J. The Swiss (Volhynian) Mennonite Ship List, 1874, of the Immigrants Who Came From Russia. North Newton. KS: Mennonite Press, 1974. Pp. 37. MLA.
Stutesman, John Hale. Jacob Stutzman (?-1775), His Children and Grandchildren. Baltimore: Gateway Press. Inc.: San Francisco. CA: J. Stutesman, 1982. Pp. 308. MLA, MHL. ($15.00)
Swantz, Mattie J. Miller. Family Record of Samuel J. Miller (1865-1944) and Elizabeth Lambright (1868-1944). Kalona, IA: Author, 1980. Pp. 79. EMC.
Swartzendruber, Nancy Jane. To Lie Down in Peace. Springs, PA: Swartzendruber. 1980. Pp. 79. MLA.
Swope, Sem. Supplement to History of the Swope Family and Descendants of Rockingham County, Virginia. Harrisonburg, VA: Author, 1978. Pp. 15. EMC.
Tiessen, Hugo, ed. Warkentin Family Book.. The Story of the Family of Jacob and Sara Warkentin of Nieder Chortitza, Ukraine. Leamington, Ont., 1982. Pp. 100. MHC, FRESNO, MHL ($22.50)
Turn, Helen Overholser. Samuel Overholtzer of Virginia and Some of His Descendants. Belton, TX: Centex Press. 1981. Pp. 365. MLA.
Ulrich, David and Wilma. Descendants of Peter & Anna (Oyer) Ulrich. Washburn, IL: Authors, 1981. Pp. 316. MHL.
United States National Archives and Records Service. The 1910 Federal Population Census: A Catalog of Microfilm Copies of the Schedules. Washington. D. C.: National Archives Trust Fund Board, 1982, Pp. 44, MLA.
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Wade, Mary Helen Yoder. Esrom and Amelia Wade. Sterling, IL: Author, 1978. EMC.
Wall, O. J. Becker Family: Johann Becker and Aganetha Nickel Families, 1777-1982. Freeman, SD: Pine Hill Press, 1982. Pp. 95. EMC. ($4.00)
Weaver, Harvey B. Reuben M. Weaver Family History, 1851-1978. Fleetwood, PA: Author, 1978. Unpaged. EMC.
Weaver, Mabel Sauder, and R. Clair Weaver, comp. Descendants of Samuel G. Sander and Elizabeth Eaby. Manheim: Compilers. 1982. Pp. 62. MHL. ($3.30)
Wenger, Joseph H. History of the Descendants of J. Conrad Geil and His Son Jacob Geil . . . Youngstown, OH: Joseph F. Swartz, 197-. Pp. 275. EMC.
Wenger, Lyman P. Joseph Wenger Family History. Ada, MI: Author, 1982. Unpaged. MHL.
Wiegand, Martha Steiner, comp. Steiner Family Record, 1720-1978: The Ancestry and Posterity of John and Anna (Steiner) Steiner. Morning Sun, IA: Compiler. 1978. Pp. 288. MLA.
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Yantzi, Ruth and Lorraine Roth, comp. Family History and Genealogy of Joseph and Catherine (Boshart) Jantzi. Kitchener, Ont.: Compilers, 1982. Pp. 437. MHL.
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Yoder, Don, ed. Rhineland Emigrants: Lists of German Settlers in Colonial America. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publ. Co., 1981. Pp. 170. MLA.
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Yoder, Mary Lis (Swartzendruber). The Yoder Book. Dover, DE: Author, 1982. Pp. 112. MHL. ($8.00)
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Adede, Rose. Joel Litu: Pioneer African Quaker. Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pub., 1982. Pp. 28. MHL, ($9.00/yr)
Anuta, Michael J. Supplement to East Prussians from Russia. Menominee, MI: Anuta, 1979. Pp. 32. MLA.
Arnold, Eberhard and Emmy, eds. Seeking for the Kingdom of God: Origins of the Bruderhof Communities. Rifton, NY: Plough Pub. House, 1974. Pp. 284. MLA.
Arnold, Emmy. From Hitler Germany to Paraguay. Rifton, NY: Plough Publishing House, 1982. MHL. ($1.97)
Assemblee Mennonite du Geisberg: Journees du Souvenir. s. l.: Association Francaise d'Histoire Anabaptiste Mennonite. 1982. MHL.
Bachman. Berta. Erinnerungen an Kasachstan: Erfahrungsbericht einer Russlanddeutschen. Gladbeck: Schriftenmissions-Verlag. 1982. Pp. 160. MHL.
Balko Mennonite Brethren Church. Triumph: 75th Anniversary Balko M. B. Church, 1906-1981. s. l.: s. n. 1981, Pp. 275. FRESNO.
Bauman, Harold E. Congregations and Their Servant Leaders: Some Aids for Faithful Congregational . . . Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 128. MHL.
Beck, Carl C.. comp., ed. Can the Gospel Thrive in Japanese Soil?: Guilt, Shame, and Grace in a Unique . . . Tokyo, Japan: Hayama Missionary Seminar. 1982. Pp. 133. MHL. ($6.25)
Bender, Urie A. Four Earthen Vessels: Biographical Profiles of Oscar Burkholder, Samuel F. Coffman. Clayton F. Derstine, and Jesse B. Martin. Kitchener. Ont. ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press. 1982. Pp. 315. MLA.
Benfey, O. Theodor, Friends and the World of Nature. Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1980. Pp. 28. MLA.
Boehm, Henry. The Patriarch of One Hundred Years; Being Reminiscences, Historical and Biographical . . . Lancaster, PA: Abram W. Sangrey, 1982. Pp. 587. MHL.
Border, Ronald. Dortrecht Confession of Faith, 1632: A Study Guide. Minerva. OH: Amish-Mennonite Publications, 1981. Unpaged. EMC.
Bricker, Florence M., comp. Church and Pastoral Records: In Archives of United Church of Christ and Evangelical. Lancaster, PA: Evangelical and Historical Society, 1982. Pp. 49. MHL. ($4.00)
Brusewitz. J., and M. A. Krebber. Confessie van Dordrecht 1632. Amsterdam: Doopsgezinde Historische Kring, 1982. Pp. 63. Doperse Stemmen, 5. EMC.
Buchinger, Erich. Die "Landler" in Siebenbuergen: Vorgeschichte, Durchfuehrung and Ergebnis . . . Muenchen: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1980. Pp. 458. MHL. ($10.00)
Burkett, James. The Meigrants. West Liberty, OH: Author, 1980. Pp. 86. MHL.
Calvin, John. Treatises Against the Anabaptists and Against the Libertines. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1982. Pp. 336. EMC. ($16.95)
Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies. Zionsbote Index. Volume II, 1920-1940. Fresno, CA: Board of Christian Literature of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1983. Pp. 478. FRESNO.
Coffman, Barbara F. Samuel Fry the Weaver and Mennonites of the Twenty. Ontario: Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, 1982. MHL. ($13.24)
Condensed Meeting Calendars. Mount Forest, Ont.: Isaac Horst. 198-. Pp. 50. EMC.
Confesion de fe de las Iglesias Menonitas. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1983. Unpaged. MHL. ($.60)
Cross Roads Brethren in Christ Church, Mount Joy, Pa. Directory. 1979. Unpaged. EMC.
Doerflinger, Marguerite. Le Livre D'Heures Des Coiffes D'Alsace Strasbourg. Editions Oberlin, 1981. MHL. ($53.00)
Doopsgezinde Bijdragen. S. l.: Doopsgezinde Historische Kring, 1982. MHL.
Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad, comp. Groeten Uit De Wereld. Amsterdam: Compilers, 1982. MHL.
Dopers-Caivinistisch Gesprek in Nederland. 's-Gravenhage: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum B. V., 1982. Pp. 56. EMC.
Dunn, Mary Maples and Richard S. The Papers of William Penn: Vol. One, 1644-1679. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981. Pp. 703. MHL. ($29.52)
Dyck. Isaak M. Das Unglueck Welches den Ehrseman [sic] Diakon Isaak Dyck Betroffen Hat So Wie Sein Leiden and Sterben. Blumengeld, Mex.: Author, 1981. Unpaged. EMC.
Eby, Elias. Diary of Elias Eby, 1810-1878. Mount Forest, Ont.: Isaac Horst, 1982. Pp. 59. EMC.
Eby, Gordon C. The Gordon C. Eby Diaries, 1911-18: Chronicle of a Mennonite Farmer. Edited and annotated by James M. Nyce. Toronto, Ont.: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1982. Pp. 208. EMC. ($10.00, hdc.: $8.00, pb.)
Engbrecht. Nita M., comp. and ed. Looking Back 100 rears: Salem-Zion Mennonite Church of Freeman, South Dakota. Freeman, SD: Salem-Zion Mennonite Church, 1980. Pp. 237. MLA.
Enss, Mary M. Mia. The Story of a Remarkable Woman. Winnipeg, Man.: A. A. DeFehr Trust, 1982. Pp. 175. MHC. ($4.00)
Epp, Frank H. Mennonites in Canada, 1920-1940: A People's Struggle for Survival. Vol. II. Toronto, Ont.: MacMillan of Canada and Mennonite Historical Society, 1982. Pp. 639. MHC, MHL. ($29.95)
Estes, Steven R. A Goodly Heritage: A History of the North Danvers Mennonite Church. Danvers, IL: North Danvers Mennonite Church, 1982. Pp. 392. EMC, MHL.
-------- A Heritage of Faith: the Ninetieth Anniversary History of the Silver Street . . . Goshen: Silver Street Mennonite Church, 1982. Pp. 23. MHL.
Evangelical United Brethren Church. The Discipline of the Evangelical United Brethren Church . . . Dayton, OH: Board of Publication of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, 1959. Pp. 568. MLA.
Fast, Gerhard. In den Steppe Sibiriens. Rosthern, Saskatchewan, 1957. Pp. 156. MHC. ($5.00)
Friesen, Bert and Frank Epp. Partners in Service. The Story of MCC Canada 1963-1982. Winnipeg, Man.: MCC (Canada) 1983. Pp, 76. MHC.
Friesen, F. Among the Cloud of Witnesses: the Interrogation of Paul Glock. Stirling, Ont.: Author, 1982. MHL.
Friesen, H. B. The Autobiography of H. B. Friesen, 1837-1926. Newton, KS: A. Schmidt, 1974. Pp. 121. MLA.
25 Jahre Mennonitengemeinde Bechterdissen. S. l.: s. n., 1981. Pp. 35. MHL.
25 Jahre Mennonitengemeinde Enkenbach 1956-1981. S. l.: s. n., 1981. Pp. 96. MHL.
50 Jahre Kolonie Fernheim: Ein Beitrag in der Entwickling Paraguays. Filadelfia, Chaco, Paraguay: Jubilaeumskomittee, 1980, Pp. 318. EMC.
Fundamentals of Faith and Fellowship . . . Confession . . . Syracuse, NY: Apostolic Christian Publishing Co., 197-. Pp. 26. EMC.
Funk, Cornelius C. Escape to Freedom. Trans. and ed. by Peter J. Klassen. Hillsboro, KS: MB Publishing House. 1982. Pp. 124. FRESNO, MHC.
Funk, Ray N. comp. Bruderthal, 1873-1964; 90th Anniversary. Hillsboro. KS: Bruderthal Mennonite Church, 1964. Pp. 59. MLA.
Garber, Vera Herr. Capturing Sixty Years As A Farmer's Wife. Lancaster, PA: Author, 1982. Pp. 214. EMC.
Giesbrecht, Herbert. The Mennonite Brethren Church: A Bibliographic Guide. Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press, 1983. Pp. 99. FRESNO.
Gingerich, Ervin. Ohio Amish Directory, Holmes County and Vicinity. Millersburg, OH: Author, 1981. Pp. 623. EMC. MHL. ($17.50)
Gnadenthal 1880-1980. Winkler, Man.: Gnadenthal History Book Committee, 1982. Pp. 232. MHL.
Good, Merle. Nicole Visits an Amish Farm. New York, NY: Walker and Co., 1982. Pp. 47. EMC, MHL. ($7.79)
Gorter, D. S. Godsdienstige Lectuur voor Doopsgezinden. Sneek: Van Druten & Bleeker, 1854. Pp. 382. MLA.
Gross, Paul S. The Hutterian Brethren: Pincher Creek, Alberta. Reardon, WA: Author, 1980. Pp. 38. MHL.
Haire, James. The Character and Theological Struggle of the Church in Halmahera, Indonesia, 1941-1979. Frankfort: Verlag Peter D. Lang, 1981. Pp. 381. MHL. ($46.47)
Hall, Barbara Yoder. Born Amish. Randalph, OH; Jacbar Publications, 1980. Pp. 100. EMC.
Harder, Keith. Shalom Covenant Community Household Study Survey Results and Discussion. Elkhart, IN: Author, 1982. Pp. 60. MHL ($3.00)
Hartman, Evie. O God Our Help in Ages Past: Longenecker Mennonite Church Sesquicentennial Pageant. Winesburg, OH: Longenecker Mennonite Church. 1980. MHL.
Harvey, Reuben. "They Were Left to Die," 1930: The Russian Mennonites and Indians of Colonia Fernheim, Filadelfia. Fernheim Colony, Paraguay: Author, 1982. Pp. 130. EMC, FRESNO, MHL. (5.50)
Haury, David A. A People of the City: A History of the Lorraine Ave. Mennonite Church 1932-1982. Wichita, KS: Lorraine Ave. Mennonite Church, 1982. Pp. 238. MHL. ($15.00)
Hershberger, Ervin and Daniel Hochstetler, eds. History and Memories of Hillerest Home, 1953-1978. Harrison, AR: Daniel Nisley, distributor, 1978. Pp. 151. MLA.
Hofer, John, David Wiebe, and Gerhard Ens. The History of the Hutterites. Elie, Man.: 1982. Pp. 108. MHC ($5.00; Accompanying workbook and answer keys $1.25 each).
Holdeman, John. A History of the Church of God Through the Centuries. Moundridge, KS: Gospel Publishers, Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1978 (4th printing). Pp. 192. EMC.
Horning, Banks M. Record of Ordinations of the Mennonites Leading to and Including the Weaverland Conference Since 1750 to 1981. 4th ed. [s. l.: s. n. 1981]. Pp. 80. EMC.
Hostetler, John A. The Amish. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 39. MHL.
Tussy, Gertrud. A Joyful Pilgrimage: Emmy Arnold 1884-1980. Rifton, NY: Plough Publ. House, 1980. Pp. 23. MLA.
Ilg, Karl. Heimat Suedamerika: Brasilien and Peru. Innsbruck: Tyrolia, 1982. Pp. 284. MHL. ($16.55)
James, Sydney V. A People Among Peoples: Quaker Benevolence in Eighteenth-century America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press. 1963. Pp. 405. MLA.
Jansen, Peter. Memoirs of Peter Jansen: The Record of a Busy Life: An Autobiography. Beatrice, NE: Jansen, 1921. Pp. 140. MLA.
Janzen, H. H. The Mennonite Brethren Church: A Brief Presentation of its Origin, Doctrine, and Objectives. Hillsboro, KS: Board of Christian Lit., the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1965. Pp. 15. MLA.
Janzen, J. H, Utwaundre: Stimmungsbild in zwei Aufzuegen. Leamington, Ont.: Marigold Club, 1982. Pp. 95. MHL.
Janzen, Louis A, et al comp. Liebe Geschwister II 1880-1893: Letters written by Johann and Maria Janzen, Herman . . . North Newton, KS: Compiler, 1982. Pp. 341. MHL. ($10.00)
Johnson. Arta F. People of the Palatinate. Columbus, OH: Author, 1981. MHL. ($2.37)
Kauffman, David. Memoirs Life and Times of David Kauffman and Relative Events. Richfield, PA: Author, 1982. Pp. 24. MHL.
Keller, Kenneth W. Rural Politics and the Collapse of Pennsylvania Federalism. Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society, 1982. Pp. 73. MHL. ($10.25)
Kent, Homer Austin. Conquering Frontiers: A History of the Brethren Church. Winona Lake, IN: BMH Books, 1972. Pp. 245. MLA.
Kessler, Leonard and Ruby. Footprints of the Sand Creek Church. Sawyer, KS: Authors, s. a. MHL. ($7.00)
King Road M. B. Church, Clearbrook, B. C. Pictorial Directory 1981. Altona, Man.: Firesen Yearbooks, 1981. Unpaged. FRESNO.
Klaassen, Walter, ed. Anabaptism in Outline: Selected Primary Sources. Scottdale, PA: Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press. 1981. Pp. 356. MLA.
Klassen, I. P. Finsternis und Licht. Winnipeg, Man., 1982. Pp. 49. MHC. ($4.00)
-------- Licht and Schatten. 1 Teil: Gedichte. Winnipeg, Man., 1981, Pp. 92. MHC. ($5.00)
Klaus, Menno. Growing up Mennonite: Stories by the People. Vineland, Ont.: Author, 1982. Pp. 72. EMC, MHL, ($5.00)
Klippenstein, Lawrence. David Klassen and the Mennonites. Agincourt, Canada: The Book Society of Canada, Ltd., 1982. Pp. 76. MHC, FRESNO.
Kroeker, N. J. Erste Mennoniten Doerfer Russlands 1789-1943 Chortiza-Rosenthal. Vancouver, B. C.: Author, 1981. Pp. 292. MHL. ($20.00)
Kuiper, Frits and N. van der Zijpp. Bij't Lam: De Doopsgezinde Singelkerk to Amsterdam 1608-1958. Amsterdam: Holland, 1959. Pp. 47. MLA.
Lathrop, J. M. and B. N. Griffing, surveyors. An Atlas of Rockingham County, Virginia. Harrisonburg, VA: Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society, 1982. MHL. ($32.00)
Laurence, L., A. G. Hoekema, and L. Koopmans. Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad. Amsterdam: Doopsgezinde Zendingsraad, 1982. MHL.
Leamington Mennonite Brethren Church. Thanks Be To Thee: Anniversary, 1932-1982. Leamington, Ont.: Author, 1982. Pp. 106. MHL. ($20.00)
Lehman, Naomi. Pilgrimage of a Congregation: First . . . Berne . . . Berne, IN: First Mennonite Church, 1982. Pp, 439. MHL. ($22.00)
Lehman, Titus. The First Century of One Christian, Congregation. Lancaster, PA: East Chestnut Street Congregation, 198-. Pp. 20. EMC.
Lind, Hope Kauffman. Out of the Closet into the Church. Eugene, OR: E. S. Garber, 1975. Pp. 76. MLA.
Loewen, Ken and Margaret Loewen Reimer. Meditations on a Place and a Way of Life. A Book of Photographs. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press, 1982. Pp. 128. MHC. ($14.95)
Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church Calendar 1982. Wichita, KS: Lorraine Ave. Mennonite Church, 1982. MHL. ($1.00)
Maasberg, L. Bruedergemeine Gnadenfrei in Schlesien. Herrnhut, Germany: Gustav Winter, 1911. Pp. 84. MLA.
Markstadter, et al. Heimatbuch: Der Deutschen aus Russland 1973-1981. Stuttgart: Landsmannsehaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 1981. Pp. 255. MHL. ($11.00)
Martin, Cleon, Mrs. Pilgrims and Strangers: A Story of the Mennonites. Aylmer, Ont.: Amish Publishing Service, 1982. Pp. 113. EMC, MHL.
Martin, Elaine. Rainbows of Promise. Elora, Ont.: Author, 1981. Pp. 102. EMC.
Martin, Michael. Emigration and Nationalgueterveraeusserungen Im Pfalzischen Teil Des Departements . . . Weisenheim am Sand: s. n. 1980. Pp. 363. MHL.
Martin, Peter G. German Letters. s. l.: s. n. 1980. Pp. 156. MLA, EMC.
Mast, J. Lemar. As Long as Wood Grows and Water Flows: A History of the Conestoga Mennonite Church. Morgantown, PA: Conestoga Mennonite Historical Committee, 1982. Pp. 360. EMC. ($12.00)
Matas, Juan and Freddy Rapheal. Dissidence dana la dissidence . . . Remise en cause et confirmation de la tradition Mennonite. Strasbourg: Univ. des Sciences, 1981, MHL. ($5.79)
Mather, Eleanore Price. Pendle Hill: A Quaker Experiment in Education and Community. Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1980. Pp. 118. MHL. ($7.95)
McGrath, William R. The Anabaptistss Neither Catholics nor Protestants. Seymour, MO. 1964. Pp. 25. MLA.
Meer, P. van der, Doopsgezinden: Waarom, Hoe, Wanneer. Woerden: Doopsgezinde Gemeente, 1980. Pp. 60. EMC.
Meier, Hans. Hans Meier Tells His Story to a Friend. Rifton, NY: Plough Publ. House, 1979. Pp. 45. MLA.
Mennonite Your Way Directory III: For the Years 1981, 1982, 1983. Salunga, PA: Mennonite Your Way, 1981. Pp. 79. MLA.
Michel, Dr. Paul. Chronik von Monsheim: Geschichte eines rheinhessischen Dorfes. Monsheim: Durckerei Kunke GmbH, 1981. Pp. 195. MHL.
More Than Protestantism. Minerva, OH: AM Publications, 1981. Pp, 16. EMC.
Musselman, Howard, Patricia L. Hammann, and Louis. J. Hamman. From the Beginning: Fairfield Mennonite Church, 1927-1977. Fairfield, PA: s. n. 1977. Pp. 72. MLA.
Newcomb, Thomas L. A Compiled History of the Geauga-Thumbull Ohio Amish/ Mennonite Settlement. Garrettsville, OH: Newcomb Publishing, 1982. Pg. 13. MHL. ($3.50)
Nyce, James, ed. The Gordon C. Eby Diaries, 1911-13: Chronicle of a Mennonite Farmer. Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1982. Pp. 208. MHL. ($10.00)
Oestreich, Nelson and James Ashbrook Perkins. The Amish: Two Perceptions. New Wilmington, PA: Dawn Valley Press. 1976. Pp. 23. MLA.
Ohio Amish Directory, Geauga County and Vicinity. Sugarcreek, OH: Schlabach Printers, 1982. Pp. 242. EMC.
Parr, Joan, editor. Manitoba Stories. Winnipeg, Man.: Queenston House, 1981. Pp. 167. MHL. ($2.98)
Patkau, Esther. First Mennonite Church in Saskatoon, 1923-1982. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1982, Pp. 320. MHC. ($25.00)
Pauls, Peter, ed. Mennoniten in Brasilien: Gedenkschrift zum 50 Jahr-Jubilaum Ihrer Einwanderung 1930-1980. Witmarsum, Brazil: Festkomitee fur die Jubilaeumsfeier, 1980. Pp. 270. MLA.
Penner, Lloyd Chester. The Mennonites on the Washita River: the Culmination of Four Centuries of Migrations. s. l.: Author, 1976. Pp. 310. MLA.
Peters, Elizabeth, ed. Gnadenthal, 1880-1980. Winkler, Man.: Gnadenthal History Book Committee, 1982, Pp. 232. MHC. ($25.00)
Peters, Gerhard I. Remember Our Leaders. Clearbrook, B. C.: The Mennonite Historical Society of B. C., 1982; or Steinbach. Man.: Derksen Printers, c1982. Pp. 189, MHC. FRESNO. ($18.00)
Plett, Delbert F. History and Events. Writings and Maps Pertaining to the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde from 1866-1876. Steinbach, Man.: D. F. Plett Farms Ltd., 1982. MHC.
Postma, J. S. De Fryske Minnisten en Harren Sosieteit. Frjentsjer: Utjouwerij T. Wever, 1980. Pp. 373. EMC.
Reedley First Mennonite Church. The First 75 Years, 1906-1981. Reedley, CA: First Mennonite Church, 1981. Pp. 102. MLA, FRESNO.
Regehr, Walter, Die lebensraumliche Situation der Indianer im paraguayischen Chaco. Basel: Geographisch-Ethnologische Gesellschaft, 1979. Pp. 436. MHL. ($20.25)
Regier, Gertrude, ed. Through 50 Years at Bethany Mennonite Church 1932-1982. Watrous, Saskatchewan, 1982. Pp. 88. MHC.
Rempel, Ben, Winkler: A Proud Heritage. Winkler, Man.: Winkler Homecoming Committee, 1982. MHL. ($23.95)
Rich, Elaine Sommers. Mennonite Women. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1983. Pp. 257. FRESNO.
Roep, Th. B. Geschiedenis van de Vlaamesh Doopsgezinde Gemeente to Alkmaar in de 17 Eeuw. Alkmaar: Author, 1981. MHL.
-------- Interne en Externe Spanningen in de Alkmaars Doopsgezinde Gemeente(n) Tussen 1750 en 1900: Discussies over Weerloosheid, Modernisme en Doop. Alkmaar: Author, 1981. EMC. MHL.
Rohrer, Anna Lois. Mennonites of Medina County. Wadworth. OH: Bethel Mennonite Church, 1982. Pp. 175. MHL.
Schere, Karl, ed. Pfalzer-Palatines. Kaiserslautern: Heimatstelle Pfalz, 1981. MHL. ($22.18)
Schmiedehaus. Walter. Die Altkolonier-Mennoniten in Mexiko. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1982. Pp. 215. MHC, MHL. ($10.00/Canada; $12.00/USA)
Schrock, Barbara. Families of Spartanburg, Penna., Founded in 1966. Centerville, PA: Author, 1982 (Gordonville, PA: Print Shop). Pp. 64. EMC. ($3.50)
Scott, Stephen. Plain Buggies: Amish, Mennonite, and Brethren Horse-Drawn Transportation. Lancaster, PA: Good Books, 1981. Pp. 96. MLA.
Seguy, Jean. Anabaptisme Pacifique, Houtterianisme et Communaute Jerusalemite. Lyon, France: Lumiere et View, 1981. MHL. ($8.57)
Shetler, Sanford G. Preacher of the People: A Biography of S. G. Shetler (1871-1942), Bishop, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press. 1982. Pp. 286. MLA.
Shirk, Esther S. A Battle Lost, A Victory Won: Story of Miriam Zimmerman. Reinholds, PA: Author, 1982. Pp. 51. EMC.
Sider, Ed. Morris. Messenger of Grace: A Biography of C. N. Hostetter, Jr. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press. 1982. Pp. 272. MLA, EMC, FRESNO, MHL. ($6.42)
Smith, Ruth, and Florence Smith. Precious Memories. Gowanstown. Ont.: Authors, 1982. Pp. 56. EMC.
Souderton Mennonite Church, 100th Anniversary, Dec. 25, 1979. s. l.: s. n. 1979. Unpaged. EMC.
South Abbotsford M. B. Church: A History from 1932-1982. Cloverdale, B. C.: Friesen Printers, 1982. Pp, 112. FRESNO.
Southeastern Mennonite Conference. Leaders and Institutions of the Southeastern Mennonite Conference. Harrisonburg. VA: Author. 1981. Unpaged. EMC. ($6.00)
Stadtmuseum Muenster. Die Wiedertaeufer in Muenster [Ausstellung], 1. Oktober 1982 bis 30. Januar 1983. Muenster, W. Germany: Stadtmuseum Muenster, 1982. Pp. 240. EMC.
Steiner, Sam. The Middle Ground: A Biography of A. J. Steiner in the Context of the Ohio Mennonites. . . Waterloo. Ont.: Author. 1982, Pp. 144. MHL. ($7.35)
Tarasoff, Koozma J. Plakun Trava: The Doukhobors. Grand Forks: MIR Publication Society, 1982. Pp. 271. MHL. ($36.00)
The Thirty-Three Articles of Faith, as Published in the Martyr's Mirror . . . 6th ed. Moundridge, KS: Church of God In Christ, Mennonite, Gospel Publishers, 1980. Pp. 106. EMC.
Toews, Frau H. B. Meine Erinnerwngen and Erlebnisse in Canada and Paraguay. Steinbach, Man.: n. d. Pp. 82. MHC.
Toews, John A. A History of the Mennonite Brethren Church: Pilgrims and Pioneers. Fresno, CA: Board of Christian Literature, Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1982. MHL. ($10.00)
-------- People of the Way: Selected Essays and Addresses. Winnipeg. Man.: Historical Committee, Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1981. Pp. 245. MLA.
Toews, John B. Czars, Soviets, and Mennonites. Newton, KS: Faith & Life Press, 1982. Pp. 221. MLA, FRESNO.
250th Anniversary, 1729-1979, Franconia Mennonite Church, August 2-5, 1979. s. l.: s. n. 1979. Pp. 21. EMC.
Eine Untersuchung in die Alt Amische Gemein Von 1922 Bis Zu 1974. s. l.: s. n. 1978. Pp. 48. EMC.
Vineland M. B. Church. From His Fullness: History of the M. B. Church 1932-1982. s. l.: s. n. 1982. Unpaged. FRESNO.
Waldheim History Committee. Waldheim Remembers the Past. Waldheim, Saskatchewan: Waldheim History Comm., 1981. Pp. 470. MHL. ($31.52)
Wall, Cornelius. Wir Errinern Uns. Bienenberg, Switzerland: Europaische Mennonitische Bibelschule, 1980. Pp. 236. EMC.
Weaver, Martin G. Mennonites of Lancaster Conference. Scottdale. PA: Mennonite Publishing House. 1931. MHL. ($15.00)
Weiser, Frederick S., trans. Tulpehocken Church Records, 1730-1800: Christ (Little Tulpehocken) Church And . . . Breinigsville. PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 1982. MHL. ($14.00)
Wenger, J. C. A Cloud of Witnesses: Profiles of Church Leaders. Harrisonburg, VA: Eastern Mennonite Seminary, 1981. Pp. 288. MLA.
-------- The Story of the Forks Mennonite Church: A 175th Anniversary History. Middlebury, IN: Forks Mennonite Church, 1982. MHL.
-------- The Way of North American Mennonites. Elkhart, IN: Goshen Biblical Seminary, 1982. MHL.
-------- Wie die Mennoniten entstanden. Mexdorf: Agape Verlag, 1982. Pp. 72. MHL.
Wenger, John R. Lindale Mennonite Church, 1898-1980. s. l.: s. n. 1980. Pp. 62. EMC.
Wenger, Linden M. Minister's Manual. Harrisonburg, VA: Virginia Mennonite Conference, 1982. Pp. 70. EMC, MHL.
Wenger. Mary W. Carpenter Mennonite Church. Talmage, PA: Carpenter Mennonite Church. 1979. Pp. 81. MLA.
Wing. Conway P. 1731 History of Cumberland County, PA. Carlise, PA: Cumberland Co. Historical Society, 1982. Pp. 272. MHL. ($39.00)
Woelk, Heinrich and Gerhard Woelk. A Wilderness Journey: Glimpses of the Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia, 1925-1980. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1982. Pp. 169. FRESNO. MHL.
Yoder, Eli J. C., ed. Ohio Draft Horse Directory. Sugarcreek, OH: Editor, 1982. MHL.
Yoder, Elmer S. Sixty Years at Maple Grove (Hartville). Hartville, OH: Maple Grove Mennonite Church Historical Committee, 1982. Pp. 156. EMC.
Yoder, Fannie R. Old Order Amish Directory of Mifflin and Juniata Plus Mercersburg & Newport, N.Y. Leola. PA: Author, rev. and reprinted 1982. Pp. 119. EMC.
Yoder, Merle. Davidsville 150th Anniversary: 1831-1981. Davidsville: Historical Committee. 1981. MHL.
Zee, Elizabeth I. T. van der. De Prediker Joost Hiddes Halbertsma en zijn boek "De Doopsgezinden en Hunne Herkomst Benevens Eenige Kerkredenen." Amsterdam: Algebene Doopsgezinde Societeit. 197-. EMC.
Zimmerman, Eli Z. Precious Memories of Terre Hill and Vicinity. Fleetwood, PA: Author, 1982 (Gordonville, PA: Pequea Publishers). Pp. 111. EMC, MHL.
Zuckerman, Michael. ed. Friends and Neighbors: Group Life in America's First Plural Society. Philadelphia, PA: Temple Univ. Press, 1982. Pp. 255. MHL. ($24.82)
Das A B C Buch: Buchstabir, Schreibe and Lesebuch. Rosholt, SD: White Rock Bruderhof, 1981, Pp. 81. EMC ($2.50)
Adams, Robert Hickman. White Churches of the Plains: Examples from Colorado. Boulder, CO: Colorado Associated Univ. Press, 1970. Pp. 84. MLA.
Ausbund: Das ist, Etliche Schoene Christliche Lieder . . . Lancaster County, PA: Verlag von den Amishen Gemeinden: Lancaster Press. Inc., 1981. Pp. 895. EMC. Ausbund: Pocket Size. Bloomfield, IA: Henry D. Yoder, 1982, MHL. ($1.50)
Backgrounds of the Old Order Mennonite Parochial Schools of Pennsylvania. s. l.: s. n. 1980 (Gordonville, PA: Print Shop). Pp. 32. EMC.
Berichte der Heimschule Weierhof am Donnersburg uber das Schuljahr 1959-60 and des Schulerheim uber die Zeit von 1952 bis 1960. s. l.: s. n. n. d. (Kirchheimbolanden/Pfalz: Giloi-Druck). Pp. 51. MLA.
Bird, Michael S. and Terry Kobayashi. A Splendid Harvest: Germanic Folk and Decorative Arts in Canada. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981. Pp. 240. EMC, MHL. ($24.67)
Borden, Ronald J. My Testimony Concerning Musical Instruments. Minerva. OH: A-M Publications, 1982. Pp. 14. MHL.
Brendler, Gerhard. Mit Morgenstern and Regenbogenfahne. Berlin, East Germany: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1978. Pp. 43. MLA.
Broder, Patricia Janis. Hopi Painting: The World of the Hopis. New York: Dutton. 1978. Pp. 319. MLA.
Brubaker, Stanley K. Feed My Lambs: A Book About Christian Schools. Goshen. IN: Pilgrim Publishers, 1979. Pp. 110. EMC. ($2.95)
Byler, Amanda H. Christmas Songs, Poems, Plays. Fredericksburg, OH: Author, 1982. Pp. 112. EMC.
Christian Endeavor Songs. Rosenort, Man.: Prairie View Press, 1982. Pp. 348. EMC.
Cook, Daisy Sifferman. Daisy Cook Remembers. s. l.: Mid-America Arts Alliance, 1978, Pp. 17. MLA.
De Fehr, William, et al., comp. and ed. Harvest: Anthology of Mennonite Writing in Canada. Winnipeg: Centennial Committee of the Mennonite Historical Society of Manitoba, 1974. Pp. 182. MLA.
Dock, Christopher. A Hundred Rules of Conduct for Children. Cedars, PA: Cedars Country Store, 1974. Reprint of 1750 tract.. Pp. 15. MLA.
Drudge, Elizabeth and Lena Martin. Echoes of Triumph, No. 2. Wroxeter. Ont.: John Drudge, 1982. Unpaged, EMC. MHL.
Ferster, H. V. The Education of Amish Children. Buffalo, NY: Author, 1980. MHL.
Friesen, Dietrich. The Development of Church Music in the M. B. Churches. s. l.: s. n. 1983. Pp. 45. FRESNO.
Garvan, Beatrice B. and Charles F. Hummel. The Pennsylvania Germans: A Celebration of their Arts, 1683-1850. Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1982. MHL. ($17.66)
Die Gemeinschaftliche Lieder-Sammlung: Zum Allgemeinen Gebrauch des Wahren Gottesdienstes… s. l.: s. n. 1981, Pp. 387. EMC.
Goshen College Alumni Directory, 1982. Goshen, IN: Office of Alumni Relations, Goshen College, 1982. Pp. 462. MLA.
Goshen College Statement of Purpose. Goshen, IN: Goshen College, s. a. MHL.
Haag, Earl C. A Pennsylvania German Reader and Grammar. University Park. PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. 1982. MHL. ($10.83)
Heckman, Shirley J. On the Wings of a Butterfly: A Guide to Total Christian Education. Elgin, IL: Brethren Press. 1981. Pp. 166. MLA.
Horst, Isaac R. Lieder-Sammlung Commentary: Self-Helps for the Gemeinschaftliche Lieder-Sammlung. Mount Forest, Ont.: Author, 198-. Pp. 64, EMC.
Kauffman, Ivan J. The Ironshop et Chartres. Washington, D. C.: Wm. Blake Press, 1982. MHL. ($20.25)
Keramos: Heft 96 Marz 1982 Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft der . . . Bramsche: Rasch Druckerei and Verlag, s. a. Pp. 163. MHL. (DM 45.00)
Kermes, Constantine. There Is a Season: A Countryman's Almanac of an Orderly World. Landis Valley, Lancaster, PA: 1968.
Klassen, Is. P. Finsternis and Licht: Drama. Winnipeg, Man.: Author. 1982. Pp. 49. MHL.
Klusch, Horst. Die Kontinuierliche Entwicklung des Rumanischen Topferhandwerks in. Zwei Jahrtausenden. s. l.: s. n. s. a. Pp. 80. MHL.
-------- Siebenburgische Topferkunst: aus drei Jahrhunderten. Bukarest: Kriterion Verlag, 1980. Pp. 230. MHL.
Kybalova, Jarmila Novotna. Habanska Fainons 1590-1730. Praze: Umeleckoprumyslove Muzeum, 1981. Pp. 253. MHL.
Ledersammlung G. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1982. MHL.
Martin, Maurice. Identity and Faith: Youth in a Believer's Church. Kitchener, Ont. ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1981. Pp. 104. MLA.
The Mennonaires Gospel Choir. Praises (Record of religious music by Gospel Choir of Burnside Community Mennonite Church). Columbus, OH: s. n. s. a. MHL.
Newcomb, Thomas. An Amish Language Development and Reading Program. Garrettsville, OH: Newcomb Publishing. 1979. Pp. 56. MLA.
-------- Leseh, Schreivah and Rechlee: Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic Amish Style. Garrettsville, OH: Newcomb Publishing, 1981. Pp. 7. MHL, MLA. ($2.25)
-------- Planning and Building the Christian Library of School and Home: A Collection. Garrettsville, OH: Newcomb Publishing, 1982. Pp. 5. MHL. ($2.75)
-------- What Every Public School Teacher and Administrator Should Know About Their Amish Pupils. Garrettsville, OH: Newcomb Publishing, 1981. Pp. 13. MLA.
Old Order Book Society. Minimum Standards for the Amish Parochial and Vocational Schools of the State of Penna . . . Rev. s. l.: s. n. 1979 (Gordonville, PA: Print Shop). Pp. 67. EMC.
Parker, Alice. Singers Glen: An Opera in a Prologue and Two Acts. Chapel Hill, NC: Hinshaw Music, 1978. Pp. 187. EMC.
Peachey, J. Lorne. How to Teach Peace to Children. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press. 1981. Pp. 32. MLA.
Precious Promises in Song. Rosenort. Man.: Prairie View Press. 1981. Pp. 223. MHL.
Ryle. J. C. How Should a Child Be Trained? Gordonville, PA: Print Shop. 1978. Pp. 62. MLA.
Schrock, Daniel. Favorite Chorus Selections. Hayward, WI: Author. 1980. Pp. 75. EMC.
Showalter, Harry R. Hymns of Tribute. Columbiana, OH: Elmer Showalter, 1981 (Harrisonburg. VA: Park View Press). Pp. 18. EMC.
Sider, E. Morris. Here Faith and Learning Meet: The Story of Niagara Christian College. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1982. Pp. 180. EMC. MHL, ($6.75)
Sterck, J. F. M. Oorkonden Over Vondel En Zijn Kring. Bussum, Neth.: Paul Brand, 1918. Pp. 367. MLA.
Suter, Mary E. Three R's and a Hickory Stick: History of Education in New Erection. Harrisonburg, VA: Author. 1982. Pp. 40. EMC. ($3.00)
Teddlie, Tillit S. Practical Music Reader and Rudiments of Music. Abilene, TX: Quality Publications [Printed for the Old Order Mennonites of Lancaster County, Groffdale Conference, 1979]. Pp. 128. EMC.
Thulin, Oskar. Fruhes Christentum im Spiegel der Kunst. Berlin, East Germany: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt GmbH., 1968. Pp. 111. MLA.
Troyer, Terry L. Amish Lifestyles Illustrated. Goshen, IN: TLT Publications, 1982, MHL. ($16.94)
Weaver, Harold L., ed. To Market, to Market: 12 Photographs from Tanzania With Descriptive Text. Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities. 1967. (12 Posters.) MLA.
Woelk, Gerhard. Schenk, Vater, mir Gesange. Frankenthal: Author, 1982, Pp. 78. MHL. (DM 7.00)
Aho, James A. Religious Mythology and the Art of War. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. 258. MLA.
Albert David, ed. Tell the American People: Perspectives on the Iranian Revolution. Philadelphia, PA: Movement for a New Society, 1980. Pp. 176. MLA.
Brown, Robert McAfee. Making Peace in the Global Village. Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press, 1981. Pp. 118. MLA.
Bruyn, Severyn T. Quaker Testimonies & Economic Alternatives. Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1980. Pp. 35. MLA.
Clark. Robert E. D. Does the Bible Teach Pacifism? New Malden: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1976. Pp. 70. MLA.
A Compassionate Peace: A Future for the Middle East: A Report Prepared for the American Friends Service Committee. New York: Hill and Wang. 1982. Pp. 226. MLA.
Corson-Finnerty, Adam Daniel. World Citizen: Action for Global Justice. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1982. Pp. 178. MLA.
Culliton, Joseph T.. ed. Non-violence, Central to Christian Spirituality. New York: E. Mellen Press, 1982. Pp. 302. MLA.
Danker, Donald F., ed. The Wounded Knee Interviews of Eli S. Ricker. Lincoln, NE: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1981. (Reprint from Nebraska History, vol. 62, no. 2. Summer 1981.) Pp. 151-243. MLA.
Dobrin, Arthur, Lyn Dobrin, and Thomas F. Liotti. Convictions: Political Prisoners, Their Stories. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1981. Pp. 100. MLA.
Donaghy, John, comp. and ed. To Proclaim Peace: Religious Statements on the Arms Race. Nyack, NY: Fellowship of Reconciliation. Disarmament Program, 1981. Pp. 40. MLA.
Drescher. John M. Why I am a Conscientious Objector. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press. 1982. Pp. 73. MHL.
Durland, William, ed. Conscience and the Law: A Court Guide for the Civilly Disobedient. Philadelphia. PA: Center on Law and Pacifism, 1980. Pp. 116. MLA.
-------- People Pay for Peace: A Military Tax Refusal Guide. Philadelphia, PA: Center on Law and Pacifism. 1980. Pp. 24. MLA.
Eitzen, Dirk W. and Timothy R. Falb, comp. An Overview of the Mennonite 1-W Program. Prepared for the Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section (U. S.). 1980. MLA.
Fast, Heinold. Beitrage zu Einer Friedenstheologie: Eine Stimme aus den Historischen Friedenskirchen. Maxdorf: Agape-Verlag, 1982. Pp. 114, MHL.
Ferguson, John. The Politics of Love: The New Testament and Nonviolent Revolution. Nyack, NY: Fellowship Publications, 1979. Pp. 118. MLA.
Fisher, Roger. International Mediation: A Working Guide: Ideas for the Practitioner. New York, NY: International Peace Academy, 1978. Pp. 159. MLA.
Ford, Harold P. and Francis X. Winters. eds. Ethics and Nuclear Strategy? Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. 1977. Pp. 246. MLA.
Friesen, Delores Histand. Living More with Less: Study/Action Guide. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1981. Pp. 111. MLA.
Friesen, Duane. Mennonite Witness on Peace and Social Concerns: 1900-1980. Akron, PA: MCC U.S. Peace Section, 1982. MHL.
Friesen, Ivan and Rachel, Shalom Pamphlets. Kitchener, Ont. ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1981. 6 vols. in 1. MLA.
Geyer, Alan. The Idea of Disarmament! Rethinking the Unthinkable. Elgin, IL: The Brethren Press, 1982. Pp. 256. MLA.
Goering, James A. Nonresistance or Pacifism-Which? Harrisonburg, VA: Life Lines of the Southeastern Mennonite Conference. 1974. reprinted 1982. Pp. 10. EMC.
Graber, Kenneth L. Credit and the Development Process. Akron. PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 1981. Pp. 28. MLA.
Graham, John W. Conscription and Conscience: A History, 1916-1919. New York: Augustus M. Kelly. 1969. (Reprint of 1922 ed.) Pp. 388. MLA.
Gremillion, Joseph. The Gospel of Peace and Justice: Catholic Social Teaching Since Pope John. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1976. Pp. 623. MLA.
Groves, Esther. Lordship as Servanthood: Thirteen Lessons on the Biblical Basis for Peacemaking. (Leader's Guide) Newton, KS: Faith & Life Press; Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House, 1976. Pp. 73. MLA.
Guide to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection: Second Edition. Swarthmore, PA: Swarthmore College. 1981. Pp. 158. MHL, ($5.00)
Harder, Helmut. The Biblical Way of Peace. Akron. PA: International Mennonite Peace Comm., 1982. MHL.
Hope, Marjorie and James Young. The South African Churches in a Revolutionary Situation. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1981. Pp. 268. MLA.
Horsch, John. Symposium on War. Apple Creek. OH: Demas Mast, Jr., 1980. Pp. 44. EMC.
Kennedy, Thomas C. The Hound of Conscience: A History of the No-Conscription Fellowship, 1914-1919. Fayetteville: The University of Arkansas Press. 1981. Pp. 322. MLA.
Keyes, Ken. The Hundreth Monkey. Coos Bay. OR: Vision Books. 1982. Pp. 176. MLA.
Kraybill, Donald B. Facing Nuclear War: A Plea for Christian Witness. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 307. MHL.
Kraybill, Donald B. and John P. Ranck. Nuclear War and Lancaster County. Elizabethtown, PA: Author, 1981. Pp. 106. EMC. MHL. ($3.91)
Lindsay. Mela Meisner. A Window into the Iron. Curtain: An Interview With Russian-German Displaced Persons (DP's) Who Fled Russia During World War II, 1941. s. l.: Titan, 1972. Pp. 38. MLA.
Malishchak, Richard. Military Training for 14-Year-Olds; The Growth of the High School ROTC. Philadelphia, PA: United Church Press, 1974. Pp. 58. MLA.
MCC Peace Section, comp. Remembering: Stories of Peacemakers. Akron. PA: Compilers. 1982. MHL.
Miller, Melissa and Phil M. Shenk. The Path of Most Resistance. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press. 1982. Pp. 239. MHL.
Moore, John Norton. Law and the Indo-China War. Princeton. NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1972. Pp. 794. MLA.
Murdock, Eugene Converse. Patriotism Limited, 1862-1865; The Civil War Draft and the Bounty System. Kent. OH: Kent State Univ. Press, 1967. Pp. 270. MLA.
Nagler, Michael N. America Without Violence: Why Violence Persists and How You Can Stop It. Covelo, CA: Island Press, 1982. Pp. 186. MLA.
Nelson, Jack A. Hunger for Justice: The Politics of Food and Faith. Maryknoll. NY: Orbis Books, 1980. Pp. 230. MLA.
Ogley, Roderick. The Theory and Practice of Neutrality in the Twentieth Century. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1970. Pp. 217. MLA.
Op Zoek een Vredesgemeete: Handleiding Voor het Gesprek in de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten Over de Vraag Wat bet Betekent Vredesgemeente to Zijn. Amsterdam: Algemene Doopsgezinde Societeit, 1980. Pp, 64. EMC.
Peace and Justice Education Resource Team, comp. Peace and Justice Education Resource Manual. Mount Joy, PA: Compilers, 1981. MHL.
Peace Research and Activists Groups: A North American Directory. Chicago. IL: American Library Association Task Force on Peace Education . . ., 1982. MHL.
Peachey, Urbane and Brenda Hurst. International Provisions for Conscientious Objectors. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section, 1982. Pp. 14. EMC.
Perry. Shawn, ed. Words of Conscience: Religious Statements on Conscientious Objection. Washington, D. C.: NISBCO, 1980. Pp. 133. MLA.
Ploughshares Staff. North-South Relations Report: A Written Submission on Disarmament and Development. Waterloo. Ont.: Project Ploughshares, 1980. MHL.
Project Ploughshares Committee. Security and Disarmament. Waterloo, Ont.: Project Ploughshares, 1982. MHL.
Posey, Merlo J. The Way We Go To War. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1969. Pp. 202. MLA.
Regehr, Ernie. "Canadian Military Spending and Underdevelopment", from The WPIRG Reader. Waterloo. Ont.: Project Ploughshares, s. a. MHL.
-------- "Cashing in on the Arms Boom" from Canadian Forum, Aug. 1981. Waterloo, Ont.: Project Ploughshares. 1981. MHL.
-------- Norad Report: Testimony Before the Standing Committee on External Affairs. Waterloo, Ont.: Project Ploughshares. 1980. MHL.
-------- "Under the Gun: Militarism and the Environment," Alternatives, 1. Waterloo, Ont.: Project Ploughshares, 1978. MHL.
-------- "What is Militarism," from Problems of Contemporary Militarism, ed. Eide and Thee. Waterloo, Ont.: Project Ploughshares, s. a. MHL.
Riverside Church Reverse the Arms Race Convocation (1978). Jane Rockman, ed. Peace in Search of Makers. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 1979. Pp. 158. MLA.
Sharp, Gene. Making the Abolition of War a Realistic Goal. New York, NY: Sponsored by Institute for World Order, 1980. Pp. 15. MLA.
Sider, Roland J., ed. Cry Justice: The Bible on Hunger and Poverty. New York: Paulist Press, 1980. Pp. 220. MLA.
-------- Jesus and die Gewalt. Maxdorf: Agape Verlag. 1982. Pp. 84. EMC.
-------- ed. Lifestyle in the Eighties: An Evangelical Commitment to Simple Lifestyle. Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press. 1982. Pp. 256. MLA.
Steiner, Susan Clemmer. Joining the Army That Sheds No Blood. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 155, MHL.
Steossinger, John G. Why Nations Go To War. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. Pp. 226. MLA.
Swaim, J. Carter. War, Peace, and the Bible. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1982. Pp. 125. MLA.
Thompson, E. P. and Dan Smith, eds. Protest and Survive. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1981. Pp. 216. MLA.
Topel, L. John, S. J. The Way To Peace: Liberation Through the Bible. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1979. Pp. 199. MLA.
Toton, Suzanne C. World Hunger: The Responsibility of Christian Education. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1982. Pp. 210. MLA.
Umble, Diane Z., comp. Choices for Human Justice: A Collection of Articles, Chapters, and Choice Spots. Harrisonburg, VA: Choice Books. 1978. Pp. 111. MLA.
United States. National Archives and Records Service. Nuernberg War Crimes Trials: Records of Case 9, United States of America v. Otto Ohlendorf et al., Sept. 15, 1947-April 10, 1948. Washington, D. C.: National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration. 1978. Pp. 349. MLA.
United States War Department. Our Army at War: The Story of American Campaigns in World War II Told in Official War Department Photographs. New York: London: Harper & Brothers. 1944. Pp. 288. MLA.
Wenger, John C. L'Evagile De Paix. Montbeliard: Christ Seul, 1982. Pp. 81. MHL. ($2.40)
Zehr, Howard. The Christian as Victim. Akron, PA: Menn. Central Comm., 1981. Pp. 27. MLA.
Anabaptist Letters from 1635 to 1645. John E. Kauffman. tr. Atglen, PA: Kauffman, 1977. Pp. 45. MLA.
Augustijn, Fraenkel, Lienhard, eds. Martini Buceri Opera Latina, Vol. 1. Leiden: Brill. 1982. MHL. ($47.80)
Bax. E. B. The Peasants' War in Germany, 1525-1526. New York: Russell and Russell, 1968 (reprint of 1889 ed.). Pp. 367. MLA.
Birlinger, Dr. Anton, ed. Schwabisch-Augsburgisches Worterbuch. Schaan: Sandig Reprint Verlag, 1982. Pp. 490. MHL. ($32.63)
Blickle, Peter, ed. Bauer Reich un Reformation: Festschrift fur Gunther Franz. Stuttgart: Verlag Eugen Ulmer, 1982. MHL. ($23.96)
-------- The Revolution of 1525: The German Peasants' War from a New Perspective. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins, 1981. Pp. 246. MHL. ($16.62)
Biough, Neal. La Christologie de Pilgram Marpeck. Strasbourg: Univ. des Sci. Humaines de Strasbourg, 1982. Pp. 134. MHL, ($25.00)
Buchinger. Erich. Die Geschichte der Karntner Hutterischen Bruder in Siebenburgen and in der Walachei. Klagenfurt: Verlag des Geschichtsvereines fur Karnten, 1982. Pp. 302. MHL.
Bollinger, Heinrich. Heinrich Bullinger Briefwechsel: Briefe des Jahres 1532. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 1982. Pp. 302. MHL. ($45.80)
Chrisman, Miriam Usher. Bibliography of Strasbourg Imprints, 1480-1599. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982. Unpaged. MHL, ($35.00)
-------- Lay Culture, Learned Culture: Books and Social Change in Strasbourg, 1480-1599. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982. Unpaged. MHL. ($35.00)
Christian, William A. Jr. Apparitions in Late Medieval and Renaissance Spain. Princeton. NJ: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. 349. MHL. ($20.47)
Comba, Emilio. History of the Waldenses of Italy, from Their Origin to the Reformation. New York: AMS Press, 1978. Pp. 357. MLA.
Commission Internationale D'Histoire Ecclesiastique Comparee. The Church in a. Changing Society: Conflict-Reconciliation. or Adjustment? Uppsala: Swedish subcommission of CIHEC, 1977. Pp. 508. MHL. ($19.85)
Dan, Robert. Matthias Vehe-Glirius: Life and Work of a Radical Antitrinitarian with His Collected . . . Leiden: Brill, 1982. MHL. ($41.81)
Diwald, Hellmut. Luther: Eine Biographie. Bergisch Gladbach: Gustav Lubbe, 1982. MHL. ($16.37)
Eck, Johann. Enchiridion of Commonplaces Against Luther and Other Enemies of the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1979. Pp. 312. MLA.
Flitner, Andreas. Erasmus im Urteil seiner Nachwelt Tuhingens Max Niemeyer, 1952. Pp. 179. MLA.
Gastaldi, Ugo. Storia Dell 'Anabattismo, II: da Munster ai Giorni Nostri. Torino. Italy: Claudiana, 1981. Pp. 855. MLA, MHL. ($17.64)
Gillett, Ezra Hall. The Life and Times of John Huss. New York: AMS Press, 1978. 2 vols. MLA.
Gleason, Elizabeth G. Reform Thought in Sixteenth-Century Italy. Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1981. Pp. 223. MHL. ($8.88)
Goertz, Hans-Jurgen. Profiles of Radical Reformers: Biographical Sketches from Thomas Muntzer to Paracelsus. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 280. MHL.
Greschat, Martin (Hrsg.) Die Reformationszeit I. Berlin: Stuttgart, 1981. MHL. ($32.50)
Guggisberg, Hans R. Basel in the Sixteenth Century: Aspects of the City Republic Before, During… St. Louis, MO: Center for Reformation Research, 1982. MHL. ($11.50)
Gutmann, Myron P. War and Rural Life in the Early Modern Low Countries. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1980. Pp. 311. MLA.
Herrera, Corina Marta. The Ambiguous Reformation in the Territorial Cities of Upper Austria, 1520-1576: Enns, Freistadt, Gmunden, Linz . . . New Haven. CT: Author, 1980. Pp. 305. MHL. ($21.50)
Kooiman, W. J. Luther, Zijn Weg en Werk. Amsterdam: W. Ten Have N. V., 1962. Pp. 187. MLA.
Krahn, Cornelius. Menno Simons (1496-1561): Ein Bettrag zur Geschichte and Theologie der Taufgesinnten. North Newton, KS: Cornelius Krahn; Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1982. Pp. 192. MLA.
Lewis, John. The History of the Life and Sufferings of the Reverend and Learned John Wiclif, D. D. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1820. (New York: AMS Press. 1973). Pp. 389. MLA.
Lienhard, Marc and Jakob Willer. Strassburg and die Reformation: Die hohe Zeit de Freien Reichsstadt. Kehl, Morstadt Verlag. 1982. Pp. 372. MLA, MHL. ($17.55)
Loserth, Johann. Wiclif and Hus. New York: AMS Press. 1980. Pp. 366. MLA.
Lutzow, Franz Neinrich H. V., Graf von. The Life and Times of Master John Hus. New York: AMS Press, 1978. Pp. 398. MLA.
Luther and Lutheranism: A Bibliography Selected from the ATLA Religion Database. Chicago, IL: American Theological Library Association Religion Indexes. 1982. Pp. 723. MLA.
Mansfield, Bruce. Phoenix of His Age: Interpretations of Erasmus c. 1550-1750. Toronto: Buffalo: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1979. Pp. 348. MLA.
Melnick, Ralph. From Polemics to Apologetics: Jewish-Christian Rapprochement in 17th Century Amsterdam. Assen. Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1981. Pp. 95. MHL. ($6.78)
Muller, Von Gerhard, ed. Die Religionsgesprache der Reformationszeit. Gerd Mohn: Gutersloher Verlagshaus, 1980. Pp. 166. MHL. ($23.96)
Ozman, Steven. ed. Reformation Europe: A Guide to Research. St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research. 1982. Unpaged. MHL. ($18.00)
Regin, Deric. Traders, Artists, Burghers: A Cultural History of Amsterdam in the 17th Century. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1976. Pp. 214. MLA.
Schneider, Martin. Europaisches Waklensertum im 13. and 14. Jahrhundert: Gemeinschaftsform, Frommigkeit, Sozialer Hintergrund. Berlin; New York: de Gruyter, 1981. Pp. 157. MLA.
Specker, Hans Eugen and Gebhard Weig, eds. Die Einfuhrung der Reformation in Ulm: Geschichte eines Burgerentscheids. Ulm: Stadtarchiv Ulm. 1981. MHL. ($20.84)
Spitz, Lewis W. and others, eds. Humanismus and Reformation als Kulturelle Krafte in der Deutschen Geschichte. Berlin: Waltes-de Gruyter, 1981. Pp. 214. MHL. ($30.57)
Die Wiedertaufer in Munster. Munster: Stadmuseum Munster, 1983. MHL. ($8.00)
Die Wiedertaufer in Munster: Stadtmuseum Munster. Munster: Aschendorffsche Verlag, 1982. Pp. 240. MHL.
Wycliffe, John. Wyclif: Select English Writings. New York: AMS Press, 1976. Pp. 179. MLA.
Abel, Eduard. … In die Welt Hinaustreten. Basel: Basileia Verlag, 1981. Pp. 63. MLA.
Bauer, Peter. Experiences from my Missionary Life in the Dakotas. s. l.: s. n. 1973. Pp. 47. MLA.
Beaver, R. Pierce, ed. The Native American Christian Community: A Directory of Indian, Aleut, and Eskimo Churches. Monrovia. CA: MARC, 1979. Pp. 395. MLA.
Bender, Ross T. Christians in Families. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 191. MHL.
Benecke, Gerhard. Maximilian I (1459-1519): An Analytical Biography. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982. Pp. 205. MHL. ($22.97)
Bicksler, Harriet and Winnie Swalm. United in Christ in our Fragmented World . . . Family Appointment Calendar. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1983. MHL. ($1.25)
Borden, Ronald. Five Dangers Facing the Home. Minerva, OH: A-M Publications. 1982. Pp. 10. EMC.
-------- Youth Ideals in Courtship. Minerva, OH: A-M Publications, 1982. Pp. 8. EMC, MHL. ($.15)
Bowden, Henry Warner. American Indians and Christian Missions. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. 255. MLA.
Campos, Gilberto Flores. Desafio Y Mision de la Iglesia. Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House, 1982. MHL.
Crist, Evamae Barton. Take This House. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1977. Pp. 141. MLA.
DeBoer, John C. and Joetta Handrich Schlabach. Food Stewardship Workshops: Coordinator's Kit. New York: Joint Strategy and Action Committee, 1981. MHL.
DeBoer, John C. and Joetta Handrich Schlabach. Primer on Food Stewardship. New York: Joint Strategy and Action Committee, 1981, Pp. 66. MHL. ($2.00)
Drescher, John M. and Sandra Drescher. When You Think You're In Love. St. Meinrad, IN: Abbey Press. 1981. Pp. 94. EMC.
Drescher, John M. You Can Plan a Good Marriage: A Premarital Checklist. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1979. Pp. 30. EMC.
Eby, John W. Mokgatlho Wa Badumedi Mo Pitseng: A Church Related Development Project in Botswana. Gaborone, Botswana: Mennonite Central Committee. 1982. Pp. 60 (plus appendices). EMC.
Eidse, Doris J. Are You a Virtuous Woman? Moundridge, KS: Gospel Publishers, 197-. Pp. 39. EMC.
Epp, Esther Ruth. The Origins of Mennonite Central Committee (Canada). M.A. Thesis, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg: E. Epp, 1980, Pp. 237. MLA.
Faith Mission Home. Horizons [Yearbook], Volume One. Mission Home, VA: Author. 1982. Pp. 56. EMC. ($6.00)
Glick, Ferne Pellman and Donald R. Pellman. Breaking Silence: A Family Grows With Deafness. Scottdale, PA; Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 187. MHL.
Goertzen, Anna R. Mama Nlundi-Our Adopted Mother. New York: Vantage Press, c1982. Pp. 155. FRESNO, MHL. ($10.00)
Haffert, John M. Russia Will Be Converted. Washington, N. J.: AMI International Press, 1950. Pp. 278. MLA.
Handbook of the Mennonite Central Committee. Akron, PA: M. C. C., 1982. Pp. 50. MHL.
Harder, Bertha and Marlene Kropf. Intergenerational Learning in the Church. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1982. MHL. ($4.75)
Haury, Samuel S. Letters Concerning the Spread of the Gospel in the Heathen World. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1981. Pp. 64. MLA.
Hayama Men's Missionary Seminar. The Christian Family in Japan: Major Papers Presented at the 22nd Hayama Men's Missionary Seminar. Amagi Sanso, Japan: s. n. 1981. Pp. 59. MLA.
Hefley, James and Marti. By Their Blood: Christian Martyrs of the 20th Century. Milford, MI: Mott Media. 1979. Pp. 636. MLA.
Hooge, Katie. The History of the Canadian Women in Mission 1952-1977. Winnipeg: Canadian Women in Mission, 1977. Pp. 37. MLA.
Johnson, Clara T. Milk for the World: The Heifer Project on the West Coast: A Story of Love in Action. Elgin, IL: Brethren Press. 1981. Pp. 160. MLA.
Kateregga, Badru D., David W. Shenk. Islam and Christianity: A Muslim and a . . . Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1981.Pp. 179. MHL. ($7.95)
Kehler, Larry. Making Room for "Strangers." Winnipeg: MCC (Canada), 1980. Pp. 78. MLA.
Klassen, Agatha Hiebert. Dear Aggie: Letters from Prison. Wichita, KS: Author, 1981. Pp. 152. MLA.
Koehn, Reuben. The Christian Home. Moundridge, KS: Gospel Publishers, Church of God in Christ. Mennonite. 1981 (3rd printing). Pp. 128. EMC. ($5.00)
Krass, Alfred C. Evangelizing Neopagan North America. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press. 1982. Pp. 250. FRESNO, MLA.
Kraybill. Donald B. and Phyllis Pellman Good, eds. Perils of Professionalism: Essays on Christian Faith and Professionalism. Scottdale. PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 240. MHL, MLA.
Lehn, Cornelia. Gott Haltseinversprechen: Biblische Geschichten fur Kinder. Giessen: Brunnen Verlag. 1981. Pp. 192. MHL.
Longacre, Doris Janzen. Living More with Less. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1982. MHL.
Marriage But Only in the Lord. Moundridge, KS: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, Gospel Publishers, 197-. Pp. 11. EMC.
Martens, Larry. Life With Promise: Marriage as a Covenant Venture. Hillsboro. KS: Kindred Press, 1982. Pp. 76. FRESNO. MHL. ($3.82)
Miracle on Marshall Road: 25 Years of the Mennonite Benevolent Society of B. C., 1953-1978. Canada: s. n. 1978. (Cloverdale. B. C.: Friesen) Pp. 81. MLA.
Moltmann, Jurgen. Following Jesus Christ in the World Today: Responsibility for the World and… Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1983. MHL. ($5.00)
Nawyn, William E. American Protestantism's Response to Germany's Jews and Refugees, 1933-1941. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1981. Pp. 330. MHL. ($37.42)
Ohsberg, H. Olive. The Church and Persons with Handicaps. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1982. Pp. 123. MHL.
O'Malley, William J. The Voice of Blood: Five Christian Martyrs of Our Time. Maryknoll. NY: Orbis Books, 1980. Pp. 195. MLA.
Showalter, Lester. What About Boy-Girl Friendships? Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1982. Pp. 70. EMC.
Sider, E. Morris and Alonzo Vannatter. Fruit from Woods and Sands: The Story of the Houghton Mission. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1978. Pp. 104. MLA.
Sprunger, W. Fredric. TEE in Japan: A Realistic Vision. Pasadena. CA: W. Carey Library Publishers, 1981. Pp. 472. MLA.
Stauffer, John L. Bible Teaching on Divorce and. Remarriage. Harrisonburg, VA: Christian Light Publications, 1981. Pp. 8. EMC.
Suderman, Anna. Memoirs of Anna Suderman, 1902-1980. Ed. by Laurene Peters. Fresno: Center for M. B. Studies. 1983. Pp. 101. FRESNO.
Swaim, Teddi and Winnie. Possibilities and Promises 1983: Things to do Through the Year. Mount Joy, PA: Board of Christian Education: Brethren in Christ Church, 1982. MHL.
Toews, J. J. Gluckliche Familie-Nach Gottes Plan. Neuwied: Memra-Verlag. 1982. Pp. 221. FRESNO, MHL.
Van Der Puy, Abe C. The High Calling of God: You Can Serve Successfully. Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible, 1982, MHL.
Williamson, Nancy S. Inside and Occupied: Over 500 Ideas for Parents Whose Children "Have Nothing to Do." Scottdale, PA: Herald Press. 1982. Pp. 176. MHL.
Zehr, Howard. Victim Offender Reconciliation Program: Organizer's Manual. Akron, PA: M. C. C., 1982. Pp. 45. MHL.
Zimmerman, Rhea and others. Christian Community on the Move: A Manual for Planning Group Oriented… Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Board of Missions. 1982. MHL.
Abray, Lorna Jane. The Long Reformation: Magistrates, Clergy and People in Strasbourg 1520-1,598. New Haven, CT: Author. 1978. Pp. 342. MHL. ($21.50)
Becker, Joan Quail. Patterns of Guilt and Grace in the Development and Function of Character in C. S. Lewis's Romances. Seattle. WA: Author. 1981. Pp. 275. FRESNO.
Bomberger, Doris Allegra Good. Opinions About Home Economics Among Students, Faculty, and Administrators at a Selected Institution. Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 1979. Pp. 146. MLA.
Boynton, Linda Louise, An Ethnography of a Holdeman Mennonite Community. Chico. CA: California State University, 1980. Pp. 134. MHL. ($6.70)
Brusewitz, Jaap. Van Deportatie Naar Emigratie: een Archiefonderzoek naar de Overkomst van Zwitserse Broeders naar de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden in de 18e eeuw. s. l.: Author, 1981. L1. 92. EMC.
Carson, Ralph Logan. A Study of Selected Problems as Experienced in the History of Protestant Missionism, 1841-1970. Dissertation, Drew University, 1980. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1980. Pp. 219. MLA.
Clement, Christopher John. The English Radicals and Their Theology, 1535-1565. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1980. MHL. ($77.60)
Dyck, Kenneth J. Lay Shepherding-A Strategy for Church Growth. Pasadena. CA: Author, 1982. Unpaged. FRESNO.
Erdel, Timothy Paul. The Reading Habits of Evangelical Mennonite Ministers. M.A. Thesis, University of Chicago Graduate Library School. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago, 1978. Pp. 121. MLA.
Kanagy, Jonathan L. A Comparative Study of Active and Inactive Congregants' Perceptions of Church Membership in a Believers' Church. Dissertation, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1981. EMC.
Klassen, Doreen, Singing Mennonites: Low German Songs Among the Mennonites of Southern Manitoba. Winnipeg: Author, 1981. Pp. 349. FRESNO.
Lehman, Ruth K. The One Thing Lacking… Or, the Status of Women Faculty at Eastern Mennonite College, 1917 to 1980. Thesis, James Madison University. 1981. EMC.
Lieclity, Clark Daniel. Andreas Fischer (d. circa 1540): Leader of the Sabbatarian Anabaptists in Silesia. Vienna: University of Vienna, 1982. MHL. ($20.00)
Lord, Charles R. The Response of the Historic Peace Churches to the Internment of the Japanese Americans during World War II. Elkhart, IN: AMBS, 1981. Pp. 115. MHL. ($5.75)
Muganda, Josiah Mukama. The Impact of the Mennonite Mission on Mara Region, Tanzania, 1934-1967. M.A. Thesis, Howard University. Washington, D, C.: Howard Univ., 1978. Pp. 185. MLA.
Nice, Frank E. The Pastor's Wife as a Participant in a Co-Counseling Ministry in the Mennonite Church. Madison, NJ: Drew University, 1982. EMC. MHL.
Schmidt, Ernest E. Presuppositions in Biblical Interpretations. California Graduate School of Theology, 1983. Pp. 318. FRESNO.
Shanafelt, Robert A. The Amish and Their Germanic Background. OH: Kent State. 1982. Pp. 112. MHL.
Sutter, Darrel A. The Anabaptist Apostolic Christian Church of America. Normal. IL: 'Illinois State University, 1968: Pp. 101. MHL. ($5.00)
Voolstra, Sjouke. Het Woord is Vlees Geworden. Kampen, Neth.: Uitgeversmaatschappik J. H. Kok, 1982. MHL.
Winter, Dorothy McCleaf. An Ethnographic Study of a Mennonite Church Elementary School in Lancaster County, Pa. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1982. Pp. 212. MHL.
Zorrilla, Hugo C. La Fiesta de Liberacion de las Oprimidos. Relectura de Jn. 7, 1-10.21. San Jose, Costa Rica, 1981. Pp. 318. FRESNO.