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Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography 1977-1978

By James C. Juhnke.

(Originally published in the March 1979 issue, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 21-27)

[This version was scanned from a paper copy, December 2004]

Assisted by Sharon Klingelsmith and Lawrence Klippenstein.

The Mennonite Life bibliography has been expanded this year to include significant articles, in addition to the regularly listed new books, dissertations and theses, which have been published or written since the most recent bibliography. This bibliography includes a two-year period, the calendar years of 1977 and 1978. A few previously unlisted items from earlier years have also been included. The most recent Mennonite Life bibliography appeared in the March, 1977 issue, pp. 26-30.


Amish Cooking, Aylmer, Ont., Pathway: 1977, 331 pp.

Amstutz, H. Clair, Marriage in Today's World, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 156 pp.

Anchak, G. Ronald, "The Decision to go to Tanganyika," Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1978, pp. 248-264.

"Arno Tells About His Life and His Memories of Eberhard Arnold," Rifton: Plough, 1977, 16 pp.

Arnold Heine, The Letters to the Seven Churches, Rifton: Plough, 1977, 62 pp.

Augsburger, Myron S., Pilgrim Aflame, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 288 pp.

"August and Freda Tell How They Came to the Bruderhof House," Rifton: Plough, 1976, 37, pp.

Baerg, Justina, ed., History of Manitoba Mennonite Women in Mission, 1942-1977: Commemorating 35 Years of Caring and Sharing, Winnipeg, 1977, 96 pp.

"Baptism as the Covenant of a Good Conscience With God," Rifton: Plough, 1977, 30 pp.

Barkman, Alma, Sunny-side Up, Chicago Moody, 1977, 127 pp.

Barkman, Sue, Ever-widening Circle: E.M.C. Missions Silver Jubilee, 1953-1978, Steinbach, 1978, 210 pp.

Baskir, Lawrence M. and William A. Strauss, Change and circumstance: The Draft, the War and the Vietnam Generation, New York: Knopf, 1978.

Beachy, Alvin J., The Concept of Grace in the Radical Reformation, Nieuwkoop: B. De Graff, 1977, 238 pp.

The Beginning and Work of the Mennonite Benevolent Society in B.C., 1953-1978, Cloverdale, B.C., 1978, 81 pp.

Behrends, Ernst, Der Rote Tulipan, Bodman/Bodensee: Hobenstaufen-Verlag, 1977, 232 pp.

Bennett, John W., "Social Theory and the Social Order of the Hutterian Community," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1977, pp. 292-307.

Benya, Edward, "The Dairy Industry of Belize," Belizean Studies, March 1978, pp. 22-39.

Bergen Elizabeth, "Recalling Past Days," a weekly column on southern Manitoba Mennonite History, Red River Valley Echo, Altona, Man., Jan.-Dec. 1977 and 1978.

Bergey, Lorna L., "Mennonite Change: The Life History of the Blenheim Mennonite Church, 1839-1974," Mennonite Life, Dec. 1977, pp. 23-27.

Berkhof, Hendrik, Christ and the Powers, Trans, by John H. Yoder, 2nd ed., Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 79 pp.

Bigane, Jack, Annotated Bibliography of Luther Studies, 1967-1976, St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1977, 81 pp.

Bird, Michael S., Ontario Fraktur, Toronto M. F. Feheley, 1977, 144 pp.

Boettcher, Katharina, "Jakob H. Niebuhr -ein Pionier des Muehlenbaus," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1978, pp. 36-39.

Blockmans, W. P., et al., Acta Historiae Neerlandicae, The Hague: Nyhoff, 1978, 255 pp.

Bontrager, G. Edwin, Divorce and the Faithful Church, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 191 pp.

Bontrager, Ida, Ozark Parson, Harrisonburg: Christian Light, 1978, 298 pp.

Brandt, L., Anna Elizabeth, Seventeen, Elgin: Brethren, 1978, 208 pp.

Braun, G. A., "Erinnerungen von frueher in Kleinstadt and Hochstadt," Mennonitishe Post, April 21, 1978, p. 3.

Brednich, Rolf Willi, Mennonite Folklife and Folklore. A Preliminary Report, Ottawa, 1977, 116 pp.

Brock, Peter, ed. and trans., "A Polish Anabaptist Against War: The Question of Conscientious Objection in Marcin Czechowic's Christian Dialogues of 1575," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1978, pp. 279-293.

Brown, D. W., Flamed by the Spirit, Elgin Brethren, 1978, 80 pp.

Budgen, Victor, "Menno Simmons (1496-1561)," Reformation Today, nos. 42-43, 1978.

Burkholder, J. Lawrence, "Peace Churches as Communities of Discernment," Christian Century, Sept. 4, 1963, pp 1072-1075.

Burkholder, John Richard, "Continuity and Change: A Search for a Mennonite Social Ethic," Akron: M.C.C. Peace Section, 1977, 31 pp.

Chesebro, Scott, "Integrating the Social Sciences and the Church: A Critique," Direction, Jan. 1978, pp. 18-25.

Cheyenne Spiritual Songs, Northern Cheyenne Mennonite Churches, 1977, n.p.

Clark, Robert E. D., Does the Bible Teach Pacifism?. England: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1976, 70 pp.

Clasen, Claus-Peter, The Anabaptists in South and Central Germany, Switzerland and Austria, Goshen, Ind., Mennonite Quarterly Review for the Mennonite Historical Society, 1978, 224 pp.

Clasen, Claus-Peter, "The Anabaptists in South and Central Germany, Switzerland and Austria: A Statistical Study," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Jan. 1978, pp. 5-38.

Clement, Jane T., The Sparrow and Other Stories, Rifton: Plough, 1978, 198 pp.

Cornies, G., "Im Land der Partisanen," Der Bote, March 8 to April 19, 1977 issues.

Cornies, G., "Die Letzten Tage under der Roten Flagge," Der Bote, LIV, Jan. 11. to Feb. 15 issues.

Cornies, G., "Unter Grossrussen. Erlebnisbericht, 1934-1941," Der Bote, May 24 to July 5, 1978 issues.

Cummings, Mary Lou, ed., Full Circle: Stories of Mennonite Women, Newton: Faith and Life, 1978, 204 pp.

Daniel, David P., The Historiography of the Reformation in Slovakia, St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1977, 50 pp.

Denlinger, A. Martha, "Katie Hess Reminisces," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, Oct. 1978, pp. 2-9.

Deyneka, Anita, A Song in Siberia, The True Story of a Russian Church That Could Not Be Silenced, Elgin: David C. Cook, 1977, 235 pp.

Dick, La Vernae J., Amos and Jonah, Newton: Faith and Life, 1977, 76 pp.

Diffenderfer, Frank Ried, The German Immigration into Pennsylvania, Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., 1977, 328 pp.

Doerksen, Victor G., "The Anabaptist Martyr Ballad," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Jan. 1977, pp. 5-21.

Doyle, James, "Mennonites and Mohawks: The Universalist Fiction of J. L. E. W. Shecut," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Jan., 1977, pp. 22-30.

Drescher, John M., The Way of the Cross and Resurrection, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 270 pp.

Driedger, Leo, "The Anabaptist Identification Ladder: Plain-Urbane Continuity in Diversity," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1977, pp. 278-291.

Driedger, Leo, "Mennonite Change: The Old Colony Revisited, 1955-1977," Mennonite Life, Dec. 1977, pp. 4-12.

Driedger, Leo, J. Winfield Fretz and Donovan E. Smucker, "A Tale of Two Strategies: Mennonites in Chicago and Winnipeg," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1978, pp. 294-311.

Driver, John, Community and Commitment, Scottdale: Herald, 1976, 93 pp.

Dueck, Abe, "Concordia Hospital, 1928-1978," Winnipeg, 1978, 42 pp.

Dueck, Abe, "Millennialism and the Mennonite Brethren Church," Christian Leader, May 23, 1978, pp. 24-30.

Dueck, Abe, "Toward a Philosophy of Education at Mennonite Brethren Bible College," Direction, Oct. 1978, pp. 36-43.

Dueck, Klaus, "Mennoniten in Uruguay," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1978, pp. 48-52.

Dueck, Klaus, "Mennoniten in Bolivien," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1978, pp. 53-54.

Dulmen, Richard van, Reformation als Revolution: soziale Bewegung and religioser Radikalismus in der deutschen Reformation, Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1977, 386 pp.

Durksen, Hedy, Along Highways and Hedges, Christian Press, 1977, 183 pp.

Durksen, Martin, Die Krim war unsere Heimat, Winnipeg, 1977, 323 pp.

Durnbaugh, Donald, "Enlarging the Circle: The Historic Peace Churches and Militarism," Mennonite Life, Sept. 19'78, pp. 16-18.

Durnbaugh, Donald F., "Religion and Revolution: Options in 1776," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, July 1978, pp. 2-9.

Durnbaugh, Donald F., ed., To Serve the Present Age: The Brethren Service Story, Elgin: Brethren, 1975, 224 pp.

Dyck, Cornelius J. and Robert Kreider, "Mennonite World Conferences in Review-A Photographic Essay," Mennonite Life, June 1978, pp. 4-23.

Dyck, Clara K., "Anna Baerg's Tagebuch," Mennonitische Post, July to Dec. issues 1978, continued 1979.

Dyck, Clara K. and G. Ens, "Das Tagebuch der Anna Baerg," Der Bote, July to Nov. issues, 1978.

Dyck, J. P., "The Dutch Connection Explains Springstein's Origins," Mennonite Mirror, Feb. 1978, pp. 9-10.

Eben-Ezer Mennoniten Gemeinde, Abbotsford, B.C.: The Gemeinde, 1978, 79 pp.

Eby, Omar, A Whisper in a Dry Land, Scottdale: Herald, 1958, 175 pp.

Ehrenpreis, Andreas. Brotherly Community, the Highest Command of Love: Two Anabaptist Documents of 1650 and 1560. Rifton: Plough, 1978, 133 pp.

Enns, F. F., Ohm Franz (Alt. Franz F. Enns), Winnipeg, 1977, 107 pp.

Ens, G. and Lawrence Klippenstein, "Die Vorgeschichte der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Kanada," Der Bote, June 14 and June 21, 1978.

Epp, Frank, Mennonite Peoplehood: A Plea for New Initiatives, Waterloo: Conrad, 1977, 120 pp.

Epp, Frank, H., "Woher? Wohin? Mennoniten," Mennonitische Post, June to Aug. issues, 1978.

Epp, Georg K., "Das Deutschtum in Kanada in Rahmen des kulturellen Mosaiks," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1977, pp. 5760.

Epp, Georg K., "Der mennonitische Beitrag zur deutsch-kanadischen Literatur," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1978, pp. 40-47.

Epp, George K., comp. and ed., Unter dem Nordlicht: Anthology of German Mennonite Writing in Canada, Winnipeg, 1977, 292 pp.

Epp, Robert O., "One Hundred Years of Bethesda Mennonite Church," Henderson, Neb., 1975, 41 pp.

Erb, Paul, Bible Prophecy, Questions and Answers, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 208 pp.

Erb, Peter C., "Medieval Spirituality and the Development of Protestant Sectarianism: A Seventeenth-Century Case Study," Mennonite Quarterly Review. Jan. 1977, pp. 31-40.

Escobar, Samuel E. and John Driver, Christian Mission and Social Justice, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 112 pp.

Esh, Levi, "The Amish Parochial School Movement," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Jan. 1977, pp. 69-75.

Estep, William R., ed., Anabaptist Beginnings (1523-1583): A Source Book, Nieuwkoop: B. De Graf, 1976.

Estep, W. R., "The Anabaptist View of Salvation," Southwestern Jaurnal of Theology, Spring 1978, pp. 32-49.

Fabian, Monroe H., The Pennsylvania-German Decorated Chest, New York: Universe, 1978, 230 pp.

Fairfield, James, G. T., All That We Are We Give, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 174 pp.

Fast, Karl and C. G. Unruh, eds., Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mennonite Settlement in North Kildonan, 1928-1978, Winnipeg, 1978, 128 pp.

Ferguson, John, War and Peace in the World's Religions, New York: Oxford, 1978, 166 pp.

Fieguth, H. O., "Die Wiebes-eine Familie fuer sich?" Mennonitische Geschichtsblaetter, 1977, pp. 86-91.

Fleming, Peter P., The Flaming History: The Story of an Anabaptist Family from 1580 to 1975, North Newton: Mennonite, 1976, 252 pp.

Foster, Claude R., "The Radical Reformation and Revolutionary Tradition," World-view, May 1976, pp. 43-46.

Foth, Peter J., ed., "Hilfsaktion 1888-Ein Bericht," Mennonitische Blaetter, V, 1978, pp. 74-75.

Foth, Peter J., "Ein besonderes Kapitel Kirchengeschichte," Mennonitische Blaetter, IV, 1977, p. 164.

Frantz, Adolf Ingram, Water from the Well: The Recollections of a Former Plowboy, Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1978, 411 pp.

Frantz, E. M., A Bonnet for Virginia, Elgin: Brethren, 1978, 140 pp.

Fretz, J. Winfield, "Newly Emerging Communes in Mennonite Communities," International Review of Modern Sociology, Spring 1976, pp. 103-112.

Fretz, Joseph Winfield, The Meda Experiment, 1953-1978, Waterloo; Conrad, 1978, 118 pp.

Fretz, J. Winfield, "The Plain and Not-so-Plain Mennonites in Waterloo County, Ontario," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1977, pp. 377-385.

Fretz, J. Winfield, "Reesor-An Extinct Community," Mennonite Historian, March 1977, p. 3, June 1977, p. 6.

Friesen, Abraham, Reformation and Utopia. The Marxist Interpretation of the Reformation and Its Antecedents. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1974, 271 pp.

Friesen, Abraham, and Hans Juergen Goertz, eds., Thomas Muentzer (Wege der Forschung, Band CDXCI), Darmstadt, 1978, 536 pp.

Friesen, Frank, trans., Material Accompanying the 'Ausbund', Stirling, Ont., 1977, 56 pp.

Friesen, Martin W., Kanadische Mennoniten bezwingen eine WiIdniss: 50 Jahre Kolonie Menno, Loma Platta, Paraguay: die Verwaltung der Kolonie Menno, 1977, 173 pp.

Friesen, Peter M., The Mennonite Brotherhood in Russia (1789-1910), trans. by J. B. Toews, et al., Fresno: Board of Christian Literature, General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1978, 1065 pp.

Friesen, Richard J.,, "Saskatchewan Mennonite Settlements: The Modification of an Old World Settlement Pattern," Canadian Ethnic Studies, IX, No. 2, 1977, pp. 72-90.

Furcha, Edward J. and Ford Lewis Battles, eds., Selected Writings of Hans Denk, Pittsburgh; Pickwick, 1975, 171 pp.

Gehman, Clayton H., Children of the Conestoga, Elgin: Brethren, 1978, 116 pp.

Geisberg, Max, Die Munsterischen Wiedertaufer and Aldegrever eine Ikonographische and numismatische Studie, Baden-Baden: V. Koerner, 1977, 77 pp.

Gerber, Samuel, "Die Haltung der Schweizer Mennoniten zur allegemeinen Wehrpflicht," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1977, pp. 75-77.

Gerlach, Horst, "Ernst Dyck, ein mennonitisher Maler aus Russland," Gemeinde Unterwegs, Jan. 1977, pp. 5-7.

Gilberg, L. S., Needlepoint Designs from Amish Quilts, New York: Scribners, 1977, 143 pp.

Gingerich, Orland, The Amish of Canada, Waterloo; Conrad, 1972, 244 pp.

Glueck, Theo., "Was wollte die Rundbreifgemeinschaft, 1928-1940?" Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1978, pp. 58-64.

Glueck, Theo, "Mennoniten im Dritten Reich—und heute," Mennonitische Blaetter, V, 1978, pp. 84-85.

Glueck, Theo, "Mennoniten im Dritten Reich—und heute," Gemeinde Unterwegs, Sept. 1978, pp. 100-101.

Goertz, Adalbert, "Mennonite Church Records in Prussia," Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1977. pp. 247-248.

Goertz, H. J. et al., "Neue Forschungen zum deutschen Bauernkrieg, (Zweiter Tell)," Mennonitische Geshichtsblaetter, 1977, pp.- 35-64.

Goertz, Hans-Juergen, "Immer wieder neu mit der, Geschichte ins Reine kommen," Gemeinde Unterwegs, June 1978, pp. 67-68.

Goertz, Hans-Juergen, "Die Mennoniten und das Dritte Reich," Mennonitische Blaetter, V, 1978, pp. 102-103, 120-122.

Goertz, Hans-Jurgen, ed., Radikale Reformatoren: 21 biographische Skizzen von Thomas Muntzer bis Paracelsus, Muenchen: C. H. Beck, 1978, 263 pp.

Goertz, Hans-Jurgen, ed., Umstrittens Taeufertum, 1525-1975. Neue Forschungen, Goettingen: Vandenhoek and Ruprecht, 1975, 314 pp.

Goertzen, Peter, "A List of Mennonite Settlers in the Chortitza Colony, South Russia: 1803," Relatively Speaking, Spring 1977, pp. 45-49.

Goertzen, Peter, "Mennonite Research," Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Bulletin, Fall 1977, pp. 182-185.

Goman, Jean Reimer, Rebecca's Nancy, St. Jacobs, Ont., 1978, 54 pp.

Good, E. Reginald, "Waterloo County Itinerant Fraktur Artists," Kitchener, Ont.: Pochauna, 1977, 10 pp.

Good, Phyllis Pellman, Paul and Alta, Scottdale: Herald, 1978. 114 pp.

Graber, Edwin C., And One Clear Call for Me, Freeman: privately published, 1977, n. p.

Granatstein, J. L., Broken Promises: A History of Conscription in Canada, Toronto: Oxford, 1977, 281 pp.

Guenther, Allen R., "Creation: A Hermeneutical Study in Genesis 1:1-2:3," Direction, July 1977, pp. 6-20.

Habegger, David, "A Story Recorded in Stone," Mennonite Life, Sept. 1978, pp. 19-21.

Hamilton, Dorothy, Rosalie, Scottdale, Herald, 1977, 120 pp.

Hamm, Peter, "Economic Ascendancy and the Mission of the Church," Direction, April 1978, pp. 3-14.

Hamm, Wilhelm, "Privilegien," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1978, pp. 32-35.

Hamman, Gustav, "Lindenborn: A Typical Incident in Early Anabaptist History in Upper Hesse," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Jan. 1977, pp. 67-69.

Hampton, Peter, "A Russian Train Ride That Will Never Be Forgotten," Mennonite Mirror, Jan. 1978, pp. 9-10.

Harder, G. J., "John B. Erzahlt," Mennonitische Rundschau, Aug. 30 to Oct. 25 issues, 1978.

Harder, Helmut A., "A Theology for Christian Camping," Newton: Faith and Life, 1977, 12 pp.

Harder, Johannes and Helmut Reimer, "Zwei weitere Stimmen," Mennonitische Blaetter, IV, 1977, pp. 176-177.

Harder, Johannes, "Geistliches Leben frueher Notizen zur Frage unserer Frommigkeits-formen in Russland," Mennonitische Blaetter, IV, pp. 65-66.

Harder, Johannes, "Alexander Harder, zum Fuenfundsiebzigsten," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1977, pp. 92-94.

Harms, Marianne, "The Mennonite Response to the Bicentennial, 1975-1976A Bibliography," Mennonite Life, June 1978, pp. 28-31.

Harms, Marianne, "The Writings of Cornelius Krahn," Mennonite Life, Sept. 1977, pp. 25-27.

Harms, Orlando, "The Central District Conference-A History of Growth," Christian Leader, Jan. 17, 1978, pp. 2-6.

Harrison, Richard L., Jr., "Schwenkfeld and and the Tuebingen Colloquy," Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1978, pp. 237-247.

Heidebrecht, David P., Ein Holperiger Lebensweg, Clearbrook, B.C., 1977, 144 pp.

Hein, Gerhard, "Jakob Martens, eln Schulmann der Armen," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1977, pp. 54-56.

Hein, Gerhard, ed., Ufa: The Mennonite Settlements (Colonies) in Ufa, 189 -X988, Winnipeg, 1977, 176 pp.

Heisey, Nancy, "Integrating Education and Development," Akron: M.C.C., 1977, 33 pp.

Herr, H. Elvin, "The. Martin Mylin Ausbund and the Hans Herr House," Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1977, pp. 241-244.

Hess, J. Daniel, Ethics in Business and Labor, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 85 pp.

Hess, J. Daniel, Integrity: Let Your Yea be Yea, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 215 pp.

Hiebert, Clarence, Geschichte der Mennonites Brueder Gemeinde in- Paraguay. Asuncion: Theologisher Arbeiter Kursus, Inst. Biblico, 1977, 208 pp.

Hiebert, D. Edmund, The Non-Pauline Epistles and Revelation: An Introduction to the New Testament, Chicago: Moody, 1977, 294 pp.

Hiebert, Paul, "Missions Principles and Policies," Hillsboro: Mennonite Brethren Board of Missions and Services, 1977, 22 pp.

Hildebrand, Gerhard, "Die, Mennoniten in Russland," Mennontische Blaetter, IV, 1977, pp. 17-19, 34-36, 46-47, 96-97, 110-112, 145-147, V, 1978, pp. 6-7, 51-53.

Hildebrand, Kornelius, Jr., "Ein Sonntag anno 1840 auf-der Insel Chortitza," Mennonitische Blaetter, IV, 1977, pp. 20-21.

Hildebrandt, Julia, "Eine kritische Stimme," Mennonitische Blaetter, IV, 1977, p. 163.

Hoekema, Alle, "Pieter Jansz (1820-1904): First Mennonite Missionary to Java," Mennonite Quarterly Review. Jan. 1978, pp. 58-76.

Hooge, Katie, ed., "The History of the Canadian Women in Mission, 1952-1977," Winnipeg, 1977, 37 pp.

Hold, T., "Carl Cornelius Wiebe und die Grosse Loge von Hamburg," Mennonitische Geschichtsblaetter, 1977, pp. 73-84.

Holly, H., "Vernfahren and Nachkommen des Jakob Holly aus Nehwiller im Elsass," Mennonitische Geschichtsblaetter, 1977, pp. 92-95.

Hoover, Amos B., "Jan Luyken's Lost Martyrs Mirror Engravings," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, Jan. 1978, pp. 2-5.

Hostetler, Beulah S., "The Charter as a Basis for Resisting the Impact of American Protestant Movements," Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1978, pp. 127-140.

Hostetler, John A., "Old Order Amish Survival," ?Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1977, pp. 352-361.

Hostetler, Marian, Journey to Jerusalem, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 126 pp.

Hostetter, Robert David, Cheyenne Jesus Buffalo Dream, Hesston: Hostetter, 1978, 75 pp.

Hunsberger, Bruce E., "A Reconsideration of Parochial Schools: The Case of Mennonites and Roman Catholics," Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1977, pp. 140-151.

Hutterian Society of Brothers, Songs of Light: The Bruderhof Songbook, Rifton: Plough, 1977, 543 pp.

Illick, Joseph E., Colonial PennsylvaniaA History, New York: Scribner's, 1976, 359 pp.

Instituto Biblico Asuncion, Theologischer Arbeiter-Kursus, Geschichte der Mennoniten Bruder-Gemeinde in Paraguay, Asuncion: Instituto Biblico Asuncion, 1977, 208 pp.

Jackson, Gregory L., "The Anabaptists and Church-State Separation," Church and State, Sept. 1976, pp. 6-7.

Jacobs, Donald R., "Where Are We in Overseas Missions?" Mission-Focus, May 1977, pp. 1-4.

Janzen, A. E. and Herbert Giesbrecht, comps., "We, recommend . . Recommendations and Resolutions of the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches," Hillsboro: Mennonite Brethren Board of Christian Literature, 1978.

Janzen, Heinrich H. and Katharina Janzen, "Meine Lebensgeschichte . . . Der Versuch einer Autobioggraphie," Mennonitische Rundschau, Oct. 1976 to Nov. 1977 issues.

Janzen, Helene, "Werken and Leben eines der Letzten Prediger Wladimir H. Janzen in den 30 ger Jahren in der alten Heimat Sudrusslands," Der Bote, April 12, 19 and 26 issues, 1978.

Janzen, John M., The Quest for Therapy in Lower Zaire, Berkeley: University of California, 1978, 266 pp.

Janzen, Louis A., Forbid Him Not: A Case Study of a Severe Crisis in the Zion Mennonite Church, Elbing, Kansas, 1905-1911, n. p., 1978, 109 pp..

Janzen, Waldemar, "The Great Trek: Episode or Paradigm?" Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1977, pp. 127-139.

Jerome, Claude, "Les Anabaptistes du Climont," Annuaire de la Societe d'Historie du Val de Ville, 1977, pp. 99-116.

Jerome, Claude, "Les Anabaptistes de Gensbourg," Annuaire de la Societe d' Historie at d'Archeologie de Molsheim et Environs, 1976.

Johansen, Ruthann Knechel, Coming Together, Male and Female in a Renamed Garden, Elgin: Brethren, 1977, 151 pp.

Johnson, Warren A., et. al., "Energy Conservation in Amish Agriculture," Science, Oct. 28, 1977, pp. 373-378.

Jordan, Mildred, The Distelfink Country of the Pennsylvania Dutch, New York: Crown, 1978, 258 pp.

Kaminski, Andrezej J., "Die Tragik von Janusz Korczak," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1977, pp. 51-53.

Karlstadt, Andreas Rudolf, Karlstadt's Battle with Luther: Documents in a Liberal-Radical Debate, Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978, 161 pp.

Kaufman, Donald D., The Tax Dilemma: Praying for Peace, Praying for War, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 101 pp.

Kauffman, J. Howard, "Boundary Maintenance and Cultural Assimilation of Contemporary Mennonites," Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1977, pp. 227-240.

Keeney, William, "Coming in by the Back Door," Mennonite Life, Sept. 1978, pp. 26-28.

Kehler, Larry, The Rule of the Lamb, Newton: Faith and Life, 1978, 68 pp.

Keidel, Eudene, African Fables; That Teach About God, Scottdale: Herald. 1978, 93 pp.

Keidel, Levi O., War to be One, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1977, 239 pp.

Keim, Albert N., "Service or Resistance? The Mennonite Response to Conscription in World War II," Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1978, pp. 141-155.

Klaassen, Walter, "Biblical and Theological Bases for Worship in the Believers' Church," Newton: Faith and Life, 1978. 24 pp.

Klaassen, Walter, "Die Bedeutung des Taeufertums," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1977, pp. 39-43.

Klaassen, Walter, "Mennonites and War Taxes," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, April 1978, pp. 12-23.

Klassen, Agatha, Yarrow—A Portrait in Mosaic, Yarrow, B.C., 1977, 120 pp.

Klassen, Doreen, "Low German Songs? Obah Yo!" Mennonite Life, Dec. 1978, pp. 23-26.

Klassen, Elizabeth Suderman, Trailblazer for the Brethren; The Story of Johann Claassen, a Leader in the Early Mennonite Brethren Church, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 309 pp.

Klassen, Kaethe, "Eine Mutter in Christo," Mennonitische Rundschau, Nov. 8 to Dec. 20 issues, 1978.

Klassen, Peter J., "Church and State in Reformation Europe," St. Louis: Forum, 1975, 15 pp.

Klassen, William, "Release to Those in Prison," Kitchener: Herald, 1977, 41 pp.

Klassen, William and Walter Klaassen, eds., The Writings of Pilgrim Marpeck, Kitchener, 1978, 612 pp.

Kline, Harvey and Warren Eshbach, A Future With Hope: Aging Creatively in Christian Community, Elgin: Brethren. 1978, 93 pp.

Klingelsmith, Sharon and Kenneth Springer, comps., "A Bibliography of the Writings of Melvin Gingerich," Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1978, pp. 170-182.

Klippenstein, Ben D., comp., Genealogy of Heinrich Klippenstein, 1849-1977, Winnipeg, 1977, 78 pp.

Klippensteln, Lawrence, "Conference Roots: 1902-1903," Mennonite Historian. June 1977, pp. 1-2.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, "The Hochstadt Conference of 1903," Mennonite Historian, June 1978, pp. 1-2.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, "Jacob A. Rempel and the Mennonite World Conference. 1925." Mennonite Historian, Dec. and March' issues, 1978.

Klippenstein, Lawrence and John Friesen, "The Mennonite Heritage Centre," Mennonite Life, Dec. 1978, pp. 19-22.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, "Peter Regier: Churchman-farmer (1851-1925)," Mennonite Historian, Sept. and Dec. 1976, March and June 1977.

Klippenstein, Lawrence and Julius G. Toews, eds., Mennonite Memories, Settling in Western Canada, Winnipeg, 1977. 342 pp.

Koch, Fred C., The Volga Germans in Russia and the Americas from 1763 to the Present, University Park: Pennsylvania State, 1977, 365 pp.

Koch, Roy S., My Personal Pentecost, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 278 pp.

Koch, Werner, "Die Bekennende Kirche." Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1977, pp. 46-50.

Konrad, George G., "Responsible Christian Counseling," Direction, April 1978, pp. 23-32.

Krahn, Cornelius, "Between the Volga and the Rhine, 1902-1936," Mennonite Life, Sept. 1977, pp. 11-17.

Krahn, Cornelius , "A Pietist Revival Comes to South Russia," Mennonite Life. March 1978, pp. 4-11.

Krahn, Cornelius, "Rueckblick auf meine Studienjahre in Europa," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1978, pp. 75-78.

Krahn, Henry G., "The Silent Church in the Midst of Radical Change in China." Direction, July, 1978. pp. 20-31.

Kraybill, Donald B., "A Content and Structural Analysis of Mennonite High School Songs," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Jan. 1977, pp. 52-66.

Kraybill Donald B., Ethnic Education: The Impact of Mennonite Schooling, San Francisco: R & E Research Associates, 1977, 161 pp.

Kraybill, Donald B., Mennonite Education: Issues, Facts and Changes, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 77 pp.

Kraybill, Donald B., "Religious and Ethnic Socialization in a Mennonite High School," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1977, pp. 329-351.

Kraybill, Donald B., Our Star-Spangled Faith, Scottdale: Herald, 1976, 216 pp.

Kraybill, Donald B., The Upside-down Kingdom, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 327 pp.

Kraybill, Paul N., ed., Mennonite World Handbook: A Survey of Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Churches, Lombard: Mennonite World Conference, 1978, 390 pp.

Kraybill, Ronald, "Evaluations of the Mennonite Period of Change, 1870-1920; A Change in the Meaning of Church," Goshen, 1975, 16 pp.

Kraus, C. Norman, "Reexamining Mennonite Reality: Shapes and Meanings of the Future," Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1978, pp. 156-164.

Krieder, Rachel, "A Mennonite College Through Town Eyes," Mennonite Life, June 1977, pp. 4-13.

Krieder, Robert, "Windows to the Mennonite Experience in America-A Photographic Essay," Mennonite Life, June 1978, pp. 24-46.

Kuhns, Dennis R., Women in the Church, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 80 pp.

Laird, W. D., Hopi Bibliography, Tucson University of Arizona, 1977, 735 pp.

Landes, Anni, "Ob die Kanzel halt," Mennonitische Blaetter, IV, 1977, p. 165.

Landis, Mary M., Coon Tree Summer, Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1978, 328 pp.

Langhofer, Dennis L., "Ethnics, the Businessman, and the Church," Direction, Jan. 1978, pp. 26-34.

Lapp, John A., A Dream for America, Scottdale Herald, 1976, 128 pp.

Lehman, James O., Creative Congregationalism: Oak Grove Mennonite Church, Smithville, Ohio: Oak Grove, 1978, 320 pp.

Liebbrandt, Gottlieb, Little Paradise: Aus Geschichte and Leben der Deutschkanadier in der County Waterloo, Ontario, 1800-1975, Kitchener: Allprint, 1977, 416 pp.

Lemon, J. Robert, Owl Creek Mennonite Church, s. l.: s. n., 1977, 233 pp.

Leonard, Juanita, "Family Life Education," Akron: Mennonite Central Committee, 1978, 29 pp.

Lichti, Diether Goetz, "Um das Mennonitische Berwusstsein heute," Mennonitische Blaetter, V, 1978, pp. 123-126.

Lichdi, Diether Goetz, and Hans-Juergen Goertz, "Gemeinsame Erklarung," Mennonitische Blaetter, V. p. 189.

Lichti, Diether. Gotz, Mennoniten im Dritten Reich; Dokumentation and Deutung, Weierhof/Pfalz: Mennonitischer Geschichtsverein, 1977, 248 pp.

Lichti, Fred, A History of the East Zorra (Amish) Mennonite Church, 1837-1977, Tavistock, Ont.: East Zorra Mennonite Church, 1977, 132 pp.

Lienhard, Marc, ed., The Origins and Chararacteristic of Anabaptism: Proceedings of the Colloquium Organized by the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Strasbourg, with an Extensive Bibliography, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1977, 245 pp.

Lind, Tim, "Biblical Obedience and Development," Akron: Mennonite Central Committee, 1978, 37 pp.

Loewen, Howard, "Biblical Infallibility: An Examination of Lindsell's Thesis," Direction, April 1977, pp. 3-18.

Loewen, Howard, "The Pauline View of Woman," Direction, Oct. 1977, pp. 3-20.

Loose, John Ward Willson, The Heritage of Lancaster, Woodland Hill, Cal.: Windsor, 1978, 226 pp.

Lord, Charlie, The Rule of the Sword, Newton: Faith and Life, 1978, 68 pp.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, The Fateful Years. 1913-1923, Winnipeg, 1978, 142 pp.

Lohrenz, Gerhard, The Odyssey of the Bergen Family, Winnipeg, 1978, 145 pp.

Lord, Arthur C. Donegal Mills, "A Case Study in Historical Geography," Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society, 1977, pp. 117-137.

Loucks, Thelma Blosser, Out of the Cloud, n. p.: Mrs. Charles Roy Loucks, 1975, 366 pp.

Lower Deer Creek Mennonite Church, A Centennial History of the Lower Deer Creek Mennonite Church, 1877-1977, Kalona, Iowa: Centennial Historical Committee, 1977, 79 pp.

Luthy, David, "Martin Printers," Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1977, pp. 152-162.

McGowan, Drusilla, Traveling the Way, Crockett: Rod and Staff, 1977, 152 pp.

McMaster, Richard K., "Neither Whig nor Tory: The Peace Churches in the American Revolution," Fides Et Historia, Spring 1977, pp. 8-24.

Marpeck, Pilgram, The Writings of Pilgram Marpeck. Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 612 pp.

Martens, Elmer A., "The Problem of Old Testament Ethics," Direction, July 1977, pp. 23-35.

Martin, Jason, The People of God in Community, Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1977, 112 pp.

Martin, Marla, A Sweet Singer, Crockett: Rod and Staff, 1976, 56 pp.

Martin, Marla, Kitten in the Well, Crockett: Rod and Staff. 1978, 241 pp.

Martin, Norma, Divorce: A Christian Dilemma, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 158 pp.

Matson, Louise Klassen, Louise; Louise Klassen Matson's Flight to Freedom as Told to Margaret J. Anderson, Wheaton: Shaw, 1977, 134 pp.

Mennonite Church, General Assembly, 1977, "Affirming Our Faith in Word and Deed," Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1978, 47 pp.

Metzler's Mennonite Church Historical Committee, Metzler's Mennonite Congregation, 1728-1978, Ephrata, Pa.: Metzler's Mennonite Church, 1978, 67 pp.

Miller, Betty, "Amish Pioneers of the Walnut Creek Valley," Berlin, Ohio: s. n., 1977, 29 pp.

Miller, Clara Bernice, To All Generations, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 222 pp.

Miller, Ella May, The Peacemakers, Old Tappan, N. J.: F. H. Revell, 1977, 179 pp.

Miller, Gordon W., To God be the Glory: The Mennonite Witness in Iowa City, 1927-1977, Iowa City: First Mennonite Church, 1977, 171 pp.

Miller, Joyce, In Straw and Story, Elgin Brethren, 1977, 191 pp.

Miller, Levi, ed., The Meetinghouse of God's People, Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1977, 64 pp.

Miller, Louis L., Yesteryear Memories, Goshen: Miller, 1977, 145 pp.

Miller, Paul M., The Devil Did Not Make Me Do It, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 236 pp.

Miller, Paul M., Peer Counseling in the Church, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 166 pp.

Moore, Ruth Nulton; Peace Treaty, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 156 pp.

Morse, Kenneth, Move in Our Midst, Looking at Worship in the Life of the Church, Elgin: Brethren, 1977, 159 pp.

Mueller, Amelia, "Jakob Ellenberger: Pastor, Teacher, Musican, Writer," Mennonite Life. Dec. 1977 and March 1978, pp. 28-31, 30-32.

Muesing, Hans-Werner, "The Anabaptist Movement in Strasbourg from Early 1526 to July 1577," Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1977, pp. 91-126.

Musselman, Howard .and L. Patricia Hammann and Louis J. Hammann, From the Beginning; Fairfield Mennonite Church, 1927-1977, Fairfield, Pa., 1977, 72 pp.

Musson, Nykor, Lynda and Patricia D. Musson, Mennonite Furniture. The Ontario Tradition in York County, Toronto, 1977, 95 pp.

Neufeld, Dietrich, A Russian Dance of Death, trans. and ed. by Al Reimer. Winnipeg and Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 142 pp.

Neuser, Wilhelm H., Die reformatorische Wende bei Zwingli, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1977, 160 pp.

Nickel, John P., ed., and trans., Thy Kingdom. Come. The Diary of Johann J. Nickel of Rosenhof, 1918-1919, Saskatoon, 1978, 103 pp.

Noll, Fannie M., The Gift of Years, Lancaster: Fannie M. Noll, 1977, 68 pp.

Nussbaum, Stan, You Must Be Born Again (History of the Evangelical Mennonite Church), Ft. Wayne, Ind.: Evangelical Mennonite Church, 1976 or 1977, 55 pp.

Nyce, Joseph C., "A Dialogue with Conrad Grebel," Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1978, pp. 214-236.

Old and New Furrows: The Story of Rosthern, Rosthern, Sask.: Rosthern Historical Society, 1977, 694 pp.

Ollenburger, Ben, "The Hermeneutics of Obedience: A Study of Anabaptist Hermeneutics," Direction, April 1977, pp; 1931.

Ontario Women in Mission, n. p., 1977, 34 pp.

Oosterbaan, J. A., "The Reformation of the Reformation: Fundamentals of Anabaptist Theology," Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1977, pp. 171-195.

Oyer, John S., "Melvin Gingerich, 1902-1975," Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1978, pp. 91-112.

Packull, Werner O., Mysticism and the Early South German-Austrian Anabaptist Movement, 1525-1581, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 252 pp.

Paetkau, Peter, "Mennonite Settlement in Manitoba," Scratching River Post, May 1, 1978, pp. 8-9.

Polmer, Martha Shenk, A Sower Went Forth, Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff, 1978, 228 pp.

Parables of the Kingdom, Nappanee: Mennonite World Conference, 1977, 56 pp.

Parsons, William T., The Pennsylvania Dutch: A Persistent Minority, Boston: Twayne, 1976.

Penner, Erwin, "Interpreting Old Testament Prophecy," Direction, July 1977, pp. 38-47.

Penner, Horst, "Taeufer oder Wiedertaeufer in Aschen?" Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1977, pp. 44-45.

Penner, Horst, "Die ost-and westpreussischen Mennoniten in ihrem religiosen and sozialen Leben in ihren Kulturellen and wirtschaftlichen Leistungen Weierhof," Mennonitischer Geschichtsverein, 1978, 500 pp.

Penner, Peter, "By Reason of Strength: Johann Warkentin, 1859-1948," Mennonite Life, Dec. 1978, pp. 4-9.

Penner, Ron, et al., Study Guide for the Confession of Faith of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, n. p., 58 pp.

Peters, Victor, "The Immigrant," Mennonite Mirror, Jan. to Summer issues, 1977.

Petkau, Irene Friesen, ed., Just When We Were . . . The Story of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, Winnipeg, 1978, 60 pp.

Petkau, Peter, "Low German Drama Study: A Research Report," Mennonite Life, Dec. 1978, pp. 27-28.

Pickering, W. S. F., "Hutterites and Problems of Persistence and Social Control in Religious Communities," Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, XLIV, 1977, pp. 75-92.

Potter, George, Richard, Zwingli, Cambridge University, 1976, 432 pp.

Quiring, Horst, "Neue Stroemungen in der Mennoniten-und Taeuferforschung," Gemeinde Unterwegs, March to May issues, 1978.

Quiring, Walter, "Meine Kurdenbraut am Ararat," Der Bote, Nov. 9 and 16 issues, 1977.

Ramseyer, Robert L., "The Anabaptist Vision and Our World Mission," Mission Focus, March 1.976, pp. 1-6.

Ratzlaff, Erich L., "Auf Tabors Hohen; Wymyschler-Treffen 1977 in Three Hills, Alberta," s. l., s. n., 1977, 48 pp.

Ratzlaff, Gerhard, "The Mennonite Brethren Church in Paraguay," Direction, July 1978, pp. 11-19.

Redekop, Calvin, "Future Options for Mennonite Brethren Higher Education," Direction, Oct. 1978, pp. 12-21.

Redekop, Calvin and John A. Hostetler, "The Plain People: An Interpretation," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1977, pp. 266-277.

Redekopp, Helen, ed., History of Alberta Mennonite Women in Mission, 1947-1977, Coaldale, Alberta, 1977, 128 pp.

Regehr, Ernie, "What is Militarism?" Akron: Mennonite Central Committee, 1977, 18 pp.

Regehr, Ted D., "Mennonite Archives in Canada," Archivaria, Winter 1977-78, pp. 164-165.

Regehr, Ted D., "Mennonite Change: The Rise and Decline of Mennonite Community Organizations at Coaldale, Alberta," Mennonite Life, Dec. 1977, pp. 13-22.

Reimer, P. J. B., "Die ersten Rosenort Ansiedler," Scratching River Post, July to Dec. issues, 1978.

Reinford, Wilmer, "Index to the Jacob B. Mensch Collection of Letters, 1861-1912," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Jan. 1978, pp. 77-85.

Rempel, Henry Peter, Passages out of My Life, Toronto, 1977, 96 pp.

Rempel. Jacob, "Die erste Dampfmuehle auf der West Reserve in Manitoba," Mennonitische Post, April 21, p. 15.

Rempel, Olga, "Wer Nimmt Uns Auf?" Winnipeg, 1978, 31 pp.

Rempel, Peter H. and Adolf Ens, Der Bote Index Vol. I, 1924-1947, Winnipeg: CMBC Publications. 1976.

Renno, John R., "A Brief History of the Amish Church in Belleville," Belleville. Pa.: Renno, between 1973 and 1977, 25 pp.

Rimland, Ingrid, The Wanderers: The Saga of Three Women Who Survived, St. Louis: Concordia, 1977, 323 pp.

Rozen, Frieda Schoenberg, "The Permanent First-Floor Tenant: Women and Gemeinschaft," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1977. pp. 319-328.

Rushby, William F., "The Old German Baptist Brethren: An Intimate Christian Community in Urban-Industrial Society," Mennonite Quarterly Review. Oct. 1977, pp. 362-376.

Russell, Paul M., Let's Look at Our Heritage in Eastern Lancaster County, New Holland, Pa.: Elanco Chapter, Lancaster County Bicentennial Committee, 1977, 154 pp.

Ruth, John L., Mennonite Identity and Literary Art, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 72 pp.

Ryan, John, The Agricultural Economy of Manitoba Hutterite Colonies, Toronto, 1977, 306 pp.

Sauder, David L., "Metzler Mennonite Congregation, 1723-1978," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, April 1978, pp. 9-16.

Sawatzky, Rodney, "The Conference Experience-75 Years," Mennonite Historian, Sept. 1978, pp. 1-2.

Sawatsky, Walter, "Mennonite Congregations in the Soviet Union Today," Mennonite Life, March 1978, pp. 12-26.

Schlabach, Theron, "Gospel at Home," Mission-Focus, March 1978, pp. 6-12.

Schlabach, Theron F., . "The Humble Become 'Aggressive Workers': Mennonites Organize for Mission, 1880-1910," Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1978, pp. 113-126.

Schlabach, Theron, "Paradoxes of Mennonite Separatism," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, Jan. 1979, pp. 12-17.

Schlabach, Theron, "Reveille for Die Stillen im Lande: A Stir Among Mennonites in the Late Nineteenth Century," Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1977, pp. 213-226.

Schultz, A. J., Memoirs and Reflections, Cambridge, Ont., 1977, 116 pp.

Schultz, Carolyn and Adelia Stucky, Wheat Weaving Made Easy, North Newton: Mennonite Press, 1977, 119 pp.

Schrag, Martin H., "The Brethren in Christ Concept of the Church in Transition, 1870-1910," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1978, pp. 312-327.

Schwarz, Richard, Die apokalyptische Theologie Thomas Munsters and die Taboriten, Tubingen: Mohr, 1977, 142 pp.

Schwieder, Dorothy and Elmer, "The Beachy Amish in Iowa: A Case Study," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Jan. 1977, pp. 41-50.

Scott, Stephen E., "The Old Order River Brethren Church," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, July 1978, pp. 13-24.

Seguy, Jean, Les Assemblees Anabaptistes-Mennonites de France, Paris: Mouton, 1977, 904 pp.

Sharp, John E., "Solomon Zook Sharp: Educator and Optimist," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, Jan. 1979, pp. 8-11.

Sider, E. Morris, A Vision for Service: A History of Upland College, Nappanee: Evangel, 1976, 238 pp.

Sider, Ronald J., Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, Downers Grove: Intervarsity, 1977, 249 pp.

"Singers Glen Music and Heritage Festival,"," Singers Glen, Va.: Singers Glen, 1978, 48 pp.

Sixteenth Century Bibliography, St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1977, 623 pp.

Smith, Tilman, Boards: Purposes, Organizations, Procedures, A Practical Guide to Effective Boards, Scottdale: Herald, 1978, 56 pp.

Smucker, Barbara, Runaway to Freedom: A Story of the Underground Railway, New York: Harper and Row, 154 pp.

Smucker, Barbara, Underground to Canada, Toronto: Irwin and Co., 1977, 157 pp.

Smucker, Donovan E., ed., The Sociology of Canadian Mennonites, Hutterites, and Amish, A Bibliography with Annotations, Waterloo, 1977, 306 pp.

Snyder, C. Arnold, "The Life of Michael Sattler Reconsidered," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1978, pp. 328-332.

Snyder, Howard A., The Community of the King, Intervarsity, 1978, 216 pp.

Snyder, Peter Etril and A. K. Herrfort, Mennonite Country, St. Jacobs, Ont., 1978, 185 pp.

Springer, Nelson P. and A. J. Klassen, comps., Mennonite Bibliography, Vol. I and II, Scottdale, Herald, 1977, 531 and 634 pp.

Stayer, J. M., "Die Schweizer Brueder," Mennonitische Geschichtsblaetter, 1977, pp. 7-34.

Stayer, James M., "Oldeklooster and Menno," The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. IX, No. 1, 1978, pp. 50-67.

Stayer, James M., "Reflections and Retractions on Anabaptists and the Sword," Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1977, pp. 196-212.

Stoltzfus, Victor, "Reward and Sanction: The Adaptive Continuity of Amish Life," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1977, pp. 308-318.

Stumpp, Karl, The Emigation from Germany to Russia in the Years 1768 to 1862, Tubingen: Stumpp, 1978, 1018 pp.

Swartz, Fred W., All in God's Family, Brethren and the Quest for Christian Unity, Elgin: Brethren, 1977, 144 pp.

Teichroew, Allan, "As Far as the Eye Can See: Some Depression Photographs of Mennonite Farmers," Mennonite Life, Sept. 1978, pp. 4-15.

Tentler, Thomas N., Sin and Confession on the Eve of the Reformation, Princeton: Princeton University, 1977, 395 pp.

Thiessen, J., "Mennonitische Literatur in Russland," Mennonitische Geschichtsblaetter, 1977, pp. 65-72.

Thiessen, Jack, Mennonite Low-German Dictionary. Mennonitisches Woerterbuch, Marburg, Germany, 1977, 70 pp.

Thiessen, J. J., "Erinnerungen an Erfahrungen aus der Anfangzeit in Kanada," Der Bote, Jan. 25, 1977, pp. 1-2.

Thiessen, J. J., "Rueckblick auf unsere drei Jahre in Rosthern, 1927-1930," Der Bote, June 23, 1977, pp. 3-4.

Thomson, Murray and Ernie Regehr, "A Time to Disarm," Montreal: Harvest House, 1978, 38 pp.

Tiessen, Paul, ed., People Apart, Portrait of a Mennonite World in Waterloo County, St. Jacobs, Ont., 1977, 110 pp.

Toews, John A., "Mennonite Brethren in Inter-Mennonite Endeavors," Direction, July 1978, pp. 3-10.

Toews, J. B., The Mennonite Brethren Church in Zaire, Fresno: Mennonite Brethren Board of Christian Literature, 1978, 255 pp.

Toews, J. B., "Mennonite Brethren Higher Education: Reflections and Observations," Direction, Oct. 1978, pp. 3-11.

Toews, J. G., - "Viele Ausgewanderte stammen aus der West Reserve in Manitoba," Mennonitische Post, July 7, p. 15.

Toews, John B., "Tobias Voth: The Gentle Schoolmaster of Orlov" Mennonite Life, March 1978, pp. 27-29.

Toews, John B., "A Russian Mennonite: The Diary of Diedrich Gaeddert (1860-1876)," Mennonite Life, Dec. 1978, pp. 10-18.

Toews, John B., With Courage to Spare. The Life of B. B. Janz, 1877-1964, Winnipeg, 1978, 185 pp.

Toews, John E., "Mennonite Brethren Higher Education: Perspectives and Proposals," Direction, Oct. 1978, pp. 22-31.

Toews, Paul, ed., Pilgrims and Strangers: Essays in Mennonite Brethren History, Fresno: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1977. 183 pp.

Ulle, Robert F., "Pacifists, Paxton, and Politics: Colonial Pennsylvania, 1763-1768," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, Oct. 1978, pp. 18-21.

Unger, Abe P., "The Senior Citizen: Preparation, Provision, Practice, Projection," Steinbach, Man.: Social Concerns Committee, Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 1977, 36 pp.

Unger, Walter, "A Practical Morality for the Church," Direction, April 1978, pp. 15-22.

Unruh Wilfred J., "Planning Congregational Worship," Newton: Faith and Life, 1978, 37 pp.

Upper Deer Creek Conservative Mennonite Church Centennial Anniversary, Wellman, Iowa, 1877-1977, Wellman: Upper Deer Creek, 1977, 83 pp.

Vogt, Esther Loewen, Beyond These Hills, Kansas City: Beacon Hill, 1977, 150 pp.

Vogt, Esther Loewen, Harvest Gold, Elgin David C. Cook, 1978, 128 pp.

von Maydell, Bodo, "Quaekertum-heute," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1977, pp. 60-61.

Voth, Norma Jost, Peppernuts Plain and Fancy, San Jose: Norma Voth, 1978, 72 pp.

Wagoner, Gerald C., "Wengerites: Pentecostal Brethren in Christ," Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, Oct. 1978, pp. 14-17.

Ward, Frank G., "The Sacred Car," Newton: Faith and Life, 1977, 49 pp.

Warkentin, Abe, "Russland-Tagebuch veroeffentlicht," Mennonitische Post, May 19, 1978, pp. 1-2.

Weaver, Edwin and Irene, From Kuku Hill: Among Indigenous Churches in West Africa. Elkhart: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1975, 128 pp.

Weaver, J. Denny, "Conrad Grebel's Developing Sense of Deity," Mennonite Quarterly Review. July 1978, pp. 199-213.

Weaver, Robert L., "Waelrant and Anabaptism: An Interdisciplinary Problem reconsidered," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Jan. 1978, pp. 39-57.

Wenger, John Christian, "Dealing Redemptively with Those Involved in Divorce and Remarriage Problems," Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 26 pp.

Wenger, J. C., Disciples of Jesus. Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 70 pp.

Wenger, J. C., How Mennonites Came to Be, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 72 pp.

Wenger, J. C., The Way of Peace, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 70 pp.

Wenger, J. C., The Way to a New Life, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 71 pp.

Wenger, J. C., What Mennonites Believe, Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 70 pp.

Wenger, John Paul, Because God Loves. A Devotional Statement of Faith, Scottdale: Herald, 1976, 52 pp.

Wiebe, David, "The History of the Hutterites," Manitoba: S.T.E.P. Project, 1977.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, Good Times with Old Times, How to Write Your Memoirs, Scottdale: Herald, 1979, 155 pp.

Wiebe, Rudy. The Scorched-Wood People, Toronto: McClelland and Steward, 1977.

Wiebe, Vernon R., Come Let Us Stand United. A History of Corn Bible Academy, Hillsboro: V. R. Wiebe, 1977, 162 pp.

Wiens, Delbert, "Contexts for Education," Direction, Oct. 1978, pp. 44-49.

Wiens, Devon H., "Interpreting the Gospels," Direction, July 1977, pp. 50-57.

Wiens, J. B., "Das Zeugnis," Mennonitische Rundschau, Nov. 30 to Dec. 10 issues, 1977.

Wiens, Peter B., Wenn der Farmer Schriftleiter Wird, Saskatoon, Sask., 1978, 310 pp.

Wienss, Hans-Joachim, "Die Amishchen-und was sie uns heute zu sagen haben." Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1978, pp. 55-57.

Willms. Albert, ed., Welcome Inn-VS Inner City Ministry, Hamilton, Ont., 1977, 84 pp.

Wingert. Ingeborg, "Brot gestern and heute." Mennonitische Blaetter, V, 1978, p. 155.

Wittlinger, Carlton O., Quest for Piety and Obedience: The Story of the Brethren in Christ, Nappanee: Evangel, 1978, 580 pp.

Yamada, Takishi, "The Anabaptist Vision and Our World Mission," Missions-Focus. March 1976, pp. 7-14.

Yoder, Fannie R., Old Order Amish Directory of Mifflin and Juniata Counties, Leola, Pa.: s. n., 1977, 125 pp.

Yoder, John H., trans. and ed., "The Schleithelm Confession," Scottdale: Herald, 1977, 32 pp.

Yoder, Perry, New Men, New Roles, Newton: Faith and Life, 1977, 59 pp.

Yoder, Perry B., Toward Understanding the Bible: Hermeneutics for Lay People, Newton; Faith and Life, 1978, 82 pp.

Zacharias, Peter D., "Die Alte Kirche in Reinland," Mennonitische Post, I May 19. p. 15.

Zeman, Jarold K., The Hussite Movement and the Reformation in Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia (1350-1650). A Bibliorgophical Study Guide (With Particular Reference to Resources in North America), Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1977, 390 pp.

Ziegler, Edward K., "Tell Us About the Church of the Brethren," Elgin: Brethren, 23 pp.


Albrecht, Amos, Family History and Genealogy of George and Elizabeth (Bauer) Albrecht; Second Marriage to Marie Hammer, 1850-1978, Brunner, Ont.: Albrecht, 1978, 121 pp.

Amstutz, Evelyn Jane, Zuercher Family Record, 1826-1977, Apple Creek, Ohio: Amstutz, 1977, 190 pp.

Barkman, Joanna, The Family History of Daniel Bergmann Barkman, Peter Bergmann Barkman, Goshen, Ind.,: R. Miller, J. Barkman, 1978, ca. 400 pp.

Bender, Irma J. Frey, Lena S. Frey, and Esther S. Frey, Family Record of Daniel D. Frey and Mary Ellen Miller, Kalona, Ia.: Bender, 1978, 70 pp.

Boshart, Della and Grace Roth, Peter E. Boshart (1824-1896) and Catherine Erb (1823-1906) and Descendants, s.l.: s.n., 1978, 58 pp.

Bowman, Elsie (Rissler)) and Mahlon N. Rissler, Rissler Family History, 1851 or 52-1974, Ephrata, Pa.: Bowman, 1977, 132 pp.

Brubaker, Landis H., Descendants of John Hess Brubacher, 1782-1868 of Juniata County and His Nephew "Cooper" John Sherk Brubacher, 1807-1887, of Ontario, Canada, Seven Valleys, Pa.: Brubacker, 1977, 309 pp.

Brunk, Harry Anthony, The Progeny of Jacob Brunk I, the Willmaker, Harrisonburg, Va.: Publication Committee, 1978, 422 pp.

Carr, Edna Lucile Boshart, Shirley Jantzi Boshart and Lorraine Roth, Christian E. Boshart and Catherine Buerge Family History and Genealogy, Newport, Ore.: Pioneer, 1978, 300 pp.

Chapman, Jean, History of Peter and Suzanne Guth, Morton, Ill.: Chapman, 1977, 38 pp.

Eash, Levi, Descendants of Bishop Jacob Eash, s.l.: s.n., 1978, 639, pp.

Evans, Robert L., History of the Descendants of Jacob Gochenour, Arlington Va.: Gochenour, 1978, 701 pp.

Fisher, Charles A., Central Pennsylvania Marriages, 1700-1896, Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1978, 90 pp.

Fretz, A. J., A Brief History of John and Christian Fretz, Lansdale, Pa.: Fretz Family Association, 1977, 607 pp.

Friesen, Elsie Huebert, The Descendants of Franz Epp and Franz Isaac, Henderson, Neb.: Friesen, 1977, 36 pp.

Friesen, Helen, ed., A Genealogy of Peter P. and Agatha Friesen, .1770-1978, Grunthal, Man.: 1978, 85 pp.

Hostetler, Wilbur, Jonathan and Katie Miller Eash Family Genealogy, Elkhart, Ind.: Hostetler, 1978, 14 pp.

Klingelsmith, Glendon Harry, The Ancestors and Families of George Harry and Celesta L. (Yoder) Klingelsmith, Akron, N.Y.: Klingelsmith, 1978, 30 pp.

Kraybill, Spencer L. and Noah L. Zimmerman, History of a John Graybill Family in America, 1754-1976, Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1977, 711 pp.

Lugbill, Viva Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus Family in America, 1766-1978, Fairfax, Va.: Lugbill, 1978, 63 pp.

Miller, Daniel E., The Descendants and Records of the Jacob C. Sommers and Sara Falk Sommers, 1812-1975, Louisville, Ohio: Miller, 1977, 205 pp.

Miller, Larry Devon, The Family Record of Noah S. Beachy and Catherine Plank, Macon, Miss.: Miller, 1978, 140 pp.

Miller, Mose B., Miller Family History; Descendants of Benjamin A. Miller and Martha Troyer, Berlin, Ohio: Berlin Printing, 1977, 36 pp.

Miller, Valentine E., Miller Family History: A Record of the Descendants of Daniel D. Miller and Mary P. Miller, Virginia Beach, Va.: Miller, 1977, 164 pp.

Murray, John F., A Family History of Murrays, McKibbins, Smiths, Planks, Neffs and Related Families, Kouts, Ind.: Murray, 1977, 125 pp.

Peters, K., Genealogy of Aron Martens, 1754-1977, Winnipeg, Man.: Ernest J. Klassen, 1977, 410 pp.

Peters, Katie, comp., Genealogy of Gerhard Peters, 1772-1978, 2nd ed., Winnipeg, Man., 1978, 365 pp.

Peters, K., Genealogy of Heinrich Heese, 1787-1977, Winnipeg, Man.: Ernest J. Klassen, 1978, 207 pp.

Peters, K., Genealogy of Johann Janzen, 1752-1977, Winnipeg, Man.: Ernest J. Klassen, 1977, 408 pp.

Petkau, Irene Friesen, ed., Genealogy of Wiens, Winnipeg, Man., 1978, 85 pp.

Raber, Albert A., et al., Descendants of Jacob Raber from Germany to His Lineal Descendants, s.l.: s.n., 1977, 950 pp.

Regier, Helen E., Jakob Buhr Family, 1805-1977, North Newton, Kansas, 1977, 224 pp.

Reist, Henry G., Peter Reist of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and Some of His Descendants, Manheim, Pa.: Mary R. Rohrer, 1977, 118 pp.

Richard, Kent Edwin, Christian and Anna (Widmer) Conrad Family History; Eight Generations, Creston, Ohio: Richard, 1978, 94 pp.

Ringenberg, William, Ringenberg Roots, 1804-1977, Upland, Ind.: Ringenberg, 1977, 20 pp.

Roth, Ann Oswald and Peggy Oswald Jackson, Descendants of Peter Osward Sr. and Magdalene Esch, s.l.: Roth and Jackson, 1977, 127 pp.

Serpette, Ardys, Nicholas Eigsti Genealogy, 1800-1977, Wyanet, Ill.: Howard Printing, 1977, 142 pp.

Showalter, Preston M., Family Record of the Showalters, Maugansville, Md.: Showalter, 1977, 96 pp.

Sperling, Jennie E., A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Lewis B. and Mathilda (Sell) Godshall, s.l: s.n., 1977, 194 pp.

Stauffer, Richard Eugene, Stauffer-Stouffer-Stover and Related Families, Old Zionsville, Pa.: Stauffer, 1977, 275 pp.

Stutzman, Alma and Wilma, Family Record of Moses and Catherine (Beachy) Kauffman, 1818-1978, Arcola, Ill.: Stutzman, 1978, 323 pp.

Swartzendruber, Magdalene and Keith and Mary Brenneman, Family Record of Peter Swartzendruber and Barbara Hochstetler and Their Descendants, Wellman, Ia., 1977, unpaged.

Thiessen, Herman, Martin Thiehsen and seine Nachkommen, Burgdorf: Thiessen, 1977, 2 v.

Weldy, Barbara Ann Roth, Noah J. Yoder Family History, s. l.: s.n., 1977, 8 pp.

Wyse, Olive Gertrude, The Sebastian Gerig Family, Goshen, Ind.: Wyse, 1978, 47 pp.

Yoder, Ida, Jacob Yoder and Elizabeth Yoder and Their Descendants, 1845-1977, Kalona, Ia.: Yoder, 1977 or 1978, 233 pp.

Yoder, Mary Edna, Family Record of Jerry D. and Fanny Miller and Their Descendants, Seymour, Mo.: Edgewood Press, 1977, 152 pp.

Yoder, Roy A., Descendants of Michel Yoder from Germany and His Lineal Descendants, Millersburg, Ohio: Yoder, 1977 or 1978, 205 pp.

Ziegler, Gertrude Mohlin, The Ziegler Family and Related Families in Pennsylvania, Zellenople, Pa.: Ziegler, 1978, 1258 pp.


Abrahams, Ethel Ewert, "The Art of Fraktur-schriften among the Dutch-German Mennonites," M.A., Wichita State, 1975.

Anchak, G. Ronald, "An Experience in the Paradox of Indigenous Church Building: A History of the Eastern Mennonite Mission in Tanganyika, 1934-1961," Ph.D., Michigan State. 1975.

Bender, Titus William, "The Development of the Mennonite Mental Health Movement, 1942-1971, Ph.D., Tulane, 1976.

Burger, Edward Kilian, "Erasmus and the Anabaptists," Ph. D., University of California, 1977.

Cartmel, Daryl W., "An Ethnography of the Old Order Amish Settlement in Allen County, Indiana," M.A., Ball State, 1972.

Clark, Peter Gordon, "Dynasty Formation in the Communal Society of Hutterites." Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 1974.

Cronk, Sandra Lee, "Gelassenheit: The Rites of the Redemptive Process in Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite Communities," Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1977.

DeLisle, David De Garis, "The Spatial Organization and Intensity of Agriculture in the Mennonite Villages of Southern Manitoba," Ph.D., McGill, 1974.

Fransen, David, "Canadian Mennonites and Conscientious Objection in World War II." M.A., University of Waterloo, 1977.

Friesen, Steve, "The Life and Times of Emil Kym," M.A., Cooperstown, 1978.

Friesen, Richard, "Old Colony Mennonite Settlement in Saskatchewan; A Study in Settlement Change, M.A., University of Alberta, 1975.

Froese, Donna M., "A Comparison between Urban and Rural Mennonite Women in the Housewife and Wage Earner Roles on Self Actualization and Attitudes," M.S., University of Kansas, 1978.

Gerner, Georg Gottfried, "Der Gebrauch der Heiligen Schrift in der oberdeutschen Tauferbewegung," Ph.D., Heidelberg, 1973.

Hall, Jerry Alan, "Mennonite Agriculture in a Tropical Environment: An Analysis of the Development and Productivity of a Mid-Latitude Agricultural System in British Honduras (Belize)," Ph.D., Clark, 1973.

Hege, Astrid, "The Hutterites in the U.S.A.: A Religious Communitarian People," Ph.D., Universite des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, 1974.

Hess, Ernest Mark, "A Study of the Influence of Mennonite Schools on their Students in the Lancaster (Pennsylvania) Conference of the Mennonite Church," Ph.D., Ohio State, 1975.

Hornberger, Timothy R., "Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Curriculum to Change Attitudes in Sixth-grade Students Toward the Old Order Amish," Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1976.

Hostetler, Beulah S., "Franconia Mennonite Conference and American Protestant Movements, 1840-1940." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1977.

Knight, James A., "Pluralism, Boundary Maintenance, and Cultural Persistance among the Amish," M.A., Wichita State, 1977.

Kraybill, Donald B., "Ethnic Socialization in a Mennonite High School," Ph.D., Temple, 1975.

Kroeker, Peter James, "Change and Continuity as Illustrated in the Introduction of Cattle in Zaire," Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1978.

Larson, Zelle Andrews, "An Unbroken Witness," Ph.D., University of Hawaii, 1975.

Packull, Werner O., "Mysticism and the Early South German-Austrian Anabaptist Movement," Ph.D., Queens, 1974.

Paetkau, Henry, "A Struggle for Survival: The Russian Mennonite Immigrants in Ontario, 1924-1939, M.A., University of Waterloo, 1977.

Penner, Lloyd Chester, "The Mennonites on the Washita River: The Culmination of Four Centuries of Migrations," Ed.D., Oklahoma State, 1976.

Regier, Fremont, "Ownership: Participation in Planning, Administration, and Operation of a Rural Development Project, Nyanga, Zaire," Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1977.

Reitz, Herman Rudolph "The Theological Implications of the Covenant for Religious Education in the Mennonite Church," Ph.D., New York, 1975.

Runzo, Jean Ellen Goodban, "Communal Discipline in the Early Anabaptist Communities of Switzerland, South and Central Germany, Austria and Moravia, 15251550," Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1978.

Saito, Goki, "An Investigation into the Relationship between the Early English General Baptists and the Dutch Anabaptists," Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1974.

Sawatzky, Rodney, "History and Ideology: American Mennonite Identity Definition Through History," Ph.D., Princeton, 1978.

Sawatsky, Walter William, "Prince Alexander N. Golitxyn (1773-7844) ; Tsarist Minister of Piety," Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1976.

Schlabach, Ervin A., "The Rule of Christ among the Early Swiss Anabaptists," Th. D., Chicago Theological Seminary, 1977.

Schnoor, Willi Friedrich, "Die rechtliche Organisation der religiosen Toleranz in Friedrichstadt in der Zeit v. 1621 bis 1727," Inaugural Dissertation, Universitat zu Keil, 1976.

Smith, Wayne Lavelle, "Rockingham County Non-resistance and the First World War," M.A., Madison College, 1967.

Wild, Geoffrey Milner, "Comenius, Education and the Hutterite Anabaptists," M.A., University of Western Australia, 1977.