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Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography 1973-1974

By Cornelius Krahn
Assisted by Nelson P. Springer, Leonard Gross and others

(Originally published in the March 1975 issue, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 24-31)

[This version was scanned from a paper copy, January 2005]

I. The Radical Reformation and Anabaptism

Bainton, Ronald H. Women of the Reformation in France and England. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1973, 276 pp. $8.95.

Bainton, Roland H. and Gritsch, Eric W. ed. Bibliography of the Continental Reformation. Materials available in English. 2nd Edition. Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1972, xx+220 pp. $10.00.

Balke, Willem. Calvijn en de Doperse Radikalen. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Ton Bolland, 1973, 387 pp. 39.50 guilders.

Bornhäuser, Christoph. Leben and Lehre Menno Simons' Ein Kampf um, das Fundament des Glaubens (etwa 1496-1561) . Neukirchener Verlag : Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1973, 192 pp. DM 61.

Braght, Thielem J. can. Der Blutige Schauplatz oder Märtyrer-Spiegel der Taufgesinnten oder Wehrlosen Christen . . . Lagrange, Ind.: Pathway Publishing Corporation, 1973.

Brauer, Siegfried. "Vier neue Müntzerausgaben." Luther-Jahrbuch. XXXIX, 1972. p. 820 ff.

Cattepoel, Jan. "Aufsätze zu einer Rechtsphilosophis bei Thomas Müntzer." Osterr. Zeitchr. offentliches Recht, Nr. 1-2, 1972.

Chrisman, Miriam Usher. Strasbourg and the Reform. A Study in the Process of Change. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967, 351 pp.

Clayton, J. Glenwood. "Thomas Helwys : A Baptist Founding Father." Baptist History and Heritage, VIII, Jan., 1973, pp. 2-15.

Davis, Kenneth R. Anabaptism and Asceticism. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 384 pp. $12.95.

Demura, Akira. Saisenreiha. Shukyo Kaikaku Jidai no Radeikarisutotachi. (Anabaptism. The Radicals of the Reformation). Japan Kirisuto Kyodan, 1970, 197 pp. 520 yen.

De Molen, Richard L. ed. The Meaning of the Renaissance and Reformation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974, 385 pp. $5.95.

Dyck, Cornelius J. "The Place of Tradition in Dutch Anabaptism," Church History XLIII, March, 1974, pp. 34-49.

Ebert, Klaus. Theologie and Politisches Handeln. Thomas Müntzer als Model. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer. 1973, 120 pp. DM 9.80.

Fast, Heinold, ed. Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer in der Schweiz. Vol. II: Ostschweiz. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag. 1973, 776 pp. DM 90.

Friedmann, Robert. The Theology of Anabaptism: An Interpretation. Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973, 183 pp. $7.95.

Friesen, Abraham. "Philipp Melanchton (1470-1560), Wilhelm Zimmerman (1807-1878) and the Dilemma of Müntzer Historiography." Church History, June, 1974, XLIII, No. 2.

Friesen, Abraham. "The Marxist Interpretation of the Reformation." Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, LXIV, January, 1973, pp. 34-55.

Friesen, Abraham. Reformation und Utopia. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1974, 271 pp. DM 52.--.

Friesen, A. and Hans-Jürgen Goertz. Thomas Müntzer: Beiträge zur Müntzerforschung. Series: Wege der Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1975.

Geldbach, Erich. "Die lehre des hessischen Täuferführers Melchior Rinck," Jahrbuch Hess. Kirchengesch. Vereinigung, XXI, 1970.

Gelder, H. A. Enno van. Getemperde vrijheid. Een verhandeling over de verhouding van Kerk en Staat in de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden en de Vrijheid van Meningsuiting in zake godsdienst, drukpers en onderwijs, gedurende de 17 e eeuw. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, 1972, 302 pp. 32.50 guilders.

Gleysteen, Jan., Compiler-Editor The Drama of the Martyrs. From the death of Jesus Christ up to, the recent times. Drawn and engraved on copper by the renowned engraver Jan Luyken (1649-1712). Lancaster, Pa.: Mennonite Historical Associates, 1975, 141 pp.

Gritsch, Eric W. "Martin Luther and Violence: A Reappraisal of a Neuralgic Theme." Sixteenth Century Journal, III, April, 1972, pp. 37-55.

Hein, Lorenz, Italienische Protestanten and ihr Einfluss auf die Reformation in Polen während der beiden Jahrzehnte vor dem Sandomirer Konsens. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1974.

Hillerbrand, Hans J. The World of the Reformation. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973, 229 pp. $10.00.

Hubert, Hans. Der Streit um die Kindertaufe. Eine Darstellung der von Karl Barth 1943 ausgelösten Diskussion um die Kindertaufe and ihre Bedeutung für die heutige Tauffrage. Frakfurt/ M. 1972. 215 pp. Fr. 46.-.

Hubner, Friedrich. "Kirchenreform mit Martin Luther, oder Thomas Müntzer? Ein Beitrag zum Problem der Gewalt in der Anti-Erasmusdebatte." Schr. Ver. Schleswig-Holstein. Kirchengesch., XXVII, 1972, pp. 3-22.

Jagger, Peter J. Christian Initiation, 1552-1969: Rites of Baptism and Confirmation since the Reformation Period. London: S.P.C.K., 1970, 323 pp. 70 guilders.

Joris, David. Een Geestelijck Liedt-Boecxken, (Faksimile-Druck). Nieuwkoop: de Graaf, 1971. Mennonite Songbooks, Dutch Series, Vol. I, 40 guilders.

Klassen, Walter, Anabaptism: Neither Catholic nor Protestant. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Conrad Press, 1973; 92 pp. $3.00.

Kirchhoff, Karl-Heinz. Die Täufer in Münster 1534-35. Untersuchungen zum Umfang and zur Sozialstruktur der Bewegung. Münster: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1973.

Kirchner, Walter. "State and Anabaptists in the Sixteenth Century: An Economic Approach." Journal Mod. Hist. XLV, March, 1974, pp. 1-25.

Krahn, Cornelius. The Witness of the Martyr's Mirror for Our Day. North Newton, Kansas: Bethel College, 1974, 47 pp. $1.75. Illustrated.

Lerner, Robert E. The Heresy of the Free Spirit in the Later Middle Ages. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. 257 pp. $10.00.

List, Günther. Chiliastische Utopie and radikale Reformation. Die Erneuerung der Idee vom tausendjährigen Reich im 16. Jahrhundert. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1973.

Lomberg, Elwin, ed. Emder Synode 1571-1971. Beiträge zur Geschichte and zum 400 jährigen Jubiläum. Neukirchener Verlag, 1973, 373 pp. Dm 57.-.

Manschreck, Clyde L. "Erasmus: Recent Studies-A Review Article," Church History. XLI, 4, December, 1972, pp. 524-527.

Mecenseffy, Grete. ed. Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer, XI. Band Osterreich, II. Teil. Gütersloh: Gerd Mohn, 1972, vii + 543 pp. DM 66.-.

Meihuizen, H. W. Van Manz tot Menno, Amsterdam Algemeene Doopsgesinde Societeit, 1975.

Nijenhuis, W. Ecclesia Reformata: Studies on the Reformation. Kerkhistorische Bijdragen III, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972, 220 pp. 56 guilders.

Noll, Mark A. "Luther Defends Melchoir Hofmann," The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. IV, No. 2, October, 1973, pp. 47-60.

Ozment, Steven E. Mysticism and Dissent. Religious Ideology and Social Protest in the Sixteenth Century. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973.

Olson, Oliver K. "Theology of Revolution: Magdeburg, 1550-1551." Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. III, April 1972, pp. 56-80.

Perini, Leandro. Studi recenti su Thomas Munster (r. art.). Stud. stor., XIV, April-June 1973, 442-49 pp.

Plath, Uwe. "Nikolaus Blesdijks Teilnahme and der Toleranzkontroverse gegen Calvin," Bibliotheque d' Humanisme et Renaissance, XXXIV, 1972, pp. 461-69.

Plumper, Hans-Dieter. Die Gütergemeinschaft bei den Täufern des 16. Jahrhunderts. Göppingen, Germany: Verlag Alfred Kümmerle, 1972, 228 pp. DM. 26.-.

Schmidt, Henrich. "Reformation and Protestantismus als Probleme des ostfriesischen Selbstverständnisses." Jahrbuch für Ges., bildende Kunst u. vaterl. Altert. Emden, XLVIII, 1968.

Smith, Elwyn. Religious Liberty in the United States: The Development of Church-State Thought since the Revolutionary Era. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972, xiv + 386 pp. $10.95.

Sprunger, Keith L. "The Dutch Career of Thomas Hooker," New England Quarterly, Vol. XLVI, March, 1973, pp. 17-44.

Stupperich, Robert, ed. Die Schriften Bernhard Rothmanns. Die Schriften der Münsterischen Täufer and ihrer Gegner. Münster: Verlag Aschendorff, 1971, 456 pp. DM 84.-.

Stupperich, Robert. "Luther and die Kirchlichen Ereignissee in Soest, 1534-35," Jahrbuch ver. Westfal. Kirchengesch., LXV, 1972.

Steinmetz, Max. Das Müntzerbild. Berlin. Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1971, 500 pp. Dm 85-.

Weigelt, Horst. Spiritualistische Tradition im Protestantismus: Das Schwenckfeldertum in Schlesien. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, .19 73, 325 pp.

Yoder, John H. translator and editor. The Legacy of Michael Sattler. Scottdale, Pa,: Herald Press, 1973, 183 pp. $9.95

Ziegler, Donald J., ed. Great Debates of the Reformation. New York: Random House, 1969, 358 pp. $4.50

II. Revolution, Government, War and Peace.

Cook, Blanch Wiesen and others, editors. The Garland Library of War and Peace. A Collection of 360 titles bound 'in. 328 volumes. New York: Garland Publishing, 1971, 136 pp. Illustrated catalog of reprints.

Goertz, Hans-Jürgen "Keine Kraft zum Widerstand," Mennonitisches Jahrbuch 1975, pp. 21-29.

Hall, Charles A. M. With the Spirit's Sword: The Drama of Spiritual Warfare in the Theology of John Calvin. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1968, 226 pp. $3.95.

Juhnke, James C. A People of Two Kingdoms. The Political Acculturation of the Kansas Mennonites. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1975, 215 pp.

Juhnke, James C. "The Victories of Nonresistance: Mennonite Oral Tradition and World War I," Fides et Historia. Vol. VII No. 1, pp. 19-25. Fall, 1974.

Kittelson, James M. "Wolfgang Capito, the Council, and Reform Strasbourg" Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte. Vol. 63,1972. pp.126-140.

Kniss, Lloy A. I Couldn't Fight. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1971, 40 pp. $.60.

Levine, Stuart, ed. Peace Movements in America. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas, 1972, 210 pp.

Linder, Robert D. "Christianity and Political Involvement." The Cross and the Flag, edited by Linder, R. G. Clouse and R. V. Pierard. Carol Stream, Ill.: Creation House, 1972, 261 pp.

Linder, Robert D. ed. God and Caesar: Case Studies in the Relationship between Christianity and State. Longview, Texas: Conference on Faith and History, 1971, 140 pp. $1.95.

Littell, Franklin H. and Hubert G. Locke, ed. The German Church Struggle and the Holocaust. Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press, 1974, 320 pp. $15.95.

Luebke, Frederick C. Bonds of Loyalty: German-Americans and World War I. De Kalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press, 1974, 366 pp. $10.00.

Moeller, Bernd. Imperial Cities and the Reformation: Three Essays. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972, 115 pp. $3.25.

Mouw, Richard J. Political Evangelism. Grand Rapids Eerdmans, 1974, 111 pp. $1.95.

Nelson, Clifford L. German-American Political Behavior in Nebraska and Wisconsin, 1916-1920. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1972, 104 pp.

Nuttall, Geoffrey R. Christian Pacifism in History. Berkeley, California: World Without War Council, 1971, 84 pp. $1.25 (paper).

Redekop, John H. Making Political Decisions. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1972, 45 pp.. $.75.

Reed, Kenneth. Mennonite Soldier, Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 518 pp. $6.95.

Roberts, Adam. "The Limits of Pacifism: Aldous Huxley's Ends and Means." Millennium, 2, Winter, 1973-74, pp. 64-72.

Schrag, Martin H. and John Stoner. The Ministry of Reconciliation. Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press, 1973.

Silverman, Henry J. American Radical Thought: The Libertarian Tradition. Lexington, Massachusetts: D. C. Heath, 1970, 452 pp. $4.95.

Smith, Elwyn A. Religious Liberty in the United States: The Development of Church-State Thought since the Revolutionary Era. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972, 386 pp. $10.95.

Smith George. Religion and Trade in New Netherland: Dutch Origins and American Development. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1973.

Sprunger, Keith L., James C. Juhnke, and John D. Waltner. Voices Against War. A Guide to the Schowalter Oral History Collection on World War I Conscientious Objection. North Newton, Kansas: Bethel College, 1973,190 pp.

Swift, Louis J. "Augustine on War and Killing. Another View." Harvard Theological Review, XVI, July 1973, pp. 369-83.

Tiefel, Hans. The German Lutheran Church and the Rise of National Socialism. Church History, Vol. LXI, Sept. 1972, pp. 326-36.

Trocme, Andre. Jesus and the Nonviolent Revolution. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 296 pp. $7.95.

Walker, Lawrence D. Hitler Youth and Catholic Youth, 1933-1936: A Study in Totalitarian Conquest. Washington, D. C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1970, 203 pp. $10.50.

Wellenreuther, Hermann. Glaube und Politik in Pennsylvania 1681-1776. Die Wandlungen der Obrigkeitsdoktrin and des Peace Testimony der Quaker, Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1972.

Williams, George Huntston. "Four Modalities of Violence, with Special Reference to the Writings of Georges Sorel: Part One." Journal of Church and State, XVI, Winter, 1974, pp. 11-30.

Wilson, Raymond E. Uphill for Peace. Quaker Impact on Congress. Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press, 1975, 432 pp. $7.95.

Yoder, John H. Nevertheless. A Meditation on the Varieties and Shortcomings of Religious Pacifism. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1971, 144 pp. $1.95.

Yoder, John H. The Politics of Jesus: Vicit Agnus Noster. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1972, 260 pp. $3.45.

III. The Mennonites and Related Groups

Arnaud Through the Years. Arnaud Historical Committee, Manitoba, 1974, 391 pp. $7.95.

Arndt, Karl J. R. George Rapp's Harmony Society 1785-1847. Revised edition. Rutherford/Madison Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1972, 713 pp. $18.00.

Arnold, Eberhard and Emmy Heini Arnold. The Heavens are Opened. Rifton, New York: Plough Publishing House, 1974, 170 pp. $4.95.

Arnold, Eberhard and others. Else von Hollander. Rifton, N. Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1973, 111 pp. $3.00.

Arnold, Eberhard. The Inner Life. Rifton, New York Plough Publishing House, 1975, 105 pp.

Arnold, Eberhard. Lebensbeweise lebendiger Gemeinden. Rifton, New York: Plough Publishing House, 1973, 29 pp.

Arnold, Eberhard. Living Churches: The Essence of their Life. Rifton, New York: Plough Publishing House, 1973, 30 pp.

Bauman, Harold E. The Believer's Church and the College. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1972. 233 pp.

Becoming Disciples: A Manual for Church Membership Classes. (Revised Edition). Hillsboro, Kansas: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1973, 72 pp.

Bekker, Jacob P. Origin of the Mennonite Brethren Church. Hillsboro, Kansas: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1973. xiii + 215 pp. $7.00.

Belk, Fred R. "The Final Refuge: Kansas and Nebraska Migration of Mennonites from Central Asia After 1884," The Kansas Historical Quarterly. Topeka, Kansas: The Kansas Historical Quarterly. Vol. XL, No. 3, 1974. pp. 379-392.

Bender, Ross. The People of God. A Mennonite Interpretation of the Free Church Tradition. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1971, 208 pp. $6.95.

Berg, Abram. Dietrich Heinrich Epp. Saskatoon: Heese House of Printing, 1973, 85 pp.

Bergen, David, ed. Heritage. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Canadian Mennonite Bible College, 1974, 100 pp. $2.00.

Bicha, Karel D. The American Farmer and the Canadian West. Lawrence, Ks.: Coronado Press, 1968, 169 pp.

Braun, Peter, ed. The Brauns of Osterwick. Winnipeg Published by author, 1972, 308 pp. $10.00.

Brinton, Howard H. Quaker Journals: Varieties of Religious Experience among Friends. Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill Publications, 1972,:130 pp. $4.75.

Brinton, Howard H. The Religious Philosophy of Quakerism: The Beliefs of Fox, Barclay, and Penn as Based on the Gospel of John. Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill Publications, 1973, 115 pp. $3.00.

Brown, Dorine. ed. Pembina Country. Miami, Manitoba: Miami Museum Incorporated, 1974, 116 pp. Illustrated.

Brown, Frank. A History of Winkler. Winkler Manitoba: Published by author, 1973, 204 pp. $5.00.

Bumsted, J. M. The Great Awakening: The Beginnings of Evangelical Pietism in America. Waltham, Mass.: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1970, 180 pp. $2.50.

Carmel, Alex. Die Siedlungen der württembergischen Templer in Palästina 1868-1918. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1973, 307 pp.

Consultation on. Anabaptist Mennonite Theology. Published by the Council of Mennonite Seminaries, 1970, 147 pp.

Denlinger, A. Martha. Real People. Amish and Mennonites in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press. 1975, 96 pp. (Illustrated).

Desroche, Henri. The American Shakers. Translated and edited by John K. Savacool. Amherst, Mass.: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1971, 357 pp. $9.50.

Driedger, N. N. Die Leamingtoner Vereinigte Mennonitengemeinde. Leamington, Ontario, 1972, 197 pp.

Dyck, Cornelius. Twelve Becoming. Newton, Kansas Faith and Life Press, 1973, 126 pp.

Harder, Bertha Fast. Twelve Becoming: Leader's guide for juniors. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1973, 62 pp.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed. Jesus Christ Reconciles. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite World Conference, 1973. xxxii + 320 pp. $6.00.

Eighmy, John Lee. Churches in Cultural Captivity: A History of the Social Attitude of Southern Baptists. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1972, 249 pp. $11.50.

Endy, Melvin B. Jr. William Penn and Early Quakerism. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1973, 410 pp. $17.50.

Epp, Frank H. Mennonites in Canada, 1786-1920. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1974, 480 pp. $9.95.

Epp, George K. and others, eds. Harvest. Anthology of Mennonite Writing in Canada, 1871-1974. Manitoba: Manitoba Centennial Committee, 1974, 182 pp. $3.50.

Erb, Paul. South Central Frontiers. A History of the South Central Mennonite Conference. (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history, No. 17) . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 519 pp. Illustrated.

Eubank, Nancy. The Russians in. America. Minneapolis, Minn.: Lerner Publications, 1973, 92 pp. $4.00.

Faber, J. A. Drie Eeuwen Friesland. Vol. I and II. Leeuwarden: De Tille, 1973, 60 pp.

Fast, Gerhard. Das Ende von Chortitza. Winnipeg, Man.: Regehr's Printing, 1973, 151 pp. $3.00.

Fast, Jacob and Herbert P. Enns. Jubilee Issue of the Waterloo -Kitchener United Mennonite Church. 136 pp. $4.50.

Fellman, Michael. The Unbounded Frame: Freedom and Community in Nineteenth Century American Utopianism. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1973, 213 pp. $10.00.

Friesen, J. J. and committee. Elim Gemeinde Gruenthal, Manitoba, 1827-1972. 1972, $4.75 (paper), $5.75 (cloth). Available: D. J. Rempel, Gruenthal, Manitoba.

Frost, J. William. The Quaker Family in Colonial America. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1973, 227 pp.

Gaeddert, Albert M. Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church, 1874-1974. Inman, Kansas, Hoffnungsau Church, 1974, 143 pp: $5.00

Gan (g)lof(s), Claes. The United Church of God. Translated from the Dutch and published by Titus B. Hoover, Port Trevorton 2, Pa. 17864. 202 pp.

Giesbrecht, Herbert, compiler. Sach-und Namen Register zu Abraham H. Unruh's Die Geschishte der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde: 1860-1954. Winnipeg: reproduced by compiler, 1975, 34 pp.

Giesinger, Adam. From Catherine to Khrushchev: The Story of Russia's Germans. Battleford, Sask.: Marian Press, 1974, 443 pp.

Gingerich, Melvin. Mennonites in Iowa. Kalona, Iowa Mennonite Historical Society, 1974, 47 pp. $1.50.

Hamm, Martin. Aus der altern in die neue Heimat. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Christian Press, 1971. 175 pp. $3.00.

Haynes, Emma Schwabenland. "Germans from Russia in American History and Literature," American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Work Paper, No. 15, September, 1974. pp. 4-20.

Height, Joseph S. Paradise on the Steppe. The Odessy of a Pioneering People. Bismark, N.D.; North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1972, 411 pp.

Hiebert, Clarence, ed. Brothers in Deed to Brothers in Need. A Scrapbook about Mennonite Immigrants from Russia, 1870-1885. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1974, 469 pp. $20.00.

History of the Hutterite Mennonites. Freeman, S. Dakota: Hutterite Centennial Committee, 1974, 172 pp. $6.00.

Hofer, Arnold M. and Walter, Kenneth J. History of The Hutterite Mennonites. Published in connection with the Centennial Observance of the coming of Hutterites to Dakota. Freeman, S. Dakota: Pine Hill Press, 1974, 172 pp.

Huber, Harold E. With Eyes of Faith: A History of Greenwood Mennonite Church, Greenwood, Delaware, 1914-1974. Greenwood, Sussex County, Delaware: L. L. Swartzentruber, 1974, 360 pp. $7.50.

Jeschke, Marlin. Disciplining the Brother. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 19 72. $2.95.

Kauffman, J. Howard, and Leland Harder. Anabaptists Four Centuries Later. A Profile of five Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Denominations. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1975.

Kaufman, Edmund G. Basic Christian Convictions. North Newton, Kansas: Bethel College, 1972, 338 pp. $6.50.

Kaufman, Edmund G., compiler. General Conference Mennonite Pioneers. North Newton, Kansas: Bethel College, 1973, xii + 438 pp. $6.75.

Kerstan, Reinhold J. "The Hutterites: A Radical Christian Alternative." Fides et Historia, V, Spring, 1973, pp. 62-67.

Klassen, A. J. ed. Consultation on Anabaptist-Mennonite Theology. Fresno, California: Council of Mennonite Seminaries, 1970, 146 pp. $2.00.

Klassen, H. T. Birth and Growth of Eigenheim Mennonite Church, 1892-1974. Rosthern, Sask., 1974, 85 pp. $3.00.

Klippenstein, Lawrence and Julius G. Toews, ed. Manitoba Mennonite Memories. Altona and Steinbach, Manitoba: Manitoba Mennonite Centennial Committee, 1974, 335 pp. $7.50.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, ed. Pioneer Portraits. Altona, Manitoba: Manitoba Mennonite Centennial Committee, 1974, 10 pp. $.50.

Lanning, James Walter. Old Colony Mennonites of Bolivia. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1972, 130 pp. $9.75.

Lemon, James T. The Best Poor Man's Country. A Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1972, 295 pp. $12.00.

Lestz, Gerald S. Amish Beliefs, Customs and Discipline. Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer's Sons, 1973, 28 pp. $2.00.

Lohrenz, Gerhard. Damit es nicht vergessen werde: Ein Bildband der Mennoniten Preussens and Russlands. Winnipeg, Manitoba: CMBC Publications, 1974, 232 pp. $8.00.

Lohrenz, Gerhard. Heritage Remembered. Winnipeg, Manitoba: CMBC Publications, 1974, 232 pp. $12.00.

Lohrenz, Gerhard. The Mennonites in Western Canada. Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers, 1974, 52 pp. $2.50.

Long, Amos Jr. The Pennsylvania German Family Farm. Breinigsville, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1972, 507 pp.

Lowe Farm 74 Anniversary Book. Lowe Farm, Manitoba: John Braun, 1974, 64 pp. $4.00.

Mennonite Business Associates. MBA Directory of Mennonite Business and Professional People. Mount Pleasant, Pa. 1974, 102 pp. $7.50.

Mennonite Encyclopedia, The. A Comprehensive Work of the Anabaptist Mennonite Movement. 4 Volumes. Slightly revised reprint edition. Cornelius, Krahn, Editor; Melvin Gingerich, Managing Editor. Published by M. B. Publishing House, Hillsboro,, Ks., Mennonite Publication Office, Newton, Ks.; Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, Pa., 1969-1973. 3721 pp,. Illustrated. $70.00.

Moulton, Phillips, ed. The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971, 336 pp. $10.50.

Moyer, Bill. This Unique Heritage. Kitchener, Ontario CHYM Radio, 1971, 141 pp. $2.75.

Nordheimer, Jan. "Plain Sects 'Wintering' in Florida," Intelligence Journal, March 20, 1973.

Priess, Anita. Exiled to Siberia, 82 pp., and Verbannung nach Sibirien, 96 pp., bound together. Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers, 1972. (English and German.

Quiring, Water and Helen Bartel. In the Fullness of Time. 150 years of Mennonite Sojourn in Russia. Translated by Aaron Klassen. Waterloo, Ontario: Reeve Bean, 1974, 212 pp. $16.50.

Rempel, D. D. Erinnerungen. Published by author, 1973, 105 pp.

Reno, Gertrud Paulus. Requiem for Paula. (Temple Movement). Stuttgart: Maria-Paulus-Foundation, 1973, 181 pp.

Richmond, Robert W. Kansas, A Land of Contrasts. St. Charles, Mo.: Forum Press, 1974, 308 pp.

Rippley, La Vern. "Soviet-German Citizens, Now You May Come Over!" American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Work Paper, No. 11, April, 1973. pp,.1-17.

Sappington, Roger E. The Brethren in Virginia: The History of the Church of the Brethren in Virginia. Committee for Brethren History in Virginia, 1973, 520 pp. $7.75.

Saul, Norman E. "The Migration of the Russian-Germans to Kansas," The Kansas Historical Quarterly. Topeka, Kansas: The Kansas Historical Quarterly. Vol. XL, No. 1, 1974. pp. 38-62.

Schrag, Martin. The European History of the Swiss Mennonites from Volhynia. North Newton, Kansas, 1974, 128 pp. $4.50.

Schroeder, Gerhard P. Miracle of Grace and Judgment. (Mennonites in Russia). Lodi, California: published by the author, 1974, 250 pp. $7.50.

Schroeder, William. The Bcrgthal Colony. Winnipeg, Manitoba: published by the author, 1973, 86 pp.

Stoeffler, Ernest. German Pietism during the Eighteenth Century. Leiden: Brill, 1973, 281 pp. 64.00 guilders.

Stucky, Harley J. A Century of Russian Mennonite History in America. North Newton, Kansas, 1974, 127 pp. $4.00.

Suderman, Leonhard. From Russia to America: In Search of Freedom. Translated by Elmer R. Suderman. Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers, 1974, 47 pp. $2.50.

The Swiss-Germans in South Dakota. Freeman, S. Dakota: Pine Hill Printers, 1974, 200 pp. $6.00.

Toews, A. P. The Mennonite Church of Manitoba. Rosenort, Manitoba: Lark Printing, 1974,, 93 pp.

Toews, J. A. A History of the Mennonite Brethren Church. Pilgrims and Pioneers. Hillsboro, Kansas: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1975, 540 pp. 9.95.

Tull, James E. Shapers of Baptist Thought. Valley Forge, Pa.: Judson Press, 1972, 255 pp. $10.00.

Unruh, John D. A Century of Mennonites in Dakota; a segment of the German Russians. Reprint from South Dakota Historical Collections, Vol. 36, 1972, 151 pp.

Wardin, Albert W. Jr. "The Contribution of the GermanRussians to Russian Protestantism," American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Work Paper, No. 12, August, 1973. pp. 20-34.

Wedel, David C. The Story of Alexanderwohl. Goessel Kansas: Goessel Centennial Committee, 1974, 194 pp. $6.00.

Wenger, J. C. Our Christ-Centered Faith. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973, 64 pp.

White, B. R. The English Separatist Tradition. London: Oxford University Press, 1971,179 pp.

Wiggers, Stanley and others, compilers. Towers of Time. Europe Fellowship Centennial Tour, 1974. Halstead, Kansas, 1975, 84 pp.

Wiebe, David V. They Seek a Country. A Survey of Mennonite Migrations. Hillsboro, Kansas: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1974, 2nd ed. 228 pp. $6.00.

Winter-Loewen, Maria. Höhen and Tiefen. Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers. Vol. I, 1973, 303 pp. Vol. 11, 1974, 261 pp.

IV. Family Life, Service and Outreach

Augsburger, David W. The Love-Fight. Caring Enough to Confront. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973, 176 pp. Illustrated.

Baker, Robert J. God Healed Me. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 170 pp. $1.75.

Brenneman, Helen Good. Marriage: Agony and Ecstasy. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1975, 84 pp. $1.25.

Carillon Centennial Cookbook. Steinbach, Manitoba Derksen Printers, 1974, 142 pp. $1.50.

Clemens, Lois Gunden. Woman Liberated. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1971; 160 pp. $4.95.

Drescher, John M. Spirit Fruit. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 352 pp. $5.95.

Drummond, Richard H. A History of Christianity in Japan. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1971, 397 pp. $4.95.

Durnbaugh, Donald F. ed. Every Need Supplied. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1974, 258 pp. $15.00.

Eller, Vernard. The Simple Life. The Christian Stance toward Possessions as taught by Jesus interpreted by Kierkegaard. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Silliam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1973, 122 pp.

Harder, Geraldine Gross. When Apples are Ripe. (Biography of Clayton Kratz). Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1972, 224 pp. $4,95.

Harms, Martha I. With Head Held High. (Biography of John F. Harms). San Antonio, Texas: The Naylor Company, 1973, 140 pp. $5.95.

James, Harry C. Pages from Hopi History. Tucson, Arizona: The University of Arizona Press, 1974, 258 pp. $9.75.

Kauffman, Milo. Stewards of God. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1975, 259 pp. $5.95.

Kaufman, Alice and Ruby Stucky. A Centennial Treasury of Recipes. North Newton, Kansas, 1974, 190 pp. $5.00.

Kaufman, Edna Ramseyer, and the Bethel College Women's Association. Melting Pot of Mennonite Cookery, 1874-1974. Newton, Kansas: Bethel College Women's Association, 1974, 372 pp. $8.00.

Lederach, Paul M. The Spiritual Family and the Biological Family. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973, 32 pp. $.60.

Lederach, Paul M. Mennonite Youth. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1971, 112 pp. $2.50.

Martin, John D. Living Together on God's Earth. Harrisonburg, Virginia: Christian Light Publications, Ins., 1974, 250 pp.

Martin, John R. Divorce and Remarriage: A Perspective for Counseling. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 144 pp. $4.95.

Miller, Ella May. Hints for Homemakers. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973,128 pp. $2.00.

Miller, Jean and Lavon Welty. Mennonite Central Committee Workbook, 1973. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1973, 175 pp.

Probe--For Evangelism that Cares. Edited by James Fairfield with contributions Frank H. Epp, Peter Wiebe, Don Smucker, Myron S. Augsburger and others. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1972, 159 pp.

Raid, Howard. Care One For Another. Newton, Kansas Faith and Life Press, 1972, 58 pp.

Roth, Kathleen Brandt, and Lavon Welty. Mennonite Central Committee Workbook, 1974. Akron, Pa..: Mennonite Central Committee, 1974, 167 pp.

Schrock, Johnny. Ed. "Wonderful Good Cooking" from Amish Country Kitchens. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 135 pp. $3.95.

Shenk, David W. Mennonite Safari. Scottdale. Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 128 pp. $1.50.

Showalter, Mary Emma. Favorite Family Recipes. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1972, 129 pp. $1.25.

Vogt, Esther L. Eight Wells of Elim. Scottdale, Pa. Herald Press, 1974, 120 pp. $2.50.

V. The Fine Arts

Behrends, Ernst. Der Ketzerbischof . Leben and Ringen des Reformators Menno Simons, 1561. Basel: AgapeVerlag, 1966. 438 pp.

Behrends, Ernst. Die Rose von Wüstenfelde. Ein Frauenschicksal im Dreissigjährigen Krieg. Bodman: Hohenstaufen Verlag, 1973, 215 pp.

Brenneman, Helen Good. Ring a Dozen Doorbells. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973,197 pp.

Buffington, Albert F. Pennsylvania German Secular Folksongs. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Pennsylvania German Society, 1974, 176 pp.

Dubbel, S. Ear. Daughter of the Plain Folk. Chicago, Ill.: Moody Press, 1973,160 pp. $3.95.

Dyck, Arnold. Translated by Henry D. Dyck. Lost in the Steppe. Derksen Printers, Ltd., Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada. 354 pp. $9.95.

Eby, Omar. How Full the River. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1972, 160 pp. $3.95.

Ens, G. Dee easchte Wiehnachten enn Kanada. Low German short stories on the Christmases of 1875, 1926, 1949. Gretna, Manitoba, 1974. $1.50.

Epp, Henry H. ed. Mennonite Centennial Hymnbook. Winnipeg: Mennonite Centennial Committee; 1974, 58 pp. $1.00.

Epp, Margaret. The Earth is Round. Winnipeg: Christian Press, 1974, 226 pp.

Epp, Reuben. Biem Aunsiedle. Low German Stories. Winnipeg, Manitoba: R.E.C. Recordings, (LP Album), 1974. $5.00.

Epp, Reuben. Plaudietsche Schreftstekja. Low German Stories. Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers, 1972, 116 pp. $1.50.

Gilbert, Russell W. Bilder un Gedanke. A Book of Pennsylvania German Verse, Breinigsville, Pa.: The Pennsylvania German Society, 1975, 119 pp.

Good, Merle. These People Mine. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973, 124 pp. $1.25.

Good, Merle, ed. People Pieces. A Collection of Mennonite and. Amish Stories. Scottdale, Pa.: 1974, 172 pp. Illustrated.

Hershberger, Abner. Compiled and edited. Mennonite Artists Contemporary 1975. Goshen, Indiana, 1975.

Hillman, Ruth Estelyn. Life Along the Fencerow. Scottdale, P.: Herald Press, 1974, 93 pp. $4.95.

Hymn Sing Celebration. Gretna, Manitoba, Canada: Manitoba Centennial Committee, 1974, 71 hymns. $1.00.

Kadelbach, Ada. Die Hymnodie der Mennoniten in Nordamerika (1742-1860) Eine Studie zur Verpflanzung; Bewahrung and Umformung europäischer Kirchenliedertradition. Published by author, Mainz, 1971, 275 pp. $10.00.

Lehman, Harold D. In Praise of Leisure. Scottdale, Pa. Herald Press, 1974,199 pp. $5.95.

Neidermyer, Dan. Jonathan. (Novel dealing with Amish). Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973, 291 pp. $5.95.

Neufeld, Woldemar, An Exhibition of Paintings of Waterloo County, Waterloo. Conrad Grebel College, 1974.

Ritter, Alexander. Nachrichten aus Kasachstan. Deutsche, Dichtung in der Sowjetunion. Hildesheim: Olms Press, 1974, 234 pp.

Schrock, Mildred. For His Sake. Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, Inc., 1973, 184 pp.

Suderman, Elmer R. What Can We Do Here? Centennial poetry. St. Peter, Minn.: Daguerrotype Publishers, 1974, 40 pp. $2.00.

Toews, A. P. Lines of the Soul. Ferguson, Mo.: Published by author, 1974, 112 pp.

Tri-College Choirs: Bethel, Hesston, and Tabor. Music for the Centennial. LP Album, 1974. $4.00.

Troyer, Les. Pennsylvania Dutch Lore. Kathmandu, Nepal: Summer Institute of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University, 1974, 48 pp.

Unruh, N. H. Gedichte und plattdeutsche Gespräche. Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers, 1973, 64 pp. $2.50.

Unruh, N. H. Kaunst Du Di noch dentje? Morris, Manitoba, 1974. $2.00.

Vernon, Louise A. Doctor in Rags. The Hutterites. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973,144 pp.

Zook, Deborah. Debby. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, 126 pp. $3.95.

VI. Family Histories

Brons, Hella. Nachfahren von Ysaac Brons and Ant je Brons. Emden: Published by author, 1974.

Eidse, Dick B. and committee, eds. The Family Book of David and Aganetha Klassen, 1813-1900. Rosenort, Manitoba: Klassen Family Committee, 1974, 357 pp. $5.00.

Ford, Coolman L. and Rachel W. Kreider. The Mennonite Cemeteries of Medina County (Ohio). 1971, 137 pp. $4.50.

Froese, Kathy and committee, eds. Abram Johann Froese Family. Winnipeg: Published by author, 1973, 99 pp. $5.00.

Gaeddert, Joyce Regier. The Bernhard Regier Genealogy, 1669-1873. Published by author, 1973, 296 pp.

Kaufman, Ed. G. The Jacob Schrag Family Record, 1836-1974. North Newton, Ks.: Published by author, 1974. 220 pp. $11.00.

Miller, Betty A. and Oscar R. Miller. The Cornelius Jansen Family History. Published by authors, 1974, 73 pp. $ 3.00.

Miller, Oscar. Descendants of Daniel D. Miller and Lydia B. Troyer. Published by author, 1974, 90 pp. $4.00.

Mueller, Amelia. Sissy Kid Brother. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1975, 236 pp.

Peters, Katie, ed. The Schroeder Book. Carman, Manitoba: Abe Braun, 1974, 301 pp. $15.00.

Stoesz, Abraham D. A Stoesz Genealogy. Lincoln, Nebraska: Published by author, 1973, 216 pp.

Swope, Wilmer D. The Genealogical History of the Stoltzfus Family in America,, 1717-1972. Seymour, Missouri: Edgewood Press, 1972, 55 pp.

Wengerd, Ben V., et al. Descendants of Nicholas Weaver and Elizabeth Schrock from 1814 to 1972. Berne, Ind.: Publishers Printing House, 1973, 407 pp.

Yoder, Leo M. Descendants of Valentine T. Yoder and Catherine Schrock. Published by author, 1973, 80 pp. $3.75.

Wiebe, Frank P. Cornelius P. Toews, 1836-1908. Published by author, 1973, 85 pp.

Wiebe, Joel A., Raymond F. Wiebe, Vernon R. Wiebe (compilers and editors). The Groening/Wiebe Family 1768-1974. 2nd Ed. Available from the authors, Hillsboro, Kansas. 294 pp.

(Originally published on pp. 19-24 of the March 1975 issue.)

Radical Reformation and Mennonite Research 1973-1974

By Cornelius Krahn
Assisted by Nelson P. Springer, Leonard Gross and others

It is the policy of Mennonite Life to list all Ph.D. dissertations and M.A. theses completed or in progress dealing broadly with an Anabaptist Mennonite topic or subject matter that have come to the attention of the editors and compilers. This is also the case in regard to research projects which are to result in the publishing of books or articles. All books dealing with Anabaptist-Mennonite and related subjects are included in the bibliography, as are substantial articles published in scholarly magazines. Articles appearing in Mennonite periodicals such as The Mennonite Quarterly Review, Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana, Mennonite Life, North Newton, Kansas, etc. are not listed in this bibliography. However, we call attention to the Mennonite, periodicals referred to in "Life, Struggle and Birth of Mennonite Periodicals" in this issue.

The present practice of book reviews and the listing of publications and research projects including the Ph.D. dissertations and the M.A. theses developed gradually. They appeared as a rule in the April issue. The years 1971-72 were covered in the March issue of 1973. The present report again covers two years: 1973-74. These issues as well as proceeding ones are a store of information. This is also the case in regard to the issues which contain the author and subject index to Mennonite Life. They are found in the January issues of 1956, 1961, 1966, and 1971. All issues are available from the publishers.

Doctoral Dissertations

Belk, Fred Richard. "The Great Trek of the Russian Mennonites to Central Asia, 1880-84." Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1973, 373 pp.

Benford, Benjamin Lee. "Hermann Dalton and Protestantism in Russia." Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1973, 327 pp.

Brown, Daniel A. "The American Church Meets Secular Society: A Study and Comparison of the Official Documents of Three American Churches on Politics and Social Issues, 1940-1965." Ph.D., Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 1973, 669 pp.

Burkholder, J. Richard. "Religion in the First Amendment: A Social Theory Approach to Constitutional Interpretation." Ph.D., Department; of Religion, Harvard University, 1969.

Cronk, Sandra L. "Late 19th Century Amish and Mennonites." Ph.D., Divinity School, University of Chicago. (In Progress)

Eby, Charles T. "Social Developments in the Anabaptist Community at Cologne, 1575-1650." Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. (In progress)

Ens, Adolf. "The Relation of the Western Canadian Mennonites to the Government." Ph.D., University of Ottawa. (In progress)

Erb, Peter C. "The Role of Medieval Spirituality in the Thought of Gottfried Arnold (1666-1714)." Ph.D. (In progress)

Gerner, Gottfried. "Der Gebrauch der Heiligen Schrift in der oberdeutschen Täuferbewegung." Ph.D., University of Heidelberg, 1974.

Gingerich, Ray. "An Anabaptist Theology of Mission: Based on a study of the Mission Activities of the 16th Century Anabaptism." Ph.D., Vanderbilt School of Religion. (In progress)

Henninger, Frederick William, Jr. "Luther and the Empire: A Study of the Imperial Ideal in Reformation Politics, 1522-1540." Ph.D., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1972, 453 pp.

Hockenberry, David McClelland. "The Radical Reformation in Nürnberg, 1524-1530" Ph.D., Ohio State University, Columbus, 1973, 257 pp.

Kieckhefer, Richard Alan. "Repression of Heresy in Germany, 1348-1520." Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin, 1972, 549 pp.

Klassen, Johannes Martin. "Noble Patronage and Politics in the Hussite Revolution." Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle, 1973, 225 pp.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, "Alternative Service Program among the Mennonites of Russia, 1870-1920." Ph.D., University of Minnesota. (In progress)

Kopperman, Paul, "Anabaptism in Tudor Kent." Ph.D., University of Illinois. (In progress)

Kuipers, W. H. "The Theology of Bernard Rothmann." Ph.D., University of Amsterdam. (In progress)

Mabry, Ed. "Balthasar Hubmaier." Ph.D., Princeton University. (In progress)

Miller, Arlene Adrienne. "Jacob Boehme: From Orthodoxy to Enlightenment. Ph.D., Stanford University, 1971.

Packull, Werner O. "Mysticism and the Early South German-Austrian Anabaptist Movement, 1525-1531." Ph.D., Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, 1974.

Pappas, Nicholas John. "Two Contemporary Christian Thinkers on the Use of Force in International Relations: Paul Ramsey and Mulford Q. Sibley." Ph.D., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1973, 323 pp.

Pater, Calvin A. "Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt and his Influence on Anabaptism." Ph.D., Harvard University. (In progress)

Penner, Archie. "Pieter Jansz. Twisck: Second Generation Anabaptist-Mennonite Churchman, Writer and Polemicist." Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1971.

Schlabauch, Ervin. "The Rule of Christ among the early Swiss Anabaptists." Th. D., Chicago Theological Seminary. (In Progress)

Shenk, David W. "A Study of Mennonite Presence and Church Development in Somalia from 1950 through 1970." Ph.D., New York University. 1972.

Straughn, Harold. "The Anagogical Method: Thomas Müntzer's Use of the Scripture." Ph.D., University of Harvard.

Toews, Jacob J. "The History of Mennonite Brethren Missions in Latin America." Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1972, 489 pp.

Vries, C.E. de. "The Influence of Joachim of Fiore on the Historical Frame of Reference of the Anabaptists." Ph.D., University of Utrecht.

Weaver, John Denny. "The Doctrines of God, Spirit, and the Word in Early Anabaptist Theology, 1522-1530." Ph.D., Duke University, 1974.

Wiesel, Barbara Bowie, "From Separatism to Evangelism: A Case Study of Social and Cultural Change Among the Franconia Conference Mennonites 19401970." Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1973.

Windhorst, Christof. "Täuferisches Taufverständnis: Balthasar Hubmaiers Lehre Zwischen Tradition and Reformation." Ph.D., University of Heidelberg, 1974.

M.A. Thesis

Friesen, Lyle. "Mennonite Interpretations of Anabaptism as Presented in the Mennonite Quarterly Review." M.A., University of Waterloo, Ontario, 1974.

Friesen, Richard. "Old Colony Mennonite Settlement Patterns in Saskatchewan." M.A., University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1974.

Müller Richard. "The Sabbath in Early Anabaptism." M.A., University of Kopenhagen. (In progress)

Sawatzky, Sheldon Victor. "The Gateway of Promise: A Study of the Taiwan Mennonite Church and the Factors Affecting its Growth." M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1970.

Weber, John. "Bishop S.F. Coffman: His Life and Thought." M.A., University of Waterloo, Ontario. (In progress)


It is the policy of Mennonite Life to list all Ph.D. dissertations and M.A. theses completed or in progress dealing broadly with an Anabaptist-Mennonite topic or subject matter that have come to the attention of the editors and compilers. This is also the case in regard to research projects which are to result in the publishing of books or articles. All books dealing with Anabaptist-Mennonite and related subjects are included in the bibliography, as are substantial articles published in scholarly magazines. Articles appearing in Mennonite periodicals such as The Mennonite Quarterly Review, Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana, Mennonite Life, North Newton, Kansas, etc. are not listed in this bibliography. However, we call attention to the Mennonite periodicals referred to in "Life, Struggle and Birth of Mennonite Periodicals" in this issue.

The present practice of book reviews and the listing of publications and research projects including the Ph.D. dissertations and the M.A. theses developed gradually. They appeared as a rule in the April issue. The years 1971-72 were covered in the March issue of 1973. The present report again covers two years: 1973-74. These issues as well as preceding ones are a store of information. This is also the case in regard to the issues which contain the author and subject index to Mennonite Life. They are found in the January issues of 1956, 1961, 1966, and 1971. All issues are available from the publishers.


The North American Committee for the Documentation of Free Church Origins met in December, 1973 in San Francisco and in Chicago in 1974. During the Chicago meeting the following presented reports about research projects: Clyde L. Manchreck, Donald F. Durnbaugh, Cornelius Krahn, Ray Gingerich, Richard Hughes, Erich W. Kritsch, James Juhnke, Abe J. Dueck, Howard Zehr, John C. Godbey, Theron F. Schlabach, J. Denny Weaver, William Keeney, Keith Sprunger, and Walter Klaassen. Richard Hughes is in charge of the preparations for the Believer's Church Conference which will take place at Pepperdine University, June 5-8, 1975. The papers presented are to be published. Walter Klaassen reported that the biography of Hubmaier has been translated into English by Bergsten and is to be published. Gottfried Seebass is preparing a manuscript to include all known sources dealing with Hans Hut. David Janzen is continuing his research on Hans Denck. Walter Klaassen is working on a paper dealing with social currents and schisms in Anabaptism.

Keith Sprunger is continuing his research pertaining to English Puritanism in the 16th and 17th century, Netherlands. He also gave a progress report on the Oral History Project of the Conscientious Objectors in World War I and II. James Juhnke related about his book devoted to the Political Acculturation of Mennonites in Kansas (just off the press). Eric W. Gritsch reported that he is writing an article on "Luther and the Schwärmer." Cyde L. Manschreck is involved in the supervision of a number of dissertations including one by Ed Stolzfus on "The Concept of Leadership in the Mennonite Church." He himself is working on a book devoted to Methodism to be published by the University of Indiana Press. William Keeney is engaged in peace research having in mind to publish the findings. Donald Durnbaugh has a manuscript at the publisher's entitled "Brethren Service Commission." Theron Schlabach is working on the Intellectual and Social History of the Mennonite Mission Movement.

John H. Yoder's The Legacy of Michael Sattler was published by the Herald Press (Scottdale, Pa.) under the auspices of the Institute of Mennonite Studies in the series of Classics of the Radical Reformation initiated some time ago by the Committee for the Documentation of Free Church Origins with George H. Williams, Franklin H. Littell and Cornelius Krahn as officers. This Committee had its origin with the membership of H. S. Bender and Cornelius Krahn in the Täuferaktenkommission of Germany. The second volume will contain the writings of Pilgrim Marbeck translated by Walter Klaassen and William K. Klassen and the third volume will be devoted the Letters of Conrad Grebel prepared by Leland Harder and others. Donald F. Durnbough's Every Need Supplied has appeared at the Temple University Press, Philadelphia and C. L. Manschreck's Religious Liberty and Lowell Zook's Christianity and Revolution are ready for the publisher. This Temple University Press series appears under the co-editorship of Franklin H. Littell and George H. Williams, Treasurer and Chairman of NACDFCO.

Other publications and research projects reported about during the meetings of NACDFCO in 1973 and 1974 will be found in the bibliography or under the listing of Ph.D. and M.A. dissertations and theses. Irvin B. Horst and co-workers in Cudan are engaged in numerous research projects of which some are to be published in the near future. A. F. Mellink is preparing sources relating to the Anabaptists in Friesland and Groningen. H. Meihuizen is working on a scholarly edition of the writings of Menno Simons. Irvin Horst of Amsterdam is supervising a number of students writing theses with Dutch Anabaptism.


The Second Edition of Mennonite Encyclopedia Published

Melvin Gingerich and Cornelius Krahn were responsible for the corrections of typographical and factual errors and for the reprint edition of the four volumes which was completed during the years 1969-1973. The original plan calls for a revised up-to-date edition by 1980. Melvin Gingerich is in the final stage of the writing of the biography of Edward C. Eicher, Mennonite Congressman and Federal Judge from Washington, Iowa. Melvin is also preparing a popular booklet on Old Germantown as well as "A History of the Germantown Mennonite Church." Cornelius Krahn and Melvin Gingerich have been assigned the task to prepare the third edition of Mennonites: A Guide to Information which is out of print.

Donald F. Durnbaugh presented the annual Bethel College Menno Simons Lectures, "The Promise and the Peril of Civil Religion," October 27-29, 1974. Following are three of the topics presented by him: "Civil Religion in Anabaptist Perspective," "Civil Religion, the Peace Churches, and the American Revolution," and "Civil Religion in Nineteenth Century America." The Bethel College Department of History and Western District Conference Historical Committee are planning a conference on Mennonites in World War I to be held on the Bethel Campus on October 10-11, 1975. J. Winfield Fretz is preparing a paper entitled "Emerging Communes and Mennonite Communities" to be presented at the "Conference on Communes," Northern Illinois University, April 18, 1975. He is also doing research for a book dealing with a sociological interpretation of 12 Mennonite groups in Waterloo County, Ontario,.

At Home and Abroad

Thomas Müntzer and Hans Hut received a detailed study in a voluminous Habilitationsschrift: "Müntzers Erbe: Werk, Leben, and Theologie des Hans Hut" in which Gottfried Seebass deals with the essence of Swiss and South German Anabaptism. In contrast to the Swiss Anabaptists, he sees the Anabaptism of Central Germany and Austria, founded by Hut, as a "child of the late Middle ages," while Swiss Anabaptism is seen as a "genuine product" of the Swiss Reformation. Heinold Fast is researching and collecting 16th century water-colors and drawings which are to be reproduced with a text. Hans-Jürgen Goertz is engaged in numerous projects pertaining to the Anabaptist-Mennonites including the attitude of the German Mennonites toward Hitler before and during World War II. An article on the latter subject was published in Mennonitisches Jahrbuch, 1975.

William R. Estep is involved with the production of a film dealing with the origin of the Anabaptist movement in Switzerland for the Southern Baptist Radio and Television Commission in Fort Worth, Texas. He has also prepared a revised edition of his Anabaptist Story, published by Eerdmans and completed the English translation of B. Hubmaier's writings.

Mennonites in Canada show an increasing interest in their own history. The major concentration and accomplishments were thus far found in Manitoba and Ontario. Recently the Mennonite Historical Society of Canada was organized with J. Winfield Fretz as chairman, George Groening as vice-chairman, and Ted Friesen as secretary. Leo Driedger is engaged in research dealing with the cultural identity of the Mennonites in Manitoba and more specifically Winnipeg. He is including other ethnic groups in his various research projects.

Kenneth Reed (author of Mennonite Soldier) and Elmer Suderman (What Can We Do Here) are interested in selecting and publishing an Anthology of Mennonite Literature for use in classes and as a source of inspiration and information. Gerald Brunk and James O. Lehman are engaged in research in regard to the Revolutionary War records pertaining to the Mennonites during that time in Eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland. Their findings will be published in two volumes. Ronald J. Sider has been commissioned by Fortress Press to prepare a book with the tentative title Between Liberal and Radical: The Lutheran Karlstadt Debate.


In the April, 1971 issue (p. 88) we reported about the disappearance of some Mennonite publications and the rejuvination of others. This process continues. The Mennonite Library and Archives offers a unique opportunity to observe not only what is "new" but also what "folds up" or what changes take place among those that continue. As far as appearance and content are concerned some remain very much the same from year to year and from decade to decade not to speak of generation to generation. Others change almost with the seasons. Some are praised for what they do and others are criticized for what they do or fail to do.

Two for One in Canada, and Germany

In the observations referred to at the outset, it was stated that the Canadian Mennonite was discontinued in 1971. In its place two papers appeared soon afterwards. The Mennonite Reporter edited by David Kroeker and published by Mennonite Publishing Service, Waterloo, Ontario, appears every second Monday, since 1971. Its journalistic qualities and coverage reaching far beyond the Canadian Mennonite constituency is unusual.

A second new Canadian paper is the Mennonite Mirror published ten times each year by the Brock Publishing Co., Winnipeg. It is edited by Roy Vogt and aims to serve the Mennonite community of Manitoba. The editor does not hesitate to publish articies in Low and High German although English predominates. No other Mennonite paper carries as many advertisements as does the Mirror. But that too may have advantages beyond safeguarding the future of its existence.

In Germany the American sponsored Der Mennonit 1948-73) was discontinued and in its place Die Vereinigung der Deutschen Mennonitengemeinden revived the Mennonitische Blätter which had been discontinued during World War II. Under the editorship of Peter J. Foth it is oriented to serve old and young leaning somewhat toward the latter. The former Geineindeblatt (retained in the subtitle) has been revived as Gemeinde Unterwegs and is edited by Samuel Gerber.

The greatest change and most challenging and scholarly contributions among the European Mennonites can be found in the Mennonitisches Jahrbuch since 1971 edited by Johannes Harder. At the ripe age of 75 years it is filled with more youthful vigor than many younger publications. In addition to this the Mennonitische Geschichtsblätter continue as a channel of information as far as European Anabaptist-Mennonite research and publications are concerned. The Dutch Mennonites who pioneered along these lines (Doopsgezinde Bijdragen, Later Stemmen) have not yet revived their efforts along this line.

However, the Bibliography shows that AnabaptistMennonite and related research flourishes in Europe and results in many publications just like this has been the case in North America for some time.

Mennonite Life

Mennonite Life which was started at Bethel College in 1946 as a quarterly magazine has returned to Bethel College after a period (1971-1974) during which the Herald Publishing Company of Newton, Kansas was the publisher. Robert Schrag was the Editor and Cornelius Krahn the Consultant Editor. Starting with the March, 1975 issue, Bethel College resumed the publication with James Juhnke and Robert Kreider as editors.

Mennonite Brethren Research and Publications

The Mennonite Brethren publication, Direction (since 1972) was preceded by The Voice (since 1952), and The Journal of Church and Society (since 1965) . It is published jointly by the Mennonite Brethren Colleges, and the Seminary. The editorial office is located in Fresno, California, and the publication and business office in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is in place to call attention briefly to some of the issues which focus on Anabaptist-Mennonite topics or on the Mennonite Brethren.

Among these articles are "Patterns of Leadership in the Mennonite Brethren Conference" (Oct. 1972) and "The Impact of the Family in Mennonite History" (July, 1972). The January, 1973 issue has articles that deal with cultural relativism and the Mennonite identity. The October, 1973 issue has an article dealing with the movement "From the Village to the City," written by Delbert Wiens and the July, 1974 issue is totally devoted to Mennonite Brethren historiography with a lead article by J. B. Toews entitled "From Where to Where." All issues have a review section devoted to general theological books and some to the Anabaptist tradition.

In spite of the fact that a journalist entitles an article "Direction is Ponderously Dull," (April, 1974 ) we must say that there has never been in the over 100 years of the Mennonite Brethren history a greater interest in the Anabaptist-Mennonite identity than there is today. This has been expressed particularly in research projects, including the writing of Ph.D. dissertations and the publications of books. Among these books the one by J. A. Toews, just off the press, is outstanding. It is entitled History of the Mennonite Brethren Church, published by the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, Fresno, California, 1975, 513 pp.

Mennonite Brethren Research

A. J. Klassen has submitted a report about research projects of the Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, Fresno, California. The Seminary will commemorate its 40th anniversary in the summer of 1975. Various publications are expected to appear at that occasion. Some will be published in book form, others will appear in Direction edited by Delbert Wiens. The Board of Christian Literature is preparing biographies of the pioneer educators, H. S. Voth and A. H. Unruh. Comprehensive histories of the Mennonite Brethren mission work in Latin America and Asia are to appear in the near future (for publications published, see Bibliography of this issue of Mennonite Life). The professors of the Fresno Seminary and the Mennonite Brethren Colleges regularly contribute to the Christian Leader. Herbert Giesbrecht, librarian of M.B.B.C., Winnipeg, has compiled a Sach-und Namen-Register zu Abraham H. Unruh's Die Geschichte der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde: 1860-1954 which was printed by the compiler on 34 pages.


Centennial Publications

The coming of the Mennonites from Russia to North America observed in various forms and through many activities in Mennonite communities between Kansas and Manitoba, was climaxed in the production of numerous books of a local or general nature. They are listed in the bibliography of this issue of Mennonite Life. Attention should also be called here to the periodicals that devoted numerous articles or whole, issues to the Centennial event. Most of the issues are still available and can be ordered from the publishers.

All issues of Mennonite Life of 1973 and 1974 were devoted to the numerous aspects of the coming and of the settling of the Mennonites in the prairie states and provinces. The issues of Mennonite Life featuring the Centennial can be ordered from Mennonite Life, North Newton, Kansas.

The Mennonite Weekly Review (Newton, Kansas) devoted numerous issues to the Centennial and reprinted in installments "The Coming of the Russian Mennonites" written by C. Henry Smith at the time of the 50th anniversary. The Mennonite (Newton, Kansas), The Christian Leader (Hillsboro, Kansas), and The Gospel Herald (Scottdale, Pennsylvania), also featured the Centennial in a number of articles. This was also done in Canada by the Mennonite Mirror (Winnipeg) and the Mennonite Reporter (Waterloo, Ontario). There was hardly a Mennonite paper, even in other countries, that did not take note of the event. Numerous scholars lectured in many communities and churches dealing with many aspects of the coming of the Mennonites.

Cornelius Krahn compiled "A Centennial Chronology" of the coming of the Mennonites to the prairie states and provinces in and around 1874, which was published in the March and June issues of Mennonite Life in 1973. He also published a Centennial Calendar of Events which appeared in the Mennonite Weekly Review, June 20, 1974, pp. 10-11.

The Centennial on the Stage

The Tri-College Centennial Committee (Bethel, Hesston, and Tabor) sponsored, among other activities, the writing and the production of the drama, "Tomorrow Has Roots" written by Urie Bender, with music by Harold Moyer. The presentation of the drama, featuring the coming of the Mennonites to North America, began in October in Century II in Wichita, where the Mennonite District Conference jointly had their sessions and included many other centennial events. The drama was later presented in the larger Mennonite communities of Nebraska, the Dakotas, Minnesota, Manitoba, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Ontario. No other Mennonite production has ever had a larger audience.

Mention should also be made of the Manitoba Mennonite folk opera, The Bridge, written by Esther Wiebe (music) and Diana Brandt (libretto), and directed by George Wiebe and Elizabeth Schlichting. It was a great success and was presented in a number of provinces in Canada.

The semi-professional presentations on a larger scale were much appreciated but it should be pointed out that in the memory of those involved in community efforts their own productions will likely be remembered longest. The locally produced skits and plays, parades and monuments, thousands of Zwiebach and gallons of Borscht, lectures and sermons, visits and sharing, family histories and other publications of local nature may have the most lasting values as far as the self-identity is concerned.

Inter-Mennonite Cookbook

The Melting Pot of Mennonite Cookery, 1874-1974, produced and published by the Bethel College Women's Association in 1974 was among the greatest successes of the centennial year. Five thousand copies were sold within a few weeks after its appearance. The book is unique in that it takes into account a dozen ethnic Mennonite traditions in cookery. The second printing has just come off the press.

From Centennial to 450th Anniversary

In 1974, Mennonites of the prairie states and provinces observed the centennial of the coming of their ancestors to North America. This was done on a larger scale and with a greater participation than any other event in Mennonite history. There had been commemorations of the 400th anniversary of Anabaptist beginnings in Switzerland in 1925, the conversion and the death of Menno Simons in 1936, and 1961, and a number of Mennonite World Conference sessions which bring together the sons and daughters of Menno from many continents. Nevertheless, the length of the observation of the centennial and the number in attendance climaxed with a presentation of Urie Bender's drama "Tomorrow has Roots" overshadowed all previous festivities.

The commemoration of the 450th anniversary of the origin of Anabaptism should be of great significance for all descendants of Anabaptism, both spiritually or ethnically speaking. This can still be the case even if no efforts seem to have been made thus far to provide for mass meetings anywhere either in Europe or in America. The scheduled meeting in Zurich in June, 1975, is on a smaller, scale.

450th Anniversary Observations

A number of observations of the 450th anniversary of Anabaptist-Mennonite origin has been and will be observed at various places.

1. Strasbourg. February 20-22, 1975. "Beginning and Characteristics of Anabaptism."

2. Bienenberg Mennonite School, Basel. July 8-13,1975.

3. Baptist 'Theological .Seminary, Rüschlikon, (Zurich). July 14-18, 1975.

Jan Luyken by Jan Gleysteen

"The Drama of the Martyrs-From the death of Jesus Christ up to recent times: Drawn and engraved on copper by the renowned engraver Jan Luyken (1649-1712) with an introductory essay by Jan Gleysteen" has just come off the press. This new book is published by a new publisher namely the Mennonite Historical Associates, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Back of it all is the magnificent artistic and photographic skill of Jan Gleysteen who makes sixteenth century martyrdom and the Martyrs Mirror a work of art to behold. This reproduction of the Martyr's Mirror does not include any text beyond introductions and one-line captions under each reproduction. This may result in a more individualized inspiration and challenge without additional prompting. It is a dream of long standing that has now become a reality and will be cherished and used by many of the present and future generations.

The introductory chapter "Portrait of the Artist" is excellent, however, the last sentence can easily lead to a misunderstanding, when the author states, "Here for the first time since 1780 these fine prints are available once again for study and reflection." Gerald C. Studer states in his preface to the book that Mennonite Life (April 19, 1967 featured Jan Luyken's prints from the Martyr's Mirror of 1685. The difference between the engravings used in Mennonite Life and those by Jan Gleysteen is not substantial. In addition to this it should be said that Jan Luyken's works of art pertaining to the Anabaptist martyrs were published in book form by Bethel College in 1974 based on the Mennonite Life edition which is now widely used in congregations and schools within all Mennonite groups (a total of over 6000 have been sold). The Witness of the Martyrs Mirror for Our Day is available at all Mennonite bookstores ($1.75).