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Radical Reformation Bibliography 1970-1972

By Cornelius Krahn and Nelson P. Springer

(Originally published in the March 1973 issue, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 21-28)

[This version was scanned from a paper copy, February 2005]

I. The Radical Reformation and Anabaptism

Account of Our Religion, Doctrine and Faith. Given by Peter Rideman of the Brothers Whom Men Call Hutterians. Translated by the Society of Brothers. Second English edition. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1970, 298 pp.

Augsburger, Myron S. The Broken Chalice. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 136 pp. (Martyrs Mirror.)

Bainton, Roland H. and Eric W. Gritsch. Bibliography of the Continental Reformation; Materials Available in English. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press; 1972, 220 pp.

Bainton, Roland H. Women of the Reformation in Germany and Italy. Minneapolis, Minn.: Augsburg Publishing House, 1971. ("Women of the Anabaptists," pp. 145-158. )

Bangs, Carl. Arminius: A Study in the Dutch Reformation. Nashville, Tenn: Abingdon Press, 1971, 382 pp.

Barnes, Thomas G. and Gerald D. Feldman, editors. Renaissance, Reformation, and Absolutism 1400-1660. (Vol. I in A Documentary History of Modern Europe.) Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown and Company, 1972, 240 pp.

Bender, Harold S. The Anabaptists and Religious Liberty in the Sixteenth Century. Philadelphia, Penn.: Fortress Press, 1970, 27 pp. (Facet Books, Historical Series, 16. )

Bender, Harold S. The Anabaptist Vision. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 44 pp.

Bergsten, Torsten. "Doeparforskningens Aktualitet." In: Kyrkohistorisk Arsskrift, 1970, p. 5-8.

Bockwoldt, Gerd. "Eine neue Legende von Luther and Muentzer." In: Zeitschrift fuer Religionspaedagogik, III, 1972, p. 195-200.

Bohnstedt, John W. The Infidel Scourge of God: The Turkish Menace as Seen by German Pamphleteers of the Reformation Bra. (The American Philosophical Society, Vol. 58, part 9.) Philadelphia, Penn., 1968, 58 pp.

Braeuer, Siegfried. "Die erst Gesamtausgabe von Thomas Muentzers Schriften and Briefe; ein erfuelltes Desiderat der Reformationsforschung." In: Luther-Jahrbuch. Hamburg: Friedrich Wittig Verlag, 1971, pp. 121-131.

Caccamo, Domenico. Eretici italiani in Moravia, Polonia, Transilvania (1558-1611): Biblioteca del Corpus Reformatorum Italicorum. Florence: G. C. Sansoni; Chicago: Newberry Library, 1970, 286 pp.

Campi, Emilio. "Thomas Muentzer; teologo a rivoluzionario." In: Gioventu Evangelica, XX, 5 (Ap/Je 1970, p. 3-38.)

Clasen, Claus-Peter. Anabaptism; A Social History, 1525-1618; Switzerland, Austria, Moravia, South and Central Germany. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University, 1972, 523 pp.

Crofts, Richard A. "Three Renaissance Expressions of Societal Responsibility: Thomas More, Desiderium Erasmus and Thomas Muentzer." In: Sixteenth Century Journal, 111, 2 (1972), p. 11-24.

Deppermann, Klaus. "Melchior Hoffmans letzte Schriften aus dem Jahre 1534." In: Archiv fuer Reformationsgeschichte. Guetersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1972, pp. 72-93.

Dickens, A. G. The Counter Reformation. (History of European Civilization Library.) New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1969, 215 pp.

Dickens, A. G. Reformation and Society in Sixteenth-Century Europe. (History of European Civilization Library.) New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1966, 216 pp.

Dolan, John P. History of the Reformation: A Conciliatory Assessment of Opposite Views. New York: Desclee Company, 1965, 417 pp.

Durnbaugh, Donald F., editor. The Church of the Brethren Past and Present. Elgin, Illinois: The Brethren Press, 1971, 182 pp.

Durnbaugh, Donald F., editor. Die Kirche der Brueder. (Band IX in Die Kirchen der Welt.) Stuttgart: Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1971, 236 pp.

Forte, Dieter. Martin Luther and Thomas Muentzer; oder Die Einfuehrung der Buchhaltung. Berlin: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, 1971, 137 pp.

Gastaldi, Hugo. Storia dell' Anabattismo dalle origini a Muenster (1525-1535). Torino: Claudiana, 1972, 650 pp.

Geiser, S. H. Die Taufgesinnten Gemeinden im Rahmen der allgemeinen Kirchengeschichte. Courgenay: Christian Schmutz, 1971, 583 pp. (67 illustrations.)

Gerlach, Horst. Der englische Bauernaufstand von 1381 und der deutsche Bauernkrieg: Ein Vergleich. Meisenheim, am Glan: Verlag Anton Hain, 1969, 241 pp.

Goertz, Hans-Juergen. "Die oekumenische Einweisung der Taeuferforschung." In: Neue Zeitschrift fuer Systematische Theologie and Religionsphilosophie. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1971, pp. 363-372.

Gossman, Klaus. "Thomas Muentzer and Martin Luther--oder Die erzwungene Zukunft." In: Zeitschrift fuer Religionspaedagogik, XXVII (1972), p. 201-225.

Haas, Martin. "Die Taeuferkirchen des 16. Jahrhunderts in der Schweiz and in Muenster--ein Vergleich." In: Zwingliana, XIII, 1972, p. 434-462.

Handy, Robert T. A Christian America; Protestant Hopes and Historical Realities. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971, 282 pp.

Hillerbrand, Hans J. Christendom Divided. The Protestant Reformation. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1971, 344 pp.

Hinrichs, Carl. Luther and Muentzer; ihre Auseinandersetzung ueber Obrigkeit and Wiederstandsrecht. Reprint. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Company, 1971, 187 pp. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, Number 29.)

Horst, Irvin Buckwalter. The Radical Brethren; Anabaptism and the English Reformation to 1558. (Bibliotheca Humanistica and Reformatorica, Vol. II.) Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1972, 211 pp.

Jagger, Peter J. Christian Initiation, 1552-1969: Rites of Baptism and Confirmation since the Reformation Period. London: S.P.C.K., 1970, 323 pp.

Jong, Otto J. de. Die Emder Generalsynode vor dem Hintergrund der westeuropaeischen Religionsgeschichte. Jb. Ges. niedersaechs. Kirchengesch, LXVIII, 1970.

Kramer-Schlette, Carla. Vier Augsburger Chronisten der Reformationszeit: Die Behandlung und Deutung der Zeitgeschichte bei Clemens Sender, Wilhelm Rem, Georg Preu und Paul Hekton Mair. (Historische Studien, Number 421.) Luebeck: Matthiesen Verlag, 1970, 95 pp.

Lohmann, Annemarie. Zur geistigen Entwicklung Thomas Muentzers. (Band 47 in Beitraege zur Kulturgesehichte des Mittelalters and der Renaissance. Herausgegeben von Walter Goetz.) Hildesheim: Verlag Dr. H. A. Gerstenberg, 1972, 71 pp.

Lohse, Bernhard. Hans Denck and der "linke Fluegel" der Reformation (Humanitas-Christianitas, Fs. Walther v. Loewenich, Witten, 1968, S. 74-83. )

McLoughlin, William G. New England Dissent, 1680-1838; The Baptists and the Separation of Church and State. Center for the Study of the History of Liberty in America, Harvard University Press, 1972.

Maurer, Wilhelm. Humanismus und Reformation im Nuernberg Pirckheimers and Duerers. Jb. fraenk. Landesforsch., XXXI, 1971.

Mecenseffy, Grete. Oesterreich II. Teil. In: Quellen zur Geschichte der Taeufer XIII. Band. Gutersloh: Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1972, 543 pp.

Monaghan, Hanna Darlington. "Dear George": George Fox, Man and Prophet. Philadelphia: Franklin Publishing Company, 1970, 298 pp.

Mueller, Artur. Die Deutschen; ihre Klassenkaempfe, Aufstaende, Staatsstreiche and Revolution. Wien and Basel: Kurt Desch, 1972, 411 pp. ("Der Bauernkrieg," pp. 43-55; "Die Wiedertaeufer zu Muenster, 1534,'', 63-70.)

Mueller, Ernst. Geschichte der Bernischen Taeufer nach den Urkunden Dargestellt. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1972, 411 pp.

Muentzer, Thomas. Scritti Politici. Introduzione, Versione e Note a Cura di Emidio Campi. Torino: Editrice Claudiana, 1972, 230 pp.

Olin, John C., James D. Smart, Robert E. McNally, editors. Luther, Erasmus and the Reformation. A Catholic-Protestant Reappraisal. New York: Fordham University Press, 1969, 150 pp.

Peremans, Nicole. Erasme et Bucer d'apres leur correspondance. (Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Universite de Liege, Number 194.) Paris: Societe d'Editions "Les Belles Lettres," 1970, 162 pp.

Porter, H. C., editor. Puritanism in Tudor England. Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 1971, 311 pp.

Radical Reformation Reader. A Pamphlet Series (Concern) for Questions of Christian Renewal, No. 18, July 1971, 176 pp.

Reek-Malleczewen, Friedrich Percyval. Bockelson; Geschichte eines Massenwahns. Stuttgart: Henry Goverts Verlag, 1968, 216 pp. (Novel).

Rideman, Peter. Confession of Faith. Rifton, New York: Plough Publishing House, 1970, 298 pp.

Rothmann, Bernhard. Die Schriften Bernhard Rothmanns; bearbeitet von Robert Stupperich. Muenster in Westfalen: Aschendorff, 1970, 456 pp. (Die Schriften der Muensterischen Taeufer and ihrer Gegner, I; Veroeffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission Westfalens, XXXII.)

Russell, Jeffrey B., Editor. Religious Dissent in the Middle Ages. New York, London, Sydney and Toronto: John Wiley and Sons, 1971, 161 pp.

Sakakibara, Gan. An Historical Study of the Classical Age of the Anabaptist Church. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1972, 484 pp. (In the Japanese language.)

Seubert, Josef. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Reformation in der ehemaligen freien Reichsstadt Dinkelsbuehl. (Historische Studien, Number 420.) Leubeck: Matthiesen Verlag, 1971, 72 pp.

Sprunger, Keith L. The Learned Doctor William Ames: Dutch Backgrounds of English and American Puritanism. Urbana, Chicago, London: University of Illinois Press, 1972, 289 pp.

Simons, Menno. Die vollstaendige Werke Menno Simons' 2. Pfad-Weg Ausg. Aylmer, Ontario: Pathway Publishers, 1971, 398, 655 pp.

Stauffer, Richard. The Humanness of John Calvin. Translated by George Shriver. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1971, 96 pp.

Steinmetz, David C. Reformers in the Wings. Philadelphia Fortress Press, 1971, 240 pp.

Steinmetz, Max. Das Muentzerbild von Martin Luther bis Friedrich Engels. Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1971, 498 pp. (Leipziger Uebersetzungen und Abhandlungen zum Mittelalter, Reihe B., Bd. 4.)

Stella, Aldo. Anabattismo et Antitrinitarismo in Italia nel XVI Secolo. Padova: Liviana Editrice, 1969, 325 pp.

Stella, Aldo. Dall' Anabattismo al Socinianesimo nel Cinquecento Veneto. Padova: Liviana Editrice, 1967, 223 pp.

Strauss, Gerald, editor. Manifestations of Discontent in Germany on the Eve of the Reformation. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 247 pp.

Streller, Siegfried, editor. Hutten-Muentzer-Luther Werke. Berlin and Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag, 1970, 303 pp. I. Bd. Hutten-Muentzer. (Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker.)

Verheus, Dr. S. L. Zeugnis und Gericht; Kirchengeschichtliche Betrachtungen bei Sebastian Franck and Mattias Flacius. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1971, 121 pp.

Vinay, Valdo. "Anabattismo, Antitrinitarismo a Correnti Mistico-speculative." In: La Riforma Protestante. Brescia: Paideia, 1970, p. 371-389.

Wehr, Gerhard. Thomas Muentzer in Selbstzeugnissen and Bilddokumenten dargestellt. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1972, 158 pp. (Rowohlts Monographien)

Weigelt, Horst. Sebastian Franck and Caspar Schwenckfeld in ihren Beziehungen zu einander (Z. fuer bayerische KG. 39,1970, S. 3-19 and 1 Tafel) .

Weigelt, Horst. Sebastian Franck and die lutherische Reformation. Guetersloh: Guetersloher Verlaghaus Gerd Mohn, 1972, 84 pp.

White, B. R. The English Separatist Tradition: From the Marian Fathers to the Pilgrim Fathers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971, 179 pp.

Vernekohl, Wilhelm. Die Wiedertaeufer in Muenster. Muenster: Westfaelische Vereinsdruckerei, 3rd edition, 1970.

Wohlfeil, Rainer, editor. Reformation oder fruhbuergerliche Revolution. Muenchen: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung, 1972, 318 pp. (Nymphenburger Texte zur Wissenschaft, Modelluniversitaet 5) (Frequent references to Thomas Muentzer. )

Zilverberg, Dr. S. B. J. Ketters in de Middeleeuwen. Bussum, Holland: Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1968, 112 pp.

II. Revolution, Government, War and Peace

A Christian Declaration on the Way of Peace. Newton, Kansas: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1971, 20 pp.

Bauman, Richard. For the Reputation of Truth: Politics, Religion and Conflict among the Pennsylvania Quakers, 1750-1800. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1971, 258 pp.

Brock, Peter. Pacifism in Europe to 1914. Princeton, N. J. Princeton University Press, 1972, 556 pp.

Brock, Peter. Pacifism in the United States from the Colonial Era to the First World War. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1968, 1005 pp.

Brock, Peter. Twentieth-Century Pacifism. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1970, 274 pp.

Brown, Dale W. Brethren and Pacifism. Elgin, Illinois: The Brethren Press, 1970, 152 pp.

Brown, Dale W. The Christian Revolutionary. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 147 pp., 1971.

Chatfield, Charles. For Peace and Justice; Pacifism in America, 1914-1941. Knoxville, Tenn.: University of Tennessee Press, 1971, 447 pp.

The Christian Conscience and War; A Statement by Theologians and Religious Leaders. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 48 pp.

Collinson, Patrick. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. Berkeley and Los Angeles, Calif.: University of California Press, 1967, 528 pp.

Dillen, J. G. van. Van rijkdom en regenten: Handboek tot de economische en sociale geschiedenis van Nederland tijdens de republiek. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1970, 698 pp.

Driver, Juan (John) H. El pacifismo Christiano. Buenos Aires: Se termino de imprimir en Methopress, 1970, 29 pp.

Elton, G. R. Policy and Police: The Enforcement of the Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1972, 446 pp.

Enz, Jacob J. The Christian and Warfare; The Roots of Pacifism in the Old Testament. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 95 pp.

Epp, Frank H. Human Rights and Christian Responsibility. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), 1972, 16 pp.

Gish, Arthur G. The New Left and Christian Radicalism. Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1970, 158 pp.

Graber, Edith Claassen. Children and Peace. Newton, Kansas: General Conference Mennonite Church, 15 pp., n. d.

Haas, Martin. Taeufertum and Revolution (Festgabe Leonhard von Murlat, Zuerich, 1970, S. 286-295.)

Hall, A. M. With the Spirit's Sword: The Drama of Spiritual Warfare in the Theology of John Calvin. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1968, 226 pp.

Harder, Leland. "The Political Behavior of Northern Indiana Mennonites." In: Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 3rd series, V, 1970, p. 159-172.

Harkness, Georgia. The Ministry of Reconciliation. Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 1971, 160 pp.

Horsch, John. The Hutterian Brethren, 1528-1981; and The Principle of Nonresistance as Held by the Mennonite Church. With a new introduction for the Garland edition, by Peter Brock. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1971, 168, 60 pp. (Garland Library of War and Peace.)

Hyatt, John, compiler. Pacifism; a Selected Bibliography. London: Housmans, 1972, 52 pp.

Interkerkelijk Vredesberaad. Bij bel, Kerk, Geweld. Voorburg, 1971. (Cahiers voor Vredesvraagstukken, No. 9.) Partial contents-J. P. Jacobszoon. Doopsgezinden en vrede. pp. 29-32.-Irvin B. Horst. Kerk en militaire dienst in de eerste eeuwen. pp. 33-35.

Kniss, Lloy A. I Couldn't Fight; the Story of a CO in World War I. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 47 pp.

Lamont, William M. Godly Rule: Politics and Religion 1603-1650. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1969, 200 pp.

Lehmberg, Stanford E. The Reformation Parliament, 1529-1586. London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1970, 282 pp.

Linder, Robert D., editor. God and Caesar; Case Studies in the Relationship between Christianity and the State. Longview, Texas: The Conference on Faith and History, 1971, 140 pp.

Mueller, Gerhard. Die roemische Kurie and die Reformation 1528-1534. Kirche and Politik waehrend des Pontifikates Clemens' VII. Guetersloh: Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1969, 308 pp.

Murphy, Jeffrie G., editor. Civil Disobedience and Violence. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc., 1971,151 pp.

Nelson, Clifford L. German-American Political Behavior in Nebraska and Wisconsin, 1916-1920. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Publication, 1972, 114 pp.

Newcombe, Alan. Peace Research Reviews; Initiatives and Responses in Foreign Policy, Volume III, number 3. Oakville, Ontario: Canadian Peace Research Institute, 1969, 128 pp.

Osborne, J. K. I Refuse. Philadelphia, Penn.: The Westminster Press, 1971, 228 pp.

"Peace Movements in America." In: American Studies. University of Kansas, Spring 1972, volume xiii, number 1, 210 pp.

Redekop, John H., editor. Labor Problems in Christian Perspective. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1972, 364 pp.

Redekop, John H. Making Political Decisions; a Christian Perspective. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 46 pp. (S. F. Coffman Peace Lectures, 1972. )

Sappington, Roger E. "North Carolina and the Non-Resistant Sects During the American War of Independence." In: Quaker History, XL, 1971, p. 29-47.

Scheible, Heinz, editor. Das Widerstandsrecht als Problem der deutschen Protestanten 1528-1546. (Texte zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte 10.) Guetersloh: Guetersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 100 pp.

Schmidt, Allen. Experiences of Allen Schmidt During World War I. Hesston, Kansas: Gospel Publishers, 1972, 23 pp.

Schrage, Wolfgang. Die Christen and der Staat nach dem Neuen Testament. Guetersloh: Guetersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1971, 83 pp.

Schwabe, Klaus. Wissenschaft und Kriegsmoral: Die deutschen Hochschullehrer and die politischen Grundfragen des Ersten Weltkrieges. Goettingen: MusterschmidtVerlag, 1969, 320 pp.

Seaver, Paul S. The Puritan Lectureships. The Politics of Religious Dissent 1560-1667. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1970, 402 pp.

Stayer, James M. Anabaptists and the Sword. Lawrence, Kansas: Coronado Press, 1972, 364 pp.

Stayer, James M. Eine fanatische Taeuferbewegung in Esslingen and Reutlingen? (Blaetter fuer wuerttembergische KG. 68/69, 1968,/69, p. 53-59).

Strauss, Johannes, editor. Glauben und Gewalt; Beitraege von Heinold Fast, et al. Muenchen: Claudius Verlag, 1971, 121 pp. (Tutzinger Texte, 10.)

Tatum, Arlo, editor. Handbook for Conscientious Objectors. Philadelphia, Penn.: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1972, 137 pp. (12 edition.)

Taufe-Neues Leben-Dienst. Das Leningrader Gespraech ueber die Verantwortung der Christen fuer die Welt. Witten, Germany: Luther Verlag, 1970, 240 pp.

Toews, John B. "The Origins and Activities of the Mennonite Selbstschutz in the Ukraine (1918-1919)." Reprinted from the Mennonite Quarterly Review, XLVI, January 1972, pp. 5-40.

Toon, Peter, editor. Puritans, The Millennium and the Future of Israel: Puritan Eschatology 1600 to 1660. Cambridge: James Clarke and Co., 1970.

Vernon, Louise A. Key to Prison. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 144 pp. (George Fox)

Volker Press. Calvinismus and Territorialstaat: Regierung und Zentralbehoerden der Krupfalz 1559-1619. (Kieler historische Studien, Number 7.) Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1970, 543 pp.

Yoder, John H. Karl Barth and the Problem of War. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1970, 141 pp.

Yoder, John H. Nevertheless; The Varieties of Religious Pacifism. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971,142 pp.

Yoder, John H. The Original Revolution; Essays on Christian Pacifism. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 189 pp.

Yoder, John H. The Politics of Jesus. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1972, 260 pp.

Zilverberg, Dr. S. B. J. Geloof en geweten in de zeventiende eeuw. Bussum, Holland: Fibula-van Dishoeck, 1971, 94 pp.

III. The Mennonites and Related Groups

Arndt, Karl J. R. George Rapp's Successors and Material Heirs, 1847-1916. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1971, 445 pp.

Arnold, Eberhard. The Early Christians After the Death of the Apostles. Selected and Edited from all the Sources of the First Centuries. Translated and edited by the Society of Brothers. Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1970, 470 pp.

Augsburger, David W. Cherishable: Love and Marriage. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 175 pp.

Atlas of McPherson County, Kansas. Containing Maps, Plats of the Townships, Alphabetical Rural Directory, Histories of Churches, etc., Families, Farms, Churches and Pictures of General Interest. Bloomington, Minn.: Tri-Tabula Co., 1969, unpaged. (Rural Directory section identifies families by church membership.)

Atlas of Reno County, Kansas. Containing Maps, Plats of Townships, Alphabetical Rural Directory, Histories of Churches, etc., Families, Churches and Pictures of General Interest. Bloomington, Minn.: Tri-Tabula Co., 1970, unpaged. (Rural directory identifies families by church membership; atlas includes brief historical sketches of churches.)

Balhana, Altiva Pilatti, et al. Campos Gerais: Estruturas Agrarias. Curitiba: Universidade Federal do Parana, 1968, 268 pp.

Beiler, Edna. Mattie Mae. Abridged edition. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 38 pp. (Amish)

Bender, Ross Thomas. The People of God; A Mennonite Interpretation of the Free Church Tradition. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 208 pp.

Bennett, John W. "The Hutterites; a Communal Sect." In: Immigrant Groups, Jean Leonard Elliot, editor. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall of Canada, 1971, p. 15-32. (Minority Canadians, 2.)

Bennett, John W. Northern Plainsmen; Adaptive Strategy and Agrarian Life. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1969, 352 pp. (Includes Hutterites.)

Brechbill, Laban T. History of the Old Order River Brethren. Edited by Myron S. Dietz. Lancaster, Penn.: Brechbill & Strickler, 1972, 239 pp.

Brendle, T. R. and C. W. Unger. Folk Medicine of the Pennsylvania Germans; The Non-Occult Cures. New York: Augustus M. Kelly Publishers, 1970, 303 pp.

Browning, Clyde. Amish in Illinois Over One Hundred Years of the "Old Order" Sect of Central Illinois . . . Decatur, Ill., 1971, 204 pp.

Brunk, H. A. History of Mennonites in Virginia. Volume II. Verona, Virginia: McClure Publishing Company, 1972, 592 pp.

Clemens, Lois Gunden. Woman Liberated. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 158 pp.

Cobb, Douglas S. "The Jamesville Bruderhof; a Hutterian Agricultural Colony." In: Journal of the West. Volume 9, 1970, pp. 60-77.

Cragg, Perry. The Amish; A Photographic Album. Cleveland, Ohio. 1971.

Cross, Harold E. and Victor A. McKusick. "Amish Demography." In: Social Biology, XVII, 1970, p. 83-101.

Drescher, John M. Follow Me; Christian Discipleship for Today. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 175 pp.

Dyck, Harvey L. and H. Peter Krosby, editors. Empire and Nations; Essays in Honour of Frederic H. Soward. University of Toronto Press, 1969 228 PP. (Includes Mennonites in Russia.)

Dyck, Sylvia Murray. Add One Cossack and Stir . . . The Life Story of John John Dyck as Told to Sylvia Murray Dyck. Philadelphia, Penn.: Dorrance and Co., 1972, 79 pp.

Eine Chronik oder Geschicht-Buechlein von den sogenannten Mennonisten Gemeinde zum Dienst Lehre fuer alle Liebhaber den Wahrheit, durch die Gnade and Segen Gottes. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 439 p.

Elliot, Jean Leonard, editor. Minority Canadians 2; Immigrant Groups. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall of Canada Ltd., 1971, 215 pp. (Includes Mennonites.)

Epp, Frank H. "Mennonites in the Soviet Union." In: Aspects of Religion in the Soviet Union, 1917-1967, edited by Richard H. Marshall. Chicago, Ill.: University Press, 1971, pp. 285-299.

The First One Hundred Years, 1870-1970. Bluffton, Indiana: Apostolic Christian Church, 1970, 300 pp.

The First Hundred Years (As Recorded in the Wichita Eagle and The Beacon). Wichita, Kansas, 1972, 109 pp. (Reference to Mennonites.)

Freyenberger, Joseph. Commemorative Booklet, Sugar Creek Mennonite Church, 1871-1971. Wayland, Iowa, 1971, 40 pp.

Funck, Abraham, editor. Twenty-five Jahre Volendam 1947-1972. Komitee fuer kirchliche Angelegenheiten, 125 pp. Volendam, Paraguay.

Gehman, Richard. "Where Life Never Changes." In: Modern Maturity, XV, 2, Ap/My 1972, pp. 20-22. (Amish)

Geiser, Samuel. Unsere heimgegangenen Prediger den letzten 75 Jahre. Les Fontaines: Mont Tramelan, 1971, 53 pp.

Gelder, B. Van. "Spoor Zoeken in de Bonte Wereld Van Geloven en Denken." Amsterdam: J. M. Meulenhoff, 1970.

Gerbrandt, Henry J. Adventure in Faith: The Background in Europe and the Development in Canada of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba. Altona, Manitoba: D. W. Friesen and Sons Ltd., 1970, 379 pp.

Giesbrecht, Herbert. The Mennonite Brethren; a Bibliographic Guide to Information. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Board of Christian Literature, General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1971,17 pp.

Gingerich, Orland. The Amish of Canada. Waterloo, Ontario: Conrad Press, 1972, 244 pp.

Goertz, Hans-Juergen. Die Mennoniten. (Band VIII in Die Kirchen den Welt.) Stuttgart: Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1971, 286 pp.

Good, Merle. Happy as the Grass was Green. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 156 pp. (Encounter with Mennonites.)

Gougler, Richard C. "Amish Barn-raising." In: Pennsylvania Folklife, XXI, Folk Festival Supplement, 1972, pp. 14-18.

Graber, J. D. One Hundred Years Prairie Street Mennonite Church. Elkhart, Ind.: Prairie Street Mennonite Church, 1971, 24 pp.

Graybill, Ruth. Freeport Mennonite Church; Pilgrimage to 1971. Dakota, Ill., 1971, 58 pp.

Habegger, Luann K. Bonnets and Beards. Berne, Ind.: Fred von Gunten, 1971, 31 pp.

Hamilton, Dorothy. Settled Furrows. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 144 pp. (Willow Bend Church)

Hamm, Martin. Aus der alten in die neue Heimat; Lebensgeschichte eines schlichten Mennoniten. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Christian Press, 1971, 175 pp.

Harkness, Georgia. Women in Church and Society. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1972, 240 pp.

Haxthausen, August von. Studies on the Interior of Russia. Edited by S. Frederick Starr. Transl. by Eleanore L. M. Schmidt. Chicago: University Press of Chicago, 1972. 328 pp. (Incl. Mennonites).

Heister, Jesse W. Mattawana Mennonite Church, 100th Anniversary, 1871-1971. Mattawana, Penn.: Mattawana Mennonite Church, 1971, 20 pp.

"Heritage House, Inc." Mountain Lake, Minnesota.

Holsopple, Mary J. 1871-1971, Mt. Zion Mennonite Church, Versailles, Missouri. Versailles, Missouri, 1971, 29 pp.

Hopple, C. Lee. "Spatial Development of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Plain Dutch Community to 1970." In: Pennsylvania Folklife, XXI, 2, 1971, pp.18-40.

Jeschke, Marlin. Disciplining the Brother; Congregational Discipline According to the Gospel. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 200 pp.

Klassen, A. J., editor. Consultation on Anabaptist Mennonite Theology. Fresno, Calif.: Council of Mennonite Seminaries, 1970,147 pp.

Klassen, Abram J., editor. Introducing the Mennonite Brethren Church. Fresno, Calif.: Board of Christian Literature, General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1970, 32 pp.

Klassen, Isaak. Dem Herrn die Ehre, Schoenwieser Mennoniten Gemeinde, (1924-1928). Altona, Manitoba: D. W. Friesen & Sons Ltd., 1969, 150 pp.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, editor. In Quest of Brothers. A Yearbook commemorating 25 years of life together in the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba, 1946-1971. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba, 70 PP.

Kreider, Robert. Where are we Going? Newton, Kansas Faith and Life Press, 1971, 34 pp.

Kuhns, Oscar. The German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania. New York: AMS Press, 1971, 268 pp.

Laatsch, William G. "Hutterite Colonization in Alberta." In: Journal of Geography. Chicago, Ill., Volume 70, number 6, September 1971, pp. 347-359.

Landing, James E. "Amish Migration as a Problem Solving Mechanism." In: The Issues of Our Time; a Community Perspective, Program Committee, National Council for Geographic Education, November, 1971, 9 pp.

L'onataxanaxa'c soua Jesus lamaxa'shi; los Hechos de los Apostoles en Toba (Chaco Sur) y Castellano. Buenos Aires: Sociedad Biblica Argentina, 1970, 178 pp.

Kunz, Virginia Brainard. The Germans in America. (The In America Series.) Minneapolis, Minn.: Lerner Publications Company, 1971, 86 pp. (Includes Mennonites)

Kurokawa, M. "Psycho-Social Roles of Mennonite Children in a Changing Society." In: Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. VI, 1969, pp. 15-35. (Observations of children of three families residing in Waterloo, Ontario.)

Lapp, James M., editor and compiler. Principles and Guidelines for Interchurch Relations. Scottdale, Penn.: Mennonite General Conference, Interchurch Relations Committee, 1971, 34 pp.

Long, Amos, Jr. The Pennsylvania German Family Farm. Breinigsville, Penn.: The Pennsylvania German Society, 1972, 518 pp. (Includes Mennonites)

Mage, Julius and Robert Murdie. "The Mennonites of Waterloo County." In: Canadian Geographical Journal. LXXX, pp. 10-17.

Martin, Paul M. and Roy M. Martin. A Sower Went forth to Sow . . . New Holland Mennonite Church, March 18, 1922-March 18, 1972; 50th Anniversary. New Holland, Penn.: New Holland Mennonite Church, 1972, 48 pp.

Mennonite Church, General Assembly. Agenda, Mennonite Church, Kitchener 71. Constitutional Assembly, Mennonite General Assembly, August 16-19, 1971, Rockway Mennonite School, Kitchener, Ontario. Salunga, Penn.: Study Commission on Church Organization, 1971, 89 pp.

Meter, Sondra van. Marion County Kansas Past and Present. Hillsboro, Kansas: Marion County Historical Society, 1972, 344 pp.

Miller, Clara Bernice. Katie. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 272 pp. (Amish)

Minnich, R. Herbert, Willard Smith and Wilmar Stahl. Mennonites in Latin America; An Annotated Bibliography, 1912-1971. Reprinted from the Mennonite Quarterly Review, XLVI, April 1972, pp. 177-235.

Mook, Maurice A. "The 'Big Valley' Amish of Central Pennsylvania; A Community of Cultural Contrasts." In: Lycoming College Magazine, XXIV, 5, 1971, pp. 1-5.

Mt. Zion Mennonite Church. Versailles, Missouri, 1971.

Mueller-Krueber, Theodore. Der Protestantismus in Indonesieu: Geschichte and Gestalt. Stuttgart: Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1968, 388 pp.

Norris, John. Strangers Entertained; A History of the Ethnic Groups of British Columbia. Vancouver, British Columbia: Evergreen Press Limited, 1971, 254 pp.

Poettcker, Henry and Rudy A. Regehr. Call to Faithfulness; Essays in Canadian Mennonite Studies. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Canadian Mennonite Bible College, 1972, 222 pp.

Pruden, E. L., C. E. Jakson and I. M. Kahr. "Cw (Rhw) Inheritance in an Amish Isolate." In: American Journal of Medical Technology, XXXVI, 1970.

Rainbow Boulevard Mennonite Church, Kansas City, Kansas. "On Becoming and A Thanksgiving Celebration." Edited by Lyle Preheim and Lauren Friesen. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1972, 20 pp.

Ratzlaff, Erich L. Im Weichselbogen; Mennonitensiedlungen in Zentralpolen. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Christian Press, 1971, 206 pp.

Redekop, Calvin. The Free Church and Seductive Culture. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1970, 189 pp.

Reed, Wilhelmus. Comenius and the Low Countries: Some Aspects of Life and Work of a Czech Exile in the Seventeenth Century. Amsterdam: Van Gendt and Company; Praha: Academia; New York: Abner Schram, 1970, 275 pp.

Regehr, Walter, editor. 25 Jahre Kolonie Neuland Chaco, Paraguay, 1947-1972. Kolonie Neuland, Paraguay, 152 pp.

Reports of Study Commissions on the Nature and Function of the Church of the Brethren. Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana, 1960.

Roberts, Ron E. The New Communes; Coming Together in America. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: PrenticeHall, Inc., 1971, 144 pp.

Roemmich, Heinrich. "Evangelische Gemeinden in Russland nach einem halben Jahr hundert Sowjetherrschaft." In: Kirche im Osten, XIV, 1971, pp. 135-161.

Rowdon, Harold H. The Origins of the Brethren, 1825-1850. London: Pickering and Inglis, Ltd., 1967, 323 pp.

Rowland, Florence Wightman. Amish Boy. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1970, 45 pp.

Rowland, Florence Wightman. Amish Wedding. New York G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1971, 60 pp.

Ruth, Merle. The Mennonite Rationale for Church Discipline. Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 1971, 11 pp. (Offprint from: Sword and Trumpet, Jan.-Mar., 1969.)

Saehse, Julius Friedrich. The German Sectarians of Pennsylvania (2 vols.). New York: AMS Press, 1971, 506 pp. and 535 pp.

Salisbury, Ruth, editor. Pennsylvania Newspapers; a Bibliography and Union List. Pittsburgh: Pennsylvania Library Association, 1969, 179 pp.

Sauder, Dorothy. Trail's End-the Oxbow. Bloomingdale, Ontario: Bloomingdale Mennonite Church, 1972, 18 pp.

Sawatzky, Harry Leonard. They Sought a Country; Mennonite Colonization in Mexico. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971, 387 pp.

Scheer, Herfried. "Research on the Hutterian German Dialect." In: Canadian Ethnic Studies. Calgary, Volume 1, December 1969, pp. 13-20.

Stucky, Peter. Mennonite Churches in Latin America (Adult Leader's Guide). Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1971, 62 pp.

Stumpp, Karl. The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the years 1763 to 1862. Tuebingen: Published by the author, 1972, 1018 pp.

Unruh, John D. As I Recall. Freeman, South Dakota: Pine Hill Press, 1971, 61 pp.

Seguy, Jean. Utopie Cooperative et Oecumenisme. Pieter Cornelisz Plockhoy van Zurik-Zee 1620-1700. Paris: Mouton, 1968, 244 pp.

Thomas, Bill. "Amishville U.S.A." In: Travel, CXXXIV, 4, 1970, pp. 46-51.

Toews, John B. Ein Vaterland verloren; die Geschichte der mennonitischen Emigration aus Sowjetrussland, 1921-1927. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Christian Press, 1971, 240 pp.

Tortora, Vincent R. The Amish Talk of Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Lancaster, Penn.: Photo Arts Publication, 1970, 34 pp.

25 Jaehriges Jubilaeum der Steinbach Mennoniten Gemeinde 1968. 141 pp.

Warkentin, Abe. Reflections on our Heritage; A History of Steinbach and the R. M. of Hanover from 1874. Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers, 1971, 371 pp.

Warner, James A. The Quiet Land. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1970, 168 pp. (Amish)

Webb, Guy P. History of Grant County, Oklahoma, 1811-1970. Grant County Historical Society, 1971, 268 pp.

Wenger, J. C. The Christian Faith; Glimpses of Church History. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 116 pp.

Wenger, J. C. Hans Herr. Lancaster, Penn.: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 1970, 12 pp.

Whitmer, Paul E. The Autobiography of Paul E. Whitmer. Xerox copies by the Whitmer family, 1972, 170 pp.

Zablocki, Benjamin. The Joyful Community. An account of the Bruderhof-a communal movement now in its third generation. Baltimore, Maryland: Penguin Books Inc., 1971, 362 pp.

IV. Education, Service and Outreach

Augsburger, David W. Communicating Good News. Scottdale, Penn.: Mennonite Publishing House; Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1972, 110 pp. (Leader's Guide.)

Bauman, Harold Ernest. The Believers' Church and the Church College. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms (Xerox Copy), 1972. 233 pp.

Bender, Ross. The People of God. Report of a Study Project to Develop a Model for Theological Education in the Free Church Tradition. . . Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 208 pp.

Bumsted, J. M., editor. The Great Awakening: The Beginnings of Evangelical Pietism in America. Waltham, Mass.: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1970, 180 pp.

Canadian Mennonite Bible College, Winnipeg, Manitoba. "Zacchaeus." Edited by Lyle Preheim and Lauren Friesen. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1972, 12 pp.

Duerksen, Christina (Harder). Come With Me. Newton, Kansas: Commission on Overseas Mission, Faith and Life Press, 1971, 88 pp.

Eby, Omar. How Full the River. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 159 pp. (Teaching in Africa.)

Erickson, Donald A. Public Controls for Nonpublic Schools. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969, 242 pp.

Fairfield, James, editor. Probe for an Evangelism that Cares. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 159 pp.

Fast, Aganetha. The Power of Christ's Law in China. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1972, 134 pp.

Hertzler, Daniel, Daniel Augsburger, et al. Mennonite Education; Why and How? A Philosophy of Education for the Mennonite Church. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 71 pp.

Hostetler, John A. and Gertrude Enders Huntington. Children in Amish Society; Socialization and Community Education. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1971, 119 pp. (Case Studies in Education and Culture.)

Keidel, Levi. Stop Treating me like God. Carol Stream, Ill.: Creation House, 1971, 223 pp.

Kraus, C. Norman. The Healing Christ; Social Services and the Evangelical Mission. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 63 pp. (Mission Forum Series.)

Kreider, Carl. Care One for Another; Mutual Aid in the Congregation. Scottdale, Penn.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1972, 72 pp.

Kreider, Carl. Helping Developing Countries. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1968, 47 pp.

Kurokawa, Minako. "Mennonite Children in Waterloo County." In: Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 1969; reprinted in Native Peoples, edited by Jean Leonard Elliot; Minority Canadians. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall of Canada, 1971, v. 2, pp. 33-46.

Lapp, John Allen. The Mennonite Church in India, 1897-1962. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 278 pp.

Lapp, John Allen. The Symbolism of a Library; Dedication Address, October 23, 1971. Harrisonburg, Va.: Eastern Mennonite College, 1972, 16 pp.

Lederach, Paul M. Living with Kindergarten Children; a Book for Parents. Prepared as part of the Mennonite Graded Sunday School Series for parents of children in Kindergarten I and Kindergarten II classes. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press; Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1970, 63 pp.

Lehn, Cornelia. "The Education and Conversion of Children." Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 18 pp.

Loewen, Melvin J. Three Score. Elkhart, Ind.: Congo Inland Mission, 1972, 182 pp.

Loganbill, Shirley. Mennonite Churches in Latin America; A Guide for Teachers of Primary, Junior, and Junior High Children in the Study of Mennonite Churches in Latin America. Lesson Planners: Esther Goves, et al. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press; Scottdale, Penn.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1971, 40 pp.

Martens, Phyllis. The Mustard Tree; The Story of Mennonite Brethren Missions. Fresno, Calif.: Mennonite Brethren Boards of Christian Education in cooperation with the Board of Missions/Services, 1971, 213 pp.

Martin, Ernest D. Off to a Good Start. Scottdale, Penn.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1971, 63 pp.

Martin, Ernest D. Preparing for Church Membership; the Leader's Guide. Scottdale, Penn.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1971, 104 pp.

Martin, John D., editor. Christopher Dock; Pioneer Christian Schoolmaster on the Skippack. Harrisonburg, Virginia: Christian Light Publications, 1971, 61 pp.

Marty, Martin E. Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America. New York: Dial Press, 1970, 295 pp.

Mennonite Advertising Agency, Harrisonburg, Va. Report of Family Life Television Spots-Series II, 1970. Participating Groups: General Conference Mennonite Church, Mennonite Brethren Churches (USA), (Old) Mennonite Church. Harrisonburg, Va., 1970, 77 pp.

Mennonite Brethren Church. Worship Hymnal. Fresno, Calif.: General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1971, 671 pp.

Mennonite Children's Home Auxiliary, Kansas City, Kansas. Happiness Is... Kansas City, Kansas, 1971, 81 pp.

Mennonite Mental Health Services. Papers and Responses Presented at the Twenty-fifth Anniversary Program at Brook Lane Psychiatric Center, October 1 and 2, 1971. Fresno, Calif., 1971, 75 pp.

Miller, Levi, editor. The Family in Today's Society. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 107 pp.

Nohl, Frederick. The Christian Elementary School Educates the Whole Child. Harrisonburg, Va., Adapted and distributed by Christian Light Publications, 1971, 10 pp.

Pauls, Peter. "Gleiche Bildungschancen auch fuer das Favelakind; Aus der Schulpraxis der Mennonitensiedlung in Witmarsum,/Brasilien." In: Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen. Zeitschrift fuer Kulturaustausch, XXI, 3, 1971, pp. 28-30.

Peachey, J. Lorne, editor. More Songs to be Sung. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press; Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1971, 32 pp.

Preheim, Vern. A Collection of Writings by Mennonites on Southern Africa. N. p., 1972. 82 pp.

Raid, Howard. Care for One Another; Mutual Aid in the Congregation. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1972, 48 pp.

Ramseyer, R. L. "The Christian Role in Creating a Human Society." In: Major Papers and Critiques Presented at the Thirteenth Hayama Missionary Seminar; "The Mandate of the Gospel to Technological Society"; Amagi Sanso, 5-7 January 1972. Compiling editor: Carl C. Beck. Tokyo, 1972, pp. 65-79.

Redekop, Calvin. The Ministry of Mutual Encouragement. Cincinnati, Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 1971, 14 pp. (Shared Ministry Lectures)

Redekop, Calvin. "Pastor and Congregation in Community Involvement." In: Quaker Life, XI, 1970, pp. 48-49.

Rieman, T. Wayne, et al. The Christian and Campus Ferment; A Series in Chapels and Convocations at Goshen College, May 28 - June 3, 1970. Goshen, Indiana, 1970, 20 pp.

Royer, Katherine. Happy Times with Nursery Children at Horse and Church. A Guide for Parents and Sunday-school Teachers of Nursery Children Who Will Enter First Grade in Three Years. Scottdale, Penn.: Mennonite Publishing House; Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1971, 200 pp.

U. S. Supreme Court. The Amish School Decision. Full text of the U. S. Supreme Court's decision in Wisconsin vs. Yoder, together with dissenting and concurring opinions and footnotes. Washington, D. C., 1972, 12 pp.

Wenger, J. C., et al. The Story and Witness of the Christian Way. A Resource Book for Youth and Adults Preparing for Church Membership. Scottdale, Penn.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1971, 128 pp.

V. Fine Arts and Language

Ausbund, Das ist: Etliche schoene Christliche Lieder. Germantown 1742, Reprint, Amsterdam: Frits Knuf; Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1972. (Mennonite Songbooks, American Series, Volume I.)

Christliches Gemuetsgespraech vom seligmachenden Glauben fuer die Jugend in Fragen und Antworten. Scottdale, Penn.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1972, 336 pp.

Dyck, Arnold. Cawp en Buea fowaren now Toronto. Edited and transliterated by James R. Jaquith. Edwardsville, Ill., 1972, 84 pp.

Daes, Nelly. Woelfe and Sonnenblumen. Baden-Baden, Germany: Signal-Verlag, 1969, 172 pp. (Russia and Germany after World War II)

Epp, Reuben. Plautdietsche Schreftsteckja. Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers, 1972, 116 pp.

Groenveld, S. Muziek by het Lam; Orgels, Organisten en Orgelmuziek in de Doopsgezinde Singelkerk to Amsterdam; with an English Summary. Amsterdam: Verenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente, 1970, 99 pp.

Han, Nathan E., compiler. A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 479 pp.

Harder, Geraldine Gross. When Apples are Ripe; The Story of Clayton Kratz. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 223 pp.

Horst, Mary Ann. Pennsylvania Dutch Fun, Folklore and Cooking. Kitchener, Ontario: Pennsylvania Dutch Craft Shop, n. d., 63 pp.

Joris, David. Een Geestelijk Liedt-Boecxken. Reprint, Amsterdam: Frits Knuf ; Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1971. (Mennonite Songbooks, Dutch Series, Volume I.)

Mierau, Eric. "A Descriptive Grammar of Ukranian Low German." Indiana University, Bloomington, 1965. (Microfilm in Fresno.)

Wiebe, Rudy. The Blue Mountains of China. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 1970, 227 pp. (Mennonites)

VI. Family History and Cooking

Amstutz, Evelyn Jane. Additions and Corrections, Benjamin Amstutz Family Record, 1966-1971. Goshen, Ind., 1971, 12 pp.

Bethel College Mennonite Church, North Newton, Kansas. "Peter's Denial." Edited by Lyle Preheim and Lauren Friesen. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1972, 18 pp.

Boeckner, Mrs. D. G., et al, compilers. Christian Home Cook Book; favorite family recipes contributed by various persons from Canada, United States and Mexico. Hesston, Kansas: Gospel Publishers, 1970, 399 pp.

Brentz, Wilma. Christian Schertz Genealogy and History, 1815-1971; Family Tree. Farmington, Ill., 1971, 84 pp.

Brown, Peter. The Brauns of Osterwick. Published by the author, Steinbach, Manitoba, 1972, 308 pp.

Canadian Mennonite Cookbook. Altona, Manitoba: D. W. Friesen & Sons Ltd., 1971, 14th printing, 164 pp.

Chronik der Familie Hege. Heft 2, 53 pp. and 16 pp., Appendix. Karlsruhe, 1970.

Claassen, Jacob and Anna Claassen. In the Name of the Triune God-Something of the Experiences of our dear Parents of us, and various memories. November 1930, 20 pp.

Coblentz, Amanda (Sommers) (Mrs. Mose E. Coblentz). Descendants of David C. Troyer and Lydia Speicher, 1870-1971. Hartville, Ohio, 1971, 76 pp.

Crockett, Richard, editor. Herald Summer Bible School Songbook. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 63 pp.

Cross, Harold E. Index to Selected Amish Genealogies. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1970, 400 pp.

The Dunkard-Dutch Cook Book. Lebanon, Penn.: Applied Arts Publishers, 1965, 42 pp.

Ebel, Ethel Hiebert. The Family of Abraham Eitzen 1830-1969. Hillsboro, Kansas. 114 pp.

Egeland, Janice A., editor. Descendants of Christian Fisher and other Amish-Mennonite Pioneer Families. Baltimore: Moore Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1972, 605 pp.

Epp, Helen. A Treasury of Cookie Recipes. N. p., 1970, 224 pp.

Ewert, Mr. and Mrs. David M., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Goertzen, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harder, Mr. and Mrs. David Baerg, compilers. The Gerhard Baerg Family from the Village of Marienthal, South Russia to America, 1793-1972. 1972, 39 pp.

Faculty Ladies. Favorite Family Recipes from Eastern Mennonite College. Harrisonburg, Virginia: Eastern Mennonite College, 1972, 385 cards.

Farmwald, Susie and Jacob Miller. Family History of Jacob Farmwald, 1837-1970. Elkhart, Ind., 1971, 106 pp.

Fleming, Peter P. The Christian Gottlieb Herrfort Family. N. p., 1971, 158 pp.

Garber, Dean K. Ancestors of Jacob and Esther Garber and Their Descendants. Goshen, Ind., 1970, 383 pp.

Gingerich, Mary A. Cemetery Directory of Amish and Mennonites in Iowa, Johnson and Washington Counties of Iowa. Kalona, Iowa, 1972, 279 pp.

Hirschler, Paul and Olga. Peter Sr. and Katharina Weber Families. A genealogical Report of the direct blood line descendants of Peter Sr. and Katharina, nee Schowalter, Weber 1806-1970. August, 1972. 123 pp.

Janzen, Mary Dirks. My Memories. N. d., n. p., 28 pp.

The John Harder Family Tree. 31 pp.

Kauffman, Margaret and Vera Stutzman. Family History of Daniel J. Johns. n. p., 1972, 19 pp.

The Lancaster County Farm Cook Book. A Collection of nearly three hundred popular recipes gathered from Amish, Mennonite and Gay Pennsylvania farm families of Lancaster County, Lebanon, Penn.: Applied Arts Publishers, 1972, 42 pp.

Loewen, Solomon Leppke, editor. The Heinrich Leppke Family. Published by Rosella Leppka-Sirotiak and others, Hillsboro, Kansas, 1972, 136 pp.

Miller, Ella May. Ella May's Favorite Recipes for Heart and Hearth. Chicago: Moody Press, 1971, 128 pp.

Miller, Enos H. and Ada (Glick) Miller. Family Record of Christian J. Miller and Barbara A. Bontrager. Kalona, Iowa, 1972, 66 pp.

Miller, Oscar. Descendants of Henry Schrock and Barbara Miller from the Year 1807-1971. Berlin, Ohio, 1971, 121 pp.

Miller, Yost H. and Mrs. Yost H. Miller. Descendants of Elias A. Weaver. . . Gordonville, Penn.: Gordonville Print Shop, 1971, 128 pp.

Neufeld, John T. and Jacob C. Fast, compilers. The Family of Abraham and Elizabeth Klassen Wiens. 1970, 67 pp.

Plank, Isa Ruth. Descendants of Isaac J. Plank. Lyons, Kansas, 1971, 100 pp.

Raber, Elizabeth J. Life's Journey. Gordonville, Penn.: Gordonville Print Shop, 1971, 241 pp.

Raid, Howard D. The Mennonite Family - Daniel Koller, Switzerland-Pfalz-United States. Burlington, Iowa: Raid Brothers Construction Company, 1970.

Rempel, David D. Family Chronicle. II vols. (First in German) Saskatoon, Sask.: Author, 1969 I, 112 pp. 1970 II, 500 pp.

Schertz, Mrs. Harold. Joseph (1827-1914) and Peter (1833-1911) Schertz; two Sons of Joseph Schertz, 1800-1895. Saybrook, Ill., 1971, 61 pp.

Shaw, Laverna (Penner) and James W. Shaw, Jr. The Penner Genealogy, Beginning with Jacob Penner; Approximately 1777-1971. North Newton, Kansas: Mennonite Press, 1971, 68 pp.

Showalter, Mary Emma. Favorite Family Recipes from the Mennonite Community Cookbook. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 127 pp.

Stucky, Harley J., compiler. The Joshua P. Stucky Family Record, 1855-1972. North Newton, Kansas: Mennonite Press, 1972, 59 pp.

Stauffer, Helmut. Die Geschichte der Familie Stauffer-Bolanderhof mit ihren Seitenlinien. Kirchheimbolanden, 1971, 283 pp.

Swope, Wilmer D., compiler. The Genealogical History of the Stoltzfus Family in America, 1717-1972; Containing in Particular the Register of the Descendants and Family of Ammon Esh Stoltzfus, 1872-1965. Seymour, Missouri; Edgewood Press, 1972, 55 pp.

Thayer, Ruth V. Eicher Genealogy, 17 -1964, with Additions Each Year. Bad Axe, Michigan, 1971, 148 pp.

Vogt, Vella K. Genealogy Record of the Andrew and Anna Plenert Schroeder Family. Valley Center, Kansas, 1970, 22 pp.

Vogt, Vella K. Genealogy Record of the Anton and Maria Nickel Knak Family. Valley Center, Kansas, 1969, 21 pp.

Vogt, Vella K. Genealogy Record of the Christian and Freni Waltner and Lena Waltner Albrecht (Albright) Families. Valley Center, Kansas, 1971, 51 pp.

Witmer, Marion E. The Christian S. Witmer, Jr., Family History and Genealogy, circa 1730-1971. Huntingdon, Ind.: United Brethren Publishing Establishment, 1971, 83 pp.

Ziegler, Gertrude (Mohlin). The Ziegler Family and Related Families in Pennsylvania. Zelienople, Penn.: Charles Campbell Printing Company, 1970, 448 pp.

VII. Mennonite Writers and Publishers

Augsburger, David. Man, Am I Uptight! Chicago: Moody Press, 1970, 122 pp.

Augsburger, David W. Seventy Times Seven; the Freedom of Forgiveness. Chicago: Moody Press, 1970, 128 pp.

Augsburger, Myron S. The Expanded Life. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1972, 127 pp.

Bauman, Clarence. Manifestations of the Spirit of God. Or: "Charismatic Movement." Elkhart, Ind., 1971, 18 pp.

Brenneman, Helen (Good). The House by the Side of the Road. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 200 pp.

Brunk, George R., editor. Encounter with the Holy Spirit. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 244 pp.

Brunk, Menno J. Fulfilled Prophecies. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1971, 160 pp.

Charles, Howard H. Fifty Days. Seven study guides for weekly use between April 3 and May 21, 1972. Goshen, Ind.: Goshen College, 1972, 9 pp.

Charles, Howard H. Why Study the New Testament. Elkhart, Ind.: Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, 1971, 12 pp.

Culp, G. Richard. Bible Studies in Prophecy; A Fresh Examination of the Major Passages of Scripture on Eschatology. Seymour, Missouri: Historical Mennonite Faith Publishers, 1971, 312 pp.

Drescher, John M. In Grief's Lone Hour. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 16 pp.

Drescher, John M. May Your Marriage be a Happy One. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 16 pp.

Drescher, John M. Suffering and God's Presence. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 16 pp.

Dyck, H. J. Messages for the Heart; Devotional Messages. Newton, Kansas: Printed for Dorothea J. Dyck, 1972.

Epp, Margaret. The Call of the Wahoa; and Other Stories. Chicago: Moody Press, 1971, 127 pp. (Moody Pre-Teen Books )

Epp, Margaret. The Great Frederick; and Other Stories. Chicago: Moody Press, 1971, 127 pp.

Epp, Margaret. The Princess Rides a Panther. Chicago: Moody Press, 1970, 128 pp.

Epp, Margaret. Runaway at the Running K. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972, 190 pp.

Gerlach, Horst. Nightmare in Red. Carol Stream, Ill.: Creation House, 1970, 239 pp.

Friesen, Lauren. The Fallow Fields. Goshen, Ind.: PinchPenny Press, 1971, 27 pp.

Hamilton, Dorothy. Anita. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 96 pp.

Hamilton, Dorothy. Charco. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 126 pp.

Hamilton, Dorothy. Christmas for Holly. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 110 pp.

Hamilton, Dorothy. Jim Musco. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 94 pp.

Hamilton, Dorothy. Kerry. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1973, 112 pp.

Hamilton, Dorothy. The Killdeer. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 149 pp.

Hiebert, D. Edmond. The Thessalonian Epistles; a Call to Readiness; a Commentary. Chicago: Moody Press, 1971, 383 pp.

Hiebert, D. Edmond. Wayside Wells for the Tested and Tried. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972, 48 pp.

Jacobs, Donald R. Demons; an Examination of Demons at Work in the World Today. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 55 pp. (Focal Pamphlet, No. 22; John F. Funk Lecture, 1972.)

Kauffman, Christmas Carol. Not Regina. Chicago: Moody Press, 1971, 232 pp. (Moody Giant)

Kauffman, Christmas Carol. One Boy's Battle. Aylmer, Ontario: Pathway Publishing Corporation, 1971, 186 pp.

Kaufman, Edmund G. Basic Christian Convictions. North Newton, Kansas: Bethel College, 1972, 338 pp.

Kaufman, Gordon D. God the Problem. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972, 276 pp.

Kaufman, Gordon D. "What Shall We Do With the Bible?" In: Interpretation, XXV, 1971, pp. 95-112.

King, Harley, editor. Thirteen Poets; an anthology of student poetry. Goshen, Ind.: Pinch Penny Press, 1971, 61 pp.

Kornelsen, Heinrich H. Der Schatz und die Perle. Yarrow, British Columbia: Columbia Press, 1972, 124 pp.

Lehman, Chester K. Biblical Theology. Vol. 1, Old Testament. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 480 pp.

Lehman, Chester K. The Fulfillment of Prophecy. Rev. ed. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 64 pp.

Lehn, Cornelia. God Keeps His Promise; a Bible Story Book for Kindergarten Children. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press; Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1970, 192 pp.

Lind, Millard C. Biblical Foundations for Christian Worship. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1973, 61 pp.

Lind, Miriam (Sieber). "No Crying He Makes. . ," Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 93 pp.

Miller, John W. Judgment and Hope; eight plays from the lives of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Haggai, and Zechariah. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 47 pp.

No Empty Seal. Aylmer, Ontario: Pathway Publishers, 1972, 122 pp.

Oyer, Mary, editor. Festival of the Holy Spirit Song Book. Goshen, Ind.: Goshen College, 1972, 144 pp.

Rae, Mary Joyce. Empty Arms. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 16 pp.

Rosen, Moishe, et al. Jesus Broadsides. Art by Steffi. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972.

Schisler, Barbara (Esch). Reprieve. Goshen, Ind.: PinchPenny Press, 1970, 30 pp.

Shank, David A. His Spirit First; with Response by Wilbert R. Shenk. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 65 PP.

Shetler, Sanford G. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians, 55 A. D. Harrisonburg, Virginia: Christian Light Publications, 1971, 162 pp.

Stoll, Elmo. One-way Street. Aylmer, Ontario: LaGrange, Ind.: Pathway Publishers, 1972, 301 pp.

Stoll, Joseph, David Luthy and Elmo Stoll, editors. Our Heritage. 2nd Printing. Aylmer, Ontario; LaGrange, Ind.: Pathway Publishing Corporation, 1971, 476 pp. (Pathway Reading Series, 8th Grade.)

Stoll, Joseph, David Luthy and Elmo Stoll, editors. Seeking True Values. 2nd printing. Aylmer, Ontario: Pathway Publishing Corporation, 1971, 462 pp. (Pathway Reading Series, 7th Grade.)

Stoll, Joseph, David Luthy and Elmo Stoll, editors. Step by Step. 2nd Printing. Aylmer, Ontario: Pathway Publishing Corporation, 1971, 413 pp.

Stoll, Joseph, David Luthy and Elmo Stoll, editors. Thinking of Others. 2nd Printing. Aylmer, Ontario: Pathway Publishing Corporation, 1971, 414 pp.

Vogt, Esther (Loewen). Ann. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 198 pp.

Vogt, Esther (Loewen), and Paul D. Miller. I'll Walk Again. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1972, 199 pp.

Wall, Martha. In Crossfire of Hate. Chicago: Moody Press, 1970, 288 pp.

Weaver, Sarah M. Beyond the Past. Aylmer, Ontario; LaGrange, Ind.: Pathway Publishing Corporation, 1972, 382 pp.

Winger, Orpha. Broken Barriers. Scottdale, Penn.: Herald Press, 1971, 184 pp.

Witmer, Dallas. The Realm of Darkness. Crockett, Ky.: Rod and Staff Publishers, 1971, 27 pp.

Wolgemuth, Sam. Escape to Slavery. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972, 32 pp.

[The following pages are from pp. 17-21 of the March 1973 issue.]

Radical Reformation Research


By Cornelius Krahn, Nelson P. Springer, Melvin Gingerich, Walter Klaassen and others

IN THE APRIL, 1971 issue of Mennonite Life, we reported about numerous research projects, including M.A . and Ph.D. dissertations. Preceding April issues since 1949 (except in 1961, 1963, 1967, and 1968 when they were in the July issues) contain similar information under the heading "Mennonite Research in Progress." Of special significance in this issue are the "Doctoral Dissertations" and the "M.A. Theses." The list is much longer not only because there was no listing in 1972, bust also because we have been able to acquire new sources of information in regard to the Ph. D., dissertations and M.A. theses in progress. We name particularly the two volumes, Dissertations in History, by Warren F. Kuehl, published by the University Press of Kentucky in 1960 and in 1970, and Dissertation in History, published annually by the American Historical Association. Some selections were also made from the volumes of Index of Graduate Theses in Baptist Theological Seminaries, published by The Historical Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, covering the years 1894-1971.

The listing of additional dissertations has been continued annually in this column. The editors of Mennonite Life will be pleased to receive information about research in progress and dissertations to be included in subsequent issues.

This column also contains a report about the work of the North American Committee for Documentation of Free Church Origins, (NACDFCO). This issue will be sent to all members of the Committee as an annual report. Additional copies of this particular issue can be ordered from the publisher.

Doctoral Dissertations

Bauman, Harold Ernest. "The Believers' Church and the Church College." Ed. D., Columbia University, 1972, 233 pp.

Burger, Edward K. "Anabaptist-Catholic Relations in the Sixteenth Century." Ph. D., University of California at Santa Barbara. (In progress)

Burkhalter, Sheldon Wayne. "Anabaptism and the Unity of the Church: Insights for Contemporary Ecumenicity." D. of Min., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1972, 317 pp.

Dick, John R. "A Suggested Plan of Administration for the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Conference." D.R.E., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1953, 267 pp.

Friesen, Isaac I. "The Glory of the Ministry of Jesus Christ Illustrated by a Study of 2 Cor. 2:14-3:18." Th.D., University of Basel, 1971, 167 pp.

Gerlach, Russel L. "Rural Ethnic and Religious Groups as Cultural Islands in the Ozarks of Missouri: Their Emergence and Persistence." Ph.D., University of Southwest Missouri State College, 1972.

Hardwich, Robert. "A Study of the Mennonites of Denbigh Community and the West Valley District in Virginia." Ph.D., University of Virginia (Charlottesville). (In progress)

Hayes, Donald P. "The Iowa Amish and Their Education." Ph. D., University of Iowa, 1972, 105 pp.

Hiebert, Clarence. "The Holdeman People, A Study of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1858-1969." Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, 1971, 630 pp.

Hopple, Lee Charles. "Spatial Development and Internal Spatial Organization of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Plain Dutch Community." Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1971.

Isaak, Helmut. "Das Weltverstaendnis von Menno Simons," Ph.D., University of Amsterdam, 1972.

Jacobszoon, J. P. "Johannes Deknatel, een Amsterdamse Mennist in bet gezelschap van Zinzendorf." Ph. D., University of Amsterdam, 1972.

Kadelbach, Ada. "Die Hymnodie der Mennoniten in Nordamerika (1742-1860) ." Eine Studie zur Verpflanzung, Bewahrung and Umformung europaeischer Kirchenliedtradition," Ph.D. Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet, Mainz, 1971, 285 pp.

Miller, Paul Martin. "Investigation of the Relationship Between Mennonite Theology and Mennonite Worship." Th.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1961.

Rechlin, Alice Theodora Merten. "The Utilization of Space by the Nappanee, Indiana Old Order Amish; A Minority Group Study." Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1970, 218 pp.

Rohland, Curbs, "Ethnic Education in a Multi-National State--Mennonite Education in Russia" Ph. D., University of Kansas. (In progress)

Saffady, William. "Anabaptism in England under Edward IV." Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1972.

Sawatsky, Rodney J. "History as Ideology: The Identity Struggle of an American Minority-The Mennonites" Ph. D., University of Princeton. (In progress) .

Sea, Thomas F. "The Swabian League and the German Peasant's War." Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley. (In progress)

Steeves, Paul D: "The Evangelical Baptist Movement in the Soviet Union, 1917-1929." Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1972.

M.A. Theses

Beyler, Clayton Vern. "Meaning and Relevance of the Devotional Covering: A Study in the Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16." Th.M., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1954.

Brandsma, Jan Auke. "Transition of Menno Simons from Roman Catholicism to Anabaptism as Reflected In His Writings." B.D., Baptist Theological Seminary, Switzerland, 1955, 60 pp.

Braun, Jack D. "Mennonite Plays and Playwrights and the Mennonite Theme in Dramatic Literature in the United States." M.A., University of Kansas, 1965.

Burkhalter, Sheldon Wayne. "Anabaptism and the Unity of the Church: Insights for Contemporary Ecumenicity. M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1972, 317 pp.

Byrum, Allen L. "Mennonite Settlements in Paraguay." M.A., Columbia University. (In progress)

Conley, James E. "Mennonite Missions in Ghana and Nigeria, 1957-1969." M.A., Indiana University. (In progress)

Dick, La Vernae J. "Early Mennonites in Oregon."' M.A., Oregon College of Education, 1972, 107 pp.

Esau, John A. "Religion and Culture. A New Model for Understanding Their Changing Relationships." M.Th, Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, 1972.

Foster, Claude R., Jr. "Johannes Buenderlin: Radical Reformer of the Sixteenth Century." M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1963.

Hiebert, Marcia. "A Study of Characteristics of Students Enrolled in the Bethel Experimental Learning Laboratory." M.A., University of Kansas, 1971.

Hofman, R. "De zending der gemeente van Christus tot de wereld." Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1970.

Hopper, John David. "Balthasar Hubmaier's Doctrine of the Church." Th.M., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1966, 101 pp.

Kiwiet, Jan J. "Hans Denck and His Teaching (15001527) ." B.D., Baptist Theological Seminary, Switzerland, 1954, 114 pp.

Klassen, John J. "Scriptural Authority Among the Anabaptists: A Study of Implicit Obedience." Th.M., Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 1966, 105 pp.

Klippenstein, Lawrence. Religion and Dissent in the Era of Reform: The Russian Stundobaptists, 1858-1884. M.A., University of Minnesota, 1971. (Reference to Mennonites)

Knipscheer, Jr. L. D. G. "De eerste tien j aren van de Doopsgezinde vredesbeweging." Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1972.

Krajewski, Ekkehard. "So-called Petition of Protest and Defense to the Zurich Council, 1524-1525 ; A Comparative Historical Document." B.D., Baptist Theological Seminary, Switzerland, 1954, 95 pp.

Lanning, James Walter. "The Old Colony Mennonites of Bolivia: A Case Study." M.Sc., Texas A & M University, 1971, 130 pp.

Laurence, Hugh Getty. "A Formal Analysis of Museum Displays in Central Kansas." M.A., McGill University, 1972. (Includes Kauffman Museum, Bethel College)

Martins, Sister. "Professionalization of Amish Teachers in Ohio." M.A., St. John College of Cleveland. (In progress)

Miller, Robert W. "The Role and Contribution of 'the Foreign Voluntary Agencies in South Vietnam, 1966-1971." M.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1972, 149 pp.

Moser, Robert E. "Historical Background of Zions Harp Hymnbook of Apostolic Christian Church." M.A., Illinois State University. (In progress)

Noebel, David Arthur. "The Rationale for Pacifism in the Anabaptist Movement." M.A., University of Tulsa, 1971.

Noll, Mark A. "Luther and Hoffman; Letter to Livanian Church and Later Break, 1525-29." M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. (In progress)

Palij, Michael. "The Peasant Partisan Movement of the Anarchist Nestor Makhno, 1918-21. An Aspect of the Ukrainian Revolution." M.A. Thesis, University of Kansas. October 1971, 432 pp. (Reference to Mennonites)

Polzin, Alfred. "A History of the Germantown Mennonite Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." Th.M., Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1971. 111 pp.

Raber, Chester Alden. "Investigation into the Beliefs of Mennonite Young People." Th.M., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1954.

Raegan, Cheryl A. "Amish Funeral Rites." M.A., Ball State University. (In progress)

Roth, Roy Daniel. "A Curriculum for a Proposed Church Music Major at Eastern Mennonite College. M.A., University of Oregon, 1972, 91 pp.

Voolstra, Sjouke. "Enige opmerkingen over de Hermeneutiek van Melchior Hoffman en de invloeden -hiervan op de doperse beweging in Nederland." Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1972.

Zwede, Weard. "Contribution of Anabaptists of the 16th Century to Religious Liberty." B.D., Baptist Theological Seminary, Switzerland, 1954, 61 pp.

North American Committee for the Documentation of Free Church Origins (NACDFCO), 1971-1972

The last meeting of the Committee of Free Church Origins was held in New York in conjunction with the American Society of Church History, December 1971. No meeting was held in December 1972 because of a lack of response from prospective participants.

I. Highlights of the December 1971 Meeting.

A. The Committee members reviewed the work and made plans for the future.

B. Cornelius Krahn, who has been the Executive Secretary of the Committee since its organization in 1964, asked to be relieved of this responsibility. He was asked to continue to serve as Vice-Chairman of the Committee. Walter Klaassen was elected to succeed Krahn as Executive Secretary. Ronald Sider of Messiah College was appointed Recording Secretary.

C. It was agreed that the annual "Research in Progress" and "Radical Reformation Bibliography" featured in Mennonite Life since 1949 be sent to all members and friends of NACDFCO as an off-print or in a copy of the issue of Mennonite Life. It was suggested that this research and bibliographical report could be headed by the title "Free Church Studies" with sub-sections on Radical Reformation, Anabaptistica, Mennonitica, Pietism, etc.

D. The Executive Committee of NACDFCO has produced a new letterhead which brings up to date recent changes in personnel.

II. Current Activities and Source Publications (In preparation).

A. NACDFCO Paperback Series (in preparation).

1. Donald Durnbaugh, "Mutual Aid."

2. Clyde Mankhreck, "Religious Liberty."

3. Lowell Zuck, "Christianity and Revolution."

B. Other source publications.

1. "Mennonite Bibliography, 1631-1961" by A. J. Klassen and Nelson P. Springer. (Expected to be off the press in 1973. )

2. "The Legacy of Michael Sattler" by John H. Yoder (at the press).

3. "Writings and Letters of Pilgram Marbeck" by William Klassen and Walter Klaassen (to be published in 1973 ).

4. "Balthasar Hubmaier" by William R. Estep and John H. Yoder.

5. "Hans Denck" by Clarence Bauman.

6. "Dirk Phillips" by William Keeney.

7. "Andreas Karlstadt" by Ronald J. Sider.

8. "The Czech Reformation" by J. K. Zeman.

(All these are to be published by the Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, Pa., in a series "Classics of the Radical Reformation.")

III.To All Members and Friends of the Committee on Free Church Origins NACDFCO:

There will again be a meeting of NACDFCO next December in conjunction with the A.H.A. and A.S.C.H. meeting. Kindly respond to the invitation when you receive it in November.

This issue of Mennonite Life, devoted largely to research and publications, has been mailed to the members and friends of NACDFCO with the compliments of Mennonite Life, now published by the Herald Publishing Company, 129 West Sixth St., Newton, Kansas 67114. Since this issue should prove to be an excellent source of information for any researcher, be it in a teaching position or as a student, you can order additional copies by sending $1.00 per copy to the publishers.

You are also invited to check and see whether your library has a complete set of Mennonite Life, started in 1946. Complete sets and single issues (also those with the annual research reports and bibliographies) are available. Write to: Mennonite Life, Mennonite Library and Archives, North Newton, Kansas 67117, for information or order.

Related Projects

Cornelius Krahn and Walter Klaassen are preparing each a volume of source materials on Dutch and Swiss Anabaptism for undergraduate teaching. They are to be topically arranged.

The Taeuferakten-Kommission of Germany has published a volume of Taeuferakten devoted to Austria, Grete Mecenseffy, Oesterreich II. Teil in the series Quellen zur Geschichte der Taeufer.

The rather active Dutch sister organization Commissie tot de uitgave van Documenta Anabaptistica Neerlandica has recently appointed Walter Klaassen as a North American member in addition to Irvin B. Horst (Amsterdam) and Cornelius Krahn who are members of the organization since its beginning. Horst and Krahn are also members of the German TAK, the mother organization of NACDFCO.

George H. Williams is currently in Poland on a Gugenheim Fellowship doing research and preparing an English translation of Historei Reformationis Polonicae of Stanislas Lubienieckis.

Bethel College Research Projects

(Not published)

Justus G. Holsinger. "Puerto Rico, Island of Progress.'' Research Project at Bethel College, North Newton, Kan., 1970, 306 pp.

David Haury. "German-Russian Immigrants and Kansas Politics: A Comparison of the Catholic and Mennonite Immigration to Kansas and Their Politics.'' Research Paper at Bethel College, North Newton, Kan., 1970, 183 pp.

Fred Zerger. "Anabaptism in Elizabethian England: An Interpretive History." Essay presented at London School of Economics, 1970, 83 pp.

Donald C. Holsinger. "Pressures Affecting the Mennonite German-Americans in Central Kansas During World War I." Research Paper at Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas, 1970, 60 pp.

Becky Fretz. "Selected Student Characteristics Comparing BELL and non-BELL Bethel College Students." A Research paper at Bethel College, North Newton, Kan., 1971, 69 pp.

Sondra Kay Bandy. "The Mennonite Image of the Government." Research paper at Bethel College, North Newton, Kan., 1970, 58 pp.

Canadian Research

David Janzen is engaged in research on Hans Denck. The emphasis is on the theological contribution of this significant Anabaptist leader. David Kroeker is working on a cognate essay which is an annotated translation of Hans Denck's Commentary on Micah. Lyle Friesen is dealing in his research with "Mennonite Interpretation of Anabaptism."

Walter Klaassen is working on a lengthy essay on nonresistance, to be published in Peace Research Reviews, published by the Canadian Peace Research Institute. Klaassen is in the final stage of the preparation of the book, Anabaptism: Neither Catholic nor Protestant, (Conrad Press, Waterloo, Ontario). Walter Klaassen is also finishing the book, Michael Gaismair: Revolutionary and Reformer, for which project he spent some time in Austria. Werner Packull (University of Waterloo) has finished an essay entitled "Denck's Alleged Baptism by Hubmaier; Its Significance for the Origin of South German-Austrian Anabaptism."

The Mennonite Reporter, edited by Frank H. Epp, and published by Mennonite Publishing Service, Waterloo, Ontario, regularly carries articles of significant historical and theological nature, including book reviews of many Anabaptist-Mennonite publications.

Frank H. Epp is writing the history of the Canadian Mennonites, to be published in the near future.

Leonard Sawatsky, University of Manitoba, continues his research of the Mennonites that have migrated from Manitoba to Mexico and South America. He is the author of They Sought a Country: Mennonite Colonization in Mexico.

John B. Toews, Calgary, Alberta, has written articles entitled "American Mennonite Relief in Russia (1921-1927)," "Mennonite Settlements in Siberia," and "Mennonite Flight into China."

At Home and Abroad

Roland H. Bainton has published his first volume on Women of the Reformation. His second volume is at the press, and the third is in preparation.

Samuel H. Geiser, of Switzerland, was recently honored by the University of Zurich, when he was granted an honorary degree in connection with his authorship of the revised and enlarged edition of his book, Die Taufgesinnten Gemeinden, (1971) .

The well known Mennonite artist, "Tom" Schenk, has produced paintings of George Blaurock, Conrad Grebel, and Felix Manz. Schenk is best known for his Christopher Dock painting. His works of art have been featured in various Mennonite magazines.

Grant M. Stoltzfus of Eastern Mennonite College is engaged in a research project dealing with the relations of British and American governments to the conscientious objectors in World War I and II with a special inquiry into the origins of alternative service programs. In 1971-72 he had a T. Wistar Brown Fellowship from Haverford College which enabled him to study the Quaker sources there, as well as the Peace Collection at Swarthmore College. He intends to continue this project in the summer of 1973.

"Papers and Responses Presented at the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Program at Brook Lane Psychiatric Center, October 1 and 2, 1971." Fresno, Calif.: Mennonite Mental Health Service, 32 pp. (Typescript)

Jacob A. Loewen. "Research Report on the Question of Settling Lengua and Chulupi Indians in the Paraguayan Chaco." This research project was carried out at the request of the Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, Pa., 1964, 117 pp.

Christopher, Stefan C. Plato's Republic and Hutter's New Jerusalem. Cheney, Wash.: Eastern Washington State College, 1971, 15 pp.

Leland Harder, Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Ind., and a number of assistants, are reviewing the translation of the letters of Conrad Grebel, which are to be published in the near future.

Carl Bangs of St. Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, Mo., is preparing a manuscript for publication dealing with the Kleine Gemeinde, its characteristics and families.

History As Ideology

What George H. Williams described as the "pious Mennonite" interpretation of Anabaptist history has recently become the "whipping boy" of Anabaptist studies as for examples in Claus-Peter Clasen Anabaptism: A Social History, 1525-1618, (Ithaca, N. Y., 1972), and James M. Stayer Anabaptists and the Sword, (Lawrence, Kan., 1972). The charge that some Mennonite historians went beyond mere rescuing of Anabaptism from an antagonistic historiography to the apologetic use of Anabaptism to develop an identity for 20th century Mennonites is difficult to refute and must be recognized above all by Mennonite historians.

But those who would demythologize Mennonite studies of Anabaptism should be aware of their own presuppositions if they want to be taken seriously. Clasen especially, despite his disclaimers of ideological interest, riddles his volume with dubious conclusions on the basis of his particular value judgments. Thus, following from his commitments to quantitative analysis, he concludes that the importance of a movement can be weighed in the balance of numbers. And given his own pragmatic standards, he judges Anabaptist notions of society impractical.

At issue is not the legitimacy of those who would debunk the "pious Mennonite" reading of the Reformation era, but rather to insist that those pursuing other interpretations likewise admit their own presuppositions (as Stayer to some extent attempts to do.) Subjectivity, despite Clasen's claims to the contrary, is always inherent in historical work and it seems that the degree of objectivity attainable is in direct proportion to the ability and willingness of the historian to face his own faith principles.

Recognizing the necessity for historians to square with their own commitments or agendas, even for Mennonites to admit the existence of a "pious Mennonite" school of Anabaptist studies, is not to understand the phenomenon. Since they served as the major ideologues of American Mennonite identity, most Mennonite historians described the past, defined the present, and proposed the future. But even as advocates of a normative Anabaptism, they were guided in their description of that 16th century movement by the very sociological and theological milieu in America to which the ideal was to speak. Hence, the context of the historian must be known to understand his writings. To describe this "pious Mennonite" interpretation in its environment is the task of my dissertation. It is entitled "History as Ideology: The Identity Struggle of an American Minority--the Mennonites" (University of Princeton).

-Rodney J. Sawatsky.

German Mennonite Scholarship Revitalized

In Europe today only the German Mennonites have channels of scholarly publications in periodicals of their own. The Dutch had the Doopsgezinde Bijdragen which started in a modest from in the beginning of the 18th century and achieved its classic era in 1861-1919. It was however, discontinued at that time and revived only in a modified form in 1952 in Stemmen, which was discontinued in 1963. At present, there remains a general weekly publication with an occasional book review and the annual Doopsgezind Jaarboekje.

The German Mennonites have a scholarly journal Mennonitische Geschichtsblaetter, published annually since 1936, and now also have made their Mennonitisches Jahrbuch another channel of scholastic pursuit and communications. This is especially the case since 1971 when Johannes Harder, formerly a professor of sociology at the Wupperthal Educational Academy, and now pastor of the Frankfurt Mennonite Church, became the editor.

In addition to the summary of the events and highlights of the year and a presentation of the lists of congregations and organizations since 1971, this yearbook contains challenging informative and scholarly contributions, many of which deserve to get full attention by American readers. Some of the titles of the articles in the last Jahrbuch (1973 ) should arouse curiosity. Among those of special interest are "Against the Lack of Freedom in the Free Church" by Hans-Juergen Goertz (in translation) and "Visiting the Grosse Werder" (former Mennonite villages in present-day Poland) by Helmut Reimer, as well as another article on this subject by Rolf Fieguth in the 1971 Jahrbuch entitled "Mennonite Historic Awareness and Their Old West Prussian Home." The last two articles give a startling historical analysis of a chapter in Mennonite history of a minority in a national context not easily found elsewhere, including North America. The self analysis is honest, painful, and could be healing and corrective. It is a very critical survey showing how the Mennonites, as Dutch refugees, settled in the swamps of the Vistula River and became die Stillen im Lande. The joyous and sacrificial witness of the forefathers still found as an echo on the pages of the Martyrs Mirror disappeared in their gradual acculturation and adjustment to the German Drang nach dem Osten. As Dutch refugees, they gave up their language in exchange for the Low German and High German languages, but looked down on their Polish neighbors. The authors regret that the Mennonites failed to build bridges between the Germans and the Poles.

It is a hopeful sign that the German Mennonites are now sending their young people to the area of the former Heubuden Mennonite Church to work in a voluntary workcamp where the Germans under Hitler had a concentration camp.

Others who are critically reevaluating the Mennonite heritage and calling attention to it on the pages of their two periodicals are Peter J. Foth, J. H. Wiens, Heinold Fast, Gerhard Schellenberg, Gerhard Hein, Hans Adolf Hertzler, Abram Enns, Oskar Wedel, and others. (Copies of the Jahrbuch can be obtained through the Mennonite Library and Archives, North Newton, Kansas. For additional information see "Mennonite Historical Periodicals" in Mennonite Life, April, 1970, p. 89.)