2017, vol. 71 Special Issue: Why 500 Years?
Editor’s Note
by Brad S. Born
Keynote Essay
Book Matter
Review of Johann Cornies, Transformation on the Southern Ukrainian Steppe: Letters and Papers of Johann Cornies, Vol. 1, 1812-1835 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015)
by John D. Thiesen
Review of Benjamin W. Goossen, Chosen Nation: Mennonites and Germany in a Global Era (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017).
by Aileen Friesen
Review of Mark Jantzen, Mary S. Sprunger, John D. Thiesen, editors. European Mennonites and the Challenge of Modernity over Five Centuries: Contributors, Detractors, and Adaptors (North Newton: Cornelius H. Wedel Historical Series, 2016).
by Joe A. Springer
Review of Mary Raber, Ministries of Compassion among Russian Evangelicals, 1905-1929 (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2016).
by Mark Jantzen
Review of James C. Juhnke, A People of Two Kingdoms II: Stories of Kansas Mennonites in Politics (North Newton, Kansas: Bethel College, 2017).
by Kip Wedel
Review of Mary Ann Loewen, ed. Sons and Mothers: Stories from Mennonite Men (Regina, Saskatchewan: University of Regina Press, 2015).
by Caleb Schrock-Hurst
Review of Royden Loewen, Horse and Buggy Genius: Listening to Mennonites Contest the Modern World (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2016).
by Gerald J. Mast