Description: Detention Camp No. 1, Camp Funston, eating lunch; l to r, Carl Schmidt, William P. Wiens (Newton, Kansas), Pete Neufeld, Albert Unruh, John Andreas, Paul Bartsch (Newton)
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 13 x 8 cm
Note: Folder 4. Used in Gerlof Homan, American Mennonites and the Great War, p. 114
Description: Kitchen crew of COs
Date: August 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 10.5 x 6 cm
Source: D. R. Hoeppner collection
Note: folder 5
Description: "These are the COs on Adams Ranch at Odebolt, Iowa. We were 47 COs there from all over the USA. We came here from 163rd Depot Brigade Camp Dodge, Iowa in 1918, the 20th of Aug."
Date: 1918?
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Source:B. M. Ensz, Beatrice, Nebraska
Note: folder 3
Description: Amish conscientious objectors lined up at Camp Funston; used in Gerlof Homan, American Mennonites and the Great War, p. 113 (There is another print of the same scene that is cropped slightly differently.)
Date: 1918?
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 11.5 x 8 cm
Source: Albert Unruh, Goessel, Kansas
Note: folder 5
Description: Mennonite conscientious objectors moving to Detention Camp No. 1, Camp Funston; postcard; used in Mennonite Life, Jan. 1970, p. 32
Date: 1917?
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: folder 5
Description: Mennonite conscientious objectors at Camp Funston; first row, l to r, Abe Kroeker, Henry D. Ensz, Koehn, Jacob D. Thiessen, Pete Ensz; 2nd row, l to r, Joe Schrag, ?, Claus Peters
Date: 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 12 x 6.5 cm
Source: Abe Kroeker
Note: folder 5
Description: Mennonite conscientious objectors at Camp Funston; on a hike, table land north of the camp; postcard; says "No.4" handwritten on the back; used in Mennonite Life, Jan. 1970, p. 31, and Sept. 1975, p. 25
Date: 1918?
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Source: D. R. Hoeppner collection
Note: folder 5
Description: World War I Conscientious objector crew with brooms
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas?
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 35mm copy negative
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, Kansas
Note: folder 6
Description: barracks at Camp Cody; postcard; handwritten on back "No. 3"
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Deming, New Mexico
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 13.5 x 8 cm
Source: Louise (Duerksen) Koehn, 1985
Description: buildings at Camp Cody; postcard
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Deming, New Mexico
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 14 x 8.5 cm
Source: Louise (Duerksen) Koehn, 1985
Description: American Red Cross building at Camp Cody
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Deming, New Mexico
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original size: 13.5 x 8 cm
Source: Louise (Duerksen) Koehn, 1985
Description: Peter Boldt and Henry Boese eating lunch, a treat from home
Date: ca. 1917
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: COs singing hymns
Date: ca. 1917
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 3. Used in Mennonite Life, September 1975, p. 18
Description: Neufeld standing next to truck with laundry girls in front of sanitarium laundry in Iowa City, Iowa
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Iowa City, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 7.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Sanitarium at Iowa City, Iowa, where COs from Camp Dodge worked for a period of time
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Iowa City, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 7.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Headquarters and sleeping quarters for Menn. boys at sanitarium in Iowa City, Iowa
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Iowa City, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 7.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Mess hall and sleeping quarters of Menn. boys on furlough at Fairview Farm near Odebolt, Iowa. Bedrooms were upstairs. Note corn wagons in foreground.
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Residence at Fairview Farm of Adams Ranch near Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Ranch office, Fairview Farm of Adams Ranch near Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Residence at Fairview Farm of Adams Ranch near Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: CO group picture at Fairview Farm near Odebolt, Iowa. Boys had been furloughed out from Camp Dodge.
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Neufeld brothers receiving a visit from sister and family
Date: ca. 1917
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7 x 5.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Neufeld's sister's children visiting them at camp.
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Camp Funston
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7 x 5.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Neufeld brothers posing with their sister at camp
Date: ca. 1917
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 5.5 x 7 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Herman Neufeld and his brother at Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Camp, Funston
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 5 x 8 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Neufeld and other Mennonite fellows threshing on Fairview Farm
Date: ca. 1917
Location: near Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 7.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Line of corn husking wagons on Fairview Farm near Odebolt, Iowa. The corn was picked by hand; the wagons were pulled by mules. A good husker according to Neufeld, picked 100 bushels a day. Since he was unfamiliar with the task, Neufeld was less proficient than some. Sometimes the biggest problem was controlling the mules. Neufeld cited the case of Peter Penner, who, losing his temper at the mules, incited them to take off without him- unfortunately the reins hooked onto his pants and he lost them (his pants) too.
Date: ca. 1917
Location: near Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Mennonite boys of furlough on Fairview Farm, Odebolt, Iowa, Picture is taken in front of elevator on the farm.
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10.5 x 6 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Mennonite boys posing in front of grain elevator on Fairview Farm near Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Mennonite boys posing in front of grain elevator on Fairview Farm near Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12 x 7.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: Mennonite COs on furlough from Camp Dodge, Iowa taking part in a massive plowing operation on Fairview Farm near Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1917
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 3
Description: COs furloughed to farm work. "This is the big barn we hauled the hay in, about 124 loads a day. They had two big doors on each end. In this barn they had 150 mules and 12 horses."
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7 cm
Source: B.M. Ensz, Beatrice, NE
Note: folder 3
Description: COs furloughed to farm work. Plowing on W.P. Adams Fairview Farm, Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7 cm
Source: B.M. Ensz, Beatrice, NE
Note: Folder 3. Used in Mennonite Life, September 1975, back cover
Description: COs furloughed to farm work. "After done hauling hay, they put us on the wood pile, this is the way it looked as we started"
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: B.M. Ensz, Beatrice, NE
Note: folder 3
Description: "This is the way the wood pile looked after we were done" Adams Ranch, Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: B.M. Ensz, Beatrice, NE
Note: folder 3
Description: "After picking corn, we hauled hay in the big barn in the next picture (2014-0931)" Adams Ranch, Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Source: B.M. Ensz, Beatrice, NE
Note: folder 3
Description: "This is the Adam's Ranch and residence where we worked with ten sections of land at Odebolt, Iowa"
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: B.M. Ensz, Beatrice, NE
Note: folder 3
Description: "After plowing and repair work we picked corn-they had 125,000 bushels of corn in their cribs. We got 7 cents a bushel for picking. We picked around 50 to 80 bushels a day. For this days work we got $1.00 a day. The rest of the money went to Red Cross" Adams Ranch, Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 6 x 10 cm
Source: B.M. Ensz, Beatrice, NE
Note: folder 3
Description: Entrance to Camp Funston, 14th National Army Cantonment, 89th Division
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 9 cm
Source: Albert Unruh, Goessel, KS
Note: folder 4
Description: Mennonite COs on a fire drill at Camp Funston. Bedding was thrown out of the barracks first; the boys followed with a big jump onto the soft padding below.
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: folder 4
Description: Meeting of COs outside Camp Funston
Date: Memorial Day, 30 May 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Herman B. Neufeld, Newton, KS
Note: Folder 4. A card with the picture reads as follows; "MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 30, 1918, MEETING OF CO'S OUTSIDE CAMP FUNSTON, 'The President had made a proclamation or request that all people of all religions should observe this day as a special day of fasting and prayer. With the permission of the captain, almost the entire Company went down to the Kaw river where in the shade of some large trees we had a very impressive and continuous service of songs, prayers, and testimonies. Several soldiers were also with us.' [Leatherman Diary, page 22], Note C.C. Janzen in the center of picture facing camera. Herman Neufeld is in the extreme lower left hand corner, sitting without a hat and facing away from the camera., Neufeld adds that before this meeting as held the boys had been taken out for a walk by a corporal and then they had gone swimming in the river where a couple of the boys almost drowned., Neufeld did not remember who the speaker in the picture was."
Description: "Our sergeants"
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Top Sergeant-King, Supply Sergeant-Cross, Mess Sergeant-Toblar(?), 2nd Sergeant-Lesynea(?), 2nd Sergeant-Roots. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs gathered by a stadium
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Three unidentified CO officers on a fallen tree trunk
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 8 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs eating in their tent, Detention Camp No. 1, Camp Funston, from left to right; Carl Schmidt, William P. Wiens (Newton, KS), Peter Neufeld, Albert Unruh, John Andreas, Paul Bartsch (Newton, KS)
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 8 cm
Source: One copy of the photo credited to James C. Juhnke 1991
Note: Folder 4. Back of one copy of the photo says "see Juhnke, Vision, Doctrine, War, p. 231" There are two copies of this photo, as well as a negative
Description: COs eating in their tent, Detention Camp No. 1, Camp Funston, from left to right; Carl Schmidt, William P. Wiens (Newton, KS), Peter Neufeld, Albert Unruh, John Andreas, Paul Bartsch (Newton, KS)
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10.5 x 6.5 cm
Note: folder 4
Description: Unidentified CO
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston?
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 13.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Flood in front of wooden barracks, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs returning from Memorial Day outing, Camp Funston
Date: 30 May 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: folder 4
Description: From left to right, Gus R. Gaeddert and Karl Suderman
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Two men posing, one in cook's outfit, From left to right, Gus R. Gaeddert and Karl Suderman
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: folder 4
Description: Unidentified officers, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Sign made of stone on hillside, 58 CO., 164th D.B.
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 8 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Building wooden tent frame
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 8 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Unidentified man, Sergeant
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7 x 13.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Four COs in front of Fire Station No. 2, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Fire engine on the move, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 8 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs resting on a hike?
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: St. Sgt. Cabiness takes muster roll, Barracks No. 527, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 8 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 4. Used in Mennonite Life, January 1970, p. 28 and Mennonite Life, September 1975, p. 23. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection". There is a copy of this photo and a negative in MLA Filing-Mennonite COs (6)
Description: Conscientious Objectors
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: Robert S. Kreider, Newton KS, 1983
Note: folder 4
Description: Boys peeling potatoes
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 8 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Unidentified COs, Detention Camp, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7 x 13 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Tents and wooden barracks at Camp Funston, view fom hillside
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Used in Gerlof Homan's American Mennonites and the Great War, p. 108. Negative with the photo.
Description: COs and officers resting on a hike
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs with a squirrel they caught
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: folder 4
Description: COs on a hike north of Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Group of unidentified COs
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs resting during farm work
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs gathered by a stadium
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs gathered by a stadium
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Mess kits on a table
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: CO clowning with three others (not COs?)
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 8 x 13 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Stone barracks, Fort Riley
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Fort Riley, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 8.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. There is more written on the back of the postcard; see 2016-0017 for back of postcard.
Description: Group of COs at a writing desk in barracks
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Group of COs with a squirrel and a turtle that they caught
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 8 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 4. There is a negative and copy of this photo in MLA Filing - World War I - Mennonite COs (6)
Description: Unidentified officers
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 13 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs snapping green beans, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 13 cm
Note: Folder 4. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs posing for a picture in front of Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 24.5 x 11 cm
Source: Ralph Krehbiel, Pretty Prairie, Kansas 1989
Note: folder 4
Description: COs posing for a picture in front of Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 24.5 x 9.5 cm
Source: Ralph Krehbiel, Pretty Prairie, Kansas 1989
Note: Folder 4. Photograph scanned was copied from Abe Kroeker's picture
Description: Basketball team at Fort Riley (fifth from left in back row is Gustav A. Haury, Jr.)
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Fort Riley, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 20 x 15 cm
Note: Folder 4. Camp Vail may have been a part of Fort Riley. Back of photo reads "Coach Haury at Fort Riley approx. 1918"
Description: Three Quaker boys; Guerny Hanson, _______, and Roy Wagner, peeling potatoes. Camp Funston?
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas?
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10.5 x 6 cm
Note: folder 5
Description: Mennonite COs eating a treat from home in barracks
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10.5 x 6 cm
Note: folder 5
Description: Section S, Base Hospital, Fort Riley
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Fort Riley, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: John Ensz (Newton, KS?)
Note: folder 5
Description: Detention Camp No. 1, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 5.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Two COs with shaved heads
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 5.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Group of COs, Fort Riley
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Fort Riley, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: John Ensz (Newton, KS?)
Note: folder 5
Description: Group of COs? Marked one is Charlie P. Graber, Bloomfield, Montana, drafted to Camp Lewis, Washington, Later transferred to Camp Cody, New Mexico, sent all by himself to Fort Leavenworth
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Fort Riley, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 8 x 5.5 cm
Source: D.R. Hoeppner Collection
Note: folder 5
Description: COs posing in a tree
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 5.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Two CO officers in barracks
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10.5 x 6 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Carl Schmidt, and _______ Unruh
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 6 x 10.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Carl Schmidt, and _______ Unruh
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 6 x 10.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Group of COs at Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: John Ensz (Newton, KS?)
Note: Folder 5. The back of the photo reads; "WWI, Ft Riley, John Ensz"
Description: Lieutenant "very good guy"
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 5.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs lined up in Detention Camp, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs clowning, Suderman "ready to swab, ?, Gus Gaeddert, Ferd. Schmidt,?
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 8 x 13 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Barracks 527, Camp Funston, Washing dishes?
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 8 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection". Used in Mennonite Life, January 1970, p. 29 and also in September 1975, p. 27
Description: Unidentified CO
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 13.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: P. H. Richert and P. C. Hiebert meeting with COs on the banks of the Kaw river
Date: June 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: P. H. Richert and P. C. Hiebert meeting with COs on the banks of the Kaw river
Date: June 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Source: James C. Juhnke, 1991
Note: Folder 5. Used in Mennonite Life September 1975, p. 29. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection". There are two copies and negative of this photo. See Juhnke, Vision, Doctrine, War, p. 231
Description: CO crew sweeping in front of barracks
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 5.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Boys at work near "first capitol of Kansas", Fort Riley
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Fort Riley, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection". Used in Mennonite Life, January 1970, p. 29 and also in September 1975, p. 29
Description: Two COs reading bibles. The one on the right is Gus Gaeddert
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas?
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: folder 5
Description: COs at Fort Riley who were of Low German background. This snapshot is revealing with respect to the issue of wearing a uniform. Though most of the men are wearing a military uniform, five of the men in the back row are dresses in civilian clothes, according to Henry Gaede, because they refused to wear the uniform. The ambivalence about whether or not to wear a uniform was typical of the Mennonite response to almost every aspect of WWI.
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Fort Riley, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Note: Folder 5. There are two copies of this photo, as well as the negative. Used in Gerlof Homan's American Mennonites and the Great War, p. 112. See Kansas History, winter 1981, p. 258
Description: Two COs patching clothes
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 8.5 x 5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Entrance of Camp Funston, COs marching from the Detention Camp to Funston to Building 1734, 45th Co. 164 D. B.
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Used by The Mennonite on 14 May 1985
Description: View of the wooden barracks at Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11 x 7 cm
Note: Folder 5. Used by The Mennonite on 14 May 1985. We have negative
Description: Preparing to move to Detention Camp, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 6.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. We have negative
Description: Men hiking up a hill near Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: John Ensz (Newton, KS?)
Note: folder 5
Description: Looking over Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 6 cm
Source: John Ensz (Newton, KS?)
Note: folder 5
Description: COs? outside Merion Hall, Haverford, PA, old dormitory of Haverford College
Date: September 1918
Location: Haverford, PA
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 5.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs? Merion Hall, Haverford, PA, old dormitory of Haverford College "arrived here on September 3, 1918"
Date: September 1918
Location: Haverford, PA
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 5.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: COs? outside Merion Hall, Haverford, PA, old dormitory of Haverford College
Date: September 1918
Location: Haverford, PA
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 5.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Men sitting in front of a tent at Detention Camp No. 1, Camp Funston
Date: June 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 5.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Group moving wooden tent frame
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston?
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Andres, Karl Suderman, Gus Gaeddert
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston?
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 5.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Left to right; Gustave R. Gaeddert and Paul Heidebrecht
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Independence, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 10.5 x 6 cm
Source: Albert M. Gaeddert 1988
Note: folder 5
Description: Left to right; Paul Heidebrecht and Gustave R. Gaeddert, both smelling flowers
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Independence, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 5.5 x 10 cm
Source: Albert M. Gaeddert 1988
Note: folder 5
Description: Left to right; Paul Heidebrecht and Gustave R. Gaeddert
Date: ca. 1919
Location: Independence, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 6 x 10 cm
Source: Albert M. Gaeddert 1988
Note: folder 5
Description: Left to right; Gustave R. Gaeddert and Elmer Jantz
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Independence, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 6 x 10 cm
Source: Albert M. Gaeddert 1988
Note: folder 5
Description: COs gathered around a table outside their tent eating, Detention Camp, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: folder 5
Description: COs in a conservatory-probably in Independence, Iowa. From left to right; Elmer Jantz?, unknown, and Gustave R. Gaeddert
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Independence, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 8 x 13.5 cm
Source: Albert M. Gaeddert 1988
Note: folder 5
Description: Camp Funston (printed postcard)
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7 cm
Source: Alfred Linscheid
Note: Folder 5. Back of photograph contains a note written by Alfred Linscheid to his brother Eddie. The note is dated May 18, 1918 and is addressed to Abbyville, Kansas.
Description: COs snapping green beans
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 8 cm
Note: folder 5
Description: COs at Detention Camp. Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Detention Camp No. 1, Camp Funston. COs reading the news. Left to right; William P. Wiens (Newton, KS), John Andreas, Peter Neufeld, Paul Bartsch (Newton, KS), Carl Schmidt
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection". Used in Mennonite Life, January 1970, p. 29
Description: COs on a hike, with a squirrel they caught
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 13 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection". There is a negative and copy of this photo in MLA Filing - World War I - Mennonite COs (6)
Description: Large group of COs, Camp Funston, before Sunday worship service
Date: 30 May 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 8 cm
Photographer: Jacob Suderman
Note: Folder 5. Used in Mennonite Life, January 1970, p. 31 and in September 1975, p. 21. Negative of this photo can be found in MLA Filing - World War I - Mennonite COs (6)
Description: COs gardening at Detention Camp, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 8 cm
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection"
Description: Camp Funston entrance, COs marching out
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 8 cm
Source: Stanley E. Voth 1989
Note: Folder 5. Back of photo says "D.R. Hoeppner Collection". Used in Mennonite Life, January 1970, p. 32 and in September 1975, p. 24. There are two copies of this photo and the negative
Description: Group posing in front of a grain elevator on Fairview Farm near Odebolt, Iowa
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Odebolt, Iowa
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 12.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: folder 5
Description: COs resting after a hike, Camp Funston. Fifth from the right is Christ Miller (Inman, KS)
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Stanley E Voth 1989
Note: Folder 5. There are two copies of this photograph and a letter that identifies Christ Miller in the picture (See letter from Mirriam Hess). Used in Gerlof Homan's American Mennonites and the Great War, p. 110. Used by Mennonite Weekly Review in the serialized Gerlof Homan book ca. 2002-2003
Description: WWI bond ad from Hillsboro Vorwärts, 5 April 1918
Date: 5 April 1918
Location: Hillsboro, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 11.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. Used by Mennonite Life September 1975, p. 13 or p. 7. Negative is available
Description: WWI bond ad from Hillsboro Vorwärts, 5 April 1918
Date: 5 April 1918
Location: Hillsboro, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 11.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. Used by Mennonite Life September 1975, p. 5. Negative is available
Description: WWI political cartoon from Hillsboro Vorwärts?
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Hillsboro, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. Negative is available
Description: WWI, Noah Leatherman, a Holdeman Mennonite
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 8 x 11.5 cm
Source: Albert Unruh, Goessel, KS
Note: folder 6
Description: View of Camp Funston, wooden barracks
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: folder 6
Description: Abe Kroeker at Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 5.5 x 9.5 cm
Note: folder 6
Description: Herman Lehman, Adolph Sprunger
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 5 x 7.5 cm
Note: folder 6
Description: Sectiona View of Detention Camp, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: Boys reading Marion (South Dakota) Record from home
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: CO worship service, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: Our Sergeants; Top Sergeant-King, Supply Sergeant-Cross, Mess Sergeant-Toblar(?), 2nd Sergeant- Lesynea(?), 2nd Sergeant- Roots
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: New laundry being built at Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: Two unidentified COs
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 2.5 x 3 cm
Note: Folder 6. This is a direct copy of a negative. Identified by Kris Schmucker Sept. 2023: The man sitting is Carl Schmidt, rural Marion County, Kansas. He was a member of the Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church, Goessel, KS. Taken at Camp Funston, Kansas. Schmidt was court-martialed and sent to Leavenworth. Dishonorable discharge in 1919. His personal papers are at the Mennonite Heritage & Agricultural Museum, Goessel, KS.
Description: COs worship service
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: COs washing dishes
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: The "Slop Brigade", at Camp Funston near Fort Riley, Kansas. Mennonites who refused to take up arms were accused of being as stubborn as the mules which pulled these manure wagons.
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have negative and a large print
Description: COs at rest during a hike
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13 x 7.5 cm
Note: folder 6
Description: Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood's house, at Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 2.5 x 3.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. Photo is from negative
Description: Lining up for mess at the Detention Camp
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: WWI political cartoon, from Hillsboro Vorwärts(?)
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Hillsboro, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 11.5 cm
Note: folder 6
Description: Preparing to move to detention camp, Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: folder 6
Description: Fire department trucks. Fire broke out in building next to CO's building. It was a canteen, or a store, and also a YMCA.
Date: ca. 1918
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 11.5 x 7.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have the negative
Description: Four Mennonite soldiers at Camp Funston in 1918. Note the dark halo formed by the broad-brimmed hats. Ferdinand Schroeder, upper right, was beaten bloody for refusing to "haul slop" (manure) on Sunday.
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 11.5 cm
Source: Ferd. Schroeder, Goessel, KS
Note: Folder 6. We have the negative and a large print. Used in Mennonite Life, September 1975, p. 22
Description: Adolph Preheim (Freeman, South Dakota), Quartermaster Department
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 8.5 x 13.5 cm
Note: folder 6
Description: Ferd. Schroeder at Camp Funston
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 6 x 10 cm
Note: folder 6
Description: Some Mennonite agreed to take up noncombatant work and put brooms on their shoulders instead of guns. Some wore the military uniform; others refused.
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 23.5 x 20 cm
Note: folder 6
Description: Mennonite COs at Camp Funston at a Sunday morning worship service in 1918.
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Camp Funston, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 19.5 x 24.5 cm
Note: folder 6
Description: Unidentified children
Date: July 27, 1974
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 2.5 x 3.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. This was with negatives related to B. G. Harder. See 2015-0048.
Description: Unidentified woman and children
Date: July 27, 1974
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 2.5 x 3.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. We have negative. This was with negatives related to B. G. Harder. See 2015-0048.
Description: Unidentified woman
Date: July 27, 1974
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 2.5 x 3.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. We have negative. This was with negatives related to B. G. Harder. See 2015-0048.
Description: Bernhard Goethe Harder at his father Bernhard W. Harder's house where an American flag was nailed at the demand of a mob in 1918, near Whitewater, Kansas. Photo was probably taken July 27, 1974, when B. G. Harder was interviewed about his World War I experiences. (identification from Bruce Entz and Melvin Epp, Dec. 2016)
Date: July 27, 1974
Location: Whitewater, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 2.5 x 3.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: Bernhard Goethe Harder at his father Bernhard W. Harder's house where an American flag was nailed at the demand of a mob in 1918, near Whitewater, Kansas. Photo was probably taken July 27, 1974, when B. G. Harder was interviewed about his World War I experiences. (identification from Bruce Entz and Melvin Epp, Dec. 2016)
Date: July 27, 1974
Location: Whitewater, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: Bernhard Goethe Harder at his father Bernhard W. Harder's house where an American flag was nailed at the demand of a mob in 1918, near Whitewater, Kansas. Photo was probably taken July 27, 1974, when B. G. Harder was interviewed about his World War I experiences. (identification from Bruce Entz and Melvin Epp, Dec. 2016)
Date: July 27, 1974
Location: Whitewater, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: Bernhard Goethe Harder at his father Bernhard W. Harder's house where an American flag was nailed at the demand of a mob in 1918, near Whitewater, Kansas. Photo was probably taken July 27, 1974, when B. G. Harder was interviewed about his World War I experiences. (identification from Bruce Entz and Melvin Epp, Dec. 2016)
Date: July 27, 1974
Location: Whitewater, KS
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 7.5 x 7.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. We have negative
Description: Two unidentified children
Date: July 27, 1974
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 2.5 x 2.5 cm
Note: Folder 6. We have negative. This was with negatives related to B. G. Harder. See 2015-0048.
Description: Stone barracks, Fort Riley; see 2014-0989 for front of postcard.
Date: ca. 1918
Location: Fort Riley, Kansas
MLA filing: World War I - Mennonite COs
Original Size: 13.5 x 8.5 cm
Note: Folder 4.
167 photos