Mennonite Library and Archives

Photo Collection

Scanned photo collection - subject list

Oklahoma - Missionaries


Description: Pastors and wives of Canton, Clinton, Hammon, and Seiling, Oklahoma, Indian churches at monthly meeting; identifications by Clifford E. Koehn, 1986; left to right, Lawrence Hart, Betty Bartel Hart, Mary Giesbrecht Bartel, Norman Bartel, Lyman W. Sprunger, Adeline Ensz Sprunger, Anna Ruth Baerg Koehn, Clifford E. Koehn
Date: 1966
Location: Hammon, Oklahoma
MLA filing: Oklahoma - Missionaries
Original size: 12 x 95. cm
Source: General Conference 1966 Board of Missions files, 1985


Description: Jacob B. Ediger, "Ready to go visit the Indians. (He owned a car by this time but the homes of the Indians could not be reached by car.)"; from a glass negative
Date: ca. 1915??
Location: Clinton, Oklahoma
MLA filing: Oklahoma - Missionaries
Original size: 17 x 12 cm
Source: Hilda (Ediger) Voth, 1990
Note: glass negative moved to MS.146 box 7 to avoid breakage


Description: General Conference Mennonite missionaries at Darlington, Oklahoma; left to right, Martha Moser (later married H. R. Voth), Maria Suderman (married William Bartel), Jacob H. Richert, J. H. Schmidt, H. R. Voth, Frieda E. Voth, Abe Suderman (died 1891), Anna Voth (married J. H. Schmidt), Anna Penner (married Leonard Bartel)
Date: CIR 1890
Location: Darlington, Oklahoma
MLA filing: Oklahoma - Missionaries
Original size: 19 x 11 cm
Source: H. R. Voth


Description: back of 2006-0097, showing Mennonite Historical Society cataloging form; handwriting is H. R. Voth's
MLA filing: Oklahoma - Missionaries
Original size: 12.5 x 20.5 cm

4 photos

Copyright © Bethel College
Last updated: 05 February 2020 - 10:16:25
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