Mennonite Library and Archives

Photo Collection

Scanned photo collection - subject list

Conferences - GC - Centennial Study Conference, Donnellson, Iowa, 1960


Description: speakers and delegates at General Conference Centennial Study Conference "Christian Unity in Faith and Witness"; used in Mennonite Life, October 1960, p. 150
Date: June 20-23, 1960
Location: Donnellson, Iowa
MLA filing: Conferences - GC - Centennial Study Conference, Donnellson, Iowa, 1960
Original size: 16.5 x 12 cm
Photographer: Melvin Gingerich


Description: former Methodist church building where the General Conference Mennonite Church had its first sessions May 28-29, 1860, being visited by attendees of the Centennial Study Conference "Christian Unity in Faith and Witness"; used in The Mennonite, July 19, 1960, p. 458; used in Mennonite Life, October 1960, p. 150
Date: June 20-23, 1960
Location: West Point, Iowa
MLA filing: Conferences - GC - Centennial Study Conference, Donnellson, Iowa, 1960
Original size: 16.5 x 12 cm
Photographer: Melvin Gingerich


Description: dedication of a marker in a small park on Main Street commemorating Mennonite history in Lee County, Iowa, by attendees of the Centennial Study Conference "Christian Unity in Faith and Witness"; standing left to right, Erwin Goering, Howard Raid, Cornelius Krahn; used in The Mennonite, July 19, 1960, p. 458; used in Mennonite Life, October 1960, p. 151
Date: June 20-23, 1960
Location: Donnellson, Iowa
MLA filing: Conferences - GC - Centennial Study Conference, Donnellson, Iowa, 1960
Original size: 12 x 11.5 cm
Photographer: Melvin Gingerich


Description: unveiling a marker at the site of the original Zion Mennonite Church near Donnellson (men are unidentified), by attendees of the Centennial Study Conference "Christian Unity in Faith and Witness"; used in The Mennonite, July 19, 1960, p. 458; used in Mennonite Life, October 1960, p. 151
Date: June 20-23, 1960
Location: Donnellson, Iowa
MLA filing: Conferences - GC - Centennial Study Conference, Donnellson, Iowa, 1960
Original size: 12 x 16.5 cm
Photographer: Melvin Gingerich


Description: marker at the site of the original Zion Mennonite Church near Donnellson; text on marker: "Site of Zion Mennonite Church Building Erected 1854, Commemorating the Founding of the General Conference Mennonite Church I Cor. 3:11. The General Conference Mennonite Church was founded in West Point, Iowa, May 28-29, 1860, by representatives from Iowa and Pennsylvania to unify all Mennonites and strengthen their efforts in missions, publications and education. Erected in 1960." used in Mennonite Life, October 1960, p. 151
Date: June 20-23, 1960
Location: Donnellson, Iowa
MLA filing: Conferences - GC - Centennial Study Conference, Donnellson, Iowa, 1960
Original size: 12 x 15.5 cm
Photographer: Melvin Gingerich


Description: marker in a small park on Main Street; text on marker "Mennonites in Lee County. In 1839 the first settlement of Mennonites west of the Mississippi was begun seven miles northeast of this place. By 1868 four Mennonite churches, one of which was Amish Mennonite, had been established in Lee County, Iowa. Eventually many of these pioneer settlers moved on to new frontiers, leaving only the Zion Church, in Donnellson. On May 28-29, 1860, in near-by West Point, was held the first general conference of Mennonites. This organization, which became the General Conference Mennonite Church, had over 52,000 members in 1960. In that year the Mennonites, who had originated in Switzerland and the Low Countries over 425 years earlier, had approximately 400,000 members in thirty-three countries." used in Mennonite Life, October 1960, p. 151
Date: June 20-23, 1960
Location: Donnellson, Iowa
MLA filing: Conferences - GC - Centennial Study Conference, Donnellson, Iowa, 1960
Original size: 12 x 11.5 cm
Photographer: Melvin Gingerich

6 photos

Copyright © Bethel College
Last updated: 05 February 2020 - 10:16:25
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