Description: Joint Hymnal Committee (Mennonite Church and General Conference Mennonite Church). Probably in the Goshen College Library. Front left to right, Mary Oyer (exective secretary), Vernon H. Neufeld (chairman), Lester Hostetler (co-editor). Back left to right, J. Harold Moyer (vice-chairman), Edward Stoltzfus, George Wiebe, Chester K. Lehman.
Date: CIR 1967
Location: Goshen, Indiana?
MLA filing: Conference Activities - GC - Miscellaneous
Original size: 17 x 11.5 cm
Source: J. Harold Moyer, 2006
Description: J. Harold Moyer (left) and George Wiebe (right) studying hymnals, at a meeting of the Joint Hymnal Committee (Mennonite Church and General Conference Mennonite Church). Probably in the Goshen College Library.
Date: CIR 1967
Location: Goshen, Indiana?
MLA filing: Conference Activities - GC - Miscellaneous
Original size: 17 x 12 cm
Source: J. Harold Moyer, 2006
2 photos