Description: Civilian Public Service unit no. 85; on the back is written "Jacobs, female Ward service, 'one of the wives'"; used in Mennonite Life, December 1990, p. 11; used in Perry Bush, Two Kingdoms, Two Loyalties (1998), p. 113
Date: ca. 1945
Location: Howard, Rhode Island
MLA filing: Civilian Public Service No. 85
Original size: 12 x 75. cm
Description: women summer service workers taking care of patients at Rhode Island state hospital; used in Rachel Waltner Goossen, Women against the Good War; Conscientious Objection and Gender on the American Home Front, 1941-1947 (1997), p. 108
Date: ca. 1944
Location: Howard, Rhode Island
MLA filing: Civilian Public Service No. 85
Original size: 8 x 12 cm
2 photos