Description: Bethel College chemistry class; back left to right, Lanoy Loganbill, ?, L. C. Kreider (professor),?; middle, left to right, ?, ?, Harold Lohrentz, ?, ?, ?; used in The Kansan, special college centennial edition, 6 Oct 1987, p. 14B; has handwritten number on back, 6967B
Date: ca. 1951-1952
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Classroom scenes - Chemistry
Original size: 24 x 19.5 cm
Description: Bethel College chemistry class; left to right, Peter D. Schultz, John Duerksen, Peter J. Wedel, Alice Martin, Helen Isaac; postcard
Date: May 29, 1911
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Classroom scenes - Chemistry
Original size: 14 x 9 cm
Photographer: Dan Penner
Description: students and teacher in chemistry lab in old Science Hall at Bethel College; left to right, Ronald Rich (instructor), Joe Hoover, Albert Fast; used in "Stepping Stones" booklet 1958; used in 1958 Graymaroon, p. 18
Date: 1958
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Classroom scenes - Chemistry
Original size: 24.5 x 19.5 cm
Photographer: LaVerne Friesen, Buhler, Kansas
Description: Ronald Rich teaching a chemistry class in old Science Hall at Bethel College
Date: CIR 1958
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Classroom scenes - Chemistry
Original size: 25 x 20 cm
Photographer: Delmar C. Rempel, no. BC29PR
4 photos