Description: Bill Staerkel throwing javelin; used in 1942 Graymaroon p. 61
Date: ca. 1942
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 7 x 11 cm
Description: High jump; used in Graymaroon 1950 p. 97
Date: spring 1949
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 10 x 5.5 cm
Description: Pole vault; used in Graymaroon 1936 p. 54
Date: 1936
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 5.5 x 5 cm
Description: Relay team; used in Graymaroon 1950 p. 85
Date: spring 1949
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 13 x 9 cm
Description: 1926-7 track team; used in Graymaroon 1927 p. 86; back row, left to right, Henry Harms, Herman Bansemer, Arthur E. Miller, G. A. Haury Jr. (coach), Herman Schroeder, Arnold Nachtigal, Walter Ewy; middle, left to right, Eric Penner, Irvin Schmidt, John Buller Jr., Clarence Rupp, Rudolph Wiens, Eric Claassen; front, left to right, Alvin Reimer, Waldo Epp, Walter W. Graber, Albert Graber, Wilton Hawk
Date: 1927
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 25 x 20 cm
Description: "Billy Jones has been the main point winner for the Threshers as he has consistently won the 100, 220 and pole vault. He anchors the 440 yd. relay and is shown here winning the 100. He will be counted on to help retain Bethel's KCAC championship track title."; used in Bethel Collegian, Apr. 11, 1975, p. 4
Date: 1975
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5 cm
Description: John Muthama; used in 1974 Thresher, p. 95
Date: 1974
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 16.5 x 11.5 cm
Description: Bethel College men's track team; used in 1976 Thresher, p. 132 (spring supplement); front left to right, Greg Flickner, Mike Tieszen, Jerry Clark, Ricky Bryant, Phil Everett, Dale Russell, Dwight Flaming, John Muthama
back left to right, coach George Rogers, Jerrel Howard, Chuck Buller, Steve Miller, Stan Buller, Wynn Goering, Don Epp, assistant coach Quentin Reimer
not present, Alexander Brown, Bruce Dooley, Jerome Doyle, J. C. Evans, Mark Gambill, Steve Goertzen, Bob Stalvey, Jay Williams
Date: 1976
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 16.5 x 11.5 cm
Description: Gerald Schmidt; used in 1951 Graymaroon, p. 81
Date: spring 1950
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 10.5 x 12.5 cm
Description: Bethel College relay team; used in 1952 Graymaroon, p. 83
Date: spring 1951
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Men - Varsity - Track and Field
Original size: 16.5 x 15 cm
10 photos