Description: "Four of the women of a Fonda sewing circle with quilts of various patterns in background. The latter are made from patches sent by General Conference Mennonite churches. The women are, left to right, Mrs. Cloud Chief, Mrs. Little Coyote, Mrs. Allrunner and her mother, Mrs. Meat."; from Seventy-five Years of General Conference Mission Work among the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians in Oklahoma [Newton, Kan. : General Conference Mennonite Church Board of Missions, 1955], p. 20 top
Date: ca. 1950
Location: Fonda, Oklahoma
MLA filing: Seventy-five Years of General Conference Mission Work among the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians in Oklahoma (1955)
Original size: 7.5 x 7.5 cm
1 photos