Description: "Plan der deutschen Molotschnaer Kolonien"; lithographer A. Schultze, Odessa; see also 2011-0088; map; We have only a photocopy and a blueprint/cyanotype of this. We do not know the date or when or where the original is located or was published.
Date: ca. 1890
Location: Molochna, Ukraine
Subject: Maps - Ukraine
Original size: 27 x 20.5 cm
Note: now located at SA.I.381
Description: "Plan der deutschen Molotschnaer Kolonien"; lithographer A. Schultze, Odessa; see also 2011-0087; map; We have only a photocopy and a blueprint/cyanotype of this. We do not know the date or when or where the original is located or was published.
Location: Molochna, Ukraine
MLA filing: Maps - Ukraine
Original size: 27 x 20.5 cm
Description: Molotschna colony map; "Plan der deutschen Kolonien an der Molotschna in Südrussland. Auszug aus der Statistik dieser Kolonien im Jahr 1836." Herausgegen v. J. Wall in Schönsee. Lithogr. v. L. Veit in Berlin.
Date: 1836
Location: Ukraine
MLA filing: Maps - Ukraine
Original size: 63 x 47 cm
3 photos