Description: groundbreaking for Bethel Home for Aged, Newton, Kansas; Mrs. Bernhard Warkentin at the controls of steam shovel belonging to Somers Construction Co.; left to right in front; J. Glenn Somers, Hall Somers, ?, J. G. Regier, Sister Frieda Kaufman, Sister Catherine Voth, Mrs. Herman E. Suderman, Sister Lena Andres?, Sister Anna Gertrude Penner
Date: March 6, 1925
Location: Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Homes for Aged - Bethel - Newton, Kansas
Original size: 37 cm x 16.5 cm
Note: original digital file from 2003 replaced by a new digitization from Dec. 2018; original at SA.III.537; elecrec/acc1361
1 photos