Description: Bethel College women's varsity volleyball team 1976-77?; standing left to right, Sherri Unruh, Sandy Kaufman, Lori Erb, Rick Harder, Barbara Anderson Graber; kneeling, Annette Stucky, Rhonda Wedel, ?, Margaret Harder; sitting, Barbara Unruh Kirkpatrick, Marcia Kroeker Miller, Cynthia Alexander, Minnie Wiens, Cynthia Habegger
Date: 1976?
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Women - Varsity - Volleyball
Original size: 16.5 x 11.5 cm
Description: Bethel College women's varsity volleyball team 1976-77; left to right, Marcia Kroeker, Cynthia Habegger, Lori Erb, Sandy Kaufman, Cynthia Alexander, Mary Beth Wiens?
Date: May 13, 1977
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Women - Varsity - Volleyball
Original size: 15 x 11 cm
Source: George Rogers, 1992
Photographer: Jim Harder
Description: Bethel College volleyball; Lori DeGarmo
Date: 1981
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Women - Varsity - Volleyball
Original size: 16.5 x 11.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: Bethel College volleyball; used in 1981 Thresher, p. 98; front row, Lori DeGarmo, Amy Pjesky, Debra Stauffer, Nancy Schrag
Middle row, Cindy Napper, Teresa Mueller, Brenda Headings, Latrecia Smith
Back row, Beth Ediger (assistant), Judy Unruh, Beth Sheppard, Lisa Habegger, Lisa Loeffler, Diane Flickner (coach)
Date: 1981
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Women - Varsity - Volleyball
Original size: 16.5 x 11.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service (Bryan Reber), 1985
Photographer: Jim Harder
Description: Bethel College volleyball; used in 1981 Thresher, p. 98; clockwise from lower left, Coach Diane Flickner, Debra Stauffer, Amy Pjesky, Lisa Habegger, Beth Shappard, Lisa Loeffler
Date: 1981
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Women - Varsity - Volleyball
Original size: 12 x 9 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service (Bryan Reber), 1985
Description: Bethel College volleyball; used in 1981 Thresher, p. 98; Nancy Schrag, Lori DeGarmo, Brenda Headings, Cindy Napper, Lisa Habegger, Beth Sheppard (facing left)
Date: 1981
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Women - Varsity - Volleyball
Original size: 9 x 12 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1985
Description: Bethel College volleyball, KCAC champions, 14-0 conference record; used in 1976 Thresher, p. 106; on slide left to right, Carol Toevs, Chris Jantz, Cynthia Habegger, Minnie Wiens (captain), Kathy Stoesz, Margaret Harder, Sandy Regier, Cynthia Alexander, Elaine Dick, Rhonda Wedel, Norma Peters, Marcia Kroeker, Barb Unruh; standing, Belinda Kaufman (manager), Barb Graber (coach), Rich Harder (assistant coach)
Date: 1976
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Athletics - Women - Varsity - Volleyball
Original size: 24.5 x 20 cm
7 photos