Mennonite Library and Archives

Photo Collection

Scanned photo collection - subject list

Personal - Goering


Description: Joseph C. Goering family ca. 1914, Moundridge, Kansas; back row left to right: Emil J. Waltner (inset), Clara R. Goering, Martha M. Goering, Anna Katherine Goering, Christian H. Goering, John P. Graber, Willard F. Graber, Katie Rose Kaufman Goering, Edward E. Goering, Elmer Howard Goering, John E. Goering, Anna R. Goering Goering; middle row left to right: Viola M. Kaufman (child on lap), Jacob N. Kaufman, Esther V. Goering, Emelia E. Goering, Selma E. Kaufman (child on lap), Joseph Christian Goering, Anna Wedel Goering, Herbert A. Goering, Edna B. Goering, Albert Arthur Goering, Mary M. Goering; front left to right: Clarence J. Graber, Marvin Edward Goering, Willard Howard Waltner, Elma Nora Waltner, Clarence J. Goering
Date: ca. 1914
Location: Moundridge, Kansas
MLA filing: Personal - Goering
Original size: 24 x 20 cm
Source: Willard H. Waltner, 1994
Photographer: Albertson
Note: identifications by Delia Goering Graber; Digital photo by Weldon Schloneger. Original at SA.III.594; elecrec/acc1455


Description: Joseph C. Goering family ca. 1914, Moundridge, Kansas; standing left to right: Clara R. Goering, Emelia E. Goering, Esther V. Goering, Edward E. Goering, Albert A. Goering, John E. Goering, Anna K. Goering; seated left to right: Martha M. Goering, Christian H. Goering, Clarence J. Goering, Joseph C. Goering, Anna Wedel Goering, Edna B. Goering, Herbert Arthur Goering, Mary M. Goering
Date: ca. 1914
Location: Moundridge, Kansas
MLA filing: Personal - Goering
Original size: 24 x 19.5 cm
Source: Willard H. Waltner, 1994
Photographer: Albertson
Note: identifications by Delia Goering Graber; Digital photo by Weldon Schloneger. Original at SA.III.593; elecrec/acc1454


Description: Joseph C. Goering family; back row left to right: Clara R. Goering, Edward E. Goering, Emelia E. Goering, Martha M. Goering, Christian H. Goering, Anna K. Goering, John E. Goering, Mary M. Goering; middle row left to right: Edna B. Goering, Herbert A. Goering, Albert Arthur Goering, Esther V. Goering; front row left to right: Joseph Christian Goering, Clarence J. Goering, Anna Wedel Goering
Date: ca. 1911
Location: Moundridge, Kansas
MLA filing: Personal - Goering
Original size: 20.5 x 16 cm
Source: Willard H. Waltner, 1994
Photographer: Brubaker, Moundridge, Kansas
Note: 2 copies; Digital photo by Weldon Schloneger. Original at SA.III.592; elecrec/acc1453


Description: Oswald H. Goering (1923-2008)
Date: ca. 1995
MLA filing: Personal - Goering
Original size: 6.5 x 9 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998


Description: Oswald H. Goering (1923-2008) reading in his office
Date: ca. 1957
MLA filing: Personal - Goering
Original size: 15 x 11 cm


Description: Erwin Goering, at the time he was Assistant to the President at Bethel College
Date: 1966
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Personal - Goering
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5
Note: used in 1966 Thresher, p. 44

6 photos

Copyright © Bethel College
Last updated: 22 October 2020 - 11:06:52
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