Description: Roseann Penner, president of the Bethel College Student Organ Guild, helps unload the pedalboard with, left to right, Tom Kult, Paul Ivarson, and Bob Blythe, Dobson Organ Co. employees
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 9 x 11 cm
Description: organ installation in Bethel College chapel
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 16.5 x 11.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: organ installation in Bethel College chapel
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: Jon Thieszen working on organ installation in Bethel College chapel
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: organ installation in Bethel College chapel
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 16.5 x 11.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: organ installation in Bethel College chapel, Lynn Dobson at keyboard
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11.5 x 16 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: left to right Lynn Dobson and Shirley King in the Dobson Organ shop, looking at keyboard of new organ for the Bethel College chapel
Date: 1984
Location: Lake City, Iowa
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 9 x 11 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: Lynn Dobson demonstrating sliding stop levers of the new Bethel College for student group, in the Dobson Organ shop; at far left are Jon Thieszen and Shirley King
Date: 1984
Location: Lake City, Iowa
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11.5 x 8 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: carrying organ keyboard up the stairs of the Administration Building at Bethel College
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11 x 9 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: left to right Lynn Dobson and Shirley King with new organ for Bethel College chapel in the Dobson Organ shop
Date: 1984
Location: Lake City, Iowa
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 9 x 11 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: Bethel College student group with new organ for Bethel College chapel in the Dobson Organ shop; at far left, left to right, Lynn Dobson, Jon Thieszen
Date: 1984
Location: Lake City, Iowa
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 8 x 11.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: Bethel College student group with new organ for Bethel College chapel in the Dobson Organ shop; at far left, left to right, Jon Thieszen, Lynn Dobson, Shirley King (on organ bench)
Date: 1984
Location: Lake City, Iowa
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 8 x 11.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: carrying organ keyboard up the stairs of the Administration Building at Bethel College; left to right, Paul Ivarson, Tom Kult, Jon Thieszen (Dobson employees)
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 16.5 x 11.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: Lynn Dobson at keyboard of newly-installed Bethel College chapel organ
Date: December 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11.5 x 16 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: newly-installed organ in Bethel College Administration Building chapel
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: newly-installed organ in Bethel College Administration Building chapel
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: newly-installed organ in Bethel College Administration Building chapel
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
Description: newly-installed organ in Bethel College Administration Building chapel
Date: 1984
Location: North Newton, Kansas
MLA filing: Bethel College - Organs - Dobson Organ
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5 cm
Source: Bethel College News Service, 1998
18 photos