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Klassen, Adolf (1901-1961)
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1961 Dec 7 p. 5
Birth date: 1901 Nov 21
text of obituary:

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• Adolf Klassen, 60, a retired farm-laborer of Goessel, passed away at the Bethesda Hospital Thursday, Nov. 30. Mr. Klassen was born Nov. 21, 1901, on a farm near Goessel, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob P. Klassen. He spent his entire life in the Goessel community except for about two years when he lived in Wyoming. In 1955 he became a resident of the Bethesda Home for the Aged in Goessel. Survivors include two brothers, Jacob G., Goessel, and George, Ganado, Arizona. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon in the Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church, with the Rev. Aaron Epp officiating. The Miller Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1961 Dec 28 p. 8
text of obituary:
Adolf Klassen, Goessel, Kan., son of Jacob P. Klassen and Sara Schmidt, was born in Marion County, Kansas, Nov. 21, 1901.
He grew up in the Goessel Community and attended the elementary school. As a small child he suffered a severe illness and remained handicapped in many ways.
He felt his need for a Savior and was baptized upon his confession of faith in Jesus Christ, May 25, 1947 by the Elder P. A. Wedel and became a member of the Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church.
He lived a single life and worked as a farm hand. After the death of his parents in 1933, he made his home with his brothers. In July of 1955 he became a resident of the Bethesda Home in Goessel.
He did not enjoy good health and many of his days were difficult. During the last months he spent a number of days in the hospital, where he died Nov. 30, 1961 at the age of 60.
Those remaining to cherish his memory are two brothers, Gerhard and wife Justina, Ganado, Ariz., and Jacob G. and his wife Katherine, Goessel, Kan.; two other sisters-in-law, Mrs. Nick Klassen, Downey, Calif., and Mrs. Gus Klassen, Rt. 2, Newton; 11 nephews and seven nieces.
His faith was in God through Jesus Christ.
Funeral services were held at the Alexanderwohl Church on Dec. 4.