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DeFehr, Maria (Mia) Reimer (1908-1977)
Mennonite Brethren Herald" obituary: 1977 Aug 05 p. 38
Birth date; 1908 May 09
text of obituary:
Mia DeFehr, wife of A. A. DeFehr and mother of Frank, Art, Dave and Irene, went to be with the Lord on June 11, 1977. She was born on May 9,1908 in Russia and came to within a year of the biblical age of 70. She lived a full life, and as a girl made a choice between a medical career in Russia and following her faith. She made a dramatic escape from the Soviet Union via China in 1929 and went on to studies in the United States, at Bethel College and the University of Minnesota. She was married to A. A. DeFehr of Winnipeg on August 17, 1940 and was a real encouragement to her husband in the business which he established, a furniture manufacturing concern. She was also an ardent supporter of numerous causes, including MCC, the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute and Camp Ames. She is survived by her husband, her sons, their wives, her daughter and her husband, and seven grandchildren.
The Mennonite Brethren Herald is the official English language periodical of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches and is published in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The first issue appeared on 19 January 1962.
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