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Bartel, Mary Nickel (1882-1962)
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1962 Aug 16 p. 5
Birth date: 1882 Nov 3
text of obituary:

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• Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at the First Mennonite Church in Hillsboro for Mrs. Mary Bartel, 79, wife of Heinrich Bartel. A resident of the Hillsboro community most of her life, Mrs. Bartel died Saturday in a McPherson nursing home. Surviving in addition to her husband are two daughters, three sons, 19 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1962 Aug 30 p. 8
text of obituary:
Mary Nickel Bartel, daughter of Gerhard and Anna Ewert Nickel, was born on Nov. 3, 1882, in Marion Country, Kansas, in the Brudertal community. On June 4, 1900, she was baptized by Elder Wilhelm J. Ewert and became a member of the Brudertal Church.
On March 5, 1903, she became the bride of Heinrich Bartel and together they walked life's pathways for over 59 years. They lived on the farm near Hillsboro, with the exception of four years during which time they lived near Texline, Texas. Although the role of farm life was hard without modern conveniences, mother bore it patiently and joyously.
Our parents were privileged to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary in 1928 and their golden wedding anniversary in March of 1953. Many times they thanked the Lord for His goodness toward them. In 1953 father and mother became members of the Hillsboro First Mennonite Church.
Two years ago it became necessary for them to leave the farm and make their home with their daughter, Anna and her husband Frank Wiens, in Inman. They were thankful for the care they received from loving hands.
On August 18, 1961, mother became critically ill and was taken to the Mercy Hospital in Moundridge. However after 40 days she was able to leave the hospital. Since she required constant care, she was placed in the Parker Nursing Home in McPherson where she received loving, Christian attention. She looked forward eagerly to visits from her family and enjoyed seeing the grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Just nine days before her death she suffered a stroke which left her partially paralyzed and unable to speak. On August 11 her soul slipped quietly away to be forever in the great land where she will nevermore suffer pain nor sorrow. She reached the age of 79 years, nine months and eight days.
In heaven she is greeted by a daughter, Marie, and a son, Waldo, her parents and many relatives and friends. Mourning her departure are her husband; two daughters, Anna and husband Frank Wiens of Inman, Kan., and Elsie and husband Isaak G. Graves of Walton, Kan.; three sons, Daniel N. and wife Leona of McPherson, Kan., Rudolf N. and wife Kathryn of Denver, Colo.; Wilbert N. and wife Alvena of Hillsboro; one son-in-law, Otto Regier and wife Frieda of Buhler, Kan.; 19 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Bertha, Mrs. P. D. Funk, and Susie, Mrs. Henry Pauls, both of Hillsboro; and one brother, Will E. Nickel of Wolf Point, Mont.
Funeral services were held Aug. 14 in the Hillsboro First Mennonite Church. Rev. J. A. Barber of McPherson and Arlin Claassen of Hillsboro were in charge. Burial was made in the church cemetery east of Hillsboro. — The Family.
The Mennonite obituary: 1962 Aug 28 p. 556