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Amstutz, Fannie Bixel (1867-1961)

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Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1961 Mar 2 p. 8

Birth date: 1867

text of obituary:


Mrs. Fannie Amstutz passed away on Jan. 30 at her home in Bluffton, Ohio. She was just one month past her 94th birthday. In 1888 she was married to Christian D. Amstutz, who was well known in music circles of his time. He passed away in 1949.

Mrs. Amstutz was the daughter of Allen County pioneers, Peter and Verena (Suter) Bixel. They helped to organize the Ebenezer Mennonite Church. Mrs. Amstutz was a life-long member of the Mennonite Church, joining at the Ebenezer Church and then transferring to the First Mennonite Church at Bluffton. She was very active in the Women's Missionary Society.

Surviving are two daughters, Edith, at the Bluffton home, and Agnes, in Sunmount, N. Y.; three grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Two daughters, Mrs. Laura Wittwer and Mrs. Vida Althaus, are deceased.

Rev. Jacob Friesen officiated at the funeral services held in the First Mennonite Church. Burial was at the Ebenezer Church cemetery. Mrs. Amstutz was one of 11 children, and the last member of the family to pass away.