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Albrecht, Marie (1882-1952)
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1952 Aug 28 p. 6
Birth date: 1882 Jul 4
text of obituary:

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— Funeral services for Mrs. Marie Albrecht, who passed away at the Bethel home for aged here Monday, were to be held Thursday afternoon at the First Mennonite church of Beatrice, Neb. Mrs. Albrecht, who was 70 years of age, had moved to the Home from Beatrice about eight months ago. She was born at Samara, Russia on July 4, 1882. Survivors include three daughters, Margaret Albrecht of Beatrice, Dorothy Albrecht, a member of the Bethel Deaconess sisterhood, and Mrs. Helen Frantz of DeWitt, Neb., as well as five brothers and four sisters.