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Albrecht, Franz (1876-1944)
Christlicher Bundesbote obituary: 1945 Jan 9 p. 15
Birth date: 1876 Jan 10
Date of Death: 1944 Dec 21
text of obituary:
Aeltester Franz Albrecht, Sohn von Heinrich und Helena Albrecht, geb. Penner, ward am 10. Jan. 1876 in Lindenau, Süd-Rußland geboren. In 1881 zog die Familie mit vielen andern nach Asien. Die Familie wanderte aber schon 1884 aus und kam am 12. September in Beatrice, Nebraska an. Hier wohnte sie nahe der Stadt auf dem Lande, von wo aus der nun Heimgerufene bei Lehrer J. K. Penner in der Gemeindeschule seine Schulbildung erhielt. Durch die christliche Erziehung im Heim, der Schule und Kirche wurde sein geistliches Leben geweckt und 1874 nahm er Teil am Taufunterricht und ward am Pfingstsonntag von Aelt. Gerhard Penner getauft und in die Gemeinde aufgenommen. In 1897 zogen die Eltern auf eine Farm 9 M. Nordwest von Beatrice, wo er seinen Eltern mit der Farmarbeit half. Später fühlte er das Bedürfnis für mehr Religionsunterricht und besuchte von 1903 bis 1905 Bethel College. Im März 1903 ward er von der Gemeinde zum Prediger gewählt und im Juni darauf von Aelt. Gerhard Penner ins Amt eingeführt. Nach dem Tode seines Vaters in 1908 übernahm er der Eltern Farm und am 5. Nov. 1908 heiratete er Marie Wiebe, Tochter von Pred. Herman Wiebe und sie wohnten mit der Mutter zusammen und pflegten sie in Liebe bis an deren Ende in 1926. Ihre Ehe wurde mit 3 Töchtern gesegnet. In 1920 ward der Abgerufene von der Gemeinde zum Aeltesten gewählt und in April 1920 von Aelt. Gerhard Penner ins Amt eingeführt. Er hat versucht mit besten Kräften der Gemeinde zu dienen in all ihren Zweigen. Der Dienst an der Gemeinde stand ihm vornean, und er hat sich bemüht diesen Dienst mit Treue zu leisten. Sechzehn Jahre diente er als Prediger und 20 Jahre als Aeltester. Vor 4 Jahren erkrankte er an einem Herzleiden und mußte deshalb die Gemeindearbeit niederlegen. Seither hatte er oft schwere Stunden und auch Tage an denen es leichter war, bis der Herr ihn am 21. Dezember 1944 in Frieden heimrief im Alter von 68 J. 11 M. und 11 Tagen. Er hinterläßt seine trauende Gattin, 3 Töchter, 1 Bruder, 1 Schwester, und viele Freunde. In den langen Tagen seiner Krankheit hat er sich vieler Schriftstellen und Lieder erinnert, wie:
Gott ist getreu!
Gott ist getreu!
Sein Herz, sein Vaterherz,
Verläßt die Seinen nie.
Gott ist getreu!
Im Wohlsein und in Schmerz
Erfreut und trägt Er sie.
Mich decket seiner Allmacht Flügel!
Stürzt ein, ihre Berge, fallt ihr Hügel!
Gott ist getreu!
Gott ist getreu!
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1944 Dec 28 p. 5
text of obituary:
— Word was received here last week of the death of Rev. Franz Albrecht, 68, at Beatrice, Nebr., on Thursday, Dec. 21. Rev. Albrecht was the father of miss Dora Albrecht, who was employed with various newton firms during the past several years. He was minister of the First Mennonite church at Beatrice for about 40 years, and continued in the work until ill health made his further service impossible. Miss Albrecht left immediately for her parental home upon receipt of the message of her father's death. Rev. Abr. Albrecht of 418 West Twelfth a brother, also attended the funeral which was held at Beatrice on Sunday. The services were conducted by Rev. Walter H. Dyck, pastor of the church. Rev. Abr. Albrecht returned home Monday with Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Dyck of Elbing, who had spent Christmas with their children at Beatrice.
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1945 Jan 4 p. 3
text of obituary:
Rev. Frank Albrecht, pastor emeritus of the First Mennonite church, Beatrice, Nebr., passed away Thursday, Dec. 22, after a lingering illness.
Rev. Albrecht, son of Heinrich and Helena (nee Penner) Albrecht, was born January 10, 1876, in the village of Lindenau, near Saratov, Russia. In 1881 the Albrecht family joined others in a migration into southwestern Asia.
After about three years, they came to America, arriving at Beatrice, Nebraska in September of 1884. They located on a farm northwest of town. He received his elementary education in the parochial school under the direction of Rev. J. K. Penner.
Through the Christian influence of the home, the school, and the church, he was led to accept Jesus Christ as his own personal Savior. He was baptized on the confession of his faith on May 13, 1874, by Elder Gerhard Penner and joined the membership of the Mennonite church.
In 1897, with his parents, he moved to a farm which, after the death of his father, became his own. Feeling the need for further Christian training, he attended Bethel College from 1903 to 1905. In March, 1904, he was elected as a minister of the church and ordained in June of the same year.
He was married to Marie Wiebe on November 5, 1908. This union was blessed with three daughters. In 1920 he was elected elder of the congregation, and was ordained and installed by Elder Gerhard Penner in April of the same year. In this capacity he served faithfully for twenty years. About four years ago, when his health began to fail, he gradually withdrew from active service, though continuing his personal interest in and intercession for, the various phases of our church work.
The congregation has enjoyed occasional written messages of encouragement. He attended worship services whenever his condition permitted it, and was present on the Lord's Day preceding his decease. On Thursday, Dec. 21, at about 1:15 p. m., he was suddenly called to higher service.
He attained are [sic] age of 68 years, 11 months, and 11 days. He leaves to mourn his departure his faithful companion, three daughters, one brother, one sister, and many relatives and friends. In Hebrews 13 we are admonished to "remember them that had the rule over you, men that spake unto you the Word of God; and considering the manner of their life, imitate their faith . . . . . Now the God of peace, who brought again from the dead the great shepherd of the sheep with the blood of an eternal covenant, even our Lord Jesus, make you perfect in every good thing to do his will, working in us that which in [sic] well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen."
Funeral services for Rev. Albrecht were held Sunday, December 24. Rev. H. J. Dyck, pastor of the Zion Church, Elbing, Kansas, conducted the services in the home. His comforting and encouraging words were based on John 14:4, "And whither I go ye know and the way ye know." "Harre Meine Seele" and "Jesus Still Lead On," were the two selections sung by the octet.
Further services were held from the First Mennonite Church, Beatrice, Nebraska, with Rev. Cornelius Penner and Rev. Walter H. Dyck officiating. The congregation joined in the singing of the song "Ruh' sanft im Herrn." Rev. Penner read John 14:18-29 and spoke on John 19:30, "It is finished." The octet sang "So nimm denn meine Hande." Rev. Dyck's message was taken from Luke 2:29-30, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: "For mine eyes have seen thy salvation."
The closing song "When Peace, Like a River" was sung by the octet. Members of the octet were, Irene and Martha Thimm, Erna Maria Penner, Mr. and Mrs. Theodor Goossen, Frank W. Penner, and Robert and Edward Claassen.
Interment was in the church cemetery. After the song "Abide With Us, Our Savior" Rev. Dyck read Rev. 22: 1-7 and spoke the closing prayer and Benediction.
MLA Personal Photos Collection
Biographical note:
Son of Heinrich and Helena (Penner) Albrecht
Married Marie Wiebe 1908 Nov 5, Beatrice, Nebraska
Minister, Elder -- Beatrice, Nebraska 1904-1940
Bethel alumni note:
Photo holdings:
Individual -- Newton, Kansas
Grandma database Profile #31359
The Mennonite obituary: 1945 Jan 9 p. 12
The Mennonite obituary: 1945 Mar 20 p. 13

Note: the photo appeared in the March 20, 1945, issue of The Mennonite, p. 13.