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Adrian, Peter Paul (1874-1961)
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1961 Dec 28 p. 5
Birth date: 1874 Nov 14
text of obituary:

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• Peter P. Adrian, 86, died unexpectedly Saturday afternoon, Dec. 23. His body was found alongside his car on the grounds of the Chisholm Junior High School. It is believed that he became lost while trying to enter Greenwood Cemetery and suffered a heart attack while attempting to free his car from the mud. He was a native of Harvey County and a retired farmer. Surviving are one daughter, four sons, a sister, Mrs. D. C. Kroeker of Corn, Okla., one brother, Abraham F. of Newton, 10 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at the E.U.B. Church, of which he was a member.
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1962 Jan 11 p. 8
text of obituary:
Peter Paul Adrian was born in a sod house on a farm near Halstead, Kan. on Nov. 14, 1874, to Peter and Susanna Friesen Adrian. Being the third of nine children and the eldest son of an immigrant farmer, necessity dictated the choice of farming as his profession.
As a young man he joined the Mennonite Brethren church located near Buhler, Kan. and on Dec. 21, 1902, he was married to Helena Harms of Hillsboro in the Mennonite Brethren Church there.
He and his bride established a farm home where they lived for 37 years and where all of their children were born. The first two, a daughter and son, died in infancy.
In 1939 they left the farm and moved to Hillsboro, where they resided for about two years before moving to Newton for final residency in 1941. They both transferred their membership to the Evangelical United Brethren Church there. His wife passed away on May 17, 1959.
He was a true man of the soil and loved the farm. He took great interest in modern methods of farming and in the feeding and raising of good livestock.
A number of years ago he developed a heart condition that called for some restriction in physical activity, but he continued to care for himself and derived a great deal of pleasure in a new home that he had purchased a year ago. Some of his leisure time was spent in re-reading scripture, and he just recently completed the book of Revelation.
On Dec. 23, on one of his frequent trips to Greenwood Cemetery, he suffered a heart attack and passed away at four o'clock. He attained the age of 87 years, one month and nine days.
Surviving him are one daughter, Mrs. Waldo (Hilda) Wilmore of Topeka; four sons, Arthur A. of Cleveland, Ohio, John H. of Moundridge, Paul B. of Salina, Phillip H. of Moundridge; one sister, Mrs. D. C. (Helen) Kroeker of Corn, Okla.; two brothers, Jacob F. of Wichita, Abraham F. of Newton; ten grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.