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Adrian, Henry F. (1880-1959)
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1959 Oct 22 p. 6
Birth date: 1880 Aug 28
text of obituary:

— Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the First Mennonite church for Henry F. Adrian, 79, who died Thursday evening en route to the hospital after becoming ill at his home on North Main street. The services were in charge of Rev. Arnold Epp and Rev. Lynford Becker, pastor of the Koerner Heights Mennonite Brethren church, of which Mr. Adrian was a member. A native of the Burrton community, he was a retired farmer and had lived here for 22 years. Surviving are the widow, Mary; two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Boese and Mrs. Susie Martens of Burns; two sons, Corney J. of Cordell, Okla. and Edgar M. of Florence; three sisters, three brothers, 13 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Two of the brothers, P. P. and Abr. F. Adrian, live in Newton.
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1959 Nov 26 p. 8
text of obituary:
Henry F. Adrian, son of Peter and Susanna Friesen Adrian, was born August 28, 1880 near Burrton, Kansas. He attended elementary school in District No. 65, Harvey county.
He was baptized Sept. 23, 1905 upon confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and received into the membership of the Mennonite Brethren church of Buhler, Kansas. He remained a member there until September of 1958 when upon the transfer of his membership he was received into the fellowship of the Koerner Heights Mennonite Brethren church of Newton, Kansas where he was a member at the time of his death.
On Oct. 24, 1907 at Lehigh, Kansas he was united in marriage to Mary Margaret Janzen, daughter of Cornelius and Margaret Epp Janzen, and together they shared their joys, sorrows, and manifold blessings for 1 years, 11 months and 21 days. To this union were born three sons and two daughters, one son having died in infancy. He with his family moved from the Moundridge community in Newton July 22, 1937 where he resided until his death.
He suffered a stroke in January 1955 and suffered subsequent strokes in May 1955, on Aug. 28, 1955, on his 75th birthday, and May of 1958, the last of which left him an invalid. On Thursday evening, Oct. 15, 1959 he was stricken with a heart attack and passed away shortly afterwards en route to the hospital. His age was 79 years, one month, and 17 days.
During his illness he was graciously and lovingly cared for by his wife, Mary, who unselfishly gave of her strength and time in ministering to his needs and who is comforted in the assurance that he is now with his Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, whom he dearly loved. During his illness, he often prayed for the Lord to call him home where there would be no more pain or sorrow.
He was admired for his sound Christian character, his jovialness, his great love for children, and his spiritual concern for his family. He prayed earnestly for each of his children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren that they would find their spiritual strength and joy in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He leaves to mourn his departure his wife, Mary; two sons, Corney J. Adrian of Cordell, Okla. and Edgar M. Adrian of Florence, Kan.; two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Boese and Mrs. Susie Martens of Burns, Kan.; three sisters, Mrs. Marie Dyck and Mrs. Anna Duerksen of Buhler, Kan. and Mrs. D. C. Kroeker of Corn, Okla.; three brothers, P. P. Adrian and Abraham f. Adrian of Newton, Kansas and J. J. Adrian of Wichita, Kansas; 13 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
It is blessed to know that though he is now absent from the body, he is {present with the Lord.”
Funeral services were held Oct. 18 in the First Mennonite church of Newton, with Rev. Arnold Epp and Rev. Lynford Becker officiating.