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Adenauer, Konrad (1876-1967
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1967 Apr 27 p. 1, 3
Birth date: 1876
text of obituary:

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The imposing Cologne cathedral, situated on the Rhine in the heart of Cologne, was the scene Tuesday of funeral services for former Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, 91-year-old statesman who rebuilt his ruined and defeated Germany into the most prosperous nation in Europe.
Adenauer died April 19 in his home town of Rhoendorf.
Among the many world leaders attending the funeral were President Johnson, President Charles de Gaulle of France, and Prime Minister Harold Wilson of Britain. A close friend of Adenauer, 80-year-old Joseph Cardinal Frings, conducted the funeral Mass before 2,000 invited guests under the great dome of the famous cathedral.
De Gaulle called Adenauer "one of the greatest statesman of our times. . . a sincere friend of France."
Former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion of Israel paid tribute to Adenauer for laying the groundwork of friendship between West Germany and Israel after the Nazi horrors of World War II. He declined, however, to ride to Cologne for the funeral services on Tuesday, since Tuesday was the first day of Passover — on which faithful Jews must not travel.