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Abrahams, Frank (1891-1949)
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1949 Feb 17 p. 5
Birth date: 1891 Jan 22
text of obituary:

— Funeral services will be held at the Alexanderwohl church Friday afternoon at 2:00 for Frank Abra¬hams, 58, who passed away last Sunday at the Veterans hospital in Wichita. Rev. P. A. Wedel will conduct the service. Mr. Abrahams, a farmer and mechanic, had resided at Hesston. Surviving him are brothers and sisters as follows; Jacob of Corn, Okla., Peter and Henry of Inman, Cornelius of Hillsboro, George of Goessel, Mrs. Henry (Anna) Boese of Lake Charles, La., Mrs. Jacob H. (Susie) Boese of Corn. Okla., Mrs. (Katherine) Klassen of Downey, Calif., and Mrs. Marie Hiebert of Newport, Wash.
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1949 Mar 3 p. 3
text of obituary:
Frank Abrahams was born Jan. 22, 1891, at Inman, Kansas. He later moved with his parents to Goessel, Kansas, where he grew to manhood. He lost his mother at the age of nine years. About two years after the death of his mother his father married Mrs. Anna Richert, who very ably took over the duties of mother.
The departed received his public school education in the Gordon School at Goessel. He also took catechetical instruction in his youth and was baptized upon confession of faith in his Redeemer on June 4, 1911.
When the U. S. entered into the first World War he was also drafted into military service, serving over two years. He spent some years of his life in Louisiana, California, and Florida.
For some years he had been in failing health and was admitted to the Halstead hospital July 12, 1948. In September the same year he was transferred to the Veterans’ hospital at Wichita, Kansas, where he spent the remaining days of his life. On Feb. 13, 1949 he passed away, reaching the age of 58 years and 21 days.
During his illness he had much time to think of the spiritual and eternal things of life. He enjoyed to listen to spiritual programs on the radio, reading of Christian literature, and visitations of friends, who in the most directed his thinking to the spiritual realms of life. Without question God blessed these months of meditation and suffering to prepare his soul for the better world. The departed bequeathed his benevolences to the needy, and in that manner gave his service to his Lord.
He leaves to mourn his sudden passing the following brothers and sisters: Jacob of Corn, Okla., Peter and Henry of Inman, Cornelius of Hillsboro, George of Newton, Mrs. Henry (Anna) Boese of Lake Charles, La., Mrs. Nick (Katherine) Klassen of Downey, Calif., Mrs. J. H. (Susie) Boese of Turpin, Okla., and Mrs. Marie Hiebert of Newport, Wash.
One step-brother and four step-sisters also survive: Dr. Henry Richert of Newton, Mrs. Anna Voth of Inola, Okla., Miss Elizabeth Richert, Mrs. D. V. (Margaret) Schmidt, and Mrs. George (Helen) Abrahams, all of Newton. One brother, John Abrahams, preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held at the Alexanderwohl church near Goessel on Feb. 18, 1949, with the pastor, Rev. Philip Wedel, in charge. Interment was made in the Alexanderwohl church cemetery.