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Category:Mennonite Brethren Herald obituaries
The Mennonite Brethren Herald is the official English language periodical of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches and is published in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The first issue appeared on 19 January 1962.
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Pages in category "Mennonite Brethren Herald obituaries"
The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 3,840 total.
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- Abrahams, Eva Krahn (1926-2002)
- Abrahams, Helen Klassen (1939-2005)
- Abrahams, Jake (1927-2004)
- Abrahams, John J. (1921-2006)
- Abrahams, Tina Martens (1886-1962)
- Adrian, Con J. (1929-2005)
- Adrian, Elizabeth Schmidt (1887-1967)
- Adrian, Ella (1918-2000)
- Adrian, Eva Loewen (1887-1968)
- Adrian, Heinrich J. (1892-1965)
- Adrian, Henry (1925-2004)
- Alexander, Paul Anton (1953-2001)
- Allard, Jacques (1956-2005)
- Allert, Aganetha Janzen (1896-1976)
- Allert, Agnes (1926-1974)
- Allert, Helmut (1934-2002)
- Allert, Lillian (1940-2003)
- Ambercrombie, Sanford Elvin (1910-2001)
- Anderson, Joseph Ormer (1920-2004)
- Andres, Ann Vera Rempel (1912-2001)
- Andres, Anna Neubauer (1899-1972)
- Andres, Anna Peters (1903-1972)
- Andres, Brian David (1958-1963)
- Andres, Elisabeth Schmor (1897-1968)
- Andres, Elizabeth (1896-1973)
- Andres, Helen Caroline Sawatzky (1913-1990)
- Andres, Helen Petkau (1920-2002)
- Andres, Jacob J. (1881-1980)
- Andres, John B. (1912-2004)
- Andres, John P. (1898-1973)
- Andres, Margaret Rempel (1910-2003)
- Andres, Margaretha Wiebe (1891-1974)
- Andres, Peter J. (1905-1999)
- Andrews, George C. (1922-2004)
- Ann Warkentin (1913-2001)
- Appelt, Benjamin (1898-1971)
- Arendt, Frieda Annie Neufeld (1931-2007)
- Arendt, Victor John (1964-1965)
- Arens, Katharina Sawatzky (1883-1970)
- Arnold, Peter (1945-1970)
- Ashton, Ryan (2004-2004)
- Atkinson, Joseph Harrison (1924-2008)
- Bachmann, Gerhard (1927-2007)
- Baerg Martha (1922-1977)
- Baerg, Aganetha Enns (1885-1969)
- Baerg, Anna (1897-1972)
- Baerg, Anna Mandtler (1901-1990)
- Baerg, Anna Voth (1881-1968)
- Baerg, Annie (1902-1966)
- Baerg, Arnold (1928-2008)
- Baerg, Cornelius Jacob (1894-1975)
- Baerg, Edward (1937-1999)
- Baerg, Elizabeth Boschmann (1883-1963)
- Baerg, Elizabeth Neufeld (1886-1974)
- Baerg, Gerhard G. (1905-1972)
- Baerg, Gertrude Enns (1937-1967)
- Baerg, Gertrude Willms (1905-1991)
- Baerg, Helen Duerksen (1894-1976)
- Baerg, Helen Isaak (1926-2000)
- Baerg, Isaac W. (1897-1971)
- Baerg, Jacob (1878-1965)
- Baerg, John C. (1911-1965)
- Baerg, John W. (1900-1980)
- Baerg, John W. (1934-2002)
- Baerg, Julie Rosemary Braun (1948-2006)
- Baerg, Justina Anne Wiebe (1920-2001)
- Baerg, Katherine (1903-1979)
- Baerg, Martha Neufeld (1913-2003)
- Baerg, Mary Elsie Hinz (1912-2001)
- Baerg, Matthew Jairus (1974-1974)
- Baerg, Rueben Menno (1914-2001)
- Baerg, Sara Buhler (1907-1990)
- Baerg, William (1892-1973)
- Baerg, William John (1907-2002)
- Baerg. Isaac (1883-1965)
- Bahnman, George (1910-1970)