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Friesen, Helene Funk (1895-1974)
Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1974 June 28 p. 30
Birth date: 1895 June 24
text of obituary:
Helene Friesen was born in Felsenbach, Russia, on June 24, 1895 to Johann and Katharina Funk. She was baptized and received as a member in the Mennonite Johann Dyck. who after a brief marriage died, leaving a young wife and a daughter of a year and a half. On September 23, 1923 she was married to Bernard Friesen. During the great revival in 1925 in Sagradowka both found forgiveness of their SillS in the blood of Jesus Christ and true peace in the Lord. They immigrated to Canada in September, 1926. They farmed in McAuley, Manitoba, and later in Moore Park. In 1938, upon their own request, they were baptized by immersion by Rev. Peter Mantler and received into the Men nonite Brethren Church. In 1959 they discontinued farming and moved to Winnipeg where they joined the North Kildonan Church. In 1959 they had a severe car accident which hospitilizod and later invalided Mrs . Friesen. She passed away May 21. She loved the Lord and prayed much. Salvation of her family was her deep concern. She also prayed much for the church. She lea ves to mourn her husband, a daughter and her husband, two sons and their wives, ] 2 grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. Two grandchildren predeceased her. Two sistors and a brother in Canada as well as a brother in Russia are still living.