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Schroeder, Sara Doerksen (1896-1973)
Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1973 Mar 23 p. 31
Birth date: 1896
text of obituary:
Sara Schroeder (nee Doerksen was born in 1896 in South Russ-ia. After attending elementary and glirls' s-chool in Ne-u-Halbs,tadt, she took teacher trarining a'nd taught in several schools before the revolution. The Doerksen family fled to Petershagen, where the Communist authorit:ies arppo-ill't'ed her teacher of Russian refug·ee children, hut without salary. In the diff.icult t:imes a1 Schoernferl-d, where the Mac-hno bandits murdered Iher brother, she committe-d her ilfe to the Lord. She was mrarnied 10 Wrilhelm W. Schroeder ,in 1923, and buried their fir,s't son the fo-liowing year. In 1925 they moved to Meadows, Manlitoba, and later to Roseng,ard, near S'l-einrbach. Here the'ir 8 children grew up. The grace of God was evident in the,ir family I,ife, and in 1934 they joined the MrB Church in Ste-inlbach. Under the :influence o't the mother, the children found their Lord and Savliour. An infant dau'ghter died 'in 1933. Faithful in prayer, always willing to s-acrifice, s'he served the Lord. During the lasl1: s'ix ye-ars of her life she suff.ered from Park'inson's dise'ase, and she gradually became weaker. In September in a f'a'il beside her bed, she broke her hip. Since then shoe remained in hosp,jta-i, where, -in spite o't exceHent c are, she died on February 21 . In srpi,te 'bomin 1896 in South Russ-ia. After attending elementary and glirls' s-chool in Ne-u-Halbs,tadt, she took teacher trarining a'nd taught in several schools before the revolution. The Doerksen family fled to Petershagen, where the Communist authorit:ies arppo-ill't'ed her teacher of Russian refug·ee children, hut without salary. In the diff.icult t:imes a1 Schoernferl-d, where the Mac-hno bandits murdered Iher brother, she committe-d her ilfe to the Lord. She was mrarnied 10 Wrilhelm W. Schroeder ,in 1923, and buried their fir,s't son the fo-liowing year. In 1925 they moved to Meadows, Manlitoba, and later to Roseng,ard, near S'l-einrbach. Here the'ir 8 children grew up. The grace of God was evident in the,ir family I,ife, and in 1934 they joined the MrB Church in Ste-inlbach. Under the :influence o't the mother, the children found their Lord and Savliour. An infant dau'ghter died 'in 1933. Faithful in prayer, always willing to s-acrifice, s'he served the Lord. During the lasl1: s'ix ye-ars of her life she suff.ered from Park'inson's dise'ase, and she gradually became weaker. In September in a f'a'il beside her bed, she broke her hip. Since then shoe remained in hosp,jta-i, where, -in spite o't exceHent c are, she died on February 21 . In srpi,ch try.ing times, sheaHirmed her falith to the triumphant end. Sh e was 76 y·ears old. Left to mourn are her husband, five sons, and 'three daughters, 13 g-randchi,ldren , four brothers, three sisters, and many other relatives and friends. The funer,al service wa,s held on February 25 from the Steinbach MB Church, with Re·v. Joihn Re'imer in charge.