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Klassen, Katherine Regehr (1900-1972)
Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1972 Jul 14 p. 23
Birth date: 1900 Sep 05
text of obituary:
(Mrs.) Katherine Klassen was born on September 5, 1900 in Altenau, Russia , and went to be with the Lord in Winnipeg on April 27, 1972. She was the daughter of Kornelius and EI'izabeth Re'gehr and grew up in the godly atmosphere of a Christian home. At the age of eight, on January 20, 1909 she accepted Christ as her personal Savio'ur and on May 26, 1917 she was baptized and received into the fellowship of the Mennonite Brethren church. On June 21, 1918 she was united in marriage to Benjamin Klassen. In 1929 she and her husband fled from Russia to Germany with four of the·ir chi'ldr·en and from Germany to Canada, arriving in Manitoba in June, 1930. After several years working 'at Springstein, they moved to CU'lross and E'lm Creek. They were happy years as she stood by her husband's side and provided for her growing fami'ly. In 1943 they moved to Winnipeg, where she particU'larly enjoyed the fellowship of Christian friends within the church. She was predeceased by her husband in 1955 and an infant son who passed away at six months . She leaves to mourn, two daughters and four sons: Korni'e and Kathie K'iassen, Elm Creek, Jack B. and Kay Klassen, Winnipeg, . Jehn and Kay Isaak and David and Betty Koe'nn, Yarrow, B.C., Jehnand Ruth Klassen and Walter and Elviera Klassen of Winnipeg; 21 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren; twe sisters, Mrs. Frank Bargen 'Of Winnipeg and Mrs. Mary Keep 'Of Huss'ia. Rev. Cameron Orr Fer many years the missienary te canal seamen on the WeHand Canal linking Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, Hev. Cameron Orr d,ied Wednesday, June 21, at the Shaver Hespital, St. Catharines. (A story about Rev. Orr's ministry appeared in the June 16 issue of th e Herald.) He was the father o,f -David Cameren, Mrs. Richard (Carelyn Louise) Brown and Brian Judson, who tegether with his wife, Muriel Mesey Orr, survive. The funer,al was conducted from Bethel Baptist Church, St. Catha rines, 'On June 24. Betty Koe'nn, Yarrow, B.C., Jehnand Ruth Klassen and Walter and Elviera Klassen of Winnipeg; 21 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren; twe sisters, Mrs. Frank Bargen 'Of Winnipeg and Mrs. Mary Keep 'Of Huss'ia