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Wohlgemuth, Leslie (1954-1956)

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Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1956 Feb 16 p. 3

Birth date:

text of obituary:

Five Killed in Manitoba Crash


Ste. Anne, Manitoba. — A tragic accident on Highway 12 near Ste. Anne at 6:00 p.m. Feb. 9 claimed the lives of five persons when the car in which they were riding collided with a truck.

Instantly killed were George W. Wohlgemuth of Ste. Anne and Mrs. John P. Wiebe and son Delbert, four years old, of Steinbach.

The husband and father, John P. Wiebe, and two-year-old Leslie Wohlgemuth died on the way to the hospital.

Mrs. George Wohlgemuth was taken to the hospital in Ste. Anne but was later transferred to the St. Boniface Hospital. Jerry Wiebe, 10-year-old son of the John P. Wiebes, is in St. Boniface Hospital with severe injuries.

The two families were on their way to Winnipeg to visit Mrs. John P. Wiebe's brother, Jim Friesen and family. It is believed the accident was caused by the icy condition of the highway. (Reported by Iris Wiebe.)